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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1898)
Loup Or Northwestern ___ VOL. XV. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1898 NUMBER 17 * THE ' UMERS FHi! Is prepared to close out his entire stock of READY MADE CLOTHING These goods are all FIRST CLASS and of the “HAPPY HOME BRAND” will be sold entirely , Regardless of Cost A great manv of our friends will visit the Exposition this season. Most of you will pay more or less attention to the exhibits which will b^ made by the great department stores of this country, and many of you will be tempted to become customers of theirs, through their statement that he country merchant cannot meet their prices. I *■' ' 1 " ' t „ . i r- , . . ■— —-— We are aware that most country merchants do not meet their prices, but (rasteveris I’HE country merchant who can and WILL meet their prices on any thin# which he carries or is able to procure. So remember friends) j that when you are in need of any thing in his line he will till your order j ust as low and j ust as satisfactorly as any of the larger eastern concerns. i_______ | w SANTIAGO SUPRENDEPs THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND SPANISH MEN TURNED OVER to The Northwkmtkhn Thursday July. 14. t p. a Santiago, surrendered at 12, in, to-day unconditionally with out firing a shot. Six teen thousand soldiers with Gen. Toral, falls into our hands. Associated Press Dispatch, Lincoln. Upon Receiving the above dispatch we called up G. H. McVicaer, of the Nebraska State Journal and ask for further particulars. We received the following reply: i Special to the Nokthwkstkhn, Lincoln Thursday, July M. 8 p. m. Santiago formerly surrendered at 3 p. m. to-day. Fol l lowing has peen received at war department: Playo Del Este, I July 14, Have just returned from interview with Toral. He jg agrees to surrender upon basis of being returned to Spain, i This proposition embraces all of Eastern Cuba from Acera deros on the south to San Qua on north, via Palena with pract-1 ; ically all fourth army corps. Commissioners meet this after noon to deffinately fix terms with Shafter. Toral’s surrender was practically on terms dictated by United States troops em braced in surrender estimate about thirty-two thousand men Only condition granted is that they be sent back to Spain. Next move is to rush Watson’s squadron to Spanish coast. And then to occupy Porto Rico. Nothing from Dewey, further than to confirm capture of Subig bay with thirteen hundred TOKAI. WASOKITTY Port Antouia, Jamaica, Sunday, July 10,—The surrender of Santiago, was formally offered by tbe Spanish commander. General Toral to-day, but the Conditions attached caused a prompt refusal of the offer by General Shat ter. The negotiations however, resulted in the extending of tbe armastice un il DO m Sunday, uud white flags of truce still float over the opposing armies. Geneial Toral s proposal contemplated the immediate surrender of the city, but be insisted that bis army lie permitted to march away under arms and under flying colors, and declared that he would fight to the laat ditch unless the conditions were accepted. Geu. Sbafler replieb that uotlnug but unconditional surrender would lie considered by him, but be consented to cable the Spauish offer to \V sale I ington in the tneaulime extending the armastice It waa shortly before noon that a little group of Spauish officers under a Dag of truce came out fr m under the yellow wal' of the liesieged city ( anil slowly utaile Its way toward tbe American line. A detail was sent to| meet them, ami they were eacorted to comfortable t|uartera while the letter ! from General Toral was carried to General Shatter s tent, two miles from! tbe front The letter was couched tu the icily courteous terms, character ; la tic of such circumstance*, and waa ns brief aa possible. It bur* tbe aig nature of General Toral, who commands at Santiago, since General Linares was wounded, and staled that he was prepared to *uri«nder the eily, pro sided hi* army would be permuted to capitulate, * with boeur." Tbia be explained, meet that tbe Spanish forvea should he unmolested and go lu nnv direction they wished with arm* and flung colors. ||: Tit# letter com lutled with the hohi statement that surrender under anv other terms was an Impossibility and would not be considered, Genetnl Miaflrr immediately taldtd the facta to \Va>btngtm. and sent to I General Total a refusal of bta prop-taal, but *Tied that be eoubl comma abate with bit goyernmenl, and would extend tbe infoimal armistice until Sunday at a*me IMS tit.MIIS*> MS WMSMAt HKKOKK SANTIAGO July II » ben the Are »pe«*d I mm «he A me* lean lines after the voaclu* ton **f tbe armistice our mm were la a <*•<•< b better position. Cuprou s and Hin s'batteries were posted on the heights. On the left of the line, ami in the rear of bates’ line, the HotcnKiss' Gat ling and dynamite guns occupied a crest on the right centre and on the extreme right, best's and Grimes’ batteries were posted in the centre of F^awtoo’s division, our right was strengthened by a brigade of Kent’s div ision, the Sixth and Sixteenth regiments regulars, and the Seventy-lirst New York volunteers, which was pushed to the west until with Garcia’s line, it formed an arc, reaching within a quarter of a mile of Cai manera, which skirts the bay. The only road by which General Total could escape was thus com manded. Small detached bodies of Spaniards had been observed skipping out of the town to the westward early in the morning, including one squad of cavalry. A move was made to cut off their retreat and a land bombard ment began. A shot from the Grimes battery was followed by one of Capron’s guns on the left and in the right centre the Gatling and Hotch kiss batteries opened Are. For the first ten minutes the firing was quite general; the Spaniards replying spiritedly, but the rifle fire on both sides soon waned, and from 5 o’clock to half past six, when the action ceased, the firing was confined almost exclusively to the artillery. Our batteries soon got the range and poured shells into the Spanish en treDchmeuts. The Hotchkiss battery swept the outer line of the entrench ments hack and forth, cutting down the brush shelters like a sythe. The Spanish were soon forced to the blockhouse. A Spanish battery on the left of the town, engaged by Capron’s bat tery, fired only a few shots, hut the battery on the right fired spiritedly until a gun cotton shell from Wood's dynamite gun exploded directly in front of it, tearing up two trees and dismounting the guns. It was the last shot of the afternoon and was greeted with cheers. Two men in General Kent's division were killed by a shell and several were wounded. Sergeant Jef ferson and Private St. Clair of troop B, Ninth cavalry, were among the wounded. SHELLS STRIKE WITH EFFECT. Off Aguadores, July 11, 2 p. m. via Kingston, July 12.—In pursuance of General Sbafter’s request Commodore Schley, Rear Admiral Sampson being absent at Guantanamo, at 3 o’clock on Sunday afternoon, ranged the Brooklyn, Indiana and Texas within 500 yards of the shore, at a point almost due south of the city of Santiago, distant a little over four anti a half miles and concealed from view by a hill 250 feet high at its lowest poiDt. The ships were about a mile apart. The army signal men were on the beach opposite the ships, and also on the crest of a hill overlooking both the ships and the city. These men wig wagged the lesults of each shot, telling the gunners if the shell was aimed too high or too low, or not in line. Sundays practice was good, but it was better to-day, when the firing was opened by the New York, which returned from Guantanamo bay during the night. The New York, Brooklyn and Indiana were the ships which participated in the shelling this morning. Each shot was carefully calculated, and the wig-wag signalling from the shore to the shi| s where l-ulii oucii ixjii iiukuicu tuc ^uiiurin 11 iiiuj utui mi: |iiu|fi;i civ> ai .1*11. j uu ships ran out their big guns on the side opposite the tiring in order to se cure the desired list to port or to starboard. General Shatter signalled about noon that “some of the shell fell in the bay and some in tbecitv. The latter do not appear to do great damage.” Comment on this subject was changed by a message saying: “The last shot struck 8t. Nicholas church, where powder was stored, blowing up tbe same aud doing great damage.” Tbe bombardment closed for the day at 1 p. m. at General 8hafL*r's re quest, as he was about to send a Hag of truce into the city in order to de maud its surrender for the third and last time. IlKWIV AT IT AUAIN MANILA, July l».