The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 27, 1898, Image 1

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    * i
Loup Cut Northwestern
_'_ !_L ____
Reliable war news this week is getting scarser than ever.
The Government censor is being so closely observed that oven
newspaper dispatch boats are excluded irom the waters in prox
imity to our fleet, but that Sampson and Schley, are closely*
|L investing the Spanish fleet there is no doubt, and a decisive
battle can be looked for at any time.
Lincoln Telegram, Friday May l!U 6 30 p, in.
Last night report from Madrid, that Spanish fleet has
arrived safely at Santiago, generally credited at Washington,
if true big naval battle cannot long be delayed. Admitted
Spaniards have gained advantage by reaching friendly port,
but Sampson and Schley combined can make short work of it.
Dispatch from Madrid says Cerevera, has telegraphed govern
ment that his fl*et entered port of Santiago, yesterday. Gen.
\ Merritt, receives final instructions for trip to Philippines.
§?. Leaves Washington for San Francisco, tonight. President
McKinley, said today, invasion of Cuba, would begin at ear
liest posible moment, not ready yet to make second call for
volunteers. Blanco has put Havana, in admirable state of de
fense, and can make strong resistance. Gomez, closing in on
city, but cannot make attack without assistance, Two regi
ments regulars now at New Orleans, ordered to Manila.
?5i Lincoln Telegram. Hath relay May *1 8:30. p. in.
Strategy board at Washington declines to say where
Sampson or Schley are, but admit that Spanish fleet either at
H Santiago or on way to Havana. Battle may come in month
I or may be remote. Key Wost dispatch says, Spanish fleet
still at Santiago, and can decline to give battle as long as de
sired as harbor practically inaccessable, on other hand single
American warship can prevent fleet from getting out. Train
carrying first regiment Missouri volunteers wrecked near
Chickamauga, and four privates killed, and twelve wounded,
due to collision. United States scout boat captures Spanish
gunboat off Jamaica. Blockade of Cuban coast largely
strengthened. Bombardment Guantenamos, begun yesterday
but little damage done. Insurgent forces said to be in full
possession of eastern Cuba. Second Neb., regiment arrived
if Chickamauga.
Lincoln Telegram, Sunday. May 22, «:3U p. m,
High sensational reports of terrific naval fig;ht kept com
ing all last night and had not ceased this morning. Reports
placed same in Windward passage off Haytien coast and
declared that eleven or twelve Spanish warships were sunk
II and two American vessels badly damaged. Nothing yet has
been received at Washington to confirm report, and to-day’s ad
vices tend more strongly to discredit rumor. Feeling among
officials, however, that big fight imminent any hour. Most im
portant real development to-day w as dicision to send Monteray,
|jfc most formidable fighting monitor we have, to Philippines im
mediately. Special from Washington says president will
soon issue call for several regiments of volunteers. Negroes
favored because immune from yellow fever.
K Lincoln Telei;r»m, Monday. May 'it, «:30 p. in.
There has been no naval battle yet so far as known but
news of blowing up Spanish fleet hourly expected. Dispatch
from Key West says any moment may bring news that Samp
son has repeated dose administered by Dewev at Manila.
Stated at Washington , Schlevs flying squadron left Key West
for Santiago last Thursdry and now off latter coast. Sampson
left Key West Friday and should have reached Santiago, noon
today unloss Spanish fleet bus skipped away It is in serious
predicament. Sampson und Schley could bottle it up but not
probable. America would be satisfied with that rather than
wait for enemy to come out. Oregon arrived Key West today
large amount ammunition on wav for ships. Every thing at
Tampa indicates that invasion of Cuba will begin sooner than
ex peeled.
