The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 22, 1898, Image 8

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    Lioaal Daws.
Mr*.>A. M Bennett Is reported quite
' Max Leschinsky was at home over
Fred Stratbadee, of Arcadia, was in
town Wednesday.
Eugene Patton, and wife was visiting
In the city over Sunday.
Mr. II. Smelser. of Ashton, was In
town several days this week.
Bargain days at the Bargain Store,
July ‘JH, and 30,—A. E. Chase,
Mr I.adegard from Litchfield was a
county seat visitor last Saturday.
The water that comes down town from
the Irrigating ditch is alive with little
Miss Hattie Hayburst Is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Jitmnle Conger, this
Mr. Bussell, of Washington twp , was
In the city Monday, and made this office
a very pleasant call.
Will Crlss is getting hlsstcam thresh
er teady for business. He will begin the
seasons work at Frank Otlewski's.
Last summer one of our grand-child
ren was sick with a aervere bowel troub
le .savs Mrs E. O. Oregory of Fredricks
town, Mo.
Mr and Mrs. Wm Benschoter started
for home at Fall City Nebr, this morn
jug. They will visit a few days at Grand
Island on their return.
Frank Simpson, purchased C. L.
Drakes interest in the Bound Front barn
and commence business In partnership
with O. Benschoter Angust first.
We have been Indirectly informed that
the Republican county central commit
tee will meet to-morrow to arrang for a
A good many people In the city are
freely ualng the water from the Irrigat
ing dltcb. The farmers up the valley
are also irrigating.
M. II. Smith of Divide, has purchased
the old dwelling bouse that used to stand
at the mill, of Ohlsen Bro's and will
move It to his faim.
Dont forget the cleariag sale at the
bargain store. 20 per cent off on all
goods Friday and Saturday July 29,
and .10.—A. K. Chase.
Our doctor's remedy had failed, (hen
we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy which gave very
speedy relief. For sale by —Odendahl
Bro's Druggists.
The dry spell that we are experienc
ing Just now Is causing the people that
live enntiguous to the ditch to work
early and late these days. An hours
water means several acres of corn.
You may hunt the world over and you
will not find another medicineeijueai to
Chambelaln.s Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy for bowel complaints.
It is pleasant safe and reliable For sale
by—Odendahl Bro's Druggists.
I think Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salveis
the finest preparation on the market for
piles. So writes John C. Dunn, of Wheel
big W Va. Try It and you will think the
same. I also cures eczema and all skin
diseases.—Odendahl Bros.
Mrs. J. L. Hopper arrived home from
Minden last Friday evening she la con
siderably Improved in health and her
many freinds were glad to welcome her
back again.
In order to clear up stock
before going to Chicago to buy
my fall stock I will have a 20
per cent discount sale on Fri
day and Saturday, July 29-30.
A. E. Chase.
1 lit tills out and bring it with you, it
will save you money ami trouble. On
your arrival in Omaha, to attend the
Trans-Mississippi Exposition, take 20,
and Dodge St. Transfer at Hi, and Dodge,
get oil'car at lilondo St., go 3 blocks
west to 2720. For information write to
It. Bristol, 2730, Ulondo St, Omaha Xeb
Mr Z. O. ^ oung, of Washington twp
was In the city Mouday with a paper try
ing to raise money to purchase a horse
for Mr O. II. Mlzuer, who lost his by
lightning a short time ago. Mr Young,
desires us to say that he met with very
good soecess both here and at Arcadia
and that he desires to thank the people
for so generously assisting him in a
noble cause.
let your motto I* lie, steal drink
and swear,” When you lie let It tie
down to pleasant dreams. When you
'teal let It be away from Immoral asso
ciate*. When yon drink let It be noth
mg bnt pure cold water. When you
•wear swear that you will patronize
your hum* paper pay your subscription
and not tend your Job work away from
home Nebraska lily New.
lb* tseuior editor and family. Ssi'olu I
panted by father and mother Hi 'mhoi, r
a« vented an las lainm to dm* with Mr
and Mr* J, L llawk last kumlay and rt
usrtewcwd a <*ty c«p.y«ht* time
Hesntea pa< u- ng uf a o.mpiMu,,* dia
net toob a ilrull thr« <fai the grove of
fMctely furos U*t> la th* midst of »ks b
wa»an orabard consisting of cherry ap
pie. peach plum and eve* pear live* Mr
ilawh still WHUptss kis uhl iomseetead
sad Ibe tree* In ttMiw at* the froiu
••I M* own tabs-* Ills crsap of small
giain and v*»tn bkntisg well
Thousands of persons have been cured
of piles by using DeWltt's Witch ila/.el j
Salve . It heals promptly anil cures j
ccxeina anil all skin deceases. It gives ;
immediate relcif.—Odendahl Bros.
