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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1898)
*--— |g ' I $ 1 y j § of my. heretofore* cxdm iv< Lad i< nil ! TIN WAR I’, WOODEN WAI i'. Also a fill line oi ca OF WALL I’AI’KR, OF W ];\ W1INE FOR YOI THAT YOU CAN P I sT?5 V / RING STOCK OF I ... % figs ' | t ' \:\ '., a-.t ^:,. -,.., ’■' ■ j ^ " 4 ., DO' S 71 ; ASK TO 3^ WC 07 7/' 7 • 7 V;-, ' Samples </f loll, A . I'1, 77 working pan ’ ' 'n cents up. lev. • • • • ' 7 SHOES: I have ti.-m it. a S and Mioses *.!,•>■ , the ttnest line licit v HATS! HATS! HAT8! ot St Non (lit from head to foot, i e ■■ i < i HARNESS: 1 can Bell you irn - o Wnt you and l I convince yon. V wooers WARE A No. 1 ^ > 77 1.' li\ . "V'm-,/h«d I the fire-st dr id sewing me B Bewinc machine with a twenty year c .i t P . , , • ... UOI, i TINWARE: l have the laty. :t r ic; ■ ■ 1 ,!)r cans, cream cans, strainers, three (pi * •, , ' ' , ' t :: cents. I also carry a full line ot b ye, ’ « to look over ot:r 5 and 10 cent count’ ••s 'OIU’CTS AND WAU. DAI ’01; ’ , . .. A V .. . 71 fonret to make a selection as house <. need paper arid carpets. 1 >..n*t fonret t,, patronif..; li.v v. . .»• " I „i|| ... 1„,U. in tu„ ’■■ ' ■’ ’’ V\T. C. DFXKJ Dr. . hr ,\xn U7.'i) Salt:."• ■ x. I have but on * pi : for . r c e Don't forget the place; in ^ 1 1 ! Tl-IK IIKIOK DOST OFFICE 7 7 7 ' 5 building. K I.ON 1'IKK Wlmt docs It cost to get there: Whet Had how should one go? \\ hut. slum il one take? Where are the mine How nnii’li have they produced? 1 * work plentiful What wages arc paid? Is dy ing expeil-i v e ? W hat arc tine’s chUf.ce of making a strik •!!? t . nil -at isfaator.i ! ' : lie- to' f t lie a ti. ■ i e i. a'. - . k ' ’' ■ n a ■ i Iturlin: ten h '«« '■ • t No A : ■ nl, : ’ i-tnhl til/I >’ ' page- it’ itii orui t i •' .' ■'1 lip In . ■ . A i : . ..a ai d till* K dike "r • ' ' mu'Ml l: ut«* t'e , ' i otliia ;*t r lot > In stateii la- 1. K t , tleii'i p >-■ e. r , Agi i . - I: ■ ". o i ■ 1 *r» r\ ‘ i j »;» 4 ‘ * i .■ t t at why %n I o ' n ' v tiw»»ii 1 ■ ’1 •» - * -■ ; * ■' 111 • i * « .» * f ! \pp)i, '» .. f Wtl*} llOt.'H1' ‘ «< till } . \ \ * t »V I • i ' ’ i ‘ t»| l !»• i *•» . U >» i f; l him*-s YU'* m < :a firm «*!*#* fwry n ■ v. t*•? *• • !'»'•' Tu* \11 ■'‘i mu# it'iiik t si 7 V, ,s . am i it ™ * «* « 5 * *»• ' 1 ’’ -it t»U » i. • 4# f c otiww i#. ^~i.4 | —All, WOMEN J^iwb-tenths of'-—~ all the fain A:-*» vilw andsicknorr.fron « ' ’which women ’ . - • ■' “ ” ’1) suffer is caucod > - '",1V ' ■ by weakness or 1*1■ ?\< , derangetr. .it In |./'*. ’:£r'V’ A ths organj o' » s menstruation. 1 ^ j Nearly always *.,,*;]&[_ when a worn, in is t -;t well tht. a organs are afiecti. But w'vrn they are nr.d* healthy ft woman is v \ • ' k. mm v > Is rii!tur®\‘*' o\ r!' ? ■ j I 13 t-T,iA: ■/ ? ; -f t'-'irl V./i' ' ■ ■ t •> . i intake * . ; r. I ih* v;»n. ,n s fenwa «3 *\ •. " 0 u f •" fllE MTLP POWER CURES HUMPHREYS’ i I That Hi© dUc&v-'S of rt<xr.esti-; uol ma-is Houses* .Cat***, t$»&gr* Doq* nc«l J*offlLTuv, am cqxkI 1>> j Humphre y*’ Vt?ierl.uu.rj *■-v ■'< S 1 i r •«. - ’‘ #3 J *o|>Io : !© - ' wdr-. - a 1 fund ow by V•’-.'£!■*pU* or 8©mr jh •vlc*-; hu'. tvt .. Is in us to hmtiis, bull tur* ? >. < j in - .*Yf t-,> tl.. • !* Uni is t (V 1 Is VV-.< sta- >4 «iu! JfiN’on-uu. <s> : it * t!. ¥*• Armf Csvalry ; .-*-*$• ?Q FAG 2 HC £ on tTsatnSeflt and ' VtMu i-o.