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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1898)
L. A. WILSON, londyke and Combination STORE. HI HAVE ADDED SEVERAL : MINTS of my heretofore exclusive stock of Gents Furnishing Goods, viz Ladies and Childrens' Shoes and Notions ^ TINWARE, WOODENWARE, HARDWARE, SEWING MACHINES, ETC. ETC. |i ALSO A FULL LINE OF CARPET SAMPLES AND AN ELEGANT LINE OF WALL PAPER, OF WHICH I INVITE YOU TO CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELF. I WILL GIVE YOU PRICES THAT YOU CAN NOT TURN FROM WITHOUT BUYING. 1 m"' EXAMINE MY SPRING STOCK OE jSftfm’js a®v4 Boy’s JVlep’s suits fropi 3.50 up s kpee suits J.00 up _ Boy’s 3piecesuits2.5oup ASK TO SEE MY MENS 7.00 ALL WOOL WORSTED SUITS. Samples of cloth sent on request to any one. Mens working pants $1.00 up, Mens working Overalls 50 cents up. Mens working shirts 35 cents up. _ I have them in all Sizes from the cradle to your grandfather. A full line of Ladies and .'Laser shoes, the finest line that ever came to this city and it takes iess money to buy them. HATS! HATS! HAT8! of all discription. Mens and boys straw hats by the dozen. Hoys let me fit you out from head to foot. I can do it for a very little money. HARNESS: I can sell you harness cheaper than the cheapest. For strap work let me have a hit at you and I will convince you. WOODEN WARE A No. 1 washing machine from $:i.00 up, 10 gal. bbl. Churns, 3.50. 1 have the finest drop head sewing machines that you ever laid eyes on for only $25.00. Just think, a drop head sewiog machine with a twenty year guarantee for $25.00. If you need a machine call and see them. TINWARE: I have the largest consignment of tinware ever shipped into the city at one lime. Milk T cans, cream cans, strainers, three quart dinner pails for only 9 cents. Think of it. A ten inch pie plate for ft cents. 1 also carry a full line of bicycle repairs and do all kinds of repairing. For bargains don’t forget to look over our 5 and 10 cent counters as there is bargains in store there for you. CARPETS ANI> WALL PAPER: I carry the finest line west of Chicago to select from. Don’t forget to make a selection as house cleaning time is almost here and those old dingy walls and rough floors need paper and carpets. Don’t forget to patronise my wagon for it will call on you soon. It is a store on wheels. I will take eggs, both in the store and on the wagon and will pay the highest market price. W. C. DUNKER, Driver and Head Salesman. I have but one price and that is for spot cash. Don’t forget the place; in Yours for bargains and fair dealing, THE BRICK POST OFFICE L. A. WILSON, BUILDING. ASHTON, NEBRASKA. KLONDIKE What does it cost to get there? When ami how should one go? What should one take? Wheresre the mines? llow much have they produced? Is work plentiful What wages are paid? Is liv ing expensive? What are one’s chances of making a strike!!? Complete anil satisfactory replies to the aimve ipiestions will be found III (he Burlington Routes Klondike Folder Now ready for distribution Sixteen pages of practical Information and jii up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon dike. Free at Burllnton Route ticket offices, or sent on receipt of four cents III stamp by J. Francis. Oeu'l passeuger Agent. Burlington Koute. Omaiia, Nebr At'KTVi.kNBu«s. run tiuat or tHK rt'Ttmfc. why not In* Independent and own your own little gas plant which will give four lliue» more light than ordinary gas, or electric lights at one half the coal? Applicable for use In church**, slows, factories, hotels, residence# and country homes safer I halt ordinary gas or ker oseae lamps. Approved hy all the Board* of Underwriters Ihroughrut the United Mutes We want a drat class agent In every town Write lor catalogue and prices. I'm At MUfcMV tUa M*« iiink Ou. Akron, tikis. —ALL WOMEN JJlNMBrTHS all the andsicknessfrom which women suf'ar U by weakness derangement In tha organs menstruation. Nearly always when a woman is not well organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman Is vary seldom sick. WuMftdui Is nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. ; j It cures all "fenuie troubles." It Is equally effective (or the girl in her Merit, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period kaewa aa the "Change ol Life." flay all need It. They are ail beoefltMd by a. BRICK HARDWARE 8 FURNITURE BUILDERS HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS A CAR LOAD OF FURNITURE A $2.00 bedstead for $1.75 A 65 cent kitchen chair for 10eta. A 6.60 Oak dining table lor 4.60. A center table for 1.10 worth 2.00 A 3.60 mattress for 2.60. A 2.00 bed spring for 1.50. A beautiful bookcase and writing desk for 10,oo worth 12.60. Sewing machines from 1 I 00 up. The Monarch, White and New Home. A No. 8, cook stove for 11.60. All cooking utensils at the low est prices. Lamps and Lamp goods, all kinds and prices. Garden seeds in bulk new stock just in. A fine bed room suit for 11.75 worth 14.00. Small flour pots for raising seed lings, .15 per dozen. Agency for a fine line of Pianos and organs. About April 1st we shall have a line of samples, representing a stock of $500,000.00 of carpets, chenille and lace curtains, rugs tablecloths, etc. etc. • For the GOODS and the PRICES call and see us and don't m:ss the place, the BRICK STORE, E. H. WATKIN80N, Prop. at the South Went Corner of the Square, LOUP CITY, - - • NEBRASKA Awarded highest Honors* World's Pair. DR BAKING POWDfR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fra* from AmmonU, Alum w any t>ih.t *Juh»r«U. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Teller, Hall • Hill'll in and Dtunu*. The interna- it. hint; and kiuartintt. Inci dent to thaaatliaMUaa, in Inotuntlv allayed by applying « b.uuliarUlu e ryr and skill Ointment, M my vary lnul caaea bava U« n |M<niMUiaiilly cured by it. It in equally a flic trill fur itching pilea and a favurila f«r eura nippier, •|»d hind*, chilblain*, fr.wt bitea ami chr«>ui.' *ura eye*. Hi eta. per but. Mr. t ad)'* I audit bin i'aadrr*. ara Jiul what a hurra bmk when in bad tk Tunic, bhaai purifier aud V. > nilfitge Thar ara n<d f***i but a., dit ina ami iha be*t in turn tu |.«ti a b t«e la pi no* cumlilbai hk * W •euta par teaches* Wanted An Idea 1% =S5 A- S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY. - - NFBKASKA. OF PICK. -One door mat of Chase's drag store R. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP CITY. I < m T. INKS, PROPRIETOR OK Express and General Delivery Line. All Express or Freight orders prompt ly attended to. T. S. NICHTINCALE, LAWYER, DOHA A General Law and Cillection Business A Notary Public, Stenographer and Type Writer In Office. One Door North of FI rat Bank, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. VY JL FISHER, Attorney at Lawjnd Notary Public. Will Defend In Foreclosure Cases. no a General Real Estate Business. Office In Nokthwehtkhn Hiilldlnff, I.OUP CITY. NKHKAMKA. BRITISH S. S. GARONNE. THE ONLY STEAMER HAILING BETWEEN VAN COUVER AND 8T. MICH A ELS THAT CARRIES THE BRITISH FLAG AND 18 FULLY PROTECT ED FROM THE SPANISH WARSHIPS. It U the quickest ami only safe way to Alaska. The largest and best equipped Steamer In tbe Alaskan trade, connecting with our One River Steamers at St. Midi, aels, making the Journey as pleasant as possible and comfortable aa a trip on the Hudson. for farther particulars address KLONDYKK CHICAGO TRANSPOR TATION AND TRADING CO. 417- 418 Monadnock Bldg . Chicago. THE SUNDAY JOURNAL FREE. During the great war< xciternent peo ple cannot get enough papers to read on the all-absorbing topic. Tbe State Journal, as a special offer, will send free the great Sunday State Journal, three months to any person sending In 91,00 fora year’s subscription to the Semi-Weekly State Journal, During these exciting times The Seml-Weekiv Journal beats the old weekly all to pieces and with a big sixteen-page paper thrown In, is the greatest bargain ever offerud for 91 00. Just think! you get two big weekly papers each week lor a whole year, and a big sixteen-page Sunday paper three months all for 91.00 In nr<l«»r In L«» In fhiw uiuhhuI premium you must semi your Dollar pireet to tbeState Journal. Lincoln Neb. GREAT OFFER. We are now prepared to off er to our readers the Now'll wkmtkkn. the Hemi Weekly State Journal, and the Khiishh City Weekly Journal, all for the small •utn of pi.DO. This Is one of the best offers out. The twice a week Nebraska Stale Joui mil is one of the best news papers punlisbed in toe state, and com tains all the capital news: The Kansas < 'llv Weekly Is <>r.e of the best week lev's In Kansas. The Nnnrii wksimcs is lbe official paper of Sherman I 'minty and c intaln# twlee as mueli home print aa any other paper published In the county. You should not delay In taking advantage of ibis gieat offer In subset llilug fot these three papers you secure the three leading Journals ol the world I.KUAI. MUTtl’k To w bum |l may concern Nolle# la hereby given load pel eons nut j l» harboi or keep ana algred Call sou an o*il I Weed indv and pauper. id I* asking Ion township, ekarmaw Do., Mek., aa eke be* a kooee here aad eeld township le • lUlag »*• provide lot aad sere fm kef lue are furtkar asH tiled Ikal eald Wwsklag low low uahlp eld wol pa fot her leapt eg , any ekete aMa, or any ksiie ikal eke way ‘outran ■ All |Mww> ea harbor lag o» tr ,silog kat la any way will kava lo do so an Ikalt owe reapwwalklllty li H koiea. Jam lea td up ranee * eabmgiow loanekip. shaimaa Ik kea I .ala In lard and egtly lor la# prvpgfga ; « man tor fcls k>“we In Ike shier Kefir j •» bed and a Lillie Kail) Ku«i Ike pill ikal ns ekes life longer ami heller esd ■ leer IMewdaki Wr« • ENGLAND’S PREMIER. WHAT IT MEANS TO BE THE BRITISH PRIME MINISTER. Nowhere Else la tha World