The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 15, 1898, Image 8

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    Lioaal Daws.
R. B. Burrows is down In bed with a
stomach trouble.
W H. Conger made a business trip
to Broken Bow Tuesday.
Miss Nema Converse is visiting
frelnds at Gibbon Nebraska
C J. Tracy purchased a new Deerlng
binder last Saturday morning.
Mrs. J. 8. Pedler. went to Denver last
Tuesday,to visit for a season.
Conhiier A Co., put up a new awning
In front of their store this week.
The Litchfield Telephone repair train
was on the street on Wednesday. _
John P. Cook, of Bristol township
smiled In cn us last Wednesday
Miss Kdna Williams, will teach the
Alex Balllle school this fall and winter.
Mrs. Myrtle Cole, of Ashton, was vis
iting her folks here the first part of this
G. 8. Lein I nger. county superintend
ant of public Instructions, went to
Lincoln, this morning.
The Hummer school will close to-day
and next Monday, county Institute will
open for a two weeks term.
A. .1. B. Falrbalrn and E. G. Paige,
of Rockville township were pleasant
callers at this office last Tuesday.
Last summer one of our grand child
ren was sick with a servere bowel troub
le .saya Mrs K. G. Gregory of Fredricks
town, Mo.
The old U. P. elevator Is soon to un
dergo au overhauling. It will be part
ly torn down and a larger one built con
taining two dumps and all modern con
E. M. Wood of the U. P. elevator says
that be ha* ju»t received iuituctlons to
open up the wheat market at <10 cent*
per bushel.
Quincy Pray, John Fisher, R. D. Hen
drickson and Geo Peterson, arc among
those who hava been hauling lumber
out this week to build new granaries.
Our doctor's remedy had failed, then
we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy w hich gave very
speedy relief. For sale by — Odendahl
Bro’s Druggists.
You may hunt the world over and you
will not And anotbor medicinee<;ueal to
Chambelaln.s Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy tor bowel complaints
It is pleasant safe and reliable For sale
by—Odendahl Bro's Druggists.
M. E. Church Sunday July 17, 1808.
Preaching servlee at 10;30, Subject;
“The boy Jcsus.”Evening serylces at 8,
p. in. Subject “Ezra the Scribe.” Sun
day school at 11:30 a. in. Junior League
8:00p. m. Epworth League 9:00 p. m.
The Telephone company w lshes to draw
the attention of the public to the fact
that the insulator* on the poles between
the rail road and bridge has been broke
and knocked to piece* suposediy by boys
and that here after any one caught will
be prosecuted to the full extent of the
I think Dewitt’s Witch Hazel Salveis
the Anest preparation on the market for
piles. So writes John C. Dunn, of Wheel
ing W Va. Try it and you will think the
same. I also cures eczema and all skin
diseases.—Odendahl Bros.
Win your battles against diseases by
acting promptly. One minute Cough
Cure produces immediate results. When
taken early It prevents consumption
And la later stages It furnishes prompt
relelf.—Odeudahl Bros.
Cut this out and bring It with you, it
will save you money and trouble. On
your arrival In Omaha, to attend the
Trans-Mississippi Exposition, take 20,
and Dodge St. Transfer at 16, and Dodge,
get oil' car at Bloudo St., go 3 blocks
west to 2720. For information write to
It. Bristol, 2720, Bloudo St, Omaha Neb
A. 1*. Culley has purchased the hank
stock of D. C. Doe, the latter having en
tirely aevered Ills connections with the
hank. Mi Culley has employed L. Ilau
ten of Chapman who will assist in the
bank U-gliiulng about August tlrst. We
are pleased to learn that Mr. llansrn
will again become one of our citiseu*.
Ills former reaideuce here made hltu a
host of Iremds and his knowledge of the
banking business will Insure the bank
customers prompt and courteous
treatment We understand Mr. Doe w ill
remain here and look after bla landed
interests having tiiwed in several ipiar
ter sections of land in the county
The settlor editor and family, accom
panied by his father and mother, of
Falls City enjoyed a pleasant visit at
the farm residence of A. Itaillle last
holiday. Claud na Itaillle. mother of
Ales who wet with a very severe sc
etdwl by getting the bone fractured
just above her tight ankle Is getting
along very well for a woman of her
years, hh# Is uowr aiyeats of age, Mr
Halllle has a*ally on# hundred a-'res of
swall grain sad the same aw uoat of
•era. All of his crop is looslug well
Ml* orchard, consisting of nearly a
hundred trees Is loaded with It alt !!« ,
has already harvested hts rye an I will j
epWWW* colling hts wheal this wees,
lit# new barn ts nearly tom (dated and Is
(he guest tw Ih-s pari of the country
The winter wheat and Kye harvest 1s
about over and spring wheat D fast ri
Nice catches of fish are being made
by the boys now days, in the laterals of
the irrigation ditch.
