The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 02, 1898, Image 3
h—— Hot, Dry Weather Sends Along Corn to Maturity With a Rush. f RAIN IN SOME SECTIONS. Central port Ion of the Slate Oat# n Pair Share of Molature, but Other Por tion# Suffer—Pull Plowing Well ( inler Wnjr. The past week, says the last Ne braska crop bulletin, haa been hot and <Jrv, with an exeeaa of sunshine, and Iirisk southerly winds. The average dally temperature o:: esa varied from 5 degrees In the west rn eountles to somewhat more than degrees in the eastern. The dally (laxlinum temperatures were above 'JO legrees generally on the last three » «iays of the week and In many southern counties were above 100 degrees. The rainfall has been light and con misted of showers the first days of the week. In most of the southern and in * few central and northern counties 'the rainfall exceeded one-half of an imss |lm h and in small areas exceeded an * Inch. In a considerable portion of the BKiwtate the rainfall was less than one IjR'lentli of an Inch and In many places B no measurable amount fell. . The cloudless days and high tem ■gpcrature of the past week have caused ||B'«orn to advance toward maturity v.'ry. Hrupidly. In the northern counties and Kin sections where the moisture was suf Vtlclent this has been exceedingly favor 11 able for corn. In many sections the lack of moisture, combined with the high temperature, has caused corn to <iry out and ripen too rapidly. This will cause much chatty corn In the southeastern counties and will quite |p generally reduce the yield of corn in th» southern counties. I Kail plowing has made good progress but the ground Is getting too dry In some counties. A little rye has been if. sown. Pastures need rain. Report by \ counties: SOUTHEASTERN SECTION. Hamilton—Thrashing out of shock In progress; good headway being made jt.- In plowing, but getting rather dry; too J, «lry for corn. .Jefferson—Fall plowing Is progress Jng nicely considering the dry weather; corn poor. W'f. Johnson—Little change In condition j' of crops; tame grapes ripening and fair crop; apples light and poor qual ity: pastures dry. Iaincaster—Corn hal: made good pro gress; pastures getting short; cutting wild grass for hay begun. Nemaha—Hot and dry; corn and po tutocs need rain biidlv. Hy'v Nuckolls—Corn has Improved in con 'd I Hon; some potatoes scalding and rotting In the ground; pastures bold* gfe’ Inx out well. NORTHEASTERN SECTION. Antelope—Corn doing well and will Ki make an average crop If It is not dam Hj»r' aged by frost. Dakota—Dry weather good for rlp°n | lng corn; threshing In progress. Dixon—Clacking about finished; threshing In progress; corn doing v/ell; ® wild hay very good; full plowing has ; commenced. Dodge—Weather very favorable for f . corn and shock thrashing: fall plowing , r In progress, but It was a little dry the of week. Holt—Corn ripening very fast; hay ing upon uplands about flulshed; pas tures good; fall plowing commenced; ground In good condition. Madison—Corn doing well; having well along; sugar beets looking line; pastures need rain; grass is getting very short. CENTRAL SECTION. Boone—Corn has advanced rapidly; haying well advanced and crop good; second crop of alfalfa being cut. Garfield—Good rain Wednesday help ed corn, which was doing well. Greeley—Corn much improved, but about ten days late hay and pastures beginning to suffer drouth. Hall—Corn ripening nicely; small grain stacked or thrashed; much fall plowing being done; rain would he beneficial. Howard—Thrashing and haying in progress; corn doing well in northern part of county and needs rain in south Loup—Corn backward; ground very dry. SOUTHWESTERN SECTION. Adams—Thrashing out of shock about finished; plowing for fall wheat well advanced; corn late, but seems to be making fast. Frontier—Corn promises fair rrop: -stacking and thrashing in progress; ground in f^r condition for plowing Furnas—Heavy rain, with