The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 01, 1898, Image 1

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orrfaJE.—One door eaat of ObMO'a
drag more __________
uoxjt am. i • m
t'Hol'KlKTolt UP
Eipnss and Ginaral Dalivar* Un.
AU Eapreaa or Freight order*proatpg
ly atUuded to ________
Si Mr at Lav and Callactiai litlaatt
• * ■naif P»ao» m* *»*•
M,tM M •>*», a.
UM lea* !» <tk «l Fire* *•**.
tour vitr* iuum* i
W J. riVHKR,
Attar** at Lav aid Uttar* Pallia
Will Uefa«*l I* F«r»»' •<*>* IMe*
uw *» a
Owwril M««l B*Ut« HueIimmm- ^
Udk« >4 Km* «#4«»v**a 4*114144*
i«H4(N9t 'UiAMM
Spaniard* OHllag Off Bin Royal lligh
na*» More Ruaaonabl*.
The war clouds that have been
hovering over us for so long seems
to bs dissipating and white winged
pease again smiling upon us. Three
days sgo not a breath laden with
aaythiag bit gore was allowed to es
cape the lips of the Spanish batcher,
but a few hours sometimes works
■iricals, aid at prsseat his “Royal
Highness" seems to have concluded
that there is something* in the world
that might be easier got than Yankee
blood. The first of this week Pres
ideat MeKinlejr seat an ultimatum
to the Spanish government to the
effect that hostilities mast cease at
once, the rceonccntradoe allowed to
go back to tkeir homes and resume
their several vocations anmolcsted.
This has not at this writing been
answered by the Spanish government
and the administration is waiting
patiently for their reply, which ac
cording to official statements, must
not be delayed too, iong. An arm
UtiAi* kaa kaan kintnd • t Uw Uwairi
but this alio was promptly nipped
in the bud by the President and in
the meantime war preparation* are
going ahead aa fast ae men and
money ean pash them, and it would
teem that the laat sombre hue of
war waa being rapidly assumed by
our government as the orders have
been given and partly executed to
paint our war vessels a war eolor,
and they are rapidly taking on a
light lead eolor.
The report of the court of inquiry
of tho blowing up of the Maine, was
eonsiso and to the point and left no
doubt ae to the eause of the dielru
etion of that vessel, but of course,
eould not say that it was done by
the Spanish government, or who.
But it is evident that no one except
that government eould plant a mine
in the harbor of Havana, and surely
the officers of that government pilot
ed our vessel over the mine aod
moored her at the buoy that
marked it, shewing plainly that it
was pro arranged. The President
seems stolidly to go ahead with
his preparations without allowing
himself to be hurried or driven by
preture from within, yet at the same
time, showing to the Spaniards that
not a backward movement will be
taken from the mandationa already
laid down, and that they mnst either
recede from their former hot headed
position or fight, and while war
seems almost inevitable at the pres
ent time yet we hope it may be
averted, bnt only by the absolute
fredem of Cuba would we sanction it.
■•port of Spanish OnorS or Inquiry.
Ths Spanish sourt of iaqeiry
nls* sasda n report to their govern
ssent to the eflest that ths explosion
was from sesss intsrnal sanse, that
the deok was blown np which was
proof of it, hot that the mad was
sa deep at tha bottom of tha harbor
that their divert coaid not examine
the lower parla of the vessel. Ths
two conflicting reports will of eoarse
sell for arbitration so settle.
The speech of lion. John M.
Thnreton, ta senate laal week, onihr
Caban qaealiou wae a masterpiece of
eloquence, end loachod the right cord
far all Americans regardless of
polities, the starving ri-eoas«atrados
inspired him with Ire and a deter
miaalioa to see their wrongs righted
Mr. W \V hoi. the big ranch
man near Hsvenus iomwm**lsuiei4
by shoe!lag himself through the
head Ho eases has been eseige««l
•hr he shock! thee red hie life *»th
•t then dl health and luecisl diitt
celtise Ills Mi was found lyiua
at rwes the grave of hts ehtkl II*
!«•<•• • wife end three >U-gbl*r«
Mr. A. C. Sloan of Omaha, drove
into town Wednesday evening, on
his way to Caster county. Mr. ii. J.
