The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 06, 1898, Image 3

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B7*f«7 Pn*nlar<l4 ll«;tort«rt Kill®.I After
• u Hour'* Firing — Tfi® (iuul>u»t
BT*clil»« Al«» Took » Hand —
hhof« From th* Mhor« lint*
terlft Provoked Attack
t>7 t.’io War V••••!*
New York, April V) — A dir,patch
printed by a Wall street news agency
says that tho monitor Terror ami the
gunboat Manillas bombarded Cardenas
killing many Spaniards, but after ari
hour's firing the batteries of lire enemy
were silenced.
A New York Evening Post dispatch
, from Key West to-day says: "I’eports
received here from the blockading
F fleet this morning were to the effect
that the bombarJinent at M a tan 7. us
on Wednesday was followed up yes
! terday by a bombardment of Cardo
nas, east of M atari/.as, on the north
coast of Cuba.”
At that station were the monitor
i Terror and tho gunboat Mueliias.
Shots from tho shore batteries pro
voked them to lire back. For two
hours, the report says, Cardenas with
stood the bombardment. Then the
ancient guns, which did no damage to
i the ships, suddenly grew silent.
Captain Harrington of the Puritan
heard nothing of the bring upon Car
denas, where two Spanish gunboats
were hid in the inlet. He says it is
impossible to get nearer than six
miles to the town, which is not forti
Republican Mombiri Decide (Jpoo Fifty
A mend men**.
Washington, April 30.—The Repub
lican in. in be r» of the ways and means
committee held a meeting yesterday
at which fifty amendments to the war
revenue bdl were agreed to. Many of
them are mere verbal amendments,
but some are of considerable import
ance, One of these exempts mutual
and co-operative life insurance
companies from taxation. The tax
on insurance companies is transferred
from the policies to the premiums. In
this the amendment conforms to the
law of 180(1. Tho tax on marine, in
land and fire insurance policies is ex
tended to cover employers’ liability
associations.title insurance companies,
glass and all other special insurance
companies, of which many classes
have grown lip in the past few years.
Railroad telegraphic messages and
all other leased wire messages are ex
empted by an amendment limiting the
tax to messages "on which the com
panies' charges are to be paid or to be
collected.’ Tho tax on chewing gum
is reduced from 1 eant oa a 5-cent
package to )« cent The tax on
beer is extended to includo beer
"stored.” The araeudment was
deemed necessary to cover beer in
storage. The license of dealers in
leaf tobacco is reduced from 8’.’4 to 812
on those whose sales do not exceed
810.00) per annum, and from 818 to
8'4 on dealers whose sales exceed
that amount
The most important amendment
was one which levies a tax of 1 cent
upon ail pay telephone messages cost
ing below 25 cents. The original pro
vision exempted messages for a dis
tance below thirty miles Mr. Tawney
of Minnesota estimates that this
amendment, which will cover all city
and suburban business, will raise
8 5,000, MMX
To l’r|« Salai* to Hsllil
Hai.t*, t’tah, April (I — A letter
from the first president of the Mormon
church to tlovernor Welts on the tub
Jei-t of eulistiueuts has caused some
thing of a sensation The president
said that the fact that the Apostle
Ungham Young, in a discourse >t the
tabernacle Sunday, counseled tha
suml» to r.malu at horn*, and that the
recruiting o fit re in this city th» often*
tag d.ty secured only furlpmita ml
unteiTs was rI'd it a rvlleetl >n
it|c>n the pitr.utlsiH of the people and
that the preside no? of the eliil/ 1 i
would ergo the salats to most.
