The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 27, 1898, Image 8
Iioaal Daws. The big bridge should be repaired at once. Nebraska, can raise the wind all right this spring. Adam Schaupp, went to Omaha, with stock last Tuesday. Mrs. Val. McDonald, of the west side, is reported very sick. A. M. Bennett went to Omaha Mon day on a business trip. Nice tomato and cabbage plants for sale at W. H. Conger's. Miss Mattie Snyder, spent Sunday in the city, with her parents. Sim. Brown, is pushing on the lines of James Bradley's dray now days. Our bulletins furnishes good service for the farmers who do not take a dally. Hogs has taken quite a raise since Dewey set up a packing bouse at Manila. D. W. Titus, banker of Litchfield was a county seat visitor the forepart of the week. L. D. Gardner Is reported to be very sick again. W. II. Conger went out to visit him Monday. K. J. Jordea, and wife, relatives of Joseph McCoy, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. MeCoy, this week. Corn Is growing six inches a day, and some days seven, since the weather got settled down to a hades temperature. The Loup City Schools close for the term to-day, and the commencement exercises will take place this evening. Mike Mulick, passed our sanctum the other morning with a nice biblical string of fish, Three little ones for four of us. T. L. Pilger took a car load of pota Ia tVwt Dmolin vnavLoto 'I'luirLlnu He returned yesterday and reports hay lug disposed of them at good advantage. “One Minute Cough Cure is the best preparation I have ever sold or used and I can't say too much in its praise.’,—L. M. Kennon, Merchant, Odell, Ga.-Oden dabl Bro’s. Mrs. Geo. E. Benscboter left for Shel ton last Saturday morning to be at tbe bed side of her brother, Wilson Baillle who was seriously Injured in a Clyclone last week Tuesday, Jas. Bradley, who was struck by light ning is doing as well as can be expect ed. He sustained a severe shock and it will take weeks before he will fully recover. W. H. Conger informs us that he has succeeded in gettieg a pension for A. H. l’otter, of Litchfield of fl2. per month. He will draw pay from date of appli cation, May 29, 1897. In the morning at tbe M. E. Church there will be Decoration Day Memoral services and in the evening preaching at the regular hour. Evening subject: Gladstone influence. The oldest son of Wm. Moyer, a for mer resident of this city, and now of Kawlins, Wy. had the misfortune to lose one of hU eyes by some means which we did not learn, on the 8, of this month. A dispatch from II. Smelser, to Adam Schaupp, this morning, announces the death of Mrs. Smelser, at her home in Ashton, this morning. Funeral servi ces will be held at Ashton, on Sunday, at one o.clodk. W. G. Odendahl returned from Oma ha yesterday where he has been since Monday. Mr. Odendahl had eight large bunions removed from his foot while a cane. Mrs. John Hopper is reported very sick. She has been sick for several days past and has been gradually growing worse. At last account, bovever, she was some better. Mrs. Daisy Cowper, of Ravenna, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Snyder, in this city a part ol this week She reports that Mr. Cowper, and her self will visit the Black Hills this spring. Mr. Win. Sharp, of Davis Creek, was lu the city the latter part of last week, and let the contract to Josef Brels, to take the brick veneering from the old. Mellor building. This Is a job that all will be glad to hear of. Jobu Wall was down from Arcadia Mouday and act his force of men at work tearing down the Danders old store building When it Is down the last of an old land mark of nineteen years standing Is gone s. I Barker, Sharon, Wl«„ writes 1 have tried ImVMu's Witch ilasel Salve for Itching piles and It eleayt stop* Utem la two minutes 1 consider l»eW ill's W itch Ilssel Salve the great est pile cure on the market "—Oden aaiil Brv t Mr. J. tl. .Vbaopp of Areedia made us a friendly call Monday lie is very much lalereated In the irrigation .ass tried some weeks ago in district court el i tfd. t sail will convene there agate neat week when the vase, ohieh a as tekeu under adv.setasei will ho de tided, Parties sending us eeare items or tsf Mtielee for publication meet accompany souse with their real suss It Is m4 as ties nary tbst their nausea ho published lust we desire In have them loot la as a guarantee el good faith AU (Mosskstlssi sst avsu panted bv asms of writer old be e-m signed In the ease* bushel. The Cuban cjuestion and political is sues sink into insignificance with the man who suffers with piles What be most desires, Is relief. DeWltts Witch Elazel Salve cures piles. Odendabl Bros. The