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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1898)
Rudyard Kipling tells a good story of himself to the Newcastle I Eng.) Chronicle. On* day, he says. I was sitting In my study In ondon when suddenly a gentleman appeared at the door unannounced, followed by two schoolboys. "Is this Rudyard Kip ling?” Inquired the gentleman. "Yes.” 1 answered. He turned round. "Roys, this is Rudyard Kipling.” "And this is where you write?” he continued. “Yes," 1 replied. “Boys, this Is where be writes.” And before I had time to ask them to take a seat they were gone, boys and all. I suppose they had all literary l^tndon to do in that way. Short—Young Doctor—Did you diag nose his case as appendicitis, or mere ly the cramps? Old Doctor—Cramps. He didn't have money enough for ap pendicitis.—Life, A STARTLED MOTHER. From the Freeport (III.) Ilnltctin. While busy at work in her home Mrs. Williu rn Hhay. corner < f Taylor and Han cock Avenue*, Freeport, HI. >va« tart led by hearing a noise jubt behind her. Turning quickly the saw creep ing toward herher four year-old d a ugh ter, Beatrice. The child moved over the floor with an ef «5»fort. bat ^ seemed 41)0*1 with Joy at Hading her Un. Shag Wat Startled. mother. The rest of the happening is best told in tha mother's own words. Bho said: ••On tbe'Jhthof Sept. INflfl. while in the bloom of health. Beatrice wassuddenly and severely afflicted with spinal meningitis. Htroug and vigorous before, in flva weeks she became feeble and suffered from a paralytic stroke which twisted her head iiack to the side and made itimpoasible for her to move a limb. Her speech, however, was not affected. We cnllco in our family Qorior, uue ui ion iowm tsAjirrium-eu mw Mircet-sful practitioners in tba city. Ha considered tiie case a very grave one. Be 1 fora long lit tie Beatrice hum compelled to wear u pla-ter parts Jacket Prominent Iibyslcinns were consulted, electric Batter ex were applied. But no Benefit h um noticed until we tried Hr. Williams' Pink Pills for I’ple Peoplo. "Busy In my kitchen one afternoon I «u startled By theory of 'Mamma’ from little Beatrice, who was creeping toward me. 1 bad placed her on an Improvised Bed in tho parlor comfortably close to t lie Preside and given her some B-<oks and playthings. She Became tired of waiting for me to come lack and made up her mind to go to me. so her story. My Pink Pills inode me walk,’ which she tells to everyone who come* to on* house, wo* then for the first time veri fied. She has walked ever since. She has now tek'-n a Bout nine Boxes of the pill* and her pale and pinched face has Been gl owing rosy, and her liinBs gniued strength day By day. She sleeps all night long now. while Before taking tho pills she could rest But a few hours at a time." Hr. \\ iIlium-' Pink Pills for Pole People are sold By ull drug gists. _ _ Five thousand dollars In Spanish bonds, part of the Seminole and Flor ida settlement by Spain with the United States, brought |100 at auction in New York a few days ago. These bonds paid interest at the rate of 5 per cent and were a lien on the Cuban revenue of the Spanish government. The last interest was paid in Septem ber last. Iowa Patent Office Report. Des Moines. July 6, 1898. By the war tax law that went into effect July 1, a 25 cent stamp is re quired on each power of attorney giv en by an inventor and he must cancel it by writing the initials of h.s name and the date on the stamp. An Inventor cannot delegute author ity to any person to sign hfs applica tion for a patent. As long as he Is alive he must sign hlR name to the papers, or make his mark, if he can not write his name. After his death his executor or administrator can sign the papers required to constitute an ap plication for a patent for an invention made by an Inventor prior to his death provided the invention has not been in public use for two years. Assignments of patents, or any in terest in a patent need not have a war tax or revenue stamp thereon. Twelve patents were issued to Iowa Inventors last week, to Nebraska 2, Minnesota 7. Illinois 