The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 22, 1898, Image 4

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    The Northwestern
ORO. K. BRN4CHOTRR. I Riltlnra »n«l
OICO. II HIBSON, I Pnl»ll»h«ra
Entered at thr I.oup City I’oatodlce for trana
mlnalon through the malla aa MOODd
dim* matter.
Official Taper Sherman County
The bake of Veragua, a promi
nent Spaniard, said in an interview
with a Madrid newspaper reporter
that “at the time of the ipiadri-cen
tennial of the discovery of America,
McKinley waa governor of the state
of Chicago.'' Those Spaniaids are
great on geography. 'Hiero is a pos
sibility that ho may be dictator to
tlic cortes at Madrid, before long.
To the editor of the Time* —Yes
sir, the Manager of the Pringle Come
dy Co., did the right thing with us,
gave us a comp each for ourself and
wife, and we guve him a meritorious
notice due a first class show for the
same, he also gave us some job work
for which he paid us gii.ftO eta., cush
for all ot which he has our many
thanks, hut we did not betray his
confidence by trying to run in out
siders as you did, and then whine
like a whipped cur when asked to
desist. _
War has practically been declared
by the lower branch of congress and
yet our own itm iireeu was siiem as
the tomb. Perhaps bis famous “Sea
of Glass’' wouldn’t fit the war propo
sition. It it could have been worked
in Bro. Green would no doubt have
told congress all about the road to
Jericho, lie has worked in the
speech on all kinds of occasions from
a pop harangue to a Fourth of July
oration, and it was too bad that pat
riotic Bill couldn't ring the changes
in on the Cuban war. —Kearney Hun
Paragraphs are going the rounds
of the press singing the praise of the
greut Klondyke gold fields, and hold
ing up to the gaze of the reader the
dazzle of northern gold. We notice
them even in some angelic pop ’
papers for the unsuspecting farmer i
to see and get excited over. Those I
pieces are written and sent out by a
company that is trying to sell shares
in a “Rich strike" for the benefit of ,
the Company. Kou'l lie taken in, we i
had an offer of the same kind hut we i
prefer to give our readers facts as '
near as possable and not slush made '
to order in a lOxPi back room in
some city.__
The Torpedo boat destroyer is
really a magnified torpedo boat of
great speed, lietter sea keeping qual
ities, aud with a battery of rapid-fir
ing guns of from five to eight six
pounders. She is built purposely with
an outward appearauce closely akin
to her natural quarry, that she may
the better approach unsuspected
within striking distance. She also
carries a torpedo outfit, and in her
me nauiesuip aun cruiser nave even
a more dangerous eneinv lhau in the
simple torpedo boat, for where the
small craft, by stress of weather,
limited speed or restricted cndurenue.
must halt, the destroyer may con
tinue with nl! the more certainty of
carrying out its murderous mission
Chicago World.
The populist party is fast decay
ing liefore the developed fact that
rain and sunshiue, coupled with a
common score aominiatratton, is a
sure road to prosperity, ami that
aupply and demand have every thiug
to do with price* A few year* ago
the pop waa very tmphatie in his
assertion that aupply and demand
had nothing to do with It, but that;
all we wanted *as free silver to cure
out ilia and make a demand for, ami
rata* the price of wheat, anti that
with out free silver it would never
go higher than it Uvea wa* i e. u>
cent a a bushel Hut now nit la
changed, wheat went to mi tu one
da\ Inal week, light here at hvune
and aiivei ta lower than it ever was
Ami Inal week one of tUeo- *ame pop
leader* waa arguetag on the street
that it • t* auppU *ad demand ami
nothing alas that had ia<*e*l the
ptHe of wheat t he was that ta never
happy unte*a he ta mwnhh tug.
fool th# pe*i‘ie anhde Ui Ik. * mu
, a*eh on iftri he turn* had a n
t«m k aummeraauiu
The editor of the Time* Indepen
dent would have it readers believe
that by getting hi* paper nearly all
patent print it cost much more tlinn
to print it at home, as he said local}
a few weeks ago, that he would
rattier put more money into It and
continue ibe six page patent service
and give his subscribers better read
ing, than to print four pages at home.
