The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 22, 1898, Image 7

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    His Sweetheart—When yon know I
wanted to hear from you so much,
Harry, after that battle, why didn’t
you send me at least two words by ca
Try Allen’s Font-Eaae.
A powder to he shaken Into the J
shoes. At this season your feet feel I
swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired j
easily. If you have smarting feet or
tight shoes, try Allen’s Koot-EaBe. It |
"ools the feet and makes walking easy
Cures swollen and sweating feet, blis- |
ter» and callous spots. Relieves corns
and bunions of all pain and gives rest ,
and comfort. Try It today. Sold by !
all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. j
Trial package free. Address Allen B.
Olmsted, L* Roy, N. Y.
If we cannot live so as to be happy
let us at least live so as to deserve it.
To Coro vo.igiipauon Forever.
Take < asoarets Candy Cathartic. incor"*. j
U C. C. C. full to cure, druggists refund money, j
Dare to do your duty always; tills i
is the height of true valor.
Wtirat 40 Cents » llunliel.
How to grow wheat with big profit at 40
cents ami samples of Saber's Red Cross (so
Bushels per acre) Winter Wheat, Rye, Oats.
Clovers, etc., with Farm Seed Catalogue
for 4 cent a postage .JOHN A. BARKER
SEED CO., La Crosse, Win. w.u.u.
A man’s wisdom Is his best friend;
folly his worst enemy.
..I., ..-■ -■ ■ ... —-— •
For a perfect complexion and a dear,
healthy akin, use COSMO BUTTEEMIRk.
SOAP. Bold everywhere.
If you want to please some men Just
tell them they look like actors. 1
The way of truth is like a groat road
It is not difficult to know It. The evl:
is only that men will not seek It.
To those visiting Denver we cannot
say too much In praise of the American
House. The table Is one of the best In
the country, and the service is unsur
passed any place. The artesian water
used throughout, the house is known
everywhere for its purity. These facts
and rate, >2 per day, make it the most
desirable house in Denver.
To silence the voice of conscience,
follow its dictation.
Rlood-( .r»n ii£.
Hon Eft-clean in# I* a duty iu every well
regulated household. Feoide don't wait
until the filth heroine* painfully apparent,
but it stand* to reason that in every day
use more or lees dust or dirt accumulate.
It is so wit h the human blood. From the
enormous variety of eatable* taken into
the Ntonsaeh. a ijuautity of u*ele-* ma
terial i* bound to accumulate iu the bloo i
and clog the free and wholesome flow iu
the veswfdx. Kvery per on should from
limetot.m" have a “blood-cleaning' and
the best cleanser and blood purifier is
Crura ret* Candy Cathartic. W# recom
mend them to all our reader*.
Zeal without knowledge la worst,
than dynamite.
makes the skin soft, white and healthy.
Sold everywhere.
Departing modesty never buy* a re
turn ticket.
Meanly i* Hinou DMp.
Clean Mood mean* acleun akin No beauty
without It. Case u re I*. I’un-.y «*u»h.trMc
cleans your blood and keep* It clean, by »tlr
rlng up the lar.y liver hm<I driving allliupu
rbies from ttie body. Begin today to bantnh
pimple*, boll*, blotche*. b acklieuu*. and that
•IcUly billou* complexion by taking c’nsca
n*ii» beuuly for ten emu. All druggists,
satisfaction guaranteed 10c. 89c. 50c.
nmnmee e 19W¥¥ tsss
0m 110
ffhe hair
is like a plant. What makes the plant fade and wither?
Usually lack of necessary nourishment. The reason why I)r.
Ayer’s Hair Vigor restores gray or faded hair to its normal
color, stops hair from falling, and makes it grow, is because
it supplies the nourishment the hair needs.
