The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 01, 1898, Image 8
Iioaal Dsws. All fools day. come end see us, we’re In. (It) C. V. Johnsons little child is getting butter. Geo Oltmsn visited the countv sett Tuesday. Mrs. Samuel Hancock, It again on the sick list. Henry Ohlsen reports some of his children sick. A. Wstklnsen has received another large Invoice of furniture. Loek eat for the "Pringles" they will be here ell next week. Ere, Ear Nose and Throat. Dr. Sum par Davis, Grand Island. J. A. Angler is assisting A. Watkln son in bis furniture stare. We notice M. H. Sm ith of Divide, on onr streets Thursday morning. Mr. H. San db of Washington town ship was In the city Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Snyder, of Ver durette were ia the city last Moadsy. T. S. Nightingale made another pro fessional trip to Ord Wadneaday laat. Dar. Grow was down from Arcadia, •pending Sunday with his family. Pilger’s prices at Loup City, knocks them all out. Mias Lillie Nlghtlagale, has purabu ed a new blcyele that is a beauty. John Lofholm came ia laat Monday and reported the weather moderating. Scott lladdox of Cloar eroek was do ing business at the county seatTuasday. 1 lb. either Arbuckle, or XXXX coffee, 9 cts. at Pilger’s J. K. Pearson drove over from Litch field last Tuesday. 11a called to see us while in the city. The tickets are printed for the Vil lage election, and in the bunds ef the Village clerk. The new drink at Dr. Chase’s drug store is all r-r-r-rlgbt. Nothing intoxi cating about it. ▲. Boone, is over from Greeley Cen ter again with bis prisomlter. He re ports a lucrative business. Our Ashton correspondent is go ttlng right after the news, and we welcome his paragraphs to these columns. A letter from John Nordstrom of Arcadia brings us the wherewith to pay for a years subscription in advance. The B. & M. elevator is closed for the present, and Messers. Bchsupp and Hopper, will hop and shopper until further notice. Jacob Bitz jr of Bockville township lias purchased a fine } section of land 6 miles west of Loup City In Webster Tp. from N. Ingraham. □ For’good solid comedy “Johnnie Pringle" can’t be beat. Don’t fall to go and hear him and bis company, at the opera bouse every night next week W. T. Gibson, Geo. McDonald, Walt. McNulty, Clum. Gannon and £. Hol comb, are tenting out putting op a bridge on Davis ereek. They say Geo. McDonald is pastry maid. Photographs Cabinet Size only $1.49 per doz until April 16th gallery will be closed after the 16 of April. Wm. Touag, the pioneer farmer ef Bockville township, made these head quarters a pleasant call Tuesday while at the county seat on business. Mr. Young has Just finished sowing a large crop of wheat. _J .1___ . " — ymvmm iviij «UVU|U I last Friday maraing ta credit 92.00 on aceount af ▲. TapaUki, af fchaupp* Si ding, who it always willing to pay (ora good thing when be gets it, Tbe amount waadue on subscription to tkis paper Don't forget that If you icoep your subscription to tbit paper paid la ad raace, yau will be entitled to the one dollar rale. We commenced this reduc tion on all advance subscriptions on January Mrs! 18W. Thousands of saffarers from grlppo have Ijoso restored to health by One Mtuate Cungh Clara. It tjaiskly cares •ought, voids, bronskitis, pasamoala, grlppo, asthma, and all throat sad lung diseases, for solo by Odondahl Kra s. Tbe meeting coiled for last Saturday afternoon to take some actiou In regard to cleaning and beautifying our ceias tary was, on account of bad weather not held, but It is to be hoped that it will nut be lost sight of as something •hould he done to make the last resting p.ace of our departed look at least pas •alba Auisrbsus are the meet lavealiro people oa earth To them hare been la •usd nearly huo vpu patoaia, *> mere in an oa* third of ait the patsals issued la the world N# discovery af medcra years has beoa ml greater beoelt to mack tau thaa Chamber alu t t alk- t hoists and Diarrhoea Remedy, el ha* doae mere to relieve pals and suffering. J M V sugha. of tukten hy , says I have used t hasnherl*«a s Colic • holer* sad D• asrhows Homed> In my Family fa* se teral years, end dad It to be the i.