— - The Retort Ready. A bustling agent for a patent churn Invaded tho office of a busy merchant one day and proceeded to deliver his lecture. "One moment, please,” said the merchant. “May I ask to whom I am indebted for this visit?” Tho caller produced his card. It contained tho Inscription: "'Barton Zebulon Day, Agent for Cosmopolitan Novelty Com pany.” The man of business studied the card a moment. Then he looked tip. "'I am honored by your call. Mr. Barton Zebulon Day,” he said, with a genial smile, "but this is also my B. Z. Day. Good day!” A REMARKABLE CASE. The following case was printed originally In Thr Monitor, a uews|iap<-r published at Meadford, Ontario. Doubt* were raised a* I' to it» truthfulness, consequently a close t watch was kept on the case for two years | and the original statement has now been I completely verified. Mr. fetch hod been a hopeless paralytic for live years. His case has bud wide at tention. He was confined to his lied, was bloated almost beyond recognition, and could not take solid food. Doctors called the disease spinal sclerosis, and all soul ho could not live. Tho ('anadlan Mutual Life Association, aftera thorough nxamfipi.lion, paid him his total disability claim os .i,fs">l>, regarding him as forever Incurable. For three years ho lingered in this condi tion. After taking some of Dr. Wil j|| / Hams' I’lnk fills for Pale l’eopie there ,wau a slight change, a ten dency to sweat freely. Next cams a little feeling in bis Hmbe. This extend ed, followed Pn4egnn to course freely and vigorously through bis body. Boon he was restored to his old time health. A rejiorter for Thr Monitor recently called on Mr. fetch again and was told: "Yon may say there is no doubt as to my cure being permanent. I am in better health than v.hen I gave you the first in terview, ami certainly attribute my cure U) IT. n jiuniilh I iijk J Ills ior i ai*‘i “To those pills I owe rny release from the living (loath, anil I shall always bless the day I was Induced to take them.'’ Such is the history ef one of the most re markable cases in modern limes. In the face of such testimony, ran anyone soy that I)r. Williams’ Pink Pills are not en titled to the oareful consideration of every sufferer—man, woman or child? In not the laso, lu truth, a miracle in modern medi cine! ‘ These pills are sold by all druggists and are considered by them to be one of the most valuable remedial agents known to science. Obligation—A gun that makea a loud report when It Is discharged. No-To-Dae for fifty Cents. Guaranved tobacco habit cure, makes weak men stroig;, olood pure. 60k. $1. All druggists. The American soft felt hat la all the rage in the leading Australian colo nies. If you want to make your white dresses, skirts, shirt waists, collars and culls look white and glossy ask your grocer for Keith’s Enamel Starch, and take no other. Insist on getting the genuine article. , It your grocer does not handle It send his name and address to Keith Enamel Starch Co., Chicago, III., and get book of recipes for floe laundry work for your trouble. Mtr. General Tom Thumb has re turned to Engalnd after ten years" ab sence. _ Pinos Cure for Consurmitlon has saved me large doctor bills.—C- h Baker, 4228 Re gent f*p, Phi ndelpbia, Pa., Dec. 8, 18U5. Phiz—The face that grows on a gin drinker. _ To Niagara Falls, the Thousand Is lands, the St. Lawrence River, the Adirondaeks, the Green and White Mountains, the Berkshire Hills, the valley of the Hudson, the Catskills, and the Atlantic Coast, the Michigan Central is the direct and favorite Sum mer Tourist Route. Send 3 cents, post age for Summer Tours. City Ticket Office. 