43, New York 74. Valuable Information about obtain ing, valuing and selling patents sent free to any address. THOMAS G. OR WIG & CO.. Solicitors of Patents. The private In the British army re ceives only about 24 cents a day, while his Russian counterpart is miserable on $2.25 a year. The Italian soldier's remuneration is equal to about 4 cents a day In American money. A lieuten ant of Italian cavalry receives about 25 tents a day; of Infantry, about 18 cents. An English lieutenant of cav Hlrv is paid $18.'i a day; of Infantry, $1.56. __ The lake and rail arrangements of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for this year are practically the same as were in effect in 1K$7. Freight for l.ake Superior porta ie sent by way of ihe Northern Steamship Company and the Owen line Is used for the iatke Michigan port*. The Trana-laike Brie i'rraiigenienta are with the Itelroi'. Steam Navigation Company between Cleveland and Detroit and the Ashley * Dustin I.tne and the Michigan & Ohio Car Ferry Company between San dusky and Detroit. John Hoyd Than her of Alluinv well known as a collo id of American his torhal matter*. ha» somehow acquired four wampum belts of the Onondaga*, i ’tout* a* and other New Yutk stale In duns, and r»fu»e» to git* th»m up. si , ihough it would <e«tu he got iltetM without the know ledge of the ■ hlef* One of Ihe bells is of Ihe lime of Ills | • athe the famous l> «toots thief Matt’* Ittlttrlt t wee h S fvstlil’.ttMSsI t uts. l*i i. * TAa War hss rglseti gibe at quit kslivsf I luxe duek and rrath imb ta ten »»i»e»s Tyh# t «i «a-l > 1 sAka'itt m as to j lit t, l laM It# t “ tt I* . #t*d i,. y Auddeg gihi sad starts of a kui«* nr* gressuted from yaiihigg tldees tn g carriage hr ik* use uI a Spnug wtek I teal a be It te klngrd b* the as) at the hSI g Ihe log lo tag any port to I by stdisd tgslug* mougtad wg rudw tg *yt , IsJvti at the slut* of ||« S*4I A TRUE LION STORY. ! "Tho lion Is !n the kraal and has killed another ox!" A rude and some what startling awakening, this! And on a Sunday morning, too. as early as 1 o'cloc k a. m.! 1 sat up in my stretch er, and gazed towards the open door, , where my good missions! y host stood, candle in hand, and bearer of Informa tion such as always g'ces real pleasure lo the ''big-game'' sportsman, no mat ' ter however much he may regret the j loss of ox, horse, or donkey, which so often serves as the Introductory price to his majesty, "fells Ico.” The scene of action was a mission station on the borders cf the Mashlko Jumbwe country, and some sixteen miles to the west of the Kafukwc riv er iu south latitude 13 degrees 33 min utes. I was returning from a Journey I of exploration among the Mashlko I lumbwe come four days earlier, and i had been tempted to sojourn a few days with my friends, Messrs. Buckenham ar.d Baldwin, In order to do battle with a man-eating lion which three weeks before had taken up hit? quarters in tho neighborhood, and had been living right merrily on the natives ever since. Mr. Baldwin had given me a list of this lion’s bag, from which it was evi dent that the animal did not shun the habitations of man. and was particular ly predisposed In favor of the gentler sex—a trait In hia character which went far to bring about his ruin. Ou Jan. 28, 189C. a woman was seized and carried off from Just outside the village stockade, and was no more seen or heard of. On the 29th the animal visited the mission cattle kraal. His appearance caused a general stampede among the oxen and donkeys Inside, which broke through the palisade and tore off In the darkness In all direc tions. On this, of course, all that was left for King Leo to do was to take Ills nlnlr »n,l ...1st. 1. 1 _ II «l,r. pntanglement of thorns at the back of the station, which (to man) Impenetra ble fastness he had chosen as his head quarters. He selected an ox, as It hap pened. and decamped with the beef. The 30th was a red-letter day In his career. In the daytime he annexed a sheep, a lamb, and a goat, and there fore It Is to be assumed he was not suffering from hunger when light gave place to darkness. He must thus have been either a very keen sportsman or an enthusiast In his devotion to the fair sex, or he would not have pawed aside the wicker door of a native hut, walked inside, and abducted a sleeping female from the bosom of her family. And yet he did. On the morrow he does not seem to have gone abroad, but on the following night, Feb. 1, he varied his menu with a donkey from the mission kraal which had belonged to me some few weeks previously. Then four days’ rest, till on the 5th he purloined a sec ond donkey, and was no more heard of till Sunday, the 9th. when he died by violence. And this Is bow it came about: To jump Into a pair of trous ers and place a couple of cartridges In to my 16-bore was only a matter of a moment, as soon as the alarm was giv LOOKING AT MR. BALDWIN, en. My plan was to approach the kraal and try to get a shot at the lion with the aid of bluellghts, which I carried with me in anticipation of such emer gencies as the present. Mr. Baldwin at once volunteered to accompany me, and armed himself with a Martini rifle. Then repairing to the "boys’ ” Are, I explained my plans and called for a vol unteer to bold the light which would enable me to get a suitable view of ray quarry. The Afrleau native does not show a great amount of enthusiasm for lion-hunting even by daylight, so I con fess to being very ugreeahly surprised when three boys offered to join us in the attack—my Bamangwuto boy. I>e eharn. a Mashlkolumbne youth of about 18, and a Munko.vs who had re cently entered my service. The re mainder preferred the warm glow of their camp Are. As the Mashikolumh we seemed to me to exhibit most calm ness of demeanor. I Intrusted him with the blue light, with Instrut tlon* in keep dose behind my right shoulder, and to hold the light aloft after I had ignited the fuse; the other two prolonged the line to the right, with Mr. liable lu on their flank. And thus we adtanred slowly Into Ibe darkness until within suiue thirty pares of the tattle kraal, whan we were pulled up sharp by the sound ef an angry growl ftuin our uu •e«U ettetuy I Immediately applied the striker to.the fuse once twice tkrke. but still only a faint glimmer of Hgki mm# ru# fa*# ««« * b#4 an# I at»4 r#fi*##4 la Unit#. An*» ht*» |iut t. «n4 ih#tk uih#t# in bait'll iut‘v»M)oi *4 lb# lum 44 tan* *'4 tUAlglii far tt# Tb# ( t t*M ••• • tiHitl) 4u4 |»l*» b (fork #0 t*o I thing «uiiM N ###b of tb# brat# 4# b# I 4l*p*it«4 attr right I# lb# a% b# b#4 bUI#4 T# r*tr*«i b4«# u.* » foul, m M) ttft# I fttotta! m* I giuiii4 4ml #4*?*4 ti|Ul |(M k Hat# #• I lb# 4#tb isf k' - form «ban. 4 I • '<4|tii4 iMtlbt* I b »(*<• fb« kim bl# K«- u#ta# ** KttlliMMlrlf tb# j bat# r«m4ii*#4 Irt# f>»- tb#li r#tr#4i might b**# #mb#l'l#%#4 lb# Imni 1# tub •ut*u #■»!%• 4114* k f *« # bgi • iM •* parently mere bluff. He must have been within six feet when h's growl ing^ ceased and all became quiet again. A second light responded to the strik er, and lit up the kraal and Its sur roundings. The enemy had decamped and taken covert in the scrub beyond. We then retraced our steps, and smoked a pipe In order to give his majesty time to think over matters and return to his meat. in about half an hour's time we re turned to the attack. As we neared the l:raal another low growl greeted us I struck a light, and as I did so the Ma shikolumbwe boy told mo he saw the lion standing near ant-heap close( by the kraal. 1 looked, and saw two dark objects—one on either side of the, ant-heap. To th* left, what I took for ft bush—as It seemed much too large for a lion—was all I could see; to the right, what might easily be a crouch ing lion attracted my notice. I fired at the latter—the light went out, and all was quiet. Another light revealed the smaller object still there, and it is so still for all I know—but the larger ono had disappeared. I had fired at the wrong one! The next attempt only gave us a glimpse us his body glided to covert from behind the kraal. He evidently didn't mean to give us another chance that night, so we decided to retire to rest—but not to sleep—and make a fur ther attempt at grey dawn, In the