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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1898)
THE NORTHWESTERN. BEJHtCHOTKB A GIB80N. EcU and Poha. LOUP CITY, _ XEB. NEBRASKA. In four hours two Inches of rain fell at Webber. v ’r Dakota City has once again gone dry, as District Judge Evans has de cided that the license granted in May to J. C. Riddle was Illegal. Tekamah has found that her school moneys can be raised without the ne cessity of granting saloon license or a particularly burdensome tax levy. James Ellison, a married man about thirty years old. was arrested at Ben kelman charged with the crlmo of rape committed In Boulder county, Colorado. There was a young girl with him. His parents, three oroth ers and a sister live in Nebraska. William Hensley (Indian) and .wife of Winnebago agency met with a misfortune at Thurston, a little town four miles north of Pender, by having their team of ponies killed and the spring wagon to which they were hitched, completely demolished by a freight train. Prank W. Schroeder. the Ithaca postmaster who joined the army and has gone to Manila, left his bonds men to settle about $1,000 on notes and accounts. His uncle. Henry Schroeder, has paid the bills, saving the other bondsmen. Alex Robb has been appointed postmaster. The department store of the Nebras ka City Mercantile company wae eloe ed upon a bill of sale for $12,431.74 to W. T. Kemper of Kansas City. Dis tress warrants for the taxes of 1897. amounting to $500, were Issued on behalf of the city and county and were levied upon the Mock. Sheriff Smith returned to Ord from Omaha, bringing Dick Hill, a man who broke Into Berner Bros.’ hardware store last fall and took a Quantity of guns and other stuff. For months the sheriff has been hunting him Quietly ami at last got him. Omaha officers consider Hill a dangerous man. A hava Itoofl PftmnlptAll for the establishment of a creamery separator station at Hemlngford. The plant will be owned by resident# of Hemlngford and vicinity and will be operated by the Beatrice Creamery company of Lincoln. Work will be commenced on the building immedi ately and the plant will be In opera tion by July. The plant will cost $1,760. About sixty-three members of com pany M. Tiurd regiment Nebraska volunteer Infantry, met In O'Neill and elected tbn following officers: Cap tain, R. F. Cross; first lieutenant. Charles K. Hall; second lieutenant. J. W. Wirt*. This company is composed of residents of Holt county from tne towns of O'Neill, Atkinson and Stuart and have upon the rolls 117 names. The commissioners of Otoe county have arrived at the conclusion that there Is altogether too much personal tax standing dvltnquent In Nebraska City and vicinity and have appointed Z. T. Wright as special tax collector and he has been Instructed to collect all sudh delinouent personal taxes, and after ten days' notice If a person does not pay, the county treasurer hat been Instructed to issue distress war rants. County Treasurer Plscbel of Nio brara has a big snake factory. He saw a very long snake swimming In Nio brara river that had a head nearlv as large as a man’s. He and two other* are taking dally rides to the locality hoping to see it again and endeavor to capture It alive. A party has been out to see Its marks In the sand and bring back wonderful talee of It* lo comotion. This is one of the effects of running a wide open town. A Washington correspondent writes: While the drourht In California ha* very seriously affected all agricultural prodtjwts including the sugar beet, re ports from Nebraska state that the sugar beet crop In our state Is llkedy to be larger than ever before In the history of Nebraska. Henry T. Ox nard, tn speaking yeriterday of the subject. said that letters received from the agricuKuBfatB indicated that the beet sugar factories at Grand Island and Norfolk would have an ample sim ply of beets this year and that the average saccharine strength of the beet would In all likelihood he larger Mr. Oxnerd thinks that the fpture of beet raising In Nebraska la to be an Increasingly bright one When Itlshop Bonarum and F«*her Quin arrived Saturday, says a Mead dispatch. th» citizens knew there would be trouble next morning While Father Turgeon was saving mass at Fstena the bishop and Father Quinn broke Into the Mead church and took away all the vestments and other things generally