The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 24, 1898, Image 7

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    ! |L. . - =
When a navnl attache of the Span
ish legation at Washington twenty
live years ago, General (then lieuten
ant commander) Cervera fell violent
ly In love with the daughter of an
aristocratic Southern senator. What
ever chance the Spaniard had was de
scribed one evening at a reception
given by Mrs. Fish, wife of the secre
tary of state. Cervera sang a Span
ish love song with such marked pas
sion that the young woman Quickly
left the room as everyone knew that
ska was the singer's Inspiration
He: "If I should kiss you, what
would you do?” She (startled): “I
never measure an emergency until It
arises.” He: "If this emergency
arose now, how would you meet It?”
8h<* (courageously): “Face to face.”
I '-Tlt-Ults.
Human nature is about as sum to
|P crop out In a collection as it is in a
horse trade.—Ram’s Horn.
For a perfect complexion nml a rlenr.
heulthy skin. use COSMO BUTTEUUiLK
HOAP. Hold everywhere.
If the Spaniards can't shoot any
thing else they should shoot tho
Oon’t Tobacco Spit ono Smoko Tour Lite Swap
,'i Toqull lubarco * roily and forever, b - mag
i’ netlr, full of life, nrrvc. ami vliior. take No-To
Bac, the wouder-wt rker. that makes weak men
j S' strong All drugiriits. BOo or ll. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Addreas
htcrllng Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York.
If you trust to luck for anything
vou’U bo lucky if you get It.
Hull's Catarrh Care
Is taken internally. Price, 75c.
First Kansas Man: "I hear that
hoss-thlef died rather sudden las'
night.” Sencond Kansas Man (leader
of neck-tie party): "Y-e-s, he wasn’t
sick long.” "Did he die game?" ‘‘Dike
a rooater—Just like a rooster—with hi»
spurs on!”—New York Weekly.
Robert Smalls, who has been reap
pointed collector of the port «>f Beau
fort. 8. C., Is one of the best known
negroes In the South. He was a slave
employed on the Confederate transport
Planter In Charleston harbor In the
spring of 1862, when one night he took
possession of himself and the boat,
ran her over Charleston bar and sur
rendered her to the United States
blockading squadroon. He served as
pilot during the war, was a member of
the South Carolina house of represent
atives in reconstruction times, and has
represented the state in five con
"I hear that the people of Minne
apolis have decided that Slgsbee isn't
much of a man after all. and that they
are taking back all tne nice things
they said about him after the destruc
tion of the Maine.;” “Why is that?”
“He’s in command of the St. Paul
now.”—Chicago Dally News.
No-To-Ilae ror Fifty Cents.
Ouaruin*:ed tobacco hsMt cure, makes weak
men strong, olood pure. We. II AlldruKgUt*.
Jlggs: "What is your opinion of
Jones?” Biggs: “He seems to think
what bo thinks he knows he knows,
but I knok he knoks what he knows,
he thinks he knows Is false. See?”—
New York News.
Mr*. >»ln«low’« soothing Byrnp
Tar rhluti.n torching.fenftra» tba «um..route a.lnflam
pibtinu, Allay* wure • wind roilr. ff> cent* A bottle.
The team of genuine repentance are
the sparkling dewdrops of life's morn
ing. __
To Caro t-oastipation Foravor.
Tnke (oocorru Candy f'nthartlc. 10c or *8o
If Cl C. C. fall to cure. nrusglata refund money.
If a man boards at a hotel he Is sub
ject to inn-digestion.
Cm’. <•■» Balaam
* tho oldort and boot It »m t.r«aa up a aaM a-Irka*
than aaylklM alio. It la alwaya rollabta. Try IS
The man who confesses his Ignor
ance is on the road to wisdom.