“When a girl at school, in Reading, Ohio, 1 had a severe
attack of brain fever. On my recovery. 1 found myself
perfectly bald and, for n long time, 1 feared 1 should ho
permanently so. Friends urged me to use Dr. Ayer’s Hair
Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair immediately began to grow,
and I now have as heavy and fine a head of hair as one could
wish for, being changed, however, from blonde to dark
brown.” -Mr*. J. H. HoRSNYDKIt, 152 Pacific Ave., Santa
Crux, Cal.
jlyer’s JCair Vig or. j |
^Notwithstanding all the other starches on the
market. Now, why was it, why Is it, that
millions of packages of KEITH'S EHAMEL STARCH
have been used in the lew years since this
starch was invented? Just do vour ironing
one month with KEITH'S ENAMEL STARCH and you
will see. It makes ironing so easy, it puts on
that beatiful enamel finish, that it puts it at
I the head of every known aid for ironing.
Manufactured by '
We imtke flue Surrey*. Buggies. Phaeton# nod IPad Wasroue.i |laiM ^ w#re*
<mr K«M>d* haw been favorably known to the trade i- r year*.I Ra* one*.
We now Sell direct «• the aarr ai Whalraal# Prirea. 'I be aluewdi (Nun mb *1.
\VM« buyer prefer# to deal with the factory. He get# of ua flue'. ■ ' ■ "
\UAUOT work at lea* price then agent* iok for low grace vebit lea. We ahlp anywhere.
subject to ejtamlnatlAu. WE DK1.IYKK on board «art Kau*a« City. M<>.. or tbiahen.
/V1 /* Ind., a# may *uM purchaser. Send for catalogue wlih price* plainly printed.
r_ j | if'K PM if a. Write today We *ell >ewlng Mavbioe* and tbe GOkHK> lilt Yt LK a*
\r~A | well. AH At WM»i*»*le Prirea ALL GOOD. \o metier where you ||\e. you are Dot
\/ t«M» far evray to d<» htielne** with ua end *av* money. Addre»a.
W. N. O.OMAHA. NO. 30-1898
„ ^ ^ •'veft
When Answering Advertisement* Kindly
Mention This Taser.
fftO.OOO Stock of all trailek of
Furniture reuently bought at the
very lomat rash price will !*■ «(•
fervddurlng tin' next few months
at special prices.
Customers visiting Omaha will
timi this the largest ami oldest
furniture store here, snd we will
uiaue every effort to ptense both
in goods aud prices
Chas. Shiverick & Co.,
1206 Douglaa St. Omaha,
Hill lu Kllltra Haiti
tot* T*» MutU a* •>» • *•*.»•* tfe’t
Atllvflltfib.dl M r«ftl ** fttil ft 4ift*<->«ftl »l
i Ml • Ml -Ht |||« {i.r,fcft*» *»f ft.** t'Mlu**- fla
«l ildtt ft* >M| *• •!»#*•* i*4 Vm •*« ftp II u<| lift*
Ift#* • In r*< wft.ft.aft4 ho It* tlta** iftftli >) tfta
| «A****f r«s» ftdft *«ft.ft ft ttefl
lw»>*l ft UiM IN |n* Ii«4m| i ;
rCHOIUHO count quick
*1*1:01 otyuutlt Smm t,eu
• ««* See tut <>HM. ft tutwiltlis p C
•». Ipf l RdA*»*t*f. Ounrw.tNMM*
ft*ft 9t»ftMl*ftllOft »>»<» ftdhid I »ft 'IN tftwf* Nil
I'Mppwlft*** wfthft>ift* i*‘. “Aft At tiM stftfft >N eft 0, |l.
