Lioaal Dews. Nice tomato and cabbage plants for sale at W. II. Conger's W. R. Mellor returned from his trip east Wednesday evening Mrs. II. II. Turner, left these parts for her former home In Iowa. Mrs. W. T. Gibson was visiting friends at Arcadia, the first part of the week The gardens this year are without doubt the finest ever raised in this county. The weeds are begennlng to look over the fence to see If the plow man is coming. Geo. McDonald and Robert Young are spreading paint for George Truel son, this week. The bridge was completed far enough to allow teams to cross on Wednesday evening last. T 8. Nightingale, went to Broken Bow, Monday, on legal business and re turned Wednesday. Barney Smith, of wheat fame tinished his sentence in the county jail and was given bis liberty yesterday. Tony Ilillerbrant, former hotel keep er of Arcadia, drove through town last Monday enroute for Omaha. Banker Cullcy has new potatoes in bis garden as large as a hen egg. He brought a sample to this office Monday. Dresses cut and made in the latest style by Mrs F. M. Henry. Trices reas onable. Four doors north of Travis store. Our enterprising citl/.ens may be seen these days with sythe in hand, mowing down the stately sunflowers and other obnoxious weeds. Clum. Gannon and Walter McNulty, received an unsolicited bath last Wed nesday They took a tumble from a scaffold down at the bridge The little town of Ashton, ten miles east of us holds the greatest record of any town ip the state regardless of size, for Its shipments of eggs and wheat. The Mayor of the city has turned tbo keys over to the school marine, God bless 'em, they have captured the town and are being reinforced daily. We sur rende gracefully. The Litchfield Monitor man says on bis envelopes, “the largest circulation of any paper in the county.” Litchfield air is exilerating, of course he ment cir culation of the blood. We were compelled to add another quire to bill of paper this week to keep pace with our increase of circulation. The Nobtiiwestebn is the people's fa vorite paper of the county. The men at work on the Loup river bridge let the pile driver topple over last Saturday, and broke the wire to the sunflower telephone line. It was soon repaired, however, and services again established. Mrs. John Hutson and daughter, Mrs. Hodges, of Kearney, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rowe. Mrs. Hutson, lived in Loup City a number of years and her many friends are glad to see her and her daughter again. O. Benschotor has passed the hat and raised money enough to paiut the band stand, and by the coming of independ ence day expects it to be a standing representation of patriotism. He is go ing to have it painted Red White and Blue. The strawberry crop about town is Immense this year. A. P. Gulley, Chas. Conhiser, and F. K. Brewer, probably taking the lead in the culture and yield of this particular kind of fruit. Mr. Conhiser brought ye editor a few last tfnn.l.... SkoS_ _ -—V nwv ao laij^r a? tt ^UUU sized yellow plum. 1.8 .Sheppard has just received the fin est line of parlor and fancy lamps ever brought to the city also a beautiful line of water sets china card receivers and ever thing In that tine that would go to make life happy for a newly mar ried pair or any body else. Mrs. Samuel Hancock recieved a letter from Central City last Saturday stat ing that her daughter Miss May who has lieen at that place for medical treat ment for some time had become pary lized in one arm aud one leg, so much so that she ha* no use of them. W 1*. Burton the accommodating mall carrier tietween Loup City and Divide made this office a frelafily vislst last Tuesday and renewed hia subscrip tion fw another year. Mr Burton in forms us that he has only three more trips to make With the mail when his contract will expire. We understand that Mrs H. Bassett will carry the mall between these two point hereafter. Clarence hi Hell, an old risidentof l.oup Ctly but now of tlou'iou Texas is visit tog fretnds la the city . lie expresses him self aa being well satisfied with the South Mr hiltell la engaged aa book keeper in a large cotton eel reductieu works and #a»* his firm c out presses pi IW) lusts of cotton seed annually shipping the otis to all partsuf the world K J Nightingale we.j over to l.ltch •eld hurt Tuesday, and withered the loudest hopes of the toper, and Wasted the* of the mode* ate drink •« He knocked out the petition for a license again and the people of that u»rg onset *HM ee*ttt>< .