A DOCTOR’S DIRECTIONS. iff' ' They save a daughter from blindness. m - When • father write* that rotira " I* the beat me*rllla I* Ihe heM med icine in Ihe world. My dauf-liter had a relapse alter the tnenslra, due lo Inking cold, She wax nearly hi ini. and wax obliged to remain In a dark room all the time. The doctor* could give Her no relief, one ciI them directed me to give her Ayer’* tiorxaparilla. Two bottle* cured her com pletely.’’ The thousand* of testimonial* to Ihe value of fir. Ayer’n har*apart!!a repent over and over again. In one form or another the expression: "The dot lor* gave her no relief; one of them direriid me to tive her Dr. Ayer’* Sarsaparilla. Two Mile* completely cured her ” It la a common experience lo try Dr. Ayer’* Sarsaparilla a* a last rexort. It la • common rrpcrlfncc «o turr# T>r. Aycr'i ParuparilU ptcacrilcd by a phyaician. It i» a common experience to »ee i " com plete cure ” follow tlie use of a few bottlca of thi* great blood purifying medicine. Because, it is a specific for all form* of blood disease. If a disease baa it* origin in bad or impure blood, Dr. Ayer’* Far* apanla. acting directly on the blood, re moving it* impurities and giving to it vitalitTng energy, will promptly eradicate the disease. The great feature of Dr. Ayer’a Farsapa ri 11«* is the radical cure* that result from ifs use Many medicine* only suppress disease-thev push the pimples down under the skfn. thev paint the complexion with subtle arsenics I compound*, but the disease rage* in the vein* like • pent-up fire, and some d*v break* out in a vol cu..;c eruption that eat* up the body. Ayer's 8ar»apsril!.i goes to the root. It make* the fountain clean and the water* are clean. It make* the root good and the fruit is good. It gives Nature the element* she needs to build up the broken down constitution not to brace it up with stimulant* or p itch it up on the surface. Bend for Dr. Ajer’a Cur ebook and learn more about the cure* effected bv this remedy It * sent free, on request, by *ue J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mm JF I P®£nembei* I I-Ktst*:?** I I *«** ^ortof fc I m using— ■ •./?:..arc now 9 1 fiel I I PLUG I I &rrr^ I I than the * I I o4wb«ndofthesan . "ofany X X art is the krgest „■ h‘gh ^ty, X i |t2!±rftfsg|; l^Bsass* i srssfin, ,ThHE vE«vfJf?®** / market. N0« ^ £,J lhc other stnr/-»ART ' millions of hy w« It 5fcrc?es °n the i&t: yp sy**** “a-1 -.-.ss&Si: *w r^ *"* c#" MIMO#. Iu / HEAD ACHE “Both nr wife uud luveelf bate been aalei CASCAKET3 and the. are the beat medicine we have aver bad In the bouee l.avt week inr wife wue frantic with lie.Qduchr for twodajra. ehe tried wmr of yourCASCAHETS. end thvv relieved the pain In her bend almont liccndlately We both recommend Cum arete ' Omaa siinaroKU. i'lltabur* Safa A Dcpoe.t Co, Eiitaburz. Fa CATHARTIC ^ xauwcxmto ftAOl MAAN IIMT1IIO Flnwn Hi'lUF'A |hh««i Till* 0^4 pG Q>4. Mftlf Htclff I • « 4.1 I# 14c. 4* W ... cunt CONSTIPATION. ... • a#v.»M Kmm4» ra*fM< ».• Im4 Mt no-to-bac ; ;vw; YOURSElf! » • •nUtUUl i Ubb. a,»*. m III bk«**lb lea • ft**? !•«*• »*»4 Uwl «Mii| $ .I i B«44 M CmMIUIa nOnDCV RCWWtHHftW 5fnV“A!^r:r.; CwwIwant.Wka a» Uiun .«« w. AmuU VV« DlVU***" »l*a k>.n< Hi fa I Matt »l Alt. 1 M U >H It let I kupitU FAULTLESS STARCH, THE BEST FOR JS* Shirt Waists, " Shirt Fronts, is Collars, j uu e» 0 * Clothes. s M our Hook lets, P l-aujjh tj and 3 *!