People who live in fear of his attacks. *
,How to avoid him or beat him off.'
r If biliousness Isn't the bully of the body
I thru what ia t When once biliousness gets
( the upper hand you don’t dare say your
stomach ia your own. *• Don't you dare eat
that dish says biliousness, or you'll see
/ what I'll do.4 You take the dart and you
do see or rather feel, the weight of the
bully's revenge. The hesd aches, not a
regular ache, but en open and shut ache.
The eyes ache, not with a dull, tired ache,
but with an agressive ache, aa if they were
being bored by a gimlet. The stomach
trembles with nausea. “The whole head
ia aick and the whole heart is faint." There
are scores of hundreds of peonle who live
ao under the dominion of this bully bib
ioum/ss that they don’t dare eat or drink
I without hia permission. There's do oeed
1 of such slavery. Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills
effectually cure biliousness.)
I "For fifteen yesrs I have used Dr. I.C.
Ayer's Pills, and find them very effective
in all kinds of bilious complaints. They
are mild In operation and easy to take. I
j prefer them to any other pin. and have
yet to see the case where they nave failed
lo cure."—A. Swakobr, Texarkana. Ark.
•I have used Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills iu
cases of biliousness and general disorders
of the stomach and bowels and have found
them to be Alwoy* reliable. They are leu*
liable to gripe than other purgatives, and
although mild in action, they are thorough
in operation. They are the best family
physic that can be had."—Pet km J. Duffy,
kockport, Texas.
"Having used Dr. J. C. Ayer’s Pills for
years and thoroughly tested them, both as
a preventive ana cure for biliousness, I
can truthfully say that I believe them to
be the best medicine for the purpose and
they do all that is claimed for them."—
Jmo. B. Kolb, Shark, Ark.,
Biliousness Is in general but a symptom
of a more stubborn disorder, constipation.
Constipation is the root of almost all phys
ical evils, and Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills cure
almost all these physical evils by going to
the root. They cure constipation, and the
consequent maladies, biliousness, heart*
burn, palpitation, shortness of breath,
sleeplessness, nervous irritability, foul
breath, costed tongue, sad a score of other
miserable maladies that have their origin
in constipation. Dr. Ayer’s Pills are The
surest and safest remedy for all diseases
of the liver, stopiach. and bowels. Send
for Dr. Ayer’s Cufcbook and read the story
of cures told by the cured. Free. Address
the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell. Mats.
We make floe Surreys, Bugrlea, Phaeton* »ud lioad Wagon*.. K(|IIJ Clt- fr»»^
Our gooda nave been favorably known to (be trade far rear*.I rM>1 oat*.
We now Bell fliraet to to* awr at Wfcduak Price*. The ahiewdl iM| m* at
buyer profera to deal with the factory. He get* of na flucl ....
work at leaa price tbaa agent* aak for low grade vehicle*. We ablp any where,
aubject to examination, wb dklivkb ou beard oert Kan.** City, Mo., or Coaben,
IruL, aa may ault purehaaer. Bend for catalogue with price* plainly printed,
if* BkBU. Write today. We aell Bcwtng Machine* and the uesMkX BICVtLB aa
well. All at wtaimi* Prices, all WOOD, ho matter rhere you live, you are not
too far away to do bualnea* with ua and *ave money. Add re a*
{ Bc««l'Gnr
Chain Whaalt. $75
Harttords. • ■ 50
Vadattca. $40 A SB
DCIICinUG 6ct Your Piotlua
rcnoiuna double quick
ana carr. o uukiu hmm aimi.
M»a Naar Vofh Anaw, w A»MtA4)TON. l> a
A ><nA—nit ill,II jii< w*a•'
M«w w |>|| A T«m «ai MM ••
Mi< A Am mm Mi to
wli m m •**. «• m*mi
A M«to WM A MM! MN>
Am mm BalaMMa, Tan.
js> Shirt Waists,
5 Shirt
c3 Booklets.
^ and
lO TO-Ufi t\:s\vu* j
£ ll
A New York Firm That Handle* Half •
Million a Day.
From New York Sun: Almost half
a million old bottles are handled every
day by a single firm In New York city.
Most of them are wine and beer bottles,
but there are also hundreds of bottles
used for catsup and other table sauces.
The mineral waters furnish a large
proportion of the fujl number. None
of these bottles Is washed or cleaned
by the firm that collects them, but
they must not be old and "gummy" or
they will not be accepted. They are
shipped all over this country, and a
good many of them are sent back to
Europe. Those reshipped across the
water are mostly ginger ale bottles
sent to Ireland, some beer or ale bot
tles sent to England, and whie and
liquor bottles sent to France. Of course
these are re-employed. The dealers
here say that the French bottles are
the best made. The English come next,
the American next, and then the Ger
man. Comparatively few bottles are
lost In transit, either on board cars
or In the collecting wagons. When a
wagon la loaded with cases of
“empties” the driver puts a straw
wrapper on each of the corner bottle#
at the end of the wagon. It doesn’t
seem as If this would be a very great
protection, but It does serve as A
slight buffer In case of passing rubs
and knocks. The bottle shops of New
York are not especially picturesque,
but in New Orleans there Is one which
has become noted. It Is visited by
most tourists, many of whom carry
away some squat, queer shaped liquor
bottle by way of aourvenlr. "The Bot
tle Man of Conti Street" owea his fame
to Mrs. M. E. M. Davis, one of New
Orleans’ literary women. Mrs. Davis
lives only a block or two from the
haunt of the bottle man, over in the
old French part of the city. When
ivugene r ieia vumea mere severiu
years ago Mrs. Daris took him around
to Conti street to see the bottle man
and bis treasures. Field and the bottle
man were mutually delighted over the
meeting. The shop Is a great high
sort of shed, reaching from the street
back 150 feet Into the block. It ia
piled with stack on stack of crates
full of empty wine bottles, while from
the celling hang rows of dusty demi
johns and jugs. There are shelves
occupied by a medley of quaint cor
dial bottles, blight green and blue, pot
bellied, flat-aided, eccentric, freakish
things. Field delighted In these
shelves, and used to poke around In
the dust and the shadows hunting up
new shapes, which he carried off to
add to the miscellaneous lot of stuff
he shipped home from there. But there
was one bottle with which he was es
pecially delighted. It was a brilliant
blue In color, wkh a very long, tbin
neck and a fat body, pressed Into a
four-sided shape. In tbe middle of
one side was a seal, stamped In tbo
glass. Every visitor in Conti street
nowadays hears about Field's visits,
and is permitted to gaze upon—or pur
chase—one of the Field bottles. After
his return to Chicago Mrs. Davis wrote
tbe poem, “The Bottle Man of Conti
Street,” and sent it to bim. Field re
plied in his usual happy vein, and
these autograph verses are among Mrs.
Davis’ treasures today.
One Red Rove Rent for a Church Site.
A unique celebration occurs In June
of every year at Manheim, Pennsylva
nia, according to the Ladles' Home
Journal. It Is known as tbe feast of
roses, and is held to commemorate tbo
benevolence of Baron Sttegel.wbo more
than a century and a quarter ago leased'
a tract of land at Manheim to a con
gregation for a church site at an aa
nual rental of one red rose to be paid
in June of each year. After Baron
Stlegel's death tbe rent was never de
manded until a few years ago, and new
It Is formally paid to one of tbe baron's
descendants. The occasion la known
as “tbo feast of roses," and tbe quaint
ceremony attracts tbe greatest inter
Puck: "Before wo were married
you used to write mo three letters a
day." "Did I, really?" "Yee, you did;
and bow you cut up Just bocause I ask
you to write me a little bit of a
Lord Rothschild carries Insurance
policies uu bis life aggregating $1,250,
Rosa Itonheur Is one of the two
French women who are legally author
ised to wear man's attire.
Anthony Hope and Kdward Roee
will collaborate In the dramatisation
of Mr, Hope's "Simon Dale."