Now in one respect Mr. Brown is
correct and that is that be positive
ly gives his subscribers better read
ing, in fact uny mlscelnneous rend
ing matter is better than hiseditorial
rot. But regarding the expense of
borne print Mr. Brown is off, and he
knows it Just as well as uny other
printer, but because we are printing
four pages and him only two In col
ors his statements to suit the occas
ion Now it costs just $1.00 extra
weekly to gel the two extra page* of
patent print. If he were to put up
the matter at borne it would cost him
on an average of $10.80 per week
there being :oj,0o0 'ms in the two ex
tra pages to set, ul the going price
of 30 cents per thousand for compo
sition, to say nothing of the extra
press work. Our two extra home
pages do not cost us that much.
We are running them, under force of
circumstances, with the least possible
expense, about $0.00 a week. They
are made up of standing advertise
uienta, home composition and a
bout two columns of plate matter.
Thus we put $5.00 a week more ex
UDC VU UUI i uun -Mill! V* (' 111(1
when only printing two home pages,
hut it gives our advertisers us well
»s our subscribers better service,
riie only point we can see that
Mr. Brown has made is that be mis
ed, or attempted to mislead bis sub
icribers as to the cost of printing,
ind that he acknowledged that he
,‘ould buy more valuable reading for
i dollar than he could write tor two
a hole pages.
Loup City, Neb.. April 11th, 181*8.
County Board met persuant to ad
ournment of January 18 08, full board
•resent with County Attorney and
bounty Clerk. The following proceed
rigs were bad and done, to-wft:
lMore the Board appeared IP. A.
draper and many other citizens ot this
;ounty living west of this city and
icross the Loup river, and requested
he County Hoard to take up the peti
,lon hied in the office ot the County
Hlerk on July 11,1894, asking for the
tonsti uction of a wagon bridge across
laid river; and the said parties request
id that the County Board allow said
petition, it having been on August 15lh,
1805, ordered laid on the table.
On motion it was ordered ny the
board, that the parties desiring said
bridge across the Loup river, do pre
pare and present to this Board a new
lietition, asking for the desired bridge.
Whereupon the said parties prepared
and tiled with the County Clerk their
new petition.
And upon the reading of said peti
lion, on motion of Leintnger the prayer
in said petition was granted and it wa
re solved ‘bat said bridge described in
said petition be constructed as soon its
the County Hoard in its Judgment finds
that there are sufficient funds on hand
with which t>> construct the same;
Barnes. Sweetland, liechthoia and
lauuingervoting. "Aye,” and MvKeon
and Uewotlnski voting,' Na>"
The following official bomls were ex
pelicate I
! Children 1
S They do not complain of ■
1 anything tn particular They J
• cat enough, but keep thin anil J
5 pale. They appear fairly well '
S but haxe no strength You 9
S cannot say thrv are m ix «
i i
| tHu answer uthe »ame that |
I the best ph\ in i.ii- s h .v e I < • . j
I p vim* t.>r a . i trier of a n I
f< s A «
j scoirs tmulsloi) j
I 4*1 i J / ■ * r ? i. ■ k I 1
I Ik I
i %
g It t* u ItAiluf (xltlif !» il i
I i I * V , *
II la tm ti «
! [ | I. | i * . *|
| V-k 11 • - * k * * % * 1 ' <|
i i hi » tn AMti % i..*4»f I Vi it 4
■ ssawssssMssssssiiMasa a
I nmlned by the footl'y Hoard ml on
tnotion approved:
I*. (! Vrylmd, (iinttiihle, Clav loan*
ship: I,. J. Root A-sessor.Scott Town*
ship: John II. Williams. r<t»d s!ijw>r
vis r HI*! No. 27. Scott t*», nsh.p; II.
L. Icwery, Treasurer, llarri-on town
ship; Walter M am. Poldlets IteJief
('oiiiinisslnn; (*, II Whiitno'e, -r,
treasurer Washington to vnsliip.
t he following bonds were ix Minted
and on motion tud it,ipi oyed towli :
llond of H, II. f 1. JT for the reason that
said It. II. fJofT did not subserihe ihe
outli mi said I'Oiul; bond ol ,|. h’j W .