-useio Au&aft&fo, (.hurt ssom-ted *vn •. iU''*. MEftt fra®. VETERINARY . - . J -** f\:-f> ItM'k hi:aUoi' ' - ';-s« • ' fH M*lfe * «v.-r |$« . > *. iMOur-1 n I• (jtoaMtJp-* -■ t •{. - v. Hum* i ifr; • ■feftf.;. •-. %**-'$&* a' *. :'4o Wur.u-i. * . t , ' e, «..?■«**-, I I . • :•* \ |'» i « % i « *•- • .-. ...t-*.. „•*■■■ i*** **■«* * -’Wimmmm i ■ i$mm u be K '•.r dwai'p: of am kinds / . GAD OF FURNITURE * A tin 1 .1 .vfor #1.75 A .1 .•• •«•:< :•!!• 40«Tt«. A " C) it' i - •!.'( 'or f.60. ‘ ’ 'il1.' 1'tli 2. fl(i A ’ •> ii :i ' • for ■>. ;,o. A ) i • i• for |.5o, A oili.:i in 1: ciiM* .li'l writing rin, it 10 1 0 worth 12.70. fi" I i on up, i .i . : ■ . V.' ; Nnu I N line. \ > S. <•*» i;c. t.ovo fur i i .70. A! t lie low Li :>s -ii '1 Lamp t.ll kind* and i. : ■ i now *ifii-k 11 .i* f r T 1.75 worth i i .00. S> : !! !'!•■ ■ - f. !• sat; 'in.-' need ling*. 15 per U’Miu. A. y I- r a line lino of Piano* ind < ' atifi. .A' if. April 1st we fchnil have h iin s, i-j.. ruling • -took if f !/!()!).Ofi of eurpotn, ohenille ■.no .v c::r‘li • . tugs table cloth*, ;U:, <■ ‘ :./• 1 !< ><.)! I f. "'1 ! he I’lllCKK run! n» and don't nil** the iiure, the BRICK STORE, K. (!. W ATKIN SON, Prop. : 1," °otiiii Wii-il ( oiana- of the Square, .< Cirv, - - .N r.IlllASK A Awarded iiy.:*a - t HoirpA World’s Fair. «r»K» ♦ MOST P: ' .ADE. A put* Cr. ' « f.yr ! Towdet. V tt (tom Ap rtoiUd, Alutn >« «. * !uiter*#V 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. f:u !*, |2 lit I . A, » . i * * f % »H<MI * **?-• •• * • W « V . v r . '--p* A S MAIN, I’ll YSICI VN & SURGEON [.<‘11’ <1 I V Xi RKA’sKA OKI I< K.~ -On* floor eMt of Chaue's , dm:' store, R. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP CITY. 1 VTBM. t. in:;3, PROPKIET'Hl OK Express ard c erai elivery Line. All Express or Ereig’lil orders prompt ly attended to, T. S. NICHTINCALE, LAWYER, DOES A General aw an- Colisction Business V Notary I'uMtr. Ntenoffrapfier and Type Writ )ii Ofiico, One Door North of First Hunk, I.Oir CITY, - MBItAHKA. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law • nd Notary Public, Will Defend In I’oreeloMjre Cases. AT.SO Do A General Real Estate Business. Office In Noinnw i -i i ns lliilMIng, I OP I* CHTV. - - NIJWCAHKA. B K I T I 8 H s. s. Gabonne. THE ONLY STEAMER AIDING BKTYV KEN VAN eorVKR AND ST MICK AKLS THAT CARRIES THE ELITISM FLAM AND IS FELLY PROTECT El) FROM THE SPANISH VV A US HI PS il in Him qulckant ami only «af« way lo Alusku The largest mid bowl equipped M'MiiKTin the All--.-: m trmlH, connecting with our Hue liivcr Hteumem at HI. Mich a< . making the Journey us pleasant as jvjrtsiblo am! comfortable an a trip on t he Hudson. t or further purHculiu* address. KLOXDYK K-‘ - IIK!AGO TIUKHPOR TATIOX XI) TRADING ( O. I i7 *41«s Mod . i/iork Hid#.. Hhicujfo, THE SI NDAY JOURNAL FREE. During the great war. xcitemeut peo ple cannot got enough papers to read on the all-absorbing topic. The State Journal, a* a -pedal offer, will send l':the great Sunday State Journal, three uroliths u, any person sending In >1,00 fora year'- subscription to the Semi-eekly State Journal. During the.