CiftCIM! VCMOflS I Mm*s* tsaew ft *4*1
, ft ftftf ..pi ft *4fftft1-- | ft,,. tt *Pftft Nl t ,
A* tftftft % « tft*** 1 * %
“A tape worm eighteen reel lou* at
leant came »n the n.ein- aftci my taking two
CASi AHETs. Thla I aui aure han cauneil my
bait health for the pant three veura I am atilt
taklug Caararete, the only catUartlc worthy of
notice by aouaihlo pci<|i|r "
lim W Bowiga. Ho.rd. Jtlaaa
P'mmbi Tim*# u«mi f*o
Uuuti "•*•« *•<'*•* WNlfb tt# Mr ft*' Ini
» '»•* In* tlMIHP «MtPN>. (Ml Mi
■••TOMc ;Miri¥fcTSsULU:r
o *.«••«•••»• 'Mft
• ■ a«
1*4 *M# r# M ■ i*4 «44«
Sn ti «■»•*•* ««4 MM4f tatlkl |w« *
|| *| I*. I.if |MB ,
••***. I* *• (NM ll»** HM>I I
4«*.n i««m Mm Ism.
•» ami 4 N«v»* •sMt.aai j
***** *■ 0,4 ki fcwwft •**«**- •<***-« .<Mi 4 » 4*y*r
W«iMb4M4l tVMSB IMI MMM owMMh MM—M 4*
||OHN. IfOIIPIIJpjM •**«,«, • ft
Abe. lOMM) MttlttMWMI I *4I|
<I4I<« I Am r.pil.
From the <iazrttr. BlantiiutvtIU, III.
The wife of the Rev. A. R Adams, pasli
i of the Bedford Christian Church at Blau
i diusvilla 111., was for veara compelled tc
| live a life of torture from disease. He
case baffled the physicians, but today sin
| is alive and well and tells tha story of hat
j racovery as follows:
'About six years ago,” said Mrs Adams
“I weighed about 140 pounds, but ray
i beal.h began to fail and I lost flesh. My
food did no; agree with me and felt like r.
{ stone in ray stomach. 1 l agan to bloat all
i over until 1 thought 1 had dropsy.
"1 had pains ami soreness in my left side
which extended clear across my hack am!
| also into the region of my heart. Durin
these spells a hard ridge would appear in
| the left side of my stomuch and around
the left side.
These attacks left me soro and ex
hausted. AM last summer I was so nervo ,
| that the children laughing ami playing
! nearly drove mewild. 1 suffered also from
female troubles ami doctored with ten dif
ferent physicians without receiving any
•'31y husband having read iu the news
impel- of Dr.
\V i 11 i a ni s’
1’iuk Pills
for Palo Peo
ple, induced
me to try
them. I be
gan taking
the m last
Novem be r
but experi
enced no re
lief until 1
Im<l taken
six I«iw. I
am now tak
„ ing the alev
—» enth box and
hare bean greatly Iteucflted.
"I was also troubled with nervous pros
tration and numbuasaor my right arm and
hand so that at times I could hardly endure
the pain, but that has all pasaad awav. I
now have a good appatitt and am able to
do my own work. Hare done more this
summer than in the pait four years put
together. Dr. Williams'Fink Pill's for I'ale
People cured me. and I think it my duty to
let other sufferers know it."
I Hundreds of equally remarkable cases
| hart baencured by I»r. Williams Pink Pills.
Argument—Something that it takes
a lot to get Ilea well established.
"Murats your iiom ls yytth Caecarats.
Canity Cathartic cure constipation forev,
10c, ;LVc. If CL CL C. fail, druggists refund money
Usurer—The only man who takes tco
much interest in hlx business.
.Something About an Attractive Pleasure
Trip s d How to Ylake It.
The famous Canadian corporation,
the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation
Company, hHs letued a Guide Hook, en
titled "Niagara to the Sea,” which
may he had by writing to the general
offices of the company, 1!S8 St. Paul
street, Montreal. Canada, anti which
anyone who may be thinking of mik
ing a pleasure trip through Lower
| Canada this slimmer will lind It ad
| vantageous to consult. The handsome
anil commodious steamboats of the
company traverse a route which for
picturesque beauty and historic inter
est is not surpassed, is barely equaled
by any water highway in the world.
Toronto, the western let minus of the
line, a handsome, prosperous, bustling
city. In Itself is well worth a visit, is
easily and expeditiously reached from
Niagara Palls, and from there the salt
across Lake Ontario and down the St.