Holmes was seen here Thursday.
Mr. E. K. Chinn, a former resident
of this place, visited ua Wednesday,
between train's.
W. T. Owens retnrned to our hust
ling town Wednesday afternoon, from
a short sojourning in Arcadia.
L. A. Wilson betook himself to
Omaha Wednesday afternoon via
the H. & M
Mr. U. J. liillebrandt, of St. Paul
was here Thursday setting up a sam
ple McCormick binder for Mr. Tay
Mr. F. W. Sehaupp returned from
his trip to Omaha on Friday eve.
State Bank Examiner, V. E. Wil
son, wee here Tuesday afternoon.
We hear that our friend, Mr- Kiley
Arthaud was united in marriage to
Miss Edna Keeney of St. Paul, at
the home of the brides parents, on
Sunday, March 20, “1. C. U. extends
his congratulations, and hopes a leag
and happy wedded life may be the
lot of the yeung people.
L. A. Wilson returned from Oma
ha Friday evening last.
J. lligley of Omaha was here Fri
day and Saturday in the interest of
the McCormick Company.
Mrs. James Landers, of Arcadia,
visited Mrs. 11. Smelser on Thursday.
Mrs. C. P. Hyde, of Webster City
Iowa, arrived Saturday evening for
a visit with her brother, Mr. H.
We wish to correct an error made
last week. The bieyele spoken of as
belonging to Mrs. Fred Wiektnan
we are informed ie the property of
Miss Lillie Nightingale, of Loup City.
We were misinformed, hence the
We have it from good authority
that Mr. FI. G. Taylor sold his res
idence to Mr. II. Smelser, on Satur
day. Oh I tell ydu Ashton is not so
slow after all.
Our friend Mr. Fid. Daniels, bid
us good by on Tuesday morning, and
set sail for Wymore, via the Burl
Mr. Fi. J. Harden is here now, in
behalf of the Deering Company.
I. C. U.
A Pioneer** View*.
Walter Moon stepped into our
sanctum a few days since and depos
ited |2.00 in our general fund. Mr.
Moon was among the early settlers
of Sherman county, and from his
first settlement has always had im
plicit confidence in Nebraska, and
particularly this part. He has ex
perienced the disasterous results of
both the grasshoppers and drouth,
the former in the early days and the
latter in recent days gone by. Mr.
Moon reckons, however, that these
severe trials have been more thau
offset by more prosperous times
which we have been and are now en
Oh would that all our citizen:- would raise
their voices bltib and soon
To sound Nebraska’ praises loud as doss
the voice of Walter Moon.
Burned To Death.
A sad affair waa reported to us
yesterday. A farmer by the name
of Tleilur, living between A Utley
and Westerville, was working in the
Bald last Saturday forenoon and
had decided to burn off the prairie
for auDi dialaooe around so as to
facilitate the growth of new gras*
He atarted the Are and went about
bis work thinkiog no more of it ;
Mrs Theilar, who was at the house
feanag that some damage might b<
done, atarted through the hills to
try and etlmguiab the Itamt*. It
ia supposed that during the uouteai,
which followed, h« i drvaa ss iJseiU
caught Hr*, for the was found lying
in n canyon about I u'eioeh in tk*
afternoon, uiovn*. tons and t« rrttdi
burned MU# waa brought to the
bouts at» l w<olteal aid aummautd
lott the unfortunate woman ness •
l«> ovtrvd, euiHuienUj to lull the o i
late Mu# dtwd |lw«l IS w«|o- »
that tight Ataudm Ckinpwu
It Merchant* Think Th*y should Have*
Tli« Homo I’ar rouafC«*.
Some of the merchants of Liteb
fleld are justly indignant over the
fact that many of the citizens of the
wsst part of the county are sending
off their money to Montgomery,
Ward A; (Jo., and patronizing scalp
ers who arc going over the country
selling goods. Mash indignation is
shown towards the scalpers, but
they arc no more to be blamed than
the ones who patronize them. Much
of the goods sold by Montgomery,
Ward & Co. is cheap staff and of
course is sold at a low price. On
the contrary the homo merchant
handle better goods, and the price,
of eonrse, is on some thiags higher.