Frank Otlcweki received the voucher
from the Koyal Xeighbors of America
in payment of the certificate of Mrs
Otlewski deceased.
Sick headache billiousnessconstipation
and all liver and stomach troubles can
be quickly cured by using those famous
little pills known as Dewitts Little Early
Kisers. They are pleasant to take and
never gripe. Odendahl Bros.
M. E. Church Sunday July 24. 1898.
Morning service at 10:30 subject ‘ The
youth ofJesus." Evening service by Key.
E. Smith -at 8. to be followed by the
Sacramental service.
Quarterly Conference on Monday at
10 a. in.
The editor of the Evans City Pa.,
Globe writes "One MinuteCough Cure Is
rightly named It cured my children
after all other remedies failed." It cures
coughs, colds anil all throat and lung
troubles.—Odendahl Bros.
Several farmer* have shown us a sam
ple of wheat this week that was taken
pcrmiscously from their fields and in
every case it was tlrstclass. Indicating
that the small grain will give a better
yield than was expected.
Mr J. Kapp of Ashton, was in the city
last Saturday. He reports that his son
arrived over land from Oklahoma last
week. Mr. Kapp is one of Ashton's oldest
settlers, having located there long before
Ashton was on the map. He says wheat
is partially damaged In bis locality but
a veiy fair crop will be had.
The Chief Burgess of Mllesburge Pa.
say* DeWltt’s Little Early Kisers are the
beet pills he ever used In his family dur
ing forty year* of house keeping.
They cure constipation sick headache
and stomach and liver troubles. Small
in size hut great In results.—Odciidabl
Robert Jenner a former resident of
this county and a brother of our towns
man Harry Jenner arrived In town last
Monday evening to riglt bis Brother for
a short time, Mr. Jenner is now located
at new Orleans, I,a. and is engaged in
truck gardening and Orange
speaks very highly of the south and says
the people down there are very Patriotic
on the war ijuestion.He will leave again
for ills Southern home today we are told
J. A. Niles of Elm Township was
in town last Saturday and he says they
have very little to complain of in the
way of crop as far as small grain is con
cerned at least. Mr. Niles says he has
80 Acres that is very good and 20 acres
that is fair. He also says that if God ncd
the republican party continue to work
together for a few years onr cobntry
will be strictly In it.
Mr. Anderson who Jivesfnear Rock
ville and works on the U. P. Section ac
cidently shot himself through the hand
with a thirty-two Caliber revolver, last
Wednesday evening. Mr. Anderson was
going home from work in the evening and
had the revolver with him he saw a rab
bit and took the weapon from his pock
et to shoot, hut the revolver would not
work, it being self acting. He held the
barrel in his left hand and was trying to
revolve the eyli ndcr with his right Wheu
he pulled on the trigger the gun unex
peetededly went to work and sent a ball
through the hand shattering the hone of
the fore-linger. We went hack to Rock
ville and came to Loup City on the train
and hud his hand dressed by Dr. Main.
What might of been a serious affair
happened at Rockville, last Friday even
ing. Some sixteen of the hoys, several
from Loup City, who are assisting on
the new elevator, were sitting on the
edge of the side walk in front of S. J.
Fair's store. Some of them got a bunch
of tire crackers and was throwing them
in the street, which seemed to annoy
a man by the name of Moses, who lived
Jims mu oivii, *it3 i;aiuc tiui*
ridly out of bis house and tired a shot
at the boys which passed just over their
heads and went through the store win
dow ol Mr. Fair, lodging in the plaster
ing in side the store. There was a gen
eral retreat for shelter among the hoys
hut Moses only tired once. Mr. Fair,
we are told, come to town the next day
to liuve the man arrested. As this is
not the first offence of the kind the citi
zens of Rockville were getting enough
of his permiscous -hoot mg, hut county
attorney Long, we are informed, took
the bull by the horns and got Moses to
promise not to get his gun" any more,
and poured halm on Mr Fair's wound
ed feeling*, and Moses w as extricated
from the bull-rushes once more.
