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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1898)
THE NORTHWESTERN. m.NSC llOTKIt * (ilBSON. K«l« sn<l I’obe. LOUP CITY, -- NEB. NEBRASKA. Fifteen Jur'iU boys have Joined the Third regiment. The cherry crop In Washington county is about bait a crop this year. In four days over 11.000 was sub scribed for a Catholic church building at Newcastle. Guy Brodle. a boy tramp, was run over and killed on the Union Pacific railroad at Omaha. Arrangements have been made for celebrating the approaching Utkina of July on a mammoth scale in Table Hock. The South Omaha stock yards will keep open house during all the expo sition and visitors given a cordial wel come. C. C. Bartea has been appointed clerk of Cuming county to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Henry F. Kioke. George Cutter living near Wayne was attacked by a vicious cow and but for the timely arrival of help would have been killed. The state treasurer has made a call for $32,000 general fund wari nts, to romo In July 2, The numbers run from 40,332 to 40.580. Charles Quackenbush of Humboldt, a well known resident for the past quarter of a century, died last week. The deceased was in hla 82nd year and has been quite feeble for some time. The Venango Creamery company of Perkins county, a branch of the Beat rice Creamery company, which has headquarters in Lincoln, filed articles of Incorporation with a capital stock of $1,800. Ruben Garrett of Grand Island dis covered a strange carrier pigeon __ e_ i _ j______ tPko niUUlig UtD V»'-> HIV. •» v. 1 ---~ U of a dark color and had on tu right leg a card bearing the letters T. E. M. and a figure 6. The brazing machine In the work room of the Norfolk Bicycle company exploded, eerlously burning W. C. Ahlmaa, who was operating It. The building wa aet ea fire, but the Are de partment soon had the flames under Prof. J. W. Crabtreet.who Is manager of the Nebraska division of the Na tional Educational association, saya that the teachers are full of enthusi asm, and he believes that the attend ance at Washington next month will be fully up to Nebraska's average. E. R. Fogg, receiver of the Nebras ka National bank at Beatrice, is Issu ing checks for the final dividend of 11.4 per cent. This makes a total per cent on proved claims of over $1"^ - 000. Eastern correspondents, who were creditors to the amount of $50. 000. were paid In full because tuey had collateral. , * The boys of company B, Third regi ment, were made happy by receiving a beautiful silk flag, the gift of Platts mouth merchants. Judge Chapman received th» flag from a committee of the local post of the Grand Army of the Republic, who represented thd business mahT And 1 a a short hut .spicy address presented It. An unusual number of fakirs has Infested this place the present season, says a Rising City dispatch. There Is every sort of fakir In e- Idenee. There are historical fakirs, quack doc tor fakirs and patent medicine fakirs, besides the omnipresent and ubiqui tous book agent. These are roamng the country getting farmers' notes and contracts galore. Some fagmqrs living east of Chadron near the line of Dawes and Sheridan counties, are worried over the appear ance of young native grasshoppers in great numbers. la the same vicinity last year, the crops Buffered some, and j this year the hoppers have arrived earlier and In greatly superior num bers. The crop prospect is most prom ising otherwise. The large barn on Frank Strahn’s ranch, four Miles west of Wayne, was destroyed by Ore, the origin of which is unknown. Mr. Strahn's famous ironing siamoo, union Medium, to gether with a 3-year-olU stallion of the trotter, which he valued as much as Union Medium, and two other hora ea were burned, besides considerable grain, harness, etc. It. M. Patton, who lives about four miles northwest of Emerson, met with a distressing accident lie was plow ing corn with a riding plow to which three horses were attached. A little boy. aged about H years was sitting with him on the plow. In some man ner the horses got frightened or tan gled In the lines and rommenced run ning around In a circle. The wheel* of the plow passed over Mr. Patton aeveral tlmcw and the hor»“* trampled on him. Ml* leg was broken In three place* and lie was Internally Injured. The boy