used In faying mass. When Father Turgeon arrived he found everything gone and for once no mesa was said In the little church. Many of the members threatened the bishop nnd e»srv minute he remained at the church he was In danger H being assaulted While there he placed a new lock on the door, but at noon when he was gone, the members put In another and securely fastened the windows Just before the blaht-p left for IJneota he went to the church and as he catered the gate, over a do* ea member* followed and when hi* key refused to work he attempted to fore* the door, but was prevented He left the yard very much dlaaailaded with the day's work. In the district emiri at Hasting* Judge lleall sentenced to Ike peniten tiary for one year Charles Russell, a y tiong negro, charged with houss t. reek IS* Tt*c primmer made ths pie* that huagee had compelled him to commit the crises. Ths skimming station built at Omni by Ike He*trice rVeaiser > com hMi ol Unetsia. waa opened with a hips eeie brat lea whteb waa partlct psied la by mm (ban have been tn Grant fwe many days before A spe cial train waa rwa from Hot robe, brtaging a largg number ef peepie and the Heiyube hand tn aselsi Ip Urn aaerv tsee The Spaniards Begin to Realize at Last Their Desperate Situation. SEEM TO BE LOSING HOPE. A Strong Commercial Body Plead* for tbe (>*.nr Ion of the DIaajitroaa One Sided Struggle—I* Pnbllahed In a Seml-OOIrlal Pa|M>r. Nkw York, June 20.—A dispatch to the New York Herald from Madrid says: An allocution to the government by the powerful council general of Cata lonia, which icprebontb the mercantile intelligence of Spain, calling for peace, hub created a deep impression here, all the more on account of the logical and practical reasonings with which the council advocates a cessation of hos tilities. It states that nlthough the council considers America's conduct unquali fiedly unjust, yet that does not justify Spain in continuing an unequal com bat. which is bound to result in over whelming ruin. "It is better,” it says, to submit to an amputation, painful though It be. than to carry on a ter rible war with its thousands of disas ters. The matter will not be any more glorious after we have been ruined and the blood, of thousands of our soldiers shed.” The allocution ends with a call for immediate peace. The endlrss objections raised in the cortes to the taxation necessary for the continuation of the war are met by the governmental organ, El Dia. It says: "The country neither aaks for nor wants war. It understands neither its origin nor its issue, and on that ac count shows neither enthusiasm of any kind nor on that account does it re spond by its attitude to the responsi bilities. which the situation Imposes unon the «rnw»rnm**nt. It rf>fiiM«i ri flees which would willingly he ac cepted under other circumstances. With such a sentiment existing it is impossible to ask the government to prolong a war for which the country doeap'i seem Inclined to provide the necessary resources. Without money we cannot have war.” The Epoca. whose seriousness is above question, says: “In our opinion El Dia reflects with thorough exacti tude the position of the government. The Epoca cannot understand how the government can vacilate as to which course to take. It says: “There can be little doubt, according to the con census of matnred opinions, which have been gathered, that peace at the present moment, when the entire world gives full recognition to Spanish valor and bravery, is highly opportune un der the circumstances, which may not be so good again.” Madhiii. June 30.—There is consid erable comment here to-day over a long conference which has just taken place between the British ambassador to Spain, Sir Henry Drummond-Wolff, and the Spanish minister for war, (ien eral Correa. The newspapers of this city to-day pubMsh the text of a manifesto from the inhabitants of Catalonia, of which Barcelona is the capital, in favor of peace between Spain and the United States. Lospos, June 20.—Under the head ing: “Is the Bank of Spain Solvent?” the London Statist lengthily discusses Spain's condition, saying: “Upon the bank’s ability to finance the govern ment depends the continuation aud duration of the war. Practically the Spanish government Is now reduced to the expedient of using the printing press to meet its war outlays and the longer that printing press is in oper ation and the more notes are issued the greater will bo the depreciation of the value of the paper peseta. If the war lasts much longer we may see the I-1 -- <n uun «» h Q Ulor count of 50 per cent, depreciate as did the assignat of France at the close Of the last uentury. The formal suspen sion of specie payments cannot long lie delayed. Indeed the suspension has practically occurred." The Statist then presents an nrray of figures showing the exact position of the hank, with a note circulation of $2ti3,000,000 without any coin reserve available for Its redemption, and fur ther pointing out that such note circu lation may lie increased to8500,000.000. Finally, the Statist say* that in three years the Spanish and Cuban govern ments have iiorrowed 8200,000,000 from the liuuk of Spaiu. COMET ON SCHEDULE TIME. The IJrh *W-Inch Hefrsrtur IIUruvcriMl the Star In lha I* red tried Place. Lu g OBm.itvatohy. Cal.. June 20.— Wolf* perhslic vornet was found at 3 o clock yesterday uiorntug by Professor W. I. Iluffcy with the 3ft-tnih tele ■oupa. It was clone to its predicted | place and waa found Instantly. No I attempt baa tieen made here lately to ohnerve it. The measurement of ita position was obtained. The comet was seen without difMcuity with the 34 tneh refractor, but It would protiatiiy Iw <|ulte faint with smaller telescope* The eniuet was tlrsl dlseovervd by Ml* Wolf of Heidelberg, iu lot, and was rediscovered by hpitaiter in Vienna in lent. Its period la about seven years A flsM fee UHtUi i See. W iiHioiint June to. The II. m*. enfuwlttee on naval affairs has agreed lu re|aivt favorably to the House a bill autburiatag tbe President to appoint •»e move asJvU at large this year tu tbe navel aeademy at Aaaafhdta Tbe obleet nf tbe bill la tu nruvide for sellable reeogaitlun of dutlagwlshed set »icee tu the navy, eepewtally tor Juba Viaseat tirtdley. a mm of < so tala tirldley, tbe late mnnaaier of tbe rretaer "iympta N<> mat* ever sees bis faults through a magnify lag gi*»s MILES’ REASON FOR DELAY. ——— Lack of Mr.ll and Railway facilities Caused Confusion. Washington. June 20.—Major Gen eral Miles arrived in Washington yes terday, after having directed the de parture of the first army of invasion to Cuba. Ueneral Miles'attention was directed to reports coming from Tampa of great confusion and delay in preparing the expedition and getting it off for Cuba. “Yes,” said he, “there were causes contributing to this delay. In the first place the postoffice service at those points of army concentration is very deficient. They have the snme facili ties, and no more, as the local towns have when normal conditions exist. When 20,000 to 2.'>.00n inen are added to the population of the small towns, and all of the men are sending and receiving letters from their friends and relatives at home, besides the large amount of official business car ried on. the local postoflice facilities are entirely inadequate. That has been one of tiie troubles at Tampa, Chickamaugu and other places, and as a result t he official communication to and from the war department, on which depend the regularity of move ment of many kinds of stores, has been seriously delayed. “Then, in gathering the munitions of war for an army, it was necessary to have the service of a great number of trains, loaded with stores, crowding the meager railway lines far beyond their usual capacity. However, this is being straightened out now, and al most all of it has been overcome. General Miles was asked for the com munications between himself and Garcia, and, glancing over them, he gave ther general purport. “In my communication to him I asked him to move as large a force as possible to the vicinity of the harbor of Santiago de Cuba, and to co-operate with our army and navy on their ar rival, which 1 hoped would l* in a few days: lie was to drive in and harms* the Hpanish troopa near Santiago de Cuba threatening and attacking them at all points, and preventing any re inforcements from reaching that point, l'ending the arrival of our troops he was to seize any positions east or west of Santiago, or both, which could be used to advantage by our artillery. "He replied that he would regard my wishes and suggestions as orders, and would Immediately adopt meas ures to concentrate his forces as indi cated. "All his subordinates are ordered to assist in the disembarking of the I'nlted States troops and