The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 15, 1898, Image 5

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    A P. CULLEY,
Vic6*Pre-Hideot (ashler.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Paid lip Capital Stock $20,000
CoiitiEsi’ONPKvrs: Seaboard National Hank, New \ ork ( it', N. ^ Omaha
National Hank, Omaha, Nebraska.
I represent the BESd and CHEAPES1 (Mutual)
. We write Insurance at actual cost. The limit of our premiums is
live per cent*
We only assess such part of five per cent as is necessary to pav losses
and expenses, and this part of said five per cent is not collected until the
first day of next September ar.d November on small grain and corn hi
their order respectively.
_. W hE,3‘
"55/ »«•?*£* v-'f0;,wwv
l.V*4 *„„,«■ (no*' ' „v» l'n' flV,-. r
'!*° UfCtM be* ri1vi'’r5,”S , .„A c»,e°
t}W'Ari*T ir“'—»®“‘
ifce • **' _ «OOS °n »ta*A® «•
V. Nellie -» o;1*
1,1 J, i>la<'"’‘ ,|,,«.
'> ^tr“,el.a«« “'"'SI «a“Uft'‘ *1 •»'
*l Vet.( ttr. I t
all the pain
which women I
suffer Is caused
by weskness or
derangement In l
the organs of
Near ly always
when a woman Is not well there
organs are affected. But when
they are strong and healthy a
woman Is very seldom sick.
Is nature's provision for the regu
lation of the menstrual function.
It cures all “ female troubles." It
Is equally effective for the girl tn
her leans, the young wife with do- ’
mestte and maternal cares, and
the woman approaching the period
known as the " Change of Life."
They all need (t. They are all
bonefltted by ft.
Psf fr'lvtat H &I.MMI tpdc
$lial}'»t» •eUf**** «t?U>£
L* it#t* JMtehe-n *
C*. C
*>.«,**. r«* f
TMSS. I fMHt tweets, tti«a„
" •> »>«*♦> Ne taew nriwntit
S»e *w»wM ,,w Saw tiiviM
«*w*e iwUw.w WWW, WMw el Cwwawii
•*>•«*» *«••* w*» e»e I»H MM at
wwtaww thawwo* the Vaenga wl uta. ‘
15 U Il'IS II
and is felly PROTECT
11 Is the quickest and on If safe way to
Masks I In- largest anil beat equipped
Steamer In the Alaskan trade, connecting
with onr line Itiver 8tearners at St. Mich
aels, making the journey as pleasant
i as possible ami eoinlortable as a trip on
| the Hudson.
; for farther particulars address
417 —4IS Moniiilnofk Bltlg . Cliinigo.
Agents Wanted.
In every county to supply the
Great Popular Demand for
| America’s War lor Humanity
Compiler! and Written by
Of Kansas.
The most brillieully written, most pro
! funeiy and artistically Illustrated, and
most Intensely popular book on the sub
ject of the war with fcpuln Nearly
200 Surer!) lllustratiODS from Pholosraplis
taken specialty for this great work. Agents
are making tofPMii week selling ll.
A veritable bonanxa f«»r live canvasseis.
Apply f«»r description, terms and territory
at mice
I _ _ . „ __ , . ■
ak i;111 > n k i* %s. rii* Mt.Itr or Tnr
MU Itl
wbv not ftiolepemlviii ami own \ our
«•*ii little mi* p int * hlch a ill giw four
(line* m«ne light lliau urillliary gu* or
electric light* at *»»;*• halt the cost 1*
Applicable for list* in church***, aloft**,
factories, liiilrt*, ir.idmce* anil countrtr
home*. ,«|cr than t»r*flii*ry |o **r kcr*
**f I iiilrrsfI'*** 11>io'tgh Nit the I lilted
Hlatr* \% e w.tM a tftr*f cio* lurid in
e%* ri loan. Write ftti catalogue amt
l»* »ce*.
t ilt \» 1 hlllk U\% « A* IIIN* * »•
Akron I Nil**
1.011’ CITY. - - XI BRASKA
OFFICK. -One door cast of Chine**
drug store.
loup oiTT, « i mm.