-" exciting times I'he Semi-Weekly Journal tieut - theoldwerkly all to piece* and with a hig sixteen-page paper thrown in, is the gr-atest bargain ever offereil for #1.00. Just tliink! you get two big veekly papers each week for a whole year, und u big sixteen-page Sunday papet three munlhsall for $1.00 In order to he eiitjtleil to this special I remiuni you tmi«t your Dollar pire. • to theS:a’.. Journal, l.liicoln Neb. CiREAT OFFER. \\ ui’.' n<>» prepared to offer to our t* aitor* (h Nurihwimkiin, the Semi \V ■ ‘ k lx "Vi.lie .lonriinl, mol the Kansas <'itv Wiekl.v Jonn.i', all for the small sum < - ,l>0 This i one of the best offer- out. The twice a week Nebraska .1 is one or' tlio best news , !} ml -died :u fne state, and con Mil - ait iln spltal news. The Kansas < Ti t Weekly Is -i.e of the best week n- K an - is The NobTIIWKSI KUN M I he < tUi . al paper of Sherman < anility and • - ■ f■:sif11 twlee as much Inline I• • i■ ’ as guv o in paper published In ' ne • • . ' V u should not delay In : •dv • la,:' i*i ihi' great offer. In I ■ inn ; (V»| ilu'.e three papers ion " tie- tin. n b iding Journal* ot lire ail Id I K«> U. NOTI' K T*i vt m* It nmy Nmwv it tifftt)} f tVio to iMtrion# not »•■}.* «* ( Ml (Mill, OU * «.vitY tttrti jMiijwr. os WiMbtHf ■ i> tufumu *' ».« Nulls, a* «ti« it* ■■ IWM m* i I l<n* MHhi|» i* oj$' pr**% sAo f»*r mim FMrti lor lif»r =f tnrib*-- UlAt - - rt (#»•>.»' iMii.jt mm *m»I |hi fur li«r ««,*H|rlis4 cuy %*$**»< v «♦{*•*•. •-*# »n;<* ttuti *It* ’itAjr -Mil }«#?««*<* no tmiUor' ar «r i**•-« h*-1 in t»*y will « . a*’ »ti (j*s»"; M * Sit I<r- «*.v s. til', tty 4 f UlfcH, 4d‘iHT Ilf Uu» friMt A tlUftif l-\*. Kab J ml:.- V-* •. *f Hfl At (V t o ft »f*. |ty*' |mf f*« i i“ *k ■ -k * - F»r!y * 1 .old a t«i F< Kith H*' t. the pR? -i »•.-* li-t* Km, er tod feeder t»d. 11,« t I I’.e i* 1 sUI. litis mi *• Th- 1- f • r tji v lady wrot# to «• I w ilc! you oonld «v*e th* 14n««9 Tli -i A flavor of • *r b! >nsomM And a tanul#* of j<’*«amh)e \ Inea. Oh tl lette r my lady wrote to inel 1 ait :n my room am! tee Th* on tho nhijm and fcor rod, awaat In tho letter she wrote to ms. Oli, the let tor my lady wrote to mat i Hero 1h the word she* mlimed, I And hero h the word that wam never heard On the lino her lipa have kissed. And the letter my lady wrote to me Clone to my heart shall be Till tho Judgment day, when 1 drift away. Life of my life, from thee! —Atlanta Constitution. BURNS AND SCALDS. Remedies That Should Be Used Before the I>o<-tor Arrives. A I n. may result from executive hont a i . in any way—hot air or hot wui' i. “p.ii.. flaino or clcctririty—or cvi n from i trenjo cold. The injury re suh mg from < intact witli hot water or Htcam i- ufeiially culled u Mould, but is practically the mum in it* result* as a burn. Surgeon* apeak of different degree* of a burn, according to the amount of tii -ucd troyed by it. Thu* u burn of the tiiht degree i* one that dimply red den* and irritate* the skin; a barn of the second degree i* one that oau*e* actual inflammation of the *kin with the formation of blister*, while a barn of the third degree destroy* the skin and more or leu* of thn lluNh beneath it, or oven* and kill* all the tissue*, iin hiding the bone itself. Tho effect* of. a burn depend partly upon it* degree, but not entirely, for a burn even of tho first degree may cause death if it involve* a very large portion of the Niirface of the body. This it doe* by interfering with the necessary ex cretion of waste matter which is con stantly taking place through the skin. A euriouH effeot of a *evere burn in any part of the body is ulceration of the bowels following very intense con gostion of the entire digestive oauul. Tim bronchial