some hall, on 17th caused some damage: corn r n erclly doing well; fall plowing in pro gress. Harlan—Second and third cuttings of alfalfa light; corn suffering much from hot. dry weather of last three dava ef week. Hayes Corn doing wall; much hay twins harvested. Hitchcock Corn needs rain badly; much hay being put up Kearney Corn mak rg good pro gress, commenced glazing, pazM.r-s Improved; plowing about half done; thrr chins continues. WESTERN AND NORTHWESTERN Itrowti Corn promises largest crop ever raised in county, but needs live weeks of favorable weather. Cheyenne Us' harv-st sheet ha” through; rorn doing w-II Keith Weather Tcry hot and dry; corn needs r.-dn Keys Paha- Rain has gteally im proved • orn and potatoes; thrashing end haying hindered by frequent show «r*. I organ Too showery for haytig: pm ope. t of full trap of corn Mi I’heroon Corn grow,eg fas’; •no r hall, but nu damage Hock - Nice tains ritriltii for coin, but Interfered with banns S ons bluff Cora inshtag 8a* g owth and matoriag rapidly. The Kearaey * ftlm-k Hills railway. sltly-8«e mi lew >a length was recently non hssect by the t'aloa t*s- the fur ii National fllirincni Pay. Ore of t!it* IIvcKcui liys cf tht Tran;.-Mississippi Krp .sitIon P 't l .<! In On uha will be Ni‘.-toii:il Shrlner*' Day. b< ptembrr 14. Invitations have been uni to 'ho 50,0J t members of Shrlner Temples in the Putted ftales stud Cinnda and the local -om iilltte is o'i piling a a attend ince of upwards of 5.000. Tho arrangements for the recep tion and entertainment of visiting no ble.* are In the hand* cf a join com mittee of Tangier Temple of Omaha and Sesostrls Temple of Lincoln, Neb This committee Is wothtng wiili great vigor, and will do all In Its power to make the occasion a memorable one even in Shrlner annals. A reception will be given to tlip vis itors on the evening of Tuesday. Sep tember 13, at which every one w ill have nil opportunity to become acquaint ed. The following day will he spent entirely oil the Exposition grounds. The managers of the Exposition have turned over the Auditorium to the Shrlners for Ihdr exclusive use dur Ing the day. and at 11 o’clock In the forenoon speeches of welcome will be distributed. After luncheon the Shrlners from States which have state buildings on the grounds wtil give re ceptions to Shrlners from other state In their respective buildings and zetn zem bowls will be provided, by per mission of the managers of the Ex position, In each of the buildings. At 2 o’clock a conceit will bo given In the Auditorium and the remainder of the afternoon will lie given up to vlslllng the Exposition buildings and Inspecting exhibits. At 7 them will be a grand Shrlner parade through the grounds, ending up at the Mldwsv, where arrangements have been made for the Shrlners to visit the various attractions In detachment* ' bril liant display of fireworks will be giv en by the management at 9, the set pieces to be special Shrlner designs. After the fireworks the re maining hours of the evening will be spent bv the visitors on the Midway. At 10 o’clock on Thursday morning, September 15th. special trains on the Missouri Pacific and Pnlon Pacific railways will rarrv the Shrlnera to South Omaha, The Swift Packing ' »Jiii JIM Tl v linn i*!’ ii'itiu ' all Khrlnrrs to visit their parking house and Inspect the works. Din ner will he provided hy Swifts to the entire party at 12 o'clock. At 2, ceremonial resalon will *■- b-M at Boyd a opera house in Omaha, and simultaneously a special play for the ladies of tbe Shrlner party onlv win be presented at tne Creighton theater, which has been especially engaged I • the Shrlner:. for the afternoon. At <; o'clock, a buffet lunch will be given for the vlf-ittng Sbriners at tw i of the leading hot eh. of the city, and at 7 there will be a big parade through the principal down-town streets. The parade will be under the direction o, Mr. Benyaker, of the Streets of All Nations on the Midway, who has promised to bring out all his donkeys and cornels, which will give It a more than usually Oriental character. After the parade receptions will be held at three or four of the leading . ity hotels and at the quarters of tne Trana-Misslsslppl Traveling Men s Hub which has been placed at the disposal of Die Sbriners during their : y at Omaha. Modern Woixlwen »l the K»po*l 1 'on. Preparations have been well nigh completed by the head camp of the Modern Woodmen or America for a gi celebration on the Trans-Missis sippi Exposition grounds on Woodmen Day, Thursday, September 22. A joint committee of the Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs camps la assisting In Die work of arranging the details and the event will undoubtedly be an epoch In Die history of Woodcraft, Among Ihe features of the program for the day will be speechmaking. a parade, competetive drill and fire works. In the forenoon exercises will be held In the auditor.urn. Adresses of welcome will be made by President Wattles on behalf of the Exposition as sociation and by Governor Silas A. Holcomb on behalf of the state of Ne braska. Director A. It. Talbot and Su preme Oracle Mrs. Watts of the Royal Neighbors will respond and Head Con sul Nortbcutt will also make an ad dreys. After the gpeechmaklng there will be a grand parade .if Foresters, fol lowed by a competetive dr|U for which the head camp will ofTer attractive prizes. In the evening there will bn a bril liant display of fireworks. The set pieces will Include fire portraits of Head Consul iNoruciiu mm n™ voo* Haww of thn Modern Woodmen and Supreme Oracle Mrs. Watts of the Roy al Neighbors. Emblems of both so cieties will also be shown in tire. Neighbors of the Modern Woodmen and of the Royal Neighbors in ail parts of the country are expected to take advantage in large numbers of the low railroad rates granted for Woodmen Hay to visit what is con ceded to he one of the grandest of the world’s great expositions. Nrlif i-Wn to the I root Again. Over In the Horticulture building Nehru ka rot to the front yesterday, iuys the Omaha lire, und exhibited a variety of fruit not heretofore seen. Winter plums were put upon the tables for the first time and they proved a .otiosity to many of the old fruit growers. who had never beard of any thin* of that kind before. The plums are marly as large us the | Jaho prunes and ate i f a d -en purple They are left on the tre« < unt 1 they drop off tif th« Ir own sc ord Even then they are almost a* bard as ro. ki, After being pi. kid up they are packed »«av In lame* and berrels and placed In •tnra*«. latte in the fall or early in he winter they become mellow end ink.* on a flavor ’hat Is e.ptat to that of tip** plug-* pi itiil at thi* s.'g*' m of the v»ur The wlntir plums have never gone upAn the market In this #«•. .but of the country and t u not likely that they will for some time, a* they are very sear « Those »b iwn were rilae t bv Kri| t.chltii a farmer rwaidlM n-ir Columbia#. who ur*d them bv *t pertmenuau with o’her varieties and in hi* smprtae he hat aeeured a plum ' 'hat v ill keep aa well as a winter ap I pie lie has Ho patent upon the *»• {■erlment si ll he I* not tetllna any one how he obulaet the r-awlta that hate rewarded hts eff-irta Ihoiutaa I'usih has brought on* the drat Cun ir l |t tp*a of Ik < aewa <n lit ¥ 11 HBfISJ ■.-■■I.— I. Col. Funston May Bring Charges j Against little, _ I AN OPEN RUPTURE BREAKSOUT Tlio K inu4 |{r(;1in«nl'ii Npcoiw! OIBmr lliar(>mni«*iiile'l Trnmol lout t<» (iov*rimr l.vfil) I hi> lllmoniil'm II in fiicw lag Mnr« Fuiitton'* Arrival. Sax Fraxnsco, Aug. ?a.—Herause lieutenant Colonel little wrote to Governor Keedy recommending certain promotions in the Twentieth Kansas regiment lie may he court-martialed for insubordination. It has long been known in the eniiip there was ill feel ing between Colonel Funston and lieutenant Colonel little Itsgrowth has been watched with increasing in terest from day today and lately there have been many predictions of an open rupture. It came last night. Colonel Funston then made a discovery that made liis Idood boll, lie lets laid the matter beforeGinert 1 Miller and there Is every prospect that Colonel little will have to answer t. > serious charges lie fore a court martial. Since last June, when Colonel Fun ston took command of the regiment, strained relations have existed be tween the colonel and his subordinate, who, before lii-s arrival, had been in command. little knew nothing about the dis cipline or drilling of a regiment, and as a consequence his superior officer had a difficult tusk upon his arrival in bringing the Twentieth Kansas to good order. During the last two months quarrels have bean frequent between til's two, more particularly since the regiment's recent removal from Camp Merritt to the 1’rcsidio. At one time it was rumored that I.ittlo rt ti a tu ii.- i 11/ ii ii^ ii. “No, this is not the first nor tlie second time Little and I have fallen out," said Colonel Funston. “We have not agreed upon any one thing since we have beeu together in the regi ment. There is no use, however, of discussing our past relations. I am concerned only the present dif ficulty. “On tlie 17th of this month I sent recommendations for three appoint ments to my regiment to (lovernor Lcedy. Second Lieutenant A. C. Al ford 1 recoin mended for iv first lieu tenancy, an 1 Sergeant Major I\ K. Dodge and Sergeant C. II. ii.ill for sec ond lieutenancies. < olouel Little sent by tiiat same mail, without informing me of his action, his recommendations for two other m -n for the first lieuten ancy and one for tho second lieuten ancies. No, I don t. care to give their names; they wore good men, too, r.nd not responsible for Colonel Littles error, lie agreed with me in recom mending Sergeant llall for the other appoint ment. “I received the acknowledgment of my recommendation t from (.lovernor Iweily's secretary this afternoon. The governor was not in town, hut h s s»c retnry wrote that the papers would be presented to bis notice immediately upon his arrival. Little's recommend ations must undoubtedly have readied homo as soon as mine. They may pre vail with tlie governor over mine. Lit tle was tlie governor's private secre tary when the war broke out and of course lias n political pull, while I have none. “If his recommendations do prevail and officers are put in here over my head, this regiment is going to witness all the changes of a tropical climate — but tiiut isn't the atory. It was only yesterday that I learned of Little s ac tion, and you may imagine how i took the news. Unluckily, or, perhaps, luckily, I eou'd not find Colonel Lit tle. I fancy something very unpleas ant would have recurred in view of tho frame of mind 1 ivas in then. “Kast night I asked him if my in formation ns to his unwarrantable notion was correct, lie replied in tiio affirmative. I aslce 1 him if he thought that he hud military precedent for a subordinate's sending in such recom mendations. He replied •No,' but con sidered that lie had done perfectly right, nevertheless. Then I told him that Ills conduct was to the prejudice of military discipline and that I in tended to place him under arrest for insubordination, lie did not relish the ide i. “Kittle is p-eudsnt of the court martial now slttiug in the Thomas af fair. and 1 did not wish to inconven ience its workings and :.o did not carry out my threat. Th it lie can be ar rested atid court martialed for his of fense 1 have good A'lthi rity f >- believ ing. and I am still working on tiio matter. “1 have consulted with (icnrral Mil ler. lie agrees with me that Colonel Kittlo's aetioa Is a breach of military discipline and of military et <|uotto and an altogether outrageous proceed ing in a sub irdmats officer Now that I have had time to thiuk tin matter over I ant not certain a* to what my next move will he Nuinffhl.if de ls ive. however, mud t>' done very ssou. If hlukti recommendation* art acted upon favorably I harlly know what I should do There certain I v can no) be two eolonels in a regiment an I there never shall b» two eo me • to the Twentieth hands toional Ntnt iu apptart to hava the r.u|>l»irt of his broths.