The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 13, 1898, Image 1

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The past week of the war has been rather uneventful,
owing to the movement of Sampson’s fleet, from Cuban waters,
and the great distance he had to travel before reaching his
^destination and the lack of facilities to communicate with him
on the way. But last night brought us news of a more start
ling nature. The official report of Admiral Dewey, as to his
distruction of the Spanish fleet at Manila, was received the first
part of the week, and gave the people plenty to talk about for
several days. His brilliant victory is not only the most daring
and phenominal in modern history, but surpasses anything
. ^recorded in any age, and while we rejoice from the depth of
our hearts we must not expect such great fortune to attend us
Again. Last evening the electric messenger brought us the in
teligence that our little torpedo boat Winslow, was pierced
* through and through by a Spanish shell which exploded and
sent eight brave seaman and lieutenant Bagley, to the
other world. On Tuesday last, this little boat faced tliree Span
ish gunboats and drove them to cover, disabling one of them.
| | Elated with her success, she ventured too close toshore yester
^1' day and was herself roughly handled, and had to be towed
' away disabled. This lesson, though rather costly, may be a
blessing in disguise. Troops are now concentrating at Tampa,
Fla. and San Francisco, Cal. for transportation to Dewey in
the Philippine, from San Francisco, and to Cuba, from Tam
► pa. One cargo of arms and amunition has already been safe
ly landed in Cuba, and turned over to Gomez. Transports
with men and munitions of war are to sail from Tampa, today
for points in Cuba. And the prospects are that ten days more
will see Havana, in our hands, and the reign of the bloodthirsty
Don, forever broken, in the Pearl of the Antiles.
Special to the Northwestern, Lincoln, May 6, 6:30 p. in.
—No newa from Dewey yet. Report current Washington,
cable has been opened with Manila, but no confirmation up to
SI late hour this evening. Shanghai dispatch to London, says,
Dewey bombarded Manila, and much of town burned. Dis.
H patch says many wounded, men at Manila, swear allegiance to
United States. Canvass of Senators at Washington shows
large majority to bo in favor of retaining Philippines. All in
terest centers in destination of Sampsons fleet, it was sighted
™ off Kingston, Jamaica, which goes to confirm reports that he
is bound for Porto Rico. Big French steamer tries to run
Cuban blockade, captured and taken to Key West, found to
have on board 161 Spanish soldiers and a large amount of arms
and amunition. Great Britain expelled ex-Spanish Minister
Barnabe, from Canada
Special to the Northwestern, Lincoln, May 7, 6:30, p.m.
—News has como from Dewey. Victory of American Com
I modore in Philippines most complete, emphatic, glorious in
history naval warfare. Official reports reached Washington,
from Dewey himself this morning, it is brief and pointed.
r Dated May 1st, says, Squadron arrived off Manila, at daybreak
this morning and immediately engaged enemy, we distroyed
eleven Spanish vessels. American squadron uninjured and
only few men slightly wounded. Further reports from unoffi
cial sources aavs every Spanish ship of consequence destroyed.
Three hundred Spanish killed and four hundred wounded.
But six Americans wounded and none serious. Dewey says
in later dispatch, am master of situation but must have more
men to occupy Manila. Seeretary Long, says they will lie sent
immediately, Washington, officials now waiting for Sampson
to strike next blow.
Special to the Northwestern, Lincoln, May M, 7:<HI p. hi.
—Rumors of battle in vicinity of Porto Kico between Sam
pson's fleet tad enemy have been coming in all day. Oulv
thing tojustify reports is that heavy tiring has liecn heard;
may be target practice. Dav quiet at Washington, but ad
mitted every where that decisive battle on Atlantic waters if
not already going on; cannot lie long delayed* Laic report*
place Spanish loss at Manila sit hundred Iteinforeemeuts
, lor Ib'wey start from San Francisco not later than Saturday.
Special to the Northvv emTKKN Lincoln, May, 9, fiS>> p. lit.
War department today makes no s«vret of intention to
invadeCuba with forty thousand men this week. Messenger
lias arrived at Tamim with word from Gomes, saving he and
men are in spketnlru fighting trim and aniious to co-o|*erate.
Fifteen thousand men under General Shafter may leave to
morrow, second division under l«ce,goes later. Sampson
Heel sighted off Cape 11 ait ten steaming slowly toward Potto
Kiev, at present rate of travel will reach then* Wedm -duv
Firein# heard yesterday whs Sampsons fleet But it meant noth
ing. If Spanish fleet is at Porto Rico, battle will occur the
moment Sampson arrives if not Sampso" will take possession
port and await enemy. Terrable riot at Linares, Spain, sol
diers fire on mob killing many.