119 Adams Street. O. W. Ruggles, G. P. & T. Agent, Chi cago. There are said to be 2.064 languages In the world, and.Its inhabitants pro fess more than 1,000 religions. Jhako Into Tour Ihoo* Allen'* Foot-Ease, a powder for tha feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing feet and Instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tlght-flttlng or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, nervous, aching feet. Try It to day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mall for 25c In stamps. Trial package FUSE. Address, Allan 6. Olmsted. L« Hoy, N. Y. Oily tougues and mute dogs are dan' serous. For a perfect coiiii'lciton aud a clear, healthy ikin. u*s COHMU BtTl'EtUUkK KOAF. Hold everywhere The man above counsel Is always in danger. Kdurale knur Monels With Cs ace rets. Candy Cathartic cure upanl of ruin No IU4 stepping out Into (ha totrldue ' That s etaclly ahat you did hear,* replied the Iskltut "I have Just beeu kh king a W»mntwJ loafer dean the atalraar “—4'hWago Trthuaa "alar—A aam-latustratmg beret age that makes barrels tight. OVER THE TEA CUPS. _ A drawing room in Kensington, Present Mrs. Van Tassyl Hussey, Lady Betty, Miss Peck, and the hostess. “Will you take sugar with your sec ond cup, dear?” said the hostess sweet ly to Mrs. Van Tassyl Hussey, hovering with the sugar-tongs over the basin. "Thank you, I always take sugar. My late husband used to say that a sweet tooth was an excellent thing In the middle-aged; it denoted simplici ty of Ideas.” “Fie! my dear Mrs. Van Tassyl Hus sey, surely you don't lay claim to-” “Middle-aged or simplicity?” “Either,” returned Lady Betty. “They usually go together nowa days.” observed the hostess; “it’s the young people 1 don’t understand. They seem to be developing into a strange order of being. Have you read Lady Warwick’s book oil ’Women’s Educa tion?’” “You moan.” interposed Miss Peck In her precise manner, “Lady War wick’s collection of papers read at onr recent education congress? They arc very valuable, and we are greatly obliged to Lady Warwick for her ad mirable preface; but of course her lady ship has not taken any great part In our work.” “I never could understand,” said Mrs. Van Tassyl Hussey, “how ladies of position could interest themselves in slumming matters.” “Excuse me.” returned Miss Peck tartly, “women’s education in the Brit ish empire is certainly not a question of slumming.” “But these things often fall Into the same category, do they not? I heard only the other day,” pursued Mrs. Van Tassyl Hussey, blandly, “that a great friend of yours had been appointed an inspector—or is it inspectress of— dear me—of nuisances., was It not?” “No,” corrected Miss Peck, “of fac tories. She read an admirable paper on ’Women as Factory Inspectors' at our recent congress. It Is Included In Lady Warwick’s book. We hope, by means of this volume, to open up a great many new careers to women." “So it would seem,” remarked the hostess. “I suppose, though, they can not all be quite womanly professions?” "Oh! we are abolishing these dis tinctions,” explained Miss Peck; “we find that they rather trammel us in our work; besides, the great principle that we advocate—the equality of the sexes—does not permit of any conces sions on our part to-” "Womanliness?” questioned Lady Betty. “If you like to put It so.” “How stupid!" continued Lady Bet ty. “For my part I wouldn't change _ ■ ■■ ■ •» Vv I I ✓ PROWLING ABOUT FACTORIES, places with the most learned man in the world. As the merely frivolous little butterfly that I am. I can get all the admiration I want.” “From men. I suppose?” sniffed Miss Peck. "The homage some women pay to men is perfectly degrading; they pander to their vanity in the most contemptible manner.” “As the superior sex, my dear, don’t forget that,” said Lady Betty. "Superior in brute strength, but not in intellect." “Well, let us say In discernment.” Insinuated Lady Betty. "However con temptible the mere man may be, I And him