* o'.le.-r*, a group of m)iuw burniMit iot lititi wIiImB l»« iU4k4« Uttf lUiiiiiMa*, »"• >4- la all t(u< i|UArr#tt tua%t»si *a4 ul iH# Iwtj Uitiuthi II ii »4li) Ui«l lh« t ».*t«» U%i !ut llli •ut»§*ar t t»f tfftfi'y* lauM in Uw tiii| nt I«AI bhrfl, Hu IMMI IW 'l«fi )iu\ tit; SICK SOLDIERS AT ST LOUIS. Tlie ll< 14pis i] Tr.iln Prum Clilrkimasi firing« I.VJ Men Il ium. St. Ixot'in. Mo., A’lg. St*.—A train, consisting of nine sleeper*, arrive I in this city to-day, having 0:1 board l.v; members of the First, Sc :ond nn 1 Fifth Missouri volunteer regiments who have hern laid up in the hospita's at fhlekaniaug.i I’ar'.c for some time past, suffering from fevers and other camp ailments. Twenty-one of the men belonged to the First regiment, home sta tion is St. l.ouis. They got off here and wont to their homes. Men from tlie other regiments whose eases were considered serious, were sent in ambu lances to hospitals in the city. The re mainder will continue on their way to their homes in different sections of the state to-day. Wasiiinorox, Aug. 27.—The relief train which will take the sick soldiers of tlie Third and Fourth Missouri reg iments in ramps near Washington to St. l.ouis will, according to the under standing reached by Adjutant General Ik-11 and the War department officials to-day, leave Washington for Middle town, IV, early to-morrow morning. MADE HIM A VEGETARIAN. An Attack of “Xclilst-oUomapInsuec.U" a Chicsj-'-ai. Ciiicaoo. Aitg.SU.—Mr. 1’. It. Itarnes, a lawyer, has become a vegetarian. It was a simple tiling which changed itis habits. it was ••uolilerostoniaplngue cjila ’ In the bill of damages which lie Hied in the supreme court yesterday .Mr. Itarnes says that lie Ix.ught the tiling at Foster A Searritt's meat mar ket. It looked like a square meal. lie cause it was concealed in a lug roast of beef. Itarnes and his family ate tlu beef. The next day all were sick. ‘■You've all got ‘sehleroKtomapinguc cola,' ” said t he doctor after he had examined the patients. “What's that’.'" gasped Mrs. Hamas. II » n-n CXII.MIIIV" UlSiMl r-.;» pllcil tin* medU'al m in. In ejiirt Mr, Harries Haul he paid £l,0*K) in doctor** Hills iiiul ilru/H before be and HI* fami ly recovered. He unes the butcher* for damages to that amount. TWO KANSAS SOLDIERS DEAD. The Twenty-Plrat Ki*jliii«nf III* Already l.o«t Twelve Men. Camp Hamilton, Ky., Aug. 29. —Jos eph Mcllride an 1 lilmer I’ayne, both of Company It, Twenty first Kansas, died of typhoid fever yesterday, the former nv Third division hospital and the latter at a private liospital In Chattanooga, where they were left when the regiment moved here. About seventy-five of the Twenty-first are still sick in Camp Thomas, some dan gerously. This makes twelve deaths in the regiment, six of whom are from 15, the burned company. THE SOLACE IS OVERDUE. Nome K.ira for the Htfflly of a llolplUl hi,Ip From H.n(l»;u. New Yohk. Aug. 29.- A dispatch to the Nmv York World from lloston says: The lied Cross hospital ship Solace, with sick and wounded sailors from Santiago, was due here Tuesday. No tidings have been received of her since siie left the shores of Culm, and grave fears have arisen concerning her safe ly. The Solace has on board a number of sick nirl convalescent sailors from Sampson’s fleet who were fo be takes to the naval hospital at Chelsea. A HOUSE FELL ON ITALIANS. IhKhtren Pennant* Kllieil While Seeking Refngo From a Storm. Feooia, Italy, Aug. 29. During a heavy thunder storm yesterday, twenty peasants sought shelter in uii old house in the suburbs of the city. The build ing collapsed and eighteen were killed. Tlie Xoltlleri Were lluugr/, Not “Kirk." Camp Wikofk, Aug. i"J.