The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 29, 1898, Image 8

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    Lioaal Daws.
_ _"i™1"-1 -j’.
Get your eye on Jaegers new ad.
Mrs. Illckman ia very sick at prescnl
Mr. E. G. Paige, of Kockvllle twp
was at the hub Monday.
Crla. Smith reports the largest harness
trade of the season last Saturday.
Mrs. J. 8. Pedler returned from hei
trip to Denver last Friday evening.
Will Xelk and Dar Grow are going to
take In the Exposition next week
Bargain days at the Bargain Store,
duly HU, and 30,—A. E. Chase,
Mr. anJ Mrs II. G. Patton vlslied the
Teacher Institute last Tuesday after
Miss 8adic Walworth went to Kock
vllle Saturday evening to attend an en
John. W. Fisher of Oak Creek put up
a new Acrmoter wind mill this week
purshased of E. 8. Hayhurst.
The Junior League will hold a picnic
today at ReideJ's grove for the benefit
and enjoyment of little folks.
Last summer one of our grand-child
ren was sick with a servere bowel troub
le ,says Mrs K G. Gregory of Fredricks
town, Mo.
Mr. Anson Hawley, the obliging clerk
at J. Phil Jaegers store, was taking in
Arcadia, Sunday. Home attraction up
The recent dry spell has rushed the
wagon and blacksmith shop of Dcpew
and Xevllle, with work setting tires
this week.
Prof. Hornberger, the leading in
structor at the Institute very much re
sembles General Hhafter. He weighs
at>out 310 lbs.
Win. Jefferies, 0. W. Marvel. H.
Smclscr, and W. M. Smclscr from Ash
ton were attending Masonic Lodge in
the city Tuesday night.
John Mathewson of Hazard township
was doing business at the county seat
last Tuesday afternoon. He visited the
teachers Institute while in the city,
A good rain south of Loup City and
in the vacinity of liockyille was bad
last Sunday afternoon. There was also
a light rain at and east of Loup City
Dont forget the cleariag sale at the
bargain store. 20 per cent off on all
goods Friday and Saturday July 29,
and 00.—A. E. Chase.
M. E. Quarterly conference was held
at this place last Sunday and Presiding
Elder Smith of Kearney, preached in
the evening to a large and attentive
Our doctor's remedy had failed, then
we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy which gave very
speedy relief. For sale by—Qdendahl
Pro's Druggists.
The wind blew the porch and chim
ney off the Oerman property In the
cast part of tow n, last Sunday afternoon
during the rain storm, and broke a
number of shade and fruit tree* down.
You may hunt the w orld over and you
will not tlndanotbor medicineeijueal to
Chambelaln.s Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy for bowel complaints.
It is pleasant safe and reliable For sale
by—Odendulil Bro's Druggists.
1 think Dewltt'a Witch Hazel Salveia
the fineac preparation on the market for
pi lea. 9o writes John C. Dunn, of Wheel
ing W Va. Try it and you will think the
same. I also cures eczema and all akin
diseases.—Odendahl Bros.
In order to clear up stock
before going to Chicago to buy
my fall stock I will have a 20
per cent discount sale on Fri
day and .Saturday, July 29-30.
A. F. Chase.
Out this out and bring It with you, it
will save you money and trouble. On
your arrival in Omaha, to attend the
Trana-Mississippi Exposition, take 20,
ami Dodge St. Transfer at lti, and Dodge,
get off ear at (Hondo St., go 3 blocks
west to 2720. For information write to
H. Bristol, 2720 Blomlo St, Omaha Neb
A. Watkiuaoi) has just received a
large sized ear load of turuiture direct
from the manufacturers containing
everything in the way of staple good,
in that line, and is now ready to aueoin
(.date all who wish to buy furniture at
the » ery lowest prices possible. It w ill
be worth tour while to go aud examine
his stock aud see the Inimeuce ipiantlty
of new style* h« ha* on hand whither
yon wish to buy or nut
The reports of damaged wheat crop
which ha* town circulated for several
week* turn* out t« be something of the
nature of the n|mrt< of the over zealous
correspondent, at Mauliagu (Mutters
reports always come In later aud gen
ernlly change# the face of tdg stories
materially, The farmer* are brtuging
In their report* now and claim that the
ti*l*l I* g>>«i and the >iuailljr better
than (gat of ta<( year t here is souse
political ’■Deader*" that expect to profit
by poor cop* and at rental* these stories
lor their own wifi.h end* ig »„«id
I gat I he fates weold so decree thsl these
political poedl*. should live In the Da
itroasM for the hatame of it., ir lt*tle**
lasy lit#*
Miss Mary Kncutzen, who has so long
filled the position of deputy at the post
office, has severed her connection with
that institution and returned to her
home at Ashton.