A. O. U. W Beneficiary of $2,000 in favor of Mrs. Elizabeth A. Wilson, widow of a member of Loup City Lodge No. 33, has been paid In full today For promptness we certainly think that fraternal Insurance excells the old line insurance, and It is certainly less expen live. We have been Informed by a member jf the family of the late W. A. Wilson, Jeceased. that we were in error In itatelng that Mr. Wilson bad several ipasms the night previous to Ills death, jut that he had several attacks of heart trouble. We cheerfully make the cor rection. About thirty went to 8t. l’aul, yester lay to take in the Robinson circus, and ice the strong man lift the Elephant, which ofcourse they failed to see, IVe had the pleasure of meeting a num jer of old friends and some former rcsi lents of Loup City, having bad a pleas uit visit with Mr. and Mrs. .J. J. Taylor, ilso J. F. Jeffords. We was called to the telephone yester lay and received a legal notice from r.itcbfleld, for publication, announcing :be fact that that town will soon be pro vided with a place where chose so In clined can get forty-rod bug juice hcre ifter, when they feel like fighting their grandmother. Mr. McCray, manager of the Loup City 8tar creamery has received some very flattering letters from the western jutter markets where be has been dripping. Ilia butter is pronounced irst grade and finds a ready market at rlio trnwti It I Aid r.wi/iA ova In. formed that Mr. McCray is now doing »n extensive creamery business and It is steadily increasing all tbe time. Tbe little one year old baby of John Fisher, narrowly escaped death last Monday evening. She was found with lead down in a large jar of water and ler feet barely sticking out. The dis .■every was made just in tame to save lerlife. A messenger was at once dis patched for a doctor, who worked with ler skillfully for several hours before ihe was considered out of danger. Anna Micbalski a young Polish girl if Logan township made complaint n county court a few days ago against me Harry Wheeler a beardless youth if the same township, charging him with assault with tbe intent to rape. Phe case was brought before his honor, Judge Kay last Wednesday and defend int's motion for a continuance granted. I'he preliminary hearing will be had Wednesday June Brat. While unrooflng the Landers, old itore building, last Tuesday, Bob Young ind George McDonald, barely escaped serious injury. They were helping in letting down a section of the roof when It got the upper hand of them. Bob's right hand was caught between tbe rafter and tbe stringer below and he had to be helped to get free. George got bis elbow caught in pretty much tbe same way but was able to free him self. Both only sustained slight bruises. Several limes this week we have been asked hv farmers Urine nn the west side of the river to hurry up the officers who have the coanty bridge matters io charge and get the Loup River bridge repaired. We understand that the offi cers are working to that end, and that work Is expected to begin in a few days. As to hurrying up the matter we will leave that to the farmers ag the offi cer have the distinguished honor of, at least, claiming to be the farmers best^frlends. Mr. and Mrs. £. 3. Ilayhurst. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Crisa, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cal laway, Mrs. O. H. Cibson. and family Dr. Wllllts, Misseg Hattie Iiayhurst, Abble Conger, and Hattie Throckmorton spent Sunday at the borne of Mr anu Mrs. James Conger and Grandma Haney. A grand time is reported. Two bushels of cakes aud three freezers of ice cream formed the principle part of the menu. Ye juuior could not lie present but extends many thanks for invitation and thanks awfully for cake received and duly consumed. Brother O J. Vandyke, l*. C. M. id the A. O, I'.* with Loup City Lodge last night aud addressed a small audience of the brothers and sisters ol the D of II. and a few frieuds in a very beautiful and logic mauner. lie did uoi deliver a regular lecture but for an hour enlarged on the t>e*ut!e* and lien rlu of the order Brother V andyke U a good talker aud a lug leal reason*! and those who did not come out to heai him missed a tralernsl treat He ■< working in a grand cense and one th*i every body should take a deep Interesi in. It i* on* that means bread to out little ones should we be Usen from them, or a life of drudgery that we car sad in duty should prevent by juinlej a ttrat class beeshctsry order. II* til j he in the city until Monde* *«liv»it*| member* thousand* of sngerer* from grtppi have been restored to health <■) run Minute t ough Cure. It Huiehly cur* cough* cetds. bronchitis pswumoeta grippe, asthma and all throat end !