at least appreciative. George told me yesterday my new hat was a perfect stunner! How's that for an opinion? And you women have never even noticed it!” "George! your husband?" queried Mrs. Van Tassyl Hussey. "My husband?” laughed I-ady Betty; "why he never sees what I've got on. One never expects a compliment from one's husbaud. I mean George Oil low ; he was skatiug with me at Prince's yesterday.” “It was always my practice to con sult my husband on all matters.” said Mrs. Van Tassyl Hussey, “but then 1 suppose you young people would vail me-" "Not middle-aged." smiled the host css. “No. rather old fashioned. Marriage Itself, they say, is getting old-fash ioned." "Yea, ft Is going out,” said lasdy Het ty. "Only a v«ry smalt percentage of uur women marry," obnecved Mlae Peck, "I mean the UIrion and Newnham wo men.” "|Wiee their education make them l«i I faattdbHM?" Inquired the hoeteea ■ Pefhapa It makea the men fast Id I eua!" wild Istdy IMtty "I never knew a man yet who would make love to a woman heenoee she held a diploma They it he a nk* little ignoramus wha feeant know enough to see through 1 thorn" "Otse rak see Why you are eo popular with the men" snapped Mine P*--h | A "For iny part. I should like to see the 1 male population of this and every other country swept off the face of the globe —but come to the meeting of our Hy gienic Clothing association at St. George's Hall next Thursday, and then you will understand better than you do now why-’’ "Why so many learned women pre fer spinsterhood?" Interposed Lady Betty. “Let us say rather Independence," said the hostess, genially. “Pass me your rup. Miss Peck—one lump?” "I never take sugar, the glucose cle ment Is not wholesome.” "But talking of Independence." con tinued the hostess, "is Independence at the price of spinsterhood the best state for a woman? Isn't it after all rather a pity to be educated so far above the head of the average man? For the average man is the best we can get as a rule, Isn't he?” "Yes,” answered Mrs. Van Tussyl Hussey, "and I always think an un married woman is such a hopelessly Incomplete specimen of humanity—I mean, of course, the woman of a cer tain age.” "Quite an exploded prejudice,” snap ped Miss Peck. "Now a female factory Inspector,” observed the hostess, "I do not really think I could stand. She would give me the creeps, I’m sure.” “It Is to careers like this that we look for relief In the female labor mar ket,” remarked Miss Peck, severely. "It Is this way that the brilliant future of the emancipated woman lies. We have our foot on the ladder, we are mounting.” "Yes, but when you have climbed to the top, where do you think the ladder will land you?" queried the hostess. "It will land us,” answered Miss Peck, with a gleam like cold steel In her eyes, "at the glorious goal where the present degradation of women will not Kt ivhf'id tli/tv will (nkp thpir nroo er position in the world, and where man will be shown himself as he really Is.” “Dear me!" ejaculated Mrs. Van Tassy] Hussey. “Well,” said the hostess, “emanci pation and the moralizing influence <>1 Glrton and Newnham may be all very well; but for my part 1 think that education misses Us mark when it does not promote the welfare and hap piness of its devotees. And to con demn women to an eternal spinster hood is surely not promoting their chances of happiness In the general scheme of things.” “For my part,"interposed I>ady Bet ty, with an irresponsible shrug of her shoulders, "call It degrading If you like, but I would rather purr on the hearthrug of the merest of men than I would go prowling about factories and sniffing down people’s sinks in the glories of emancipation." "I will wish you good afternoon," said Miss Peck, snapping the clasp of her serviceable golf cape severely. "I am due on the ‘Regeneration