«si used lei ho I stsi wood for stamps la its iiemsrts ami Meats Far sato by ■ Meadahl i>a • Druggist* Mr. Nialsou closed a very • uccessful six month term of scheol in Diet. Mo 2 laat Friday. Lawyer T. 8. Nigntingale. made an other professional trip to Ord. last Wednesday. The recent cold snap has put a stop to farming. The wheat Is nearly all sown, however. S. B. Galloway was a caller at 'this efflee laat Saturday and renewed hi* subscription to thle paper. Dr. Sumner Davis, Grand Island Speci alist in diseases, of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Examination for glasses. Don't forget that “Johnnie Pringle’, will be at the opera bouse all next week, go and see him If you want to laugh. Pilgers, at Loup City, i§ making war on dry goods and shoes. Sunday morning April 3rd ISf*. At the M. £ Church. “The Preacher A vatehmaa.” Ivealng subject, “Dees the Saleoa kelp the Town.” We acknowledge a pleasant call from John Hopper last Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, and Friday of this week, ami inyite him to coma again. John is good company. Was. Padler was burnsd quite severely on the arm last Monday, while repair ing a plow lay, the lay jerking loose from tba tongs when struck, turned ovar on Mr. Padler* arm while at white beat. Miss Lillie Jaeger came home from Lincoln last Saturday eyenmg where the has been for several months under medical treatment. She has fully recov ered and is looking exceedingly well. Next Tuesday will occur tba inunloi pal struggle in our city which will deci de wither King Cambrians or the Water Witch will reign supreme next year in Leap City. Witch Oh whieh Children like it, it saves their lives. We meaa One Minute Coegh Cure, the Infallible remedy for eoughs. colds, bronchitis, grippe, and all throat and lung troubles. For sale by Odeadabl Bro's. W. J. Bryan made a Democratic speech at Rome, Georgia, list week to eleven thousand rocknbbcd dyad In tbs wool democrats. lie made “Rome howl" but forgot to mention the populist par ty. When Mr. Bryan “is in Roms lie dess as the Romans do." Poor Watson. Remember that the Loup City I’hotogr. Gallery will be closed after April 15. '08. Re duced Rates on Cabinet Photos until the 15. April. Our young friend Henry French, who has been employed in the B & M. office St Grand Island for some months, met with a searious accident last Friday While lifting a heavy box he ruptured himself quite badly and at present is at home convelescing. John Smith of Weldenlowa, brother in- law of our townsmen Henry Ohlsen arrived here last Monday evening, in response to a telegram informing him that his little child was very sick, Mrs. Smith and children have been visiting hers for the past two weeks. On bis ar rival he found that the child was better. Sherman Newton, the man that had his back dislocated a couple months ago has so far recovered as to allow of his being meved from tbe hotel to his home last Monday. The old plaster cast was removed from bis body last Saturday, and e new one placed on him, and he is now able to move his limbs quite freely. The Johnnie Pringle Ideal Comedy Company will fill a weeks engagement at the opera house in this city begin ning next Monday, April 4. This Com pany plsysd a weak here three years ago, and give first class satisfaction to All li non vhick llm« fhstw lie an Knei. keeping pace with the theatrical world, end ere now belter able than aver to entertain tbe public. The Eaater opening of new ipring ball, ami ntber millinery goods, at Mrs. Travis will be somethiag worth seeing, and the ladies may wall be assured that they will bare au appertunity to select from a full and complete stock of tbe laical style# aad faunlua*. Mrs. Travis has been in the millinery business for many years, aad ilic thoroughly ander standi tha want! of her nniuerous can tomvr* Twn yean ago it. J Warrow a ding glatat Tleaaant Itrook, M Y baught a small supply of t hamoarlain't Cough liemedy He sums up tha result as fol luws “At that lime the good* wn« naknnwa in this section tn-day < h»m tor Isle's faugh Remedy 1* a household I word." It Is lb* Mui* la h ailrrls I aouimaullies. Wherever tha good >|U*1 llio* of Chamiiorlaln'i Cotgb kra»h •> uuis< kuosu Its* tieopie will bat* nothing alar kor sale uy Oden lahl Hro Mr*. A Inveon. res Hag at Tin lleary Si , Allan, III., suffered with seialle i haemal Ista for over *1 <h< m^uh* A*!