Special to the Northwestern Lincoln, May 10,0:30p. m.
—Hong Kong dispatch says Spanish at Manila have taken
terrible vengence for defeat by Dewey, mob reported to have
killed Montejo, Spanish Admiral and two sons. Dewey un
able to control insurgents who threaten to sack city. Austria,
has at last declared neutrality. First expidition army of in
vasion for Cuba, leaves Tampa, Thursday. General Miles,
leaves Washington for Tampa, and prospects are that full force!
fifty thousand men will be on Islam! before end of week. Noth
ing from Sampson further than he is near Porto Rico, search
ing for enemy, may bombard San Juan, or may return and1
assist in landing troops.
Special to the North western, Wednesday, May II 6:30 p. m.
Madrid dispatch says no supplies will be sent to Havana at all. Mian
co, must work his own salvation, have trouble enough at home. Definitely
known today that entire .Spanish licet at Cadiz, though reports say it will
sail within twenty-lour hours, feeling at Washington that Spain will avoid
sea tight as long as possible preferring to sacrifice Cuba and Porto Rico,
rather than suffer a second Manila, disaster. Report expected hourly that
Sampson has bombarded San Juan, i’orto Rico. Sehlcys flying squadron
soon to he sent south to assist in takiog Cuba. Relieved bombardment of
Havana, cannot be long delayed. Sampson to send four heavest ships to
take part while remainder stay out on oceaD watching enemy. President
say in name Dewey, us rear admiral. Madrid, Heralder says anarchy
reigns in Spain, and not one ray of light in the general gloom.
Special to the Northwestern, Thursday, May 12, 6:30 p. m.—
Fighting ail along line today and United States suffered first reverse
off Cardenas, Cuba. Torpedo boat Winslow ventured to close to shore
when masked batteries opened fire and shot her through and through, shell
burst on boat killing Lieutenant Magley, and eight seaman. Winslow did
not sink, hut drifted helplessly until liuasou, and Wilmington came to
rescue. Later, in revenge turned heavy fire on batteries silencing them
and killing number of Spaniards. About same time off Cienfuegas, at
tempted to land American troops, Spaniards showed figiit and bombard
ment of town began. Six American ships engaged and two Spanish gun
boats, one of latter destroyed and another crippled. American ships not
injured. Several shots fell in town and warehouse and residence distriet
said to be on fire. Almost certain Sampson engaged in bombardment San
Juan, Porto Rico. New York Herald says dynamite cruiser Vesuvius has
been sunk, nothing to confirm it, but report from three quarters say bom
bardment is on.
A Key West dispatch to the New
York World says:
The Torpedo boat Winslow en
gaged three Spanish gunboats oil'
Cardenas bay Sunday afternoon.
It disabled one and came out un
scratched. The men of the Winslow
thought odds of three to one fair,
and their one pounders against the
Spanish six pound rifles. It was a
brilliant minor engagement, Tbe
Winslow and tbe Maehias were ol
the blockade of! Cardenas yesterday.
Tbe harbor is thickly strewn with
mines and torpedos. In the en
trance to the channel three small
gunboats have been bottled up since
the begiuniug of the war. Occasion
ally they have stolen out toward sea,
but never venturing beyond tbe in
ner harbor, running like rabbits at
the sight of American ships. Tor
pedo boats have tried to draw the
enemy out by going inside as far as
safe. A few days ago a buoy was
moored bv Spaniards inside the en
trance of the bay to mark the posi
tion of entrance for the gunboats.
A signal station on the shorn oppo
site was iustructed to notify tbe
guuboats inside when tbe. torpedo
boats wi re within the limit distance
marked by ihe Uiuy. The scheme
was that the gun lumis could ritti out,
open tire at tbe oue-inilu range, and
then retreat without the chance of
being cut off. Tbe men of tile fflio
low eyed this buoy and guessed its
pul pose.