They have spent years, perhaps the
best part of their life, trying to
please their easterners, and buy only
sueh goods as will give satisfaction
both in quality and price. Neither
the traveling scalpers or Montgoa
ery. Ward &Co. pays taxes to sup
port our county or to maintain our
public schools, i uey get an me)
can and keep it. Not one penny re
verts back, directly or indirectly,
to oar people. The home merchant
pays taxes, tl*e proceeds of which
are paid out for school purposes and
comity labor. The merchants also
employ labor when business is good,
thereby directly benefiting our peo
pie and helping to build up our local
enterprises. It is a mistaken idea
to thing that sending away for goods you do not take
quality into eonsideration you may
be able to save a few cents on first
cost, bat the aditional cost will after
words be added.
The local merchant who does not
gel yoar trade is unable to improve
his picperty and furnish employ
ment, or to contribute to pablic en
terprises, all of which tends to furnish
mors of a home market for prod
ducts of the farm. And again the
sidewalks and general appearance
of your town would not be so much
ran down at the heel as is often the
ease when business is dull. If peo
ple would take a broader view of
such things they would not only
avoid being victimized by the scalp
ers, but would help their friends,
and local enterprises, and above all
better their own condition.
Trade at Home.
We call the attention of our peo
ple to the fact that they should deal
with their home merchants, when
ever it is possible to do so and not
patronize every cheap John institution
that happens along, and who par a
small license for the privalege of
opening an auctioneering room in
the eity and throw on the market
a lot of bankrupt goods at reduced
prices. Generally they are shelf
worn and out of date, and of an
inferior grade. Our home merebaats
handle good goods, and are heavy
tax payers. Many of our citizens
have large families, hut, owing to
their financial condition, pay scarce
ly any taxes. It necessarily follows
then that the merchants, some who
may have no children at all, are
heavily taxed to educate their
neighbors and their should he pal
rous children, and yet many of tbia
elasa aid run alter this aheap John
stuff, spend Unde cs-u for it and a*k
their home m< rebants for credit l>id
you ever think of It in this light? j
Give the h mo merchants \.mr un
divided »np|e rt nud you wilt have n
better town, a ietlrr market a
tietter »• tioul, u>of* local enterprise*1
and m or pleasant awrTouudingt
Tbs lte« VY It Weaver, pester el lb*
t It t fcurrh hill ltsif ft , teungelt
Ik »t * aa -sttala • •eegn!
MshunIi.uiiI do*-* net beettale tv tell
o4t,»M Stsxel »t, I s»«e used < beat kef
u.a's t - uefc , be seys • end j
Hi, I |i *t, , s.sleni uteoielae 1st evid*
.1 .gh* kiosessss" M 4v*s #»*»>
■HM> w|o> giw* tt e trial NM kf itgee
dkbl Itio's
Hows the harness business? is the question
asked of us by our host of customers as they come
in to make their purchases in other lines and hap
pen to see our
Large Stock of HarPess
Doing nicely, thank you, is our reply.
Did’nt sell very many sets last week, but showed
i a great many and showing
when the lookers are ready to buy.
This whole week we will be pleased to show the
now corning in, to those interested and pleased
1 *
to have them compared with any harness
Shown or to be Shown
in any town in the state of Nebraska. We
claim to have the best made harness, cut from
the best quality of leather, that is for sale, any
where, and you can safely count on our
1 t
that you may depend on. Now in order to satis
fy you that we have got just what we say we
invite you to call and see them. It won’t cost
you anything to look at them, and if we are not
right go some where else to buy your harness.
Thats a privalegeyou have got and we will not
undertake to prevent you from exercising it.
Yours respectfully.
a C. l>OK. A. P. OULLSY.
Vioa Praatdant Caahtor
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, $50,000.
Lmh m latpawaaal %mrm» at SINK par eaat I Wat t’ and I Wat Taaatt
<»• Im had la Ilia awl
Caa<uMtr«MM>4MrTa t Naituoai lia«h Vra 1'uah l ttjr, X V, ■ ‘—aha
HaiMMtai Haaa taaaha. SaWaa.a