The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 22, 1898, Image 3

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▼ 'A-Nurse’s Experience,.
There are thousand* of people suffering
from blood poisoning who have almost
’beggared themselves in buying medicines
front sfhich they have obtained no help.
There ere thousands of other* who first or
last have triad Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla and
lotted perfect healing. One of theae
o'.htra, Mra. A. F. Taylor, of Rnglevale,
M.OmV. relates the following experience :
"About two year* ago. I nursed a lady
who was suffering < and finally died ) from
'blood poisoning. 1 must have contracted
tbt disease from her; for shortly after her
death. 1 had four large tores or ulcers,
break out on my person. 1 doctored for a
wgflbag lime, both by external application
•ndwith various blood medicines; but, in
•plteof all that I could do. the tores would
not heal. They were obstinate, very pain
ful, annoying, and only getting worse all
the time. At last, I purchased six bottles
of Dr.Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, thinking I would
give it a thorough trial. Deforc the first
bottle was taken. I noticed a decided im
provement in mv general health; my ap
petite was quickened, and I felt better
and stronger than 1 had for tome time.
While using the second bottle, 1 noticed
that the sores had begun to look healthier I
and to heal. Before the six bottles had
been taken, the ulcers were healed, the
skin sound and natural, and ray ncalth
better than it had been for yeavV I have
been well ever since. X had rather have
one bottle of Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla than
three of any other kind."
This is but one example of the remedial
value of Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla in all
forms of blood disease. There is no other
blood medicine that cures so promptly,
so surely and so thoroughly. After nearly
half a century of test and trial It is the
standard medicine of the world for all
diseases of the blood. Sores, ulcers, boils,
tetter, rheumatism, scrofula and every
other blood disease is curable by Dr. Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. The success of this remedy
has caused many imitations to be put on
the market. Imitation remedies work im
itation cure#. The universal testimony is
that "one bottle of Dr. Ayer's Aarnsparflla
is worth three of any other kind.” If you
are Interested in knowing more about this
remedy, get Dr. Ayer's Curcbook. a story
of cures told by the cured. It is sent free
on request by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell.
Maas. Write for it. *
NoNeedtoLoseaDay of Delightful
Spring Riding.
Wc can fill all orders at once from stock. We are sure we
can please you in quality and price with a
. Hartford
or Vedette, g
Machines and Prions Guaranteed. ||
Catalogue free from any Columbia Dealer or by mail from us
for one two-cent stamp.
I. -vrrtn ^
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 17.-1898.
I Vina Ansv;er!acj Advertkcmcr.ts Kitiiy
ftentioa This l'<f?sr.
“I enflVrrd the torture. of the damned
with protruding pile. brought on by coretlpa
tion with which I wax afflicted for twonty
years. I ran acros>» your CASCAKKT.S In the
town of Newell, la. and never found any thins
to equal thorn. To-day I am entirely free from
pile, and feel like a new mm"
C H. Keith, 1411 Jones St., Jiouz City, la
Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Oo
Good Never Sicken. V/oaken, or Gripe, 10c. 26c, fiOc.
Sterling Kerned? C#apu7% Ckltage. Moalesal. W»w Tfk. 313
MTA RAP Sold and guaranteed by all drug
■lU'DAv £isu to cfU 1C K Tobacco Habit.
delight to <lo an early lrleud ■
The wo^||MO^TO
BH ever; uns, everhuUcg, power- Bj
lwQTOR.8 FT. FOR S6; u i° n. A
BRfor ISO. They run hk» n bicycle, and u* mudelikoft HU
Mwftir'i .v.rv uiotabio parton rollers. Double# | cared M
iMi null pow.-: ! Iba Aerrootor isn when ail other nulls ■
ftf] ptoo.1 still, and niad# the steel windmill busincaa.