hope of getting a shot before he had reached the impenetrable bush behind the sta tion, where It would bo Impossible to get at him. Vet once more Mr. Baldwin called mo from the world of sleep as he opened the door of the hut. This time, how ever, he said nothing, but looked a great deal. I uttered one short but expressive syllable as I realized that the sun was already high In the heav ens, and the chance of coming up with the lion very remote Indeed. The ani mal, Mr. Baldwin told me, had actually nntpn Ida wov * t« u as a man's arm hi order to gain en trance to the kraal. He had, of course, dragged away the carcass, and must ere this have reached tils lair. We found, as the boys had reported to Mr. Baldwin, that n hole had been eaten through the palisade, and at the far side a larger opening through which the surviving terrified animals had made their eseape. A groove In the sandy soil showed the line along which the carcass had been dragged. Accom panied by three boys, we followed the spoor until, after traversing some five hundred yards only, wc came upon the remains of the ox lying at the entrance of a tunnel through dense thorn bush. No lion was to be seen, though there was but little doubt that the marauder was within a few yards of his prey. A growl soon disclosed big whereabouts, and as It came from behind a wall of bush only a few paces In front, I fired at where I calculated the animal stood, fearing that he would not venture Into the open with so much covert at his disposal. There being no response or sound of movement, I left Mr. Baldwin and the boys and commenced to skirt the wall of thorn with the object of attacking him in his retreat. I had reached the ox, from which I was sep arated by a few thorns, when an ab normally large lion cantered down the "tunnel,’’ and stood for a moment look ing at Mr. Baldwin. The bush would not allow me to get my rifle round be fore the lion, catching sight of me— not two yards from him for the first time, turned round and trotted back to covert. I then continued the flanking movement, until a brownish back ground, beyond a small opening In the thorns, arrested my advance, and I could determine whether I saw a small piece of lion or of an ant-heap or bark less tree. A movement of a dark spot, after I had been watching for some seconds, told me that what I had In front of me must be the lion, and that the spot must be his nose or his ear, either of which, according as he was facing me or standing side-ways, made an nvnollpnfr hull's; pvp fnr st hrain thnf I raised my rifle and took a careful aim—a report—a sudden movement of the fawn mass—and all was still again. On examining the carcass it was found that the bullet had passed up the tight nostril and through the brain crashing through the atlas vertebra and resting under the skin. Measurement showed him to l>e much above the average, hi* length from muule to tip of tall being 9 feet 10 inches, and hlH standing height, taken between assegais, from the pads of his heels to the shoulder points. Just 43 Inches. In shoulder measurement only one larger seems to have been bagged oue shot by Mr. Selous, which scaled 44 Inches. liis mane, unfortunately, left much to be desired. With the ultl of a long pole and severul natives he was carried Into the atatlou. There was great rejoicing among the natives that Sunday morn ing who congregated lu large numbers and finished up by eating the carcass of their fallen foe. not withstanding the ; fact that two of tbelr women folk were entombed therein ASII Gibbous. A WiMMlerfal 014 Mae. When Sir llrnry Irving produced tb« "Story of Waterloo' for the Aral time at lirlalol, he rraa, of course, made «.p 1 to represent the last stage of senile de erepltude. An old gentlemen In a bov 1 • aa moth Interested In the perform ante, end hept on sirliilmlag In an undertone. Well I had no idea that 1 he wee a* old aa that When the pUr ! *4* (tntl lsVll lu III* « } itry Will, Ok*? t«Ht *l<**tt th# i|u« ** itwj* tftlti fttiuMt Ol« I [ i9f»n# ii * • »*4*rftft| kill |mm|4*. ImiI |u*ik ! ft! Ill » ***** ^ Ik* *i*4 I* | rbao a try **f th tn