<mm disease* Pof *ete by thfredahl Bro s ASHTON LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Dovorek, and children left for Omaha, Friday morning, where she wdi join her husband. Our bustling grain man, Mr. .J. C. Schaupp, is building a nice frame cottage in the western suherbs of our city. We predict that the west side is going to be the residence portion of onr bustling little berg. Vinaent Beze, is giving his wagon shop a new coat of color. Appear- j anccs are being greatly improved thereby, Martin Wiskowiuk, has i.ecn ‘paint ing things red—with a wldtoatripe;" K. G. Taylor’s new barn. Mr. 8. D. Horton was in town in behalf of the During Company, and II. .1. Hillebraat of St. Paul, has spent an cutire week here for the McCormick It seems as if machine men predominate among our visit ors this week, all because a big small grain crop is promised. Miss Alpha Fair, completed a very successful years school, last Friday. She seems to have given universal satisfaction, and leaves many newly made friends. She relumed to her home, at Rockville, on Sunday after noon, II. H. Branch, of Lincoln, was in town Thursday, in behalf of the Hamilton Browu Shoe Co. Ashton, is one of bis regular points, and he says is the best shoe town in the State of its size, excepting none. We hear Kmil Beushousen.will try to raise a company should the Pres ident make another cull for troops. Ashton is slow but Sure! and will be beard from later on. The business houses of G. W. Marvel & Co. and Keystone Lumber Co., have been ornamented with nice tall flag poles, and Old Glory waves therefrom. Miss Mary Kneutzen, came down from Loup City, Monday morning. C. K. Taylor, spent Sunday, with his parents here, returning to St. Paul, Monday morning. Iguac Nowicki moved into town Monday. W. M. Smelser, lost a handsome ring Sunday. Will says he will re ward the finder upon its return to him. The ring is set with u ^ karat dia mond. The Gramaphone entertainment given here Saturday evening, by Mike Larkowski, was good, but poor ly attended. We hear that our rustling towns man, Theodore Ojendyke, lias been appointed Post Master, for this place by our beloved Uncle Sam. We did not learn how soon he is lo begin opperations. 1. C. U. TAKE THE UNION PACIFIC. Take the union Pacific to Denver and attend the American Medicine Associa tion Meeting, June", 1898. Low ex cursion rates for the round trip. Spec ial excursions arranged from Denver to Mountain Kesorts; also to Salt Lake C’ty and points west. For sleeping car reservations, rates, etc., call on W. I). Clitfon.A gent. The human machine starts but once and stops but once. You can keep it going longest and most regularly by using DeWltt's Little Early Kisers, the famous little pills for constipation and all stomach ami liver trouble. Odendabl Bro’s. One Minute is long, yet rel of U ob tained In half that time by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, it prevents con sumption nnd quickly cures colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, la grippe am) all throat and lung troubles Odemlahl i Bro’a, DKCO RATION DAT. To be observed at Loup City, May 30,1898 under the auspices of Shiloh Post, No. 124, and Shiloh Circle, No. 5. G. A. R. Hon. A. P. Culley, Orator of the day. Program of exercise: At 8;30. a. m. The committee appointed for that purpose will leave the post rcom and repair to Evergreen Cemctary, and Moon Cemetary respectively, where they will fittingly scatter flowers above the mounds that mark our comrads graves. Ladies Commilee of Shiloh Circle will join comrades in this work. At 10,o'clock a. m., ail old Sol diers, Ladies of Shiloh Circle and Sons of Veterans, will meet at Post room and form in marching order on R. R. street facing the east. At 10:30, the children of the pub lie schools led by their teachers, will be escorted by martial band to their position in the ranks. At 10:45 headed by the Loup City Cornet Rami, the line of march will be taken up. moving east on R. R. street to east side public square, thence north to north side public square, thence west to the opera house. At 11, a. m. the Ladies of Shiloh Circle will conduct the interesting ceretnftny in memory of the unKnowo dead, after which there will follow an address bv the orator of the day, Iiou. A. P. Culley. Beautiful music and patriotic songs will enliven the exercises. Come every one, rest from your labors tor one day and help us to make this day one pregnant with lessons of patriot ism and love of country and the flag. We are on the march today as a na tion to uphold the cause of human freedom and smite the oppressor. Let us then come