■ the mew beats the OLD A8 THE ■
■ old beat the wooden wheelH
|H l’;i receipt ■ t in.omit. revised u oi«r ibut nut wheel ^B
Her van#) will l*c sent to repiaco old oa» then t« be HR
[tA rdur icxl. Offe* eubjeot to cancellation at r.ny trja-^SS
dM X* your old wheel is not an Aermotor. write for
bL term of swap—uew for old—to tro on old Xornt.^Km
xS^Jfe'iosariiiHgC' Aeroolorttu, (i.tx^t>
|T AAQTfi To 1*1 our aaw t’at
■ ■ WWW I w uiugu*. Iluiidrrilaof
UATUlilA pooplu Mr* huo
n U I nlTVw dr*tl» of dollar* aa
Irollits furnltur*. Urapart**. Hft, froai IL
•aad for M. It giro* prior* and ploturaa
OllHAMU A WII.NSI.M l ANt l.r id.
ml iKiuglua pl, Una ha. Nab.
Dr. Kay'a RaMvatar,
•ia iM.iiai m. **4bWa»> Pi*
lluMMU l»14.t> '!• At fl«(| L *11.
VlflM I IV
“„•* I,„r aa.l lr grit » *• #. 4d lo« a I .
ft*a Jr*tll ta. lab* tdl. Alta*
^dt in ai.itt. waitw i**. L A
Or. Ktf't l«»| Ilia -
s* dd—ia—a——a—aw—
Why does a small boys always take
delight in seeing how n»ar he can
skate to the dangw' sign?
Diomiu-li Trouble.
P.ov. Oco. Brown, Kmerson, la., writes:
‘•Home time ago I found myself in a very
distressed condition from dyspepsia; every
arti do of food scorned to ferment in my
stomach, and a square m ol wo* o fore
runner of agony, »o that I feured cuncer of
tbs itemach or some kindred evil, but the
n*e of your Dr. Kay's Kenovetorafter two
or three do-os brought rciiof, end three
bores straightened me out so that with
tea or..ib!» prudence 1 hove uo trouble.”
",stoninoli trouble” can be cured by l)r.
Kay's Renovator when all other remedies
foil. It renovates and remove* the cause,
and the disease is cured. As a spring
medicine it has no equal. For coustlpo
t'on, liver end kidney disease it affects a
J permanent euro. A valuable book sent
tree. Druggists sell Dr. Kay's Renovator
At 25c and 91, or six for 4*1, but if they do
! not bare it, do not take any substitute
I they may sav i* "just as good,” for it has
1 no equal. You con get it from us by ro
! turn mail. Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
Why should telegrams that go on
I tick be paid for in advance?
Star Tobacco is tno loading brand of
the world, because it is the best.
Why isn’t a vacation a sort of head
To Core toastipatlon Forever.
Take Cas caret* Candy Cathartic. 10c or 2!Se.
IS C. C. C. fail to cure, dru(r<fi»t8 refund money.
Time present is the only time for
j thee.
Both the vhen
Syrup of Figi is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneya,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tbs sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tbs
only remedy of it* kiwi ever pro.
duced, pleasing to the teste and sc.
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its tjtion and truly beneficial in its
effet <%. prepared only from the most
healthy ami agreeable substances, its
many etccllrut tpialiticscoimurmi it
to all and have made it the moat
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in SO
rent bottles by nil lending drug
gist*. Any reliable druggist uho
may not have it on hand will pro
cure It promptly (or any no# who
! wishseuitry it. l>ow-t accept auy
sse •ua>w* vs*
mmtui. $t Msnsttt
nBADBV Mwntssovtnv r-»
t/ls V> 9 I » ••••'*)
I fc _ *> «iJ* 1 wt— .«»!» tmt la
WOA* nw-a sshwim* «mm si
PATENTS tt*S*»8F3|§
| «MK *«<<»» M |l‘< h»ff 9 <h»
CHAPTER VII— (Contirued.)
"I know It But then you must re
member that abe had always been ac
customed to live up to her full In
come—to keep her carriage and pair,
her gardener and her malda. Indeed,
Mias Dlmsdale never had any money
to spare, and It wai In the hope of
making mr e of the looae money that
she had, money that was apart from
her estate and her settled annuity, that
she unfortunately bought, among oth
er things, two shares In a bank which
was not aafe, which, Indeed, failed and
left her liable for nearly as rouc-h
money as the Hall and the lands were
“Then was my aunt a pensioner on
your bounty?" Dorothy cried, her face
all aflame at the Idea.
