The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 08, 1898, Image 8

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    Lioaal Daws.
Grandma Haney is quite sick at this
Mrs. Abe Taylor was reported very
sick Wednesday.
The county supervisor* will meet In
regular session Monday.
3o and see the new and unique circle
dance at the opera house tonight.
Wr. T. Draper has traded off his line
stallion for two span of young mules.
G. J. Young and \V. II. Comer of
Washing township called to aee us
Dr. Kearns has bad a new brick wall
put under bis house. Oblsen Bro's done
the work.
The spring opening of Miss Kate
Moon* millinery stock, ia in full blast
this week.
Geo. Lee is sufftring considerable
with his foot thatn horse tramped upon
about ten day* ago.
Allie Simmons smiled on ns Monday.
He reports seeding pretty well over In
his neighborhood.
David Donner. one of Washington
township representative farmers called
to see us Tuesday.
Fred King, from the west aide was
over in attendance on Odd Fellow*
Lodge WedDesday night.
Mrs. Theo Wilson, and daughter
Emma, from Asbten, was visiting Mrs.
tV. J. Fisher last Monday.
Charley and Henry Haller of Clay
townsnlp were takisg in the Woodman
Camp last Tuesday night.
Eighty five huadretbs of an inch of
rain fell Suaday last, and the soil is in
first class shape for work.
Frank Karmic k and David Depew,
were initiated into the mysteries of
Woodcraft last Tuesday night.
Miss Mersa French drew the dress
pattern at the auction store last Sat
urday night. She bad over four thous
and votes,
Photographs Cabinet Size
only $1.49 per doz until April
16th gallery will be closed after
the 1. of May
It is said that Arcadia has gone
dry this year. We didn’t expect it, but
say boys if you get dry come down and
see us. We will fill you up and see that
you have a soft place on the sidewalk
to sleep.
Don't forget that if you keep your
subscription to this paper paid in ad
vance, yau will be entitled to the one
dollar rate. We commenced this reduc
tion on all advance subscriptions on
January tirst 1898.
Thousands of sufferers from grippe
have been restored to health by One
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,
grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung
diseases. For sale by Odendahl Hro's.
Last Saturday night a few of our
young fellows tuned up their vocal or
gans and proeeeded to take in the town,
stopping at different gate pests and
giving the inmates samples of their
selections. It sounded similar to the
noise produced by the working of a
cross-cut saw.
A wagon load of furniture was ssen
to go out from S. M. Wathinson's furn
iture store last Tuesday, and on In
quiry our reporter learned that a party
living near Hazard was the purchaser.
The Implement dealers still continue
to turn out nuw wagons and buggies.
Misses Agnes and Minnie Fagan of
Washington township In compauy with
their cousin Katie Fagan, made this
office a pleasant call last Saturday
Misses Agnes and Katie were two of
the graduates from the district school
of their district. So. 37. This district
boasts of having turned out the first
graduating class of any district school
iu Sherman county and these young
ladles have the honor of belonging to
that class.
Americans are the most Inventive
people on earth. To them have heeu Is
sued nearly 000,000 patents, or more than
one third of all the patents Issued In the
world. No discovery of modem year*
ha* been of greater benefit to niauklud
than Chamberlain's »,'olle, cholera, and
liiarrhoea Keiuedy, or has done more
to relieve pain and suffering. J W
Vaughn, of Oaktou, Ky., says "I have
used < hatuberlain's Colic I 'holers aud
liiarrhoea Keiuedy lu tar family for se
veral years, and It ml It to he the best
medicine I ever used for cramps In the
•t>>m«< be au<l tmesis For sale by
O-lett-lahl lira * |imggl*ts.
• he J-baale Pringle I'emedy Com
pauy will finish iboir weebt engage
meat at the opera boose lomurrow sight
Ktotv busty should laruost lau-gbl aud
Katordav night aud hear them I hay ou
>i»obted>y arc the t-ost all arnsud ohm
e-ly troop that ever tidied -s sa-l ahite
their patruuage a.* a«t a hat It
efcssuM ui beau It did set detereurste a
particle lists then aw*, (here was set
a break mi beettathsa la any pari thereof
The ksfetdaevopte dsn-e ass out sf
etabt nothing lib* It aas ever seas is
thi* city before It -*ss aulth mure
them the pr it'# w| Its
heeoty Is entrancing sa-l no ouu shun id
fail t« ss# It. It aili be repeustseed Is
sight and isgtiis* eight
L. N. Smith, went to Pleasanton I
Thursday, with a load of household
goods for C. J Bolt
Dr. Sumner Davis, the Eye and Ear
Specialist of Grand Island will be
absent from his office during April.
