The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 08, 1898, Image 1

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    * JJL
r orriCB.- -On* door oust of OhiN‘>
drug store
Express and Ge.isral Oilivcry lim.
All E* press or Kretglit order* prompt
ly ntte tilled to
Li a. w yeh,
|M»*« 4
Gsasral Law and CHItction Business
• t iimmi r«Mt. w«Ms>«riiM *«4 (•*•
Motet to t
<mm Ik-'t V'tlfc *# I tret ItMk.
. < I I » M t.M t»H t
W J. riSNCN.
Attorney it In i»d Notary Public
WUI IWlve^l m i'ufvsUmifo t ubes
41M IMS 4
H«aI I»Ia(« tti»*tn«•»
t <flt* M ^ BtO*MI»«t |4**t i»«,
im r % m **** i*n %
To Give ConHiji-G«n •■ml l.oo mi'l OTfter
Amrktna time to Get Off The Inland.
Treasury and Money Matter* In General
In a Healthy Condition .
Although the Presidents message
on the Spanish-American trouble
was scheduled to be given to the
senate and house on Wednesday
last, it was again withheld, and the
prospects are that it will not be sent
in before the first of next week. A
•sblegram from Consul Gensral Lee,
at Havanna, aent to the President
oa Tuesday evening last made an
urgent request upon him that if the
message was to contain advise to
congiess of intervention, that it
would be better withheld for a few
days longer so as to- give him time
to get all the Ameiicansofftbe island
as a declaration of that kind would
arrouse the smothered wrath that
the Spaniard contains for the Ame
ricans and would endanger their
lives, therefore the President at once
called together the leading senators
and representatives and notified
them of the request, and it was de
ei(led not to make known tne con
tents of the message until time was
given for all Americans to leave Culm.
Of course the request being heartily
concurred in by all political parties.
Half dozen vessels are now at
work removing them as fast as poss
able, and by the first of uext week
it is expected that all who wish to
avail themselves of the opportunity
will be in the United States.
Dispatches from Washington
state that Minister Woodford’s fam
ily have left Madrid, and that the
Minister himself is all ready to aban
don the legation at, a moments not ice,
all American citizens and their in
terests in Spain will be placed in the
hands of the British Minister at
Madrid, the staff of the American
legation have already left Madrid, and
are now in Paris where they will
remain until matters take a turn one
way or the oilier.
’’Consul General Lee is still at his
post and will remain there until all
other Americans are safe. The pres
idents message has only been chang
ed in that it will ask congress to
authorize and direct immediate inter
vention. Otherwise the message
will stand, and will be of such a vig
erous, ringing character as to meet
the fullest expectations of the
It will inevitably mean war. Hos
tilities can only be averted by Spain
herself declaring the indipendence
of Cuba and yielding her sovereignty
•ver the Island.
••£!rg<ni»WUUB witu opuiu uavc
not been re-opened by the United
States and will not be. The ipieen
regent has not sent a personal mess
age to the president making a new
prapossl for peace. The adminis
tration and congress stand pledged
to the freedom of Culm and will ac
cept no solution that does not involve
the withdrawal of Spanish troops
from the island und the hauling down
of lilt Spanish tlig Mediation of
any sort leas not heeit otiered to this
government and will not l eaeoepti |
The l.ondoii Dally t*br uni-l*
that the as|M'< t of atf»>r» ln't« <*n
Spam and tile I idled S a!> is
threatening, amt adem . Spain t
to c inn il sun l it
liratsir Is lit..* I iitit.a
A siaM'iueut "f i t*n o tal
t|t|l> H of the I * 'le f il I* it
til lo ill I tie last P It t'tl d M
rtii i*u m ■ >
at go tint sin > it.
Irss i t»e I M >■ I
t"M|» *1 so *'f 'Sf a S'' *
fh ell «' • .. • • ■ I o|
trv>• ft tws -i
ih i> we lo>< *>* . .. «t « * t»
g |.| in Ill-' ■ >>t t
<UMI lUHt t If lltl-t t *V | t . i
sra*e# treasury f-» sit •«* ”
net gold. We are $70,000,000 above
the traditional reserve maintained
for the redumption of the United
Stated notes and the notes of 1 wJM
and th< tendariey is towards an in
crease at the rate of $200,000 a day.
