The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 03, 1898, Image 7

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    "That,” exclaimed the Spanish gen
real as he mopped the presplratlon
from his brow, "Is one of thenarrowest
escapes I nave had for some time.”
What Is the matter Inquired hls aid.
l "See this type-written page? I said
p in dictation that I wan ‘seeking light’
and the amanuensis got It 'seeking
fight’!’’—Washington Star.
We are asnertlns In the court- our right to the
exclusive use of the word “CASTORIA.'' and
"PITCH HR 8 CASTORIA," an our Trade Murk
I, Dr. Samuel Hitcher, of Hyoaola. Mueus
ehuietts was the originator of “HITCHER'S
CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does
BOW bear the foe-simile st.naturc of CHAS. H.
FLETCHER on every wrapper. This la Ibe
Original ' HITCHER'S CASTORIA' which has
been used in the homes of the mothers of
America fur ove r thirl y years Look carefully
Bl the wrapper and wo that It Is “the kind you
have always bought.'' utul hue the signature of
:1pHAS II. HI.ETCHER on tbe Wrapper. No
j One tins authority from me to use my name ex
pspt The Centaur Company, of which 1'bas H.
, / 'Fletcher Is President.
March 8. I8PT. 8AMCEL PITCHER. M. D.
Nervous Old Lady (to deck hand on
steamboat): "Mr. Steamboatman. Is
there any fear of danger?" Deck Hand
(carelessly): “Plenty of fear, rWam,
but not a bit of danger."—Harlem
^ Hint to Uncle Ram*
P Now that the government has called
S* out 125,000 troops of the National
I Guard and formed camps In every
I State, the great questions confronting
V the authorities are, first, how to feed
i, the men, and secondly, how to keep
| them In good h«alth. New troops, sud
denly called from comfortable homes
to the privations of camp, are sure to
f become subject to various kinds of
'• complaints. Sleeping on the ground,
getting wet, and other kinds of ex
posure superinduce rheumatism, neu
ralgia, catarrh, asthma, hay-fever, yel
low fever and other kindred Ills. It Is
an understood, as a precautionary mcas
“ ure, that certain scientific gentle
men of prominence are seeking to
supplant quinine and other dras
tic tonics by what Is known as
Thi8 18 w<,u
IvlXXJl O The first thing
the hoapltal authorities should
do Is to lay In a supply of
"Five Drops,” which Is a sure
cure for the above mentioned
complaints, and many others. No
regimental doctor should he with
not tliAm n r, a< a ..ww. 11 nnai i Vin fV/» If _
ernment may thus save much future
' • , expense. Men can't fight unlees free of
disease, and “Five Drops” will keep
our boys In such excellent trim that
when they meet the Spaniards they
will give a good account of themselves.
|!v Good medicine Is as important In
camp as good food, and there Is no
f‘ better medicine than "Five Drops.”
Sold only by the Swanson Rheumatic
Cure Company, 167-169 Dearborn
street, Chicago. Sample bottle may be
obtained for 25 cents. It's a wonder.
Try It.
The Inland Steel Company of Chi
cago Heights, 111., has its plant run
ning night and day.
Don’t Tobacco Spit ans Smoke Your Lite Awsy.
To quit tobacco cudly unit forerer. t>' may
p nolle, full of Me. n« rve. and vigor, take No-To
B&<*. the wouder-wf rkor. that ruukoo weak moo
iirong. All dniggiils. 5bc >>r (I. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
bterling Remedy Cc., Chicago or Now York.
k Why is It necessary to take milk
from a cow that gives It?
Ihaka Into Your Shoe*.
Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the
feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart
ing feet and Instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions. It’s the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting
or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot,
tired, nervous, aching fc-et. Try It to
day. Sold by all druggists and shoe
stores. By mall for 25c In stamps.
Trial package FREE. Address, Allen
£. Olmsted, Le Roy. N. Y.
Kate: “Belle and Charley room to
be rather sweet on one another."
Maud: "Sweet? Why, they were out
playing golf all the afternoon.” Kate:
\ "But that doeent signify.” Maud: "It
does in their case. They forgot to
take the clubs with them when they
went out.”—Boston Transcript.