C. L. Drake has succeeded at last In
Inventing a new rat trap that be believes
will revolutionize the trap business and
annihilate more rats In a single night
than ten thousand Chinamen.
Thousands of persons have been cured
of piles by using DeWItt's Witch Hazel
Halve . It heals promptly and cures
ecxema and all skin deceases It gives
immediate releif.—Odendahl Bros.
Mr. I’olskl, who lives near Ashton,
and a brother of deputy county treasur.
or I'olskl, had the misfortune to lose
thirty acres of wheat in the shock last
Sunday, by fire.
Hick headache biiliousiiess const!pa’.lon
and all liver and stomach troubles can
be ipilckly cured by using those famous
little pills known as Dewitts Little Karl v
Hlsers. They are pleasant to take and
never gripe. Odendahl Bros.
Miss Bucbla Marrs, of Boelus, and
Miss Hoed of Ht. Paul, two young ladles
who are attending Institute were pleas
ant callers last Saturday. Miss Hood
will preside over the destinies of our
Grammar department the coming year.
Hervlces at the M. K. church 10:30:
Hubject '‘The Coming of the King.”
Sunday school 11:30: Junior league 3:00.
Subject for evening at 8:00, “God’s an
swer to the Infidels." Kpworlb League
atO 00 p. in. A cordial welcome to all.
The editor of the Kvans City Pa..
Globe writes “One Minnie Cough Cure is
rightly named It cured iny children
after all other remedies failed.” It cures
coughs, colds and all throat arid lung
troubles.—Odendahl Bros.
Dr. Chase, of Custer county, and
father of Dr. W. T. Chase, and A. K.
Chase, of this place is reported very
sick with kidney trouble and threatened
attack of typhoid fever. Ills two sons
here went up to see him Sunday return
ing Monday.
JioKN To Mr. and Mrs James Con
ger, a boy, at t» o'clock Saturday even
ing last, of about regulation weight.
Mother and child are reported doing
very well and with careful attention and
good nursing it is believed that Jimmy
will he around,—with the baby in the
course of a-short time.
The Chief liurgess of Milesburge 1’a.
says DeWitt's Little Karly Kisers are the
best pills he ever used In his family dur
ing forty years of house keeping.
They cure constipation sick headache
and stomach and liver troubles. Hmall
In si/e but great In results.—Odeudahl
Dr. Willow who has been stopping
with bis daughter, Mrs. £. S. llayhurst
for the past year left last Wednesday for
a trip to the scenes of bis former years
in the cast. He will stop at Clarks Nebr,
for a short visit with a brother and also
at Council Bluffs for a short time where
he has another brother living, then he
will continue his journey to Toledo,
Ohio and visit with a daughter. The
NorthWRSTJtKN wishes him a pleasant
time and hope be will return to us in
the near future.
Wm. Htrankman, living on Oak Creek*
Logan township had the misfortune to
lose his stable 13x19, a valuable horse,
two seated carriage, one set of harness
hand corn shellcr and about 100 bushels
vi vv»u niv vij n i-uiivouaj U1 last
week about 5 o’clock p. iu. Mr
Strankman, wan in the harvest field at
the time and it was impossible for him
to get to the lire in time to save any
thing The origin of the fire is not
known. There was no one around the
stable from the dinner hour up to the
time of the happening.
Adam Sehaupp, one of our represen
tative business men returned Tuesday
from a three weeks visit to New
York City and the capital city, Wash
ington. This is really the first trip for
recreation that Adam has taken for n
number of years, having devoted him
self strictly to hfs business. He accom
panied Ills wife and children to her old
home at Geneva, Indiana, where they
will spend the summer mouth* and en
joy an extended visit with friend and
relatives. It can truly he said that Mr.
Sehaupp. Is one of our best business
men and none are more deserving of
success iu business, or of a pleasure trip
thau lie. lie it a trusted and bouored
gentlemen, lias bad the management of
the li, a M elevatois at Ashton
Sehaupp* Siding, and l.oup City, for a
number of year*. He ha* held positions
as Village Trustee a member of the
board of education and bu always been j
a very active mcuitarr of the different;
bodies to which be lias bad lbs honor of j
belonging Mr Sehaupp report* a very !
pleasant trip. While at Washington |
he visited the Capita! building the
•tfitiftU* i't)4iiiti*r% mu! ibe bum* of
W a* Mill tot* It.- <|t«*rib*«
lb*1 lAtttff im U'itigg wry I
beautiful It is kept up In as aesr as!
possible the seme style as when H s»b
Ingtou reside I (here, the house con ’
Islued the sane old furniture and Ike
yards were pit lutes joe. Mr. Kcbaupp |
also boarded an ocean tteamer and
sailed out a bandied mile or more.
At Mew Y ork he took la the big sights
and returned home feeling all the bet.
ier ter Its.lug take*, a lew day* olf
from the cates of his extensive Uwsiwe*#.
Iu going Mr m fcsupp and family vulc j
i‘d the EVposition at tlmika
The teacbeas Institute which is
now on and which will close Ibis
week has been very successful. Fifty
six teachers were enrolled, most of
them being ladies. Our representa
tive visited the afternoon session
last Tuesday and noted the deep in
terest taken by both the Instructors
and attending teachers. Superin
tendent G. S, bellringer, lias been
present throughout the session, awl
whenever, and wherever possible, has
h<Iped iris aide corps of instructors
to interest anil instruct the.r pupils
and eulcrtain the many visltjbu.
The instructors, Prof. J. A. Horn
berger, of Naperville. Ilf. and M-»r
gret b'leiong, of Beatrice, Neb. and
Prof. Nicoson, of Loup Oily, well
understand the arts and methods of
teaching and gave some very good
lessons along that line. Mr. Horn
berger, gave a lesson on the subject
of education. He first spoke of the
stereotype method of teaching school
which he claimed was, in many in
stances of no good to the pupil, ex
planing that there were so many
children of different temperament
and character that the same method
which may be applied to one with
good success will not suit in anothers
case. Other equally as good lessons
were brought up and impressed upon
the minds of his pupils. Miss Cfe
long, gave some interesting lessons
in teucliinir the mininrv schools. Her
suggestions were received witli inter
est and her explanations were clear.
On Monday evening the members
of the institute and people of the
city had the pleasure of listening to
a lecture at the M. K. Church, deliv
ered by tbe state Superintendent and
on Wednesday evening Prof. Ilorn
berger lectured. Both lectures were
instructive and highly entertaining.
Following is a list of teachers in
Anna licehthold. Loup City
Ella Conner,
Maud* Fletcher.
Belle Mullck.
Minnie Gilbert,
Emma Peterson,
Nettle Conger.
Grace Kay
Julia Rowe,
Lizzie Flynn.
E. Holcomb.
Edna Williams. ‘
C. F. Johnson.
Frances Ford.
Emma Anderson.
Mrs. J. W. Jones, *'
Ida E Nelson.
J. F. Nicoson,
Stella Henry,
Minnie Hickman.
Etta Travis,
E. A. Smith,
Annie L. Burrows.
Mattie Snyder,
Lillie Nightingale,
Willie Baker,
Gertrude Eaton. Litchfield.
Edith Eaton.
Lizzie Bingham,
Mamie Parry,
Francis Robinson.
Ida Buss. Uoelu*.
Buehla Marrs,
Mary Screen Ravenna.
T\.i. .. n_
Carry Keisi, “
Helen Newberg, Sweetwater,
Nora Ilerbaugh,
Hattie Throckmorton. Divide
Suaa Throckmorton,
Alice Tangerman Rockville.