* k>i(ur«4 l«i i| all at thi# Unit Nfluai r«fu aiU|tt |» s| | It ln*f ln*b U 4m J «m ii«ai' l to* ih«* 1 h»*» • stcieri*. hut reoatvrd au aiiaf an« than used one and a h* f Mthi of , Chamber Isis's I'aln Halm, *s h • it n., ' tad a oumplata aura I his s pui> itbe h i *1 hat r»|U**t a* th*' • sals ethers sm Many sHlwlsJ |u ,S»* *h»s ssir-l h#r fha •> and Am «e»l St saw ter isle I • odeodah1 •> * s A. W Throckmorton ot Divide, was a pleasant culler at our sanctum last Friday and contributed #2.00 to our .sub scription fund. Sevbstt Seven—*,77” is Dr. Humph rrys’ Famous Specific for the cure of Grip and colds, and the prevention of pneumonia. All druggists 25 cents. Cha’s. Gasteyer informs us that he is doing a very good business, and if his cash trade shows up a- well a- his butter and egg trade, we'll veutrne the a«-er tion that he is'ntyarniD. It is n great leap from the old fashion ed doses of blue-mass and nauseous physics to the pleasant little pills known at DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers. They cure constipation, siek headache andbilliousnesH. For sale bv Odendabl Bro’s. I attended the exhibition given by the Rose Valley school, at their school house Friday evening, and had a very nice time. The house was crowded. Mrs. Anna-[tecbl hold, the teacher, re ceived several nice presents. We under stand that Mrs. Bechthold has taugl t In that district for two years and li.« given general satisfaction in her worn. — M. A. JlN<; M. L. Yocum, Cameron, I’a says 'I was a sufferer for ten years, trying most all kinds of pile remedies, bnt without success. DeWltt'a Witch Hazel S,lvo was recommended to me. I used one box it has effected a permanent cure." As a permanent cure for piles DeWItl'. Witcb Hazel Salve ha- no equal. For *ale by Odendabl Bro’s. The Exchange, of the > adies Aid Society, will be held In the east w indow of the post office, Saturday. April bill, from 10, a tn . to 4, p in, There w ill be on sale cake by the slice, quarter, half, or whole, just as you want it, also baked beaus, Boston brown bread. urliitii Lvu ml ilmiirliniit. r.ii.Li n i . . In addition yon ean buy kitchen apron.*, •unboniiets. etc. Be sure and buy your Easter supplies at the exchange. By order of Commute. Ashley Conger, who is at Fort Logan Col. and a member of the 7th. regiment U. S, Infantry, writes his father that “we are making preparation* for war. and the excitement is so great that it keeps one busy composing himself." He also inclosed Senator Thurston’s recent speech on the Cuban question. and add* "This man, in my eye, is a true Ameri can.” Ashley is evidently ready and willing to go to help free the starving Cubans, and is awaiting the expected command. Mr. F E. Brewer arrived borne from Strom»burg last Saturday, w here lie had been for the past three and a half month* working for the order of Ben Ilur. Frauk *ajs Jen Her was a wiley maiden and kept him chained to the land of the Swede by her fascinating way.*, until be discovered that there »«- no profit m her smiles for him, and he broke the ».eb of cupid, aud wended in* way back to Loup City where the climate is more propitious for batcbelors. Frauk is -till single. The farmer, the mechanic, and the bicyale rider are liable to receive cuts tad bruises. DuWitl's Witch Hazel Salve Is the best tiling to keep on hand It heals quickly. and I* a well know n cure for piles. For sale by Oucndahl Bros A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast as you can,” Hue druggist recognized a household name for “DaWitt’s Little Early Kisers” ami gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick head ache. liver and stomach troubles. For sale by Odendahl Bro’s. -» ♦ •» Lost—-A black poland cbiua boar, weight abotu 300 pound*, strayed away from my farm Thursday March 24, he is stubbed tailed and ha*tushes kuocked out. Any one furnishing information regarding id* whereabouts w ill be liber any rewarded. Address, E. (i. PahiK. A*hton N’ebr. We will pay a Sallary of 810.00 per week, and expeii.