• ♦
rrrtly M r«*u|ili .
There is nothing alow about the Neb
raska l-pworth Assembly, Their pro
gram for I* U an eight days winner
Hubert McIntyre <.moral O O How
ard, llubop lluwman. Juhn li Woolly.
Chancellor M> Howell and other great
men of the pisiform will address the
large audience* sure to be present The
dtie* are Aug. li-lu and the amazing
Success uf Iasi year w ill doubtless he
|epe«|ed Write 1‘reaideut I, tl, l.wues,
f, for prospectus and loll partic
• • •
I IHli t»r IM
M*r«* ^t» lb* utftlluw ul lb*** uituiuni
o# • ul* to •I|l4,#ffijf thank lbs
kind frlssib the Woo.loisn Nr other* amt
the mm* tec* of the Mum# luruiu wb >
so leroleiiy u.|i lortl to " Nert * during
b t illness au-l to us in mi lensinatsi
that a hke sympathy may nriahien Ih*
shaduOy passes of your Uses. Is our j
prayer In III* Name
kltuilitt Iti kkuwt<
twit I Nr snoati
R. B. Burrowes died al his home
in this city at 5:20 p. rn., Monday,
July IK, I8i)8 after an illness of
several weeks. Cause of death is
said to be some derangement of the
stomach. He was bed fast but a
few days.
Mr. Burrowes was born in Lyons,
Iowa, on November Lith, lKtiH. He
came to Loup City in 18H(i and at
first engaged In the real estate bus
iness with M. H. Mead. He com
menced the practice of law in the
oil ice of John Blackman and John
Wall and was admitted to the bar
on April 17, 18ko in the district
court of Shernan county, after
which he went to the Black Hills
where he remained for several years
He again returned from Dakota, and
went into the law office of A. Wall,
subsequently he operated the cream
ery at this place for a short time,
and again returned to the practice
of luw, this time entering into a co
partnership with Aaron Wall, and
remaining until his death.
He was married to Katherine
Perscha on the 22 day of April,
181)2, and one child was horn to
their union.
Mr. Burrowes wus a member of
the Modern Woodman of America
and the Home Forum, and carried a
beneficiary certificate of #2,000. in
the former and #1,000. in the latter.
The members of both orders turned
out to pay their last respects to
their departed brother.
His parents live at Boulder, Col
orado; one sister was at his bedside
during his late illness.
The funeral was held at the Meth
odist church, on Tuesday July, l!)
at J, p. m. anu was very targcty
attended. The pall-bearrers were
all members of the local bar. Rev.
Matthew* officiated and the remains
were laid to rest in the Evergreen
resolution* or loupcittbar.
Be it Resolved, that on this Kith
day of July IH!W, at a meeting of the
members of the Bar of the Twelfth
Judicial district of the .State of Neb
raska, viz: VV. J. Fisher, E A. Smith,
W. K Mellor, J. ,S. I’edler J. VV. Long,
Geo. VV. Hunter, it. J. Nightingale, T.
S. Nightingale, H. M. Mathews and
Aaron Wall, residents of Loup City in
said state, Geo. VV. Hunter, acting
chairman and II. M. Mathews, as secre
tary, It wa9 unanimously resolved that
the Chair appoint a Committee of three
to draw up a set of resolutions for the
Bar, on the subject of the death of their
late lamented brother, the Hon. It. B.
Burrowcs, and that one of the duties of
saiii Committee be to cause said resolu
tions to be published and placed in the
hands of the friends of the deceased.
Whereupon the Chair appointed the
following gentlemen to act as such Com
mittee: -T. S. Nightingale, J. H. I'edler,
and Aaron Wall. Said Committee re
ported as fellows:
BE IT RESOL V El) that w« deeply
deplore the untimely loss by death of
an honored member of the Bar of Sher
man County and realize that there has
gone from our midst an upright citizen
a courteous gentleman, a patient and
painstaking lawyer in practice always
honorable, and digriitied in his demeanor
before the Court and zealous in the pro
tection of his Clients; and we feel that
in the death of our brother, the Honor
able K B. Burrowcs, his family hag been
deprived of an ail’ectionute husband, a
kind and loving father: tbe community
and the public, a patriotic and typical
American citizen, tbe profession ofthe
law . a Jurist of unttsual comprehensive
ability and the members of the Bar, in
dividually and collectively, extend to
the bereaved family and relatives of
the deceased their sincere sympathy
in this their hour of deepest sorrow.