Lawience River, past Kingston, Brock
ville, Prescott and Cornwall and other
well-known places to Montreal and
Quebec is distinguished by a varied
and abiding charm.
The tourist passes among the far
famed Thousand Islands, and, althougn
he must not expect to spc the best of
them from the deck of the bout, he will
be able to get an idea of the secret of
their singular attractiveness, ft the
season is propitious—that is, during
the months of July and August— ne
will experience the peculiar sensation
known only to those who have shot the
Lachine and the Long Sault. Rapids,
and when he reaches Montreal he will
find himself In a city which combines
many of the graces of the Old World
with all the energetic progresslvene i
of the new. Should he continue bis
■fnnrnrv In Onp}»pr* h« will fat*) c;
though he had crossed the Atlantic and
arrived at some ancient European cap
ital. Montreal is in insist things rn
modern as New York, hut Quebec, al
though by no means wanting in the
conveniences of life, seems to belong
to a bygone century and to a noli', r
world. It is essentially foreign an a I!
the varied aspects of its life.
From Quebec it is but a short jour
ney to the Saguenay Itlver. which, oi
the wild and awful sublimity of its
environment, is Iteyoiid compare.
Chivalry That good old age when
people actually married for love.
Mrs. miisiows Mouth lug My top
••hiunri. I e.tni g affb t— |WMI Nitilt •» Ml#
mUob, tilt)e |«Ih, t’urw via*t • *» »•vuui •mill.'
Qrntist -A man who looks ilonn in
the mouth when he has to work
A hath with COSMO Hl’TTKRMll.K
SOAI*. eii|Ui>itely m eiited, I* sooltuug uiul
beneficial. Sold everywhere.
tiltinders-ln others synonymous
with our own mistakes
Csa’i Cssys HaIsass
* Ihs hM*rt A*. I hMl It -III toes* MSSSSM SWlcSsr
ISSA »s> I Ale# It A* slasi • tel**-.* hi II
Kiss i wireless le egraph mer age
to l he heart
Me will forfeit fl.ww ll aa* «’ our pu>>
itsheil iwuisiais i ara itutau le i« set
geaaiae Ins i’i*u In, ii errs*. I'a
Agreeable A p s-m who always
agrees suit you
tui t it v tas sum miiih| mi
a AS 4s A * » itiusi.1 III ll. » A' I Is
If 4 ara a is Ignorant he suut pub
1 tabes the fact
its* To-Mae Ihs t.riy teal**
ti*44■ !>♦ *■"« VajfMMi *r** to®**-! rkt^ #W*t## 4*Mtk
«4«**«*^ W* 4 *»*»• * 41 |i kli 4f'•## **•*
llti‘ W irM*f A Mxfl a I III# if)
fell* I • I I *****
It I <|«# MltiMitf hk*, tV
Uf mm m4h **> «Mty M I#*
Inn Not It* Hun lijr Regular Train
I'otirr ou Arruant of Mo|it—Mftta'ul*
In \ugu* on Kuropvau Railroad* -
home Novel Idea*.
From I ho New York Tribune: T.ic
two systems of electric lighting wbb h
are best known In America rely
chiefly on the generation of the iteier:
sary current by a dynamo In the bag
rate i ur. In ore there Is a strum ert
rine coupled to the dynamo and tab
Ing strain from the locomotive boiler.
Thb is tlie practice on the Chicago.
Milwaukee anil ;>t. Patti road. Oi
other line- Hip attempt ha-, been
made to drive the dynamos with be t
Ing or a sprocket. < liairr. from un extra
wheel on the car axle. The latter plan
would work only when the car was la
motion were not a few cells of stor
age battery employed to supply tli"
lights with current when ihe tra' i
tame to a it op. This resource hi ah >
necessary in sleepers which stand In
u terminal station for half an hour
before the train slarts or on a slde
tiack at a Junction, waiting for th?
train on the trunk line to come along.