George Oltman had band bill printed
announcing a dance to bs given In Ash
ton hall, on the evening of April 30.
Mrs. W. W. Pool, wife of the man
that committed suicide at Kavenna
about ten days ago, Is reported to have
died Wednesday.
D. II. Royer,of Washington township
renewed his subscription to this paper
last Tuesday and purchased a copy of
our Book of Facts.
George Lee had bis foot severely hurt
one day last week by a horse stepping
on It He Is able to get to town though
but Is quite badly crippled.
We received a pleasant call from J.
E. McCray, the proprietor of the Loup
City creamery Monday We under
stand that Mr. McCray is working up a
very good trade
C. J. Bolt came over from Pleasanton,
last Friday and moved bis family to
that place Wednesday. Mr. Bolt has
opened up a harness shop at Pleasant
on and reports a good business.
Andrew Krause, Lee Beaver, Frank
Hale and Clarence Graves, all of Pleas
anton passed through town last Tues
day on their way to North Dakota.
They dropped in to see us on the way.
Children like it, It saves their lives.
We mean One Minute Cough Cure, the
Infallible remedy for coughs, colds,
bronchitis, grippe, and all throat and
lung troubles. For sale by Odeudahl
Remember that the Loup
cniy rnoiogr. uanery win n<*
closed after May 1. '{>8. Re-1
duced Rates on Cabinet Photos
until the 16. April.
Mr*. A. Gilbert took the train at
2:30 last Tuesday for Muhama, Marlon
county, Oregon, where she goes for a
six weeks visit with her daughter. We
wish her a pleasant journey and a safe
The “Phone” office will he located In
the Drug store of Odenduhl Bro's. I f
you want to find out how easy it is to
talk eighteen miles, you can do so by i
depositing a small amount of money
with the boys and getting Will to turn
her loose.
The subject for morning service at
the M. E. Church next Sunday i-, "The
Reserectlon of the Lord Jesus”—a fact :
tested and proved by the experience ot
today. Subject for evening, "Our duty
to the Heathen.” Collections in aid of
the Misslonery Society, morning and!
evening. Your presence and support
Is respectfully solicited.
The last pole for the telephone line
between this place and Litchfield was
set at 4:30 p. in. Tuesday afternoon, and
the wire is being put in place. In a few
days we can talk to the people of that
berg at long range. The survey for the
trolley line is expected to begin next
week, aud the dynamo tor the electric
light plant is being manufactured at
hold on we're loose.
There will be services at the Baptist
ehurch next Sunday, both morning and
evening The subject for morning will
be "The Reserectioa.” The subject
for evening will be the same a* an
nounced for two weeks ago,—“The
Right of Ownership.” All are cor
dially Invited to he present.—A. II.
Shattuck, Pastor.
*». outwit in aitouier one 01 our citi
zen* who believe* advertising pay*,
be announced id this paper two week*
ago (bat be had 200 head of cattle for
*ale 'i be result wa* that he *oou
found buyer* for the entire lot One
hundred and fifty of them will be driven
to the Cherry county range We are
Informed that C. A. Austin purchased
fifty bead
W. II. Kennedy Sundayed in Loup
City last Sunday after being absent for
two week* superintending the eon
struetion of bis new frame bouse and
barn out oil In* farm in Washington
township Mr. Kennedy inform* o
that the house Is all inclosed ai d 1*1 y
for the plasterer* Will is single but j
I* an enterprising clll/eii. Wonder
I what he will do neat.
