The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 20, 1898, Image 8

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    Lioaal Dews. I
Mrs. Martin Comer, li up from
Grand Island, on a visit this week.
ltd. Draper, sold a pig eight months
old the other day, that weighed ‘JIO lbs.
County Supt. is having a stable built
just back of the Landers’ old store
Win. Rowe is putting a new roof on
a part of James Rentfrows dwelling
this week.
The program for commencement ex
ercises for Loup City High School may
be seen on this page.
Ohlsen Bro's have just finished burn
ing a large kiln of brick and now have
a lot of first class brick on hand
8. X. Crlss, Loup City’s only repre.
sentative In the war, started from Lin
coln, lor the Philippines, last Monday
Mr. William Shull, of Washington
township, has BOO acres of wheat In this
season. At present prices Mr. Shull,
has a little fortune In sight.
Henry Ranslnk, callad on ns Wednes
day and Informed us that ha was done
planting com and was restiag now un
til it was ready to plow.
“One Minute Cough Cure is the best
preparation I have ever sold or used and
IJcan’t say too much in its praise.’,—L.
M. Kennon, Merchant, Odell, Ga.-Oden
dahl Bro’s.
8. E. Parker, Sharon, W’is., writes:
"I have tried DeWItt’s Witch Hazel
Salve for Itching piles and it always
stops them in two minutes. I consider
DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve the great
est pile cure on the market.”—Oden
nabl Bro's.
C. W. Gibson, S. P. Howard, John
Terhune, Doc. Watson and a whole gob
of Litchfields elite, were over this week
courting, and viewing this land of corn
and wine, they have to come over here
now if they want to “look upon the
wine when it is red.”
Mr. T. C. Hendricks, late from Kansas
has moved to our city, and will here
after be in the employ of Mr. Hotchkins
proprietor of our roller mills. Mr. Hen
dricks, dropped In and ordered the
Northwestern so as to get acquainted
with the ways of our city.
Last night about six o'clock during
a thunder storm, J. W. Bradley, the
drayman was struck by lightning. Just
after putting his team in tne barn he
cause out and apparently was fixing
an umberella which he has over his
wagon seat when be was struck . The
back of bis neck and his breast was
burnt to a blister as though done by
fire, and some of the hair was burned
from his head. It is not supposed
that bis injuries will prove fatal.
Someof our citizens tell us that they
have quit taking the daily papers since
we hare our bulletin service perfected.
They get Just what the dally contains
at least fifteen hours before the daily's
reach them, therefore the paper has lost
its charm. Lookout for the North
western Bulletin every evening at 7
o'clock, and get the news fresh from
Sampson land.
J. K. Pearson, from Litchfield, dropped
In to see us last Monday, while in the
city. Mr. Pearson says they arc having
plenty of rain and fine prospects for a
good crop this season, but nevertheless
the town is undergoing a drouth that is
liable to last until next spring. But
then they probably can make arrange
ments with ruin maker Wright to have ii
sent in, in original packages.
Lives of poor men oft remind m
hODest toil won't stand a ehance: The
more we work there grows behind us
bigger patches on our pant*, on oai
pants once new and glossy, now o
stripes of- different hue, al! because
subscribers linger and won't pay uj
what is due. Then let us be up and do
ing, send your mite, however small. O
when the rains of summer strike us wi
shall have no pauts at all.-Stolen bodily
Judge John Thompson, of the I lth
judicial district ig holding court thi
week for Judge Sullivan, who ha* beei
interested as attorney In the cases pen
ding. Mr Thompson, made us a ver;
pleasant call the other morning, and ex
changed ideas on the Philippine <|ucs
tion as well as many others. He Is i
genial gentleman, uod his good judg
ment in bis rulings on the bench I
making hint hosts of friends In till
To gee the latest new s from any dal
ly newspaper you should subscribe fo
the morning edition of the Xebrs«,.
