The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 22, 1898, Image 8

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    Lioaal Daws.
Allie Simmon* wa* at the hub .Satur
Geo. McFsddMi called on u» Satur
Charley Quarts, I* reported on the
sick Hat
Charley Haller, wa* In town two day*
thla week.
J. H. Travi*. apent two daya lu Grand
Inland thia week.
Mrs. Adam Conhlaer and two children
o f Sargent, are visiting In the city.
See F. R. Brewer's, Fire and Had in
surance ad. on llrat page.
The ring of the blackainltb'a hammer
can be heard early and late.
W. A. Wll.on. AMiton’i genial po»t
maater waa in town Tuesday night
Mr. Q. II. We*tgate, a hor»e buyer
of St Paul called on ua Wednesday.
We understand that Simpson Crlaa
has.concluded not to go to Oregan.
Cba’a Kettenmeyer waa down fiom
Arcadia taking in the sight* last Satur
(/'ash Conger la up from Lexington
visiting bl* parent*. He arrived Sat
C. L. Drake sold Id* large gray driv
ing horse Wednesday to a St. Paul horae
Dr. Sumner Davis, tbe Eye and Ear
Specialist of Grand Island will be
absent from bis office during April.
Tbe Adventist meeting* bare been
going on at tbe adventist cburcb, in
tbl* city since FriJay, and are quite
well attended.
All parties interested in fixing up tbe
cemetery are requested to meet in tbe
higb school rbom at 2, o'clock Saturday
A wes.fl m 1 uou
The Modern Woodmen, notifies its
300,000 member* that they can enlist in
defense of their country without mval
Idatlag their certificates.
Mr. T. Henry Eisner has moved bis
bouse bold good* to the upper rooms
of the Oilman building which he ex
peats to occupy the next year.
Mr. Hotcbkins, the Loup City miller,
Is now repairing bis mill and getting
ready for the seasons work. The flour
Is now giving entire satisfaction.
Henry Dow, of Rockville township
was a pleasant caller Tuesday, an**
squared up his subscription for a year
In advance and purchased one of our
books of fact*.
Walt McNulty, has purchased three
lot* In the west part of town and also
a vacant house in the uorth part of town
which he has moved onto the lots for a
T. M. Reed, returned from Omaha,
last Monday evening, where he had been
to purchase a new stock of goods for
his increasing trade. He purchased a
full car load of new goods.
Mr. W.C.Crum, late arrival from Vir
ginia has rented a farm north of town
and Is making arrangements to farm it
<iuite extensively this season. His fam
ily is expected to arrive this week.
The legal notice authorized by the
county board for the establishment of a
new road from main street west to the
Loup river, where the new bridge is te
be located is being published in this
Don't forget that If you keep your
subscription to this paper paid In ad
vance, yau will be entitled to the one
dollar rate. We commenced this reduc
tion on all advance subscriptions on
January first 1H9H.
Last Friday and Saturday wheat
brought eighty cents per bushel on the
Loup City market This Is the highest
price of the season. And yet you will
flud a pop once ill a while who reads
the Times-Independent and declares
that be cannot see any prosperity.
While meauderlng along Dead Horse
creek last Tuesday morning the senior
editor of this paper saw not lesa than
twenty springs where the water was
Issuing forth from lha banks in good
sued streams. This D a condition that
lias not been observed since the drouth
of IrtVO
Jake ( 'rise eud sou arrived here from
Oregun. last Friday and we under
eland luleuds lu locate here again. We
are pleased to note this and welcome
them to our midst Mr. Crts* Is one of
the pioneer settlers of Gherman county,
having moved here in 1*73
A little boy asked (or a bottle ol get
up In the morning as fast a* you can,”
the druggitl recognised a household
name fur 1*Witt's kittle karly Misers”
and gave him a bottle of those famous
llltie pltD for coiMllpattue, tick head
ache, liver eud siouiach trouble*. For
eat# by Odemlsbl Bro s
J. M. Taylor revetted a photograph
of the interior of the dialug room of
the Brook I * u lleapttal in which hi*
daughter Mattte is employed thewiug
the aurtsee at dinner Miu Mattie can
he plainly distinguished among them
Mr Taylor inform* us that she wtU get
• diploma aa a Hots ' nurse neat fall
Whsrma* Me* tun. who gut aw net
broke* With a ruaaaaay to*m mm* time
ago la me roeovvnug ispoilt | a<
ral|»l» reams to he lea* lag hi as aa i
t* mow abbs to stood sksw and i«
• a k with o USD* wsetatona* t he *w*e
was « vwsy dlBkult one wed D» Mata
who baa beeo hi* phydeta* tteu ih*
|ttl ho* heoo easy smweoafwl
J. M. Snyder, 1* having an invoice of
young cedar trees shipped In for beau
tifying the yard.
Will Callen w a a pleasant caller
Monday, fie Is doing considerable far
ming this season.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shrove will go to
Pearl City, III., tbelr Old home for a
visit in a few days.
Don’t forget to attend the Ladies of
the G. A II. social at Watkinsone Hall
tomoriow evening
Carl de la Motte. of Hazard township
Smiled in on us Wednesdsy ami con
tributed fii.09 to oursobscriptior, fund.
Geo. Klgbtenour and Miss Guthrie,
from near Mason City, drove to this
city and returned home again Wednes
day last.
One of Joseph Wheeler's boys ac
companied by young Copeland, one day
thla week killed fourteen wolves over
on Oak Creek.
A. W. Throckmorton called on us
yesterday and contributed enough
iltby lucre to our general fund to in
sure fifty two visits of the best paper
lo Sherman county to his home.
Seventy Seven—‘•77" is Dr. Humph
reys’ Famous Specific for the cure of
Grip and colds, and the prevention of
pneumonia. All druggists 35 cents.
Call on T. M. Rood for gard
en and field seeds, in bulk or
Go to Watklnsons Hall tomorrow ev-i
ening and enjoy the program prepared
by the Ladles of the G. A K., free. And
then buy a dish of Ice cream and refresh
B. T. JSnyder, of Hazard, was on our
Streets the other day. Mr. Snyder tells
us tnat he will move back to Coup City
sometime next week, anr| take charge
of bis livery barn.
Cook Here—Dont forget to look for
the ad. of \V. I*. Keed, next week. He
has a car load of furniture at the depot,
of the best grades which will he on sale
at hla store in a few days.
Children like it, ll saves their lives
We mean One Minute Cough Cure, the
infallible remedy for coughs, colds,
bronchitis, grippe, and all throat and
lung trouble*. For «ale by Odendahl
Attorney T. 8 Nightingale returned
the first of the week front Ord. and
North I.oup. At (he former place he was
attending district court, and at the hit
ter tried a very important case in Jus
tice conrt.
The subscription price of the North
western has been reduced to 01 00 a
year. It Is the best and largest circu
lated paper in Sherman county. It is
the official paper of the county ami
contains twice as much home print a*
any of our contemporaries.
L. I>. Gardner reports having sold
last week 0754.TO worth of bogs and
cattle off bis farm and still bus con
siderable stock left. Mr. Gardner lia*
been in very poor health for a year past
but says that in a financial way he lias
been successful and that prosperity 1*
here Just as McKinley had said it would
M. L. Yocum, Cameron, I’a. says "I
was a sufferer for ten years, trying most
all kinds of pile remedies, but without
success. DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve
was recommended to me. I used one box
it has effected a permanent cure." As a
permanent cure for piles DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve has no equal. For
sale by Odendahl Bro's.
Peter D. Thompson, of Clear Creek
while doing business at the county seat
last Saturday smiled lit on us and
deposited three big silver dollars. Peter
says he must have a regular weekly
visit front this paper and so came in
to be sure about it Mr Thompson
always holds on to a good thing when
he gets It. lie is doing considerable
fanning this season.