Express and General Delivery Line.
All Express or Freight orders prompt
ly attended to.
General Law and Collection Business
A Notary I’uldlr, Stenographer and Type
writer In Office.
One Door North of First Rank,
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases.
General Real Estate Business.
Office In Nohthwkstjskn Itulldliur.
Tetter, Halt-Kheum and Eczema.
The intense itching and smarting, inci*
I dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad eases
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples,
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts.per box.
Hr. Cady’s Condition renders, are
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge They are not food but
medicine and the best in use to put a
horse in prime condition. Price 25
cents per package.
■ - - - .. ■ -————
J Caveat ..and Tr:.dc-?.'ar! “obtained, and all Pat-J
#ent b'.ifnne-.'; conducted lot moderate Fees. 0
F our Offc. is Opron'Tc U S. Patent Office}
Jandwc- • ■ . :n lew time than those 5
$ remote (r'tn v\ ’ • ir*. r. . #
F bend model, thaw , or photo.* with descrip-0
}tion. We auvr-e, if l ucr 'Me or not, free of?
# charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. $
0 ^ pamphlet, “How toObium Patents, ’ with}
} cost of same in t!ie U.S, and foreign countries ^
0 sent free. Address, f
V Opp Cr t. Washington. D. C. ,
I hereby give notice that I have taken
up on my farm. In lliistol township, Sec
tion, 11. T. 13, Range 14, Sherman county
Nebraska, on or about May 3rd, isus: One
black mare colt, about three years old,
weight about 800 pounds, hind legs while
up to knee and star In forehead. Owner
can have same by paying cost of keeping
and for this advertisement.
peter Mortz,
Taken up on mv farm on Section 17, T.
| 13, it. 13, Rockville, Sheiman county, and
about one half mile east of Rockville: One
black mare about three years old, weight
about Till) pounds Owner can have same
by proving property paying pasturage and
publication of this notice.
Mean Mills,
Rockville, Neb.
Legal Notice,
State of Nebraska, County of Sherman,
Village of Loup City, s. s.
Estimate of Expenses, for w inch appro,
priatton, should be made for ensuing mu
nicipal year Isas follows:
For general fund purimaos — * "ixi.UU
For street. ... rsiO.OO
For water for. IKIO.OO
For Interest on water bonds. 830.00
tor Judgement of Dustin 800,txi
t 8,830 00
The entire revenue for the municipal
I year ending May 3rd, l*y. was ns lollows:
school fund » 310.00
I tieaeral 11 811.Sc
i street ttfJH
! Water «er s;
Judgment pxux:
int on water bonds KMSO
|<y order ol VII luge Hoard. Witness mV
bands and t Ire seal of sard Village on ilrls
tilth day of Jane, I**,
T. 8 .XWimiSUI.
i Village r terk.
We are now prepared to oiler lo out
leader- Iho NoltllWMTtKK. !he Semi
Wee it I v Hnttt* •lttttrit*l. anti (hi* Kmi>M
«’«»> \Y««klv JttunuM, nil f«*r lb* mriII
■iihi «*f ft.uu ri.» I* on* of tlt«* l«*»t
uni. Tim* m i«h* « «iH‘k Nvhribki
Hl lll* JnultMl i* **w» Ml lh'» lll‘Wt
|Mi|8nr* puhii«h*atl in ft*** •>«!# *ml <*«*«
lull** ill *N‘ •*(•1*4 tn*4b Tfi** Kinit*
i \\* « |% »( f|)«* (m**I
• V* it K *»» %•. I *** *«iirftlttK»?ftlui
I* »(**: « |U> mt * ill till* < m«M •*»*»»*• fp
■t»4 r • i •!•*» 14 kf tttu* It huNlf
t tH«| 4« ini mMi* ' | ip* * |*HI4l»hf I tfl
i|vp % »'«•(*V '** »»«*• »i»Ui It*
I a b*4»l-<4***•! »fc*.i |n>il • fl«*f |n
in; (t If) (U»m »hrt‘' »*m»
irvMii •*»*- tlM*# I** ***
V *«* *4
Lol’ P CITY. NERK. »
Lincoln, Denver.