State Journal, as the morning editloi
of any other paper cannot reach her
before the day following date of l»sti«
The evening Bee reaches us at ISo'elocI
in , four hours and a half earlier thai
the morning Journal, but the morn
lug Journal goes to press twelve hour
later than the evening Bee and of enurs
contains twelve hour* later new*.
Oden Uhl Hr® * have mounted the!
wew sod* fountain and have I he .aim
In opeiatlon They are also lappuu
the water main In front „f their slots
and will lead the water along the touil
•Ids of the building and bring I
np.Va the inside where It w||j be con
nested with the soda t-..uutn On lbs
made of the glaea eon* al the top «i
the fountain a spray I# pi* and froM
ll a sfcoeer of water •!!! be . unUnuall)
*praylng over the tlalu# it v*sh| them
m Vi<-gather ll la a be* Hful pt**<
of fuioitnee and very art is! ally arm.
News reached the county scat last
Wednesday morning that Mrs. Anna
bade, residing on Bloody Run in
Hazard township, had committed
suicide, and coroner Jones, and sber
ff Patton, went out and held an m
|uest. The inquest developed the
racts that her death was caused
jy a dose of strychnine administered
ay her own hand. She had not been
Nell since the birth of her babe, some
ihree months ago. The was sleeping
n the bed with her husband. He had
the care of the baby entirely and had
been up several times during the
night and every thing was all right.
About sunrise he got up aDd at once
noticed something wrong with her.
He went to her side and ask her the
trouble which after considerable per
suasion she told him. She was then in
great agony and died in about fifteen
minutes. She leaves a young husband
and three small children to mourn
her untimely end.
The A. O. U. W. memorial services
held at the the M. E. Church, Inst Sun
day. May. 15, were largely attended
and creditably carried out. In the morn
ing a committee went to the Evergreen
cemetary and decorated the grave* of
their departed brother*. Another com
mittee selected to decorate the church
did their work well, and the pulpit was
profusely arrayed with flowers and
Just before the service* began, and at
10:<t0 A. M. a large delegation of Work
men and ladies of the Degree of Iloncr
filed in and took seats on the front rows
which had been reserved lor them.
The services were opened by a sele
ction from the hymn book and closed
by the rendering of the closing ode of
the order.
Kev. Mathews delivered a very able
and impressive address, and held the
close attention of the audience through
out the course of his remarks.
The occasion was in retnemberauce of
the departed members of the order, who
are C. M. Walworth, D II. French.
David Christian; L. C. Hiddleson and
W. A. Wilson. Chairs placed in front
of the speaker's stands represented the
vacant chairs in the homes of the
bereaved family. They, too, were de
corated and sod mounds placed on them.
The short address at the close by Mast
er Workman, J. W. Long and the fer
vent prayer by Chaplin, J. A. Angier
made the occasion all the mare im
♦ ♦
The Cuban iiuestion and political is
sues sink into insigniilcance with the
man who suffers with piles What he
most desires, is relief. DeWitts Witch
Ha/.el Salve cures piles. Odendahl Bros.
Justiee Wintecr. of Rockville town
ship reports having performed the cer
emony that united in marriage, Blrner
Thompson, to Miss Katie Carrutb, on
Wednesday evening' May 18,1898. Both
the contracting parties are among the
oldest settler* in Sherman county. The
Nobthwistbhn extends congratula;
A letter from J. L. Baillie, of Shel
ton, Nebr. brings us the sad intelligence
that his son Wilson was severely hurt
last Tuesday by a tornado which passed
through that section of the country.
Wilson was breaking prairie when the
storm came up. He sought shelter in
>-• *»v a> isusu 7 uuv linu sj v
sooaer got inside than the tornado
struck the barn with teriffic force,
and smashed it into kindling wood, lie
was in the wreck and got his left arm
broken in four places, oac above the
elbo and three between the wrist and
elbo. Ills face was badly cut and bruis
ed and was hurt otherwise. He Is the
brother of Mrs. NT. J. Fisher, and Mrs.
Geo, E. Bensehoter, of this city.