Mabel Vanscoy,
Mary C. Jensen.
Lillie Hood. St. Paul
Nina Hayes, Austin
Ida Carpenter,
W. A. Hayes,
Rhoda Whitman, Arcadia
G. X. Letherman.
Rungheld Nelson,
Riley E. Arthaud. Ashton.
Eva Taylor,
Eda Nebler,
Myrtle WiUou,
Eva A. Wilson,
Nora Goff Hazard.
♦ • ♦
Tlieo. Ojendyk went to St. Paul on
busiuess, Friday.
Kev. Paul Quarder paid the county
seat a visit on Frlday.
Louis Hartiineu went to St. I’aul by
rail on Thursday, returning to Ash
tou Friday noon
II. Siuclsor made a liarincaa trip
to llordua and Ht. Michael ou Thurs
day and Friday.
Stanislaus Pywiek received a ucw
traction engine for to* thrashing
outfit ovtl the llurliugton Friday
noon It ap|i«aia to lie a dandy.
Fred 11 a 1.1 of Uiand Island *|>eiit
I'uvsdai night in Ashlou
V Hoi tuue tu the old town, l ist
Finlay uight. The isauiun was lu
honor of the tuattiage of Mr W M
'uh-Ihi and Miss Alpha Fair Free
lam e and O'* ere ou at the Herman
Hall. All preseat seemed to
Sishe the Incident one long to Ire j
(vwvrnbered as a picas** I time
it Mt»e pnirney through life AH
lepatted at a late hour, wishing the i
bride and groom much joy and a long
Several of the Ashton folks attend
ed the play "Topps Twids” given by
local talent at Rockville on Saturday
Chas Taylor who has been here
for some days left for Omaha to
attend the Kxposition.
Mrs N'orah Hendrickson of
Rockville is visiting here sister
Mrs W. M. Smelser this week.
Mr. S. J Fair of Rockville was
seen on the street here Monday fore
J F. Taylor, of St Paul was in
town Tuesday,
K. <* Taylor left for O in ah u Mon
day aflei noon when he will visit the
White City.
0. H. Marvel ,W. M. Smelser, H.
Smelser and Wm. Jeffrey drove to
the Hub” Tuesday afternoon,
-» ♦ ♦
Central Committee Unetlnr.
The merntiersof the Republican county
central committee met at the office of
A. Wall in this City on July Zf the com
mitteeman from tills twp. being absent
W. J. Fisher was elected in Ids place
and also made Secretary of the meeting.
The principle object of the meeting was
for the purpose of deciding whither to
call a county convention before the
state convention or whither It would not
be better to have the Delegates to the
State convention elected by the central
committee and call a convention later,
as this Is right In the midst of harvest
and after a thorough discussion upon
flu* feiitiiri't liv fli«* inpfiitiprti r»f tliA (>mn.
m it tee present it was decided that it
would be better for all parties concerned
to have the county committee elect
delegates for the state convention and
as soon as If could be ascertained when
and were the Congressional and Sena
torial conventions should bo held and
the number of delegates to each then
to call a county convention.
This being the sense of all present they
thou elected the following named wheel
horses of the party to represent Sher
man county at Lincoln on August 10.
Messers, G. E Itenschoter, W. II. Brown
Alex Taylor, and A. II. L’otter, and the
committee then adjourned subject to
the call of the chairman,
Mrs Dr Hendrickson returned from
Illinois last Tuesday.
Elias Ogle and sons received a steam
threshing machine last Tuesday.
Wilson & Kettle received a new
horse power Thresher last Tuesday.
L. Williams, came home Wednesday
from Ashton, where he had been har
County Superintendent G. S. Leinin
ger and Prof. Iloroberger made this
office a pleasant call yesterday after
L. Hanson and family arrived in the
city last evening, Mr. Hansen will a
gain take ills old position as cashier at
the first hank.
Win your battles against diseases by
acting promptly. One minute Cough
Cure produces immediate results When
taken early it prevents consumption
And la later stages it furnishes prompt
reieif.—Odeudahi Bros.