About |0 per cent of ttie custom
receipts are being paid in gold.
Of the great stock of gold in the
country the national hanks alone
bold more than $220,000,000. Since
tin? disaster to the Maine in Iluvunna
harbor, banks throughout the whole
country have quietly pursued a poli
cy which, without disturbing busi
ness has made them financially
strong (not less important to the
country's wellare than impregnable
fortifications and coast defenses.)
But notwithstanding the stroDg
financial position of the government
and of the moneyed instutions of
the country, there would in any sort
of conflict, soon be a necessity for
aditional revenue. Undoubted
ly if war should come our first vic
ory should be the placing of the
treasury upon a war basis. Ex
pedition in that direction arc of
the utmost importance.”
It is thought that a temporary loan
of $100,000,000 will be necessary
and that the amount can be easily
raised, also that a loan of $‘)00,000,
0i)0 at .'i percent, ii' necessary, could
readily he obtained from our own
A Milton liOl'Ml N«wm.
Ashton shipped forty rases of
eggs on Wednesday, and more than
that many have since been shipped.
Ashton is noted all over this state as
an “Egg Town.”
Mrs../. B. raylor went to St Pauli
Wednesday afternoon, returning j
home Saturday evening.
Mr. .Jas. Lang of Farwell, was a
visitor of our little berg Friday.
Mr. Koch of SiouxCilv Iowa, was ]
in town Thursday evening.
Mr. Eugene Miller, of Loup City, j
visited bis Mother at Mr. 11. Stnel
sers on Saturday.
Mr. J. P. Taylor shipped three cars
of stock this week, aecompuning the
shipment of Wednesday afternoon to
Omaha, returning Saturday evening.
The Keystone Lumber Co. of
which our energetic townsman, Mr.
Theo. Ogendyke is the manager, re
ceiyed In the past week the neat
numberof ten car loads of lumber.
We note that W. C. Dunker has
accepted a position with Mr. L. A.
Wilson, as clerk.
Miss Mabel Arthur, arrived Satur
day morning to visit her uncle, our
jovial station agent, Mr. U. L. Arthur
Chas. Taylor of St Paul, spent
Sunday with his parents here.
Miss Eva Wilson, spruiued her left
ankle very badly on Tuesday, the
29th, which makes it necessary for
her to hare a substitute to teaeli her
W. M. Smelser “hiked” it to Loup
Advice to
There are three great reme
dies that every person with
weak lungs,or with consump
tion Itself,should understand. ;
These remedies will cure 'j
about every case in its first ;
stage* ; and many of those
more advanced, it is only :
the most advanced that are
ho|K.'lcs* l.vcn these are
wonderfully relieved and life j
itself greatly prolonged.
What are these r-- medic* f \
Scoii’s imuislon
, He afr lid of
draw, his hut not ot fresh an. i
l ,t n itiition* i. *hIaddiiah
plenty w! milk Itond h>ig«t
th it a I inuluvU i* trie
oi ls t. the ni st thoroughly
t*»i- I and the h«,:hs»t en
dors, d »*t all temedrv* for
ws*al* thr it*, weak lung* and
«on> tfii.dionin all It* stage*. j,
. | •
City, Sunday in I :0h. and returned
in Mx i-rtUMiu, mu I r.-por's hard
sleddn ■ ming home, owing t. the
Mr. I, A Wilson moved Ins stor
Into tin- Itippergcr building, and Mi |
W. A. Wilson, and the post office,
went info itie same building.
M. II A Wilson, of Cuba City,
Wis. arrived Tuesday noon for avisif
with his brothers, Anil sister Mrs. II.
Miss Kdna Williams, is here visit
ing her sister, Mrs. J. (Vile.
Ashton has a very patriotic lot of
citizens, and should there be a clash
of arms between this country ami
Spain you will hear from Ashton
again, end it will tie news that will
be no discredit to tin little hustling
Tuesday was Village ( lection day,
and every thing passa I off smotbly,
We hear that the harness thm of
If. Smelser & Co , will move into the
building known as the J. H. Hall
building, soon.