A letter from Adam Schaupp, says
that he la in Washington, D. O., and will
visit New York City, l>efore returning
W. J. Wilber, of Litchfield, was a
pleasant caller yesterday and deposited
some filthy lucre for the benefit of the
two orphans.
Mr Foster who has been at the bed
sldeofhis brother at Sheridan. W. Y, re
turned home last Monday. He report his
brother much better.
The new school officers held u meeting
Monday night and organized bv elect
ing C. .J .Johnson, director; .J A. Angler
moderator and ,J. I. Depew, treasurer.
We learn that Supervisor .John Lciu
inger of Washington township Is build
ing one of the largest barns in the
county, It is so constructed as to ac
commodate both horses and cattle.
Thousands of persons have been cured
of piles by using DeWItt's Wltcfi Hazel
Halve . It heals promptly and cures
ecxema and all skin deceases, it gives
immediate rclcif.—Odendahl Bros.
Hick headache biiliousnessconstipation
and ail liver and stomach troubles can
be (julckly cured by using those famous
little pilla known as Dewitts Little Early
Kisers. They are pleasant to take and
never gripe.—Odendahl Bros.
The editor of the Evans City l*a.,
Globe writes “One Minute Cough Cure is
rightly named it cured my children
after all other rcincdiea failed.'' It curea
cuu^ur, i;uiu» umi an ujiubi auu jiiu^
troubles.—Odendahl Bros.
While out lust Sunday we drove up to
the farm residence of S. S. Reynolds
and was plcasautly entertained by Mr.
Reynolds and wife. W'e also had the
pleasure of meeting Mr. Reynold's fath
er, of Vinton, Iowa, who Is visiting his
sons and their families here and at Ar
Louie Hanson, a former resident of
this town but who has been living at
Chapman, Neb . for some five years past
was on our streets last Saturday. Louie
Is looking well and there is some pros
pects of his moving back among us
The Chief Burgess of Milesburge I’a.
says DeWltt's Little Early Risers are the
best pills he ever used In his family dur
ing fortv yeurs of house keeping
They cure constipation sick headache
and stomach and liver troubles. Small
In size but great In results.—Odendahl
The water is flowing through the canal
from Arcadia, to its outflow, and all
who wish can avail themselves of it.
This season nature has very generously
smiled upon us so far, and refreshing
rains have kept our crops In very good
condition and the face of the earth in
this locality never put on a more beau
tiful appearance than at this time. But
we must expect some dry weather be
tween now and fall, and to offset this
we can now use the canal water and re
allze the blessing of an irrigation ditch.
At a regular meeting of Loup City
Camp No S27 Royal Neighbors of Am
erca, the following preamble and res
olutions wore prepared by the commit
tee appointed for that purpose and un
animously adopted by the camp:
Wukkkas: It has pleased Almighty
Sod to remove from our midst our be
loved Neighbor Mrs. Francisco Otlcwski
who departed this life ou Monday July
•1th, 1898. Therefore an a testimonial of
the esteemed neighbor be It
Resolved; That we hereby give ex
pression to the deep sorrow we feel on
account of her death, for we recognize
the loss our camp has sustained and
that we share with her family the man
tle of sorrow which her taking away
has spread over them. And shall ever
be ready te extend the right hand of
fellowship to them.
Resolved; That these resolutions be
published In the Loup City Noktii
wkstkhn and that a copy of them be
sent to the family of the deceased
neighbor, and that our hall be draped in
mourning for the period of thirty days.
Mr*. II Johansen,
Oko II. Gibson,
Mr* J L. lIofi'Mt, Oracle.
Attest MtM. J J Ib.l’t.w, Clerk.
t' AKli ill THANKS
We de»lre to express our heartfelt
thank* to the many friends who so kind
lv aided us during the last tlluos and
death of our dear wile aud mother,
PRANK Out. wiki.
Johnnie Ortas* *ai
Mam Otlcwski
Kang On t w ain
l ltrrt i« lu •thing slow about the Neb
rasha Lpwoith Aia*iai>|]i. Tbelr pro
gram lor is M eight day* winner
Hubert McIntyre t.nural O o II,.a.
aid, it •hup Bowman. John U W uutiy.
• hancellur M- lNtwell and other great
mew »l the platform will address the
large aodtenee* >ure to he prevent, the
dates am Aug t |u «i„| the au.aslng
etrefatal last year will SesMieu be
lepeated Write (‘maiden* I. O, Usm
t. la coin (vil prospectus and full psrtiv
I- C. l\ is back from Omaha, atd how
did you like it?