Two year* ago It. J Warrun, a dru
< gist at I'leasaut Hrook, N \ 1 tough' a ;
•mail supply of Chamherlatn's i ..ugh]
Remedy lie sum* up the result as fob
| low* At that lime the goods w,>,
‘ unknown in this ••cimn today i bun
tost Iain's Cvugb Kerne l) |< a h«u>eh< id
word’’ It is the •out. |u hutidn !• .
eotti limit I lies Mhereyer Iheg... |,, ,
Idea uf t bsmlwrlaiu * tulgh It i
I* o«i»< kaoan the temple a|i| base
nothing else I or sale ny Odeu Utd |l
Mrs A lu**s>n. re-do g at . ,*.> . r»
, SI , Alton III suffered <s|lh • .
liwaiosUssu f *» usvi sight t, ,
toslore 1 lot it mull all i I in.- I.,. ,
using tarlims reeSMMnen.iel
1 M her fiends and was treated I. • n..
ptsists'ians hast isssite) uu etlrf
I then used one and a hit list. ,
t twusheilath s I’aiu M«ii« ah. i, ,*
j led a nwaytnr corn, this is put. ub> - 1
1 al her ee>tuesi at she a ... ■ onsets
| Hall* sldtt led to i*is ahsl tut. d Is.
the IA and to t-eet • -«*» i -» >• . At
Odendahl too*.
Harold H. Infant son of Mr. mid Mr*.
0. F. Johnson, died last Sunday after
noon at 4:3d after an Illness of 34 dues,
With a complication of desease* that II -
tie ones are licir to Several times dur
ing hi* sickness he seemed to master
the malady and for a time get better,
but in his weakened condition tke trou
ble would appear in a new form. Two
days b'fore his death he was appearaut
ly getting better, but tin- abluent look
a new turn and he ».c- no longei nine
to combat ill fell deslrot er. The iuner
al ceremony was held at. the M b.
church at 10, o’clock Tuesday. Kev. VV.
K Matthews preached a very aid and
touching sermon from 2. h 4, an i pan
of the 2(1, verse "l* it well with the
child" after which the remains wen
taken to Grey’s cemetary on I dear (reek
for Interim lit beside a little sister that
bad gone before. The babe lacked lour
days of being one year old.
Another rose bud taken
From out this world of woe.
Another dimpled darling
llus gone from here below.
A Dottier Cherub gathered
To it a heavenly home above.
All safe from care and sorrow
In a heavenly fathers love.
W. M. Smelser of Aslitoli, was in at
tendance at the show last night, and
took the oppe (unify to call at ibis
T. M. Heed, In- purchased the old
Camp property, uml will move his har
ness bulsness therein soon.
seventy Seven—■•77" is l»r. Il.unph
reys* Famous Specific for the cure of!
Grip and colds, and the prevention of
pneumonia. All druggists 25 eet is.
ll is a great leap from the old fashion
ed doses of blue-mass and nauseous
physics to the pleasant little pills
known as lie Witt’s Little Early Hi-or*.
'I'fioii ollffl ..... !.1 .. . . 1. ..
midbiliiousness. For sale by Odeudahl
M. L. Yocum, < ameron, l'a -ays ’ I
was a sufferer for ten year-, trying most
all kinds of (tile remedies, but without
success, DeWItt's Witch Hazel -ive
wu- recommended to me. i used one i>« x
it lias effected a permanent cure." A- a
permanent cure for piles DcWitt’s j
Witch Hazel Salve hi no rip , For
sale by Odenduhl Urn's.
The cheap John people have moved
their stock of goods to another town.
Before they went, however, Mr. Angierj
the township assessor, waited on them
and took a list of their stock, It being
the flrst of April. Mr. .lew' done con
siderable kicking but tlnely aubini ted,
but ns the law does not justify tic- • > ill -
:er* in taking property for tuxo until
ifter they become due, it i n-.t ut
ill likely that the county will ever real
ize an) thing from them
The city election passed off ijui tiy
fuesday, with a very light vote all
irourtd, the prohibition vote being so
exceedingly light that l’ete Howe said
that the editor of the Times and his
devil were the only two that voted it.
It is n very evident fact according to
the returns that this towr. is a long way
from going dry, as far as “wet damna
tion” is concerned, i he men elected
ire all of the kind that go to make good j
City dad's, and if they will ju*f. see that I
the stray stock that is running loose so
much of late is prohibited from making
use of our night shirt for a cud we will
rote for’em again
At the regular meeting of thu County 5
Board of Supervisors of Shermau County,
Nebraska, held la January, Isio, the fol
lowing •stlmalu was prepared and by said
Board declared the estimate of the ex
[lenses of said county for the year,
tow It
Por Koads f 1.001.00
L1.,* l.t'itf nos s o. t u .