Why have so many people the fac
ulty of finding out things that are
none of their business?
u* eMnum
From Cole County Dcinocrat.JefrersonCity.Mo.
Wneu la grippe visited tills sect ion ntioiit
seven years ago Herman H. Evoler. of Ml
W Main Ht., Jefferson Mo., was ouo of the
victims, and lias since been troubled with
the after-effect* of the disease, i'e is a
well-known contractor and builder, a
business requiring much mental and physi
cal work. A year ago his health began to
fall and he was otdiged to discontinue
work. That he live* today 1* almost a
miracle. He says:
“I was troubled with shortness of.braath,
palpitation of the heart and a general (la
bility. My back also pained me severely.
"1 tried one doctor after another and
numerous remedies suggested by my
friends, but without apparont benefit, and
began to give
up hope. Then
1 saw Dr Wll
1 in ms’ Pink
Pillis for Pale
People extolled
in a Ht. Louis
paper, and af
ter investiga
tion decided to
give them a
“After using
the first box I
felt wonderful
A Contractor's Difficulty. ]y relieved nnd
was satisfied that the pills were putting me
on the road to recovery. X bought two
more Ikjxcm and continued taking them.
“After taking fourboxesof Dr. Williams’
Pink Pills for Pale People 1 am restored to
good health. I feel like a new man. and
having the will and energy of my former
days returned, 1 am capable of transacting
my business with increased ambition.
“Dr. W'lUiams’ Pink Pills for Pnlel’eople
are a wonderful medicine and anyone that
is afflicted with shortness of breath, palpi
tation of the heart, nervous prostration
and general debility will find that these
pills are the specific. Heumam H. Evii.e*.’’
Hubscriiied and sworn to before me a
Notary Public, this *J4th day of May. 1HW.
Ai<am Poutszohq, Notary 1‘uhll*.
Mr. Eveler will gladly answer nn Inquiry
regarding this if stamp is enclosed.
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills care people
troubled with the after-effect* of the grippe
because they act directly on the impure
Idood. They are also a specific for chronic
erysipelas, catarrh, rheumatism and all
diseases due to impure or knpererisbed
A Strsss* Coelom In India.
London finrr.t-'z Leader: Indian pa
pers tell of the custom which la be
ing observed with great ceremony now
by all visitors to a new-born baby of
the royal family of Mysore. Every
lady who Is a friend of the family Is
expected to lay upon the shrieking in
_ a « wnM 1 /»co nciiull v a unt'oral trn
The collection In three days amount*
to a large sum, and it belongs to the
nurre, who Is expected te tip the t»?r
vanfs out of it.
OIt« the Children • Drink
called Graln-O. It is a delicious, appe
tizing, nourishing tood drink to take
the place of coffee. Sold by all grocers
and liked by all who have used it be
cause when properly prepared it tastes
like the finest cofTco, but is free from
all its injurious properties. Grain-O
aids digestion and strengthens the
nerves. It is not a stimulant, but a
health bvlder, and children, as well as
adults, can drink it with great benefit.
Costs about V4 as much as coffee. 16
and 26c.
Don’t Judge a man by the clothes
he wears, instead of those he paye
for. _ _
Educate Your ltowet* Ti lth Camtret*.
Candy Cathartic cure constipation forever
10c, ZAc. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money
"You say you tole de cop he was a
lobster, did you? Wot did he do?"
"Pinched me."
Mr*. Winslow’* Mouthing Syrup
For children teething anfteni- the gums.rnlu. e-lnfism
matlon, uiUtjH p»ln, euro* wind coilc. 26 cent** bo*u«.
Don’t think because an heiress is a
female heir that a mattress Is a fe
j male mat.
For buns ttn'l chast discuses, Pino’s Cure
Is the lest raedioiue we have used —Mrs. J.
L. Northcott, Windsor, tint., C’nnadu.
Don’t worry because you have noth
j lng to worry about.
PITS I'erraanenllyCured. No his or nervousnessafta.
tir.t dav s n-n uf llr. klme w liieat Nerve ltestorvr
Send f ir FltF.K S**l<l trial l.otlle and treatise
he It. 11. KLIN*. Ltd .911 Arch SL. Philadelphia. P*.