was uninjured Springfield dispatch: William T. Satterfield, o'deet son of Mr. and Mr*. William Satterfield of Plattford pre cinct. met with a fatal accident yes terday afternoon on his farm, fir* ntlle* southwest of this place. He was up on hts windmill tower oiling tbs machinery, when the platform gate way and he was hurled to the around, forty feet below, falling ua hie rleht wrtet, mashing It In g horrible man ger Otherwise he seemed all right, and walke-l to the house Ills v.rl t we* dressed. but durtgg the evening he bwenm# suddenly etch end died la great agony nt | o'clock ibis morning twelve hour* after the accident ban Al Humboldt fh.rles Usher lee waa geetewce J Ml the dietyh t court to five year* la the penitentiary hla egeaee being the theft of n teem and buggy belonging In Mli het d HUsiviM ef Hum till. I. D If* bard* «f »'rem..«t ban turned uwer n number nf retlce fur (he egpuettMk, leiMii ib»m the seurd worn by Antho«v Wayne, a giase un blew with the profile of Andrew J«.g mm grigggd in the glaae • two shilling reltfiMl UMtn. n MM #t , free (tie I»rl4*h frigate Merlin, ea lured i* IffT and a ««p and supposed la have been need by Ueswye Wnehtng What America Demands, According to a Madrid Paper. ANNEXATION OF PORTO RICO. The Independence of (lie Island of Cabo Voder on American I'rotertorste, n Na val Station In Philippine Islands and a foul Depot In Hie Canary Island*. Madrid, June 27, noon.—The Corre spondcncla of this city to-day pub lishes a report to the effect that the peace conditions suggested by the gov ernment of the United States include the possession by the United States of the island of I’orto Ilico, the independ ence of the island of Culm under a pro tectorate of the United States, the establishment of a naval station for United States warships in thu Philip pine islands and the establishment of a coal depot for United States war ships in the Canary islands. GRANT’S FIELD PROBLEM. A First Corps Division lii a Sham Unt il* at < hleUamauga. Chickamavoa. tia., June 27.--Th« event of to-day at Camp Thomas, prac tically the event of the week, was the second demonstration of General Fred Grant's now noted battle problem. As early as 1 o'clock the regiments com posing the Third division of the First corps. General Grant's command, were astir, and by half past 3 o'clock ail the men had had their breakfast and were in line. The first column, composed of the First Vermont, Eighth New York and the Third Tennessee, under the com mand of Colonel O. I). Clark, after con siderable maneuvering, secured posses sion of the observation tower at the northeastern corner of the park and prepared to hold it. The second col umn. composed of the Fourteenth New York, He con d Nebraska and First Missouri, commanded by Colonel Charles J. Rills, arrived a short time after and began a vigorous at tack. The attack was a superb one, the most skillful tactics being em ployed. The first column, in posses sion of the tower, held its position well, however, and the attacking col umn failed to dislodge It. The tiring waa continuous, and the battle had very much the appearance of the real thing. General Grant expressed him self as well pleaocd with the work done. Thousands of soldiers and civil ians watched the contcat. GRANT AGAINST SUSPENDERS. Urn* and Conduct of Noldicn the Bodjr of o Chlckmntufn Ordor. t'mcKamacoa Tajik, June 37.—Gen eral Fred Grant has issued the follow ing order to the First division Third corps: “All soldiers of this command, when on pass within the park limits, or on duty at the various headquarters, are prohibited when without blouse, from wearing suspender* over their blue shirts. Soldiers are admonished that when they are granted the privi lege of a pass beyond the park limits, they are expected to be attired in a clean and soldierly manner, and es pecially those visiting the adjoining cities and towns should constantly keep their blouses buttoned when worn. It is made the duty of officers and non-commissioned officers to re port to their respective regimental cc inlanders the name of any soldier disregarding these injunctions, and. over and above all, it is expected that officers and non-commissioned officers will, at all times, check and admonish any soldiers misbehaving themselves within the park or in the streets of the cities.'’ NO WORK TO GO TO CHINESE. Contract* for Army Supplies at Ha a KraneUeo Specify While I-a bur. Nan Francisco, .1 nnca;.- The cham ber of commerce and hoard of trade have telegraphed to Senator 1’erkins at Washington declaring that "Major Oscar F. hong has stipulated in all eoutracts that only white labor should tie employed in manufacturing the sup plies required for the army and that whenever facts have hern laid Is-fore him showing that contractors have de viated from requirements he has at onee cancelled the contracts,'* The labor commissioner's office ami IsMliea of workingmen, however, still iusist that soldier* uniform* are being made by t'hinwe, NEW FRENCH CABINET OUT. r»r it.* Third Tim* Wlthta a Week the •*mmt*rshtp f.ue* tbe«alaa. . Paata, June 37, -In ec.nsr.4uea*'* »»f M IVytral'* fronds iasikliug that a radical ’socialist must I*- given .at* of the pirtfulliM, M. Ihtpuy, M l.rypue* and M Iks l*-tnt»e hate de.-ltned to en ter such a .abtaei and M. IVytral therefor* ha* abandoned the task uf forming a .abtaei. It had been hoped that the rahinet auocuu- rd y eater.lay aft.rm--.. might let U-ag,r thaa twenty four hoar* POISON IN THE PALACE. ta tttegad Attempt ka RMt Pm l*m aad Psspmaa ml tta.sla, Isitis.t, in a* }f A dispatch it ,ei«ad hat* fvom Vienne thla aft. >a-*sa sajra It I* reported there that t ..ant aad tostatese fiMkif, aaot to be, te r tlvely ehemberlata of the toi *el lady la waiting ua the . rerta* hat* baa arr* »t**l aad .harged atth *» alt* opt t>. pss* their imj.llMi The Vatana* he de l«*tha dm* M dw.w the ****** of tha toaa* amt t utMtitm iaaaug a* bring att.eb- t to , the paasH of their Masai a a iap-tal | uantvalWa. THE CORTES IS SUSPENDED. London Paper* Relieve fcagasta Will at Once Retire—Martial law In Madrid. Madrid, June 27.—The queen regent signed the decree suspending the Cor tes yesterday afternoon. It was read in the parliament halls at the end of the night session. London, June 27.—The Madrid cor respondent of the Daily Telegraph says: “When the cortes closed martial law was proclaimed. The Sagosta cabinet will resign and make way for a new government, which will open negotia tions for peace." “Senor (lamazo will be the new pre mier, with Senor Salvador at tlie ex chequer, and possibly two Silveloistas will Join this cabinet, which will con clude peace and prepare the way for a Silvela cabinet. There is no doubt that Spain will lose all her colonies. “Admiral Camara's squadron left Cadiz to calm public opinion. Camara well knows that before he arrives at the Philippines peace will be made." All the special dispatches from Mad rid reflect the anxiety produced by Admiral Cervrra’s dispatches and the threatening aspect of the political sit uation. There is no doubt the Span iards are s.vlly disappointed with the ease with which Ueneral Nhnftor ef fected a landing, and at the retreat toward Santiago de Cuba, which is re garded as a bad omen. AN ATTEMPTED HOLDUP. Masked Man Hoard* a Hnrllagten Train, bat Han* After Shooting Engineer. Whitehall, III., June 27.—Train No. tf), the northbound express on the Chi cago, Kurlington A tfuincy railroad, which left St. lsmis at 7:30 last even ing, was delayed one mile north of Whitehall at 10:10 by an attempted holdup and Kngineer Dempsey was snot ana killed. As the train stopped at the Chicago A Alton crossing, a masked man dim tied over the tender with a leveled revolver Fireman George Savage jumped from the engine just us the robber fired, the bullet taking effect in the engineer's side. The robber then sprang from the engine and fled. HAMILTON FISH, JR. On* of tko Killed Wh • Member of o Distinguished Mow Sorb Family. Nr.w Vohk. June 27.—Hamilton Fish. Jr., one of the killed, was u young New Vorker of good position and fam ily, who went to the front with Roose velt's rough riders, lie was of dis tinguished ancestry, hi* family being one of the oldest in this state. His father, Nicholas Fish, is the son of the lute Hamilton Fish, who was sec retary of state in Grant's cabinet, lie is a banker and lives in this city. Hamilton Fish was over six feet tall, of herculean huild, and rowed as No. 7 of the Columbia college crew in Tls winning race of 1004 over the Pough keepsie course. MORE TRANSPORTS. Uoveramcot Buy. Eight lllg Ntenmen— They Cost About St.000,0041. Wahiiixutow, June 27.