The Winslow steamed on iicanv
to the range buoy, when three gun
boat* slipped their cable* and ran to
their *»fty limit. Three six pounder*
were trained at yards. In a
few minutes shore signal* told the
Sp inlaid, that the torpedo boat w »>
in range Toe ut pounder* crack
led anti three shell* threw water
.pout* around the Winetow, hrtt i*
was not strut k lusted of running
away, it drose ahead, attar king the
Lieutenant Ueruardo no * •otter *a »
I ike hut whit-- smoke putt* from tb«
Spanish gnu* than Its gate the word
ansi two forward one pound. ** iff
I pet| she il» In tie* twiddle of the ft **|ll *
when *he me raised by the rapid
Hie om pound* was lit* * ratio*)
Ike Spanish were staggered at this
onslaught, single hautbd ami liul
1 wildly
Tbe Winslow now swung around
broad side to bring its two aft guns
to bear as tbe Spanish fleet scattered
and lost for-mation. The Winslow
soon maneuvered, so that it was pep
pering at all three gunboats at once.
The sea was very heavy and the tor
pedo boat rolled so wildly that it was
impossablu to do good gun practice
from its decks, hut the rapidity of its
fire and remarkable effectiveness un
der the circumstances demoralized
all three opponents which after the
Winslow had tired about fifty shells
began gradually to work back toward
the shelter of the harbor, '1 uey were
stil hammering away with their six
pounder, hut after the iirst tire were
wild. Several shells passed over the
Winslow one exploded 100 feet astern
At last a one pound shell from the
Winslow struck the hull of the gun
boat Pinzon a little aft of midship,
apparently exploding on the inside.
Tim Winslow men yelled. The Piu
zoo stopped, evidently disabled, two
of its comrades went toils assistance.
By this time the Spauish boats had
retreated nearly into tde position
where they could not he followed be
canes of mines. The Piuzon got un
der way slowly and limped home
ward with the help of a towline from
its consort, lhiring this episode the
MHildas had returned and when
within the two mile range let fly two
four-inti! shells The flotilla muting
ed to creep back into Cardenas bar
bor in safety.
This is the hottest encounter of
the war in Cuba up to -late, hut it
w hs it) tn li attlle so to apeak The
Spanish gnu boats at Cardenas ire
shout the length of the Wittslotp tort
■u<>ur I heavier guns.
Hlr h iiu «*•» su Ranh"
I tut t« -ho Kdwsrd* a Parker, mer
chants of I’D i r. Da . tio of t 'hstttiwr
i« a’* l*«ia IV- at, for iti-cuoi-tii*m, i on** ti* ep <*- tied and in".ruttf pon*
s- -! at IMiM'ahl it r o' * llfttggisir
\c» ..Ilog t,« the na* <t>s|tsr*, an
h»> .«ml i-< > o*.* Iks hsppt father of
i c i cl- I teen to>t king ago, Ilf the
» i«- mI bred tort one ft is to Mr k*>n
- I H« I*|4 la a ropeir *1 • hsio -etUi- *
i- .g h Metro d) - th# sail sum cum tor
>*oSit(a -1 t‘>. ‘plug coo git, CStiii* s<ol
. •igi«*. sa t m >a«wr*d hit children
rgSins* Ikess .it * *»*■ f ar csts I.) I
< > I mtshl His t
1 I
. . _.
Camp Thomas, Ga. May 5, InUIS.
Dear Folks At Home—Your
letters were a great comfort to me
when received the 4,inst.
I am somewhat belter at present
than I was when I arrived. This is
a pretty place, and <|Uite thickly
wooded. We are having battle for
mation, and learning to bushwack.
We ure looking for an order any
time taking us to the front in Cuba,
where we are anxious to test our
strength in protection of Old "Glory."
dim. say's that people in Loup City
think Ash. will make a good soldier.
I think they had better wait until 1
get under fire and then make their
coiniueuts. 1 do not think however
i will falter in the least, for l, as well
as every regular soldier have been
trained not to fear death. You ought
to have seen how crazy people were
as we were passing through the towns.
They met us with all kinds of salutes.
They would cheer us with the great
est enthusiasm, and pull buttons off
our blouses for relics. In fact they
would wake us at night us we passed
hoping to encourage us. The demon
strations cheered us greatly, and if
we were to have an encounter tomor
row i here would be but few if any
falter. 1 wish you could see the
thousands of soldiers that are assem
bled iiere, and see them make a charge
while at drill; it is enough to scare
the wits out of a person not used to
it. If 1 get a good shot ata Spaniard
I will bring you back a scalp. Father
1 will take care of my health, there
in no danger of my getting fever, at
least 1 do not fear it. 1 think when
1 am discharged in August, I will
come home and see you, and if the
war has not been decided by that
time I will enlist in the volunteers
and then when the war is over 1
would again tie free. But ahould I
re-eulist in the regular army, I would
i have to serve my full term of three
| years. I have a small flag with our
motto on which 1 will carry through
j the war. Our motto is “Hemember
| the Maine," 1 close with love to all.