What do you thins about the old
sebool board hiring teachers for the
next year? was-asked ns yesterday by a
• prominent citizen. Our answer is just
, as it has always been, that we do not
think it is the right thing to do. Xo
• other public boards, he ir for Village,
township or county perforates official
’ aets that covers the regular rotirie ot
' work for the year, or years following
i their term of office. Their duty is sim
ply to clean up the old business' for the
, year and the new board should begin
the work covering their term of office
It may tie that the majority of the pen
pie are satisfied with the way the schools
, have been conducted aad fully endorse
the action of the school beard in the
past, and it uiay be that they do not
1 This true state of utl airs can only tie as
> oertained at the polls. At any rate the
people should have a voice In Ibc mat
The special term of district court for
Sherman county,convened u»t Monday
1 afternoon with Judge Thompson oj
i Grand island. on the bench The crlui
. Inal ca«e of Id.. I I
Smith, two eUeigel wheat thieves,
■ charged with stealing seventy bushel,
■ of wheat last winter from Janie, > ole
i was among the first to to’ brought
before the bar Both prisoners ple.i
guilty to the charge, and received m ti
leries'* a> follow* Barney Smith, tin
younger ot the two was presumably on
account of hi* age sent ett< * *1 to Imprts
onanist lu the county i* 1 for a term -n
thirty days, and to nay a floe to vir
• wiote, of #."*»on, 1 Itch Vote aged »!., ,1
[ forty years we* given two year, lu t s
•late peuiieullary The,' prisoners
have levs langulsbtug m the county
I jail lor sevetal months past ewa.ltug
th»*r (rial. They are the fellows who
Ur*he jell amt were alter want* re, >p
tufe.l by a he 11 It Fallon at Iscmer
The proeet Itlon sretus |» t„ well pleas
e*l with Use turn Ibecaae has lelsvn a1
1 I V%l fi’MlMIII
1 | MH III* f %'** , !»| |«F t'liitil. It ) III# «r v
t»«*»e he i.g of a psssel.
I n«*mr
At a regular meeting of Loup City
Camp, No. 6M M. W.of A. the follow
resolutions were presented by the com
mittee appointed for that purpose, and
were unanimously adopted by the Camp.
Whereas It has been the will of
the powers that shapes the destiny of all
mankind that our beloved Neighbor.
W A. Wilson, should depart this life
lor the unknown beyond, and that in
[he death of Neighbor Wilson, our
Camp loses a member who ha* been eon
itant In his devotion to the loved ones
»f our Neighbors gone before, therefore
tie it
Resolved: That we as Loyal Wood
men, do hereby give expression to the
■orrow we feel on account of his death
ind fully realize the loss our uainp sus
tains. in as much as he was always ready
and willing to bear his part of any bur
den that might be placed upon him.
And that we share with iiis griefstrlck
mi family and friends, the sorrow which
his sudden taking away causes them
And ever stand ready as a hand of tiue
Neighbors to extend tbe right hand of
fellowship to them.
Resolved: That these resolutions
he published in the Loup City North
western. And that a copy be saut to
the sorrowing family, and that our hail !
he draped in mourning for a period of
thirty days.
J. McCoy 1
VV. II. s Committee.
G II Gibson )
J.L. IIoi’t’ER, Ven. Consul.
J. McCoy, Clerk.
At a regular meeting of I.onp City
Lodge, No. 33, A. O. U. W., the follow'
log preamble and resolutions were pre
sented by the committee appointed for
that purpose, and unanimously abopted
by tbe Lodge:
Whereas, the spirit of Brother W.
A. Wilson, a beloved brother of our
order, passed from this life on the 5tb.
day of May, 1898. And inasmuch as our
Lodge has performed the last act of re
spect due Ins remains. Therefore as a
testimonial to the life and character of
our Brother, who has passed within the.
yell, be it
Resolved: That we hereby giro ex-1
pression to the sorrow we feel on ae.
count of his death. And we recognize the
loss our Lodge has sustained. That we
share with his family and friends the
mantle of sorrow which his taking away
has caused them,and shall ever be ready
to extend the right hand of fellow-hip
to them.