* to ship In their snake Idle antidote. Uh MUhard when wilt thy heart return insa tstarb'e. sod thy frail fanal.cleat let up utt the I ntoMsi t • W. H Morris, Is rejuvinating his ten ament property on High ami Noble street. They say there is an educated flock of chicken* in town. It 1* claimed that they handle card* very gracefully. Mr. Carl de la Mottc, tif Hazard town ship, called to see us while in town last Monday, and exchanged ideas wltn ye editor. The county supervisors met last Mon day to sit three day* as a board of equal ization, after which they held a regular session and took up the general routine of business. Henry Tangerman. of Bristol town ship, was a welcome visitor at this ofllce last Saturday, and before he left he add ed his name to our vastly Increasing family of readers. Henning Claussen, of Washington township, dropped in to our domaciie last Saturday, and lefts great big dollar for the benefit of the two orphans. Come again Mr. Claussen. Mr. and Mr*. John Shrove, are repor ted to have arrived safely, in their trip overland, at the residence of their daughter, Mr*. Ben Snodgrass, at Cleav land, 111. The Cuban question and political is sues sink into insignificance with the man who suffers with piles What he most desires, is relief. DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cures piles. Odendahl Bros. A rheubarb leaf was raised in Chris. Ilnucks garden that measured 34 i nebes wide and 30 inches long. Thegtalk was ruiiyas large in proportion, aoout .--i inches long ami an .ucb anil a half through. War Maps-Wc have on sale at this office the ycry latest edition of Band McNally's maps' showing all the princi ple locations of the present American — Spanish War at a glance. Price 15 cents. .James Bentfrow. put down a hydraul ic well for Samuel Conner of Logan township, last week that reached the great depth of 312 ft. before he got a bed of gravel to set the point in. He got a good liow of water. Hundreds of thousands have been in duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Be* wedy by reading what it lias done for others, and having tested its merits for themselves are to-day its warmest friends. For sale by Odeudahl Pro's. When the papers were issued last week it was noticed that Bev. W. E. Matthews, and editor Brown, in com menting on the League convention, were both exactly of the same mind. Mr. Matthews article appeared in the Northwestern, aud Mr. Brown's? came out in the Times. 8. C. P. Jones, Millersburg, Pa. writes:—“I have used DeWitt's Little Early Bisers ever since they were intro duced here and must say I have never used any pills in my family during forty years of house keepilig that gave such satisfactory results as a laxative or cathartic.”—Odcndabl Bro's. The green briar telephone line rim ing from here to Litchfield, must pay its share of the expense of anlhilating the turbulent J>ou. one cent for every message sent over the line is exacted by Uncle Sam for war purposes. Look out for the stamp, don't listen to tho fellow at the other end unless the first word is stamped. Anton Topol&ki, of Ashton township, came pretty near yielding up the ghost to the Godess of water last week. He went down in bis well to make some repairs and while at work noticed some dirt trinkling down, and upon looking up discovered the sides above his head cracking. Ha at once called for the bucket and was drawn up none to soon as the well caved in almost directly be hind him. Anton's hair is a little whit er than it was. He immediately came to town, and employed James Rentfrow. to put him down a hydraulic well. The people of Loup Cily, were very much pleased to meet K. J . Delauey on our streets last Wednesday, who had just arrived from iirooklyu, M. Y.,after an absence of nearly live years. Since his arrival Mr. Delaney lias been busy shaking hands with his many warm friends. He i* one of the old pioneer settler* of Sherman county and stiil has hi- landed Interests in Logan township, fUO acre*. For some time past Mr. De laney lias not been enjoying the be«t of health. and came here tor a change of climate and to re»t up. This ottice acknowledges a plea*.mt call from him yesterday. Mr Isaac Horner, proprietor of the Iturton House, \V, V . and one of the must widely known men in lire *tate *« cured of rheumat *ui after IPr.e years of tultiering lie says "I have not sufficient command of language to convey any Idea of what 1 suffered, my told urn that no! hi tig could lie .tone far me and my friends were fully convinced that nothing but death would miteve me of mv suffering* In June inn, Mr fcvaa*. then salesman tot tbe Mf hew Hug Drug « o recoin men. t*» I • ham Serial.* Fain ttslm \t tl* * time my font and limb were twohrn k» mom than dustbin the.I normal slae and II seemed M me my teg would hurst. Put soon slier t began using the Fain Halm Ihe snollrng began lo decrease the para to wave sod won t >onstder shat I am eu limit > arm I For ante by iMnwdabl Hsus, I•• ugg!