Two years ago It. J. Warren, a drug
gist at Pleasant Brook, V Y , bought a
small supply of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. lie sums up the result as fol
lows. “At that time the goods were
nuknowu in this section to-day Cham
berlain's I ougli Remedy Is a household
word.” It la the same In hundreds of
communities. Wherever the good qual
tiles of chamberlalu's Cotgh Itemed)
becomes known the people will have
nolbliigel.e I-or sale by lldendahl Bru
The thirteen year old son of Mr Scull
who just recently moved here from
Richardson count) , accidently shot (ri
band with a shot gun laat Sunday at
noon while standing With bis fool on
the wagon tongue and hl» hand over the
mosaic of the gun. While b«* w is In
that psoillou his foot slip,e l . ft llo
tongue au-l struck the train liter du< uaig
lug the wepun t he w hole charge went
through lh« palm of ol the hand ludi, :
log a wound that Will doubtless cripple
him fur life. The accident occurred at
the fwrm of N It t hu«i|auu
gve mites helve l.oup Cltv
The Herman l.utheraw gregat *••
of llsssrd will ihdlcus llsli new
ckunk Mar 1st at which urn*
they have twitted istwe other e -ngr»
gallows hr he yrrwsl the n»r> »<
j eervmea • ill he hold at to, a. m a«-t
conducted te the Hetman language < he
| after ue«0 eeittcsa Will taae aim a*
* t M «• Ihe aftetuosM* I Will tea sun
doc t»* I In KwgUah White the « hoi* W
ta out fun j cent plated yet it t* • nit
, .eotiy au te he used la tsgssi the
member* elf el to pM re ha *e <mi* an I
eumpteg# the »*epie whwh Witt b* any
teat high
Hitching posts are being set In the
front of the K. E. church, Mid also
trees set around it. an improvement
and convenience that will lv* appreciat
ed by all and add much to the looks of
the place
Thirty-five years make a generation
That is how long Adolpii Fisher, of
Zanesville. O , suffered from piles. II
was cured by using t hre< b >xe* oi De
Will's Witch IfaZel Salve. For -ale by
Odendahl llro's.
The farmer, the mechanic, and the
bicycle rider are liable to rest ive cuts
ami bruise*. DeWllt’s Witch Ha/ei
Salve is the l,est thing to k"ep on hand
It heals quickly. aid la a well known
cure for piles, For sale by t) icmlalil Km
Jacob Albers went to Ashton l/i-t
Saturday to attend the ex tiiiination and
confirmation of children which took
place at the German Lutberu Church in
that town Sunday Mr. Albers informs i
us that an effort will he made to organ-1
i/.o s German Luthern church at this
place in the near future.
While at St, Paul last Monday, C. L. j
Drake purchased a fine large Imported
stallion of Frank .’am*. The horse is a
beautiful light sorrel, is a clydeadale
Imported from Scotland. His register
number «f Glasgow, Scotland Is 7.360,
an I his American register number in
the Amsrscan Clydesdale record at
Springfield, ill Is -|,*si;t The horse Is
nine years old, weighs I,WO pound* and
has fine action.
The telephone line between Loup City i
and Litchfield, has been finished, the
wire was placed in position to ire com
pletion Monday evening last, arid on
Wednesday the box's ami batteries were
put up. The line is a good one, repeat- f
mg ch <11 mm Mi-iini i.. i lie iSuhiii
WESTKItM look advantake of the first
day free rates to try its efllceucv and
concluded that It will be a great factor
In the campaign-, beregf ter in Sherman
countv as a mistake over this line i>
out of the question. You can tell » pop
uliat 18 miles away as soon as his tale
of woe enters the transmitter.