—An impor tant addition to the war department's list of vessels for transport and freight service was announced yesterday. This was the purchase of eight large ships of over .1,000 tons burden each for use on the Atlantic coast. The purchase price of the ships was not stated ut the department, but it is understood that the amount approximately was $4,000,000. This acquisition is pre sumed to be a decidedly forward step in the arrangements for the Porto Rico expedition. SOME OF THE WOUNDED. l-leutenaut Thomas Is a Son of Federal •Jndro Thomas of Indian Territory. Has Avtoxto, Texas, .Inne 57.-- Ma jor V A. lirodic, who was wounded in battle near Santiago, is a graduate of West Point, and is a noted Indian fighter. Lieutenant J. H. Thomas of the In dian Territory, is a son of Federal Judge Thomas. (aplain J. MeTHntoek .tf Phoenix, Arix., is a newspaper man, formerly reporter of the Associated press for several Western Mates. « orporal Lhtsies is a noted st out sod “trailer ' of Arixona. MAY RAID SPAIN’S COAST. tntilrti Worship* to Bs. Moat la a Harry If Camara iHitit .... « .„| WaaniKtiTtix, Juno yj. TKo* war la to t>r tarried into Africa, metaphoric ally • !»-»kittg. If Spain i, foolhardy t-Ot.ugh to send the t adit fleet through the Sue* canal lit attack ISrwry in the Philippine* It it Announced on good aalhorlly that. before the last Spanish *,,***l b«» istsse.1 through the canal, an American squadron wtU be steam ing at full ape si tt-nm the Atlantic, straight foe the .oast «f Mpain, t*» bring the war turn* to the Spent It people PANIC AT A CIRCUS. setts feat Mae* lust at M*/t Ntot 1tut, Iowa. June ft A severe wtttd tl-'iat ttrerb this city last night, h owl mg duwtt the main tent of the he Ha lo-t pnttgii vtf , ue w hile the pee l.urutau was in prttgtwsa I h* so) itpsc *.f the . ***** eaanesl a pa ale la o h .-h a »s N-e ue more .-f ps^rf) wefa j Injured tut. .af the at. \ ttlph ***• t Hjr, «lw4 »*# HW »H»I# !>«kn^ llf iiUli iMAh'R*1 a*| I ihr hfcwil. fc% hmT mlvf mmUt m»l it • *MI «IW I JMIIO. Cape Haytien Reports a Great Bat tle Has Begun There. TROOPS AND SHIPS ENGAGED. A lllo.ka.le Hunsrr Oat of Havana Cup lured by tbs Vicksburg—Wuu l/wdrd With Refugee* From the Cuban Capital — Report* Harms n Deserted City. New York, June 27.—A dispatch to the New York Journal fnom Cape Hay* tlcn, Ilayti, to-day nays: Reports hum reached hero that fighting, more seri ous titan any that lias yet taken place, is now going on around Santiago. No details are obtainable other than that both troops and ships are engaged and that the American forces are advanc ing. CAUGHT BLOCKADE RUNNER. A Vessel I.atlene.l With Refugee* Cap tured by the Vicksburg. Key Writ, Fla., June 2?.- A two mnstcd vessel, the Ainapalu of Tru jillo, Honduras, was brought in here this morning dying the American flag and in charge of Knsign Zeen of the Vicksburg. She was captured yester day at sunset, while leaving Havana and attempting lo run the blockade. Khe was quickly overhauled by the Vicksburg and was found lo have over thirty women and children and a num ber of men on board, crew and passen gers, all refugees. There was no sick ness on board the Amapala, but she is detained at quarantine. The Amapala belongs to Kmanuel Montesino Montcres of Trujillo, Hon ■turns. She linn is'cn lying nt Havana since before the blockade. Her crew numbers eleven men beside* the cap tain. M. (Jerome Maze, a French citizen, who three years ago was a leading ex change broker in Havana, chartered tile vessel and got together over forty people eager to embrace any chance tp escape from Havana. He is in charge of the expedition, made up of all nationalities, including Spanish. French, Venezuelans, Cubans and Turks. They fully expected to be cap tured, but the conditions in Havana were so dreadful for the poorer classes that any risk was preferable to starva tion. The Amapala came out of Ha vana openly and offered no resistance. All of the captives are confident of release. Hardly any provisions were on board at the time of the cap ture and no cargo or contraband ar ticles were found, and she may not be held os a prize. They report every thing quiet at Havana, which looks like a deserted city sines business and traffic are at a standstill. The banking firms of H. Upton A Co., J. M. Merges A Co., Varcisc-o, Uuez A Co. and N. (Jeiats A