Mrs K lipvf.nliU (it. nr«ft.v luullv
hnrt last night. When the wind came up
she got up to close the screen door and
when she loosened it it struck her and
knocked her out on the side walk injur
ing her hack considerable.
J. W, Carpenter who went to Iowa a
short time ago for medical treatment
had an operation performed upon his
head last Friday and a substance of
some kind about the size of a table
spoon was removed. The last report <
from him was mailed the next evening .
at which time he was still In a dazed
condition from the effect* of the auaes- i
tbetie. (
Shutter • mu kin' lot* o' hay
While the Hunahlu# * pood
Merrill* ipeedln' on tin- way. I
Dewey * tawin wood. I
Schley liium*rued cm out o' »i»’ht
sampaou cal the jam
Kvc rvthinp* a fumin' riirht
Hah fur Tad* Hutu
••Dwurr Paul.
We have fell the Warm nweai trickle
A* .%* nation the rufttjf *lde
We have put Spain la a pickle
llv rviiMtniterli# the Mai**- |
We fthui the deadly aU*k«
At the fro worn# > pan >*h rhlirt,
We have downed ihi ar#d» and lhl<*ih*%
S.ia we i>u#ht t" pray fur rain 1
rum ha* almoal t ea*rd iia yru«ift|
And (he tooth wind* twill) hlwWUlg
kliiiiit au ^ruMtiiV (bat uttf ftoeia# I
Will retail la heavy crop*
Hut Mklft wreck ef vwg#Aall**a 1
thtft t*» ua abMaftiwiifto*
yiiui pear# aad #ae4ftiMi
Tv the itflbft awvhia# pop*
Th«i are htUaj ia IIhe teeth**
TV) at# (wthti all uatilar
Wh*» ike p«<«pe*t* *t li% a*«th* t
I* Mw lad ea hUI aad putt a
VA Hu U M why At I (ft# tt«W4 t
i ivataap* *#a t«i »*na>M 1
11* fth *4 h*«e «<uf U«|v |
Aad «#i eal aad p*«» M tala
intHt ia Hiftta Jv**#aa*
Mrs Owens, of Grand Island, arrived
in Litchfleld, Wednesday of last week
and is endevorlng to establish the Oe
gree of Honor In Litchfleld. Mrs. K D.
Town accompanied her here and is the
guest of her cousin, Mrs. O. D. Eaton.
The Village Board granted Louis
Vesciy a saloon license, Wednesday
night after hearing a remonstrance.
The remonstrance tiled notice of an ap
peal. This makes the third time a pe
tition fora saloon license has been be
fore the Village Board this year.
(Jen. Bradley, of Heward attended I lie
funeral services of his fattier W« dnes
Miss Edith Bradley, who lias b< eu at
school nt Llnco'n. returned home Tues
day evening, to witness the last sad
rites f t her deceased father.
A spark from an engine set Are to
John Vesely's oat field Sunday, and
burned nearly three acres before It was
extinguished by the train crew.
The State Bank has been undergoing
a severe overhauling in the past two
weeks. A new roof besides a new coat
of paint adds to the Improvement ol Its
-♦ • ♦
A Cans* For Grief.
A Chi neon of 40 years old, whose
mother still flogged him daily, sled
tears one day in the company of friends.'
‘ Why do yon weep?’ ’ asked one. “Alas,
things are not as thoy used to be I” he
lamented. “The poor woman’s ana
grows feebler every day. ’ ’—Household!
- ■
Before you breed your marcs come
and take a look at the Alex Taylor,
horse. He Is the best ALL PURPOSE
HORSE in Sherman county. I ain stand
ing him In my barn, opposite ('. Haiick's
blacksmith and wagon shop. Terms
15 ,00 to insure.
B. T. Sky deb.
For the Permanent Cure of Stammer
ing and Stuttering etc., under the per
sonal treasrnent of Prof. K. C. New
comb, 2621, Sherman avenue, Omaiia,
Farmers, Insure your property in
The Phcnix Insurance Company,
against Fire, Lightning, Wiud storms
Cyclones and Tornadoes.