A trip to (be creamery last Tuesday,
gave us some exercise as well as a knowl
edge of the increasing trade which the
propr’etor is now enluying. Mr J. E
McCray, the manager informs us that
he has just recently established some
new routes and will put on more teams
next week He is confident that the
trade will he all that is desired this seas
on and is making arrangements to han
dle the Increase of business IV. H Con
ger. the agt. of the Barker estate at this
place thinks he has at last found the
man that will make a success of our
Church Notice*.
Quarterly Conference will be held at
the M. E. Church, on Saturday evening
April88, at 7;3Q p in.
The Presiding Elder will preach and
administer the Sacrament on Sunday
morning Services to commence at
10, o'clock.
All members and friends of the B. Y.
P. L\ are requested to meet at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Converse n xt
Saturday evening to discuss plans of
work, Miss Lana Spear, tnissionarj for
the Ned. B, Y. P.U. will be present to
give suggestions. Sunday morning the
pastor of the Baptist church will preach
us usual, and at the regular evening
preaching service, Mias Spear will occu
py the time, giving an address to the
young people
Thos. Jamrog. reports having sold
thirteen Deering binders last Saturday.
You can bet Tmn Is a rustler, and that
f hi* iirfifiiiiuds miiiif hif triwul fur u/hua
wink this summer lor such mac* inery,
ami someone, or rather a number of our
energetic farmers have uot lost all eon*
Alienee ami faith in Nebraska soli.
The Keystone Lumber Co's., ueiv shed
are rapidly nearing completion, haing
given a good coat of paint at the pres
ent writing, also spreading a coat of
color over the exterior of their olHce.
The Pringle Comedy <‘o , was lu re
April I'd. ami lll,i ami played to a good
house. They gave good satisfaction, ami
should they ever return it Is doubtful
if the present opera house would no.
commutate thu audience,
Mr 1 W St hsupp is build.og titiu
self a new house In the western suherhs
of nor thriving little city
.w Itvitura l« agent for Ihe Millwaultee
hinders, and is hus\ setting on tin'
sample and a good sale Ibis
W A " ilsou went to letup City
I liesdsv • Veiling
" M swslu’i r st vmi'* It to l.onp
s it) isst I'lidav leluiuing sslst-j
lot Morning
the Incve e tiavh IS ttuistsed bul the
iM.stosnii of the w sai n*i nas not been
pi,eli,ilive In goo.i tiding,the wind br
ing a sir, eg ivslnre
M s. Ml* VI t«s 1 * > more new o,««m
tht* sens, dot not gel to r um the I
name* ,.i in- ■ sm pun»»*»! ihent
Ashton ell. ,, *i* wh els and s*in*e
ef the >* I* *-»*' !•*»» **4<
| ' W 11 *>tn 4n |i »| Ui 4 lull tin**
Mt \ * m 4m i 44 it* it tbit It* W
4** *4 »«*
II Ikk* 4Ik l***Al|«*f | I
t*| H* *«t»* v m |(g*h i* 4 >|i4
^ *4* |***t.p i it I l|«»f|-l
lilt §♦*! d Itl \ *i * .♦ - *
f% f*4 * t|'i* b»4*- 1 »«4
fe#fik • ■kw * *tftd * • i 4* 4 **4 ♦*• • *
i i «.
It Is a great leap from the old fashion
ed doses of blue-inas* and nauseous
physics H> the pleasant little pills
known as De Wltl*» I.lflle Early Kisers.
1'hcv cure cons ipatio i. sick headache
ami billlousness. For -ale bv Odeudahl
Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry
St., Alton, 111.. suffered with sciatic
rheumatism f r over eight month*. She
doctored for it nearly all of this tlmP
using various remedies recn innended
bv our friends, and was treated bv the
ph> slcians, but received no ellef She
then used one and a half It titles of
Chamberlain'* I’alti Halm. which effea t
ted a complete cure. This l( publlsheded
ai her request, as she wants others siin
H.irly alltlcled to (imw what cured her.
I tie 25 and 50 cent size* for sale by
Odeudahl Kro‘s.
The Union Pacific will sell ticket* at
one fare for the round t; ip. plus 85.00,
from all points In Nebraska, Kansas.