*i» Th* ssmmer school Is going on very nicely at Loup City, and will continue for three week* yet when the regular teachers institute will follow. Owing to the wet. muddy weather the attendance Is not as large as expected, but great Interest is shown by those attending Prof's. Xlco«on and Mead, are the prin ciple Instructors and the teachers en rolled now are: Ida E. Nelson, Wolbach. Mabel Vanscoy, Kockvillo. All Ice Tangcrman. “ Edna, Nobler. Ashton. Myrtle Williams, “ Pearl Needham, Austin. Ida Carpenter, “ Sina Hay*. Rangheld Kelson. Arcadia. Lirace Kay, Loup City. Nettle Conger, “ Aunie L. Burrow*, “ Frieda Frohllck, Mattie Snyder, •* H. S. Teeter, “ Julia Rowe, “ Anna Bechthold, “ Maude Fletcher, “ Emma Peteraon, *• Minnie Ollbert, “ Stella Henry, Lizzie Flynn. Edna William*, “ ASHTON LOCAL MEWS. Mr. Emil Sobiitnan, and Rev. Paul juarder, left Wednesday morning for Nebraska City, and returned home ?n Monday evening’s train. Mrs. H. Kunze, and her brother Harry, boarded the train Wednesday morning at this place. Mrs. Amos Marlow boarded the :rain Thursday morning, in answer to a telegram informing her that tier son Arthur, has had an accident jefall him, but on later information ive hear that he is not dangerously iart. Genero A: Curtis, representing the Jontinental Electric Belt Co., are iere since last Wednesday, and have leen giving entertainments, which lave been quite well attended, and i popular lady contest is on, which lives promise of being quite interes ting ere the close ot the stay of the troupe. McMahon Pro’s, circus was here rhursday, put owing to a bad day, ind tbe rain they did not do much, ind failed to get here till noon, and it 5,o’clock they began the only performance they produced here, rvuivu ni»ij Ui/b tcij liiUUi £U LUC DL'Bk. rbey found out that Ashton was not .be town for the “Three Shells’’ men :o work, so they betook themselves Scotia. Mr. Frank Badura has been among js for the past week, during the ab sence of his father, who returned from his business trip to Omaha’ last Friday evening. Miss Tracy 8eifert, came home from Grand Island, Saturday evening for a visit. A. N. Conklin, our extensive cattle feeder, shipped three ears of fat cattle to South Omaha, and he is thinking of shipping two more cars to the Chicago market. They left here Monday afternoon, accompanied by Mr. Conklin in person. Miss Lillie Nightingale, who has been visiting friends here for several days, returned to her home in Loup City on Monday evening. llev. Alfred Snowden, left Tues day morning for Lexington Nebr. Mr. J. P. Derwin, representing the clothing firm of Chas. P. Kellogg & Co., was here Monday,afternoon and evening, and when he left on Tues day morning he wore a smile of sat isfaction, so he must of sold a nice bill of goods,—just as all the mem bers of the “Traveling Fraternity” do who make this town, and they all seem to baev ASHTON, on their lists in large letters, and the large amount of freight that the Burling ton brings in goes to show that some one is making a number of purchas es, and “ASHTON IS THE TOWN THAT DOES THE BUSINESS.!!" lb L. Arthur, lost a valuable cow on Monday evening,-cause unknown. Mr. W. J. Fisher, made our berg a visit last week on business. John Kapp, sr. returned Tuesday noon from an extended trip through j Oklahoma, and the south. W. M. Hmelsnr “railed'1 it to Loup City, Tuesdav eve. returning Wed nesday morning. I. C. u. CONVENTION CONVENES. The Epworth League convention for the-Kearney district opened this morn ing at 9:00 o'clock with a good rep resentation of delegates and many more are expected to arrive today as the weather bids fair to be all that could be desired. The Interest taken by our people and the visiting members is very marked and ail together the convention will doubtless be a grand success. Last evening a large crowd gathered in the opera hall and a program was rendered followed by a social. The principal feature of the program was the address of welcome by J. W. Long of our city and the response by Hon. J. N. Dry den of Kearney. Mr. Long's remarks were well chosen, well placed and well delivered and the response was highly appreciated by our citizens, not only from the fact that Mr. Dryden delivered it in the choisest language and easy and impressive manner, but also because of bis early pioneer days in .Sherman county, in 1874-0, when v;ith the early sett lers he was one among ns, which fact lie recalled in highly com plimentary terms and characterized with a feeling of pride and friendliness to the old familias faces and our liter citizens. The Northwestern will issue an extra to-morrow evening which will contuin a full list of del egates present from the different count ies, and the principal points of interest throughout the session. In the mean time we invite our visitors to call. - - take the union pacific. Take the ruion Pacific to Denver and attend the American Medicine Associa tion Meeting. June 7, 1898. Low ex cursion rates for the round trip. Spec ial excursions arranged from Denver to Mountain Resorts; also to Salt Luke City and points west. For sleeping ear reservations, rates, etc., call on W. D. Cutkon.A gent. -♦ • The human machine starts but once and stops hut once. You can keep it going longest and most regularly by using DeWItt’s Little Early Kisers, the famous little pills for constipation and all stomach and liver trouble.