-tet for man with a rig to introduee our Poultry Mixture and insect liestreyer in the eouetry. Address with sump. PKUrKCTIUN Mn. Co., Parsons. Kan. LlVjUOk U€RN»K. NOTH'* \ollra la hai shy glvaa that on March as, isc vlfra.l Chambers Iliad with tl.« v ll • i'l*r« of l.'.ui* city, Nebraska his pe tliloa for tbs tMuen.M f » «•. anti malt ai.irltueaa and vluoaa li.ju .ra. within said \ IHaga .tariUK <h* n». .,1 year aasl an same fraa. and .flat Tuesday May *rd. i* “ ohje. II.N.S to Iba t»aean. a of stub li > a. a* uiaat he (had on or ae tha said • bird day of Mav Is w Ai > an. i iitubtue. Altaal T a * t loOALg, VII aa« I t at fe Lltfl ok MCKNtfc NOTH X Motteeu harsbj gt<raa Inal u Marsh as. I llaury t lausr fltsd son tha ( lark of (ha V It aaa cf l .mp (its Sabiaska hia [ paUtn.a foy llr. iaa b> »a. ... . t apiriteuua as* rn.ou. n ,u..ra wilt.ih lbs •act V i aaa of I oe* City s».’.rs»ka. laying tha «,.»• j yaat c.uaaiea lag May r I. on aalmna l” tba itaua a ><f aa.'h I saas must Ua Utbd e« or iwfot» ,a.d lie d*a i May ns* I II k s It. titan* »'h » * » an.H I l«o vl «. VI us* Push Itkk It hofii • a,.t a • aFaby g >au H al J Uaa dab tad W .. odsHdabl HHHM ae' ••«*#«• Ml. |ft« *| ,w %it . » M U V* aU. H ■ | ' % , ,M . , %hm H 4#* si V ki M. !* . HIM if « t i*H I ' • •Mi ||»lu4lui. f •# * | ' * ■ a I ga j.. IS tba »> aga .< i.oup . .a t „ |£,-, aaau o-a ■ *a* to ai. Ms, |,i, Mat Hb Itbh v . ya.-a. . Wo. *" *'e *a ■ sea m hi .a tba> t» S'1*' ' aatiag I ta I ,r iia.iaaa of I (at# a i .at Mata* r * ktoNttewAbia KLONDIKE What does it cost to get there? When and how should one go? What should one take? Where are the mines? How much have they produced? Is work plentiful What wages are paid ? Is liv ing expensive? Wtiat are one’s chances of making a strike!!? Complete and satisfactory replies to the above questions will ho found in the Burlington Routes Klondike Folder Now ready for distribution. Sixteen pages of practical inform tlon and an up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon dike. Free at Burllntou Route ticket offices, or tent on receipt of four cents in stamp by -J. Francis, tlen'l passenger Agent. Burlington Route. Omaha, Nebr ACIOTTI.KN K GAN. TilK LIGHT Ilf TIIK KL'Tl'Itl: why not l>e Independent and own your own little gas plant which will give four times more light than ordinary gas, or electric lights at one half the cost? Applicable for use in churches, stores, factories, hotels, residences and country homes safer than ordinary gas or ker osene lamps. Approved by all the Boards of Underwriters throughout the United States. \^e want a first class agent in every town. Write foi catalogue and price*. The Acetylene Oas Machine Co. Akron, Ohio. OITYr NEBR Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helens, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kan*** City. Portland, St. Louis, San Frauciseo, anil all points and all points East and South West TRAINS LEAVE AM FOLLOWIl GOING EAST No 52 Passenger _7:56 a. m No *0 Freight . .... 2 00 p rn GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger 4:15 p.m. No SU Freight. lliSua. ui aiueping. <1 latter anil reclining chair cars teeats (reel on through trains Ticlcets wild seS feaggage olusakad to any point in the Halted Suttee or Canada. For iniormalioa, maps. Lima tabic* and tickets nail on or write to A. F. Warts Agent. Or J. FRANUla, Gen ! Paeeanger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. H. P. RAILWAY. Ns. Ui leaves daily except Sunday (pass enger). 7:3o a. m No 8* leave- Monday. Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 2:05 p. hi. No. IIS leave* Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, (mixed; 2:30 p. m No H7 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed; 11 AS a m No A arrives dally except Sunday (pass enger) 7.06 p m First class service and close connections east, west and south W. 1). CLIFTOK, Agent. Loup City Market Report. Price* paid for: Corn . | m Wheat.70 Oai*.10 Hog*. 1.20 Oowa and heifer* .260 0 3.00 Feeder* . 3.*0 Butter, per pound. 10 BggS, per do*. 0 For Sale—Twelve head ot milch cows and calves, three 2 year old steers, and thirteen head of heifers and steers, nt my farm six miles north east of Loup City. L. D. Gardner. For Sale—A good house and barn with six lots, enquire of. Alfred Anderson, Owner. For Sale—one new 3-in wagon, a'id one small boiler and engine. Iloi.-ses taken in exchange. Call at Crearuery J. E. McCray. Heed Notice. 1 will run a herd on my range three and one half miles south west of Loup City, for the season of 1898, commenc ing May 1st. Kates $1 00 per head, Plen ty of good water, salt once a week and best of care given to stock. Those wish ing to leave their cattle in mv care dur ing season, will please let me know as goon as possable aud oblige. Yours respect. ix. xx. xu ka r n Loup City Nebr. FOR SALE. Two hundred head of good western cows, all iu calf by thoroughbred bulls. These cows can be sold on time, to good responsiblt men. This stock can be Seen at Loup City after the 12tb of March. I also have some good bulls for sale cheap. A. St'TTON I'ilger pays more for eggs and butter, than any one in this part of Nebraska. UlKM.MiTON RoL’TK Through tourist sleeping cart, Iu charge uf special excursion manager. and accompanied by ualformed Full man porter*, leave Kau»a* City, every rhurtday morning for FortUud. tire, they nm over the Hurlliigton Route j |o tmnvcr. 1>. X K ti.Mv (Sceulnl.tu* | to Ogden Oregon Short Line, ami tl. It 1 ,v S i ii to tWalinaliou A lay over of ' ten ti<>ui* I. made a Suit Like tdl> | giving pa. • ngei ■ in opportunity to lie i oi'iii* *. iu.Inled wllhoue of the uumI Wtuilfut Ani ihU*mllnK rtllr* In i tviiiitl, Tr«Vflm t(#»(i**il (it I'uriltAil i t(f Aii I t|l*f t'i. tit N»t|IA At »l ! «•() •- U i*| jtilh l|»» ¥\%MM«»HA i Tto*' rr I • ih» tip i|n>r or uiitr# » out fur ia i ♦« ■ At » y n thA |bAl(i(* I *’*» * • ! t*ii (bt t til V«*•'(«'!< »»t I' tlut t* l .AApthg jet ■ *«t'ttU IMir fi»tMtrAi« AauIi I *v\ % 4 % »' ll% |i«*f(l» 1 t at* H-tv. *■*'* • kl|f l*i t'it^iivti (Jt) ( ib | t atti lull «aH fci ♦* *.*( Hi*. i Ii ’au iit (ti j» 1 « of * ‘w in J ^ tv* (i •.* I* A Mia* .* %*A I Every thing jou want is for sale at Hat ing had a liberal share of patronage in Loup City, in the past, we will try to deserve it. in the future, by ALWAYS GIVING YOUt** ^PRICES THAT APE POSITIVELY F?IGfiT, by giving you weights that are eorrect, and treatment that isjust. Op ft sill Li 1 soon be here, and will add largely to an ^ already large stock of everything kept in a general store, including some of the latest novelties and importations of the season. We also have DISHES, HATS, CADS, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC. ETC. all at prices as low as the lowest. A better and more complete stock of general mer chandise can’t be found in the Loup Valley. ]V1Y LAQieS J-fATS. Our millinery department will be beautiful with, Violets, Laces, CtiifTons, aad Everything New The sty les will be correct. Mrs. Travis goes where the styles are made and she sees what she buys. * COME TO OUR “EASTER” AND YOU WILL BE WELL DAID FOR YOUR TROUBLE. There will be hats for #5.00 and hats for 50 cents and hats at prices to suit you all. Come and bring your relation, your neighbors and your friends. Come and be convinced. J. H. TRAVIS & 00. Mounted on Spring Hollers from 36 in. to 1 10 ft. wide and as long as you wish. FANCY LACK (TRTAINS AND (>. T. STAND COV ERS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. also a rompletu Stock of Hardware AND Busies and Farm Implement. CALL AND OKT PUD LS IIEKORK IK VINO. * Vuur* fur I'tr^aiuo RACKET STORE. I I I