$*& H fr$H BttM^ POMMEL | SLICKER HOT SPANISH BLOOD. IT BOILS AT THE SLIGHTEST PROVOCATION. The I'rMrnl Troubl*. Between Chill and Pern tba Ueeult of 111 Terence* Which Two American Carmen Would Ileal late to yurrtl About. Chill and Argentine are almost at war over a disputed boundary o# the line fence variety. The line between the two nations is the top ridge qt the Cordilleras and relates to hut small Ltracts of almost Inaccessible mountain heights entirely valueless for any hu man purpose. Hut as the people of the United States are Interested, and as the war with Spain figures In the case, a review of the facts may lie timely. The dis pute as to the right of ownership in these Andean summits and precipices has been of long duration. At frequent Intervals It has appeared to be almost Irreconcilable. Hut from time to time negotiations have been patched up with prospects of a peaceful result. What was supposed to he a filial treaty of arbitration was concluded in 1896. President Cleveland was the ar bitrator. It was agreed that If either country was dissatisfied with his award an appeal should be taken to "bis aunt" the queen of Kngland. As the trial of arbitration proceeded there were almost open ruptures, and neith er nation is satisfied with the award. That part about the queen of the hated British was too much for the Castilians to stomach, and they can't he blamed very much. Bo neither side has become so exasperated as to ap peal the case. Vet each nation has consequently been constantly prepared for war. It was this state of affairs which pre vented Chill from selling the fine ar mored cruiser O'Hlgglns to the United States before the outbreak of the war. Chill would not sell the O'Hlgglns un less Argentine would sell a vessel of equal power, leaving the relative naval strength of the two nations unchanged. There Is a large and powerful Span ish party In Argentine, under the In fluence of which the government of that country refused to sell any of its vessels 10 the United States. This broke off the trade with Chill for the O'Hlgglns. A subsequent rumor that the vessel wag to be sold to Spain prov ed unfounded. It Is to be hoped that the two South American republics will not go to war. If the Monroe doctrine Is to be maintained It is essential that there should be peace between the na tions which claim the shield of Its pro tection. Chill, which has been a gold coun try, recently suspended gold payments for thirty days, and the time Is likely to be extended. This was for the pur pose of preventing gold exports, which usually begin when there Is a prospect of war. It Is a measure of precaution and warning and may have some such an effect as demonstration of strength by sea or land when negotiations be tween powerful nations reach an acute stage. In such cases a powerful bluff often produces the best results. DUDES AND "MOTHER’S BOYS.” If the unfortunate people who gloat over sensational romances can be wooed to read anything else—for In stance, true tales of daring deeds—the events of the present war may tend to dispel certain of their illusions and supply them with some new Ideals. dtti'lpnfu nf fprrvcloii* flr.tlnn have always imagined heroes as rough In appearance and manner; careless, It not profane, In speech, and not at all strict as to habits. They have ap peared to cherish the notion that brav ery flourished best when unaccompa nied by any other virtue. It will surprise such persons to learn that, long ago, the hero of Manila was nicknamed by his Intimates, "Dandy Dewey." Stranger yet—so, at least they may think—the young lieutenant who took the Merrlmac Into Santiago harbor was always proud to be known as a “mother boy." Both of these of ficers are mem iters of the church, and Hobson was an active worker In the Young Men's Christian Association. These are facts that may make silly people wonder. But the people whc have studied character as expressed in human lives are not surprised that men ! Ilk# Dewey and Hobson were