to place themselves under orders. Gensral Gar cia said he believed it possible for the artillery to be taken as I had suggest ed. He sent a force at once to prevent aid and reinforcements going to Santi ago de Cuba. The energy of his course is shown by the reports of the last few days, for I see tiiat General Itabi and his men have taken a strong position just west of Santiago. While there were unavoidable delays at Tampa, very annoying to myself and others, 1, at least, had the consolation of know ing that every day enabled the Cubans to make their march across the country and get positions which would be of the greatest value to our troops when they landed." When General Miles was asked if he expected an early light, he answered laconically: ’’That a what they've gone for." AUGUSTUS FAMILY SEIZED. — Insurgents In Manila Will Cnpture the General Next Madrid, June 20.—The following dispatch from Manila, signed by Cap tain General August!, and dated June 13, is published officially: "The grave situation set forth in my dispatch of June 8 continues. The troops are lighting on the line of blockhouses, which stops the enemy's advance. Th# enemy has been strengthened by desertions of the na tive troops, which diminish onr means of re*intone*, and may compel me to taka refuge within the walled city. “Communication with the province* Ih still cut off, and I do not know whether the detachment there will lie able to hold out against a lack of re souress. “I hope to receive assistance from the peninsula before our means of de fense are exhausted." Senor Sagasta, replying in the Cor tes to a question as to whether Manila had fallen, replied in the negative, but he added that the situation there was of the gravest character. Japan,according to a apecial dispatch from Shanghai, is sending additioual wurships to Manila, uiul it is reported at Shanghai t «at the American troop* have arrived at Manila. IHa patches from lloug Kong say Cap tain Ueiieral August is wife and fuiuily arc held as hostages at tavite. FORM A NEW POLITICAL PARTY. lilMainil*<l I'opulUK tail • i Mutaika at • o.c tuustl WnuaikM «. Omah a, Net* . June '.at The so-called national orgsuwalluu As.inmittee of the I .s.ple * paivy. of which Mitlun Park of Italia*. Teta*. 1* chairman, has it*. ei«U*l to holt outright and a-«U ait iude pendent convention on Neptewihrr t. at t inetnnatl. for the purpose of reorgau Uing th« populist party. PASSED BY A NARROW MARGIN. hlMMilwwl AaMIlMS Wsuh Will urn »tnur* *Mt. MW a lM< m« M Is «*. WaantMfwa. Jaws W The MU to Iuo.wp-.fsi0 the International A meet wnw hawk, In tw>«il**M <4 the wwin ■wea-tslbm of the paw Awteriean wa grvss was passed by a vote of M to tl The dettgu >4 the mew *f U to far atsh sweh banking %w4 vs. hangs Ml itlea as eill pnawnte trad* iateeva the I at tv-1 Mates sad the vwantrtee uf • eat mi ssd Ihottk Amen«w No More Spanish Resistance to Americans in Guantanamo. FORT A PICTURESQUE RUIN. Interrupted Message* Show That the Enemy's Resource. Are Exhausted— Soldiers Now on Hell Rations—Active Aid From Insurgents. Kingston, .Jamaica. June 20.—Tho week's campaign in Eastern Cuba lias resulted in the practical demolition of the outer fortifications of Santiago de Cuba, in anticipation of the arrival of the troops and the occupation of the fine harlior of Guantanamo, in which to-day are anchored such magnificent ships as the Oregon and the St. 1’aul, together with the Marblehead, Dol phin, Suwanee and eleven other aux iliary gunboats, colliers and press dis patch floats, In an average depth of seventeen fathoms of water. The military resistance to the de finite oocupation has practically ceased since the bombardment on Wednesday. An intercepted official report of the Spanish military commandant indi cates that his military resources arc exhausted. Ills soldiers arc now on half rations. There are supplies only for the remainder of June. The com mandant has already seised all the private drug supplies for the soldiers. The close oordon maintained by the Cubans about Guantanamo is illus trated by the fact that official Spanish communications, sent in duplicate by land and water, have been intercepted and the Spanish messengers in both cases have been shot by the Cubans while attempting to pass the lines. For the last three nights there has been comparative quiet in the camp of the marines on the crest of the hill near Guantanamo bay. At dusk vol unteers from the warships go ashore and camp near the hill to be at hand in case of an emergency, and the Cubans go far out in the chaparral in order to prevent the Spaniards from stealing a march on the camp. General Parez, commanding the Eastern division of the insurgent army, called on Captain McCalla of the Marblehead yesterday and reported that he had 3,000 men. of whom 1,200 would reinforce the marines in a few days. Many bands of insurgents are now gathered along the coast, west ward to Santiago de Cuba. The warships have done no firing since Wednesday's bombardment of the fortifications of the inner harbor and the town of Caimanera. The Marblehead and Texas struck contact mines without exploding them. Each mine contained forty pounds of gun cotton, sufficient to destroy any vessel. The bombardment of Guanatanamo bay was not so heavy an at Santiago. The Spaniards fired only live shots and then fled. Three shots struck near the Marblehead, but none hit her. The ships steamed within 3,600 yards of the fort before opening fire, and then fired with deadly accuracy. The Texas stopped in the narrow channel to avoid grounding, but the Marblehead steamed ahead and swung around the south side of the harbor. Her first shots went wild, but the lit tla Suwanee, which was following her, found the range and sent shots straight into the foundation of the fort, hurling into the air bricks and dust. The Texas finished the business, two of her 12-inch shells reducing the fort to a picturesque und useless ruin. The Marblehead then turned her at tention to the barracks and breast works southwest of the harbor and speedily demolished them, sending the Spanish garrison flying for their lives. As the Spaniard ran down the rnainlnnd the St. Paul's fi-inch guns were trained on them, and several of the soldiers were seen to fall. Th# number of killed and wounded is not 1 known. The bombardment lasted an hour , and a quarter and was for the pur- I poa* of preventing a movement of Spanish troops from the town to the fortifications. Tha insur gent fiwces. which have liecn armed and equipped by Captain MoCalla, not only prove to bo daring scouts, but turn out to lie brave fighters and good shots with the Lee-Metford rifles. -- tor Poisoning Her llnsboutl. Dr.s Mounts. Iowa, June S3.—The jury in the murder trial of Mrs. lictsy Smith returned a verdict of guilty to day, imposing a sentence of life Im prisonment. This was the second trial I of the case. I>n the first trial the same sentence was imposed. Mrs. Smith luurdvrvd her husband Michael Smith, by administering morphine and rough on rata. The crime was committed to secure insurance mouey. i la Need ml Sleet lisle. Nam Tutsi im o, June 80, — Work on I the battleship Wisconsin at the t'uiou | Iron works is almost at a standstill in , eousequence of the non-arrival of the steel arut»r piste*. The material should have reached her*' ait month* anti until it ilon arrive, active 1 work uu Ike vessel will cease. te Mssartl I'sstll't Mrowr 8 ASMIMutoM, June fU Ike seere tarv of tha navy has decided <•« the I hud of rvvttgnlliag the see flees wf Jiaval ladet Joseph Wright IVweil who held a strsia iauuek under Ike k wit* at the entrant* to Naattngo Ksr j hue usder the tnmtlauoua Ore of the , Spanish katteelee on tuik shores while •earching for the crew wf the Merri mac The paper* already have been ■ matie out Stir a as lag IVw eit one year to the raak of raslgu sad three number* j lu that lut. SHE WANTED TO ABDICATE. Hagsota I>raaa<led the tjuern Hearnt to I’oetpone Action. New York. June 20.—A dispatch t the New York Herald from Madrid says: News concerning the adduction of the queen regent of .Spain, which was given by the Paris Temps without details, has been very half-heartedly denied in the Madrid press. The quern regent, much depressed by the sad situation of the country and tlic Spanish people's lack of sympathy for her, made up her mind a fortnight ago to renounce her right and title as regent in favor of the Infanta Isabella sister of the late King Alfonso XII. A ministerial council was held, aflei which nil the members visited the queen regent to beg her to give up the scheme for the present. They told her that under the present circum stances alHlication would seem like lliglit and would be very badly con strued by the country. Premier 8a gasta was so persuasive that he