The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 15, 1898, Image 4

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    The Northwestern
(IRO. E. ItEUarMOTER. I B/lllnea an/I
HEO. H HIBSON, 1 Pnlillshers
Entered al the Loup City Pontofllee for trans
mlsslon through the malls as second
rlaih mnttrr.
Official Taper Sherman County
The activity in the mining world
today is much greater than was ever
known in the history of this old globe,
the bowels of 1 lie earth are giving
up their riches to the more advanced
ideas in mining machinery and newer
and better plans adopted for saving
finer particles of the precious metal
in a way and to an extent not dream
ed of a fow years ago. The fabu
lous wesltli of tbe Klondyke, tbe
Increased output of (be Black Hills,
and tbe recent great discovery’s in
Colorado, have caused well informed
men to pause and wonder wbat will
be tbe outcome of all this vast pro
duction of gold. And when we turn
from the mines, we find that from
the middle of Feb. tbe imports of
the yellow metal to this country has
beeD just about $1,000,000 per day,
and the amount of it that bad accu
mulated in tbe treasury up to the
time the fifty millions wsh appropri
ated for the defence ot tbe country,
bad reached the enormous amount
of 225 million dollars. It was once
8aid that “all roads lead to Rome,”
and from tbe present status of the
gold ioflux one would think that all
streams led to Washington. That
the world is swayed by gold there is
no use trying to deny, and that it
will continue to be is a certainty.
Then as Americans we should ever
lie on the lookout to keep course to
ward our shores, to do this should
ever be our aim not because we wish
to worship it as a deity but from tbe
fact that possession of it is power to
to our country and comfort to our
people. That the civilized world is
striving to turn tbe mouth of the
coin sack into their own respective
coffers is true today as it ever has
been, but that with the right policy
held to by our government, the mag
net of attraction is liound to be the
United States. It is an undoubted
fact that a war will take away much
gold from our country, but witn our
great facilities for producing about
all we need at borne this will be re
duced to a minnimum, and when the
smoke of battle has cleared away
we will find ourselves stronger IbaD
ever and the lessons we will learn by
a great conflict will only better
tit us for our inevitable supremacy
in tbe commercial world. A mis
taken idea in the administration of
our government is always liable to
cripple us for the time being aud the
prospects of it should always appeal
to our reason and never allow us for
one moment to lose our better judg
Farty should be a secondary con
sideration, and the wellfare of our
country is always paramount. That
our present policy wisely adminis
tered as it has been in the past year
has raised us from the dowu grade
of debt aud deficiency there is no
disputing, aud every voter natural
ized or native should well consider
these things liefore he casts his vote.
At the instigation of the great
powers of Kurope, Spain granted an
nrmaatice of live days in the Uutiau
war last Sunday with the proviso
that the United Stales withdraw
their tleet from Key West, and also
from the vicinity of the I'bilapme
islands, ami aa usual immediately
proceeded to send two uiors war
vessels from Uadi* to Tuba, loaded
with sis thousaid new troops !{ow
imavulate is tbe ways of the d/m
live das» un*ie to prepare for war,
lbat * Hilling old
The Hry suites declared that tbe
tartrlf in tbe last Presidential cam
camn was not an issue, but tbe peo
pie would nt base it that way, Tbey
matte it nn issue and by their vote
elected Mr MiKmiey President
heeau*« of bis plot** use ideas, and
tbe result is that tbe treasury of tbewe
l ulled States is tit a self beallb*
condition Before tbe ep|>top«lalt..a
uf Itii.isw W'U fur nasal purpose*
there aas $-‘;5 **»■ irtMt is in# trees
HtV there Is a gold surplus of
$ I Ti.mdl.tRid He d vs I ha I sinhe
ywn lit an teaue
The United States >sttie first naval
I power in the world. The nav ies of
Great Briain, France, Kussia, and
Italy rank ahead in the order named.
Germany and ihe United Slates are
about tied.