and here he Is going i throng i the 11 sue of attic* eighth i !ii*cHnn iM i*«f ilk* futifciry, **4 iii the tap s» his nrofeanten That » j - 'g In The Malta ! -on 3.37-r.jaurT-twsi I ■ aim * j Taking time liy the frrclcrk cause* lots of worry about things that never happen. Tlie Climate of f'ubn. Because of frequent rains in Cuba malarial fevers are a common ail ment there, as in many sections of the United States. Aliments of this kln<V no matter where they occur, are euied with Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. Be sides being a specific for malarial trou bles. It has no equal for dyspepsia and constipation. Jay Gould died In 1892, but his af fairs are not entirely settled yet. The state of New York placed a tax of $587,000 on his estate, which was con tested by the executors. The case is now before the Court of Appeals, which is probably the final step in the settlement. Wo-To-lla* for r.rey Cents, Ounr;iuv-*il totmeco tain! cure, makes wrak men stroar, aloud pure. SO. .11. AildrtiBtfif'ts. To close fire shutter and doors a;i‘o matleally they are mounted on an in clined track to slide shut as soon uu a fusible cord over the door is burned, the cord allowing a weight to drop on the latch and release the door. Cftf’* t'o«|li Hiilanu» P tlio and br»f. It *UI Wrraft tip ft. o©M oul< kef Ibmu tn.vthknu itiw It iJiUwajr* rrliitwift. Tijr it A Salt Baker who writes poetry firat rate thinks there was a Merry Mac In the White House when the news came that the Santiago bottle had been corked up with that coal ship. A bath with COSMO BUTTKRMIhK SOAP, exquisitely scented, is soothing end beneficial. Sold everywhere. “Hullo, Dobson, you're looking bet ter than I've seen you look for a year.” "Yes, I feel better. My wife has sent all our canned fruit to the front.”—Cleveland header. Mv doctor sold 1 won il die Put, Ulso's Uure for Consumption cured me. —Amos Ke.oer, Cherry Valley, 111*., Nov. 28, !8U5 The Arabs entertain n belief that Kve was the tallest woman that ever lived. R.ln.'ate tour ljowel* Wllh CaHRrctl. Candy Cathartic cure tODMlpatloa foreve 10c, Ac. If C. C. C. fail. drumUtH refund money A single banyan tree has been known to shelter 7,000 men at one time. The Adirondack Mountain*. The heart of this wondarful region of mountains, lakes and streams is traversed by ihe New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, and to more lully inform the public regard ing its beauties and easy means of access the Passenger Department has issued a book entitled "In the Adi rondack Mountains," describing !n detail each resort, and containing also a large map in colors giving a list, of ho'.e.'s, camps, lakes, etc., together with their location; It has also Issued a large folder, with map, entitled, "The Adirondack Mountains and How to Reach Them," giving com plete infcrmatlon regarding stage lines, steamers, hotels, etc. A copy of the book will be sent to any address on receipt of two 2-cent stamps, or the folder for one 2-cent stamp, by GEORGE H. DANIELS, General Passenger Agent, Grand Cen tral Station, New York. Political parties In Germany are di vided up' Into the following groups: Conservatives, Free Conservatives or Imperialists, Centre party or Clericals, National Liberals, Moderate Liberals (Freialnlnge Vereinlgung), Radicals, Social Democrats, Poles, Anti-Semites, Guelphs. Alsatians, the German Social party, Peasant Leaguers (Bauernbun der), and last, but not least, the Agri cultural Leaguers. FITQ fc'«rinauunli}’l->urrd. xvoui ■» rr xt«rrou«neAg aft«s fir*t u*e of I)r. kUue • (ireat S*r»e iWatorcr. bund I >i PURE |ij.OO trial hoitle «n« trratia* D*. JK- il- Klin ■. Ltd.. 931 Arch St.. Pbiladclpi.t*, F* The July Century will open with a story of the Cuban Insurgents, entit led, "By Order of the Admiral,” by Winston Churchill, author of "The Ce lebrity.” It will be fully illustrated by Cllnedinst. Another story which The Century has in hand for Immedi ate publication is a Spanish-American tale by Mrs. Schuyler Crowninsliield. whose book. "Where the Trade Wind Blows,” has recently attracted atten tion. OPEN LETTERS FROM Jennlo