The widow of Ueorge Augustus Sale
has gone Into bankruptcy through at
tempting to liquidate her late hue
band's debts.
Queen Lllaabeth of Roamsnta, better
known to the world as t'armen tylvn,
has recently received a doctor’s de
ars* from the lut versify of Buds
The eldest eon of Sir Henry Irving
hes recently published a life of
"Bloody Judge Jeffreys." in which he
undertakes to rehabilitate that gen
tleman's somewhat frits led character
The son of Queen Natalie uf Herr la.
for whom his father, the dieentute
King Milan abdicated the throne, has
shown trails of ImheellMy. Queen
Natella crushed hy the hitler sorrows
of her life, la shout te withdraw te the
eelitede ad a convent
Upon hie arrival at I'npetewa
Afnggi recently. Mr Had yard Kipling
and hie family wees very warmly re
reived, and Mr Kipling presented wRh
tsMef verees addressed to himself hy
e private In Ihe ranks The tills mi
the yoetuel effweton te "An Ktpert
meat In Imitation '
(From the Democrat, Goshen, Ind.)
dull, heavy pain nenr the beart.freqnently
becoming Interne, it generally terminates
fatally. Mrs. Nancy Flynu, wholivcs nsnr
Goshen, Indiana, survived such an attack
and her advice is worth hooding.
“In the fall of ’93,” she said, “I began to
to have trouble with my heart. There was
n sharp pain in my breast which Iwtine
rapidly worse. Tho doctor was puzzled and
put me under the influence of opiates.
Thenc sharp attacks followed one another at
Intervals, and I became weak and bail a
haggard look. I was constantly in pain,
seldom slept and bad no appetite.
“At tho end of two years I was confined
to my conch most of the time and the
doctors agreed that my death was only a
matter of a short time.
“One day 1 noticed in a newspaper an Item
A firrfow* 7/me, mv condition,
nnd when I had taken twelve boxes I wss
completely cared. ‘Those pills have done
for you what wa could not do,’ said ona of
mrjphyslrian*. ‘they have saved your life.’
‘Tbut was two years ago and my heart
has not troubled mo since. I believe I owe
; my life to Dr. Williams’ Pink Fill* for Fate
People, and 1 take pleasure in telling other*
about them.”
Among the many forms of neuralgia are
headache, nervousness, paralysis, apoplexy
end locomotor staxia. Home of tbe*e were
. considered incurable until Dr. Williams'
Pink PHI* for P*l* People were formulated.
Today thousand* testify to having been
cured of such diseases by these pills.
Doctors frequently prescribe them and
all druggists sell them.
Conclusion—Something a woman
can reach without using reason or
Try Allen's Toot-Ess*.
A powder to be shaken Into the '
shoes. At this season your feet feel
swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired
easily. If you have smarting feet or
tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It
cools the feet and makes walking easy.
Cures swollen snd sweating feet, blis
ters and callous spots. Relieves corns
and bunions of all pain and gives rest
and comfort. Try It today. Sold by
all druggists and shoe stores for 25c.
Trial package free. Address Allen 8.
Olmsted, Le Roy. N. Y.
Miss Green—"Llzy White say she
done win dat cake by havin' not more
dan one foot on de flo’ all de time she
was walkin’." Miss Brack—"Huh!
Key wasn’t room for bof of dem."—
Indianapolis Journal.
SOAP, exquisitely •rented, is soothing and
beneficial. Sold everywhere.
To marry for money, may turn out
to be like going to the hornet for
honey. _
Washington, D. C., and Return.
On July Sd to 6th tickets will he sold
from all points to Washington. D. C.,
and return via the Chesapeake and
Ohio Ry. at one faro, plus $2.00, on
account of the meeting of the National
Educational Association. Tickets will
be good until July 15 returning, and
may be extended to August 31st. This
is the best opportunity you will have
to visit the famous Mountain and Sea ‘
Shore resorts of the East, aUo Old
Point Comfort and Hampton Roads,
the rendezvous of the North Atlantic
For particulars and sleeping car
reservations apply to U. L. Truitt,
Northwest Passenger Agent, 234 Clark
street, Chicago, 111.