—(Via lloiig Kong, July iA) The insurgents on Wed nesday July 0, reported that the German boat Irene, in 8ubig bay, refused to permit them to attack tbe Spaniards on Grand inland. Hear Admiral Dewey promptly dispatches the Haleigh and Concord to investigate the matter. On entering Subig hay the Haleigh opened Ore ou the forts, whereupon the Irene slipped its cable and steamed out by the other chan nel. The result of the lire of the American war ships wss that the Spsnisrde, uu 111 h<-ring over 5oo men, surrendered everything. On returning to Ma nila, the Irene explained that it interfeled “in the eauaeof humanity" amt ottered to hand over to the Americana the refugees it had on tioard Aduti ral Dewev however, declined to accept. Governor General August! has Issued a proclamation promising to graut autonomy to the island* and offering the insurgent* inducement* to join the .Spanish forces. General Agulualdo, the insurgent leader, said the overture*of the 8pahish commander esiue too late AI M VV* MIVSU AMI MIC* I'nrtsuinuti) N II July |0. Admiral t'erveia came on deck tbi* afternoon and consented to talk with representative# of the press, who wen* cut t» the lit, Louis on s tug. ••You a»k me, * he said, "how I like America, and I answer that I have always liked and I uiav say, loved your people hut tbi* war ha* been a duty wubuM and the men umler me I knew that itie Atuvri an dvel dearly outclassed u*. turt it waa n question utj tabling either :nsi<le or outside the harbor I have many friend* in Arne* ten and have unli the kindliest feeling* bet them, but every man ha* a •lull in preform to hi* e»unii> and all .Spaniard* Irma to perform tkst tlniv There k as been tutu k feeling in Spain and I want all SpaM to km»« ike truth that every stop-d my squadron fought until the tael and wn#n w* could do no m'ire, »«• *urr>ra<lcfed I have much interest to know the exact situation in (tpau* t'aptain ibsslrit'k ha* Ire a test ne alt as well as anyuue could possible lie treated M\ orther* have occupied quarters in the *ah*n» ami we cannot complain I BRITISH AMERICAN SKNTIMKNT. [Chicago Tribune.] Ad cuthusastic and patriotic Brit ish American writer to the Tribune in the following jubilant strain: “America is made of fine stuff, but, like every nation, it has its tradition al absurdities to out-grow. Then there uppears to be a lot of medie valists who are in deudly fear their country will grow too great anil pros perous. The proper realm of these people is Spain, and we cannot uf ford to tarry with them. The Uoited States should hold every toot of land it can honorably lay its bands on, because in the future territory will be the stronghold of nations, and if we throw up the new acquisitions our brave boys have won tor us, we can expect only the bitter derision of our decendents. It is not terri torial expansion, but the influences of medievalism that America should hold aloof from. Let the voices of those fearless spirits be heard, those who know that no territory is too large, no policy too broad, no prin ciple loo bigb, for the scope of Anglo-Saxon, especially Amerioan, genius and daring. Is tile Maine Avenged? (St. Paul Dispatch.) Sinco the war began we have lost the Maine. The enemy baa lost the following: Castilla, Ulloa, Austria’ Isla de Cuba, Reina Christina, Cris w>oai <;oion, iuaria leresa, Viscaya, Oquendo and torpedo boat destroy ers Furor and Pluton, besides small er gunboats not worth mentioning. Alphonso had a navy. Where is that navy now. While our soldiers were passing through