The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 24, 1898, Image 1

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    CrrY No rthwestern
j H""}1 |
Is preparing to close out his entire stock of READY MADE CLOTHING
These goods are all FIRST CLASS and of the “HAPPY HOME BRAND’’ will be sold entirely
A great many of our friends will visit the Exposition this season.
Most of you will pay more or less attention to the exhibits which will Ik*
made by the great department stores of this country, and many of you
will be tempted to become customers of theirs, through their statement that
h e country merchant cannot meet their prices.
We are aware that most country merchants do not meet their prices, but
<taslever is THK country merchant who can and WILL meet their prices
on any tiling which he carries or is able to procure. So remember friends,
! that when you are in need of any thing in his line he will fill your order
just as low and just as satisfaetorly as any of the larger eastern concerns.
j ■ | I H***!
__ — 1...111 ' ' --—
t _.
Latest War News.
Thursday June lo, via Kingston, Jamaica, !» p. m. —Hear Admiral Samp
le sons, fleet began the third boinbuidment of the Santiago harbor batteries
rat daylight this worming, for several hours tlie bombardment was kept up
and the shore batteries were terribly wrecked. The Spaniards responded
for soihe time but finally ceased tiring entirely. Not an American ship
was struck nor a man injured, but from indications the Spanisti loss must
It of been heavy. Oue battery was entirely destroyed, the Texas, sent a
shot into its magazine and the explosion wus terrific, blowing everything
W: to pieces. Admiral Cervera, has taken the guns from some of his ships.
)k< and planted them on shore showing that he has no hope of escaping with
his vessels. Dispatches from Hong Kong, say the Insurgents are only
waiting the arrival of the American troops to take Manila. The Vesuvius
was given another trial the night before with the best of success.
The real invasion of Cuba, has begun in earnest. The disembarkation
having commenced Tuesday last at iO, o'clock a. ui. at two places near
Santiago, and the landing affected without the least trouble. At ihe noon
f' hour three thousand troops were on Oubau soil without an accident or cas
ualitv of any kind, so says a dispatch from Colonel Allen. The cable has
been taken up and arranged on board a ship so that there is direct comiuu
f uications between the army and Washington. The attack on Santiago, is
| to be made from side and rear at the same time, and the vessels in the
harbor will keep the utieiilton of the Spaniards on the water front. The
channel ol Cuanalariumn harbor has been dragged and ten sub marine
mines taken from it, uud Commander McCalla, said that the escape of
the war ships that passed over them is little short of providential. Cubans
have informed Admiral Sampson that Cervera is all ready to make a bold
dash to deliver his fleet at the first favorable opportunity, and take the
risk ( f gc tling some of his ships out of the bottle. The third expedition o
Dewey, is nearly ready to start. The monitor Monodnock, sailed yester
day from San Francisco, for Manila.
MrJasLang, of Harwell, Nebr, i
was seen on our streets chatting with
bis old freinds on Th u rad ay of last1
The Advance Agents of Terrys
liude Toms Cabin show was here
Thursday and dated the town for
June SO, and will draw a good crowd,
if the weather does uol prove bad.
A. N. Conklin returned troin Ouia
ha aud reports a good sale of cattle.
Our enterprising merchant, St.
Uadura, is building a store room
on the rear of bis brick store building.
Hev. Alfred Snowden return from
lua visit to l.exington, on Friday
atteuoou, and be re|K>rta that liters is
bo plans liks Asblou, I don't think’ j
Mr A. V lllava is here in Iwdialf
of tbs desrtng Company, aud be re
ports liaviug good success with tbs
psopls bate.
Miss Kva Taylor took lbs tram lot
Loup City on Saturday evening
Mr. Nivlaon, of l.iUbflstd, was
bsts last week and bought out tbv
vapH-o of Stanislaus UaUxeaskt.
and aw Stany is going lu (stirs
Mr. anti Mrs J. K Conklin left lot
Omaha on tbs Monday morning train
and a/s told that they ars thinking of
caauaulag tksir trip t« t'lact nnatii
shm that wt II viwtt rsiattvss for a
11 me before returning to Ashton.
Frank (Jappa was seen to hoard the
east Bound Passenger train Monday
morning euroute for St. Paul.
Uev. Sexton was here on Sunday
evening aud delivered a very aide
Hot time iu the old town ou Tliur
day night aud Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp
carried off the Popular Lady pri/.e,
which was a handsome silver cracker
Jar. Congratulation* poured iu thick
aud fast from her legiou of frteuds
tieuero aud Spaucer closed their
engagement with this place on Tliur
day night and left for l«oup City but
U la aad to relate that they did uot
leave many freinds to mourn their
Mr*. .1 K. /ehnger of liav.d City
arrived on Monday et suing fora vi*lt
wilh her parent* Mr. and Mrs \V II
Brown and her sister Mrs K ll.
T»y ’<*r.
Mia Amo* Marlow and son Arthur
reiurn ft -in Harwell on Ihe \\ edues
•lav aiiNHiuf freight trwlu
W M. hittvlser "niM it lo Loup
City mi Wintuvwilai
U V Mari us wrui li* Patwter ttnl
wvaday morning to his mother
returning wuh her
I C I*.
M. LESCHINSKY, photographer
Will be in his gallary iu Loup City on
JULY 4, 5, 6 7, 8, ana 9
Parties wishing photographic work done will please call
on either of above mentioned days.
Gallery will be closed again for an indefinate period after
Julv Oth.
M. L ESC MINSKY", Photographer.
In our advertising columns will be
found an announcementof Ex-Senator
John.), Ingalls forthcoming book en
titled America’s War For Humanity.
Canvassing agents will And in it a
book remarkable interest, ana cer
tainly of extraordinary salobiliay.