first tc j gain renown. All experlente teache. that, when hoodlums would blustet and run away, the man who rises tc ! an emergency Is the quiet, modest j (Sod fearing gentleman who respectt I his body and realizes that he has s soul. CAlUlftlUNk "Don't you think thin country ought to have extended the olive branch t< ! Spain?'' asked the man with queei Ideas. "It did." was the prompt an j ever. The difficulty was thst tin only way to make any Impression wa* to strip the leaves off It snd put It where It would hurt”- Washington Star. Ill* Mrs Younglove -”|»o you think an seme teally makes the heart grow fonder, Harold?" Mr Young lues—'| guess it does. At all events, you art about twits as d#*r to m« when y»4 re sway st one of thus* high linn) summer hotels ss when you're at b»me.' < ho ago News. The Called Suit* shors lines of ‘he , greet leket SIS as foiiuwt Ontario. J>» mites, Kits, tlo miles: Huron, Sir miles; Superior Mi miles, Michigan I Mg miles Seventeen par;c * of ant:,' eggs from Russia, weighing fmO pounds, were sold In Berlin recently at 10 cents per pound. The Knormou. <*olil 1'roUm t of 1MDH. Krotn South Africa, the Klondike and Australia gold is being shipped In large quantities. This year's output will neariy double that of any pre vious twelve months. The sate ff Hos tetter's Stomach Bitteis are also In creasing very fast. This famous rem edy will cure dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, neivousness and weak ness. Poets are horn, Imt some of them manage to live it down. For « perfect complexion ant a clear, healthy skin, use t'CBMO BUTTERM1I.K. HUAB. Bold everywhere. The man who hesitates is lost, but the woman who hesitates Is won. Iteaaty i* Hloori Pc«p, Clean blood Diruns acleari akin No bennty without It. ('.hcuicih, (andy <'athurtle clean* your hloori and k« en ap pearing in thl« paper, and to r#moml**r that the wrapper of every t onic of gcDulne Canto rl a brer* the fact*limit* signature of Cha«. 11. Kbteber. under who c* fttipervialon It Iju* 1> on manufactured coatiAuoualy fur over thirty icura. The man who makes hay while the aim Fhlnea is liable to get sun struck. Shake Into Tour Shore. Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing feet and Instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It’s the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease mak«3 tight-flttlng or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, nervous, aching feet. Try It to day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mall for 25c In stamps. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, I/e Hoy, N. Y. I.earn to attend strictly to your own business—a very Important point. Q. A. R. Cincinnati Fncamjment. The Monon Route, with Its four trains dally, is the best and most com fortable line to Cincinnati. The rate will be only 1 cent a mile. Tickets on sale Sept. 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th, good to return Sept. 6th to 13th inclusive, and by extension to Oct. 2d. Send 4 cents jo stamps for the Monon's beau tifully Illustrated book on the Cincin nati Encampment. Frank J. Reed, O V. A., Chicago. L. E. Sessions, T. V A., Minneapolis, Minn. Learn to hide your aches and pains under a pleasant smile. Wheat 40 cents a Ilu.liel, How to grow wheat with big profit at 40 rents and samples of Halzer’s Red Cross (SO liusbels per acre i Winter Wheat, Rye, Oats, Clovers, etc., w.tb Farm Seed < atalogne for 4 cents joslage. JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO., Lat'rosse, Win. w.u.u. Learn to laugh. A good laugh is better than medicine. No-To-Hac for Fifty Cents. Guarsim-r'il tobacco habit cure, teukes weak men strong, oiood pure. f41. tl. All druggists. Don’t think because a man has a uanu on ms nai trial ne is musical. Recent improvements in the new models Nos. 6. 