"Certainly not," with a bitter smile
at the pride on the soft little face. "I
was not to take possession until her
death, and she had always her an
nuity; but after thait loss she never
lived In the same comfort quite a»
the had done before."
"I never noticed It," Dorothy put In.
"Perhaps not. 8he was most, anx
ious that you should not do so."
"Then this Is your house?” said
Dorothy, rising, "Stay, let me speak.
I will not keep you out of your
rights. The day after she"—her voice
trembling—“Is taken av/ay, I, too, will
go,” and then she turned away, to
hide alike her anger and her tears.
David Stevenson rose also, his face
hard and set In response to the bitter
ness of the girl’s tones. Ills hands
trembling, and his heart as heavy as
lead. A sharp reply rose to his tongue,
but It went no further, for ul),.at once
the sight of Dorothy’s grief touched
and softened him.
"Dorothy! Dorothy!" he said, “what
that you should treat me like this?
I have loved you all my life, just as I
love you now, but there la no crime In
that, surely? By writing and asking
you to be my wife, I certainly never
meant to Insult you, and yet you seem
to think I have done you some deadly
wrong to offer you what most men
consider the highest compliment they
can pay to any woman. The Idea ol
your talking of my rights here, when
your aunt Is still lying In the houso,
la too cruel, too unkind. I am not an
Interloper, who cheated my friend out
of her dues; on the contrary, I saved
her from all the unpleasantness and
the expense of exposure. She never
looked upon me as you do now. 1
don’t think, Dorothy,” he ended re
proachfully. "that I have deserved this
frrom you.”
Dorothy had hidden her face upon
the chimney-shelf. ”1 am very mis
erable,” she said, in a choking voice.
■’I’m very sorry.”
David Stevenson drew his own con
clusions from the admission; then af
ter a minute or two of silence, he said,
"There Is one thing 1 should Ilka to
tell you before 1 go, Dorothy—”
"Vee,” very meekly.
"It Is—don’t think I am trying to
force myself on you when you are In
trouble, for It Is because you are alone
and In trouble that I must tell you. It
hi that 1 think now about you as 1 al
happens, one pair of artna will be al
ways have thought, and aa I believe
I always shall think. And I want you
to remember. Dorothy, that If ever you
feel sny differently toward me than
you have done lately, you have only
to send a line and say, 'David, I want
you.' Dr If you choose to go away Into
the worm altogether, in marry, to do
anything, you know that, whatever
way* upon for you. one Inver always
ready to rail you mlatreea. one man al
wnya ready to lie down under your
f» o' I i at a aa w hat I t ame to say
to day."
There waa a death like tlleaea.
I*, rut by etruggled to epeak. but could
not. Thea she put out her hand la a
hi lad sort of way toward him. aad
tmvld heal dowa aad hleaed It.
Naltker of them aald a word m >re.
| aad after a m>Hn*at or to he rvleet-d
her head and went out of the ruem.
knowing a* surely aa If she aald It la
plain words. that IhmUf iirude had
I glvan her heart away, end that »h«
would never send fur him in ihu
world, that H wae all over, and at aa
end hot wee a them furevwr.
Mo he waut home to hie ••• hand
sum, lonely k<sw* aad hutted around
! aa a soddMBMt man sui iuwk around
the ret! wbhdt le te he hie whllu lltu
, taw He waa awtwily aad utterly
miserable, t»r waul a law month* *d ‘
spring of his life. If he had made any
Improvement In his house, it had >>e/vi
for Dorothy. If he had planted a
shrut) or a young tree. It bad been for
Dorothy. He had bought a smart lit
tle village cart, thinking that It was
Just what Dorothy would like to drive
herself about the lanes In—hut It had
all been for nothing; and In that bit
ter hour of realization he knew that
he would live out his life alone, and
that Dorothy strode would never come,
except In dreams, vain, hopeless
dreams, to he the mistress of llolroyd.