together on that day breathing a fervent prayer for victory over the foe, and for the safety of the gallant boys who are carrying our standard to the front on sea and on land. By order of Committee. MK.MOKI Al. pKKVlCK. Soldiers Attention:—To the members of Shiloh Post, No. 124, Dept, of Nebras ka, G. A. R. You and each of you are hereby commanded to present yorselves at headquarters at the post room, Sun day May 29, 1898 at 10, o'clock sharp, there to form In ranks and march to the M. E. Church to attend memorial ser vice. Service to be conducted by Rev. W, E. Mathew. AH old Soldiers not members of the post, sons of veterans, arid Shiloh Circle G. A R., are cordi ally requested to meet us all at the post room, and Join with ns in the ser vices in memory of our noble dead. By Lkwis Beihthoi.D, Commander, w. II. Conger, Adj. Farmers, Insure your property In The Phenix Insurance Company, against Fire, Lightning. Wind storms Cyclones and Tornadoes. W. J. FISHER- Agent. Call on T. M. Reed for gard en and field seeds, in bulk or package. S. M. Geary, Pierson, Mich , writes:— ‘•DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is curing more piles here to-day than all other remedies combintd. It cures eczema and all other skin deseases." Odendahl Bro’s “It Is tlie Bent on Karlli" That Is what Edwards & Parker, mer chants of Plains, Ga., says of Chamber lain's Pain Balm, for Rheumatism, lame back, deep seated and muscular pains. Sold by Odendahl Bro's. Druggists. LIViCOK LICENSE NOTICE. In the matter of the application of Niels Nielsen for lequor licensu: Notice la hereby given that Niels Nielsen (1 Kl upon the mth day o! May l*»e. tile his application with the board of Trustees of the Village of Litchfield for Itemise to sell mall, spirituous and vinous liquors, In the building sooth of Hie commercial House, ou lot No. 14, In the village or Litchfield. Nebraska for the year ending May 1st. lviw If there be no objections, minimal ranee or pruleet died before June 10, l«tfs the lireiie# will be granted. Nm.s Niki sa*. Applicant. 111UII SC HOOL COMMENCEMENT EXERCISE. The rotuiuOKvmmt rxrfvltek for l!»«* Loup 4'ilv IIfe» **• l"**l will l*- kvlU May ft lMM >i» ihrop ra H .u»« |TtUu«lA4f !• PROGRAM Mt U.<««..•«• hiv w r. Mtmu*' v triiif j llrUir« li* K*>«W‘i lit 4iruUt*u 14% f wu'Mr 4* cl# tilt «l Saltern* Muiklttl •VMfMl « Ikftt M .» Hm4m tftnktM* U I V” » • »»*! « • Mute te ♦»tei *• ri.'tei Ui» IteMfk W« I w* Ik# Iterate llottt fWte« kteteiui M*% (fumiuite ( 4IMh .ft fte* 4««tte«k I liter k««w« I'O lk %*!*•■ * *'^#% Tte* |f*ygtedft#ate **t iHti* IHU Holt P***4**m* «t H»kMk* •*»% -aitetet tel IM MkteM'4 tel fco•,***, <* CALL AND SEE ME IK YOU WANT A ENGINE. „ I ALSO HANDLE A LARGE STOCK OK BINDERS, MOWERS, RAKES. CULTIVATOR. Harrows Sulky Plows, OR ANYTHING IN THE WAY OF Mills, Pumps and Pipes. I ALSO HAVE A FULL LINE OK HARNESS. AND CARRY REPAIRS KOR McCOItMlCK, BUCKEYE AND WOOD MOWERS AND HARVESTERS. REFRIGERATORS, GASOLINE STOVES. A NEW STOCK OF GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. T JVI. FEED, EAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. LOUP CITY, - - NEB. HAIL! HAIL HAJL! F. E, BFEWEH, will insure your crops against hail in the reliable ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY THE ONLY RELIABLE COMPANY DOING HAIL BUS INESS IN THE STATE. This company has been engaged in the Hail business for the past fourteen years. Within the last eleven years it has paid for losses by Hail the sum of $411,030.30. This large sum of money lias been paid without & single law suit, and to the sa'isfaction of the claimants. The Hail policy is the tairest and most equitable ever issued by any insurance company. It carefully protects the interests of the insured and provides a just method for arriving at the amount of the loss in case the crop be injured by hail. This is the only Stock Fire Insurance Company in the United States engaged ir. the hail business. It has ample assets to cover all liabilities. It pays its losses promptly and honestly. We solicit your business for the year 1898. F. E. BREWER, Agent. I ALSO HAVE FIRE AGENCY FOR ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE AND HOME FIRE OF OMAHA. WAR WAR WAP War has been declared at m j -A CAR OF FRKSH FURNITURE. IIAVISO .11 ST HKKS XiKl KlN Kl> FROM TUB FACTORY WHICH \VK AKK OFFKRING AT CHICKS THAT CANNOT HK KKATKN THIS SI UK OK OMAHA We Guarantee OIJR PRICES TO HK I.OWKK THAN TIIK I.OWKST IF YOU NEED A BED ROOM SUIT CALL AND SEE OUR DAISY. WK II.NVK HA BY CNHHIAOKS, FANCY LACK NMi TAI'fcMTIlY ITKTAIXH, WIMioNN Mil A l»F>4 -AMI A Fit Mil . Stock of Himhvarc Buggies and Farm Implement. jSSJ."*! Packet Stope ■