The history ol the war is told in pict
ure and story, and in a way that always
characterizes the brilliant pen of Sen
ator Ingalls. In narrating the inci
dents of this war he finds grand scope
for his superb descriptive and ana
lytical powers. Tire theme is worthy
of tbeauthor, and the author is byor
thy of the theme. It is published dy
F. D. Thompson Publishing Co. of St.
Louis, Mo. It will be a monumen
tal work that will not only be every
where read, but it will be a monument
to his genius that will outlive in his
story his brilliant senatorial career.
The subscription book trade and the
canvassing agent are fortunate in the
fact that an author of such rare abil
ity has been enlisted in its interest.
‘•One Minute Cough Cure is the beat
preparation 1 have ever sold or used ami
1 can't say too much In its praise.',—L.
M. Kennon, Merchant, Odell, Ga. Oden
dahl Hro's,
I) Perhaps you have made s j
•tup your mind to take v
1 Scoffs tj
j Emulsion |
:> this summer. ?i
Then look for s •*
I ^ this picture on J}l
• /the wrapper, a I1(;
• / man with a big A ^;
• i Hsh on his back, S;
• <j l)o not let anyone talk to \;
>/ you ot something ** just (>
J / i» good." S ♦
;S VI lien you want cod/;
tv liver oil and the h>p<»*/•
II phosphites you w ant the ),
•/ very best. Vou will find S;
1/ them in only one place, S *
!? Scott's Emulsion.
A There is no other cmul-t;
«S stun like ill none other '•
K 4mM Um MM WMi an
i has W • i'igj I
if record of cores i
• « a*** • * • •
Ex-Senator John J. Ingalls, of
Kansas, whose fame us a brilliant
writer, a man of remarkable scholar
ship and literary attainments, is even
greater than that of the distinguished
senator, announces a new book on
the subject of the American-Spanish
Cuban War. It is entitled “Ameri
ca’s War For Humanity in Picture
and Story.” It is published by the
N. 1). Thompson Publishing Co., of
St. Louis, Mo., and I9 an exhaustive
discussion of the causes of tiie war,
and an equally exhaustive history of
its incidents, and u brilliant analysis
of the famous characters conducting
it. It promises to be the one great
and popular work called forth by this
wonderfully interesting national epi
sode. Whatever Senator Ingalls
touches he adorns; and this book
shines aud sparkles m ti e light of
bis genius. The present work is
worthy of his geuius, and will be a
monument to bis fame. The subject
now so engrosses the popular mind
as to forcast for this book a sale
that will be universal. It will be
sold by subscription only, and the
canvassing samples are now' ready
for agents. We advertise it in an
other column.
Don’t fall to get the latest edition of
Hand McNally’s great War Map If you
want to he posted on the exact spot that
the Spaniards are receiving Allupathlc
doses of American ‘'Jingoism.’’ Only
15 cents, at this olllce.
8. R. Parker, Sharon, WIs., writes:
"1 have tried lieWltt’s Witch llaxel
Salve for Itching piles and it always
stops them In two niluutes 1 consider
I»eWIll’s Witch llaxel Salve the great
est pile cure on (he market."-(Men
dahl Bro s,
I lgl'OU I.IUKNSK MiifltlK,
lit the matter of tit# a|t|»H»aiion of t.ouia
\ t<»«ly for It.tour h> •«»•’
't«»t!c«i It hvi’Htit |ivin tfeat l.tfMlI* t iiiiv
<tl«t 4|»mi ttiofttb liny of Jun# l«Wi, All |i«
i|»|ili«itta4k wilA iln Uiavtl 4 TrMt«M of
tMi \ yf IsttkifcttoM for iitiMi to
•oil MiUt *|iimu4tu« aimI iin«N44 lutwura.
lu tki biiU4lM4 mitili of lb# a
lion##, mi Ulo#4i bu It, to tbo ytltatfo of
l ilt bAi <>i Aitmoiii for IH# you
li«y ut i*yM
If tbato bo no <«mo*'ttoitak ramoaatiaa##
of |ooto#t bio*! bofofo July b tbo
ItOplM# lilt bo |4llBlt’l
I «*i it % tail, f, <%£i*l*#ant
lUVblk nf MtAtl I tbtA t P
taboo a#* on mi lam no boo Into If, f
k* It * K OnaOVtU#, fbOtat*n «*4
aim at no# ball mu# oat I of italti It Mao
tMaara ana atm#t tbioo obi. • ‘ft*
«(•»•«•! nm manual# ttoaat #aa bat a am
: by boatMm y*n§r«riy b*]ftflm imataraa# aaat
ynfeitoaMon of i|o abba
l*b%a Mata
iN#%tiltak baa
The gpeat
Terry Show
Is Copriipg to Loup City
FRIDAY, JULY 1st. 1898
____ TENT SHOW._
The only one of the kind seated with Patent Folding Opera Chairs.
See our Grand street parade at 1 o'clock p. m.
See the old-fashioned southern cart and mule.
See the original log cabin on wheels.
The bale of cotton shipped to us direct from
the cotton fields of the Sunny South.
40 PEOPLE_40
50 HOKSES 50
Lips, Lips, Lips.
We w ish to mil the attention of our mauy
customers to the fact that wo have added to
our stock au elegant line of latinpa, also a tiue
assortment of 0LA8M V\ AHK, fancy cupa
anti saueers anti plate*
We aasure all that the price* are way down,
It is a pleasure to fume in and look the good*
over and to peiea* them ia a pnvelage
Thanking you tor past fat or* 1 am
Your* Truly, I, S. SHSPPflRD,
Jeweler ami Optician, lamp tltv, Neb,