Our present effective fighting force
consists of 4 battle Ships of the firr-1
class, l of the second class, 2 armor
ed cruisers, 1m cruisers, 15 gunboats,
*1 double terreted monitors, I ram,
1 dpnamite gunboat, and 8 torpedo
The Iowa weighs about 12,000 tons,
and, as 20 tons is the average load
of a freight car and 12 cars is a good
load for a locomotive, it would take
locomotives to haul the great
steam structure.
The powder used ia brown and in
chunks the size of a caramel. A
charge for the biggest guns weighs
5u0 pounds and is hoisted to the
breach by a derrick, the powder be
ing sewed up in burlap bags, says
the Chicago Times Herald.
Armor plates are tested by firing
steel projectiles weighing from 100
to 1,500 (rounds at them from guns
charged with 500 pounds of powder
and at a distance of about a city
Our battleships have a speed of
from 15 to 17 knots an hour. Cruis- j
ers make from 1!» to 24 knots, while
the monitors can travel only from 5 j
to 7 knots.
The biggest guns in the navy are
i') feet long, big enough for a man
to crnwl Into: 4 feet in diameter nt
their largest part and weighs ) 35,500
pounds or theirabouts.
There are six rear admirals in active
service. The offices of vice admiral
and admiral are unfilled, so there is
no head of the navy excepting Sec
retary Long.
Barnacles form on the hull of a
ship impeding its speed. A six
months cruise will decrease the speed
of a ship ]5 per cent, and it must
go into dry dock.
Sixty one merchant vessels belong
to the auxiliary navy. These ships
are subsidized and by the contract
must be given to the United States
on demand.
Some of the guns in the navy can
fireavhot)2 miles, farther than a
man can see, for the guns are aimed
and sighted by machinery.
The amount expended by the navy
department in 1897 was $34,551,645
This is a larger sum than has been
expended in any one year since 1805.
In a battle the woodwork and all
articles of wood are either stowed
below or thrown overboard lest the
men are injured by flying splinters.
The origin of the navy department
may lie said to date from October 13,
1775, when Congress authorized the
equipment of two cruisers,
The fastest vesseis in the navy are
the torpedo boats Porter and Dupont,
each of which can travel 27.5 knots
an hour.
Battleships cost from $2,500,000
to $3,750,000. A good torpedo boat
costs over $100,000.
Battle ships are for heavy work;
crutsers are commerce destroyers;
monitors are used only for coast de
The Indiana could lay outside San
[Your ]
\ Doctor >
/ Knows)
r Tour doctor knows all about \
j foods and medlotnea. [
f The next time you ma him, \
J just aak him what ho thinks f
5 Scoirs Emulsion)
v of Ood-Uvwr OU with Hypo- J
f phoapbltaa. Wa are "wlTO X
\ to trust In hla ana war t
/ For twenty-flva yaar*-e-■ \
1 tom have proscribed our /
/ r 11 ! \
1 nwaa. nervous exhaustion. am - f
/ tor atl dlaeaa. a that • .u*o \
\ loss tn flash f
/ Its creamy color act tta \
] pleasant lasts Biak* tt «*• /
/ p.- i«iiy uaaful tor thin and V
r 1 a.
# No other preparat ion of cod \
\ liver oil la llXo It 1- I
/ tuna and rtak v-mr health t > \
J tahtnx a-methina '*!-*
/ ad c l \
] that HOOfTlt ■ail) t mh iN /
M hM aKMd Iks last fur a \
\ quarter of a eantnry #
\ k-tf 1 s-*>» ta #
dy H'*ok i nd throw 1,200 pound
shots into New York nt the rate of
four a minute.
Those artists who show smoke in
their picture* of naval bnt'les arc
wludl}' wrong Sill' kdess powder is
list it.
All of the erui-ers are named to
honor of cities, and the b 1111 si,ip*,
except tin* Kearuargc, m houoi .>f
tic states
The “grog” radon wiis abolished
in |Hti3, and since then the crew Inns
been forbidden to <ftink while on
Marines are the polj.. lionid
ship Originally they were employ ed
to prevent mutiny among sailots
The guns of a battleship can e»rrv
from it to 12 miles hitr ing a shot
weighing half a ton.