Stalks for the reason that mid st.rks
did not suhscrlt'e the oath on said lend ;
Horn! of John Hiiir for tlo» reason Hi d
tlie name of office was no’ i .sorted’ m
tIn'oath on sa d bond: Hotel ol Cha
Hass for the reason that the add bond
was only signed by one surety.
In the matter of t lie r>..i I petitioned
for N. H. Tlioinpson which load peti
tiotl wits lllll) Veil eonditiorially hv the
Hoard and the conditions ol wl ich ea
tuhlishinetit had not hc-n compil'd
with by Hie claimant for damages in
said road matter, and It appearing to
the Hoard that T II. Dillon, one of
said claimants has conveyed, hv war
ranty deed, to Mary Hell a strip of lurid
suftlclent t<> give said Mary lied egress
to the east enrt of said proposed root,
and it further appears that Ihe ohj'el
of the establishment of said road, had
been fullv reached by the execution of
said del'd, it was oil motion ordered that
the County Clerk pay to John \V. l,ong.
County Attorney the deposit <d £10.00
made lay Joseph till in mid toad pro
ceedings, that being the amount paid by
the County Attorney to said Dillon for
the deed ihove mentioned.
Whereupon the Hoard adjourned to
9 o’clock a. til. ol April 12 1898.
Atte’t John Minshull, Clerk
hv holds lleln, Deputy.
April 12, tuns.
Full Board present with Attorney a id
This day was spent I»y the Board in
the consideration of the bids, plans and
.specification* tiled in the County
Clerk* otlice by the following parties,
to wlt> Canton Bridge Co., {iflletoii
taine Bridge and Iron ('•>., Wrought
Iron Bridge Co., M. L.Scott, Means &
Tolley and W. T. •Jibsoil, winch bids,
plans and specifications were ill the
published notice, as ordered by the
County Board in session January I2th
Board adjourned to !l o'clock a. in.
April 13, 1SUH.
Signed for Clerk by bis deputy.
April 13, 1MIH.
Board met perauaut to adjournment
of April 12, all members present with
clerk and attorney.
Motion made by Barnes to award the
contract to Means A; Tutley for the
construction of the bridges required by
the County as contemplated in die pub
lished notice made under the aider of
the Board on January 12, 1 K«*es. upon the
price*, plans and specification* sub
mitted by said firm; resulted 'n a tie]
vote and the motion "as declared lost
the chairman voting, “'Nay".
Motion made by ltewolin>ki to award
to the Bellefontaine Bridge and Iron
Co., and M. L. Scott the contract, same ,
motion as above, resulted in a tie vote.
The motion was declared carried, tie*
chairman voting, "Aye".
On motion the County Attorney is in
structed to diaw up proper contract
and bond in the sum ot #1,000.00 lor
the taithful performance of said contract
said contract and bond to he executed
and delivered by 'lie Belief*-utaine
Bridge and Iron Co,. and M L. Soott.
upon Hie award to them made to the
County Board this day for the c i,-ti lo
tion ol bridges
1'heCoiinty Treasurer l.od bel-ae the
Board a full and ropip.ete 1 -t of ad the
improved property in die villages of
Loup City, Li'chiield, Ashton, 1; — k
ville and lla/.o i, upon which proper
ties taxes are delinquent t-r tio <>r
more rears and it was on motion order
fit that the Count! Attorney pniceexi
to purchase ».ild pr--|*elIlea lur -ueb
lleilMplt lit t axes tor the Count V, U*-»s
au h dellnquelit fates a.•• ' a d la -lu r
|Oib. I»«*.
