The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 29, 1898, Image 7

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[Nothing makes a woman so mad p.s
having something to say and no one
to li&'-en. _ ___
XVliat Will Heroine of chinaT
None can foresee the outcome of
the quarrel between foreign powers
over the division of China. It Is in
— terestlng to watch the going to pieces
of this race. Many people are also
going to pieces because of dyspepsia,
constipation end stomach diseases.
Good health can he retained If we uso
Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters.
Wounded pride uses dignity for a
town *'atent* Krport.
DKS MO INKS, July 14. '98.
Seven U. S. Patents were Issued to
Iowa inventors tills week, viz.: To
J. H. Ayrhart. of Dedham, for a riding
and foiuing barrow; to Thos. Caswell,
of Cherokee, for a combined hay-rake
nud bailing press: to J. A. Cooper and
A. (’. Savage, of Adair, for a gun-sign-.;
to Wm. W. Dodge, of Burlington, for
a game apparatus; to It. Harris, of
Cedar Falls, for a rod-guide for dow
el-machines; to N. Kauffman, of Du
buque, for a catch-basket for lawn
mowers; to F. A. Tlioaa, of Cedar Rap
ids, for a belaying hook.
F. K. H., Ofikaloosa, Iowa: Your let
ter is received and v.e answer this
|- publicly for the benefit of others. For
the fist fee according to our terms
($20) we will make one sheet of draw
ings and specifications and get the
commissioners' receipt therefor and
such record evidence will be provis’on
nl protection for one year without pay
ing more If you want to delay comple
tion of the application and official ex
amination at Washington. For each
additional sheet we charge $5. When
tlm second fee ($20) is paid us $1.1 of
It will be forwarded to the romrnie
sioner and the other $5 applied for
prosecuting the claims, and after the
patent Is allowed the third $20 fee
niunt be paid within six months from
* date of allowance before the patent
will ne printed and delivered.
r All questions relating to the secur
ing of patents cheerfully answered
nnd valuable Information In circulars
sent free! THOMAS O. OTIWIC. & CO.
What will the fault-finding Chris
tian do In heaven?
I.lfe and me J.iver.
“Success in life depends u)>on the Itrer "
Is tbe way C'bus. I.umb, tbe poet (and imn
eler put It. Medical science bai proven.
♦ but time tenths of the ailments of living
Lave their origin in the liver, and in con
stipation caused by Its derangements.
Keep the liver lively and it will be well.
Modern science points out t'ascaretsaa the
onlv perfect, gentle, jo-ltive liver regula
tor fit to be used in the delicate human
organism. All druggists sell Cascarets 10c.
J-c, doc, and we recommend them most
Santiago bombardment powder cost
Shake Into Tour Rimes.
Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the
feet. It cure* painful, swollen, smart
ing feet and Instantly takes the sting
[out of corns and bunions. It's the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allens Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting
or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot,
tired, nervous, aching feet. Try It to
day. Sold by all druggists and shoe
etores. By mall for 25c In stamps.
Trial package FREE. Address, Allen
y 8. Olmsted, L* Roy, N, Y.
The effort to make sugar from beet*
dates back as far as the year 1747.
Within the past month the first iron
bridge erected In the stale of Ohio has
been removed. This bridge was over
Fait Creek, on the Central Ohio di
vision of the Baltimore and Ohio rail
road, in Muskingum county, and was
built In 1851. It was a single span, 71
feet In length, and was known as a
“Bellman deck truss bridge with plate
girders.” Bollman was at that time
chief engineer of construction of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
When you let go the good work the
devil takes hold. <
rtso's l ure lor lontuaiftiou is me on:y
rough medicine used iu my house.—D. C.
Albright, Mifflin) urg, l a , Dec. 11, '93.
If your harvest is a failure, remeui
her you selected the seed.
Cop’o t'oorn nnlmm
It (h# old and b«st It will up a eoM quicker
Uu&fi tsnytbiiitf eltm. It In alway s rt-1 !•*»»•. Try IU
If a man makes a fool of himself
twice in the same way his case is
The Standard Dictionary.
The Independent, New York: "It Is
a noble example in which the modern
tendency to popularize knowledge his
v riser, to the highest level yet reached."