Co. are the only ones doing any business. All other firms are either closing up or dragging on, waiting for the end of the war, having discharged all employes. Hunger and starvation stares the lower classes in the face, the well to do having laid in three mouths' stores. After they are exhausted distress will be general, as there is no further source of supply. The stories regarding the relief through southern ports arc denied. Nothing has gone into Havana for over a montli and the situation, consequent ly, is very grave. Murder and robbery are of daily occurrence in Havana, prompted in every case by want and hunger. WORSE THAN ARIZONA’S HEAT Soldiers Forced to Disregard Advlre From Hi* Medical Department. Kisostox, June 27.—The medical advice about wet feet, night winds or perspiration soaked bodies and the ne cessity of boiling drinking water lias already been thrown to the winds. Kasy as the advice Bounds at home, j it is almost impossible to follow it ' here. Some of the American officers, who are familiar with Arisona, say they have never seen soldiers on the plains present such pictures of distress from the heat, and they add that the only wonder is that there are so few pros trations at present. The American stature and apparent stamina sre remarkable in comparison with the ('ulians and Spaniards. The eolored soldiers of the Twcntj-flfth and Tenth regiments are uniformly large, and they seem black giants in the jungle liesule the tiny negru l guides THE PUBLIC TO PAY THE TAX. Hdnll«n «utl tt*«*k«>r» htMUlltf !• hlklfl lilt It*Mom m| tli« Mf«r Ktvttut, < HI. *0.1 June 27. Itankera and brokers here sis toasldcring carefully i tlui provialouts of the nets war rv*et<>ic measure sad in usot eases haw settled the detail* of • puller is ho h In every Instance will cause Hm rsttunur to pay I he 1st The 1st on aurpta* and capital »»f banks is a direct one the harden of whU I. s.hiU at etc moat be borne hy the looks, yet there appear* to he a eomu*.» >leterestaslion 1st wake II iriiMM uwt ttf Ot# |»uUU«*, filWt In i»f iutftvni ini 11n*n» uf It l>m»i rtltt »»*i m* kfwiiti tW r— EASTERN COAL FOR D'WEY. f #• I uMIun Vi*» ¥ro»m INlhtMfliki Nm ««••(» HRI * mm* ?*»* l*iiit %mii Rdi« JIum it Tlht t I »i4 | I t4h' tw I *|H 4n Wa I «rlitth#, •tiUht ff«MM tkiU |**#i it»4*t M , it tilt •..**•» |st«« (4 iuaI fur 14 «fv«) It«»« • A^t STILL ONE CABLE NOT CUT. Til* HI. Lout* l.'nabl* to Cut tti* Wlr* From Santiago to Kingston. Wasiiisotox, Juno 27.- The island of Cuba Is, to the best knowledge of officials here, still connected with the outside world by one cable save those crossing to Key West, and the War department, through General Greely, in not relaxing its efforts to cut that last link. This runs into the Island at Santiago, crossing /rum Kingston, Ja maica, and belongs to an English com pany. For several weeks it has been known that this cable is in working order, and the St. Louis been trying desperately to cut it. In addition, the cable steamer Maneel Is to lie assigned to the task, and between the two it is hoped that the cable will soon be cut. The difficulties iu the way of accom plishing this art much greater than in the case of any of the other Cuban cables. The Kingston cable was laid fully twenty years ago and lias become covered with barnacles und marine de posits until its originul size has ln-en increased to that of a man's arm In addition to that, the cable is com pletely covered with seaweed so ns to make it almost impossible for ordinary grappliug irons used by steamers to I catch hold of it unles.-; they should strike the cable at some point where it hung over a depression iu tlie bottom. Even when caught in the grappliug irons, the cable is of such weight, ow ing to the mariuc deposits upon its surface, that It would lie almost be yond the power of any lifting appara tus on board an ordinary ship to hoist to the surface from the vast depths iu which it lies. 10,000 NEGRO SOLDIERS. The yuMtlon of Combining If fork and White Offlrert May Make Trouble., June 27.