W. J. Agent.
810.00 REWARD.
The undersigned will pay u reward of U:n
(10.00) dollars for Information that will convict
any parties found tampering with, or In any
way damaging insulators, poles, wire or any
other property belonging to the undersigned. telephone Co.
1 have the celebrated English Shire
Stallion, Western Star, at W. O. Browns
Friday Saturday and Sunday, and at
my place one (1) mile east of town,
other days of week. Farmers interested
in raising good horses will do well to
see this horse. Term! fO.OO to insure
sucking foal
L. N. Smith.
War MAFs-We have on sale at this
office the yery latest edition of Band
McNally’s maps’ showing all the princi
ple locations of the present American —
Spanish War at a glance. Price 15 cents.
First class well cleaning and well re
pairing done. Headquarters with T. M.
Reed. II. L. Tketkb.
Reasons Why Chamberlain’s Cholic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
Is the Best.
1. Because it affords almost instant
viivi iii vunv v* i'uiii in vu' .'tviiiuv.ii. v i/r
c and cboleramorbus.
2. Because it is the only remedy that
lever fails in the most severe cases ot
Jjsentery and diarrhoea.
3. Becuse it is the only remedy that
will cure chronic diarrhoea.
4. Because It is the only remedy that
will prevent bilious colic.
5. Because it is the only remedy that
will cure epidemical dysentery.
(i. Because it is the only remedy that
'an always be depended upon in cases
if cholera infantum.
7. Because It is the most promt and
nost reliable medicine in use for bowel
8. Because it produces no bad results
11. Because it is pleasant and safe to
10. Beceusc it lias saved the lives of
nore people than any other medicine in
he world.
The 2*5 and .50e sizes for sale bv.—
Idemlithl Bro's, ltoujji'ist
\\M’ll INK oils AT
K A. Bialik* ot l.ewisville Texan
rrile* that m.e box of I to Witts Witch
hi/i-l "iln- »«< wottli #50.00 to hiui.
I cure-1 hi* pile* of teu year* *iaiiditt|f.
I* advise* other* to try It It alaocure* 1
czeiua. skm illseane* and olwtleaie i
or«-a ti.UiuUhl lira*.
Will close out my slock of Hahy ear- l
i i(n at co«( in inaka room for new j
[o<«l* K. If. WaixtssiM.
• • •
tt.iti Hour*. *f LaTayaita lad , *atr» ,
Sat for co***t i pat i cm h* ha* fvsuad l to |
illi'i l.iiit** Karly KihuIu be p*rf»*t
'hay i**y*i grip*. Try them for m.uui* h
ad liver l lllltltlf* | RrtM
Pr«*tly Kapltl People.
There is nothing slow about the Neb
raska Kpworth Assembly. Their pro
gram for '{*M is an eight days winner.
Kohert McIntyre, General O. O. How
ard, Bishop Bowman, John O Woolly,
Chancellor McDowell and other great
men of the platform will address the
large audiences sure to he present. The j
dates are Aug. 8-10 and the amazing
success of last year will doubtless be
ippeated. Write President L. O. Cones, V
Lincoln, for prospectus and full partic
What dor's it cost to get there? When
and how should one go? What »hou d
one take ? Where are the mines? How
much have t.liey produced? Is work
plentiful vvioit *iigi„ „re paid* |» ||v.
ing expensive? Wliat are one’s chances
of milking a strike!!?
Complete and satisfactory rej lies to
the above questions will be found In the
Burlington Bootes Klondike Folder
Now ready for distribution. Hlxteen
pages of practical informr tlon arid an
up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon
dike. Free at Burlfnton Route ticket
offices, or sent on receipt of four cents
in stamp by J. Francis. Gen’l passenger
Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Nebr .
“There’s no use in talking,” says W.
H, Broadwell, druggist, La Cygne, Kas.
“Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhea Remedy does the work. After tak
ing medicine of my own preparation
and those of others' 1 took a dose of
|Cbatnh.’rlaln’s and It helped me; a sec
ond dose cured me. Candldadly and
concicntiously I can recommend it as
the best thing on the market.” The 85
and 50 cent sizes for sale hv Odcndutil
Bro's, Druggists.