Jt' The Boston Dally Herald: "It is a
monument of the highest character
which the publishers of this work have
reared In honor of the Kngllsh lun
I uage.”
See display advertisement of how to
ibtsin the Standard Dictionary by
naktng a small payment down, the re
mainder In installments.
If a man doesn't lie after returning
from a fishing trip lit* word l* aa good
ns his bond.
The Automatic Urip Neck Yoke Co.. 1
cf Indianapolis, Itnl , whose ad. ap
pears elsewhere In this paper, have
Invented what Is without doubt lh»
best and safest ne-k joke on the funr
fcet. It Is simple In construe lion doe*
not rattle, mid the pots cannot pos
sibly gel sway Dow It.
1 hey offer very liberal term* to
nr<nls and as It Is a genet seller we ,
urge our readers to write them st ones
regarding It.
Profanity Is furtdd-'en by both the
armv and navy regulations of the
• Celled States.
A talk with CD*MO HI TTJ.HUil K
W Ml' es-|u.*llety scented. *i iwill<S| Slid
Usstcwl Md *«*i»skefs
A rsplsln In the navy tanks with
a roieael la the array.
ale tout ISawets WHS Vctssssis.
ra*>r twineol* *«-e .nncuyeuea S'ti-t
gk Jw IIUCi ls» dno •ueltslacMf
The sscent wl sms cwwes through
the dee*skt of Christ.
"3o you yotiugstera want a war
story," sighed Grandpa lawyer, glanc
ing fondly over the merry group of
children and grandchildren that had as
sembled to celebrate his sixtieth birth
day; and wondering what he could pos
sibly say on this august occasion that
had not been repeated at least a score
of times.
"You might tell them about the time
you fainted dead away,” suggested
grandma, with her tender pensive
smile, as she bent caressingly over his
latest namesake fast asleep in her
Yielding to the clamorous entreaties
of more than a dozen young voices, the
veteran slowly proceeded: "You see, I
was Just out of Andersonvllle, and a
little shaky even on an ordinary occa
sion, and this was a most extraordinary
occasion, being the day your grandma
graduated at Holyoke.
"I first enlisted for three months, full
of fight and sure of victory, and 1 look
ed so fine and tall In my blue uniform,
1 thought I'd go and say good-bye to
Dr, Mlller’a daughter. I was only a
common farmer, and she had another
beau, a student at Amherst, but I re
membered once at a party, when she
bad to choose a partner she selected
me Instead of Jim; so 1 thought I'd
go and tell her I was off for Dixie
In file morning. I thought maybe
she'd cry a little as my mother did, or
say something fine about my laying
down my precious life for the dear old
flag; but she dldn’; say inuc'.i. and I
didn’t stay long, for Jim was there.
"Martha went with me out to the
gate. I reached out my big sun
burned hand, and she took It In both
her own and held It quite a bit, and
she Bald: 'Bennie, I'm sorry you're
going to the war; you're too young a
man, and too good a man to stand up
and be shot at.’ Then Jim appeared
on the scene, and I went away half
cursin' my honest hand for being so
brown, while Jim's was as white as
a Illy with a great flashing diamond
on the smallest of his slender (lagers.
"Talk about standing up as a target
for bullets; that's nothing—nothing at
all compared with lying down to starve
In a foul prison. As the (lays passed
Into weeks, and the weeks so long
Into months so much longer that 1
lost all count, how many and mauy
a time I looked at my white bony
hands and wished they were as big
and as tanned as they used to be, and
when I would have prayed for an end
ing of my misery, how well I remem
bered that Martha had said 1 wus too
young to die, and the way she had
held my hand still thrilled me, and
kept me alive and out of the clutch
of old Giant Despair, and 1 said over
and over to myself a thousand times,
with grim determination, what Dr.
Miller had so often repeated, ‘While
there is life there Is hope,’ and at
last I was exchanged and discharged.
Oh, 1 ow happy I wag to be get free!
I did not 'regain my freedom with n
sigh,’ like that poor prisoner of Ch!l
lon, but with a great joy that buoyed
me up for the long, weary journey
home, and enabled me to assiet others
who were still weaker.