COUPLE of hours
passed before he
remembered that
he had ever men
tioned the subject
of Miss Dlmsdale's
funeral to Doro
thy, or actually
told her in what
precise clrcum
| stances she had
| virnmirottiBiMwiv.-.'. been left
“I have lost my head over all this
business, he said, with a grim laugh
j to himself; "and she, poor little girl,
1 is probably worrying herself to know
i whether she can afford to buy herself
' a black gown. I must send her a line
j down at once."
Dorothy therefore, In something less
than an hour's time, received ihe fol
lowing note;
"My Dear Dorothy; I quite forgot
this morning to mention several mat
ters of Importance Just now. First, to
tell you that when everything Is set
tled there will he at least a thousand
pounds for you. Vour aunt has left
you everything. Therefore I have sent
j into Collrhester for Mawson to come
nut and see vou about, the funeral.
which will be, Ci course, In every re
spect as you wlch to have It. May I
suggest to you that you shall carry
out Miss Dlmwlaie’s often expressed
views on this subject—plain and good
and without ostentation? With regard
to your mourning, it will be best for
you to employ your regular dress peo
ple. 1 am obliged to mention this, as,
not being of nge, you cannot legally
pay for necessary bills. After next
month you will be the absolute mis
tress of whatever the property will
realize. Always your true friend,
' "DAVID."
This Dorothy received soon after
four In the afternoon, just after Bar
bara had lighted the lamps in the
drawing-room and drawn the crimson
curtains closely over the windows.
‘‘There Is a letter, Miss Dorothy,
dear,” she said, glad of anything that
would help to break the loneliness and
monotony of that awful day, "and
while you read It I'll go and see If
your cup of tea Isn’t ready; you have
had nothing this day, and a cup of
tea and a bit of hot buttered toast’ll
be better than nothing for you.”
"Thanks, Barbara,” said Dorothy,
Poor child! she cried a little over
the note, because the subject brought
back the remembrance of her sorrow
again, but her tears did not last long;
Indeed, she had wept so violently dur
ing most of the day that her tears
seemed to be almost exhausted now.
Ahd then she put it back on the lit
tle table at her elbow. “Poor David!"
she said, softly, "it Is too bad for him.
I wish I could have liked him; Auntie
wished it too. Dear Auntie! But I
can’t, I can’t, and Auntie liked Dick
best afterward. It made her so peace
ful and happy to know that I was go
ing to be Dick's wife—that Dick was
going to take care of me always. And
yet. poor David! Ob! I wish he would
marry someone else. Elsie Carring
ton likes him so much—Elsie always
thought David was perfect. I wonder
when I am safely out of the way and
married to Dick, whether David could
bn brought |» think of Klain a Util*
ll would t*a au*-h a good thing for km.
and iM in tiratiy and good, and oh*
ao fond of him I wundar If I war* to
gt»a I >n> id juat a IttUa hint. |uai a
•otpHMon of a klat that Mala kna at
• a»a lik«d him If ka wouldn't why,
Main would aa«*r know that I had
•aid anythin*, and than ll ka kaaw
, ha might noon gat la llha bar MHtar
than nan I am aurw II (mb had awl
mind hi m»M M daan. and had mnt
rial nmdadi *taa. I would natty
Ihivtd at «aaa. and twutia wauld bn
, *tnd Inn, It aha hnaw llattd uaad
ta ka bar fa*«tlla, aad aha ala ay*
, Uknd SM*. alwnM."
"Now, mr dear,’ said Barbara, com
lng in, ‘here ta a nice cup of te* and
a plate of toast. Try to eat it, my
dear; it will help you to bear It.”
"Yes. Barbara,” said Dorothy, Uc?
eyes filling with tears again.
H E following
morning Dick Ayl
mer made his ap
pearance at the
Hall quite early.
“How have you
been getting on,
my darling?" b*
said, when DorcAby
fairly ran Into Ids
“Oh! It was Buch
a miserable day yesterday,” she an
swered mournfully. “I sat here alone
all day crying and thinking about
Auntie, except when—”
"Yes? When—"
“When David Stevenson came to
see me."
Dick could not help frowning a lit
tle. “David Stevenson? Why did he
"Well, because he Is Auntie’s execu
tor—be has to do everything; and oh!