Gtosss AilstSt to u« Wttn ills Irss.i
tin HI IS, April li- I eeteuaut tussl
\ vs tsott tiis tie#to so not.*,ary at*
IsrM >1 Mashing loo. who is now its
this city, has less ordered to return
to the t’nlted Itrlst slid sssowijusjf
th« Isa u of lh» I oiled ht*te* which
wut operate In t ub*
Tuts Way Hu to . •also*
Tonostiv ttstsiis Ynrd ») Sssar
Pvdo .emitted serene* tone topher .*
bs« trout Madfol test night, the
out| lufst*matte*. ho«*e..r, last eould
bo .■biased * a* that hi a resell of owe
<§f the rebio* the uMwtste. might at aey
rweureet here to start tor 1 endue
Letter* From Itlaoeo and Report* of
*plM Are In the (lovernment'e Hand*
Wasitixotox, April CO—The clerk*
in the dead letter office at the Post*
office department have been busy all
! day examining the cantnred Spanish
j mail, the first batch of which has
| been received in Washington from the
I postoflice at New York. By ttn order
J issued by the Postmaster General, all
! postmasters throughout the country
! are instructed to forward to the de
1 partmeut at Washington all letters
j and packages addressed to persons in
Some of the letters were of werj
great importance to the military and
! naval authorities of 'be United States,
i Soma of them are reports mado by
General Blanco and other Spanish of
ficials In Cuba to their superiors in
Madrid, and relate to the condition of
afi’airs and plan* for the defonse of
the island. Others were written by
i Spanish spies in this country, and
most of them arc unimportant. Several
letters will he turned over to the
| secret service division of the Treasury
1 department, as they contain clews
that may bo useful hereafter.
No one enri remember when the
government of the United States has
held up and opened private corre
spondence before. Certainly never
since the war of 111?, although during
the rebellion letters were frequently
intercepted by orders of the war de
partment or the department of justice,
when it was suspected that they con
tained official information.
Death Sentence to a Spanish Seaman on
the American Slonltor.
Kkv Wkst, fla., April 30.—It is as
serted in an authoritative quarter that
a Spaniard whose name is Charles
Vg'asta* was discovered tampering
with the largest maga/.ine on the
monitor Puritan last Sunday after
The Spaniard was engaged in drill
ing holes in Die bulkhead of the 10
loch magaziuo when discovered, lie
was Immediately placed under arrest,
lie lias been six years in this rmvy and
rates as a storekeeper. He was sev
eral years on the Minneapolis and the
time of his present enlistment would
have expired in a few weeks. He is
now In double irons in the brig of the
Puritan. *
A court of inquiry has found him
guilty and recommends court-martial.
A thorough examination of the man
and his suspicious actions during the
last few weeks, when recalled by his
detection, have convinced Captain
Harrington, commander of the Puri
tan. that the man harbored an insane
notion that, as his country demanded
it, he was willing to make himself a
sacrifice and destroy the monitor by
igniting the contents of the largest
magazine on board.
When searched the man was found
to have about his person cotton waste
saturated with turpentine. This, it is
believed, was to have been used as a
Papers in the case are in the hands
of Hear Admiral Sampson. Great ex
citement is said to exist among tho
men on the war ships in consequence
of the discovery.
- ■ ■
Comptroller of Currency Hawes Benders
nn Important Decision.
W ashixoton, April 30.—An Import
ant ruling has been mad* by Charles
G. Dawes, comptroller of the currency,
relating to the practice of the comp
troller's office in regard to tho collec
tion of tho assessments against the
stockholders of insolvent nutional
bunks, and the distribution of the
proceeds of such assessments.
Under this .•tiling, whenever it be
comes necessary In adjusting the
rights of treditorsand stockholders of
insolvent banks, to either levy a sec
ond assessment upon stockholders for
the be no lit of Ilia creditors, or to re
turn au excessive asses-,meut to stock
holders, the comptroller will review
the original assessment for tho
purpose of waking such an adjust
ment, contrary to the practice of the
office heretofore, which has been to
regard an asso-smeut based on the tir»l
estimate of deficiency In the hank's
assets as tlnnl, trre*|ieellve of whether
that estimate was, as a mat tor of fact,
too large or too small.
The ruling is of great importance as
it relates to assessment* already toned
throughout tho country, as woll as
those hereafter to ter levied upon
stuckbolilors of insolvent national
tranks * hose affairs are trot entirely
Srsisi ttty Ilf*
hrssvs tin, Ms, April XB — Tho
I •« t Mi u %4r. U *«»
W VUW4J*! bv ** ** r
IImi 4 mmmmM+m **l
feiMl 4 | 41 I *, || |A . Ap*it lw
•I \i%*t«t 14 |l U lb#
lb# i> | I U# iwimittilMMi
■•*<■*•» I - I i* * *
4M4M4 •### *♦#"
... „ . _._*
v.iinr i r,n ai.— n ,uu uuiicu. i
"Mi. Harris will walk with me,”
faltered Dorothy, shrinking back.