In iMIUfitui /in t Via . >1 ime ti.ivi.-t l« t •
customary to rely entirely on (h?
storage battery, and not to general?
the electricity on the train at all. At
certain stations, usually terminal sta
tion*, the battery Is taken out for
charging, and one already c harged is
quickly substituted. Where runs of
only loo. 300 or 300 miles are made,
the number and weight of the accu
mulators would not be a serious con
sideration. perhaps, but In America,
where a person rides 1,00‘), 3,000 or
3,000 miles in the same car. the stor
age battery system is almost out of
the question. The cells would be so
numerous and bulky ns to require
more space than can v.ell be spared.
In some respects America Is ahead of
Europe In the matter of electric con
venience* on railway train*. On cer
tain western road* the limited ex
presses, like flrst-daxc hotels, have
electric heaters for women's curling
Irons. A correspondent of the Rail
road (Jazette. complaining of the*
slow progress of electric' train lighting
in this country, supplies sonic partic
ulars a-- to the extent of the practice
on the other side of the Atlantic. He
writes from Berlin, and says: ' The
electric system of car lighting e;
tenrl* itself every day more over all
Europe, and It certainly Is a queer co
incidence • that at the same- period
when Secretary Tbtelen. in whose
sphere of administration garllght is
exclusively e mployed, proclaimed him
self against the electric system tin*
general direction of the; slate railroads
of Denmark resolved to intrcsline
electric car lighting on all its lines.
All the? railroads on the isle of Zea
land, on which Copenhagen Is situa
ted. have already electric lights. A
few clays ago we received orders to
furnish the storage batteries for llghl
Ing the trains on all the lines of the
Islands of Halster and Euhnen. At
the same time they resolved to estab
lish a charging station for storage
butteries at Sirucr, In Jutland, to pli
ably them to begin next year with the
Introduction of electric car lighting on
all the lines In Jutland. The railroads
in Sw itzerland w ill now adopt electric
car lighting, following the example of
the Jiira-Slmplon railroad, so that in
a few years all cars on the Swiss rail
roads will be provided with electric
light. Almost all the private railroads
of Sweden and Norway have electric
light, also nianv Hetman and Austrian
private railroads, for Instance tits
Dortmund-Oronau-Enscheder. Hie pro
vineial railroad of Westphalia, the
Mtd.i miu-Oolburg. the Marienburg
Mlawka, the PrlEnllzthal. the Meoh
lenbtiiK I'redetle-William, the Witten
berg-I'erleberg. the Arad-t'zauud, ete.
The Kmparor I'erdlnaod Northern and
the Royal Hungarian railroad intru
duee the system more and more. While
in the beginning of 1890 In all Europe
about ",000 ears had electric light,
there must he now more than 6 00V
Knew On* of i Usui.
One day a pompous little fellow at
a dinner table was boasting of the
great men with whom he was on In
timate term* lie hail been in lousiant
correspondence with l.uiisf-lluw. had
lunched with Tennyson, was in friend
ly relations with the Ihirne of Wales,
and. In i-hntt. knew everything and
i everybody vt length a quiet tndtvl
! dual at the further end of the room
! broke In on the ion versa! Ion with the |
question My dear sir did you hap
! pen to know the if lames# Twins when .
they were In this country*''
Our hetu, who evidently had a tat- j
j ut fur lying l>v no real g<nlu*. at j
! nice replied
"The yttainese Twin* air’ Vt*. sir, j
I l he* ins* very inuma'e with uae of!
thsni t-r l never bsd the goad fnrtuno i
to Sirtl the Other,"
rs fsisi ss vna Hues#.
*1 have patnlsd all soils of k»iri in 1
n.v itios said the painter, "but I |
never had mot* satisfaction ecu of a j
; job then I did ssl uf Ike work I $ . j
■ . iwpUeb*d an iHannigan's old hutir* j
I *v be sisikukSoMi ware old and grey [
I I Sue w thev wwo'd srtab op a let of >
pant nod to*I * experiment Ooi
of rye g»»r and glue I mad* s strong j
l a ii I pa* e osleg * ah' pound* of goto j
1 h» ik* wbof* hoo>* mbb h ns# n *mad j
MO* I Tb* pvasft* I applied as bed SC
pwwHUbh and Is I dev thorn *ah,y Its .
this body" I psis'ed svisi gaud nhHa j
*»• Inch b*v.« Iasi lohsci «. In otmtf I
-arrest Words From Women Who Have Been Relieved Of Backache
—Mrs. Plnkhom Warns Against Neglect.