1 enclose a full report of the M B. 8.
C. E. Convention as written up for mo
by E G. Taylor which 1 will enclose
as he gave It to me as I have very little
Upon our return from the east one of
the flrst things that attracted my atten
tion was the new Post Otlice building
which is being erected in the ca»t part
of our hustling hcrg and which Is rapid
ly being placed in shape in » workman
like manner by Mr. Emil Scbuman and
which will he occupied as a Post Office
in the near future.
We also notice that our enrrgatlc
wagon maker. W. Beze has been adding
more to his shop owning to the return
of prosperity and plenty of work
We have been given to understand
that Frank Kapp will be with us a
gain In a few days as he Is driving over
land from Oklahoma md Is expected to
arrive this week.
Rev Humphrey of Scotia will preach
at the Presbyterian Church of this place
on Sunday duly 17th 8:00 p in. and
everybody Is Invited to attend.
I.C. U.
The publishers of this paper acknowl
edege the receipt of the minutes of the
M. B. S. C. E.convention referred to in
our Ashton Items above and would have
given them In full had we not been so
unfortunate as to uiisslay the manuscript
which we have not found up to the hour
of gilng to press. However, we under
stand that a very successful convention
was held and that the people of Ashton
very creditably entertained their many
visitors. If there Is any important
foarure of the eanventlon which should
have reached the public we beg our cor
respondent to refer to them in ids next.
Clear creek was well represented at
the county seat last Tuesday. Among
those who went was Wes IJcapy, Mr.
Spenser. James Gray, Mr Kirk, Peter
I). Thompson, R. Baker John Murrey,
Mr. Hubert and Geo Rlghtcneur.
,Small grain is more or less damaged
in this part of the county.
James Gray sold ®300.00 worth of bogs
lust Monday at 98.60 per hundred.
Mrs Hlslop has brought her son Tom
home from Wyoming. He has bpen sli-k
with typhoid fever and will remain at
home until he Is able t<> resume his
work again.
Geo. Ingalls is at present very low.
The doctors have given him up and his
many freinds are trying to make his last
days comfortable as possible.
A. Walkinson went to St. Joe Mo. last
Monday to purchase new goods he will
lay In u full stock of furniture while
there ami will be prepared to supply the
trade from a full line In a short time
- -—
Divide got himself up on wheels and
moved over on Louptield Avenue.
School district No. 43 at there annual
School meeting voted to move the
school house in town. They also decided
to have eight months school and levied
13 mills tax.
Miss Emma Throckmorton of Denver
Colorado is on a visit to here brother
and family.
We had a lively run-a way in town
last Monday. A pair of bronko’s and a
cultivator. The only damage done was
a few broken castings. Corn looks well
Republican ticket: ForGoverner, M B
Reese of Lincoln. For Secretary of Stato
T J I’icker, of Wahoo.
———-—m m m ■ - —
Letter from Cuba.
In the Field, Cuba, June 45,1898.
Dear Father—Well, we got our feet
on Cuban soil at a small mining town
near Santiago de Cuba, called Altares,
the 23, the 24, we formed the reserve in
the first battle, but were unable to fire
any shots for the Spaniards fell back too
soon. There‘were several killed and
wounded among our boys but the Span
iards out-numbered them, thero were
about 10,000 of them in the force that
met us. We expect to take Santiago,
in a few hours. We are camped just
about 4J miles S. E., from that town
now. It is hard to mail letters so don't
worry if you don’t hear as often as you
used to from tne. Well, 1 will say good
bye. with love to all 1 am your obedient
am) loving son.—Ashley T. Conger.
Before you breed your mares come
and take a look at the Alex Taylor,
horse, lie Is the best ALT. PURPOSE
HORSE in Sherman county. I am stand
ing him in my barn.opposite Ilauck's
blacksmith and wagon shop. Terms
$3.00 to insure.
B. T. Sbyuer.
Cherries Chub ants— Raspberries
By the quart, or car load. Will be
ready for the market after dune 57, will
serve you any day except Saturday.
We want half dozen girls, at $2 30 per
week to pick fruit Correspondance
solicited. Areadia, Fruit Farm, Arca
dia, Nob
W. F. Jenkins, Propr.
For the Permanent Cure of Stammer
ing and Stuttering etc., under the per
sonal treasnient of Prof. E. C. New
comb. 262), Sherman avenue, Omaha,
Farmers, Insure your property in
The Phenix Insurance Company,
against Fire, Lightning, Wind storing
Cyclones and Tornadoes.
w. j. usher Agent,
£10.00 REWARD.