"By what right?” demanded David,
in a hitter undertone.
"By the right of Miss Strode’s wish,
clr," put in Dick, Icily, "and in some
measure by the right of having been ,
the last person to whom Miss Dirns
dale spoke In this world, and In some
measure by the right of having been
one of the three persons who saw her
It was all over In a minute or two,
and only those standing very near tr.
them heard a word at all. Dick took
hold of Dorothy's hand and drew her
out of fthe room, and the rest of the
company followed as they would—
David Stevenson among them, his j
head well up In the air, but his eyes j
gleaming with anger, and bia face as
white as chalk.
However, It was useless to show an
ger about such a matter, and the In
cident passed by. And when the last
sad oSlce was over, the large company
separated, only the lawyer from Col
chester returning to the llall to make
the usual explanations and to read the
will to Dorothy.
"And are you going to remain here
tor the present?” he asked the girl
"Oh, no, I am going away at once,"
she answered.
"But may I ask where?” he Inquired.
"Yes; we are going away, Barbara
and I, for a change—I must get away;
It Is dreadful here. I hope I shall nev
er come back again.”
"Yon will feel differently after a
time,” said the lawyer, kindly; he
knew how things were with David
Stevenson, though not what Dorothy's
feelings towards him were.
The three were alone then, Dick Ayl
mer having purposely abstained from J
appearing at the house after their re
turn from the churchyard; he was. In
deed, at that very moment, sitting by
the lire in Barbara a little room at tnc
buck of the house.
"Yes, perhaps, after a time,” she
anewered feverishly. "But, Mr. Marks,
1 wanted to ask you a question—Mr.
Stevenson told me that I should have
about a thousand pouuds?”
"About that, I should think; but we
eannot tell exactly until Miss Dimu
dale’s affairs are settled.”
"But will you get them settled at
•nee? I want to have everything set
tled,” she said anxiously. "You see, 1
eannot arrange anything for myself
until I know just how 1 stand, and i
should like to know just what I shall
bn able to do as soon as possible.”
"Very well, we will hurry everything
on m much as possible,” said.' Mr.
Marks to David; “Miss Dlmsdale's af
fairs were In perfect order.”
“Oh! yes. it will be easy enough,"
■aid David; then as the lawyer was
gathering his papers together, he said.
In an undertone to her: "You are very
anxious to shake the dust of Grave
leigh ofT your feet. Dorothy."
The great tears welled into her 1
eyee, and for a moment she could not j
■peak. "I don’t think you give me
much encouragement to do anything
else, David,” she said, reproachfully.
“1 am very anxious to go away, be
cause It is dreadful living in this house
without Auntie- dreadful; and 1 am
very unhappy, David, and I don’t
think It is very kind of you to be so—
■o—” but there the sobs choked her
and she stopped. “1 never thought
yoc would be unkind to me,” she said
under her breath.
“I'm a brute,” he answered. “There,
don’t cry, Dorothy. You shall have
everything as you want It.”
The result of all this was that, two
days later, Dorothy and Barbara went j
off to Bournemouth, accompanied by !
Lome Doone In a big basket, and there |
they remained, quietly and gradually :
recovering from the great shock of |
Miss Dlmsdale's death. If they were j
not very happy In their simple lodg- .