of Man’ at 6:15." "Isn’t she funny,” laughed Eauy Betty, as the door closed behind her. MILLIONAIRES IN GERMANY. Tliclr Income* Would He Small In America or Knffland. The differences in the unit of money In different countries make a consid erable difference In the practical meaning of the word “millionaire.” Webster's dictionary defines a million aire as “one whose wealth is oounted by millions.” In popular use one who has a million is tegarded as a milHon aire. In the Untied States it would be $1,000,000. In England It would be £1,000,000 sterling. But as the pound sterling Is worth $1.86 and a fraction In our money, the Englishman would require nearly five times as much act ual capital as the American before the Englishman could take rank In the noble army of martyrs known as mil lionaires." Here in Germany, where the unit of value is the mark, which Is worth 23 cents and a fraction in our money, much less actual capital Is required to make a man a millionaire than in the United States. I had this fact im nrepsed noon me bv reading in a Cer man newspaper that according to the Statistical Year Book of Her in that city of over 1,000,000 inhabitants, con tains 2.092 millionaires—each person who has an Income of more than 36,000 marks being reckoned as a mil lionaire.” Thirty-six thousand marks are less than $9.000—and $9,000 a year seemed to me to be a rather small ••millionaire'' Income. I found, how ever, by a rapid computation, that 36,000 marks Is a little more than 314 per centum on a million marks (about $240,000) and there you have your millionaire according to the German value. According to the same autuor tty there are 477 "thaler millionaire* ' In Berlin—a thaler being 3 marks, «o that each of this variety of mllltou alrrs has a capital of S.OoO.out) marks, or about $720,ooO evch. The wca'lbt eat man In Berlin baa an Income of t,729.000 macks, or roughly $400,000. 1 Only seven Berliners have an Income of more then a million marks — ■ $240,000. Wilmington (Bel ) News. urugle** AMwetoea lauws The practice of serving a ration of grog to *»lk'M a o' marines ere* dis continued In tbe Baited Mutes navy many yearn ago. na the citatum wms found to be prejudicial to discipline and mortal* Orug I* *1111 served bote ever. In all Ike other navies of tbe world Tbe advocate* of temperance . In Genet Britain twee bean trying fur (vert* in persuade the government In put n stop In the practice, but In vain. ; The average asaa loeetdera a* bee an alee nay ebea they cosue in him fut ad v tee. The ( h*ne*e King. Is a very queer looking affair. It rep- j resents the most grotesque of green dragons on a yellow ground. The lat ter is suggestive not only ofthe nation al complexion, but also that of a suf ferer from biliousness. To remove tnis use Hostetter's Stomach Hitters, which will spe:dily regulate your liver and prevent malaria. Don't consider a task impossible be cause you are unable to perform It. Coe's Conan flnlanm / tbo oM**t an 1 It will ItirAK up a OOM qnlckef than anythin* elfc. It la always rchabla. Try lb Don’t acquire a chainless wrheel at the expense of a watchless chain. Iteanty la 111 nod Poop CHltn blood me fin* aclean akin. N* haanty without It. Ca*care»». randy cathartic clean* your blnoo and keens li clean, by stir ring up the lazy liver ana driving all Impu rlflei- from thcoody. LI gin today to banlali pi mules. Ixilla, blotches, b ackheuus. and tha# • i< kly bilious complexion by taking < :»*ca rets beutity (• r ten cents. All dru/glsls, iut la faction guaranteed. Kks. SS6*:. 50c. If a mon'fl words taint the air, ho has p ppkf!)ool in bis heart: Beware of infection, Hull** Catarrh Cura Ih taken internally. I*ri< e, 76c. Doh't rob yourself by calling other people hard names. Mrs. H'lmlow’i Hoottitng Syrup For children t*«thlng»oft«ni‘ th* {rumi'.rvdur eelnSnm niaiion, *»!