"When at last the stage set me
down In the familiar village postof
flce, I was so weary and wasted no one
teemed to recognize me, hut looked
at me in a pitying way 1 could not un
derstand, and so 1 did not speak to
any one, hut ataggcod down the hill
to the old farmhouse, trying In vain
to scent the supper, or the clove pinks.
I did not know my precious mother
had been dead for almost a year, but
when I reached the gate I felt the
change. It hung by one hinge, and
swayed and creaked with n dismal
sound that scented to nto like the
groaning of a ghost. It weukened me
so that 1 had to rest uwbile before
going down the long walk still Slued
by my mother's flowerbed*; but oh.
how neglected they looked! As I
neared the porch I saw u red calf tied
to a lilac bush, one that my mother
had herself planted on the v<ry day
■he was a bride, and then I seennd
to know that she was gone. War Mli*
women aa well ae men. P'he thought
her only boy was dead, and she bad
nothing to live for- nothing hut an
empty home.
* That was (uo good a house to he
long unoccupied, and Hr. Milter htd
rented It tu a needy family of for
eigners. requeuing that my room
should be left Just as uty mother had
last arrauged it,
"Ob' huw I had cheered mveelf wifi
a picture of that waiting lea-table' but
I didn't dtup down Into my a-cue
touted place, for even the table ha-l
lceu in -«cd Into the lillte. over
crowded kitiben. itil the robust *.>
man who did her heel to eeive n*
on id not understand my simple law
■ nage, hut she d-d c -mptehend otV
sorrow and weariness and hitler dis
appointment and after I had takes a
glees <1 milk eke silowed o-e to •«
right up te my own airy chamber,
where sse'ything »s# i. ted y latw '■
iar. How deliciously soft and clean the
i bed seemed, and I cried myself to
sleep like a tired, homesick baby.
"Tho first thing I heard on the
morning was, not the chirping of tho
robins, as In the olden time, but the
loud bawling of that steer calf under
my window. I covered ray head wi*h
the bedclothes and was the r0!,r- weak
baby over again. When I woke later
In the day, good IJr. Miller was sit
ting by my bedside. He helped me
dress, and look me home to breakfast,
w'herc the talking, as well as the cook
ing, was all United States; but some
how I wasn’t hungry, and longed to
ask what had become of Martha.
"I soon found out. Her father was
going to Holyoke the very next (lay
to hear lur valedictory, and he took
me along with him. It was a long
drive, but v.c took It slow and easy,
and 1 had my flil of fresh air, and re
covered my appetite. We were a 11! tl ;
late to the exhibition, and We found
the chapel already crowded; hut tho
good doctor finally succeeded In get
ting a seat well up In front, and there,
right before us. was Amlurst Jim, Just
as slim and white as ever. He lin
gered his watch chain and pelted his
mustache and made his diamond
glisten und devoured the platform with
his eyes, Just as he usc-d to In the old
red school house when Martha wan
going to speak her piece. Now he was
a full-fledged physician, and Dr. Mil
ler’s partner. We had a long time to
wait. The essays were lengthy and
learned, and Martha’a wag the vety
last. The other graduates wore white,
but she was all In black with a crape
collar. J looked quesMonlngiy Into her
father's face. lfe put his arm arouud
me, and whispered: ’8ho wears mourn
ing for your mother—and for you.'
"For my mother and for me—oh!
tho pain of it! oh, the Joy of It! and
whether It was the pain or the Joy, or
the crowded room, or the way J1 in
looked at Martjia, I cannot tell, but
somehow everything slipped away Into
not himrnowu
“When I came hack to conscious
ness, the folks were all gone, all hut
Dr. Miller and his daughter, and
Martha was holding me us handy as
she Is holding that blessed baby now,
and I was Just as quiet and submis
"I didn't know much of anything
but submission for a long time after
that. I didn't know 1 was helpless
in bed In the Miller mansion with Jim
for night watch, mixing the medicine
to suit himself, and always telling
Martha I was slowly Improving, and
I could not see the noiseless band that
was stretching a pontoon bridge over
the last river, but when my hand was
wet with the cold surf, I reached it
feebly toward Martha's, and she took
It firmly Just, as she did when I was
going away to tho war, and she said:
‘Uennle, oh Bennie! you are too young
to die; If only you will live, my mother
shall be your mother,’ and then she
laid her warm cheek down on that
cold hand and It thrilled me back to
life ugaln, and the good old doctor
whispered, 'While there's life, there's
hope,’ and after that he was the night
watch, and Martha was the day watch,
and Jim dropped out, and Martha's
mother was my mother.