$10.00 REWARD. A
I will pay $10.00 reward to the person
who will furnish Information leading to
the arrest and conviction of the thief who
stole about one tbousund feet of county
brldse new lumber from south side of
Middle Loup bridge at Loup City, said I
lumber being 20 ft. loug, 2 inches thick and J
one foot broad. Address Information to ]
Lewis Bkciitiioi.d, Supervisor Loup j
city Twp., Loup City, Neb j
At Loup City In the State of Nebraska, at
tlie Close of Business, July It, Isos.
Loans and discounts . IX,Ml.80 ^
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 5x0.75
Stocks, bonds, securities, Judgments
claims, etc. . l.iuo.ou (
Hanking house, furniture, llxtures 2,818.67 I
Other Real Estate. . 3,805.66 j
Due from National, State and Priv- ^
ate banks ami bankers.11,570.05 j
. 4,286.78 j
Total. 42.6NT.IM
Capital stock paid In .420,000 00 i
Undivided profits.
Individual deposits subject to
check.20.s22.8s i
Demand of deposit. 1,818.25
Total. $i*.6:y;
State of Nebraska,!.. „ \
County of 8herinan. ( B B
I, A P. Culley, Cashier of the above M
named Rank, do solemnly swear that tlie ■
above statement Is true to the best of my 9
knowledge and belief. ■
A. P. Cashier 9
A. P. Cuuit, Director.
A. B. MCPIIKusok, Director. H
Subscribed and sworn to before me this Hi
28 day of July, 188s. ^9
w. J. Eisiikk, Notary Public. H
An ordinance relating to levying it tax on ^B
the taxable property real, personal, and
mixed, of the village of Loop Oily, Nebr. ^B
to provide for tbe necessary expense of
said Village for the fiscal year of 1898, and B
providing mouns of collecting same.
He it ordained by the chairman and board
of Trustees of the said Village of Loup City
Nebraska. j
SECTION 1, That there be and Is hereby
levied on the taxable property, real, per- ,
eonal and mixed within the Village of Loup
City Nebraska, for the various funds here- M
iuafter named, the lax mentioned after B
such respective funds designated to wit: jg|
General fund 10 mills. !■
Water Fund 10 mills.
Street Fund i mill*. ^B
Judgment Fund 18 mill*. ^B
Interenl on water bonds £1 mills ^B|
Section 2, This Ordinance shall be i>‘J^B|
lurce irum and after Us pnntage and pu 'vBBL
cation according to law.
Adopted and passed lhi» .*Ut duy of July ^B
.». 1*iih. Jaeokk, Chairman. ^B
T 8 NlilHTino ALl, Village olerk ^B
Land Office at Lincoln Nebr* | I
July et. tsm. \
Notice is hereby pvun that the follow- ^B
mg uaineil M«‘iilei ha* filed notice of hi* in
kbtioii to make filial proof In *up|iort of
in* Claim, and that »ald proof will be made V
Mluiti the Ct.mily Judge of * her man B
yiiint), Nebraska, at Loup City, on ■
teptember loth, l*s*\ via tt lady*luW *
fakciew*ki, Homestead Entry, No lx.tJn.
for the Moi tu va*t tjuarter, Section t, s
iown*h(p ift, north of range It, West ■
lie name* lh* following wltaesee* to I
trove hi* continuous reeideu* e ujaiu and V
utilisation of, *aid land, vl* Emery It.y, <^E
»# bltl'Mi, Nebr and f MU huetdr ide, V
|,out* him* >1, l.. J. Il*«h» hoid, of I *sg B
(ehraefc*. ■
a *y peteoa w bo deal tea fee prutaet agwla—4 ^E
lie a uvium of *u* h proof, of w - 4
tea to a under the f
at mu of the I alert—* Uepartaient, wh# A
i ash proof • boo id out In* aimved* a til be ^A
live** aa opportamly at tbe above men ■
iuw* and p wee to v»« »* «ttaM»* tu* B
>»i *atd * *••*'! iw >»E*r eti* ^B