Con’itiunl next week
liti.U' M H ICK
: To ait W hom it may t woto
Tlie t'< n. tni»»|oi . la a I I t lie* ! t«i
locate a toad t-rtta Weaving at kb*
iliteral oti.ui ot Central \ nr
am! #b*ftuati tilffis in U - r
t of l<otip< I »t> ami tvtiuwg *ti*tr in
* • netlhawrl i ilirt. tlotf sp.l.p He
rtglat lit War of line II I »l » ai d
• Hepsibit iii I .« ley Jtnl'oj.1 i,, ju
per tl-H* lire **• at .-o .w«nti. • Tw ire
(14) and Thirties (I*) T -• - » ,*
Tif'vn (la, it sag* fitn** , i * tad
i running thaute •*•» »ai*i i<m
{i&¥ fltt-i *1 t || it % »tf»
! ill* Ml' Hi k •*! Ms* Mi M * i t*|>
;t$lr? H#rv, . • || *t» 1 \ |*
r i h t* m * !*• «** * •
! II#* ettaMtefm* I •!»* r«* f, id«< a* **►
\ •«£•» !*<••* W &W*t Id tfei? f
; IV tk * « i ■'* h >* It- ' t f
j Hi# §f4»* ‘ k l#
, §4 I m I W « * i*W'f •»>« h
Ik * If >, 4*1) f kiMH I '
i 1 ***> IVfH
S*t it \ Hi. * ti* % IWfMiiy
* / '•
Our trade is steadily increasing and it is flattering evidence to us that our j
new plan of hammering down the prices is appreciated bv the public, and by
adding largely to our stock, many articles heretofore sold in other stores for high
prices, and selling them on a very close margin, we are gradually building up a bus
iness that is highly satisfactory. We have a mammoth stock of Dry Goods,
Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Notions, all new spring goods, but wo do not be
lieve in selling them on large profits to make up fora sacrifice in some other -de
partment, because we find that we can do more business on close margin than on ^
large profits, and a large volume of business will give us good interest on our
investment. Don't go by our store if you want a bargain in a Trunk or Valice
or in fact anything to put in it. We are here to do business and have employed
the aid of low prices in every department to assist us. Come in and see our
goods and learn our prices when you visit the county seat. Remember the plaee,
South Side Public Square, Loup City, Neb.
.awarded Highest Honors,
World’s Fair,
A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder.
Free from Ammonia, Alum or ar.y other adulterant
| iCarea*. \ Trace-V *r- ''hta ned, ami all
! encb.. c-*c . . Moderate fees.
1 Our C ’ ‘ “ ... ) 8 Patent OrncE
|,ar..iwv ... .1 ,j... tuau it use
! remote t*
bee. .a. ,rr .. v/.h deeerip
] tic a. Vi; i«.. . i: : • or n
rt narge. Uufice t
A pAVKMir, ' t-"*
Jcost ot MM IQ tiM L. Mui 1
#&cUtre&. Audrey
VO*** PatentO*' . Vi*
TbouftamU of ftuflVrcr* from grippe
have h« **n p-Mon-il t<i Imm th l»> the
MIbq!*' ('0124b It quickly cure*
coogh* ndd«, broiubitio, pneumonia
.ri \ tftthnitt. »»••! ill throat hikI limit
, * «*>. For -«*«• i*\ 0*lcn«lnbl Hro'*
AUX)^hTlUT<Ht« *41 .fc. Ml UF\|,
* r. * r a 1 v
by i itiut <»i a# otitmv »*f tli« itu
iniMvir; >W * -n***.* t uatly, N<*bvt*iDi
Ui. ir *1 1 r Ini i i i ' rr ♦*« t hrft "' \ |»
j Jftr. mm tu Wit :Jctl, i - upon ifli*
(«* ’♦ i of tftft *1411, 1 ft‘tintM*tVfttiff
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lp<ni m 4 - M»Uft,l't*rift ktuy
ftftcrtfc Mitt*. *«l»* Ht ^ t*#«* vitUftftiii
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! t«ft ft* I li t «ft IN U.i» •!(<$, I* Mh Ml Mi4
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‘ , *
and local newspaper in
W .1 A I'' <1F.<> K NKNSi IIUI KH
Allot in*) and Notary l“«Wk. FuWW»*r I.. tlr» Nonhiwmikm
Fisher & Benschoter,
Real Estate Agents,
Town Lot-.,, Wild, Culllvated and Irrigated