“Martha’s children are my children;
her grandchildren are all mine, too,
and poor Jim never had any. I have
outlived him by a quarter of a cen
tury, and I'm good for twenty-ftvs
years more, but I want you youngsters
distinctly to understand this Is my last
war etory—positively the last.”
Two chubby arms were wound
around grandpa's neck, and a reprov
ing little kiss wus dropped upon the
veteran’s forehead. Little Mattie well
remembered that he had said those
very words, “positively the last,” on
his very last birthday, and so her
grateful caress must needs be a little
reproving, for had he not often coun
seled her "Tell the truth, the whole
I truth, and nothing but the truth," and
did not grandma sometimes says, “Con
sistency Is a Jewel?”
Possibly the tender rebuke was
quite lost upon grandpa, but the others
all appreciated it, and truly, a little
child shall lead them.—New York
Tl»c Oldest Metallic Object*
|)r. J. H. Gladstone, discussing at
the Royal Institution the question of
the metals used by the great nations
of antiquity, said recently that gold
was probably the first metal known to
man, because It Is generally found na
tive The old metallic objects
to which we can assign a probable
date were found In a royal tomb at
Nagadu In Kgypt. tupponed to have
been Glut of King Mi nes, In one of
Ihe chambers wire some bits of g >UI
and a bead, n button and a tine wire
of nearly pure copper. If the tomb ha*
been properly identlflid, these objects
ute at bast fi.StHI years old. Nearly alt
the ancient gold that has been exam
ined lontalus enough silver to give It
a light color. It was gathered by the
, am tints In the bed of the Iv-tolmi and
1 other stream* of Asia Minot,
•'»•**» Hc«|ulvc*l Im IMi« i HU-yc-lc.
Tfe# drlitin «»f d t‘h )* lc led mile*
an hour h*» Ikvh iMyrUllift) t i r*
quirt dbotll our twtftlt •Mid of •
tior«#|M»**r An Fitter for i
• tioft Uni# let#* cirri «»*»** ih»ti of i
hn if|i< i*r |*©r r*)»i4 fork, ®«»*
{ Ntbflkill t'«1* *#%*!>ill kt'fltfOVfr |l
nrrsje l Ihc-c litre* dm lUr rttiiil of
j »r)fdtli<‘ Intent (gut k»(*
| |l» R*tl *»# R«it»«v
A b'l I 't Writ Is 0*4* of ikitl foil*
! It! t,<ivk | c '»r • NHlftf Ikt !*♦* I Kffit
I ik* rk*M * *tl m» *d4 tti# tttot *d4 fit
11* lit* «4 id ti* mm**!# k| tli# omk
i lit i*i|kl Id |Ini*1 on# |wud4, ftfbl to
at kv ftikHlt, t»gfcl dd4 fl*t«4
| ill fnilfeti
Georg' A. Fowler of Kangris City
has given f21.(00 to rebuild the ag
ricultural shops c? tlie university of
Kaiitas, recently destroyed hy fire.
Mrp. \% iiikiflH 0 Mooffilttg Pyrtip
T*r r titlurrii -•‘fler.s tt>« • rfilutts
«n-.i.c i, ptlayr pur., * • wt.dcfi . iU. hctll*.
'Die railroad nilJeare in Cuba Is
1,105 miles, owned by seventeen rail
road companies.
Hell's Catarrh Cure
Is 3 constitutional cure. I'i ice, <50,
A mrp of Jerusalem in ir.osnic, over
1,500 years old, has t een found in Pal
For a perfect complexion ai d n clear,
beailby rk.ii, lire t'GH.VO liCT'l i.iillll.K.
KOAP. Hold everywhere.