P..r book*, blank* anil stationery, -0
For furniture and Incidental* noo.Ou
For expense* of election i,
For county r* jmlrs t<m>>
For office rent and Malaria* no
K<»r court including attorney* S.OOu.OO
For bounty on wolf animal 2 0 to
For Agricultural Fah Aaaocialion tavon
For illegal iaxe* mi.oo
For county printing
For iaaaattv cnee* Tu"#u
For railroad bond Internet s.ob. oo
<i. A H V K U bond sinking f ind 'I.muOum
itufunding itond inter**! ,itai«i.on
Funding and refunduta taind lui i.vum
bridge b >tid itduudmg bond tut •»'«ono
Total 31,0. ».ui
J di* Miw*ui i i.. tVmniy tiierk.
l.liJl’HU i.i i NuffCh
Mot lea i* hereby given that on M m«*Ii *i,
leu* Hired Chamber* ftb*d will* t »• vil*
lA^a Clerk of l.oilp i'll V. Nelli u^k i pe
titton for the ioiuuin- l a iicen- t« m il
will t(idllwtu« iiiiil vtoon* liquor 4 within
mild \ Hinge during the 0*« A v«-i.r ueateu
fttting tfniu and after Tu»*«ta> Aliy ,rd,
i^s ObjectioriM to the < »»{ «u* h Ii
eee-MMi huii* lw» fi * d on or foef i ini *«i«i I
third day of 4u i*
\ I teai* t it % u at, km,
■itteai t’ * N i U r mo tm.!
MtJCofe Met,**#, ynf|>A
I tlkt' »* he* e"' * given fh*| *»n M it •» ^p, i
>-*■■■* i Hun t >.*«**» r hi* t * u.i m- tbrki
of the V it age id I .up * . t N. hi*
petition i«* -• hm- I * ♦<- w» ■ •- c re
*«*4t Up»t*ti dtrre *t«M* u
id t■•*'<* .» it v N,•»##•••%dtolhnf the II * Ml
M • c ' i » N Itf It | { \t. \ ( h. I
j ho* - «*u ... «* l
; t*4, <’4 * V ; , . t u,| J
i i a 4 , ■»
the h*.:h*.*4 Md ol
•amt #ti* ***. t %t* |\ 4*f ui d
« *»« ***•*<« tig.
What doe- It cost to get there/ When
an<1 how Moult! one go/ What -hnutd
one taler? Where:,re the mines/ How
much have they pti dueed? I - work
plentiful What wag « are paid? Is liv
ing expen-ive? What are one's chance**
of making a strike!!/
Complete amt satisfactory replies to;
the a hot •• (juestlni:- will lie 'mind in the
Burlington itontes Klondike Kohler
No" ready tor di-l rihutK n sixteen
pigi-of practical Inform- rion and in
up-to-date ma|i of Al t»ka the Klon
dike. Free ill liurlilitnn Koute ticket
olWces. or sent on ..dpt of four cents
in stamp hv .1, Francis. Gen'l passenger
Agent, Burlington Koute. Omaha. N'ehr
ACM Y I I N K GAN. Tile: r OS' THi:
whv not lie intlependeut uud own your
ow n lift ie gas plant u hid) will give four
times more light than ordinary gas. or
electric lights at one half the cost'/
Applicable for it-'- in churches, stores,
factories, hotels, residences and country
homes safer than ordinary gas or ker
o-one lamps. Appr veil l>y all the Boards
of Underwriter* through >ut the Vnlted
States. We want a first class agent In
every town. Write fot catalogue and
'l iti: At i-tyi.knk Gas Machine Co.
Akron, Ohio.
Lincoln, Oenver.
Omaha, Helena,
t 'htcago, Butte,
Hr. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City. Portland,
st. Louis, San Francisco,
anfl ail point* and all points
r.ust arm nourn v> egt
TRAINS 1.1 A V1. AH FnU.mVSi
No r>z I*hs-4erurer 7-55 a. in
No. M) 1* rcigtit ... z ,0i> p. in.
Ho • D • I l .|j p, 111.
No. 55) Freight. .
bleeping dinner and i ••(•lining chair cars
sent* iier; on through train*. ricket*
*old and bagguge clicekil to any puiul in
Lhe United blale* or < Miuyla.