la Thara A ay Position at Onra Ho Powerful and So Anomalom - Tha Ofllaa la Wltlaoat Loyal Foundation. Nowhere else in the world is there any position at once so powerful and so anomalous. So long as he remains prime minister the premier of the Unit ed Kingdom is possessed of more real power than any single individual, un less it be the czar or the president of the United States. Yet, great as is the power of prime minister, the offloe ban no foundation on law. The prime minister is quite as un known to the law as is the oabinet. If a legal pedant, blind to all facts not in the statutes or the textbooks of the common law, were asked to deilue the office of prime minister and to describe the cabinet, he would be utterly at a loss. In theory the prime minister is only a privy councilor at the bead of a de partment of state who is specially in the soverelgn’soonfldenoe and who usu ally presides at an informal gathering of oertain of the privy councilors who happen to hold offices of state—a gath ering which is called the oabinet. That is the furthest which the legal pedant of our thought would dare to go. Yet, of course, the prime minister is, in fgot, far more than the mere obairtnan of the uauiuui. The oabinet, no donbt, baa a great deal of power, bat even it it were trne onoe It ia oertainly not trne now that England 1* governed by a committee of IS or 16 persons. The prime minister, as a rule, makes bia cabinet. He la commissioned by the a neon to form a oabinet, because be la ie man whom she considers to possess the ootifidenoeof a majority of thehonae of oommons. He forme bia oabinet by asking oertain members of the two bouses to bold tbe great offioes of state. He might do this iu one day and with out consulting any one. As a matter of fact, wbat usually happen* is this: Aa soon aa tbe commis sion to form a government baa been re oeivud, the prime minister takes into bia confidence tbe two or three who will bold tbe chief office#, and they talk together over tbe other names. When a man ia decided upon, be, aa a rale, joins tbe oonolave and helps to oonanlt as to men and plaoes, and so the oabinet gradually evolves itself. No donbt, as generally happens in tbia world, tbe crime minister’e choice ie never really nee. Certain pen mnat be in tbe cabinet, whatever happens, and benoe they may be said not 16 be chosen by tbe premier, but to be ministers in tbeir own right. In spite, however, of this, the fact that they are asked to serve by tbe premier makes them feel bis superiority. When tbe cabinet is made, tbe theory of the unwritten constitution ie that tbe oabi net govern* In reality it aeldom does an 1 ing of tbe kind. b cabinet minister bae very great power in bis own department, bat the oabinet as a cabinet can do little. Sinoe, however, it knows everything tbat is going on it oan exercise a great deal of indirect power. The previous knowl edge that tbe majority of tbe oabinet wonld like or dislike a particular pol icy bae a great influence, bnt still tbe oabinet does not r?le. Tbe prime minis ter summon* presides over and largely oontrola tbe cabinet meetinga. If a va cancy oocnr* be Alls it up, and so oan promote from tbe lower to tbe higher offloes. Then he oan and does oonfer with bia oollcagues in regard to the bnsineea of tbeir department* and so has a bold upon tbe whole machine of government. Sir Robert Peel saw every member of Ilia cabinet separately every day. Again, f there be h difference between two other members of the government, the premier deoidee. If there be an irrecon cilable difference between himself and a minister, it is the minister and not the premier who resigns. Lastly, the prime minis*'" signing himself, dissolv istry. These thing' selves, taken tog*'’ minister’s pr makes and presides i to advise ii though thii exercised, an, beforehand the tile nr of any ct struggle between because the rank the premier is beate power to upset the government. Hence the voice# of to keep in office are ah the side of the premie. Weekly. A Kxeslaa Mlratla An looooeUil at a Kusalmu has been hoist with hie own peta siguitU-ant way. An infernal tua was set user a picture of the VI hi ary. in a oouvent at Karsh, the p lure haviug a reputation fur workii. miraculous curve The machine explod vd In dua time and wrecked the eur muiMiiuge, demolishing a ewe* iron screen round the piolurg damaging disirs and break lug down a wall, but the picture itself seuaped sub art. It ibere ever wae any doubt amuag the faithful at ehe tiimueaskl eunveut as to the wonder Working properties uf their holy pietarg it will be dispelled by Ikit •dK Jeruee DaeeUe i »er tug about too yean the lei la leuguege wae the Uuguege vd court, samp and pullte tottery from Use rivet t weed, ta auusiend. In the Kaphrateg in .tele, and from the Crimea «r Char >«e«, m the black mg tu the palate -I tissue lee, at the wasSern extremity of the Medltartuneaa