T. 8. Niohtinualk,
Aaron Wall
Report of said Committee received,
resolution adopted and Committee dis
Upon resolution the Chairman wan in
atructed to move at the next aitting
of aahl District Court in and tor Sher
man Comity, that the minutes of this
meeting he spread at length upon the
Journal of said Court.
The meeting adjourned siuie die.
Gko.w. Hi ntkk, Chairman.
Ii. M. Matiikw, Secretary
George Ingalls departed this life
last Thursday night of cancer of the
stomach. His sickness has been of
about six mouths duration, during
which time lie liaa been unuble to
do any work, lie was laid to rest
at Lone Kim cemetery ou Saturday
and a large concourse of people at
tended the funeral. Mr. Ingalls was
hoin in Ohio and was Cl years old.
lie leaves a wile and several child
ren to moutu his loss He was a
devout Christian and also an honored
member of the A O, I’. W und
carried a policy of |J ,UOO.
This community luoum* the loss
of DorneHuus 1* II rad le v who passed
away at hts home on Clear Creek on
Tuesday, duty I!*, 1st**. at I a m,
Mr. Hradiey was an old and highly
respected cHUen lie has been an
invalid for two tears past during
which time he has I wen conttned to
hi* home During hi* 8rst years in
Sherman count*, when he p»**a#wed
health and strength our i inset**
recognised in him a'Je assistance in
ob*anting ptd results in alt public
matters is which to> w **pit*Isgvd to
tahe part
Ms* oania
Before you breed your mare* come
and take a look at the Alex Taylor,
horse. He Is the best ALL PURPOSE
HORSE in Sherman county. I am stand
ing him in my barn.opposite C. Hauck's
blacksmith and wagon shop. Terms
$5.00 to Insure.
R. T. Shtdkr
For the Permanent Cure of Stammer
ing and Stuttering etc., under the per
sonal treasment of Prof. E. C. New
comb, 2021, Sherman avenue, Omaha,
Farmers, Insure your pfripertv In
The Phenix Insurance Company,
against Fire, Lightning. Wind storms
Cyclones and Tornadoes.
w. J. nsneh. Agent.
*10.<X) REWARD.
The* undersigned will pay a reward of ten
do dollar* for information that will convict
any parlies found tampering with, or in any
way damaging insulators, poles, wire or any
oilier property lielonging to the undersigned.
Litc nriKi.i) Telephone r«».
1 have the celebrated English Shire
Stallion, Western Star,at W. O. Browns
Friday Saturday and Sunday, and at
my place one(l) mile cast of town,
other day* of week. Farmer* Interested
in raising good horses will do well to
see this horse. Term I $0.00 to Insure
sucking foal
L. N, Smith.
War Macs-Wc have on sale ai. this
office the very latest edition of Rand
McNally's maps' showing all the princi
ple locations of the present American
Spanish War at a glance. Price 15 cents.
fieufton* Why Clium Lerluln’* Cholic,
Cliolcru and Diarrhoea Ht-incily
I* the Heat.
1. Because it affords almost instant
relief in case of pain in the stomach, col
ic andcboleramorbus.
2. Because It is the only remedy that
never fails in the most severe cases Of
dysentery and diarrhoea.
3 Becuse It is the only remedy that
will cure chronic diarrhoea.
4. Because it is the only remedy that
will prevent bilious colic.
5. Because it is the only remedy that
will cure epidemical dysentery.
«. Because it is the only rein dy that
can always he depended upon in cases
of cholera infantum.
7. Because it is the most promt and
most reliable medicine in use for bowel
8. Because it produces no bad results
!). Because it is pleasant and safe to
10. Beceuse it lias saved the lives of
more people than any other medicine in
the world.
The 25 and iiOe sizes for sale by.—
Odendalil Bro's, Druggist
E. A. Blanks of Lewisville. Texas
writes that one box of DeWitts Witch
Hazel Salve was worth g-IO.OO to him.