We heard that our friend Kiuil
Beushausen got snow hound Sunday
evening, and the road •> became block
aded ,hence all traffic was suspended,
so far as Emil was concerned.
1. <J. IT
I'MhmI Iii lilluoiM
The town of Shawnee 111. wa*
almost entirely wip'd out 'his week
by tlm breaking of ten lew of the
M'i - ipp. iivi i just io\ • the town.
A l»o<l\ of water tii feet high swept
through the streets '■wee ping every
thing except the nr st su tiantial
buildings bdoic it. The lat* stuews
sit\ s that tile it fo-iv persons lost
their lives.
(.uvc Him A (im»t Mans
1’tiw genllcm in wtj'i occupied the
position of manager at the suet ion
store in the Porter block one day
last week, inoidently heard the name
of Troy Hale mentioned, and, hav
ing on a former occasion met him,
asked if Mr. Hale lived here. He
was answered in the affirmative and
then the manager was asked if he
knew him. “Know him” said the
manager, “well I guess so; met him
severul years ago and he gave me a
great scare. You see it happened
this way: \Vo were stopping at a
lodging house, 1 was occupying the
lower room. About eleven o’clock
some one sleeping in a room direct
ly over mine sprang from his bed,
and, tiring his pistol in rapid suc
cession, shouted: Shoot them,
don’t let one of them escape! Mur
der ever iustouc of them, the rascles,
the villiaus! Of course ab was ex
citement and as soon a» l recovered
from my fright 1 went to see what
was the matter, aud found l'roy Hale,
as they called hi in, hunting lied
bugs with a hand lamp and a 44
caliber revolver,
T!i* Union Paritli' w ill n41 llekalti m
one (are fur tlio rnutnl l.lp, |>lu» k-Yi'O,
from all |">iut» m N*4»r»»ka, I\hii»*.
I’oloram mil I 1 ill i" Haw Ii tin, Win
Da ten ii ihli'ti »*• i.i-i - will Im mild an
lat ami l I Tiii'»'l-.v *1 >y. •In. .lull
Aukuit n |*t i *. t ini Nin Sl!»K‘
litiii dall. i v< i I 'u ntil im.'ii way
Ihiii'i- Ki't'u* '11111 li'aii I Km'mi)'
oiaiit | .it (uttl' ' nimi i all mi ur
aiMi ■ )* D i i A. "
I • . Ii- i W II « .» • t f It ■
1‘, II t'llUrill, I I'l, Ii i'll'*'*'
I' * . t* “ . li.ll'r I "l| l|t
limn ill mil I" .11 I II ll
ulliin . in it . I » .i> ii.iut • bail. •
lam'. • "U.ifli >. *, *t .»» "
I Mini ll an ' v. W«h*> ml
4 iM I
’I !». * l*i i.'elMal i t*
r. z r-:
I |t 1*^' * j Hi ■* « ' i
hm> l * u *%* H
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«( III * t «4*H
- ' - * 4 ii« r
• I *U 1C- * I f
J* l ‘ ■ - t» t*-»***M U »* •
Hows the harness business? is the question
asked of us by our host of customers as they come !
in to make their purchases in other lines and hap
pen to see our
Large Stock of plafpess
Doing nicely, thunk you, is our reply.
Did’nt sell very many sets last week, but showed
a great many and showing
when the lookers are ready to buy.
' This whole week we will be pleased to show the
now coming in, to those interested and pleased
to have them compared with any harness
Shown or to be Shown
in any town in the state of Nebraska. We
claim to have the best made harness, cut from
the best quality of leather, that is for sale, any
where, and you can safely count on our
i XT .
that you may depend on. Now in order to satis
fy you that we have got just what we say we
invite you to call and see them. It won’t cost
I you anything to look at them, and if we are not
right go some where else to buy your harness.
That* a privilege you have got and we will not
undertake to prevent you from exercising it.
Yours respectfully.
I_— I
\ . ■ l uul iwhltr
General Banking Bigness Transacted.
Capital Stock. $50,000.
t m 1m»j 'ii I Amt |t « at I' »t i ttel IWat t«»«a
taA to* to#* I »** I to# a eat
• *■» * ' n t **♦< v to***to %m* %«#to tt*jk II V . ^saill
Hat*.to ♦ H*tot%t «a