Colorado and Utah to Rawlins, Wyo
Dates on Which tickets will he gold are
1st and :ird Tuesday In M tv, June, .lull
August. Sept,, Ocr. ami Nov Stage
line daily except Sunday each way
between Rawlins and Grand Encamp
ment. For full information cull on or
addles- W. D. Clifton, Agent
why not be independent and own your
own little gas plant which will give four
time* more light than ordinary ga*. or
electric light* at one half the cost?
Applicable lor u-> in entireties, stores,
factories, holels, residence! anil country
borne*: safer than ordinary gas or ker
osene lamps. Approved by all the Hoards
of Underwriters through >ut the United
States. We want a lirst class agent in
••very town. \\ l ire for catalogue and
Till; At KTVI.KNK Has Mai JUNK Co.
Akron, Ohio,
We are now prepared to otter to our
reader* the Vobthwkstkun, the Semi
Weekly State Journal, and the Kansas
City Weekly Journa’. all for the small
sum of 81,90, This I* one of the best
oilers out. The twice a week Nebraska
State Journal is one of the best news
papers published iri trie state, and con
tains all the capital news: The Kansas
City Weekly is or.e of the best week
ley’s in Kansas. The XoilTlIWKSTKKN
is the official paper of Sherman County
and c uitaliis twice as much home
print as any other paper published in
the county. You should not delay In
taking advantage of this great offer. In
subscribing for these three papers you
secure the three leading Journals or
the world.
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urine and let it stand twenty-four hours;
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kid
ney trouble Two frequent desire to
urinate or pairi in the back, is also con
vincing proof that the kidneys and
bladder are out of order.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Hoot, the great kidney remedy
fulfills every wish in relieving pain in
the hack, kidneys, liver, bladder and
every part ot the urinary passage. It
corrects inability to urinate and icald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effect*
following use of liquor, wine or beer,
and overcomes that unpleasant necess
ity of being compelled to get up many
times during the night to urinate. The
mild and the extraordinary effect of
Swamp-Hoot is soon realized It stands
the highest for its wonderful cures of
the most distressing cases, ll you need
a u edicine yon should have the best
Sold by druggists, price tifty cents ami
one dollar. You may have a sample
bottle and |ihaiu|dile( both sent free
by mail, on receipt of three two cent
•trwps to cover cost of postage on the
bottle. Mention the Nokthwkstkkn
ami send your address to Dr. Kilmer
& (to., ll.iigt,amton, N Y. The pro
prie or of this paper guarantee the gen
uineness of this offer.
Remember that the Loup
City Photegr. (iallerv will be
closed after May 1. 98. Re
duced Rates oil Cabinet Photos
until the 1. MAY|i t'lty Mark«i Ucpori
Price* |«id fur
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EvtTj thing >on want is for suit* at
J. I. Travis' ml . .
Having had a liberal share of patronage
in Loup ('itv, in the past
we will try to deserve it in the future, by
by giving you weights that are correct,
and treatment that isjust.
Our , Line Will .
goon be here, and will add largely to an
already large stock of everything kept in
a general store, including some of the latest
novelties and importations of the season.
We also have
all at prices as low as the lowest. A better
and more complete stock of general mer
chandise can’t be found in the Loup Valley.
Our millinery department will be In-autiful with
Roses, Violets, Laces, (Mens, sod Eraylni Neff
The styles will be correct. Mrs. Travis goes where
the styles are made and she sees what she buys.
There will be hats for >5.00 and hats for .50 cents
and hats at prices to suit you all. Come and
brii.g your relation, your neighbors and y our friends.
Come and be convinced.
Mounted on Spring Rollers from 36 in. to
10 ft. wide and as long as you wish.
iiUi u coih|»Ih«*
| Buggies and farm Implement.
t \I.L WD Oi l l*ltI* I * ItF.HUii; III \ |Mi
\ Ultn (t>r
1 % V *