Spat MI M Me KottTMVMfkKM LlfccuM. Hti Vt * S» p ■
General Merritt passed through Omaha, today on way
to San Fraucisco. Auxifiiary cruiser nt. Louia has cut cables
at Santiago, and Guantanamo. Fired upon bv Spanish bat
tery but shots went wild Dispatch from Paris, says revolu
tion in Spain cannot be delayed. Dread question all important
and |icopi« cannot starve and remain patriotic. Attempt made
to wreck train nerr Derminghaui, Al credited to Spaniards
lota* NuttHwtarssN, l.hnuls, Ms; it, s 10, tu
1‘MMkal MrKlato;, WmIs; mole seeooU rail tor wkitg far
mvmI; ttr*,| tuJuiiMr*. IWInuliuk •nail»r to knl ws« «u,l
mvs ns* rsrrsiU till La supurtMMitU lauu^ ,iiifvr«i.t ini.* atssmtisg to
|Kt|»«iltllo« KiimcIoI rfimivil title iKttviiMi till rtvalvt uitl ul Mir*
nuwvUisItlv Sulkltg yet to lutlriH r«|Mftu( belle Is Wii,lt*nl |>»».eg«
ssti iittmlt illMMilal Hmi itlurstUut obtaiMhie si W Mkit|Uir i»
Ikil Sottish twl tto»tt4#ii ti|i flbt bulb •tit)
L 1
Schley, believed at Washington that couple of Spanish ships are disa
bled. Oregon at last definitely located at Jupiter, Fla., and in fighting
trim. Three ships loaded with troops left San Francisco today for Philip
Lincoln Telegram. Tburadsy. May 2S «:IIOp. m,
Only thing to-day concerning lleeta is to make more certain facts that
Sampson and Schley have Cervera safely bottled up at Santiago. Wheth
er it is the plan to starve him out or shell him not declared. Madrid dis
patch quotes Sagasta as saying fleet would take its own time in getting
out and Americans had better beware. Washington dispatches says peo
ple need not wait long for definate news. New York, May 2b, Kvening
Journal bulletin, says President McKinley offered to give Spain Philip
pines and refrain from invading Porto Kico on condition that Spain give
up Cuba. Spanish govennment refuse. This explains delay. Wasbing
ington, May, 26: Important conference begun at White House shortly be
fore noon to-day, subject being proposed movement of troops to Cuba
and Porto Itico. Oregon has arrived at Key West.
The latest dailies received here
ap to the hour of going to press con
tsin the following associated press
Port au Prince, Hayti, May 25.—
the report of the arrival of the Span
ish Cape Verde Fleet at Santiago de
Cuba is correct. The correspondent
here of the Associated press has been
able to obtain definate confirmation
of this news, bat up to the present it
has been impossible to obtain any
details. The dispatches sent from
here to Santiago de Cuba asking tor
information on the subject remain
New York, May 25.—A special
from Washington says. Letters from
Key West, arriving late are becom
ing public to a limited extent long
after they have reached Washington
convey the information that about
everything that can steam, sail or be
towed has been forced into the serv
ice to Assist Admeral Sampson and
Commodore Schley to box up Admir
al Cervera and force him to give
battle, if he has not escaped. Not
a word of the elaborate preporations,
except by way of hints, has come
from Key West, the newspaper cor
respondance having been put on
their honor to not give intimations
of operations that can assist the ene
my in the slightest particular. One
officer of the cabinet says that offi
cial information might arrive at any
moment either that Cervera was bot
tled up or that his fleet was at the
bottom of the ocean. He said. “I
do not look first for unofficial infor
mation for the reason that the com
manding officer of the United States
forces has concluded that he can get
along without as much possibil.
ity of injurious observation if lie ex
cludes newspaper boats, aw he bus
Tbe administration is determined
that if Ctrvera will not fight, but
manifests a determination to get
away and return to Spain, to follow
him up and kill his fieet before it can
reach its own side of the Atlantic.
To do this might require the send
ing of coal ships along with the
United Slates fieet for some disunite,
but if any accident should happen
to any of OieSpauisb vessels, or tbe
supply ot coal should ruu out, Ad
miral Cervara would have to run the
risk of destruction, or else abandou
a disabled vessel in the hope of get
ting oil with the others, or perhaps
be overtaken by single ships uuttl the
whole fleet was gobbled up. It is
| calculated bv naval officers that the
Spauish fleet has now altout exhaust
led Its fuel, and il cannot undertake
I the difficult ta*k of retreating The
oatv honorable outcome is fur Mparu
' ship* to try cooelusiona at once white
the coal bunkers and the food sup
pints are wot completely exit rested
There will be wo news of flampsoa
or tbhiey natil owe or both has test
j ed tho lat liusuoo or ability of Ad
aural l'elvers to tight. Naval oiBosts
j laugh ai the •uggestMrw that If l‘er
vera should give the United States
ships the slip the vessels of Samp
son’s and Schley's fleet would he
again withdrawn to Key West to lie
used as convoys to protect the trans
ports tnoviDg the army to Cuba, leav
ing Cervera to stay in these waters
or to return as he pleases.