Ings they were very peaceful, and once
Dick came and stayed at the hotel near
' :i ' ' 't-', J
RtmiU) oi t or rm: room
lu * Wk^lv « I <!*>• ak*l Ufa IKifuiby
•»» in* kaw* l/.4a*4
!>nife« iki* tint# ik«tr kaaiu »*»«
MWklwl Ik VM ul Ik* * km> k»» at
Ru«trk*»uaik ul al*» Ik k l«wl«i
tbunb Ik U* *anak ®f *kl*b l*uk
• k r«xHk a«4 |*tii tkaratk a»-«*«
a* b*a hal*k|ta#» au aa l« Mala klaa
•klf a aia*4tafl Ik Ika y *«a Rttl Im k
«aa uki? at n-urka».> »tk fm* UMMk
mm 4aj» a»4 \mw* *l>« Uk«l4
mmm *m U Dahimii *k i>aaik»ka ka ,
uj inrt-T null W1C »LI
not a little to hia relief.
Ami Mr. Marks meantime worked
away, and. for a lawyer, really hurried
things up in a wonderful way. so
that by the time Dorothy's twenty-first
birthday came everything was settled,
and he waa ready to hand over to her
the money to which she was entitled
under her aunt’s will. Mr. Marks
therefore wrote to her, telling her that
he wag ready to hand over to Barbara
the sum of one hundred pounds; to her,
Dorothy, a sum of thirteen hundred
and forty-five pounds, the sum left
over and above after all expenses had
been paid. Ho asked her also when
sho and Barbara would be able to
meet him and Mr. Stevenson, the
executor of Miss Dlmsdale's will.
Dorothy replied at once that she
would be In London two days later,
and If it suited th<m both would meet
lliem there would he write to Mr.
Morley’s Hotel, to say if that would
be convenient? And eventually they
did m«et at Morley’s Hotel, and Doro
thy and Barbara signed the necessary
papers, heard the necessary explana
tions, and from that moment wore ab
solutely free of all connection with
Graveleigh for ever, If they w> wished.
“You will put that check Into a
proper bank,” said Mr. Marks to
"Yes,” Dorothy answered. "It will so
to the hank before three o’clock.”
"Am,’ remember, If at any time there
Is any little matter that I can oo for
you or any advice I can give you, you
can write to me as a friend, and i
will always do my heat for you,” the
old lawyer said.
"Thank you so much," cried Doro
thy, pressing bis hand affectionately.
The old man blinked his eyes a lit
tle, patted her shoulder and coughed,
and then took himself rather noisily
away, with, a kindly hand-shake to
Barbara. Then It was David'* turn to
say goodbyt.
“I wanted to tell you, Dorothy,” he
said, huskily, “that 1 bought the old
cobs, as you wished, and they will
have an easy berlh in my stables as
long as they I've. And 1 wanted lo tell
you, too, that 1 meant every word of
what I said to you the day after Miss
Dlmsdale died: If ever you want me
you have only to suy a single word
and 1 shall come.”
"You are very good, David,” said
she, with trembling lips.
"I don't know what you are going t*
do, or what your plans are,” he went
on, “but I hope you will he happy, and
that God will bless you, wherever you
are and whatever you do;” and then
he bent down and kissed her little,
slender hands, and, without, looking at
her again, rushed1 cut of the room.
COR Dorothy fell
sobbing into Dar
in ra’s arms. "Oh!
Barbara, it is all
so dreadful; It
is all so dreadful;
It brings it all
bar.- again,” she
"Nay, nay, my
dearie, think of
whats going to
be tomorrow,” Barbari. murmured,
tenderly. "Don’t grieve like this, my
dearie; don’t, now.”
“But I can’t help grieving a little,
Barbara.” Dorothy cried, impatiently.
“You forget what they have been all
my life to me until Just now. And
Auntie wanted ine to marry David
almost to the last, and though I
couldn't do that, he has been very
kind and generous to me, and I hute
not to be friends with him, after all.
And then I meant to tell hiu a little
about Elsie Carrington, and t ien each
timn I'a tiAAii him I hnvn f»»lr ...
miserable and bo guilty, liurbrra, that
I could have cried ot shame, res, in
deed, I could.”
"Well, but, my dearie. It'B over now.
and David Stevenson would no: have
been satisfied to have you friends with
him. Men never are when they waut
love. And, after all, It wasn’t your
fault that you never liked Duvd; 1
never could abide him myself, nut I'm
sure, Miss Dorothy, fur, that yot. de
tested him long enough before you
ever set eye* on Mr. Harris."