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
anti all points and all points
East and South. West.
No. 54 Passenger.7:55 a. in
No. 1.0 Freight. 4 On p in.
No. 51 Passenger .4:15 p.m.
No. 59 Freight. ll:5on. m.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(scats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage chocked to any point In
the United States or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to A. F. Werts
Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, Gen'l. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
N>>. S8 leaves daily except snnduy .pass
enger). 7 Ml a in
No HS leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 4:05 p.m.
No. isi leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed)2:30p. m.
No 87 arrives dally except Sun,lay (mixed)
11:45 a m
No. arrives daily except Sunday (paHs.
direr) 7.06 p. m.
First clnss service anil clone connections
east, west and south
W. I) CLIFTON, Agenl.
Loup City Market Iteporl
Prices paid for:
Corn ... . * .45
nogs . 340
Cows and hellers .1.50© 3.40
Feeder* ... 3.hi)
Rutter, per pound. *
Eggs, per do* .5
It is always gratifying to receive test
imonial for Chamberlain*Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and when tho en
dorsement Is from a physician it is es
pecially so. “There is no more
effective remedy than Chamberlain’s
Cholic Cholera and Dlarrhoe Remedy”
writes C'r It K Kobey physician ami
pharaiiiaclst of Oluey, Mo ; and as be
lias used the Remedy in his own family
and It in his drug store for six years he
should certainly know. For sale by.—
Odcndah! Bros Druggest.
During the great warexciteiuent peo
ple cannot get enough papers to read on
tho all-absorbing topic. The State
Journal, as a special offer, will send
free the great Sunday State Journal,
three months to any person sending in
©1,00 fora year's subscription to the
Semi-Weekly State Journal. During
these exciting times The Semi-Weekly
Journal beats the oldweckly all to pieces
arid with a big sixteen-page paper
thrown in. Is the greatest bargain ever
offered for ©1.00. Just think! you get
two big weekly papers each week for
a whole year, and a big sixteen-page
Sunday paper three months all for ©1.00
In order to he entitled to this special
premium you must send your Dollar
plrect to the State Journal. Lincoln Neb
What does it cost to get there? When
and how should one go? What should
one take? Whereare the mines? llow
much have they produced? Is work
plentiful What wages are paid? Is liv
ing expensive? What are one's chances
of making a strike!!?
Complete and satisfactory replies to
the above i|ucstions will be found In the
Burlington Routes Klondike Folder
Now ready for distribution. Sixteen
pages of practical information and an
up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon
dike. Free at Burlinton Route ticket
offices, or sent on receipt of four cents
in stamp by J. Francis. Oen’l passenger
Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Nebr
The Union Pacific will sell tickets at
[ one fare for the round tiip, pin-45.00,
from ail points in Nebraska, Kansas.
Colorado and Utah to Rawlins, Wyo.
Dates on which tickets will be sold are
1st and 3rd Tuesday in May, Juue, July
August, Sept., Oct. and Noy. Stage
line daily except Sunday each way
between Rawlins and Grand Encamp
ment. For full inhumation call on or
address W. D. Clifton, Agent
•‘There's no use in talking," says W.
II. Hioadwell, druggist, I.a Cygne, Has.
••Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diar
rhea Remedy does the work. Alter tak
ing medicine of toy own preparutiou
ami those of others' I took a dose of
(.'hambtrlaln's and it help 3d mu; a sec
ond dose cured me. < audidadly and
| conelentlously I can recommend It as
the best thing on the market.** The •.'.'>
nail 50 ceut sues for sale by Odendahl
| Rro‘1, Druggist*.