The New York, Mail and Express,
the paper that sent out the fake tele
gram about the great naval battle,
last Tuesday, was a few years ago,
edited by Klliott F. 'Sheppard, who
was considered the nearest to a Saint
of anything they had in the city, and
the paper was known to Journalists
as the Male in Distress. Anthony
Comstock, the chief mogul of the
society for the suppression of vice
was a bosom friend of Mr. Sheppard,
and termed the biggest liar in the
city. His society was known as the
S. 8. V. and in vulgar parlance,
known as Soap, Soap, and Vusceline.
Mr. Sheppard is dead, probably Mr.
Comstock is editing the paper now.
The flags made by members of the
Army and Navy on board of the
ships Machas, Boston and Olympia
of the Dewey squadron in Hong
Kong, and presented to the regular
army and Navy union at their annu
al convention held last October
will be a feature of Kansas City’s
Dewey day parade.
The weather is all that could he
desired. Plenty of moisture.
Milt Hills is expected soon He has
been sojourning at Lincoln. His
father resides here.
Some of the prosperous farmers
are preparing to take in the Nation
al encampment at Cincinnati!.
Mr Ingals is slowly recovering
from his illness.
Mrs Morgan isipiite sick and has
been coutincd to her bed for a long
The ti. A. It. at Lilcbtield will ob
serve Memorial Pay with appropri
ate ceremonies.
Corn planting in this vnciuily is
’ done for this year and farmers are
waiting aud watching for it to about.
Mr T. L Smith, barlier of Par
well la visiting Id* folks on Pavia
i Creek today. He will return to Ida
talier this eieutng
Mr. Lewis William*, of l<oup City
who is breaking prattle fur It Srnel
»er, of Ashton in this vactail) done
i >uie Sunday to vhnt his daughters.
It is rumored that one of the fair
set of this comwumtt ia a»«*u to he
married Peiha|ia congratulations
will be In order In our weal.
The small gran* in this pnrt of
the okisIi |imiket better than it has
• for year* If the had ami wind will
owl) let it alone the yield will ba Im
: wstM At It la
A part of our Tuesday * telegram
proved to .be false anil so we do
not give it space in ('ill. It part
ially detailed an account of a great
naval battle that was never fought,
wherein it stated that the entire
Spanish fleet bail been wiped out,
that the New York and Indiana bat
tleships had been suuk and that the
American loss of life was 750. The
report seems to have originated with
the New York Mail and Express.
Congressman Bill Green is indus
triously pushing along a renomina
tion boom by means of a Washington
literary bureau. The Sixth district is
now being flooded with copies of the
Silver Knight-Watchman which con
tains Bill's latest photo and a speech
against furnishing the money to car
ry on the war. We opine that this
will prove very poor campaign liter
ature among the patriotic voters of
the big sixth.—Ogallala Republican.
The Westfield (Inil) Newt, prints the
following In regard to an old resident
of that place; “Frank McAvoy, for many
years In the employ of the L., N- A. &
0. Ry. here says: “I have used Cham
berlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy for ten years or longer—am
never without It In my family. 1 con
sider it the best remedy of the kind
manufactured. I take pleasure in re
commending it.” It is a specific for all
bowel disorders. For sale by Odendab
_ _f
Tb« Bout K«ra«<ljr for Kh«umitliiu
From the Falrberen (N. V.) Ketfluter.
Mr. James Kolaud of this village,
states that for twenty-five year* hUjwlfe
has been a sufferer from rheumatism .
A few nights a go she was In such pain
that she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr,
Rowland for the doctor, but be bad
read of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and
Instead of going for the physician he
went to t he store and secured a bottle of
It. Ills wife did not approve of Mr.