"But, Auntie ," Dorothy sobbed.
"I'm sure the dear mistreat was >he
lust on# In all D.e world to h ive know
ingly made you miserable about Doetd
Stevenson or any other gtaHemtn en
earth,” It rbara a.n • red. imllhfll}.
Hut wha: did >, i want to i'll me
• bout Miss CarrlUK on, dearie"*
"Kl»l» always liked hint,” l Kir o' by
began, w h* . ib* old servant Interrupl
ad her
"Nsy, o isr Mias Dorothy, take my
ad tire and don't yon be meddling be
tween Daitd Stsvenmn and Mias far*
rtngtwn. They wouldn't stiker of
tbew thank you tor t! if they knew It.
•’id If you wae to wreniton her name
•ten U would eat M» David agwinat
ear fore ter Surer urn trouble your
head about hint be a is worse uf than
he'a always been be lev, In fart to#
he ta rithev now than Mrns the Mall
fall In him I dare *»» he it teal had
a leant you fa# a htt hot rema«at*er,
Mina lioreiby mat it a harder to loan
••si yww have than what ym haven t
gat and nave# had *
"Perhaps you are right, Barbara,"
said Dorothy, a little comforted.
"Ay, I am right there." said Barbara*
Well, the next day Diok Aylmer
came up from Colchester with all the
deight of a long leave before him, and.
In the wildest and most Joyous spirits,
so that Dorothy was fairly infected by
hb gayety. That evening he took her
and Barbara to dine at Simpson's, and
then to a theater to finish up the even
ing. And the morning following that,
Dorothy, dressed In a quiet gray, gown,
with her silver belt around her waist,
got into a cab with the old servant
and drove to the church where their
banns had been “cried,” and there
they met Dirk, and the two were made
man and wife.
It was a very quiet and saiemn wed
ding In the gloomy, empty church,
with Its dark, frowning galleries and
Its long, echoing aisles, down which
their voices seemed to travel as into
the ages of eternity.
And then when the short rerpmony
was over and oh! what a lifetime of
mischief a clergyman can do In twen
ty minutes Dick kissed his wife and
then Dorothy kissed Barbara, and they
all went In to sign the registers.
"You'll have your lines, Miss Doio
thy.” urged Barbara.
"No. they an* safe enough here,”
Dorothy replied.
"But I would have them, my dear,"
Barbara entreated in a whisper.
“Yes, we will have our lines," said
Dick; lie would agreed to have carried
the church along If It would have
given them pleasure, he was so happy.
Just then.
And then they went off to Dick's
hotel, where they had n champagne*
lunch In u private room, and Dlcit
drank to bU bride’s health and Doro
thy drank to his, and Barbara drank
to them both, and then insisted that
the wine had got into her head.
And after that they parted for a
short time, Dorothy and Barbara going
off to Morley's to fetch their luggage
and pay their bill, and meeting Dick
again with bis belongings at Victoria
Station, where they parted In earnest
from Barbara, who wag going to spend
the two months with various friends*
and relations In or around London.
"And Barbara, this will keep you,go
ing till we get. back,” said Dick, slip
ping twenty pounds Into her hand.
"But, Mr. Harris,” cried Barbara
feeling that there were four notes,
"it's too much;.I shan't need it."'
“Take it while you can get It, Bar
bara," he laughed; "1 dare Bay wo shall
be desperately hard up by the time we
get back again;” and then the train
began to move, and he pushed her
hand back. "Good-bye, you have the
address; Mrs, Harris will write every
week;" and then the train had slipped
away beyond speaking distance.
“Poor old Barbara!" she cried.
Dick caught hold of her hand. "My
darling, L have got you all to myself
at last,” he murmured passionately.
They were soon away from London
and oft Dover, for Dick had foreign
leave, nnd they had agreed to spend
the nest two months by the sunny
shores of the Mediterranean.
(To be Continued.)
Hu High 1’rlee Has U>l to • Pecellar
Fwm of ASullmllaa.