•>> c»in, cure* wind coll**. f'» *'*r.t*a bottle. Fashion—The one thing a woman can follow without remaining behind. An Krfltor Hay*. The editor of the Riverton, In., Indepen dent writex: “lam indeed pleased tunny that your medicine* are the best I hn\e ever tried for stomach trouble# one of the most horrible disease* to which flesh in heir. I had l»een afflicted with the trout le for four years or more in an aggravated form, and during the lost two vears, not withstanding I had treatment from noted physicians from different localities. 1 kept getting worse and worse, until life became almost unendurable and In reality a tor ture Luckilv. i was induced to try I>r Kay's Keuevator. After using a half dozen packages I am actually feeling like anew person. 1 l>e!ie\ e suffering humani ty can be benefltted thereby. 1 willingly M atter the goor before the nun. 1 cannot sjieak too highly of your valuable remedy * It U truly a Us>u to woman.'* From Mra. Mei.Uma I'iiii i ir*. let Ingtou, Ind ., to Mra. I'inkhaui: "Ik-fore 1 ta-gau tukiug your medicine 1 bad suffered for two year* with that tired feeling headache, lutckachr, no ap petite. and a run-dow n omditkm of the system. I could n*m Mra, Moms I. licaaak, l*ow •11 Malum. Trua "lor three year* I suffered with sttcha weakness of the lark, I could *• -t □•rm my kouaehoUi doth*. I aUu> failing of the w»«ob, Wrntde bear ing*k»«*u pains and headac he I have take# taro Wot tea of l.idia K link ham a Vegetable Compound and leal mtthMtufHii woi.saa I k«<>* * frfS ___ _ "—1 * Mi M W &3J *• i ! > | needs coaxing, not crowding. Dr. Ayer’s Pills stand with p"| out a rival a t a reliable medicine for liver complaint. They cure constipation, ar.d they cure its consequences, piles, bUfaMMMM, indigestion, sick headache,nausea, coated tongue, foul breath, bad taste, palpitation, nervousness, irrita bi'!ty, and many other maladies that have their root in constipation. They are a specific for all diseases of the j stomach and byweb, and keep the body ia a condition of p’- sound health. “ I have turn! Arer'a Pill* for the past thirty years and consider th*-m an invaluable family medirinr.. I knew of no b’ttor remedy for liver troubles, and have always found thum a prompt cure for dyspepsia."—Jamuj t^L'IeK, bO Mildia I fitreet, Hartford, Conn. II | ¥*&<* d^ye^'s Pf/is | kAAUkA AiA AUk AAAAAAAAAA AA A IRONING MADE! EASY. > NAS MANY IMITATORS, BUT NO EQUAL. [ i ThiQ Qtarrli '* Prerared on ! 1 1113 Old I ill scientific prlnci- * pies, by men who have hed year* of , experience In fancy laundering. It | restores old linen and summer dresses J to their natural whitenessand imparts > a beautiful and lasting finish. The | only starch that is perfectly harmless. J Contains no arsenic, alum or other in- > jurlouK substance. Con be used even ) for a baby powder. j ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. I a LAUNDRY WORK MADE EASY S^ KEITH’S ENAMEL STARCH. It puts on that enamel, gi»»»y dniali that is so desira ble. It makes Shirts, Shirt Waists, Collars and Cuffs look like new. Keith's Enamel Starch i« the most economical starch made. It will do more work, do it with less labor and do It better than any other sturcli. If it does not {five you entire satisfaction your grocer -- jf- micsvN >2 will refund your money. Large package, 10 cents; smell REMARKABLE DISCOVERY] « package, n cento. If your grocer does not have it, please n'0*'"f W send us his name and adilress and we will send you an nEQUroNOUKIWNt KJ ENAMEL. STARCH RECEIPT BOOK for your trouble. / Manufactured by m£SMSmV KEITH EHAMEL STUCH CO., CHICKCO, ILL FROM FACTORY TO USER DIRECT. We moke See Surreys, Bugsies. Phaetons end I bed Wagon*., |„u. Clt, Rtf*. Our goods beer t*en favorably known to ibe trade foryesrs.l ,o usu, We now eell etrun u is. .or ei Wkekeeis rn~^ The shrewdl isee im nib sc buyer prefers lo deel with tbe factory. He geu of us Snel .