Don’t give your candid opinion to a
friend unless you are tired of the
Don’t do things today so you’ll have
to do them over tomorrow.
Why should a man who follows the
races expect to get ahead Of them?
Greatly Tested.
Greatly Recommended.
The loea of Ilia hair it rm* nt IK* moat
•er rout loaaaa a woman cm undergo,
beautiful hair gl**e many a woman a
claim to beauty which would be ultevlv
wanliug If the inch* wet# abort and
•cauly II le almoel a* aertoua a tuaa when
the natural hue of the hair begtaa to fade,
ai*4 the ahluiug treaaea of cheaiuut and
aubuiu are changed to gray or to a fa ted
shadow ul tuetr lormer bright#*** *uch
a lorn la no longer a ttereaatlv Tlwte la
one i a needy which may well 1# called a
great remedy by veaau* of lie great »«»•
im in *to»|»rag the falling of the hair,
cleeuaieg the *uul|» of daulruff, eud
•luring The laet color to gray or laded
treater l»r A/ef’e Half Vigor »* a •land
a«t aal reliant# (»f a ^arattoa in ate in
thouaawdaef home* and recommended by
eve* you* who h«a levied It eud eei»e«l
*w- ed the remarhahle retail* that fallow
Ha uee It mahaa hair grow It Mature*
the original ealor W hair that ha* turned
fray at faded out- It atop* hair fr«m lain
eg. clean*#* the ally of dandruff *« I
|b«* the hair a thbbav** an t gloaa that
no othat yiryairliwa ««• ytuduae
Mr* Herrmann, of 156 Rial fMh At . New
York City, write*
"A little mure than a year ago. my hair
began turning gray aa«1 falling out, and
attn-mgrh I tiled ever m> many thing* to
prevent a i«att**«u*f of tkeac condition*,
1 obtained a * taliitiitiun aatt! 1 tried Dr.
Ayer** tlair Vigor After natng une Untie
my hair war featured to !(• natural color,
and retard falling out." Mr* llaa«M*AA.
15* Ka*t hftlk At. New Yvik ( N)
*'I twee ao!4 Dt Hair Vigor for
Afteen year*, and I 4»> not know of a ‘ *»«
where ft did tuifirr entire *«tlalacti«a I
have been, and am now aaing It mvaetf h*t
laadruR and gray hair, and am Ihoiaoghhr
<v *d that It I* the hart **n the n»u»i
V thing ihvt » f ■ %» ti lad • • ■» t'• - 1 it i
atforda ate great tdeneuve to recommend tt
In the Kiubfu realm M Uaevt, I *»n*
ale. Ala
Yhete'e more on Ihta *♦«>*)•» t In Dr
Ayer a Cnrebamh A atovy of cure* told by
the cured Yh»* U at uf iw page# la e*nl
iter, on tegoeet, hy the J i Ayer in,
townll. Nat*
HillM |ii« r*fM.
IULR I w *• •
SV .4- . •>. # t»« •• I *. M .1.
-4 ik» t»»t 'Hi'** *>4 *•*.lk*»
Mn«n<ki«4 l« Ul« <«»«•*• »i «*l
*<«#• ■ tk «•*«*•• < • • wit m * **•»« i *
I«| k*U4M h» l*kWI I*«WmVh4 u
; *»>*U*»»*#*•#« ' •
gride and groom* far apart
Wedded by Proxy While tbo Atlantic |
Separated Them.
Coming to this country ns fast as
ocean steamer can bring her Is the
young wife of Carl J. Gryn. who la
engaged in business as broker and In
surance agent at 15 Bridge street, Pat
erson, N. J. The pair were wedded
a few days ago while the groom was
In Paterson and the bride in Amster
dam. Gryn’s father is a well-to-do
broker In Amsterdam. The latter de
sired that bis son should follow in his
business, but the young man refused,
declaring that he Intended to travel.