Resolved: That a copy of these
resolutions be published In the North
western, of Loup City. And that a copy
be sent to the family of the deceased
brother, and that the hall be draped iu
mourning for thirty days.
. W. R. Mellok l
Wm.Ckamek Committee.
A. Watkinson )
J. W. Long, Master Workman
A. Watkinson, Recorder.
♦ ♦- -
We desire to express our sincere
thanks to the many friends who so kind
ly assisted us in our sad bereavement.
Mks. W. a. Wilson,
Lewis A. Wilson,
Rufus A. Wilson,
Ernest E. Wilson,
Mks.Esta Schaufi’.
Take the union Pacific to Denver and
attend the American Medicine Associa
tion Meeting, June 7, 18118. Low ex
cursion rates for the round trip. Spec
ial excursions arranged from Denver
to Mountain Resorts: also to Salt Lake
City aud points west. For sleeping
car reservations, rates.etc., call on
W. D. CLITFON.A gent.
The human machine starts but once
and stops !>uf ouee. You can keep it
going longest and most regularly by
using DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the
famous little pills for constipation and
all stomach and liver trouble Odendah'
* • *
One Minute is long, yet rel ef is ob
tallied in half that time by the me of Om
Minute rough Cure It prevents con
j sumption and quickly cures colds, croup
bronchitis, pneumonia, la grippe and al
throat ‘and lung troubles Odendah
I Bro’s.
To be observed at Loup City, May
30, 189s under the auspices of Shiloh
Post, No. 124, and Shiloh Circle, No.
5. U. A. R.
Hon. A. P. Culley, Orator of the
Program of exercise: At 8;30. a. m.
The committee appointed for that
purpose will leave the post room anil
repair to Evergreen Cemetary, and
Moon Cemetary respectively, where
they will fittingly scatter flowers
above the mounds that mark our
com rads graves. Ladies Commitee
of Shiloh Circle will join comrades in
this work.
At 10,o'clock a. in., ail old Sol
diers. Ladies of Shiloh Circle and
Sons of Veterans, will meet at Post
room and form in marching order on
It It street facing the east.
At 10:30, the children of the pub
lie schools led by their teachers, will
be escorted by martial band to their
position in the ranks.
At 10:45 beaded by the LoupCity
Cornet Band, the line of march will
be taken up. moving east on It. It.
street to east side public square,
thence north to north aide public
square, thence west to the opera
At 11, a. ra, the Ladies of Shiloh
Circle will conduct the interesting
ceremony in memory of the ununowu
dead, after whish there will follow
an address bv the orator of the day,
Hou. A. P. Culley.
Beautiful music and patriotic songs
will enliven the exercises. Coine
every one, rest from your labors tor
one day and help us to make this day
one pregnant with lessons of patriot
ism and love of country and the flag.
We are on the march today as a na
tion to uphold the cause of human
freedom and smite the oppressor.
Let us then come together on that
day breathing a fervent prayer for
victory over the foe, and for the
safety of the gallant .boys who are
carrying our standard to the front
on sea and on land.
By order of Committee.
* ‘ *
Soldiers Attention:—To the members
of Shiloh Post, No 124, Dept of Nebras
ka, G. A. R. You and each of you are
hereby commanded to present yorsolves
at headquarters at the post room, Sun
day May 29, 1898 at 10, o’clock sharp,
there to form In ranks and march to the
M. E Church to attend memorial ser
vice. Service to he eondueted by Rev.
W, E. Mathew. All old Soldiers not
members of the post, sons of veterans,
and Sliiloh Circle G. A R„ are cordi
ally requested to meet us all at the
post room, and join with ns in the ser
vices in memory of our noble dead. By
Lewis Bechthold. Commander.
W. 11 COKGEIi, Adj.
—— ♦♦♦•
Farmers, Insure your property in
The Phenix Insurance Company,
against Fire, Lightning. Wind storm*
Cyclones and Tornadoes.
w\ J. fish Bit. Agent.
Call on T. M. Reed for gard
en and field seeds, in bulk or
All partie- wanting dressed chicken
for Sunday should order same before 12
o’clock Saturday, as we dress chickens
on Saturdy afternoons only.—S. F.
S. M. Geary, Pierson, Mich , writes:—
‘■DeVVitt's Witch Hazel Salye is curing
more piles here to-day than all other
remedies eombintd. It cures eczema
and all other skin deseases.” Otlenduhl
M. E Church May 22nd, 1898.
Preaching, 10:30, a. in. “The Chris
tian Sabbath. 8,p. ui. Epworth League
Anniversary Service.
Late to bed and early to rise, prepares
a man for his home in the skies. Early
to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill
that makes life longer and better and
wiser. Odendabl, Bros.
The Hon. O. J. Yandiku, Deputy
(■rand Master of the Ancient Order ol
Halted Workman, in Nebr. will visit
Loup < tty. on the 2*1, day of May. I»9h
And will give a public Lecture in the
A. O. C. W. hall All are cordially
invited to attenj.
A Waikinsom. Recorder.
Th. mimnt «»v« im iu . *. r«’U«» f**r \h. Loup Hty Hut* 4tH<m.1 «i|| |m- bold
M») *• i’ » in ih* uperti U'mim*. Bulkin Ini i« u***
: ........
laiuciitu* H*v w K Hinuaai
’uHlIllWh Vlrliifi Hrinirt |t% I4r» »rn
!ll>»*lfc M I'm»n**
Oft** -'ft ll« T<MillW ll<ut U U Hk1 >4 Sitluft* llttiUl+tl
AU»»u H In*
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•H«Mk» I f4.m IM IV«.\ W« ¥£#* \H* «!•« «*
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»*• tUI Pilif-iM
% #•. %-..! . »«*ry mI tM|
l*»* «M m§>
t*¥* •**.*» ttf llM wt «c>a
A Corn Planter or
r ir
Harrow or Sulky Plow, a
Mills, Pumps and Pipes.
f. JH. PEED,
will insure your crops against hail in the reliable
This cotnpanv lias been engaged in the Hail business for the past
fourteen years. Within the last eleven years it has paid for losses by
Hail the sum of f4l 1,030.30, This large sum of money bus been paid
without a single law suit, and to the satisfaction of the claimants.
The Hail policy is the fairest and most njuitable ever issued by any
insurance company. It carefully protec ts the interests of the insured and
provides a just method for arriving at. the amount of the loss in case the
crop be injured by bail.
This is the only Jstock l'ire Insurance Company in the United States
engaged ir. the hail business. It has ample assets to cover all liabilities.
It pays its losses promptly and honestly We solicit your business for
the year 181>k.
F. E. BREWER, Agent.
War lias been declared at
We Guarantee OUR PRICES TO
Stock of Hardware
Bunnies and Farm Implement.
Packet Store
Tin: Mt'XOAY .MU |{NAl‘
liuilntC ||r ur«*i WKt' \i ilvntofit jim.
|ilf eauuot 11 if 11^it |>4|n t> it. r«- <1 oil
III*’ all nl.f'fliliu: |li> Mtlv
Journal a* « t|*tial I'llir, Mill mui.I
(iw (It# iiril Hunili) Hutu Journal,
tkrw# uuutli* la any |» r»mi mol.og in
|I,W tor a |*■ 41** •uiMt'ri|itii>M to Un
it#* i M rwkty Mai# Journal
Ikrtl ■ ti'lllHj tllnri I If* pwilti \\ willy
Journal U’«l» ibsuMkittli ill to i'Im’#*
•O'I Mill* a *og • 11 It fti |’%|ti |u|q r
ltfiiM.1 to It Ilf ml «‘r»l i tt4-.l1, tf l
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Hliv Mil t« hiil«|ii>ii<|i nl*uilu«Mi tiMif
n iiii.v Kit* | *hlt'h Hill kiiv |,,ur
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