— w. rk et less price then egenta ssk for low grade reticles. W’e . lip anywhere, subject to examination- wg DH.ITKS on board ears Ksn.es City, Mo,, ortlosben, Ind.. as may .ult purchaser. Send for r.etubitrue with price, plainly printed, trs nuts. Write today. We sell sewing Machine, and the soksgi binrujt as well. All et WbsieMis rdsss. six UfMHi. No matter wliere you lire, you ere Dot t<* far sway to do huelnes. with u> end rare money. Addre.s, _ HOWARD W. WALKER CARRIAGE CO.. UOMMKN, INDIANA. "THERE IS ScTeNCE IN NEATNE88.** BE WISE AND USE SAPOLIO 'B'fTtfiiiifliaiiii-iiiiiiiMitiiiiitiiittaiiiitfrjMi'fluiiaMiiJi'iiiiiiHiiiiiJ'Uiiiiiiiiiiii ma mill mi lumi ! GREAT POPULAR OFFER! SS*SS5i 3 “OOO) copies of this acknow- g 3 lodged masterwork of the Century, we arc now enabled to offer it to the public at far -» Pleas than the publishers' prices! Thousands of persona, who heretofore have not felt 3 3 able to purchase It, will eagerly welcome this opportunity to secure at reduced price "The £• £ Greatest Achievement of Modern Times." THE FUNK & WAGNALLS Standard Dictionary) OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. | It Is Incomparably the greatest, as It Is positively the 1st- S set. most complete, and moet authoritative, new dictionary 3 inexistence. It la everywhere the standard. ENTIRELY NEW i wa Tt Is not a reprint, rehash 3 FROM COVER TO COVER. «r any other 3 work, but Is the result of ■ the steady lebor for five years of over twelve score of the P moat aminant and euthoritativa scholars and specialists in S the world. NuArlylOOof the leading universities, colleges S and scientific institutions of the world were rep-nsented K on theeditoriel staff: 20 United 8tat*a Governmsr-sspcrts £ were alto on the editorial staff. Ovar 1980.000 were act- C ually expended in its production before a tingle com- 6 plete copy was ready for the market. Never was any g dle'ionary welcomed wilh such great snthusissm the £ world over. As the 6t. James’s Hudget, London.deelares 5 "It Is the admiration of I.llerary England . .. It should £ 3n>^^M8BB be the pride of i.llerary America." The highest praise £ --has come from all the great American and llrltuh news ? ^.rovroirvro»».».o Papers, reviews, iinlver-ltles, and colleges, as well as £ 8“ all classes of Intelligent men au<1 women everywhere. The regular subscription price of M the Standard Dictionary Is (in 00. We will now.tdy the complete work In oas rich, mss- S e. sins volume, elegantly bound in full leather, prepaid to any address at the astonishingly lew 5 3 pries #f»l2 00, on the following *1 ftrt Pseh with flfflor and tl Bbc month oaths la* B 3 terms to responsible people: iliUU Hull nllH UIUOI of ooch month until paid. B S The Dictionary will lie sent einrers prepaid on receipt of the tl W e«*h payment, thereby 8 3 giving purchasers nearly a full year a use of thia grsst work before final payment is made, n 3 (ul!particulars by mall. Address, ™ STANDARD DICTIONARY AGENCY, OMAHA. NEB. 1 SisMmMiitiiiiHmiimiuMMMiiutmtmuHttMMMumMtiiMitimiiMitiiMttitntmMMl BAD BLOOD aiSSsESr£s.se 5ar«wwjtiur #r. lay'i iMmlw, *'♦ M<«> m4I«Iwi M liwmm, VwMtwha, >t> At Ats«iwu A 1A W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 24^-1 set* Mm A*»*erlog MmHvnwats Madly Hcaitoa Tki* rutt. IT OORTS To to*oormOa» ■ ■ ■ W ok*«i« lUodfodao* IIATUIia/% HI. In» llV I mnu IhiIiol do. ton ao* tecltn* Vurnltuw, I'roporlot. ate-, ffnai It ••Ltl l>*» It ll (tv*, p.len and t>t. turn ust iiamu * hii.iiki n uarir (U, UM at. i>«iab« Not PENSIONS. PATENTS. CLAIMS. Jt |li* .aau,ii i.H.in ■■**> «* ho Of. Ill’s Ur| Ills rcnoiuno oouiu quick »hn cart, ttrimti ishh. «|Mi ...ito vmi a>nw. t .nuNHua.». c. FAIRBANKS SCALES me