The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 22, 1898, Image 4

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    The Northwestern
GEO. E. BENSCHOTKR. ( Editors and
GEO. H. GIBSON, i Publlsheri
Entered at the Loup City Foxtofflce for trans
mission through the malls as second
class matter.
Official Paper Sherman Count)
The Republican electors of the state of Ne
braska. are requested to send delegates from
tbelr respective counties to meet In convention
In the city of Lincoln, on Wednesday. August
10, I8W, at lOo’clock u. m., for the purpose ol
placing in nomination candidates for the fol
lowing officers:
l. Governor.
8. Lieutenant governor.
3. Secretary of state.
4. Auditor of public accounts.
3. Treasurer.
A. Superintendent of public instructions.
7. Attorney-general.
8. Commissioner of public lands and build
And to transact such other business us may
properly come before the convention.
Sherman county, Is entitled to four delegates
the apportionment being based upon the vote
cast for Hon. Albert J. Hurnhum. for preslden
tlal elector In I8KA. giving each county one de
legate at large and one for each 133 votes and
major fraction thereof.
It la recommended that no proxies tie admit
ted to the convention and that the delegation*
present be authorized to cast the entire vole
of the delegation of the county which they
It Is requested that the county convention*
select their committeemen and perfect theli
county organisation at the tlrst convenflor
la counties In which two con veil lions are held
1 .IAviii If mKin eh, Chairman.
ED. R. SIZER, See.
Does our long ad beared to prin
ciples as embodied in the Monroe
doctrine interfere with our acquiring
any new territory either by conquer
ing. purchasing, or voluntary Joining
our union if the territory so acquiree
does not lay between the shores ol
two oceans, seems to be a questiot
of considerable im|>orl at the presen
time, owing to the fact that there ii
within our citizenship those who he
lieveweean not safely annex out-lying
territory. As far as the Monroi
doctrine is concerned the annexing
of the Philippines or any other Pa
eifle ocean islands does not seem to
cut any figure. That doctrine lays
down the plain facts to Kuropc that
we woald consider it an unfriendly
act toward the United States for them
to acquire any more territory in this
Hemisphere. Why? Because their
forms of government was antagonis
tic to ours, and that a monarchy and
a Republic would not be peaceable
neighbors. Their policy was to take
ail the territory they could and op
press with taxation the inhabitants
thereof, and give them no represen
tation in their law-making bodies al
though the laws made was to govern
the very people that were not allow
ed to have a voice in their making.
Our principles was that the govern
or any land should receive its power
from the people governed, There
fore we viewed with alarm the en
croachments of foreign monarchs
upon the smaller republics of the
western world, and the Monroe doct
rine was the ligitimatc outcome.
D..& !a._ . • i . .
iv muob uc ruuieiuuereu uiiu
there was no interference contem
plated where foreign countries had,
and were maintaining a government
over territory in America. Neither
was it contemplated to interfere
where one of those countries would
go to war with another and by force
of arms wrest one of those Ameri
can depeodedcies from her, but they
should not lie allowed to conquer
and hold any territory governed by
the natives of the soil, nor would we
acquire any soil in their part of the
globe to menace their peace. But
when we take from Spain the Phil
ippines, we are only extending the
Monroe doctrine to a jioor weax peo
ple that have long ask us for aid, aud
to maiutaiu those people who have
aa good right to life liberty aud con
sequent bappiueus a* any other peo
ple. Wemualgite them a govern
lueut, and educate them in the way
ot administering it, aud also protec t
them agaiuat the averaciou* incur
atom* uf Ilium- gu* vrumenta that care
nothing for human rights
I hat the Philippines are lust to
iipnin. there la no queettue, with our
withdrawal Herman*, or mar other
Kurupeaa ealtua will team get them
they are more contiguous to u* than
to them, the deal re of the Phils
plwue te fur n * lower adUlwinm with
Amertee. the* dived the airtsUs re* *
at Europe, they have felt iu gaoling
chain* too Umg sailor A mein* to
abandon them, after delivering them
from European thraldom would be
au act of cowardice on our part and
one that we cannot afford to be guilt}
But a few months a go Germany,
made a sortie on Ciao Cbua, bay and
compelled China, to give up consider
able soil simply because she was not
physically able to defend it against
German aggression. Her next step
will be the subjugation of the Phil
ippines. Our commercial interests
are as dear to ns as theirs is to'them
and just as necessary to our wellfare
in the future. There is no justify
ing vandalism and if it is a game of
grab and keep the United States
must be up and doing or in a short
time she will find herself left out in
the cold. It does not justify the
United States to steal provinces
because other countries are doiug It,
but we are justified in protecting the
future commercial interests of our
countiy if it is threatened by the
conciousless cussedness of Europe.
The only true principle for us under
existing circumstances is to see that
Old Glory lloats ovor those islands
now and forever.
With John Bull at Hong Kong,
Uncle Sam at Manila, and Japan
for a neighbor, no other country will
dare interfere.