It cured his piles of ton years standing.
He advises others to try It. It also cures
eczema, skin diseases and obstinate
sores.—Odendalil Bros.
Will close out my stock of Baby car
riages at cost to make room for new
goods.—,E. II. W.vTKISON.
The annual Teachers Institute of
snerman county, win De new at I.oup
Ctly. beginning on July IS. and contin
uing for two weeks. Prof J. A. Horn
berger, now of Naperville, III will con
duct the Institute. 1’rof. llornberger,
is well known in Nebraska, having
taught eighteen Institutes in the state
during the last six years. He will lie
assisted by an aide instructor in Prima
ry methods All those w ishing to teach
in the county the ensuing year must
attend this institute. Come and let us
get mutual ideas as to the best methods
of teaching An examination for teach
ers certille.ites will be held at the close
of the term, A course of three or four
lectures, by able talent, which will prove
very liencilcial to teachers, will he given
during the two weeks. Yours for u
successful Institute
O. S. I.KiNiNUKK, County Kupl
♦ • ♦
Boh Moore, of l.aFayette. loti, says
that for constipation he has found l»e*
will’s Little Parly Kisers to be perfect.
They never gripe. Try them for stomach
and liver troubl r». Odendulil lims.
vppiupm.crtoji nit.i..
oaiiiMsin a No *
| Au ->r.lloanee relating to levying a tax on
i the tsiiehl* property |i«r«oAAl, 4ml
| rnitMt, of the vUMtf* uf l.oupctiy, fcebr
to p#ov hie lor U»« u«« M«Aty r <*«• uf
«ei4 \ ft»i U»« RkaI . etu uf I***, itnl
I (tfuruiliif m«A4« uf Mlvrlittf miuv
I Itpilul ItllftS’ l tiy l!(P vltr iUM i ANil tM«t4
• *< i vu«t«NM ul *»•# ««i4 ' i t«ftM>l Luuitt'ily
? Nel.iesfce
1M i. ffcet tin* Ua «a4 (• hereby
(•tiff a IRt root# t*i
«t|tl Hillr'l eilhU Ibt' 1'U-Mf ut 1.04*1’
► A A -4 t t
I t iAlMV U«IK«|| I is# lAI MAMlhlitll AflM
•«» h mpH lit t f 4t«i|H*l«4 ku e »l
C4 »v u.|iU
k». .Md.a*.., .halt •• la
iww*irsws«eNi»ibt i At-'*- -4a, - eel ,.<*
w w w
AAllMi * * u 41 *4 l«U«
rtNt I pe»<#4l ifcie #t»l 4a| uf 4*ty
' »*e*
Here We Are
Bipdipg T'wip6) Buggies,
have just arrived. Call while I have a big assortment
to seclet from. I have a big stock of
Mills, Pumps and Pipes.
Sewing Machines, Machine Oils, etc
___ J
will insure your crops against hail in the reliable
This company has been engaged in the Hail business for the past
fourteen years. Within the last eleven years it has paid for losses by
Hail the sum of $411,030.30. This large sum of moijey has been paid
without a single law suit, and to the satisfaction of the claimants.
The Hail policy is the tairest and most eijuitable over issued by any
insurance company. It carefully protects the interests of the insured :iqd
provides a just method for arriving at the amount of the loss in case the
crop be injured by hail.
This is the only Stock Fire Insurance Company in the United States
engaged in the hail business. It has ample assets to cover all liabilities.
It pays its losses promptly and honestly. We solicit vour business for
the year 1898.
F. E. BREWER, Agent.
Spot €ash
is What Talks,
25 PEP GENT Cheaper-' ^
and does not require you to pay for goods that the other ltd- I
low bought and did not pay for. This is what cash i
will do: It will buv an Oak
10 X 10 for $1.(10, which at the usual way of doing
business would cost \<>u $1.28, and
for 1 .”»!*. Ordinarily it wouhl cost you $2.00.
I also have a large
for only $1.78 s<>ld elsewhere for $2.80
I am *4*1 Hum; my «*iiliro duck of gotal* fori
<M|iiallv it" low Call nutliiH* im* at |
Tip- UtieLtd Mtoit* I
« « « > » « • % ■