Don’t hit a man when he’s down—
it’s safer to throw rocks at him when
bo la up a tree.
Educate Your JioweU With CmcomU,
Candy Cathartic cure r*H8llpeUon forever,
106, 26o. U C. C. C. fall, dnutshiM refund money
Hardtack Is the fashionable dainty
for the N*w York afternoon tea table
Just now. Like most other hubbies of
tne hour, its popularity is grounded
upon patriotism. If possibl* :h* reg
ulation government hardtack Is used,
the civilian and softer articles being
served only when the other is not to
be obtained. The fad ought to be en
couraged, tor hardtack is healthy.
Mr*. Nellie Grant Sartoris, who is
living at the Fifth Avenue hotel, lit
New York, denies the story which has
been circulated in society that she it,
to marry General Henry Kyd Doug
lass. Mrs. Grant and the genera! also
indignantly repudiate the rumor, thi
latter chivalrously declaring that it is
"an outrage on Mrs. tiartoris."
If kissing cured Indigestion every
body would have dyspepsia.
Uncle: ■'What In creation are you
jumping about that way for?” Niece
(from Boston): "In* a setf-bonstl
tuted board of health engaged in
stamping out disease." Uncle: "Kh? ’
Niece: “My foot's sleep.”—New York
Sallorn and 1'lirlr (irlevanre*.
The grievances of sailors examined
by the authorities in ports of entry
are often greatly exaggerated. Vio
lence is always objectionable, and
pointedly so, when exerted upon an
unfortunate liver, stomach or bofw
els by dosing with purgatives which i
weaken the intestines. Use Hostet
ter's Stomach Bitters.
If some men were to tell tne truth
It would surprise his satanical ma
jesty more than it would shame him.
make* the aklri soft, white end healthy.
Kohl everywhere.
If some wen were as big us they
think they are their tailor bllla would
bankrupt them.
—_______— tie •
We I*«y Expenses
and liberal commissions, refund the ca*h f >r
till gooda not giving the consumer satisfaction.
Bong terms of credit. Flr»k-cla*a achome
xaliemen wanted. No bond required Sale*
made from pliot' er i cha We guaruntee IlkJ 00
per aiorthon mall nrdera. Addrt «h wlthtUtuip.
H re nurd ,Vfg. <o.. Iowa City. laws.
Don’t trouble about trouble that
doesn't trouble you.
Ilreety la Blood Deep
CTree blood meant acloan akin. No beauty
without It. Bsscaretk, Bandy Cathartic
rlntua your blood and keuna It clean, by »Ur
rlog up the laty liver and driving all Itnpu
ritlo from the hotly. Begin today to banlati
pimples. UjIU, blotches, h ackheada, and that
ah-kly hllloua complexion by taking C'aaca
rria henuiy for ten cent*. All druggists,
satisfaction guaranteed. 10a, Be. 40c.
Don't condemn a thing until Its In
afUcacy has been proven.
I lalleve that PlxoS Cur# la the only med
icine that will cure consumption —Anna U.
Hots, WiUiamanort. Pa.. Nor. 18, lift.
Indifference—A man's regard for to
morrow's breakfast just after eating
today's dinner.
It Is a great accomplishment to
know to make the best of life as It
He: "Ah, yes, I know I'm my own
worst enemy.” She: “Oh, you ego
fist!”—Chicago Dally News.
And Hot7 I'm. Pinkham Helps
Overcome Them.