The Islands of Cuba, I’orto Rico
and the Philippines, each are located
near enough the equator to make
them all tropical countries nod their
fertility is so great that very little
work is necessary to produce an
abundant crop of tropical fruits and
vegntablcs. The palm trees that
grows there are said to be capable
of furnishing food, water fuel and
shelter for tha natives. The fruit
of the palm is said to be very pnli*
table and healthy. The pith of the
heart furnishes water for mun or
beasts when squeased out and it is
claimed that cattle in some parts of
Cubu, get no other water during the
dry season. The leaves which grow
in a bunch close to the top will reach
the great length of six feet and can
be doubled in the shape of u kittle,
and us long as water is kept in them
they will not burn but serve to cook
the food for the natives in. Then
they are used for Tarpaulins in the
rainy season to cover goods, and
also for covering the frame work of
a shack. Thereby protecting the
natives from the raise of the sun or
the downpour of rain. They are
also used for hats and the tree itself
is very good for lumber. It has no
bark and is very hard on the ouiside,
growing softer towards the heart,
and is so easily sq'it that boards can
be split from it to lay doors or side a
Very little work is necessary for
an existence for the man who wants
nothing more than a living, and in
dustry and intelligence are always
richly rewarded. Some of the an
imals in the United States who are
indigenious to the O/.arks and Alle
ghanies, and who never do more
than to hunt and fish for a living
would find these Islands a veritable
Should Uncle Sam hold those
Islands as he shauld do, or even es
tabliBb a protectorate over them so
that life and property are safe and
the same advantages lie granted
them us in the United States, Yankee
ingenuity will make them (doom as
the rose, anil fifty years will settle
all question of ownership, us the
Yankee will absorb the Malay and
Spaniard, and a distinct Anglo-Amer
ican race that only acknowledges
allegiance to freedom, thought and
press will inhabit those gardens i f
the world.
Asa sample we cau draw oui con
clusions from llawaiia. The world
wauts liberty, tin* oppressed wauls
help, and can only receive it from llie
humanitarian, therefore they usktd
to be saved from the ty rant, civil wed
or seuit.
The Times Indp. suvs, ' The Hep
uMn Ian* are tot howling much about
infant industries uow adays ' No M
Tunes ti nre is n > necwMiitjr of il sir,
Your bump of common sense is Urge
enough to know that a yearling can
stand si|ia the proper support which
Iki always get alien we havea Hup
ttblhan administration Hut when
Umv aiv jumped sp>s and ku k»o
ihust and every supporting prop
putt* I from under Ikn by I leu e
cralic or pop dampkoulistiae** they
gel weaa in Ike ktesa
HtHv Hri «n is about ike <u»t% large
institution we have in the country that
is paying a teo thousand per cent
divided on wind pudding.
In the late authorization of $1100,000
000 wur loan on the popular plan
there has been seven hundred and
fifty million dollars ottered by indiv
iduals and none asking for wore
than $500. All application for
$ 5,000 and over were rejected entire
ly and those for leas than five thous
and over one, were allowed at
1 a!f or less, according to the amount
ask for. Those for five tiuudrod will l>e
allotted in full as far as the loan goes.
It takes 'too clerks to open the I tier
and record the aplicaitoiis No syndi
cate will get a dollar, as private in
dividual applications more tliau take
the full amount of loan called for
and the Disgruntled !>cmopopic
|i.M>d|« * re weeping net wailing and
cussing the luck that there chance 'o
aluise the administration on the Syn
dicate plan ts gone
Vt a »vt eat populist t ouveltou hebl
at M sen Hi* last week H |,,
tired i was ten-onmated foi loagivs*
to a o taonous was of the contention
It steen snativs ■ ut ul a |»tu* thirty
font * ts rrpii so says a llo-h
en How eo*fes|w>nilent to the Mtate
Joufusl, wfcertnaa osiaii was rvpn<
seal in f h Nightingale sad otto is
■ BOW are the chil
, ' Are they doing (,
i well? Do they <
' , get all the benefit they ,'
', should from their food ? (‘
■ Are their cheeks and lips
of good color? And are
, > they hearty and robust in <,
i every wav ? < ‘
', If not, then give them , ’ J
Scott’s Emulsion ; > I
« * !
, * of cod liver oil 'With hypo- ', J
• phosphites. <
! It never fails to build '<
,' up delicate boys and girls. ',
(i It gives them more flesh <
' i und better blood. i'
' | Ills III -t s«. U nh the
< baby also. A little Scott's -
< I mulsion. three or four 1,
,1 times a day, w ill make *,
(• the thin baby plump and <
i "►prosperous. It , ‘
Li furnishes tin , ‘
body with
y« material ',
ssary for 1,
ng bones i
tree*. (’
V \ j
J. Phil Jaeger
Wants you to examine his new in
voice of Heady to Wear Goods.