Ninety reporters are employed in
tli<' gallery of the house of commons
glTH PirmiMunil)! ured. Horn# or i,pi vtiaftr** *lt»
#it*1 dts» » h-I»». Mint* (•rrdl Nwtvi* i’,««|ur»r
hniifl in KMKK %'4.00 irttsl bnillfi *r.4 tr.nti**
b*. 1C ♦! KLi.xg. ht.l ,V'.:t Anli M . I * ttaUlgi.t*, I a.
Falling on your kncei Is one way
to prevent falling from grace.
Itrimiy ip liluoil Deep.
Hp* i blood UJC.'iliP MrtcMn Pklri No t**uty
without, U. CiihCuii’iH. i undjr < *»»t I•.«ri U* 1
rirniip >mii t>U,on it11<i i.i vtm H iMcafi hy *tlr
ting up i In: Ittry liter hmI driving nil hi»i*u
rlllo* from 11-4* body. llc/iii to'lriy to luinDh
pi»mI-oil1*, hlntehrv h lit* U hr ad ft. mid l hut
KitUly hlliouN foii.pletton hyta\ing <n
Mix besiuty f» r t« i» i-i'Dtw. All druggUiM.
sullhfu. il /|j guaranteed. Iflr, %Ac, AOc.
If you would obtain Information
from a woman, ; ret end Indifference.
Hay Fever.
Mrp. J. O. Pmtih of ANo, TJh. wrltrp:
"I have been troubled with bay fcv*r mr.<|
AHtbma e very fall fer twelve or fourtei n
year*, and a cough that frcf« with It. that
nothing I a ¥ ever done rnu< h to relieve un
til I took your Dr. Key i l.ung Malm. Da*t
year my brother-in-law hurl been away
und brought a box borne with him, and
when rny rough waa at Mm worn! he want
ed me to try It ami 1 did and WAR ItK
full wluti I got ho lull my husband went
to rill lie drug stolen here bud couldn't
find It, ho we hi at to you, and this full i
my cough got better UK soon ax I begun
to take It. 1 tin till right now, but sup
pose of course 1 will have buy fever again
next fall and will try and get the Dr.
Kay's Kting flnlrri before I get so bad,"
Fend two stamps for "Dr, Kay's Dome
Treatment," a 114 page Illustrated bock, or
■end iS < ents for "Kendall's Perfected lle
cclpt Hook." 210 pages. Kite hundred of
the best receipts for everything: 1!K) r uts.
AOENT8 WANTED. Dr. H. J. Key Medi
cal Co., Omaha, Neb.
The army of Germany boaafe eight
women colonel*.
No-To-llac for Fifty Cent*.
Gunriinvud tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men ttron", olor d puts, fr0t .il. All druggist*.
If you hot ti" and lost, it's unlu<ky.
Menstruation, the balance wheel ol
woman's life, Is uiso the banc of exist
ence to many because it means a time of
great suffering.
While no woman is entirely free from
periodical puin, it doer. uotneem to have
been na
ture'a plan •
that women
should suffer
to severely.
Lydia K. Dink
hum's Vege
table Com
pound in
the most T^yl*grr?U**^£>/yV
thorough fa- f
male regula- VM •/Tllti* VJ I
tor known to \ V i /f '
medical sci- ' 1 ' *
(nee* Itrcliercs the condition that pro
duces so much discomfort and rolis men
struation of its terrors. Here is proof:
Dkah Mas. I'inkham:—How can 1
thank you enough for what you havo
done for me ‘l When I wrote to you i
was suffering untold p.ain ut time of
menstruation; was nervous, had head
ache ul! the time, no appetite, that tired
feeling, and did not care for anything.
1 have taken three bottles of Lydia K.
1’inkham's Vegetable Compound, or;o
of ISlood I’nritier, two boxes of Liver
Pills, and to-day 1 urn u well person. 1
would like to have those; who suffer
know that 1 am one of the many who
have been cured of female complaints
by your wonderful medicine and advh e.
—Miss .Jennie K. I .eon, Wis.
If vou are suffering in this way, write
as Miss Miles did to Mrs. Pink hum at
Lynn, Muss., for the advice which she
offers free of charge to all women.