ob tained the following reply from the queen regent: “1 admit you are right, sir, but I do not altogether give up my plan; 1 only postpone it.” HAS ISSUED A PROCLAMATION. Days «f Metropolitan I’ollra System It Kiiism Nil inhered. Topeka, Kan., June 20 —In com pliance with the demand made by the Populist state convention, (lovcraoi Leedy yesterday isrued a proclamation which seals the doom of the metropol itan police system in Kansas and gives to the six tirst class cities in the state “home rule.” The proclamation reads “Hy authority of law, conferred upon me by paragraph 37, chapter 34, of the Compiled Statutes of 1897, proclama tion is hereby made that the operation of the metroi>olltan police law will be suspended at 12 o'clock, noon, on the 1st day of July, A. D. 1898. And I nlsj» rpvnlfp tin* ;innointini>ntH nf tin* boards of police commissioners in all cities of tlie first class in the state of Kansas, to take effect at the hour and date before mentioned.” MAYOR KILLS CITY MARSHAL. Kenftatlonal Murder Involving Prominent OfliclaU of Ilrunmvick, Mo. Hrcxbwick, Mo., June 39.—City Mar shal K. II. Ashby shot and In stantly killed by J. II. lieisel, in ay jr of this city, last evening at 9 o'clock. The shooting took place in Finchc's saloon. Ashby shot lieisel twice, llci sel may die. Ashby is alleged to have fired two shots at lleiscl first. One shot pene trated Heisels abdomen; the other passed through his lung and came out at the back. It is alleged that lieisel and Anliby quarreled on a bock r.treet yesterday, from some unknown cause, and the difficulty culminated in the tragedy last night. OHIO POLITICIANS IN A TIOT Police Arret Member, of the Hanna ami MrKi/t.on Faction. In Cleveland, Ct.F.vr.i.A.vri. Ohio. June 20.— A riot between the Hanna and McKisson fac tions was narrowly averted at the Re publican county convention h.’.te to day. The trouble started ••hen the Ilannaites attempted ’o organize the convention which tse McKUson ites resisted. A wild scene followed. The police made a number of arrests. The Ilannaites finally withdrew from the hall and are holding a rump con vention. A WHITE HOUSE WAR COUNCIL Mile., ftlcurd. Mah. •. Ixing and Alger Confer With the Pr».Ideal. Washington, June *».—A couneil of war is in session at Ifce iVhite hause President McKinley. Seers tar i«s Roug ana Alger, ixeaoral srio*. Admiral >i card aud Captain M«haa are prasrnt considering futuro pisns. T\e csuut-il is secret, of course. Complain of Nail Treatment. New York, June i’O.—More than IOC sailors, forming a port of the crow of the I'nited States steamer Yale, ar rived in this city on the steamship Old Dominion yesterday, having left the government service because of the al leged had food and unfair treatment given them outi.a vestal. These men say that Mo more who left the Yale and Harvard arc now at Newport News wuitlu;; to con.e to this elty. The Soldier Stmt a IVnutu Harbor. MiRNBAroi.i*. Minn., June t'O. — Kuiina Oakland, l Woman barber it this eity. was shot uud te-lousiy wounded by Joint Knott, a private in Company I), Seventh Illinois Infantry. The shooting had bean planned aud Knott traveled I,Mo miles fioiu Camp Alger to aeeonipltah his pnrpasw Knott says that iut become engaged to th« girl In Chicago, hut after he went to Camp Alger site wrote him a letter, breaking the engagement, A Hiapul Train tu tbe treat. U’ sriusotos, June fa t il, hospital train for Ike r%movai of wtnmbed and | invalid soldier* left hste to day for Tampa. 1 he train i.mdvl* of lea l*uliuMit sleeping ears, on* dining rouw ear. o*r maik car ami a ninMiulliw nark It la fully «M|Uipp«4 fur how pttal witiw, with*, aurgteai instrument* and apparata* 1 aaStc *a Varan a Mew Mtatrtrf. I'tat*. Jana Ju After rwuaoltattua with M lYjhtl, Harrtra sad Dwpuy this uturnlag. M Klh4 ItAitusi »*»*» ideal k'isrr that he ta nnahks to fur at a aw hi art to miaowed the dr line min rntry i*r**id«al I’aurw a***pled thr iattwt a rvwigaatlou uw Juaa It, ttnl Uewdwt Uat HOl'SE VOTES FOR HAWAII. Kewlsnds' Annexation Iteeoltitlon Adopted by »n Overwhelming Majority. Washington, June 17.—Hy a vote of 209 to 91 the House of Representatives yesterday afternoon adopted the Ncw lands resolution, providing for tlie an nexation of Hawaii. 