For Inronualion, map*, time table* and
ticket* end on or write (•> A. F. Wert*
Agent. Or J. Fit ASCI*, Get*•:. Pa**engcr
Agent, Gimtha, Nebraska,
So. m; leaver daily except San day (pa*ft
L'Uger). 7 ■Ml a. III.
No. * leaven Monday, Wediienduy and
Friday, (mixed) ' 05 p.m.
No '.>■) leave* 1 ue-day, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) ti .'io v. hi.
No «7 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed)
1145 h in
No. 5 arrive* dully except Sunday (pa***
linger) 7.05 p. in
First t in** service and close connection*
Urtt, west and *outh.
W. !>. Cut ton, Agent.
Loup City Market (report
Price* paid for:
>urn. .it)
IF Peat 79
)at*... ., 1»>
iiog*.. .v*o
Jow* and heifer* .
feeder* ... 3. HO
[{utter, per pound . .. in
h,gg*. per do*. • «
We will pay a bailary of #10.00 per
*eek and expend s for man with a rig
o introduce our Poultry Mixture and
11sect Destroyer in the country.
Yddres* with stamp,
Perfection Mfg Co , Parson*. Kan,
Lont— A black poland china boar,
Weight about tfOO pound*, strayed away
rom my farm Thursday March 24, he
ft stubbed tailed and has tushes kuocked
ut. Ary one furnishing information
egarding his whereabouts will be libei -
illy rewarded. Address,
E G Paige,
Avbton Nebr
For Sale—A good house and barn
•vitb mx lots, enquire of.
V It I >tli Avill INnV ( 1 'A* • i. ■ T*
llEiii* Notice.
1 w ill run a In-id on my range three
md one bull mites south west of Loup 1
Jity. for the season of l“!is, commenc
ing May 1st. Kates gl 00 per head. I’len '
:y of good w ater, salt once a week aid
ieit of care given to slock. Those wish
ing to leave their cattle in mv care dur
ing season, will please let me know as
sum as poasable and oblige.
^ ours respect.
11 II. rcuM.u
Loup t ity Nebr.
Carpets, Ku^s, Che
nille and Luce Cur
tains, this week at
Through fotii isi h**j titj{ iun, !u
• hrtlk, * *d 'I * t *1 I .\t *tr' ■»>»
•iitd » . *inp i id I «it ttit'l I'ull
Intel* | » avi* K ■ 1« ( My, **V**r)
I tint - » t i ti I 4 If*.
Mi* t ,»» e i U l Mini.
t«» •»« l> »V 4 '* ft I'S*
la* 4 I*; ■ *, 44«| M». ' . t i. , mill 4 4 It
A N ’ f'- d- *i, ; » V y nV»■ r nf!
|e., *m • I- .. i - - W 4 |; i , |
gh* •» i
S, . .. v;.3:,
Ml lf> J, I V i ^M*<| I
I }*• ** »* ,fu % 4
b ■
*1 4 •‘f'|**»gj
* « ' #4 H »«»* I
I*- ■* «. * f \ HU
« • i t« r % I
4Ks*a is N
Kvery ihing > i>u w ni in f<*r -alu :it
Having had a liberal share of patronage
in lioup ('ity, in the past
we will try to deserve it in the future, by
by giving you weights that are correct,
and treatment that isjust.
soon be here, and will add largely to an
already large stock of everything kept in
a general store, including some of the latest
novelties and importations of the season.
We also have
all at prices as low as the lowest. A better
and more complete stock of general mer
chandise can't be found in the Loup Valley.
Our millinery department will be beautiful with
loses, Violets, Laces, (Mis, and MMi New
The styles will In- correct. Mrs. Travis goes where
the styles are made and she sees what she buys.
There will be bats for #5.00 and hats for 50 cents
and hats at prices to suit you all. Como and
brii.g your relation, your neighbors and your friends.
Come aroi be convinced.
Mounted on Spring Rollers from 36 in. to "
10 ft. wide and as long as you wish.
«!*<> a <*oin|»|«>t«*
Slot! of Hardware
<1 .inn Implement. •
1 M 1 n \ i : > i in out: m vino.
A mr* t »r Oirvitiit*.