—When tha Eighth Ohio wus landed nearly 300 re ported sick and were sent to the hos pital. but it developed that 170 of the ••sltk" men were only suffering from hunger. When these men were fed they were able to leave the hospital. They repeated storiei of hardships en countered coming up from Cubaf end said it was almost impossible for their to get food. lie Marin t'lasn for tlm (iovrrinunnt. Nr.iv VoltK. Aug. "U. James J. Crim rulna, muster ilagmakar of the Itrook lyn navy yard, is doud. Sinet the war brok J out Crimm ns h is worked day and night to turn out tha great num ber of days and ensigns required by t ho government for war purposes, i rlininins was *14 years o d and hud heeu in the I’niteil Mules navy for twenty-nine years. tell*** t rier Appear* lu trrs Crus. \ kiu < Mexico. Aug .’(> Sev eral eases of yellow fever have de clared themselves, and strict sanitary measures urn being taken to prevent a spread of the ills. n o. Thu stale au thorities have adopted precaution* against the Importation of the fever i a to gulf port* within their jurisdic tion fr«*Sli iiio ll.uuui-V* itimuln. lixtli IV Atif ,• i TitW tier unit t* say* the iintsmtl government is ex amining t'rliis- itiouir* • letter* It say* the family of fruits* ttiimxrck tie atari* that tll*f w it u *•- pubiliH hi* mem tir* *u I cwrreip* idea w at ail if any liber tie* arc t t* in with t'u t »x t ItaNi in, Aug t rv|s*rt la pub ..sheil la some of the paper* that the A!Sgem -.»M IksuW’he i red,I blth-l.-a Ver*l*»fee rung* bank ha* failed, with l,|hi||l»< of icxsral mill to** and no stMU The banker*. it l* laid, ha i« l tasyiw c; VALUABLE INFORMATION. Chronology of the \Tur From It* Incep tion to 1 lio < lo*c. is:*:.. February 24—Insurrection breaks out In three of Cuba's six provinces. March 31—General Antonio Maceo proclaimed commander of the Insur gent army. April II—Captain General Cajelia displaced by Campos. November 17 General Maceo. near Santa Clara, with 1.900 men defeats 2,800 Spanish troops. J 896. February 10—Weyler displaces Cap- j tain General Campos. February 12 Eighteen thousand new Spanish troops sent Into the field February 17—Weyler Issues his re concentrado proclamations. March 1 —The irocha Is established. April II—Maceo crosses the trocha with 3,000 men und drives back the Spanish. October 1—The rebellion up to this time has cost Spain 230 million dol lars. December 4 —General Antonio Maceo Killed by treachery. December 10 -General Ituiz Klvora succeeds Maceo. 1897. August 8 Premier Gunovas of Spain assassinated. October 2 Weyler recalled by the Sagasta I.literal ministry on pressure from the Called St.ut> n. November 27—Decree from govern ment at Madrid granting autonomy to Cuba. 1898. January 24 -Cnlted Slates battleship Maine ordered lo Havana on a peace ful mission. February 10 lie l.ome, Spanish minister, recalled for unwarranted personalities reflecting on President Mi Klnley. Febiuary 15 The Cnlted Slate* bat tleship Maine blown no III Havana harbor and 2'itJ lives Ins'. February 17—Cnlted State board of Intjulry on the less of the Maine ap pointed. March 9—Emergency bill, 50 million dollars, for Cnlted States coast de fenses passed. March 2X I lie president sonus a message with the Maine report in con gress. April 9—General Fltzhllgh Bee and other eonsuis I lave f'ulia. April! 