Only (tu per cent of the enlisted
men are Americans, anil u smullei
per cent yet are native born.
Projectiles thrown by naval guns
are shaped much as the bullets shot
by the ordinary rille
A big battleship Inns on board :iu
electric plant capable of lighting n
town of 5,000 inhabitants
The boilers of the Iowa have a
heating surface of h* acri s and hold
90 tons of water.
(ireat Ifritiiin Inis 294 torpedo and
torpedo boat lies' coy era; Uncle ham
has only eight.
Five hundred arid twenty six men
and forty officers are required to man
the cruiser New York.
Battleships are cohered w ith armor
of nickel steel from five to seven j
inches thick.
VVc have four armored battleship*—j
the Indiana, Iowa. Massachusetts und
A submarine torpedo boat known
ns the plunger is now under construe
At present the total enlisted force
if the naval militia is :i,x7o oflicers j
tod. men.
Belaud the heavy armor there is a
jiadding of cither oern pith or cocoa
It costs #500 every lime one of the
tig guns mi board a ship is find,
The Brooklyn and New York arc
)iir armored cruisers.
Saiiors are paid from 89,50 to
#12,50 per mouih and board.
An act of congress in 1p72 abol
shed Hogging in the navy.
The American navy has praciie
illv all been built since 1K83.
A captain in the navy ranks with |
t colonel in the army.
The oldest iron yessel is the Mich
igan built in 1h44.
We have the only ram- the Ka
The ships are painted white ex- ;
cept in time of war when they are j
changed to a dirty green.
F. A, Howser, who has oee work- i
ing in the northwest part of the j
.state, as an alleged evangelist, has j
come to grief. By an investigation
it is shown that he preached stolen
sermons and did many other things j
unbecoming an honest man and
Christian. He represented himself j
to be a Modern Woodman and se- ’
cured financial aid Irom the order,
when as a matter of fact the degree* j
were never conferred upon him. The
people of Butte, where he last held
forth, are very indignant and the tar
barrel is empty. Stab* Journal.
The writer mao* the acquaintance
of tbe above named son- of-u-gun in
the Black Hills last summer, when*
hi.u und a Miss Bunk, wi re doing
the M oody and Hunki y m l, he >1".
ing the preselling and she the »mg
ing They made a great onset
against the hosts of »man for sever
al net lo until one duy a liah and
two sihall ehiUlieii made iheir up
peat,<ioe in l.-td and uniioumnl
ttielliselvi s us Hi*- f unity of tic
-lie* limoi m tiii li |ti» # i|iiittWHi
(ItlUi (ft 1**1 litf * I IM’ l«>ltU4 #11**1
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Trunks and Valises Ever
Our trade is steadily increasing and it is flattering evidence to us that our
new plan of hammering down the prices is appreciated by the public, and by
adding largely to our stock, many articles heretofore sold in other stores for high
prices, and selling them on a very close.margin, we arc gradually building up a bus
iness that is highlv satisfactory. We have a mammoth stock of Drv Goods,
Roots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Notions, all new spring goods, hut we do not be
lieve in selling them on large profits to make up for a sacrifice in some other de- 1
partment, because we find that we can do more business on close margin than on *
large profits, and a large volume of business will give us good interest on our
investment. Don’t go by our store if you want a bargain in a Trunk or Vulice
or in fact anything to put in it. We are here to do business and have employed
the aid of low prices in every department to assist us. Come in and see our
goods and learn our prices when you visit the county seat. Remember the place,
j South Side Public Square, Loup City, Neb.
Awarded Highest Honor*,
World’s Fair.
POWi lR !
A pure Crape Crcarn of Tartar Powder
Free from Ammonia. Alum or any other adulterant.
■* »
and local newspaper in
All*. , him I \..tar> l*u».Ur l'.il>ll>kr I Nutui.a
Fisher & Benschoter,
Real Estate Agents,.
Town Lota, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated