The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 15, 1898, Image 4

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    The Northwestern
OFO. F„ BENSrftOTKK, I Editor* «nd
OEO. H. OIBSOB, I FnhlUher*
Entered at the Loup City Postomee for tran*
mI**lon throuyh the mall* an second
clans matter.
Official Paper Sherman County
The Spainards says Santi-I*go,
Shafter is coming
When Dewey Says O lymp-ia to a
Spaniard he goes off on one leg.
Gen Shafter weighs 310 lbs, no
wonder Spaniards get out from under.
Grant weighed I7"> lbs Shafter
weighed 310 lbs but we will waite
until the Cuban campaign is over
to see which was the biggest man.
Osborn Degnan one of the beros
of the Merrimac was a weary waggles
in 1892 another exemplification of
the fact that great men may spring
from l’lebeans as well as patricians.
The populists of Holt county in
convention assembled last Saturday
turned Congressman Greene down
by rejecting a resolution which
favored him as a candidate for an
other term, Judge Westovcr seemed
to be the favored candidate.
Sagasta bas resigned as Premier of
Spain, and a new cabinet must be
selected. They had bet er come over
and get Uncle Sam to release Ceave
ra, and make & Prime Minister out of
him. He shows more and better
judgment than all the other Spanish
officials combined, and ho realizes
the worth of Yankee friendship.
It is not yet fully decided upon
by the pops of the big sixth wither
they want the curley headed preacher
statesman from Kearney’ for their
next candinate for Congress or not.
Some counties seem to oppose him
but Sherman, as of yore is never
happier than when she can find a
first class bag of wind with a six inch
muzzle attachment for high wines.
Congress adjourned last Friday
sinie die. They passed resolutions
of annexation of the Hawaiian
slands before their final adjourn
ment. The Democratic trick of pull
ing down the stars and stripes from
State house at Honolulu, five years
ago has been rightcn by a Repub
lican admmistiation again placing
old glory in the same place that
Cleveland temoved it from. Ret
her waive until all the world tastes
of her freedom.
There was a populisticus conven
tion held at Watkinson hall last Sat
urday, lor the election of delegates
to attend the State, Senatorial and
Congressional convention. A small
but faithful crowd was on hand as
usual, some of the leaders)heretofore)
failed to pop and it looked to “a
man up a tree" as if a goodly num
ber had clipped their eyebrows and
daylight was gleaming into their
orbs once more. A full set of So
cialistic resolutions was gotten
through the convention preparatory
to a run for third base as soon as
the pop vote falls short in an elec
The Santa Fee railway company
will consume over #130,000 worth
of war stamps annually, exclusive of
the stamps necessary to carry on
the companies stock and financial
transactions in New York City. This
company, after the new revenue law,
passed, at once dispensed with the
pay car system aud went to issuing
private checks to all of their em
ployees and as the government re
HUires them to stamp each check the
cost would sproximate the above
figures And yet the pops howl
about the railroad companies not be
ing generous aud public spirited
enough to help whsn an opportunity
preasnla Has-If and thus advocate*
government ownership of railroads
If »• had government ownership of
railroads this item of #1 lU.uoh
would be n total Urns to the govern
msnt and tbs same rule would ap
ply to nil other roads making the
agregate an immense sum This
Item of revenue to the government
or thn greater portion of it it <miy
due to I he patriotic spirit of the
Hants Few people as they could hate
continued the pay car eystent ind
•ot had to issue ami stamp checks
We h're a good many say that
Cervera should he turned loose out
of respect for bis kindness shown to
Hobsen and his Crew. We believe
too that this should be done, provid
ed he wishes it. At present, how
ever, he seems to he well pleased
with his treatment and seems more
anxions to find out how the people
of his own country will accept the
news of his defeat than he does
about his own situation. There is
do question Cervera should receive,
and is receiving, the kindest consid
eration from our people. He was in
the boat that came out and took
llobsen and his men pr.soners, and
but for his commanding presence
they doubtless would have all been
Is the country lost* or will it sur
rive the shock of another summer
sault by the Long Cottonwood of the
Platte? Since Hilly has become a
“Cunne.” he has concluded that it
is not all togather free silver that
worries that noble brain of his. But
the intense fear that our Uncle Sam
uel may annex some outlying terra
tory and thereby depart from the
hoary headed Monroe doctrine, has
given Mr. Bryan, a new idea, or re
lieved him of the painful necessity
of forever dwelling upon an obsolete
subject, and presented the grand
oppertunity of taking up a living
issue. That cross of gold has been
relegated to the rear and hearafter
he will amuse himself telling the
rinn > T oitori'/oil f apinoru flint (Tnr-I»
Sam will commit an unpardonable
sin if be don’t taue another bitch in
his belt instead of allowing himself
to expand.
The following quotation from Col.
Hepburn, of Iowa at a recent
convention which renominated
him, for the eight time, to congress
give some facts worth reading. The
Col. says:
“Do you remember that on this
year ending on the 31st day of this
month, eleven months of the time,
we having the accurate figures, and
the other being an estimate, do you
remembar that we have sent abroad
and sold $0,0CH),000,00O more of
merchandise than we have bought
abroad. Our export trade will reach
the enormous sum of more than one
hundred and twenty five thousand
million, ending on the end of this
month; while our imports have been
at a little in excess of six thousand
million more sold than we have been
compelled to buy abroad. Why,
gentlemen, it is only a few years ago
that we were told if we had a high
protective tariff it would destroy our
foreign comerce. We were told if
we did not admit freely of imports of
other nations that they would not ad
mit our exports. Doesn’t that sound
familiar? How many times the arches
of this room have rung with demo
cratic declarations of that character.
And yet the gentlemen will say that
is because of the great distress of
other countries and their need of
our wheat.
I have other good news to tell
you. Our export manufactured ar
ticles exceeds the import of manu
factured articles more than twenty
five millions of dollars this year, a
thing that has never happened be
iure m tue uiniury ui mis coumry.
We have sent abroad of our manu
factured articles more than eighty
five million dollars worth of goods
this year, while we have brought
abroad only fifty millions of dollars
worth. We pay from one hundred
to one hundred and fifty million of
dollars every year for carrying our
foreign merchandise and what we
import. Ought we to do that? We
are now building ships in American
ship yards for foreigners, for Russia
for Japan, for China. We began in
IHBs to build a modern navy. 1 had
the pleasure of voting for the first
bill authorizing the building ot a
first modern steel vessel for the Am
erican navy, book what a navy we
have now! grown in fifteen years!
and to it we are addings and vising
with all others to protect the best
ship yard* in the world, and we are
building them rapidly. That nation
that can produce iron lor fifteen
cents |>er ton can In* a pow erful com,
merula I nation, ami that ia ours. We
must iearu to carry our merchandise
to save that enormous sum uaelcsah :
expended in the carrying trade. It
is within the limits.of possibilities
He can do it. Ami to do It we must
have these ft. j ieul friendly (tori*.
They must he ours umler all citvuut
stances, not simply white we are at
peace with all the world, because
as soon as «• have an enemy de
dared, tnen they shut off out ports
to us. We mu*l have them ail our
own Here is an opportunity to se
cure iu.tu) of lliviu lit hi ami on
•sad we wiU put our dag in such ae
ddiun that we may dictate what we
wilt lake ami what we wdlweepy
J. Phil Jaeger
Wants you to examine liis new in
voice of Heady to Wear Goods.
Our stock of men’s and
boy’s suits are corneplete in
every particular and we can
suit you both in quality and
price. Give us a call and
be convinced that our prices
are away down and the
quality of our goods is away
up. All fresh seasonable
goods. We have just re
ceived them and wrant to sell
them out in time to make
room for a fall stock so
will sell on the least possible
We have the finest line
of shoes ever brought to
this city. Our large invoice
just received enables us to
tit everybody and suit every
body as to style, quality of
goods and prices. We
make a specialty of our shoe
department and invite all to
come in and look over our
Full line of Indie’s and i
gent’s furnishing goods and
a big stock of general mer
Remember that “Old Glory” still waives
in the breeze and that we are paying the
highest market price for your produce and
give you prompt service and courteous treat
ment. Your Respectfully,
j. p]-hl jAeaeF?
Loup Oity, b IXTob.
Financial Statement of
Name Of Funds Hal Jan. jf’ol. from! Trans Trans Disburs | Oommlss Balance
State Fund.. . 5284 11 . . I 58 4.875 27 I.JWM28
County General 4.91585 8 424 07! .17* 41 5,50000 4.7*4 31 485 22 3.38080
Co. Int boml 2.37H08 8 28* i:i 5,000 00 11,004 21 in* 27 . 2 302 *y
Co. Hoad 887 18 18/10 *00 00 1145 222 81
C o Bridge 2.258 72 1 45'* 500.01) 1 <hi 2,08* 13 14 4 .' 1.10* 3V
Co. Poor 114*0 208 «■.* 314 *0 8 00
Co. Judgment J •'* ft 1ft ft'.’
Ilisli School 1*7 b 1*1* HI ,41 IT
Soldiers Belief .IDTV ft Id IS ftM 77
District School 11.717 »; II MM III.HhDM Wort l.o»n
School Juds int ft'.* aa .11 i*i ft 11 sowft
School Bond t.*»S si J.tUft HI .1 147 s| 81 to l/.no u"
Two Funds ■-* s7« oi .'.'lift *4 .'utmir* unftl 8.IWII8
llist Hoad. ft* *> SI W* ■■■■
Two Boml 1 WKW »f*Pl .| V7 I.IITM
Two Judirment bits *> ft* j *■* 40 tM mm
I i.un rltv VIII ftt>«7 ! ISO 7S I 6I0UO in aft a 1ft
Loup Flty bond a«tl« TIMM •• ITS* "UFA
Loup I’lljr Jud.ineut "TUP1 isft 71 I'*1 'V 11 S* Id! ftft
LI ten He Ul V 111 IMS • ™
Ashton VIII. * l" 22 mu fiV
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’ SiaU* of Nebraska, )
1 SIhoman County, \ * *
I. Frank Itailura, Ufaaurvr of aaid
•'oiintv *l.> Mtlfinnlv mar tliat Mir
fur*y>iiy atatf rufiit ia rarnat a* I
varlljf iMrliwta Fay via lUiu a v,
t ounly trr*»urrr
HaUrilwit in my |irfa#a«« aud
••oyn lo !>• (..i« iu, iltla illk dav of
July »"•* J,*wa Miai m *1 i
<•* VI I CtH»alv ('ll Ik
md local newspaper in
attorney and Notary Public. Publisher Lour City Noiitiiwkstkiin
Fisher & Benschoter,
Real Estate Agents,
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated
Lips, Lips, Lips.
We wish to call the attention of our many
customers to the fact that we have added to
our stock an elegant line of Lamps, also a fine
assortment of GLASS WARE, fancy cups
and saucers and plates.
We assure all that the prices are way down.
It is a pleasure to come in and look the goods
over and to posess them is a privelage.
Thanking you for past favors I am
Yours Truly, 1. S. SHgPPflRD,
Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb.
To whom It may concern:
The commissioner appointed to vlow a
road commencing at the southeast corner
of Section six (ft). Township fifteen, (151,
Hanna thirteen (13) In Sherman county
Nebraska, and running thence west on
Section line to the sooth west corner of
*n Id section six (U) and there termliiattiia,
has reported In favor of the estab
lishment thereof, and all objections
thereto or claims foi dauiaacs must lie riled
In the County Clerk's office on or before
noon of the 1st day of September, A l>
I'Ve or said toad will he established with
out refeience thereto,
ltated June ttnd, lava.
Jons Misbki ii, i ouniy i lurk
iseob by l.ubia Ukim, tieputy,
..—--- .... |
To all whom It may concern
The eommtwluaer ippiluiat to view
a load cumtaeaelaa at tbs south west cor
usr of keetlua tltcbleea list. Township
it, hsaa* It, ahermau eoahly, Msbrush*,
ruaaiaa theave east between seen.,as
i» and >t It and **. ts and M, t» had *l.
11siul «rt, to ccalrs o( senttoa liaebelwena (
seel ions U and at. and there tsrmiaattaa
hue leporled la lavor of the ostehitshutsai
thereof, end all uhjeetiou* thereto or ilsusi
for demean* most he filed la the futaaly
t'teth's ofkw aa or hwtore sass of the
id ay »*f s> prember, A t*. ins «r sai l
toed be v »• 11, : • is l siu,., at tufsive.c
Itaisd this list dor of Jose isos,
Jsi If isswi it. loos If lists
seel by Lor is Mata Ibysu
In the matter of I he application of Loiiim
Vcsely for liquor license:
Notice Is hereby given that Louis Vcsely
dJd upon the Ith (lay of July ism, hie his
application with the Isiard i»t Trustees of
the Village of Lltciilleld for license to
sell mull, spirituous and vinous liquors,
tn the building south of the Commercial
House, on block No ll, In the village of
Litchfield, Nebraska for the year ending
II ay i -i :
If there be no objections, leinunstranee
nr protest tiled before July l\ id*' the
license will In* granted.
Lor is \ KSKI.Y. Applicant,
Land Office at Lincoln, Nebr #
June is, istfts |
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler Riel notice of He intention
to make final proef tn *np|strt of biirlilw,
and that an!*! proof wtll ta» made before
iHtvId hay. County Judge of hherman
count y, at l.oupllty, Nebraska, on August
ith, im, «ta t barley Q. atoneburg, for
the north east quarter, *e«tto*i t, Town
•hip la, u rlti *f Range 11 west
tie name* the following wllaeease to
prove hi#*oatiuaour residence upon and
millvalftua ef. said land, via
Alfred K, Sutton, Jacob %lher». W ilium f
»»**♦* *1 of l.oup. heiiraaha. and J I*
|ti»l«H »*# %r* visa. Nebraska
hay |sr«iv who desires »*• protest against
the aloe save of tuvh proof, or eMrhnoae
•d «mi eubstautial reason voder the law
and tee nqsitiMs* of the Interior Its
port meal. why eu^h proof •bond not he
allowed. ar»t« **e given an opportunity at
the si*** e bsir an I p#ave t * • roar « i*min«
the witnesses »*i raid rkususb and to
•dtwf c* i‘b <•« * la rebuttal of that «otnt»lt
lad by shC me at
I a Hgtad Register