11—'I he president Bends a message to Congress recommending armed Intervention In Cuba. April 15—War department, orders regular troops to the coast. April 16—The Intervention resolu tions passed by the Senate. April 19 The Mouse pusses the in tervention resolutions. Apt II 19—The President prepares an ultimatum to Spain demandlns the evacuation of Cuba within thre» days. April 20—The Cuban resolutions signed by the President. April 20 Spanish minister. Tolo y Bcrnahe, asks for his passports. April 21 The Cnlted States minis ter, General Woodford, In given Ills passports In Madrid. April 21 -Spain's severance of dlp’o rralle relations held to bo a declara tion of war. April 22—North Atlantic squadron sails to blockade Cuban ports April 22—First shot fired, when the Culled Stales gunboat Nashville cap tured the Spanish coast trader Buena Ventura. April 22- President's proclamation to all nations declaring the blockade of Cuba. April 23—President's call Issued for 125,000 volunteers. Apr.i 26—President's proclamation Issues on Spanish vessels In Cnlted States ports. April 27—Asiatic sauadron sali3 from Mlrs Bay (having been ordered from Hong Kong by Great Britain in compliance with neutrality law) to meet the Spanish fleet at Philippine Islands. April 27—United States cruisers New York. Cincinnati and monitor Puritan silence the batteries at Man azas. April 28—Spanish fort* at Cabanas demolished by guns of the flagship New York. 91 »u 1_Unnnlu h flfpt under Admiral Montojo defeated and destroyed by United States snuadron, Commander Dewey commanding. May 2—Congress appropriated J35, 720,945 for the armv of Invasion. May 2—Naval bill for thilrty-flve new war ships sent to the President for signature. May 7—Commodore Dewey’s report on battle of Manila received. Eleven Spanish war shins destroyed and no Americans killed. May 7—lue President in the name of American people congratulates Commodore Dewey. May 9 Commodore Dewey Is made rear aomlral. May 11 Ensien Itigley uni four men on gun boat Winslaw killed In engagement of Cardenas. May 12- Admiral Snmnson’s fl >rt shells forts and land batteries at San Juan, Porto llieo. Mav 17—United Btatut establishes rensol ship n press dispatches Mav IS A new Spanhh cabinet is forroad. May 2d- Secretary King ofllclallv confirms report of Spanish tied off Santiago de Cuba. May 21 Charleston sails with first relief supplies .Vr Admiral Dewey. Mav 22 First relief sipedlll a s.ilis fur Manila. June 3- Hobson and nis men sink the diem*ntled toi.ttr Mvrrim.i- In Aantlago harbor. June t The Krnate pits*‘d the war j revenue Id'l June 4 ('apta)n Crld'ey of "Oltm j pi itird In ..oh*', Japan, on bU way j home I June t; American marines la id at I A sun (tores and I la qutf l j June n Ah or.d butubardm*1!]* of ltd fori* at rfanilaao June a a*itn**ntt lake outer city i of Manila and It.- a sipsouh pruu ! Bert. June 7 Fniixi Dili** 8**' bom, bards and desirois the (arillt'idjsi at CFmaneia June 1- Th ■ Muoterrv sails float Monterey l i M tnlia Jans t F»rti8 cions at Omnna* a in a bay d* alloyed June It Att'ertcaa nuiltn land at tiuaataaam • June II First bstue of linin'ana ' mo. Four a merit an marline hilled June 13—General Shatter ant' army of 2L000 men sail from Tampa. June 15—Th« second relief expedi tion sails for the Philippine*. June 23—General Shatter's army lands at IlaiQUli'i. June 21—2,000 Spanish attack 1,000 American “Rough Riders” and regu lars. Spunlsh repulsed American loss 1C. June 27—Commodore Watson's f.e-t ordered prepareu lor expedition to thj coast of Spain June 27—Admiral Camara's fleet at Port Be(d refused roal by Egyptian government. June 2S—Third Manila expedition sails. July 1—American troops move upon city of Santiago. July 2—American troops capture IMrhts of Sin Juan and El Gauey, with crest loss on both sides. July 3 Admiral Cervera's entire fleet destroyed at Santiago by Amer lenn fleet under Commodore Schley. July 3—The I.adrone Islands ace tilken. July 3—The Lad rone islands are taken. July 1—First relief expedition reai lies Admiral Dewey at Manila. July 0 Admiral Cervera and 1.300 Spanish sailors capture confirmed. July (i Captain La/.ngo of the In fanta Marla Teresa commits suicide and Admiral Vlllaml! dies of bis wounds. July 7—Lieutenant Richmond Hob son and crew of collier Merrlmac ex changed for Spanish prisoners. July 8— Santiago given formal no tice of twenty-four hours before bom bardment. July !) Admiral Camara's fleet re turns through the Suez canal to