E. Oreen and Mra. Harry Hardy. .Tbnn'ik E. (itCM. Denmark, Iowa writes to Mrs. Pinkliaui: " l hud been sick at my monthly [M*riods for seven year*, and tried uliuost everything I ever heard of. hut without any benefit. Was troubled with backache, headache, pains in the shoulders and dizziness. Through my mother l was indueed to try l,.vdia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and It has done me so much good. 1 am now sound and well." , Mra. If tnttr ll.tnnt. Hire node. Iowa, w rites to Mra. Pittkhaiu the story of her •druggie with seriousovariau trou ble, and the benefit site received from the use of Lydia K. 1‘inkham'a Vrge* table Compound ThU is her letter: " How thankful 1 am that t took your uiedti ine. 1 was troubled for two yeart with Inflammation of the womb amt ovaries, womb was also eery low. I w as in eoustant misery, I had heart trouble, was short of bteath and meld not walk five blocks to savo my life kuftrvtl very muelt with my hack, haul headache all the time, was iteFVutti, loeaslrual ions were irregular and painful, had a bad discharge and was Iron bled with (.looting t was a l*dt»t w reck. II vd d « tond ami 1 lakt it local treatments, bo t still w as so b»tier. I was advised by owe of my j weigh anew to tv rue to you. I hate m*w j finished Mu" second bottle of ttf Ihttk1 ! t, t *w s V, ■ i j ole t .tutmo.ioL amt ant batter In • r,"ft w» I a.u able to do • !l my «« u ««k » w«i raw walk mat .y A l *> t ii|f M# 4 INHiliiilMi | bad Sot been able to do fur over two years. I g Is to.we has dnwa am more gaud I baa alt the dealers ’* According to the Boston Traveler, r. Miss Wildwood. 23 years old. who two years ago was a stenographer, Is now the richest coffee plant?! in the Ha wal'-n islands. For n perfect complexion mid a clear, healthy skin, use COSMO BUTTER1ULK. SOAP. Bold everywhere. Prof, von Zenker, who In ISfiO first discovered the trichina disease, died recently in Mecklenburg at the age of 73. She—The fact that ! am a widow doesn't make any dUTsrentw, dm It? I He—Yes. I wouldn't marry you iT your husband was living. Don! Tobacco "pit ana S mo no Your Lite Away. To quit lobnrco eistly and forcvar, bo mnjr C“t!c. full of life, ni rve. and vigor, take No-To Hac. the wonUer-wi rker. that makes weak meu strong. All druggists, title or ll. Cure guaran teed Booklet anil sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. An old maid says she never married because she could never find a man to suitor. A TRAVELLER’S TESTIMONY. What lie Carried on the Cars To Take when Travelling. tvery traveller know* that continuous Journeying on the railroad is very apt to ' derange the system in »o *.e way. In spite of rpriugs aud suit seat* there i> Q contin ents Jar and vibration, which nets upon the nervous system, and produces results varying somewhat, according to the strength of the traveller or his predisposi tion to some specific ailment. The most common consequence of continuous tar riding is constipation. And this condition {availably ptoaitce* headache, and tend* to biliousness. J. J. Converse, St. I.ouis, Mo., found a way to avoid the evil effects of constipation, to which hr was subject when travelling. He can led with film •* the pill that will ** cure con* ti pat ion and all its sequent sufferings. This is what he says: “Travelling on the cars tends to consti pation with me, but by using l»r. J. C, Ayer’s Pills moderately, my bowels are kept iu healthy action. They also pi event heudache.’’—J. J. COKVtkSK, ftt. Lout*, Mu. T)r. Ayer’s Pills are good for cons' ,pat ion under all circumstances and conditions. They have cured long standing cases after every other medicine had failed. Kcv. *Ai4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA< Francis 15. Harlowe. of Atlanta, fla., fur* ni*hc* a case in point. He writes ; “For some years pest, T was subject to constipation, from which 1 suffered in creasing inconvenience, in spite oi the use of medicines of various kinds, until Home months ago. when 1 began taking Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills. They have entirely corrected the costive