Saffron would strike an ordinary ob
sour us decidedly expensive at 5ti
shillings per pounds, until told that it
is composed of the central small por
tions only of the dowers of a species of
crocus, 7U.U0U of which It takes to yield
the material for one pound.says ('ham
tiers' Journal. The wouder theu be
■ nines tbst tt Is to cheap, that It ran
pay to grow and gather It at the price.
As s matter of fact, It has failed to
pay the RnglUb grower by this re
taining. In tb« name of hla lawn of
HuRron-Walden, but n hint of former
Importance In this particular direction,
french and Spanish soils being more
suitable to the full growth of the flow
ers. and foreign labor rheaper In the
work of picking. Its use In medicine
has practically died out, bar. perhaps,
Ike popular belief that, steeped In hot
milk at cider. |t helps the eruption if
measles to fully appear. As a dye In
t creaming curtains and to give n rich
■ appe«r«at-e to cake It la still, however,
in general demand, for which purpose
I it is welt s illed in being loth harmless
and sarong one grain, i<;mpoaed nf lb*
j'yle and s. lames ef nine Rowers, being
islh lent tn Rt«e n distinct yellow lint
to ten gallons of water, fva hah
p i e by the way, baa led in a pm ui*r
to.1 m of adulteration, fuc. apart Imn
IM crute and rommonpiaee nog f
du.tina with a heavy powder snail «a
gypsum, la give weight, the eimitaf
pwavtona nf other a«d commoner Raw
ern have been ipicUHt dyed and
• elbed th-roughy In *«fc*ag Iha gen
( ann nus
Arid Not Experiments, Should be
Your Aim In Buying Nlodicino.
Let others experiment; you should be
guided by experience. Experiments are
uncertain in result; experience is aure.
F.xperimente may do you harm; experi
ence proves that Hood’* Sarsaparilla will
do yoa wonderf ul good. Thousands gladly
toll what Hood’s has done for them. They
want you to know and they urge you to
try it. That b* what is meant by the vast
mini tier of testimonials written in behalf
of Hood's Sarsaparilla. They give the re
sultant experience end provethat
HOOd’S Sparin"a
lei Aiimrfu*'* Modfeine. Sold by all
druggltU. $l;»l*f<*$. (J<!tonly Ilood'a.
Lillie—Say, Sal, I’m goin’ to make
my debut next week.
Snllie—Ah, slop talkin’ French, an’
say yer goin’ ter have er gettin’ ouA
■ 1 ' ... —
A llrtliiiilliit I’astor,
Rov. P: Slagle, I’astor M. E, Church,
Golden. Ill ., writes: ”1 was often almost
crazed with | ain iu temple and eye. Have
used I wo packages of Dr Kay’s Kenovator,
and th.nk it an (Meellent remedy.”
■Stomach Trouble cun lie cured by Dr.
Kay's Renovator when h)I other remedies
fall ll. renovales and removes the cause
Mud tlic disease is cured. As a Spring
.Moliciuu It, Uas no equal. For constipa
tion, livor and kidney disease it clients a
permanent cure. A valuable hook sent
free. Druggists sell Dr. Kay's Kenovator
at linn, a ml cl, or six for tfq but if they do
nob liave It, do not tako any substitute
they may say is ‘ just os good” for it lias
no equal. Vuu can get it from us by re
turn mall. Dr. ii. J. Kay Medical Co.,
Uiuahu. Neb,
Christ la on trial In your home as
much a» he was before Dilate.--Ex,
Syrup of Figs is ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures bnbitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its notion and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in Bf>
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
“Jlj wife bad |>laaaba Ml bar rare, bat
•ha liar been Ukln< C&Sa'AKKTM and they
hare all dUappearvd. t had been troubled
with cooatipatloB for auaar tune but after tak
ing ibo drat ('arearat 1 hare had no truubla
with tbla aliment. We eaaeot aia-ak ton high
ly of ibatareta ” rttau W rKtutM.
Mb (iermauiuBta dva. Philadelphia. Pv
tinadTMerer Mjefea Wear.-, >■« I K»' a, a*
near h,a ar iMtui,iM>a. >.ar~.i a. let ui
IT* rnfiTfi Tar»i **«e»ee I’M
II WWW IOd.t» II aarlr da d
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