••.llr wire li*«l pliuplt* »» l*«-r l»rr, but 1
• he liB* Man (cl I lie ( ASIAKEl'S sad (try
Sure UlHa;*pr*red l but beta tru.iMtl
»>lh coattlpatioa for BOBU! l.atr but bftar US
loc Uu Ur>l Ctus'brat 1 I bvr biol bO trouble I
• III. ml* b! me al. Wi-cuun l *i r»» loobiyb
ly u( 1 '*.< »!eu ' l tun W*niM*M.
Iran tunuBauHB av« . PaiautoiptalB. Pa
nut ***** UMK.II!
. Pi SBM. Cllut* t l **ut T**t« UaNt tb
t* aaJ Ms««r iff U* i# h 14 mm
•»•**>*« Bl««4t IMBRMI >»N <M* Nw1»4«t. M* INI Hi
MQ-TO-IAQ : . u.
[ It *«<• !»*«•• -41 I I 44 Ml- Win* |m|« I
■ U|*4li Mt4iiU»l M H«MM| % %
nDODSV mw macovesTi «a*»
Mllwi *1 ifM* Itt-NU** «i4
NSA*4k SIW It-4 Awn* A • * H44* • • *•»♦-* 4*m4 AMI >4* * «*
WrwIIW—l> !« «• k Itltut iWIAMMtaU
Or. Kij'i Lung tUlm
Fifteen Years of Suffering
“3 thought I should surely die.”
When the stcr.iach teniae to fail in
duties, ether orgnas luudily become
c faceted in sympathy, uud life is simply g
I -tideii almcst unbearable. Indigestion
a id dyspepsia art so common that only
the auffertr from these disease* know*
t;ie possibilities of mi cry that inhere in
them. A typical < * ample of the mfl» i mg*
t i the vie.tin of indigestion I* furnished I
iu the cose of John l. Pritchard, flc went I
mi for fifteen year*, front bad to worse
Sis sp'.tt of doctors be grew constantly
w'ukrr, md tho ight he would di«. in
fut well, I jwever, uod thus iclutce I ts
" ffor f-fteen years X was a great sufferer
from indigestion in Ha v*i*t him*. I
te trd the skill of many doctor*, but grew ,
wans and* or*e, until I I so weak
I i f old ii »t walk fifty ya *di v itboiit havio*
to sit down and rest.' My stomach, liver
ut;d heat I bet nine uftc t led, and f thought i
would mi' ly die. I tried f i I. i Ayer ••
I ills and they helped me light awry. 1
(('ilinued their iim ami rri now c Mire!v
well. I don't know i f anything that will
so tpilekly relieve iiistl cure the terrible
suff' rings of dyspepfia a* I>r Aur'i>
ton* c. Vri ic iiari>, Lrodie, War
tea Co., 14. C.
This r*»r is not extraordinary. either In
the aever'.ty ©f the diaenae ©r the prompt
r.nd perfect cure performed by Dr. Ayer©
Pills. Similar Manila occur in every uuf
where Dr. Aver * Piila are uaed. "The/
helped me fight «way" ia the common
raprenaton of tricar who have uaed them.
Here ia another testimony to the truth of
thia Mate me ut:
"I formerly Buffered from indigeafiort
and wttknin of the do mac It, but dner f
began Me uae of Dr. J t Ayer * I'rlla,
1 bare the appetite of tl»e llrmrr’a boy I
oin 4f' year* if aye, end r ecomme t.<( all
who wtah to In- free from dvapepsia m
take one of Di Ayci’a 1‘illa alter dir,net,
till tin ir digr»ttvi c ry.-Hia are in goc<t
truer."—Wm. Hii imci Giant, Neb.
Dr. Aver** Pitta offer the aurert cnrl
rwtflrit relief from irndipatiou and all
its attendant ill**. They cure dir/mesa,
m,. hr auburn palpitation, bad breath,
mat*d tongue nervouaneaa, r.lfrpleaan©**,
bilicuancote luul n a« ore of other affectn i.©
t'Wt a re. after all. only the BigM* of a woir
duep looted diaeaar. Von ran find rnnr©
information about Dr. Avc r‘a Villa, and f hr
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