'Hie vote in support of the resolu tions was made up of 179 Republicans, 18 Democrats, 8 Populists and 4 fusion ists; the vote against annexation com prised 77 Democrats, 3 Republicans, 7 Populists and 4 fusionists. Prior to announcing the vote, Mr. Dalzell, who in tlie absence of Mr. Reed, was presiding, said: "The speak er of the House is absent on account of illness, and I am requested by him to sav thut, were he present, on this i>rop osition he would vote no.” MILES TO EXPLAIN. Summoned to Washington l.y President MrKInley—Why Troop* Did Not Null. Washington, June 17.—From a source believed to be entirely worthy. It is learned that General Miles has Wen ordered to ret urn to Washington for the purpose of explaining the cause in the delay of the movement of troops. It is understood that the Pres ident and Secretary Alger have Wen chafing under the vexatious incident of the failure of the troops to move mors promptly, and especially the former is anxious to know the exact reasons, so that any obstacle may be removed, if possible, and further annoyance of this sort averted. ORDERED TO LEAVE CANADA. Bpeel.h Foreign MlnDtsr Bends tions to Honor DoMoee sod (’*. Madrid, June 17.—Duke Almodovar de Elo, minister of foreign affairs, has ordered Senor Du Hose, former Spsnish charge d'affaires at Washington, and Lieutenant Carranza, former Spanish naval attache there, to leave Canada. The government has authorized Got cruur ucuerm uianco vo entertain pro poaala for an exchange of Lieutenant Hobaon and the other prisoners. May Bs sa Important Captor* Key West, FIs., June 17.—Jamie Fernicres, who says he is the first of ficer of the Spanish hospital ship Ali cante, was brought in liei e yesterday morning as a prisoner of war on board the British prise steamer Twickenham, captured by the cruiser Ht. Ixiuis on June 10. Conflicting stories are told concerning the Spaniard's presence on board the Twickenham, and there is strong suspicion that he is a more im portant capture than superficial cir cumstances might indicate. '■ """ i_ Auditor Moor* AfquIlM. Lixcolx, Neb., June 17.—A Jury in the district court to-day declared former Mate Auditor Uugene Moore not guilty of embcsxling 873,000 in in surance fees paid to the state through him. Drew Won on a Font Atchjbox, Kan., June 17.—Tommy Drew of Kansas City was awarded a decision over Jack Sebastian of Ntreat or, 11L, last night, at the beginning of the eighth round, on a foul. A Regiment of Confederate*. Washixotox, June 17.—Representa tive Grosvenor of Ohio has introduced a resolution for the enlistment of one regiment of men who served in the Confederate army. A Growing Town. “Is your town booming out there in the mining districts. Slicks?” “I should say so! It’s more wonderful than magic. I pitched my tent in a hole In the greund one evening, and when I waked up I was in the celler of a union depot.”—Detroit Free Press. Deep ftrlef. Mastsr—"Why don't yoa get your e»lrt washed, Pat? It's nearly as black as ny hat." Pa»—"Shurs. sorr, ol'm In mournin'!"—London Pun. Every one must have felt that a cheerful friend Is like a sunny dav. which sheds Its brightness on all around; nt)d most of us can. as we choose, make of this world either a palace or a prison. LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE. OmaliA, Chicago and New York Market Quotation*. OMAHA. flutter -• Creamery M*parutor. 1ft a ja Hutier Choi e fancy country 10 a 12 h-gg* I'reek. per tin/ . h a w hprinct'likkeu* IVr pound 14 a 1A I «• int*«i» iVr U>i . 4 10 * A fO nrnugr* IVr Un . 3 &0 n 3 73 lltiaev < h«>k'* twr (mmiiiU .... In a || On tone IVr tmuncl 73 a *a Hr an* Handpicked navy .... lift | | *» I'ntutd*** IVr hu»hel new .... | *0 « | t, May l'plaud per ««a» a An i7 « MH m OMAHA MtHaVT. •I'M* t'kolce litfkt ..... ..... J 73 a 1 N) ll'ge Heavy weight* . I To a ft T3 lleel »t wr» .. I 40 »(%% Malta . 4 *> « . a\ **•*» i s saw * si..* ..... 1* s J tv *«*t*rt» feeder* .... j p * i *\ llr lf«v* .... 4 at i4p Pt«»>*»r* and f**dM% ... .... 4 «e » 4 nk ^keep WeaUrn li«l« ... 4 ** a 4 fc» »ee*p Native Mind 4 ju * 4 gl 1 MU 4«Uk Whr a* 1* | tMitig ,,, .... Ml a mm • **»» tVf kuefcel .... ■ a »w ♦ mte IV » tAiikri y « w. V 1 5 1 f<)wak. «*4. |*rf Ira » •' • I N I u»k » w « a si Is..I I*., kw I & « t m < sill* tasdls* rsitls « s. « i ., > silks >.llnkMl«I«n . is. » . .i Mm,* »»i«I m .is •*.» <n^,j in .IS Us.*. m ;;2 »“«* • tssr. £-’V'“r §~ s & '.v. : ti ttl _ _ ssMsa mi P ssHik H. I .. m.. ira ■ — • **i* *».. i "■•P ijintea JS sji taMw ilM. no* *a4 **•*•«* 28 |IS