Dick, everything belongs to him now
—the very house Is his.”
“His. this bouse! Why, what do
you mean?"
“I will tell you,” she said. "You
know; but no, of course you don’t
know, but I will tell you. You see,
Auntie had this house and all the farm
and so on, and also an annuity of eight
hundred a yiar, which was bought for
her by a very queer old aunt of hers.
Well, David told me yesterday that
Auntie had also what he called soma
loose money, and with this she spec
mated a little, and did pretty well with
It. I dare say she was thinking of me,
poor darling. Well, two year* ago a
bank In which she had a couple of
shares failed, and she had to pay up
a great deal more money than she had,
so she sold the Hall to David, for they
both thought then that I should end
by marrying him, and they thought
nobody would ever know anything
about It. David says he gave her much
more than anybody else would have
done, and that she was never to be
disturbed while she lived. Hut It la
all David's now, and h« says that there
wili be only about a thousand pounds
for me when everything Is settled. Hut
I never knew a word till yesterday.”
"And the fellow came and told all
this!" cried Dick, In disgust. "Why,
'pon my word, it Isn’t decent. Can’t
he even let the mistress be carried out
of the house before he claims it?”
"No. Dick, It wasn’t like that,”
Dorothy protested meekly, anxious to
do even David justice^ "But, you see,
he Is executor, iud nobody can do an/
tbing without him. Bo he was
obliged to tell me that, f.nd then I In*
; sifted on hearing everything else.”
“Oh, see,” somewhat mollfled.
“Then you didn’t tell him anything
about me?”
I “We never mentioned you, Dick,” she
| answered quickly.
He did not speak for a minute, but
•st holding one of her hands in his,
and tugging at his mustache with the
other. “Darling,” he burst out at last,
‘T’vc got such a lot to tell you, and a
good deal to confess to you, that I
don’t know where to begin. But you
will hear all I’ve got to say—you won't
be frightened or angry, will you?”
“Dick,” she said, beginning to trem
ble, “ycu are not going to throw me
“Throw you over!” he repeated, halt
amused. “My dear, I worship the very
ground you tread on. Throw you
over! no, more likely you will be the
one to dc that.”
(To be continued.)
Connecticut Haibnnd I.ockrd Her In t
Koom for Six Weak*.
Husbands in New Haven, Conn.,
have a very effective method of curing
wives of the habit of “gadding
around." One man named Bates, who
was afflicted with a gadding wife, es
unvnrl tn nur# hpr hv lock in cr her Tin in
a room. He waa driven to this act
because hie helpmeet waa rarely home
when she was wauled, and in conse
quence be seldom had a well-cooked
meal or a tidy house to come home to.
Instead of having a family row he
thought he would lock her up ao that
he would know where to And her whey
wanted. He fitted up an Iron-Barred
and padlocked door, and every day be
fore leaving the house he locked hie
wife In. This waa done day after day.
Soon the enlghbora began to miss
Mrs. Dates, and there waa much ■ pec
ulation aa to the cause. When the
neighbors went to tbe door to call
there was no response to their rape
and the house seemed deserted. Thle
seemed remarkable, for there was s
time when Mrs. Hates waa seen abroad
every day. Finally tbe mystery was
esplalned. The neighborhood wag
startled one day at the sight of Mrs.
Hates leaning out of a third-glory via*
‘low of h«r house shouting for help,
ttooa a group of neighbor* gathered
and to them the woman related a start
ling story dba claimed that fur sis
weeks her husband had kept her lock
ed up In the house, and under ao etr*
• umsiaa-c* would so numb 4* gtra
her the Ifcerly Of stepping outside the
door In bis absence, she bad stood
tbe treatment as tong aa sbe could and
tend decided to rebel. Tbe etrited
neighbor* told tbe police lb* story, an*
In a few mlMHto aa oM<«r was east to
iwroatlgai*. VI* found tb* e«sws‘t
story ires Tb* dune «f bet loose wag
laatened wMb a hugs true bar pad
lew-bed In the door .#*.»# The pullet
•**1 at aoce fee tbe »ug**a a boabgad
1 and mada bias nabob tb* door sad
; rento*# thf big sad padtoab.