Father and eon quarreled, with the re
sult that the latter left home. He was
then only 18 years old. After two
years of rough life Gryn obtained a
position with the Netherlands em
bassy In I/ondon and while there was
discovered by Meindert Van Huystel, a
merchant of Amsterdam, who told his
fa the.- of his whereabouts. He became
reconciled with his father and returned
to h'.s home In Amsterdam, only to fall
deeply in love with Van Huystel’s
daughter. His attachment was recip
rocated, but the parents would not con
sent to an Immediate marriage, as Miss
Van Huystel was scarcely 17 years old.
Gryn again became enraged and left
home, coming to this country and
embarking in business with Eugene
Murray In Paterson. He received a
letter from Miss Van Huystel four
weeks ago, saying she had gained the
consent of both his and her parents
for their marriage and asked him to
name the day. Gryn had sworn when
he left home that he would never set
foot there again and he determined to
live up to his resolve. Miss Van Huy
stel, however, wrote that her parents
were too aged to cross the ocean and
had declared that the marriage must
occur at home, and he was in a dilem
ma until a lawyer friend suggested
marriage by proxy. Gryn empowered
William H. J. Ten Henzel of Amster
dam as his proxy. The official seal of
the consulate In New York city was
affixed by William M. B. Grovenhorst,
vice consul, and the document was
forwarded to Amsterdam. Gryn re
ceived a cablegram saying that Miss
Van Huystel had appeared with Ten
Henzel before Burgomaster Meinerz
and had been married. The bride add
ed that she Intended taking a steamer
that day for this country. Gryn says
that when his bride arrives the re
ligious wedding ceremony will be per
formed In the Dutch Reformed church
of New York city.
Wonderful Feat of 1’rnmanrililp Per*
formed by an AuKf rulimi.
Wrapper writing Is, it would seem, a
popular way of earning a livelihood
with the inmates of Rowton house, a
6-penny hotel. Here is an amusing
story of the perfection to which it may
be brought by practice and a strong
"There is a tradition lingering among
the elder brethren of the wrapper writ
ing profession to the effect that, once
upon a time, when the work was bet
ter paid than now, a young man from
Australia turned up and ventured as
a last resource into their sphere of la
bor. He spent his all and found him
self stranded until funds should arrive
from the antipodes. So, on the sug
gestion of an acquaintance, he applied
for a job at the world famed firm of
Schmidt & Co. On being duly Installed
and supplied with 500 envelopes and
some pages from a directory he looked
around and asked for a pen.
" ‘But you have one already,’ said
the young man in authority.
“ ‘I want two.' said the Australian,
and an interested and obliging fellow
scribe supplied the need. The scene
which thereupon ensued baffles descrip
♦ 4 f An t Kn Aftlnnlnl aotimxit Inrr th/i
pile cf envelopes Into two equal lota,
began copying the addresses by writ
ing simultaneously with both bands.
So runs the legend, at least, and, fur
thermore, it is averred that his rapidi
ty was such as to put the ‘sloggers’ to
shame. Fifty pens dropped from the
nerveless grasp of those who but a
minute before had been writing against
time and as If for dear life. A hun
dred eyes were fixed In astonishment
on the unknown one. Presently the
young overseer who superintended the
labors of many old enough to be his
grandfather rose and timidly said be
would consult ‘the governor.' The lat
ter arrived, and, the situation being
explained, the Australian was turned
Into a loose box all by himself aud fed
with another thousand or so of envel
opes. At this rate he earned enough
In two or three weeks to enable him
to last out comfortably until the re
mittances arrived; then he went home
and Schmidt's know him no mure. We
asked the old gentleman who told us
this yarn to fill hi* pipe and hava an
other cup of tea, for we thought he
deserved both "—London Telegraph.
A llaageraes !>!•«.
A box containing wheat saturated
with strychnine was recently placed
’ In the hand* of a scientist fur exam
ination because of the rurlutis fact
that a number of tnxerta had been
found there alt of which were busily
engaged In devouring the poisoned
grain. thi remarkable did this appear
that atudtws hav* been made of the
I tasiea and poison-resisting qualities
ut noun- uf three small creature*. It Is
ascertalaed that Ike weevil will grow
j «nd Botirtsh u* grain mingled with
stiyrkala* This la dssliuctlve to at
[ moat all tnaeeis, bat the weevil eesnst
to prefer It to other fmtd Pa at plea ef
Iks asms p»t*or*d grain were given
! peats, and m every Instance they died
j *)u»«et Insu.1 lately Is this star line
j of tee* *rrs it may be said that almost
every potato* plant has Its panelist
' and from It sum* form #1 Ilfs dtvtvm
I Its etc bets let***.
A Bettor Offer: *'T s-e that a clergy- j
man in Dawson City gave up a salary
cf $10,000 a year. How do you ac
count for that?” "His parishioners
agTeed to hoard him."—Detroit Free
Press. __ , .
Ninmaeh Trouble.
Rov. Oeo. llrown, Emerson, la, writes:
‘•Some time ago I found myself in n very
di*tre«r< d condition from dysjiepsin; every
article of food seemed to ferment in my
stomach, and a square rural was a fore
runner of agony, so that ( feared raueer of
1b« stomach or some kindred evil, but the
n»e of your Dr. Kay's Renovator after two
or three do es brought relief, and three t
loves straightened me oat so that with
reasonable prudence I hare no trouble."
“Stomach trouble" con be cured by I)r.
Key's Renovator when nil other remedies
fait It renovates and removes the cause,
and the diseaso is cured. As a spring !
medicine it has no equal For eomtipo- ]
turn, liver end kidney disease it nITec'.s a j
permanent cure. A valuable b Kill sent j
tree Druggist* so'.l Dr. Kay's Renovator j
at 28c an 111, or six for $5, but If they do j
not have it, do not take nnv nibstltiite
tboy may say is "Just ns good," for it has
no equal You can get ft from os bv re
turn mail. Dr. B. J. Kay Mulhal Co., i
Omaha, Neb.
Don’t think because variety Is the j
spice of life that many people a:o j
stuck on hash.
To Cnre constipation Forever*
Take Cascareta Candy Cathartic. n>c nr 3V.
If C. C. C. tall to cure, druggists refund money,
Don't Judge the size of a girl's foot
by the size of the shoe she asks for.
The largest block of marble ever
sent out of East Tennessee was shljiped
by way of the Baltimore and Ohio Hall
road to New England during the first
week in March. It was consigned to
Norcross Bros., at East Cambridge,
Mass., and it weighed 45.000 pounds.
It was quarried near Knoxville.
If a man walka upright he may be
able to avoid the paveraenta made ol
good intentions. _
I u veil tori lltmtlquarittrs.
All Inventor* visiting the Exposi
tion are Invited to make the offices of
Eues & Co.. Patent Lawyers, thflr
headquarters. This firm Is located In
the famous Bee Building, where free
patent books and information tuny oe
Why can’t a man avoid many a
bad scrape by letting bis whlBkers
grow? _
The Omaha Exposition of 1808
Beats the Centennial Exposition which
occurred In Philadelphia In 1876 away
out of sight and Is next to the World's
Fair at Chicago in Importance to the
whole country. All of the States In
the Trans-MlssIssippI region are Inter
ested, and our Eastern friends will en
joy a visit to Omaha during the con
tinuance of the Exposition, from June
to October, Inclusive. Buy your ex
cursion tickets over the Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul R’y. An illustrated
folder descriptive of the Exposition
will be sent you on receipt of 2-cent
stamp for postage. Address Geo. H.
llcafford, General Passenger Agent,
Chicago, 111.
In Manilla Bay—"I noticed some
time ugo that Spain had a torpedo
boat that would stay under the water
for iiouis. ’Spain has boats that
will stay under the water forever.”—
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of tlie combination, but also
to the cure und skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the C'Al.iroHNlA Fia Svhi’i*
to. only, and we wish to i in prists upon
all the ituportouoe of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the CALiroatUA Flu Kvnvp Co
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one lu avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other (tur
tles. The high standing of the Cam
roMsiA Flu -Svhi'p Co. with the tnedl
cal profession, sud tlie satisfaction
which the genuiue Syrup of Figs hits
HIvvn to millions of funiilkes, makes
the name of tlte Company a guaranty
1 of the excellence of its remedy. It la
far in advance of ail other laxatives,
a. it acta mi the Money*, liver ami
l*>woU walkout irritating or weaken
! lug them, ami it docs led gripe tor
nauseate la order to get its Uikctivtal
• tfccts, please reuu tuber the name of
litw Cwti|«ty —
• %> MftiM NTS,
LMINYH.II. lit YtN yM||,|.Y,
IHF th«
JONtt»\>» 111 NUN A*M TON N, V.