Dear Mrs. F;:iehau :—I have been thankful c. thousand times, since I wrote
you, for what your Vegetable Compound hna done for me I followed your ad
vice carefully, und now I feci like a different person. My troubles were buck
iche, headache, nervous tired
eeling. painful menstruation und
I took four bottles of Vegetable
Compound, ono boa of Liver
I’ills, and v <«! out; package of
.Sanative Wash, end am now well.
I thunk you again for tho good
vou have done for me.—Ki.i.a K.
IIhexxkii, East Rochester. Ohio.
(treat numbers of such letters as
the aVove urcconstantly being re
reived by Mrs. I'inUlium from wo
men whoowc thuirln a!thin <1 hap
piness toherndvice nml rued" inc.
Mrs. I’inkhum’s aildresa is
Lynn, M:.'-s. ller advice is of- V
fered fr: o to nil suffering wonn n L.
whosrc puzzledabout themselves. V
If you l.nvi ba i:n< hedon'tneg- L
leeSitor t ry In .a..cully to "work it
down."yon must reach the root of
the trouble, und nothing' will do
this so safely und surely us Lydia
E. I’inkiuun'i, Vcgcluhlo Coin
pound. liackuche is uceompunicd
jy a lot of other Belies und wearying sensations, but they nearly always cornu
from tho name source. Remove tho cause of these distressing things, and you
■jccomc well und strong. Mrs. H. J. Mwaxson. of Hibson City, 111,, tells her ex
perience in tlio following letter:
“ Dr. All Mus, I’ixsiia m : Ik-fore using your medicine I was troubled with Inad
iclie und my back ached so that I could not rest. Yorr medicine Is the best I have
•ver used; it hus relieved me of my troubles, und J feci like myself again.
Thunks to Lydia E. 1’inkham.
“ I would advise uny one troubled with female weakness to take yo:ir mo.di
•inc. 1 shall ulso recommend It wherever I can us u great reliever of ^itin."
K Million Women Have Been Benefited toy Mrs. Plnkhatn'sAdvicc and Medicine
A Beautiful
Present Free
For a few months to al! users of the
celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, (Flat
Iron Brand). To induce you to try this
brand of ttarch, so that you may find out
i for yourself that all claims for its superi
ority and economy are true, the makers
have hid prepared, at great expense, a
series of
Game Plaques
i ---- --
exact reproductions of the $10,000 originals ty Muvi'lc, which will be
given yon ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named below, These
Plaquesane 40 inches in circumference, arc free of any suggestion of advertising
whatever, and will ornament the most elegant apartment. No manufacturing concern
i ever before gave away such valuable presents to its customers. They arc not for safe
at any price, and can be obtained only in the manner specified. The subjects arei
The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life. Each Plaque it
bordered with a band of gold.
how TO GET THEM, I Elastic Starch
! wetllwc'hM."'’KliSTit si'.™!tsiil TWENTyIVwo^MIUJON p«E
Iron Kraut!,, are entitled to receive from a.ea „i ,k(. brand weie told last
their grocer one or those beautiful Oamc ages oi tni* erana weie soia last
Plaque* free. The plaques will not to year. That f how good it It.
sent by mulL They cun bo obtained only ►
from your arm or. Ask Your Dealer ,
Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch. f0 sh0w you the Plaques and tell I
Do not delay. This offer Is for a short vou at,out Elastic Starch. Accept •
time only. 7 . ►
______________ no substitute* ,
TfeMMMt iiy« «•*«. Oc. kay i Li*f tfito SHR&S1