Spain Cabinet Officials State the
Position of that Country.
LONDON, April 15.—According to a
special dispatch from Madrid a Span
ish cabinet minister has declared. In
an Interview, that should Presdent
McKinley notify Spain to evacuate
Cuba, this government wilt Immedi
ately and emphatically refuse and will
add "It is fully prepared to take the
consequences. The government.'*
continuing, the cabinet minister said,
"does not regret according the arm
istice, as It hts thereby proved Its po
sition from an International point of
view, and has made it more difficult
for the United States to Intervene
without putting Itself completely In
the wrong."
MADRID, April 15.—The newspapers
here regard war as Inevitable. The
last dispatches from Washington have
created profound excitement through
out Spain. The Spaniards protest
against the “odious Imputation” that
Spanish officers were responsible for
the loss of the Maine. It is asserted
here that proof can be furnished to
show that no torpedoes have ever
been laid In Havana harbor.
The Official Oazctte will publish a
decree organizing a national subscrip
tion to Increase the strength of the
Spanish fleet.
Weyler's Agent Arrested.
NEW YORK, April 15.—A special to
the World from Chicago, says:
Charles A. Crandall, alias Emannel
Escaradaro, who, under the personal
orders of Captain (leneral Weyler.
planted the mines and torpedoes in the
harbor of Havana, has been t run to
He Is In the custody of the three
United States secret service agents.
""W «/I l mill IU WUHIIIUKIUD,
where he Is expifeted to give Informa
tion to prove beyond any possible
doubt that the Maine was blown up by
n mine ut)d her 2(J6 officers and crew
murdered hy agencies known to tho
.Spanish officials.
Since the Maine wao blown up,
Crandall, or Kscadaro, hna been dodg
ing. He was run down by a Cuban
spy, who dodged him from Nashville
to High wood, a Chicago, where he was
located hy the secret service agents,
but when they assured him he would
be protected he volunteered to accom
pany them, and Is now on his way to
the national capital, where he will
give his evidence before the state de
—" ' ' . ■
Key West the Front of the Army.
CHICAGO, April 15.—A sepecial to
the Tribune from Chattanooga, Tenn.,
says: t
Key West and not Chickamauga. is
to be the front of the army. Tho
change has been made in a twinkle.
The two companies of the Twenty
fifth Infantry, which expected to en
camp as a regiment at Chickamauga,
hav? ev.rfdcply oldered to pro
ceed with all haale to Kejr West, Fla.
An engine with steam up and cars
waiting will stand on a siding near the
depot tomorrow when the regiment is
exepeted to arrive. This train will
run as a special to Mlama, Fla.,
where a Pla"t liner .will transport
the troop* to He? West. ~
This sudden mQv» disarrange! plans
made here and It is a'question as to
how long the balance of the regiment
under Colonel Burt, who will stay with
the main body, will remain at Chick
amauga. To entire regiment may be
sent through to Key West, and the
destination of all the other commands
now under orders changed to that
place, leaving Chickamauga as a
training ground for militia and vol
Spain Aprsirs Self-Poised.
LONDON, April io.—The Madrid
correspondent, telegraphing at 5
o’c'ock Thursday evening, says:
“I have just had a conversation with
Scnor Sagast, w..o assured me that the
government was resolveu to not pro
voke hostilities with America, adding:
‘I should be absolutely sorry If the
country were to lose Its present seit
possesslon because of the menaces ad
dressed to us by America. We are
striving with might to repress nation
al excitement.
*• while others are carrrying on ng
Itation with as much cleverness as
Don Carlos has displayed In his mani
festo. I hope the policy and action of
the government will Inspire confidence
In the country. Just as we are careful
now of giving any cause of offense to
the United States, so will we if neces
sary display all possible energy to de
fend the honor and Interests of
1,1 an STOCK amp ynnuirci uarkeis
Qaotatlooa Pr«n» Maw TorS. Chicago, ft.
Laaia, Omaha and Eltawhara.
Buttar-Oreawary aaparator... * • *®
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