.. KKWAltl)
I will |WV $J44t» raw art to Ilia irriaon
i who will furtilalt lafortuatiou l«a4ihjf to
I tft« »»r*at a»»t| OMfbtluR of U»*» Ifeklaf who
about oua lUouMua faal of twuBly
ut« lumbar from aoolli »t«la of
Miltl* at City, *aM
tuHtbav lwlM| W ft. loutf, 4 laatiaa U.h h au l
..up hMii bruml AddiWM laforwattoa to
l.awiii lift* M»♦♦**! »», 9U|wrvt«ur loop
City f ftp., Iiwjpniy, Nab
H.ihi t> h a* tab* gtraa that all al«ta
, wr*lk« aritbta tba villa** of |«4Mtp (lift
Nab that tr« oot of rapaif moat ba »»
I*»iva4 by t ha oar war# l«»urthwllh. •»* tb#
•ama wtit ba tlMoa by tba » U «g« au4 put
maw! tbatwfwr* luytlbil vilk tba paaaty
will ba *»w!«•»*'I f Ilk agal phwallii
tty .*« |*t «| % MbNfW Moatf*!. lt>M tbta
t*tb4*y of 4«aa, -am
.**-4. t • Nt »ovta**a,
V Uafi AIMtftf
[n stellar deeps the midnight silence broods;
Worn with the day, the earth low lying alect*
While thought invades the eternal solitude*.
The stellar deeps.
Fleets, from a port beyond the explorer’s ken.
Majestic move, great argosies of light.
Up from the nether voids unknown «»f men.
And cross the night.
A pathway sown with thistle down of stars,
A pathway white, as if thereon had trod
One whose winged feet shod luster in their
Mounting to God,
Bridges the waste from rolling sphere to
Span* the blue seas of silence, shore to shore,
An arch of triumph o’er the primal dark
Forever more.
I tremble as a child that finds a door
And with Bwift, curious hand throws open
Into a vast, unpeopled corridor.
Where shadows glide.
Immensity 1 Thy surge* unoonflned
Buffet the sense with strong, benumbing
Hurling the little wreckage of the inind
Upon the rocks I
O thought, return! The engulfing billows toss
Thy tiny cockleshell, their helpless prey!
O reason, halt! Thy chart and compass vain
To find the way I
One envoy more. I wait upon the strand,
And while my soal her awesome vigil keeps
Faith finds safe anohorage, in sight of land,
In stellar deeps.
—Kmma Herrick Weed in Youth’s Companion.
Bismarck Travels In State Wherever His
Mistress Goes.
A woman walkod into the breakfast
room of oue of Chicago'), swell hotels,
dressed lu traveling costume and carry
ing on her arm a cape of plaid cloth,
which she bung over the chair next at
table, disposing of it with some care, as
if it might be of value.
Then she gave her attention to the
menu and discussed a service of fruit
while she waited for hor order. Sho whs
rousod from a pleasing study of hor plato
by a series of “Ohs!” uud “Ahs!” and
“ What a darling!” and a hasty glance
■bowed ber a mg wmto Angora oat seal
ed gracefully on the vacant chair at tier
“Oh, Bismarck, you dreadful oat!"
■he said, ph the head waiter approached
with a look in his eye that boded no
good to the cat.
"I mas’ put him out, madam,” he
■aid, with tho assurance that goes with
head waiters.
But his mistress clicked her Augers
and tho cat disapi>eared. Every eye was
upon him, yet no ouo saw him go. The
waiter looked on tho chair and under it,
but pussy had vanished like a dream.
“Find the oat—he is in tho picture
somowhero, ” remarked tho owner of tho
pet, as she buttered her toast. But the
cat did not come back, and it was not
until the woman had finished her break
fast and was loaving the table, with
her traveling cape thrown over her arm,
that the mystery of the animal’s disap
pearance was explained, and pussy’s
head was allowed to peep from a ca
pacious inside pocket in that cape.
“Ho has traveled in that pocket from
the Pacific coast, and this is the first
time he has given away his hiding
place, ” said his mistress. “He will not
pur for fear of being found, but he is
near his journey’s end now and is get
ting tired. This capo is his exclusive
property, and the pocket is his private
car. ”—Chicago Times-Herald.
Dangers From Violent Exercise.
There is considerable diversity of
opinion as to tho safety with whioh wo
men may indulge in violent exercise in
view of possiblo injury. As regard tho
heart, there appears to be but one opin
ion—namely, that that organ, accus
tomed to a quiet life, may be danger
ously and permanently crippled by the
excessive strain in athletic sports. Ex
perience in medical practice, says an
eminent authority, teaches that the pa
tient with a weak heart must be ex
tremely cautious in his exercises, and
tl.<v <,# a fltlututlATI Ilf fVlO
healthy heart under sudden, violent,
exhausting effort which has been made
was of a surprising nature. Many olin
ieal observers in Germany and in this
country have detected by percussion and
observation of the changes in the hoart
beats that thero is under strain and exer
tion considerable dilatation, which con
tinues for a shorter or longer time after
the exertion is over. Ocular proof of
this lias been afforded by the Boentgen
rays. This shows not only the need of
caution by those in good heal b, but
more particularly so iu the case of those
who suffor from auy weakness, consti
tutional or otherwise, in this organ.—
New York Ledger.
A "Ilalsy.”
“You are a daisy," is used by Dick
pas iu' ‘ David Copperfleld' ’ iu the sense
of culling u person a daisy in the way
to express udmirutiou and at the same
time to laugh at oue's credulity. Steer
forth say* to young Copperlleld: "Da
vid, my daisy, you are so innocent of
the world. Let me call you my daisy, aa
it is so refreshing to And one in these
corrupt days so innocent and unsophis
ticated. My dear Copperfleld, the daisies
of the field are not fresher than you."
A t«c««wl«l I'rtMkar.
Au English bishop, as he was going
about his ditswse. asked the porter of a
lunatic asylum how a chaplain whom
he, the bishop, had lately appointed,
was getting on
“Oh, my lord." said the man. “his
breochtug is most stmwasfwl The hid
tots heujojra it parttckler."
A Luodua i urate the other day re
.wives! on astonishing answer to on u>
,,utry after a parudiisitMtr’a health
■ * Well, sir," said the parishioner,
“sometlatse I teele anyhow, suuustims*
1 lists nohow and there be tints whets
I tests aa stiff aa a hsinmldge. "
IVis ss bitten by the tiger snake eff
A issireiia die alnsuet mstagtlv, 'her*
leisg issi known Mikhts fur the bite of
• hit iv pi lie.
SpanSwh ftartmrlty.
The deadly work at Manila was gen
erally performed in tho oool of the
morning. That these events worn fnlly
appreciat'd was shown by the presence
on the Lunetta of thousands of people.
Hundreds of fashionably dressed ladies
and gentlemen “graced” the occasion
With their presence. For the most part
these fashionables came in their equip
ages. These ladles would stand in thelT
Vehicles, determined not to miss any
of the ghastly show. The signal
the commanding lieutenant that
ictims were dead was tho signal
those delighted lady spectators to
wave their handkerchiefs or parasols as
evidence of their satisfaction.
As a general thing these were fright
fully grewsonio affairs. There was a fir
ing squad of five for each Unfortunate.
This sqnad of executioners would he
stationed about ton paces immediately
to the rear of their human turget. In
most instances the soldiers constituting
the firing squad were natives. They
were secretly in favor of tho rebellion,
and no member of the squad eared to
fire the fatal shot. Consequently each
Qian would aim for the arm or leg.
This of oourso only ndded to the horror
of tho affair.
There was one occasion when 18 lead
ing members of the secret revolutionary
Spoioty, the Oatapnnan, were execut'd.
There was not a single Instance at this
execution where the nnfnrtunato was
killed by tho first volley. In a majori
ty of cases three or fonr volleys were
required, and in on* instance five vol
loys were fired before tho snrgeon de
clared tho man dead. The announcement
that all wero dead was the signal for
music by the band—gay, triumphal
music.—Review of Review*.