The undersigned will pay a reward of ten
<1<i.ll» dollars for Information that will convict
any parties found tampering with, or In any
way damaging insulators, pedes, wire or any
other property belonging to the undersigned,
I have the celebrated English Shire
Stallion, Western Star, at W. O. Browns
Friday Saturday and Sunday, and at
my place one (1) mile cast of town,
other elays of week. Farmers interested
in raising good horses will do Well to
see tills horse. Terrnl $6.00 to insure
sucking foal
V vr iJ.. ......
Trau* Mississippi and International
Omaha June 1st Nov., Is*., 1888.
Greatly reduced lutes via the O. It
& V. and Union Pacific to Omaha for
the exposition. The superb equipment
and quick time of this line makes it the
popular line to Omaha and the Exposi
tion. For advertising matter, tickets
sud full information, ceil on
W. D. Clifton, Agent
«» --
lteuson* Wliy Chamberlain’s Cholle,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy
Is the Itest.
1. Because it affords almost Instant
relief in case of pain in the stomach,col
ic andcholerarnorbus.
2. Becuuse it is the only remedy that
never fails in the most severe cases oi
dysentery and diarrhoea.
3. Becuse It is the only remedy that
will cure chronic diarrhoea.
4. Because it is the only remedy that
will prevent bilious colic.
5. Because it Is theonly remedy that
will cure epidemical dysentery.
6. Because it is the only rein 'dy that
can always be depended upon in cases
of cholera infantum.
7. Because it is the most promt and
most reliable medicine in use for bowel
8. Because it produces no bad results
0. Because it is pleasant and safe to
10. Beceuse It has saved the lives of
more people than any other medicine in
the world.
The 25 and 50c sizes for sale by.—
Odendahl Bro's, Druggist
Wah Maps-Wo have on sale iti. this
office the very latest edition of Rand
McNally's maps' showing ail the princi
ple locations of the present American—
Spanish War at a glance. Price 15 cents
E. A. Blanks of Lewisville. Texas
writes that one box of DeWitts Witch
Hazel Salve was wortli $50.00 to him.
It cured bis piles of ten years standing
He advises others to try It. It alaocurea
eczema, skin disease* and obstinate
sores — Odt-uduhl Bros.
Will close out my stock of Baby car
riages at cost to make room for new
good* —E. II. Watkison.
♦ • ♦
The Mutual Trachei* Institute ot
| Mteruiau county, wilt be held at Loup
; City, beginning on duly it*, and conllu
; ulng for two siflo Prof J A, Horn
lierger, now of Na|>ervllle, III will eon
duel the Institute. Prof. Ilorntierger
I Is well known in Nebraska, having
taught eighteen Institute* in the stale
duliug 111* last six years. Il« Will be
assisted l»y an aide lustrnctur In Prima
ry method* All th»*e withing to teach
In the county the rustling year must
attend thl* institute. Pome and let us
get mutual ideas ss to the he si methods
of teaching An examination for teach
ers certiheatea will be held at the chum
* uf the term. A comae of three or four
i lecture*, by able latent, which will peeve
very beneficial In leas her* Will he given
! dming the two week* Your* fur a
| succesafol tnailtuie
U. ft I kitlfndx, t ouuly tiupt
• • •
II* * 1*4 ,
till! lur | to* ** b*» f«i***i I**
l.iiilv £•»!«* t
i*|tv |M|if Iff M*W L
«*4 lUtf ImkiM*ii «M**«t*til Uf***
Here We Are
Bipdipg fwipe, Buggies,
have just arrived. Call while I have a big assortment
to weclet from. I have a big stock of
Mills, Pumps and Pipes.
Sewing Machines, Machine Oils, etc
will insure your crops against hail in the reliable
This company has been engaged in the Hail business for the past
fourteen years. Within the last eleven years it has paid for losses by
Hail the sum of $41 1,030.30. This large sum of money lias been paid
withouc a single law suit, and to the satisfaction of the claimants.
The Hail policy is the tairest and most equitable ever issued by any
insurance company. It carefully protects the interests of the insured and 1
provides a just method for arriving at the amount of the loss in case the
crop be injured by hail.
This is the only Stock Fire Insurance Company in the United States
engaged in the hail business. It hus ample assets to cover all liabilities.
It pays its losses promptly and honestly. We solicit your business for
the year 1898.
F. E. BREWER, Ag6H.t.
Spot Cash
is What Talks
25 PEP GENT Cheaper
and does not require you to pay for goods that the other fel
low bought and did not pay for. This is what cash
will do: It will buy an Oak
Id X Id for 91.00, which at the usual way of doing
business would eost you 91.and
for 91/91. Ordinarily it would oust you 9iJ.dd.
I also have a large
for only 91.<•*» sold elsewhere for 9-An.
I am celling mv entire stock of good* for
ct|tiiillv n* low prices, (’all and *cc me at
The Ifaekft Stow*