Mrs. Mary Boi.lihgkr, 1101 Marianna
St., Chicago, 111., to Mrs. Pinkham:
“ I have been troubled for the past
two years with falling of the womb,
leucorrhrett, pains over my body, sick
headaches, backache, nervousness and
weakness. I tried doctors and various
remedies without relief. After taking
two bottles of your Vegetable Com
pound, tlio relief I obtained was truly
wonderful. I have now taken several
more bottles of your famous medicine,
and can sny that I am entirely cured.”
Mrs. IIenby Dour, Mo. 8W Findley St.,
Cincinnati, Ohio, to Mrs. Tinkham :
“For a long time I suffered with
chronic inflammation of tho womb,
pain In abdomen end boaring-down
feeling. Was very nervous at times, and
so weak I was hardly able to do any
thing. Was subject to headaches, nlso
troubled with lcueorrhoca. After doc
toring for many months with different
physicians, and getting no relief, 1 had
given up all hope of being well
again when I read of the great good
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound was doing. 1 decided Immedi
ately to give it a trial. The result was
simply pust belief. After taking four
bottles of Vegetable Compound and
using three packages of Sanative Wash
I can say I feel liko a new woman. 1
deem it my duty to announce the fact
to my fellow aufferers that Lydia
E. Pinkham’* Vegetable remedies have
entirely cured mb of all my pains and
suffering. I have her alona to thank
for my recovery, for which I am grate
ful. May heaven bless her for the
good work she ia doing for onr sea.”
Or. Kay's Ronovator,
*U. constipation, liver und kldnoydlsaewa.bll
llousncss. headache, etc. At druK«lsU 25c A ll.
1Thompson’! Eya Watsr.
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 2C.-18B«
MIm Answering Advertisements Kindly
Mention This Twer.
IA Beautiful
i ■ >
\ Present Free
< ~ >
<0', ►
J For a few month* to all user* of tfa |
celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, <f>U
! Iron Brand). To induce you to try thi >
| brand of starch, to that you may find ot |
lor yourself that all claim* hr its super!
ority and economy are true, (be nukei ,
have had prepared, at great expense, J
1 series of three ►
( . ►
Game Plaques
i " "■— -—.. >
1 exact reproduction* of the $10,000 originals by Muviiie, which will he ’
given you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named below. These !
Plaques are 40 inahat in circumference, arc free of any suggestion of advertising *
whatever, and will ornament the moat elegant apartment. No manufacturing concern !
ever before gave away such valuable preaents to it* customers. They are not for sale 1
at any price, and can be obtained only in the manner apecificd. The aubjects arci I
The bird* are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life. Each Plaque i* !
bordered with a band of gold. [
HOW TO GET THEM: I Elastic Starch
' A11 .as t hat been the standard for 25 years* \
t All purchasers or three 10-cent or sii twputv hit t t ►
< 5-ceat packages of Klastic Starch (Flat TVENTY'TWO MILLION pack'
< Iron Brandi, are entltleil jo receive from 0£ ^is brand were sold last ►
t their grocer one of th«**e beautiful Os me K , .. . ►
t Pimqtms trm. 'ibo plaques will not be year* That s how good it is* >
i Rtnt by mall. They oan be obtained only A . v rv**l*>f *
i from yourg'ooM. ASK YOUr Dealer »
J Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch. to ,how you the Plaque* and tell |
, Do not 4*la]r. This oflar la tor a short you about Elastic Starch. Accept >
I | U*. cly- no substitute. \
! ivsvvsrvMnvwfVMvrr,,T\
some reasons why
VflM It will not stick to the irons, will starch black, red or
other colored goods without the faintest trace of
white, and it makes shirt wuists, dresses, skirts, and
shirts, collars and cuffs look like nciv. KEITH'S
ENAMEL STARCH contains no ingredieutH which caw
injure the finest fabric. If it doe* not give you entire
satisfaction your grocer will refund your money.
Largs package, toes •mall package. 8c. If your grocer
does not have it please send us his name and address
uud we will sand you an KNA.MEL 8TAUC.H llfcl
CEU'T HOOK for your trouble. Manufactured by