The Needle and the Splinter.
In discoursing to a woman’s olnb re
cently a physician, dwelling upon how
to treat children’s bruises, told of a
simple method to sterilize a needle that
was to be nsed to pick out a splinter or
other foreign substance often Jabbed
into small boys’ hands or knees through
Viuir rin;iwt;nn mmuR. it imi ucnuin in
passed through an alcohol flame or boil
ing water and used without touching
the point with the fingers, it is safe.
The averago mother thinks If she nses
a needle instead of a pin sho has con
ceded all tiiut is required of her, but
tho surgeon, keen to the dangors of germ
contamination, knows that a step fur
ther is necessary.
The lecturer also spoke of the value
in the mother’s medicine chest of a lit
tle gutta peri-ha tissue such as every one
who has had a tooth filled will recog
nize. This will Ijo found to be of great
service in covering any moist dressing
of wonnds, as it protects the clothing
from the wet and also retains the mois
ture which it is needed to preserve In
the dressing.—New York Pofct.
An Old View of the Spaniard.
Let ns see what that acute observer
and profound thinker Francois de la
Mothe le Vayer said about the Span
iards of the eighteenth century: ‘‘They
are melancholy, treacherous, inhospita
ble, miserly, superstitious, importunate
in their courtesy, but constant, deter
mined, taciturn, admirable foot sol
diers, enduring banger, thirst, all the
fatigues of v r, accomplishing by the
head rather than the hand uad gaining
more by rases and stratagems than by
open force. * * * The Spaniard is cour
teous at tho start, contenting himBelf
with remarking quietly all that which
is of value in a place, bnt his leave tak
ing is terrible, because It is then that
he strikes, pillaging and laying waste
without mercy. ’’—Boston Journal.
The Perils of m Critic.
Bobert Southey was saved from the
danger into which his vocation as a
critic threw him only by his anonymity,
▲t one time ho found it necessary in re
viewing a book written by a native of
1L A Tain tn 4 ft mlfVl rm .
wonted severity. In conversing of this
book and the incompetence of its writer
with a literary friend one day the au
thor, a gigantic Irishman, entered the
room in a great rage, vowing vengeance
against the remorseless critio. Standing
very near the critic, be raised his huge
fist and exclaimed, “And if I knew who
it was I'd bate him!” Mr. Southey ob
served a profound silence and quietly
retired, reserving his laugh for a less
hazardous occasion.
The Famous Damascus Sword.
It is bnt seldom that a real good
specimen of the Damascus sword can
bo obtained, for the art of working and
engraving this kind of steel is dead.
These swords aro made of alternate lay
ers of iron and steel, so flnoly tempertxl
that the blude would bend to the hilt
without breaking. The weapons hud
edges so keen that no coat of mail could
resist them anti surfaces so highly pol
ished that when a Moslem wished to
rearrange his turban he used his sword
for a looking glass.
■■■ -
Luxury would not be desired by any
of ns if we saw dearly the suffering
which accentpouiu* it in the world.
Luxury U ludeed possible In the future
! - innocent ami exquisite; luxury fur
all and by the help of aii, but luxury
at (ireseot can oaly be unjoyed by the
ignorant. Theoruebat man living could
not sit at his feast did be nut stI blind
fold. —John Rusk in
Wrillfel Ml*aa4at««aa4lug.
Mr*. Kerry—The paper has the ptu
lures of sum# of the loveliest house
gowns us sale at Reilup'a—
Mr. faery—-ThU house dues not used
a gown. A anal of paint wtU hav« tu
do, sad that will taka ail tha money 1
can spare. —citaeianaM Enquirer
M II I.—>♦
Mr* K-u-in <early tn the aexratagj
-John, John! fhqi't v«a smell sscap
Ing gas!
J.-hu 'sleepily > I doa‘1 ears If I da,
It’s tha hotti'sga* I Ana l have t» pay
f>« t*.— Huudslpioa North Asmwmmm.