“\\ hat Is your Objection ti women's |
clrbs. professor? Haven’t they ns,
good a right to crganlzo
into clubs for good-fellowship, mu.uil
entertainment, cr Instruction, as men
hnvp? ’ "O. yes mccam. I don’t ques
tion their right to do anything tney
please. My objection to womin’s clults
If I have any. Is that nearly ail the
club women I happen to be acqua’nted
with, pronounce it progr’m,”—Chic
ago Tribune.
I’ubllc CIim I 9.
Few cities are provided with public
clocks of such a size and prominent
location as to Indicate time over met
ropolitan districts. But It is high tlm,*
to check kidney and bladder complaint
manifested to the sufferer by inactiv
ity of the organs. Hostetter’s Sto.m
a.h Hitters remedies this, and cures
dyspepsia and nervousness
“We ought to v/orry more ever other
people’s troubles than our own. ’ ”1 do.
I worry over my creditors’ troubles.”
"What are they?" "My debts.”—De
troit Free i’ress.
Itr*ntjr In lllond Pwp
( ' *un blood nrw nnn aclpan nkln No b*&Pty
without It CuM’ifcie'ft* ('uni!/ I’aflmrtlc
rlfiitm your blood unci lit’tfpn li b* »t1r*
rlofl »i> tin* buy llvrr unfl driving ;*'.l impu
rii r.ofii tbe \nv)y. II^kIp today to ban inn
tihiiPh •*. bloti'bfs. b ncklu'IKK »i»d Ibftl
ftl< kly bilious i*oni|»l»**1on by tdMng <
r<*tn Ixsiuty f» r bn rent*. All (lrut’tf!»t*
Milifdciluii KuiriiitU'*<l< 10c. Z*V, A*:.
Don’t get the Idea Inti your head
that distance lends enchantment to
a man's view on pay day.
Cwe'n t'ongn R»tnnm
t t .. ftMrnt nn I !*•»♦ It «*lll •*!*■ < up • Mid onlrknf
I But. Mit/IMng cine. It I* al«rnj » Try Ik
Don’t think because a man holds a
position of trust that he will trust
IIhII’s Catarrh Cur*
Is a constitutional cure, Fries, 75c.
Don’t tell a glTl she looks sweet
enough to kiss. Actions speak louder
than words.
■■ ■■ —
So Gays Mrs. Mary Rochiotto of
Linden, Now Jersey, in this
Letter to Mrs. PInkham.
“ t was bothered with a flow which
would l>e quite annoying at times, and
at others would almost stop.
“ I used prescriptionsgivcn me by my
physician, but the
same state
of affairs
•• After a
time I was
taken with
a flooding,
that I was
obliged to
keep my bed.
Finally, - in
despair, 1
gave up my doc
tor, and began
taking your medi
cine, and have certainly been greatly
benefited by its use.
•'Lydia E. l’inkhnm's Vegetable Com
pound lias Indeed been u friend to me.
•• I am now aide to do my own work,
thanks to your wonderful medicine. I
was as near death I believe as 1 could
Ik1, so weak that my pulse scarcely beat
and my heart hud almost given out. I
could not have stood it one week more,
I am sure. I never thought I would
be so grateful to any medicine.
“ I shall use my influence with nny
one stiffering as I did, to have them
use Lydia E. I’inkham's Vegetable
Every woman that is puzzled about
her condition should secure the sympa
thetic advice of a woman who under
stands. Write to Mrs. IMnkham at
Lynn, Mass., and tell her your ills.
: . 1 11 - "
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 23*-l8B8
When Answering Advertisements Kindly
Mention This Toner.
Till* starch l» prepared on i i lcutlflc principle. Py men » ho hat e hud year, of practical experience In fancy
litiinrtrnmr. It restores old linen anil summer dresses to their natural whltOBMS Slid nnjarts e nesutlfiu tuu
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