habit, and vastly improved my general health.” — (Rr:v.) FftLANUa I). IIAUI.OWK, Atlanta, Ga. Constipation is, perhaps, the most seri ous physical evil of to-day. It is like the octopus, that grapples its victim and fattens it* tentacles on trunk and limb:* one after another, until at last, incapable of longer resistance, the helpless being succumb* to liia frightful foe. Conatipa tion I* the beginning of many of the most murderous maladies, the (logged system becoming charged with poisons that affect the liver and kidneys, and prostrate the entire being mentally, morally, and physically. Dr. Ayer's Pills will cure coustipatfou. If you doubt it send for Dr. Ayer's Cure book, free, containing fhe testimony of thV>«e cured by this remedy. Address j. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. —------ - -- - !■■■ ■ JJi IRONING MADE! EASY. < ► J has many imitators, but no equal. ; * ' I ■ , 1 '■ • - Thic Qtarrh is PrePared on ! j I Ills Olftl HI scientific prinei- [ 4 pies, by men who have hed years of , J experience in fancy laundering. It [ J restores 0I4I linen and summer dresses [ 4 to their nntur&l whiteness and imparts > J 11 bcoutiful and lasting finish. The [ * only starch tlint is perfectly harmless. ' 1 Contains no arsenic, aluin or other in- » J jurlous substance. Can be used even [ * for a baby pow ier. J ! ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. ! “DON’T BORROW TROUBLE.” BUY SAPOLIO *TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. FASTTRAIN E.A.ST ^%,r™iWABASH Lv. Moo.. I.... ... j fits S; S; For further infon.-isticn ar.d a hardsem* illustrated booklet address C. S. CRANE. G. P. A T. A., St. Lou:*. PILES “Isufl'ered the torture* ol(he damned with protruding pile* brought on by roimtipu ; tlon with which 1 was afflicted for twenty years. I ran across your CASCARKTS In the : town of Nswell. Ia, and never found anything I to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from i piles and feel like a new man." | OH. Kcitx, Mil Jones St., Jtoux City, la TMAOK MAMA fMOMTlMO PlMKuiQf. Palatable, INjtent. Taote Go«l. Do Good Never Mirkeu. Weaken, or Gilpe. K*r. Mr. fiOr ... CURB CONSTIPATION. ... l.r.,4t b«HIF, » hWp., tselrstl, %*w Twl ' I Mil-TA.RAC H^daiid H«i«i»n(eed by alldrutf RU* I U*DA|# tfUialo CCK*! Tobecbo llaou Chainless Bicycle $125 IlNa Swift. s«fs. C.lenihU Chain tfthss'i $?S, MxiMor. lieyaltt. ISO. Vsdsite |i:y<ite«. $40 end $ii POP* M»C ca HsttfsrJ Css* DROP8Y KMKKKiS >$$.*■• BoiTj *-. k i$itB>'.-.«.$!.' 4>i tk>i$ir i#%«4i$*«u‘ b *». M>>• lll>y j «<MHh likWiablp Or. Kay'i R*M««t«r. FAIRBANKS SCALES a* w. n, u.Dinsns. wu. iobo Vheo Answering Advertisements Kindly Nation This fuoct. FURNITURE. $50,000 Stock of all grades of Furniture recently bought at the very lowest easli priee will lie of fered during the next few months at special prices. t'ustor.jers visiting Omaha will tlnd this the largest and oldest furniture store here, anil we will make every effort to please both in goods aud prices. Chas. Shiverick & Co., FURNITURE, 1206 Douglas St., Omaha. >ril lu MllturU llolt1!. Mur» T« unify o*r»t*iAts in whrtta*r I Ilf • ttlv»ri !«♦*.! •• hi i* n oil «ri* « I'd iiulf a dllarouni «*f I inr ifct uM Miff p>ir hist' of «ujf t ualotuffr » ln» will «ril UN III* y UWf* »Um « U 1 A.» Ok It AtHi lfo«» !!»•*> will rc< iililhirn t itn Id lit*- ir friFMiU if tbs If M'4k tbuy drr m.ifi (wry. *(>*c $1 to Wo «i*» SUm»t PICTURE OF OEWtY £25g! To**vi*r» prmott omkIIiii u« &'• t'> au fur $ a tints HiiMtiV irtii iBWrti»<um i > t!»•* Ti«m« V|:«si.» ,,|,i f4put mill fiittiiy Vnt AMI RICAN HOMISIIAD. •v *iil if *U t iWituitful Rli 'art of %tl*«tr<$l • oN'rgt \V It >»« | I!*• 'i» M «*f M thl|» ThK •Huh' I* lU' i ioi'i Anil U <% rn»k* «*r«N$tU t%» # Iff. It It AtllU'*lf f «* fr%iutiN4 tint ttil Ion a IlMffl '•/ * Ai ry »»♦ Nttwr f ll»« flail ly H r i« t«i r, *s *4"i • inn tm| I itioi l »!•»■• Ailtifru I'Ilf A^ruii \N ltoH|>T» \l» * »«t «b t. \»b* MUk«» %. IT COSTS NOTHING 4%tit4 I'tftltwft. I'Nyvfiidt ttr. fu-rn Mi •tdi I'tf it. Il fHt i utiVA t«4 yi Itttt l»M »l tM!» * M |« Ml I il « IM I III*. MM Mk UiNlRw Ns lb * Mi