7. and 8 Remington Typewriters make them better tnan sver before. Send for a catalogue. A'yekoff, Seamans & Benedict, 1S10 (•'amain Street. Omaha. Don’t think men and pins are of much use after losing their heads. COSMO BUTTERMILK TOILET SOAP makes the skin soft, white aud healthy. Sold everywhere. Don't spend all your money in try- j ing to get somethin" for nothing. Two tott'as of I'iso s Cure for Coaaump IIon cured me of a l ad luuc trouble.—Mrs. J. Nh hois, Princeton, ind. March ufl, 1SU5. Don’t think a man takes every fool’s advice because he asks yours. Hull's C'uturrh Cure Is taken internally. Price. 75a Don’t lie above apologizing to your rhildren if necessary. Dfrt. Himiow i Moniti'.nB VraP For • hiStlrtii ii tiMr g a< ftn.s (ti* k •« xinUoii, m Uye |*ln, rur« • wind< oii. . *: .•nta* ho 111* Don’t bore others because others bore you. TTtiarufe tour iSisui wuk C iscmrrta. Can ty Cathartic > re coesdyattou f- rev It*-. -A. If (X ti ft tail, druegisla it Iuoo money tion'l eapoae your Ignorance by talk ing u! out things you don't understand. ikini . — -*■ • AIDED BY MRS. PINKHAM. I Mrs. W. E. Paxton, Yo.ingtoWB, North Dakota, writes about her strug gle to regain health after the birth o( her little girl: “ Du a n Mhs. Pinkiiam:—It Is with pleasure that I add my testimony to ! your lint, hoping that it may induce ! others to avail themselves of your vaJ- ' uahle medicine. "After the birth of my little girl, three years ago, my health was very poor. I had lcucorrluea badly, and a teirible bearing-down pain which gradually grew worse, until I could do no work. Also had headache nearly all the time, and dizzy feelings. Men struations were very profuse, appear , iug every two weeks. “ I took medicine from a good doctor, but it seemed to do no good. 1 was becoming alarmed over my condition, I when 1 read your advertisement in a | paper. I sent at once for a bottle of , Lydia K. l’ir.liham's Vegetable fom i pound, and after taking two-thirds of | the- bottle I felt so much better that 1 I fiend for two more. After using three bottles 1 felt us strong and well cs any one. "I think It is the best medicine for female weakness ever advertised, and recommend it to every lady 1 meet buf fering from this trouble.” Maternity is a wonderful experience and many women approach it wholly unprepared. Childbirth under right conditious need not terrify women. The advice of Mrs. Pinkham isfreely offered to all expectant mothers, and I her advice is beyond question tiie most valuable to lie obtained. If Mrs. I’ux ton had written to Mrs. Pinkham be fore confinement she would have been saved much buffering. Mrs. Pinkham's | address is Lynn, Mass. FURNITURE. $50,000 Stock of all grades of Furniture recently bought at the very lowest easli price will Ik- of fered during the next few months St special prices. Customers visiting Omaha will find this the largest and oldest furniture store here, and we will make every effort to please both In goods and prices. Chas. Shiverick & Co.. FURNITURE. 1206 Douglas St, Omaha. Mat to Millard Hotel. Fotb—To Mtltfjr onrwelwew •* lo whether tfcl* BdvrriUcinent li read we will Dike ft discount of 1 |»cr t cut on tlic piircbaac of any customer who will tell in* they were directed lo u* by fi bou that they will recommend uh to their lri« nd» If lb* g'jodk they buy »r<-twiiBf*. lory. ••MW Is Ladle.: W« sin Trading Staos* ' EDUCATIONAL. ME UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, NOTRE DAftB, INDIANA. FI 1.1. COUR5BA IN Claafllca, letter,, Science. Law. Civil, M«ch«nk«l und Electrical Engi neering. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Coarse*. Rooms Free to all Student* wb© bare com* pleted the studies reritilred for u<1rith I arm will o;n n September Otfl, iStfH. Catalogue pent Free on apt Mention to REV. A. noRRISSliY. C. ft C.. FreeMent* St. D)arp’$ fleademp, One Mile We* of the Uaircrtky of Notre Dime ST. MARV’8 ACADIDIY for young lad lea. now era terlng upou It* forty fourth year of as live elm w* tloriaTw>»rk. baa earned the reputat ion of bring One of Hu* mini luoruplily equipped and au< <*»«ful Inrtltutl hi * In (lie I'tilled Htate*. Th« Amdeuijr building* are l*>autlfully sliualrul on an eminence nver-iMwktng the plctnr*i*r|oo liauk* of Hie hi. J»*t>p » Liver. All tlie branched of A Thorough English sod Classic*! Education, Including flrecli, Latin. French and Clertnan or© lauglif by a Faculty of competent teacher* on com* |MfMug tuc full course of mud lew aiudeuia ievolve RtguUr Coli«gi«te Degree oi Lift. B., A. B. or A. M. The CiHi*ervalnry of Music t« conducted on •!ie plan of the l»e«t Cm*# w-ai <'oneervatortes «r Ku* fop*. Three In* rumenle! leaaon*. end one tn theory, weekly, ere Included lu the regular in I lion; extrw practice pro ram. Thu Art Department la modelled after the heat Art hc.tmoi* In Kurope. I’reparfitory and Minim Department*. - Pupil* who urea primary training and thorn# of ten* der age. are Her*) carefullr prepared fur the Ace de tills* Course and Advanced Courve Hook keeping. l’h«mo* : how to get THEM, I Elastic Starch I 'SSIt"nil tventy.tvo'miujon J ( Iron liraodi, are entitled to receive from .... kr.nJ w,r, -.la iw ► , their rro. rone of tbmebeauilfuiaame ages oitnis erano were soio law ( < Plaques free. ‘I be planum will not he year. Thet a how good It IS. > ( Kent by mall. They can be obtained only . . j,_r. , _ ► < from your Krorer. ASK YOUr UtalCf , J Every Grow Keeps Elastic Starch. ,0 .how yeu ,he N^u., *nd fell \ ( I>o not delay. This offer Ib for a short you about Elastic Starch. Accept > i |__no substitute. , ! >VVVV»»V»VVVTTTTVVVVVTVTrTVVV»VWTTVTTTVTWTWVWTVTl ! FROM FACTORY TO USER DIRECT. We ti;«ke r...e hurray* Huiorir* PbMlMH and IP ad W ur'it" i nltMi i Our u*M»da b»w l-ecu fatoraiUy kiumi u> thr tradr tut year* I tmmm. ..... W .t now •« li »< with ihef»«tury. Hr get* of u* . . ... W'.rk at lt »» prK •• tfiiui tigrnt* a»k tor luw *rrawt $ebU lea. W e whip ati) win re, • uhjti t to < laoifiittltuo *k WU»H aai* bueid < era k*!•*»» t «y. Mu., ot luefeen, lod.. •• mey anil purt nearr krud for «euii^ue with i rl. t > prt»ir«f. IT » rum. Write today w r *pii -• * !»»*r Me hint*. *i >: ibr «*« hmm lltuik *rll. Ail «i wip ietsi# i’tftn. ai l. o.MiD Si> h «i t* r v Im>>w yuu ilte. y«*u are u« l Pmj far pear it- d« I u* »-e»* with um Otutr ii.uury Addrr»* KUVk AHI> H. WAl.Kfr.KC AUHI Atifr. IO..f,Uh|iKN. I MU ANA. “A HAND SAW 18 A GOOD THING. BUT NOT TO . SHAVE WITH.” SAPOLIO tS THE PHOPER THINO FOH HQUSF.rt.FANINQ. »S~•' ^ 'n' Rev. M. W. Everhart, formerly 1‘reelUiug KICer of the « ham Jj |tftlfa ami Wot Jacksonville District*. to.I now |>.**»or of the hi. K |r church at t arl.uvillr, III , erlte*: —"To the afttici.il, I tahe fill a* ire la IB aaytuir that | cannot too highly command the health reetunafr two** a|ir It .1 Ktjr W Mao leal t’u. • • re that hae leva arvo** aauiiary Hate by the uae vf lha Or, Kaye I. .aeycuta ami the Be 5 Dr. Kay’s Renovator 5 taatoaiy yhaaailaal I Uava been relieved of xiccaaive ff B . . i tj >. . .i i.ct.uir if L|.r Ho idiiiiiti HinMi'iheiaicM Miiiiai iii'i m mu heriwa A l*e i- - ■ ... »i i . , m t »*. ■■ ff JB 'loi't'" i■ *.let* ae rv •*»•» M'l he a* mu awt lah* i'* N» ih. hot tit Hi a. M.uwai u», «*««*** eaaeeeaeaeaaew^aaaaeeaevaeaawvB