-Odendahl Bro's. One Minute is long, yet rel ef is ob tained in half that time by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, it prevents con sumption nnd quickly cures colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, la grippe and a) throat and lung troubles.—Odendahl tiro s. -♦ ♦ ♦ i>. M. Geary, Pierson, Mich , writes:— “DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salye is curing more piles here to-day than all other remedies combintd. It cures eczema and all other skin deseases." Odendabl Bro's -*• ♦ ♦ Before you breed your mares come and take a look at tbe Alex Taylor, horie. He is the best ALT. PURPOSE HORSE in Sherman county. 1 am stand ing him in my barn, opposite C. Hauck's blacksmith and wagon shop. Terms $5.00 to insure. B. T. Sit YbKR. Farmers, Insure your property in The Pbenix Insurance Company, against Fire, Lightning. Wiud storms Cyclones and Tornadoes. w. .1. fishkk. Agent. A. II. Patter, with E. C. AtkinsA Co., Indianapolis, Ind., writes: “I have never before given a testimonial in my life. But I will say that for three years we have never been without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house, my wife would as soon think of beiug’without (lour as a bottle of this remedy in the summer season. We haye used it with all three of our children and it has never failed to cure, not simply stop pain, but cure absolute ly. it is all right, and anyone who tries it will find it so." For sale by Odcn dahl Bro's Druggists. fiOL.DK> WKDDlXi. Family Reunion, Old Settler* all Invited Sickness and death of friends pre vented us fiom celebrating our Fiftieth anniversery on April a, 189s. We now hope to secure a family reunion at tbe Ojiera bouse in Loup City. July 2, 185MS at noon, to which we invite all the old settlers who resided in this country in 1879. Cards will lie sent to all so far a* we know you and how to reach you, but knowing tbe danger of missing some in the arrangement we taka this way to let you all ktiow that you are invited. Mu. AND MHS J.M SNYDKK. W e wish to call the attention of our many I’lhtoim'r* to the fuel that we have mhlctl to, mir stock till elegant line of Limps, also a tine n sort n tent "f H.ASs W AUK, fancy eup* ami saucer* amt tint*. W e a**ure all that the price* nro way »|ow n. It i* a |i'e««ure to eonie in ami look the gooih over ami to po**■«« them i* a prtvelage Thanking yon for past favor* I am Soars Truly. I. S. SHGPPflRD, Jeweler ami Optician, L>up 1‘ity, Neb ENGINE. I ALSO HANDLE A LARGE STOCK OF BINDERS, MOWERS, RAKES. CULTIVATOR. Harrows Sulky Plows, OR ANYTHING IN THE WAY OF Mills, Pumps and Pipes. I ALSO HAVE A FULL LINE OF HARNESS. AND CARRY REPAIRS FOR McCORMICK, BUCKEYE AND WOOD MOWERS AND HARVESTERS. REFRIGERATORS, GASOLINE STOVES. A NEW STOCK OF GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. T- ty. PEED, EAST SIDE PUHLIC SQUARE. LOUP CITY, - - NEB. PAIL! PAIL HAIL! F. E. BPEWEP, will insure your crops against hail in the reliable ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY THE ONLY RELIABLE COMPANY DOING HAIL BUS INESS IN THE STATE. This company has been engaged in the Hail business for tbe past fourteen years. VVitbin the last eleven years it has paid for tosses by Hail the sum of $ 11 l,0:i0.:J0. This large sum of money has been paid without a single law suit, and to the satisfaction of the claimants. The Hail policy is the fairest and most equitable ever issued by any insurance company. It carefully protects the interests of the insured and provides a just method for arriving at the amount of the loss in case the crop be injured by hail. This is the only Stock Fire Insurance Company in the United States engaged in the hail business. It has ample assets to cover all liabilities. It pays its losses promptly and honestly. We solicit your business for the year 1808. F. E. BREWER, Agent. I ALSO HAVE FIRE AGENCY FOR ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE AND HOME FIRE OF OMAHA. WAP WAR WAP War lias been declared at “Plf forefeet {ftottf -A CAR OF FRESH FURNITURE. HAVING JEST BEEN RECEIVED FROM THE FACTORY WINCH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES THAT CANNOT HE HEATEN TIMS SIDE OF OMAHA. We Guarantee OUR PRICKS TO HE LOWER THAN THE LOWEST IF YOU NEED A BED ROOM SUIT CALL AND SEE OUR DAISY. WE HAVE HA BY CARRIAGES, FANCY LACE AND TAI'ESTRY CURTAINS, WINIM>W SHADKS, — -AND A FRESH — Stock of Hardware Buggies and Karin Implement. Packet Store