Our stock of men’s and
boy’s xuits are comeplete in
every particular and we can
suit you both in quality and
price. Give us a call and
be convinced that our prices
are away down and the
quality of our goods is away
up. All fresh seasonable
goods. We have just re
ceived them and want to sell
them out in time to make
room for a fall stock so
will sell on the least possible
We h ive the finest line
of shoes ever brought to
this city. Our large invoice
just received enables us to
fit everybody and suit every
body as to style, quality of
goods and prices. We
make a specialty of our shoe
department and invite all to
come in and look over our
Fqll line of ladie’s and
gent’s furnishing* goods and
a big stock of general mer
Suer Faints si Eteri Kiri.
Remember that “Old Glory” still waives
in the breeze and that we are paying the
highest market price for your produce and
give you prompt service and courteous treat
ment. Your Respectfully,
J. PfllL cJA6Q€I^
Loup City, e Neb.
and local newspaper in
, . ------ —
Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher Lour City NoiiTUWKttTKitN
Fisher Sc Benschoter,
Real Estate Agents,
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated
I, Lips, Lips.
We wish to call the attention of our
many customers to the fact that we have
added to our stock an elegant line of
Lamps, also a fine assortment of GLASS
WARE, fancy cups and saucers and plates.
We assure all that the prices are way
down. It is a pleasure to come in and
look the goods over and to posess them
is a privelage.
Thanking you for past favors 1 am
Yours Truly, I. S. SHgPPflRD,
Jeweler and Optician,
Loup City, Neb.
To whoiu It may concern
Tim commissioner uppoliiind to . lew n
road commencing hi the south east corner
of Section atx ,t.i, Township tlftccu, I.M,
Itange thirteen 11.1) In Sherman county
Nebraska, end running thence weal on
Section line to the aonlh weat corner of
aald acctlon ala i< and there terminating, ;
line reported lu favor of the vatab- ,
llabment thereof, end all objeetloua |
thereto or etalina for datuagea mint tie bled
In the County Clerh’e office on or l*eft»re
noon of I he let dey of September, A U
|a*i or amd road will haeaiabilahed with- '
out refai ant e thereto.
Hated June Wait, lane
Jown Miami u, t ouuty i li ra
ireal, by holla ttaia, In put*
NnriC* fu KAMH liWtllt
To ad whom it may coacaru
The eommlaaion.r appwiated to vtee
a road comment lag at the eoutb weal cot'
aar of seettoa eighteen il*h Townabip
i t-A Mange is. Sherman county, babraaba,
ruaaiag Itbnr aatal betwaen,nr
is and IS, if a ad Is and VI, It sad a
Mead P, brrealra ,af wallss ilae bat* sea
Seat me a >| and *«. and theca larmieaklag
baa reported la faeovid I be eetab. ,.bma m
Ibareof, aa l ml ebprattow* thereto o* rlaoe.
•or d sweat ea wees be Hi, d la lb# Coast >
t'tefb a U* « on et before mam id the
Id ay of m .... wier. A H tmm or raid
road be Idakukel ar newel ref.reals
I bar. to
Hared tine IM da* ef fare isat.
J. be Miami w naain'ait
•aai by Aw. ta gat* Hayw y
lu tIn* matter of the application of Louie
\ eeely for liquor IlMoie:
Notice i* hereby given Dial Louie Needy
did upon the ith<myot July i*m. flic ln«
application with the Umrd .>t Trueteee of
ifie Village of Litchfield for llciuae to
veil malt, aplrltuoue and viiioiim llquora.
In the building Mouth of the t'oumierolal
llou«e. on block No tl, In the village of
Litchfield. Ncbrnakh for the year ending
May let |*»ue
If there be no obJcHtlone, reutotistranee
or pruieet filed (adore July |\ id* the
11 cm it ee will he granted.
Lorie v neatv. applicant.
Land Office at Ltneuln, Nebr i
June >, ie»% \
Notice la hereby given that the follow tag
named aettler D el aallte of hie latenttuM
to mahe Anal proof la eupport of hit claim,
ami that an Id proof will be made before
Mnvhft hay. t’ooaty Judge of * hetman
county, at l-oupt itt, Mebtneaa, on Noguet
Nh. iwv ill i hatlay d. aionehnrg, for
the north enat quarter, aeetton «. Town
•hip Is a rth d Mange 14 weal
He namee the following wltaeaaea to
prove hie voatlamwaa residence npon and
»uittyaUoa of, aaid am, via
tlltel h. notion. Jacob Utart. hiilkun f
***** eh I I \«utv*ta and J p
Hieba of p<el <«
%ui per mm «bu4v«Oar to | c agSiuat
lHe a wititkva of »o*h c«*»d or ike tvaat
I any an tot a** tod «•<*•*«•«, under the taw
and the • ago la* wee of the later tor Ur
pa* tmeal, * h * m h proof -i not fee
allotted, Am >*e **•*»* an y at
the tier* t*me a* t pea*a t< eem i vamtee
the wttae*«e* of Mod rial mean ami 1a
-■**** evtdeecw ta re^attal of that ***hm11
lad he »ta**euat
d Mtfeo Hegtater