Spain. July 9- Major General Miles leave* with reinforcements for Santiago. July in —fleneral Shatter begins the bombardment of Santiago. July II - SeverHl deaths from yel low fever reported in the American camps. July 11 Armistice agreed for twen ty-four hours at f.untlago. July i2—The Spanish cabinet re signs. July 14—General Tural formally surrenders Santiago and I roups and garrisons In Mastern Cuba. July 1C—Commissioners agree on details of terms of surrender. July 15- With forms! ceremonies tne United States flag Is hoisted ovm tho public building In Santiago. July 15—General McKlbben named as temporary governor general of Santiago. July 16— Garrison and city of Cal mera formally surrender. July 20- Lieutenant Colonel Wood of the Rough Riders" (United Stale* First volunteer euvalry) made mili tary governor of Santiago. July 20.General Miles started from Guantanamo for Porto Rico with army of Invasion. July 20—Underbidding a pool of American liners, the Compunla Trunr atlanticn Knpanolu obtained contract lor transporting Spanish prisoners home form Knntlogo. July 20 Permanent annexation of Porto Rico announced a* Vh'J policy of the administration July 20- Spanish cabinet Informed by lllnnco that he did not authorize General Torsi’s surrender. July 22—General Miles cabl- a from Mole St. Nicholas that hi* expedition is well on Its way. July 25—General Milos laid* fit Quanlca. Potto lllco. July 26—Spain formally, through the French ambassador at Washing ton. maker overtures for peace. July 26—Americans advance on Port Ponce, Spanish loss 3 killed. 13 wound ed. American loss 4 wounded. July Port I'once Invested. He' enty lighters raptured. July 28—C.ty of Ponce and cltv ■ f Port Ponce under American roll tary government. July 30—The French ambassador, M. Oanbon, ns official representative of Spain, Beks for the Unfed States’ conditions of peace. August t—United Staten’ terms of peace received and considered by cab inet at. Madrid. August 2—Further explanations of peace terms asked. August 3—The President receives unofficial advices Spain ha-i accepted peace terms offered. August 4—General Shaftcr's army at Santiago receive;) orders to come north. August 6—Madrid dispatches say Spanish cabinet's agreement to peaca conditions has been drafted and pre sented to the queen regent for ap i proval. August 7—-General Merritt defeats the Spaniards at Manila. AugtiBi 9—General Miles troops cap tured Cuatun Porto Klco. AugUBt 10—The preliminary nego tiations looking towards peace was advanced at Washington. ULOVEi FOH BICYCLIST3. , ritetr Importance t'annol II* Ov*re»tl* lull'll Annoying lujurl**. j "I.tke most glrlo, 1 was told la my pinafore days that a gentlewoman would a* noon tl '.-.'t of going abroad ] trefooted as without gloves," said a | jvbeeiwomsn, us cho drew on her \ :r.iar>. soft gray suedes with the per I 'orated palm*. relates the New York, ; i'ommerclal Advertiser. "But I never ' ippreclated the Importance of cover •ng my hand* until I learned to rldo j 'he wheel, Although vve don't eeeut to aalU<t It, handj are as sciwlttve as , iyea. An almost Invlaibl# speck iu thiy ■je will make one wild with pain and 1 .slf-bllud somitlmva, but a finger only ! slightly bruloed or an Injured finger mil will seriously Interfere with one's .•Wing paln’lrg. piano playing, etc. If one ha* the slightest mishap un a sheet It I* tbs baud* that suffer. A wSd fall u.ean* a smashed finger or is -ipralr «l wrist; n collision, strsteh.* ,nl l»;u.«s*. while, should you wheel >ver a cat or th* ubiquitous chicken f the nHiiniry i ■* ! and tasnsgs to i lai d en your f**i. you wilt find thsl umr bends have *•••» hurt by bell or hrsk* A good, thick gtovs I* s pro* ,«ntlv# of most of tbs "casualties, and illb> -ah thin ailk or ki t k**p Ua amt sunburn away. b*svy cbsmoi* and dog* ihiu and csstof are safer to wear ua th* wheel " If s man finds a dolUr be lavartaMr speats two in celebrating th# 4samp *ry.