Kentucky the other morning, on their way South a small, barefoot l»oy, with a tin bucket in his baud, and a look of com piste absorption on his face, was standing near the train, when it stopped a tew minutes at a wayside si ation. The soldiers were taking a long ride, and had had nothing to eat since the night before, and they were quite a hungry lot One of them called to the Imv; “Sonny what have you in your bucket?" “My dinner. * “Ml give you a dime for It," said the hungry soldier. The lad quickly handed the buck et to the speaker, but, when the pay me mi wsa < titered, be shook his head. “No »tr, | wotildn t charge a sol dier for sny thing In »ai- You are welcome to u. And whan the Haiti ■Moved ulf, i>ue lad trotted diaaeflesa to school, but with a patriotic heart twaliag loudly la hta t*os«>wi ^ueouaa Itatr'i tail to get the latest sdtliao u| Moul MditHt'tfwtl hit M«p H yea ••at la Ms gaiisd *• tae »»*• t tpot that lh*apMoutSt are tevetstag AtUeaiMv •tassNi »( laterctm ’ )l»g»i««w Italy : throats at its -Ah* Till Ml)TIC TO AMKB1UAN NAVY, Kg|llih Ncw»p«|>«ri F1 ml NAtlihetlon In the Victory. LONDON, July 9.—The weekly newspapers to-day, in discussing the American navy. Even the Saturday Review savs: “It is impossible not to feel a cer tain pride in these achievements of men of our own race. Every Eng lishman, too, will remember that it was the possession of this same qual ity, the tine marksmanship which the Americans displayed, which gave victory both on land and sea from Orecy to the Crimea and somthing peculiar and noble happened in this tight which showed is a far higher way the kinship between two people: Don't cheer, shouted Captain Philip, the poor devils are dying ., It seems to us that itiis expression of tender sympathetic humanity is just as the Kiss me Hardy, of the dying Nelson, The Spectator, m to long article on the same subject says. The first thought of all English men is that the American fleet did its work splendidly. The whole per formance of Admiral Sampson’s fleet was in accordance with best tradition of Anglo-Saxon navies and every Eglishtnan has read of their doings with a flush of pride. There was the same old hard pounding as the CillAttUCbllttU acn UU^O UBCU IUC OUUiC curious mixture of steadness, daring coolness and reckless dash. The mor al aspeat of what was the first and what may he the last fleet action be tween the Spanish and English and races is very mush alike. In both cases it was the mau before the gun who in the last resort won the battle. The battle shows that the American navy is a most ettleient fighting mu chiue. We did not need to be told that here. We knew it already and realized of what stuff Ihe Liou’s whelps are made. They, however, did not Know it on the contitent though they apparently know it now. KKi*CHI.IUAN STATE CONVENTION. TH* Kt’|Mit4U'»n wUviom of the Mini* of No. l>n**ki4. arc to '**<1 do legato* from dwtr rviyeoiivf roumirs to nuwt in vtovtattoa in thtt city of Ufetuitt, on Wed**»*day Auguvi 10, 1*1 aft 10o oluck i, ou for th* yurpuw of placing In nomination ctntiitiaiMv for tHa fol* lowing ortiwrw I (Governor 9 l.ivu tenant governor t iwman of vtat* ft Amlituf of public wrtniau A Trwft*kr«« ft kvpMtftivaitai of pnbtto iaaftrokiion* f at u*ra*» g*n#r*i a t ommi*■>—» » of pubite iamln *>f Holkf’ Inga And to iftMMftgt »o* k o*Her t*u*i*» o a* may prop*rtf cm» iwlof* Mm convention, nnarmaa vooaftj In fttttftfcul to Nat damgam* to* »jrfrMi--nn*T*ft icing ftwxd apwn ton twi# «*** tor How Aifttri I Hnrakam tor pt—ftdan \.*4 aft**to# to Mftft giving mmA toMM ftt* da tognft* «« to raw mad warn to* oa*n Ml •oto* and nuuwr ******** ftHimtot 1% to tft».' >*- igiEiioii Mat no imwaian to* admit tod iw t%* **ai*aliim and IHaft tto* kctoynM**** ganewnft H* auftHof land to cnaft to* ftftiiw ***• •d Mm d*kigaftl*** at iHa ctwmty wtoaH ton* H in kaapmaagai MMft Mm evnaaiy <mift*aii*a» to tow ft Mtoftv m»m<»fltjTiwrJi and pa#Hp*ft to*t* «u*ail Mpgaaiia1*1* to to* Ham **a*aav*ow to lugattoM mi atoaH >an h an »**»*»** a** toi-ftft MftviaM dam •* »Hiatttoaa Has ft *»«** mm