Roland’s purchase at first, but neverthe
less applied the Balm thoroughly and
in an hour’s time was able to go to
sleep, title now applies It whenever
she feels an ache or a pain and finds
It always gives relief. He says that no
medicine which she has used ever did
her as much good. The 95 and 50 cent
size* for sale by—Odendahl Bro’s.
8. C. P. Jones, Millersburg, Pa.
writes; "I have used be Witt’s Little
Early Risers ever since they were intro
duced here and must say 1 have never
used any pills In my family during
forty years of house keepihg that gave
such satisfactory results as a laxative
or cathartic.”—Odendahl Rro’s.
Greatly reduced rates to Omaha via
the Union Pacific for the Opening Day
of the Tran*.Mississippi Exposition,
June 1, 1898. For rates, limits • on
tickets and full information call on
W. b. Clifton, Agent.
According to the newspapers, an Ohio
liUHband became the happy father of
seven children not long ago. Of the
seven all lived but one. It is to be hop
ed he laid In a supply of Chamberlaln’i
Cough Remedy . the only sure cure for
croup, wh loping-cougb, colds and
cougbs, and >-o insured bis children
against them diseases. For sale by
Odendahl Bro’s
D. C. DOE, . A. P. CULLEY,
Vice-President. Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, $50,000.
Loans on Improved Farms at NINE per cent. Best Company and Beat Tsrma
to be had in the west.
Cokrrsponpknts: Chemical National Bank, New York City, N. Y., Omaha
National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City. Portland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
anti all points and all points
Kast aud South. West
liOINti Fast
No tot I'unmssr ! ,V> a ui
No w Freight .. .. * Nap at
No. SI Passenger |;|lp in
No Ml Freight ilitoa. ui
sleeping. dinner aad reel I mug thalr ear#
<wati (reel on througli trams Tlokal#
•<>IU ami latggage ettaeaed lu any |a>ml la
the United stale# or Canada,
For Intortaatlon, map*, lime talilaa and
n-kals tall on or write to A F. Wart#
Agent or J. FK AMt'l*. liea’I 1‘aasaager |
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
b. r. tun a At
at lea*** daily aaewpl nswlar ipaaa
augart, I Mr a m
Mt Ss leases Naaday, Wadaaaday and
Friday, on »*di, < b|i *»
Mo v laavaa Tuesday Tbur*4ay and
Saturday, iMtlsadi t k> p m
Mo M arrives daily sitspl Monday imtaad*
tl ¥ • M
4*11 y *l««c*ft NiMNUf iplta
» > 4 |t m
fir*! t***M «*f % t*« »»«l i lrlM
•Ml, **4 MaU
M |> t'MIMft. 4|Mlt
U«li illy Mail*i Miyiii
l*n*>M |*14 lu»
Bukmnoton Houtb.
Through tourist sleeping cars, In
charge of special excursion managers
anil accompanied by uniformed Pull
man porters, leave Kansas City, every
Thursday morning for Portland, Ore.
They run over the Burlington Route
to Denver. D. A. K G.Rv (Scenic Line)
to (>gden. Oregon Short Llue, and O. R.
A. N Co. to destination A lav-over of
ten hours Is made at Salt Lake City,
giving passenger* au opportunity to be
come aci|ualnl«d with one of the moat
beautiful and Interesting cities In the
world. Travelers destined to Portland
or auy other Pacific Northwest point
should Join these weekly excursions.
There Is uo cheaper or mure comforta
ble way lo make the trip. The cars have
all (he convenience* of palace sleeping
cara.lackiug only their elaborate tlulsh
Second class tickets are accepted, Berth
rate. Kauaas City to Portland. #3.00
Pur tickets and full Information, call
at iiearest Hurliugton Route ticket
uttb-e or write lo J Prancls, Q. P A.
Omaha Mob,
j I
I _
t«giiH, li»»41 sbliwinl, >**4 1 _
***»«•• ft fill
£$•■«• 1 I# d i*Afr*8|* §*•’4•
*»• M 4 V * *oi Ms 4M MR ilMM
Hindi ft*** M **« **
ft*,.. «i *4 44 **•*♦*♦
MKMi. >4 # 4iot|, 4 |-4»#M**4h.R «4 Wi Ml *4
>d4ff»■ im ltd «m4 4»i i»W him* tt Mfdfc