Asunir (Jonoeb.
The Beat KetutHljr for I(li0uuitliiu
From the Fairheven (M. V.) aegister.
Mr. James Roland of this village,
states that for twenty-live years his,wife
has been a sufferer from rheumatism.
A few nights a go she was In such pain
that she was nearly crazy. Hhe sent Mr,
Howland for the doctor, but he had
read of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and
Instead of going for the physician he
went to the store and secured a bottle of
it. Ills wife did not approve of Mr.
Roland’* purchase at first, but neverthe
less applied the Balm thoroughly and
In at hour’s time was able to go to
sleep. She now applies It whenever
she feels an ache or a pain and finds
It always gives relief. He says that no
medicine which she has used ever did
her as much good. The 36 and 60 cent
sizes for sale by—Odendahl Bro’s.
8. C. P Jones, Millersburg, Pa.
writes:—“1 have used OeWitt's Little
Early Risers ever since they were intro
duced ber< and must say I have never
used any pills In my family daring
forty years <>r house keepihg that gave
such satisfactory results as a laxative
or cathartic.”—Odendahl Rro’s.
Vice-President. 0 ashlar.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, $50,000.
Loans on Improved Farms at NINE per cent. Best Company and Best Terms
to be bad in the west.
Corkkrpondknts: Chemical National Bank, New York City, N. Y., Omaha
National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
S|. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kaovu* City, Portland,
St. Loula, San Krauetxeo,
anti all point* and all point*
Kail and South Weal
TH.«i*aa Ltavr. Aa tuunwa
Nd M l>«M«naer 7 V. a m
Mu iw I relyht o. |. Ul
ttoiNu wtvr
Mo M rwMumiir t ltp a.
No M ltel*lil llima. m
atrrjnna dinner and nwItniM ehair oar#
**'ai» free, ou Ihrouyll tram* I'lekete
wtU aad lmxga*a elieoaed |o any |a>tal In
me Putted atataa or i euaila
for Information. inaue, Hiue iiIiih and
tli «*U taut ou or a rile to A ► WerU
Ax "Ml Or J. I'M ANt’lr, Oea'I. Paaaaaavr
l*"Ut. ouiane. Mafcraaka,
N. «a leavee daily nmyt aauday .paea
euael. T *• a m
No an leave* Moo.lay, Wedaawtay aad
Friday, omtadi I «n j, •«
No to leave* t oeeuav, Tfcuraday aad
aatorday. iwlinlil »• n m
No arrive* dally eiuyl anndav lulled'
Ilka ut
No <• arrive* dally ateapt auadaf .paav
eivyavt I *B a m
t li*l i .aea aarv lea aad vl rae eoaaeallaaa
moI. »«at aad w«HL
w u t'ltium. Aaeat
Leap tity Markal kiyeri
Praia* paid »«*«
' mi I »
W neat Im
Hall M
ll>Ni »•
tea* aad a*tle,« Ml g| Am
teaderv , *m
Malta*, pa, puaad W
Burlington Routk.
Through tourist sleeping cars, in
charge of special excursion managers
and accompanied by uniformed Pull
man porters, leave Kansas City, every
Thursday morning for Portland, Ore.
They run over the Burlington Route
to Denver, D. A R. G,Rv (Moenic Line)
to Ogden. Oregon Short Line, and O. R.
A . N Co. to destination A lay-over of
ten hours Is made at Salt Lake City,
giving passengers an opportunity to be
come acquainted with one of the most
beautiful ami Interesting cities In the
world. Travelers destined to Portland
or any other Pacific Northwest point
should Join these weekly excursions.
There Is no cheaper or more comforta
ble wav to make the trip. The cars have
all the conveniences of palace sleeping
cars.lacking only their elaborate tin lab
Seen id class ticket* are i«ve|i iwi ftfertll
r»t«, Kmi*** riljf to tvou
T or tickets ami full Information, call
at nearest Huriiiigton Route ticket
odtio or write to J KrsncU, G. P A.
Omaha, Neb.
Casssrt^ssli r*4s-M MS* sSSsMmA Sedsh
set ti .» asss Ses.Wi.tsn r rtts
Owe two.« ■* s»««'>i w • sots' A***!
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MS* llW. A«M*«HS*
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