tubes and the lungs aro •oiiii l imes injured by the inhalation of at. • . , li/.t uir l.llf J.Vntl itflRTt. from such an acoidi-ut u person who has been burned about tho chest or back is very liable to have an attack of bron chitis or pneumonia in consequent)* The first thing to be done in the case ot a burn of any degree is to stop the pain 'Hus should bo done not only from the natural impulse to relievo suffering, but because tho shook resulting town the injury may bo so greatly increased by tlic agony us to cause the death of the patient, even when the bum* in themselves would not do so. Covering the part with any bland substance, such as olive oil, vaseline, sweet butter or flour paste, to keep on tho air will often afford grout relief, anil in burns of the first degree nothing more may be needed. Carron oil, the name given to a mixture of equal quan tities of linseed oil and limewnter, was formerly and is still in muuy workshops tho favorite application for a barn. Better still is bicarbonate of sodafoook ing soda) or calcined magnesia, mads into uii ointment with vaseline or lard or dusted thickly over the skin. Another . ipliratiou which is often exceedingly rateful is a solution of nitrate of pu h (nitre). Hunters often make a paste or gunpowder for this pur pose. One or other of these applications will usually suffice in mild cases, and in severe burns will help to reduoe the pain for the time until the doctor eomea. —Youth’s Companiou. An Honest Man. “Now look hero, Thompson,” re marked Brown. “It has been six months since you borrowed thut $0 from mo.” “Beven, ” corrected Thompson grave ly “Well, then, seven months,” snorted Brown, "and you promised to give It back to me in a week—promised faith fully, you did, to return me it in seven days instead of mouths.’’ “I know it,’’ answered Themnson sadly, drawing a memorandum Cook from his pocket. “That bill was edkiw F, No, 672,D2t), issue of 1887. 1 man the note, aud then I spent the money. Since then I’ve been trying to reoavss it.” “But. ” howled Brown, "'any other would do as well.” “No,” responded Thompson, shaking bis head. “I’m a man of my word. Whin you guve mo the bill, I said ‘1 will return this to you,’and I meant it. Brown, old man, just as soon as I oeme across No. 672,920, series F, issae of 1887. I'll see that yon get it, for I am not the one to go back on my promise.” —“fcditor’s Drawer” in Harper's Mag azine. No Knituu to Harry. A pli asaqt looking, stylishly dressed old lady was boarding a Sixth avenue car. aud tho “smart Alex” ouniaotor shouted iu her ear: “Hurry up there I Step lively! Be quick ' He looked as if he were on the point of pushing her bodily inside the oar, wlieu, to bis great surprise, she stopped short, aud, looking him full in the faqe, said; “Young mau, it is not woidh while to be in such a hurry. You'll gel to hell soon enough ”—New York Sun. Tho i rawdvil. ©ho - It ikoiijn l«* iii«> Dial the «ariitftt r ' its prove that woman has always boi it ah' ad of man. Hi —How sol Mi Why, one of the first thing* that Adam said to Evu was, “Attar you '—Brooklyn Ufa An IIWI era statist totaa stnuataa that ltii',0 vt people mi half of this ooun I . « w> »llh. and that 4 per oaut id the pW |» sms'*s It psr cent of the entire property of the country It is au interesting fact that the cant wo first prupuaed by h isrt Morris and named hy 1 homaa JwCarwa*.