—When the I*. ....... ...... w Us __ der the second cull Is completed the volunteer army will Include bet ween 8,000 and 10,000 negro soldiers, and more negro officers than were ever be fore in the service of the United States. It is the President’s desire to give the negroes a representation ns officers. When the proposition was made to place negro officers over some of the negro commands now raising, j the question of how the officers' mess would be arranged when there were white and negro officers in the same regiment came up. That question re main* to be settled. The experiment of a negro regiment wholly officered by negroes is to be tried in the ease of the North Carolina regiment, whose colonel will be a negro, the only one of that rank in the ; army. In the Alabama regiment the officers will be white men. In the immune negro regiments ' there will be a mixture, the colonels and otliei field officers and the cap tains being white and the lieutenants and other lesser officers black. It is in this combination of white and black officers tiiat the color line is expected to causo trouble. SANTIAGO PAPER’S WAR NEWS The Headers of I.a Handera!* Hspanota Hava Cause for Complaint. Pour Aktonio, June "7.—A copy of a uewspaper published in Santiago de Cuba, railed La liandrrola Kspanola (the Spanish flag), on June 15 con tained in itH local columns not a single reference to the blockade or any war news relating to Santiago. It calmly discussed plana for placing electric lights on the plaza, church fairs and other matters of town gossip. An alleged cablegram from Madrid reported the sailing of anotlier big Spanish fleet for Havana, and the cap ture of the insurgent chief Hernandez. It also stated that “absolutely reliable news from Washington says that yel low fever has broken out in the block ading fleet and that forty deaths have already occurred.” The only real information contained In the paper was a dispatch from Havana saying that General Arolaa h id seized all the food in the markets there and would sell It to the inhabit ants at reasonable prices to prevent the squeezing of the population. SIX THOUSAND CUBANS AID. American* ICvpcctad to Mtorn Mantlngo'a (tutor l.nlrmclimruto Oiicauo, June 27.—A eahle to the Chicago Daily News reads as follows: The latest estimate is that the Ameri can troop* will storm the outer en trenchment* east of Santiago to-day and that they will be at the very gates of the city Suniiay. The Cubans are to be given *he post of honor if they ran hold it. A junction ha* been formed between Garcia and Castillo and about *1.1*10 Cuban* are now m operating with the American force*. The need of horse* i* imperative. There arc not enough antmala to get | the artillery along, to say 11 .thing of th* wagon trains and supplies bight : batteries of siege gun* arc now moving on Maatiago. SIM!** las ”A<*>**to*n *|-*~i * I'll * 1. Island of tlajorlva, Jane IT - Two *1 ranger* from Uareelona whoa cord lug to the Spanish authorities, arc supposed to he ' Anwrnan spina, have hssrn arrested Here ntssee a*r. w* ta •** ■«**!—« If %t am. June It The uMvial »*f Captain tivasni Mtsmo m thn ie , vent lighting near ttantiapw Ac t Mb* •ays. ' fhecn hundred American* at- , las hed I he "fnn.srda neat Al Worn/ and Mvvilie The apaalaed* had Ihm* aan I hilled w<l three wounded The Amec Uun* then attached neanvai camp. hut were r*psl*jl the apan tarda pursuing them amt tailing p« session «sf t hair antmanlthia ami vlnthea The A mar lean navsh WmnW>4n4 * The Nebraska Troops Haie a Sweet and Tender FareweJ. UNSTINTED OSCULARORY. Count tlIris Shower the Soldier* With Kleeee- -Every Nohraeken Who Preoenlrd lllmoeir Olven a Smack and Thed Followed llown the llav Till Transports Wtrw Out #f Hlglif. Departure of Nebraska troops from Han Francisco for the scat of war ‘h thus referred to by the Examiner of that city: The scenes and Incidents along the water front during the departure of the transports showed that true patri otism Is not lacking in this city. The hoys In blue were given a royal fare well. Every wharf and pier along the front was crowded with people. The nllls commanding a view of the bay were black with spectators waving fraewell to transports. Everything I that could make a noise from steam whistles to lungs, was brought Into requisition. Numerous excursion parties went, out on the bay early In the day. The Uktnh, Grace Barton, Herald arid other steamers rarrled thousands of enthus iastic admirers of the soldier hoys. The Henator was delayed In getting away from the Broadway pier. It wan 1 o’clock before the loading was com pleted and the signal given to drop out Into the stream. Hundreds of peo ple were on the pier to cheer the sold iers from Nebraska, and to take final lejive of them. There wer many In teresting incidents on the steamer as well as on the dock. " *1> 1 • I Cl. II J .11.. mi rn i MVl riivv vui uu auu Hymen were on hand early to say good-by to the boys. They were not al lowed on board the transport, but that did not prevent uiem from showering the soldiers with kltses. The two young women were kissed to a stand still. The steamer was cloee to the wharf and the two girls stood on the string piece and kissed every soldier that showed his head through a porthole. The holes were just big enough for a man’s head, and It was astonishing to tee the number of heads that popped through the opening. The young la dlea were not at all bashful. The crowd on the wharf did not restrain them. They bad kisses to give and they gave them without fear or favor. Every time the glrla kissed one of the grinning faces the soldiers on the upper deck, who looked on with jeal ous eyes, gave a cheer for their haifcr pier comrades. It seemed as If the gli*l8 were not able to supply the de mand. The more they kissed the more heads popped through the port holes. After a time tbq kissing became wearisome and the two glr’.a were forced to beat a hasty retreat, happy In the consciousness that they had done their duty to Ihclr country. Miss Agnes Hollett filled the breach made by the withdrawal of Miss Cur lln and Miss Hymen. "Come to the portholes and I will give you a kiss,” she called to Nebras ka’s osculators. The order promptly obeyed by the younger sold iers. Miss Agnes is only sweet 16. but she knows a thing or two about entertain ing the boys in blue. As the steamer was pulling out, and the last kiss had been bestowed, she remarked: "Wasn’t It lovely!" The boys gave Miss Agnes a hearty cheer for her generosity: The crowd followed the transports along the front as far as Mclgg’s wharf, at which point they could se cure a final view of them passing through Golden Gate. The patrotlsm of the cheering crowds was Intense. People stood for hours watching the preparations Tor the start, and many walked miles so as co be able to keep the transports In view. There were no accidents, and the crowd along the front had but one Idea—that of giving the boys In blue a hearty good-by. Drllalai And CanatlluDi to It* Welcomed. British and Canadian visitors to the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, ana also those now resi dent In the United States who former ly owed allegiance to the Union Jack will be pleased to know that their couslns resident In Omuho have In mind their comfort and well being while they are visiting In that city, for a British and Canadian-American CJlub has been organised for the pur pose of extending all courtesies possi ble to such visitors and of giving them all information which they may de sire. The club has a permanent head quarters ut room 431 Ramge building, corner 15th and Harney streets, which Is readily reached by street car from any ut the depots. Visitor* are rr qesied to go divert to the headquarter*, where the party In charge will direct them to available mom* and board ing houses and hotel*. Register* are kept ehowtag ait inemltere of the or ganttation. with ibetr addreeeee and former place of residence In Canada or Oreat Britain and aim showing the name* of all visitors together with the place where they ate front and their addreeeea while In attendance at the Kt I* idtlim Uralsk and Canadian newspaper* will be on file, ait that vis it ore may know what la happening at h«m* wblta they are away Mretiug* ara held Thursday night at * w'rhwh fur the putpuee trf mublag aew and renewing old ncqualalae>** and thera ta ao doubt that tank enjoy •went will ha ohtataad Baas the argon iMltun hy both member* gad v lot tore The membership fee kg one dollar, add all those ta Nehraaha and »u»mua tint •ut**. of Brit lab or Canadian birth ara medially requeated to ae«4 la thale aataeu and the membership fee la Hubert Cowell, tt.a.uie. Ml Hab*«e Hutbllag «u I bat they ion* b* duly eaiulted he ta a pet • be* Is tab# advantage wt Ihe Club privilege# wheu they vied the Kaposi< 1'u* bat and all futthet Isgshbv • Bl be promptly noawetvd hy |b* ▼ reevurer Of the dev i«4*ry J * usee C Idudeey same address