The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 18, 1898, Image 6

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Tlio following is a characteristic Hood's
•Sarsaparilla testimonial. Facts like
these have made Hood’s Sarsaparilla
America's Greatest Medicine and on
den red it to thousands of homes scat
tered ail over this broad land.
“tVe like to tell what Hood’* Rnr«npa
rilia ha* done for u». Our four children
bad diphtheria. From the very Hr*t our
little lioy Ralph, thou seven years old, was
very sick and for soveral days it seemed as
if he would never 1m) any better. After n
while he began to Improve and in a few
weeks was aide to go out, although weak
and miserable. Then, gradually
All Strongth in Hia Limbs
goveout. The physicians told us It va<
paralysis, which sometimes follows an at
tack of diphtheria We did everything
for him. but he grew worse until he wm in
a pitiful condition. Ho suffered terribly
nt night and complained continually of
bis head, ami In what little sleep he w»s
able to get, mooned unceasingly. He io-t
nil lontrol of the muscles of his body and
linilsi. He had no appetite nudi omplained
of feeling sii k nt tin stomach all the time.
After we had tried many different reme
dies and had about given up all hope
we commenced giving him Hood's Sarsa
parilla. in n short time he ceased to com
plain. his appetite improved and nt tho
end of three months l:o was able to attend
school a part of the time Now he is well
and <|Uite a strong and ragged boy. You
arc at liberty to use this testimonial if you
d'oirp. ns wp feel wp cannot snv too much
in pruiso of Hood's Sarsaparilla ns n blood
purifier and building up medicine.” Mua.
it. K. Asdeuson, Cumberland, Maine.
Economy is also a characteristic of
Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Every bottle
contains 100 Doses, and hence t! ere
is a solid fact concisely stated in the
familiar line, 100 Doses One Dollar.
Is America's (ircatest Medicine bee
Sold bv till druggists. SI, six (or
The longest article In the Ameri
can Monthly Review of Reviews tor
March Is on "The Rush to the Klon
dike." It. was written by Mr. Sam |
Stone Hush and Is illustrated with
more than thirty phoct graphs, a ma
jority of them having been taken by
the author. Both text anil pictures
serve to tell in an unusually vivid i
way the things that thousands, east j
and west, are Just now asking about.
Mother. "What on earth are you do
ing to the child, Bridget, to make lier
cry so?" Brl Iget (who has Just slapped
her): "I s'pos© it’s the medicine, mum;
the lalbul says as how children erfeu!
for it."—Brooklyn Life.
Don't put on too many airs as y u
float down life’s stream; your little
boat may capsize.
For All Points
in Colorado.
The train of trains is the liarlington's
Denver Hiraitcil Nearly two hours
faster than any other. Makes only 11
stops iu r.:;s miles. Ituns on time over
a superb track.
1,eaves Omaha... .4:15% p. m.
Arrives Denver . .7:'..". a. m.
PlrejHnr. elmtr. smoldn .* and dining cart*.
Tl t, ;11 nflWctfor ronneellag lint*.-*.
J. I'runi.’U, Genera! I'aswn^vr Agent.
Omaha. Nel>.
^ If you are interested and wish lo
A post yourself about the Gold Fields- A
T of the Yukon Valley, when to go T
5 and how to get there, write for a 5
f Descriptive Folder and J.Iap of V
f Alasua. It will be sent freeupwi v
A application to T. A. GRADY, Ex- 4
A cursion Manag r G. 15. & Q. R. R., A
Z 2ti Clark Street, Chicago. ^
D E li CI ft AIC Gil Your ftniv
»rtl* C*»*T. M I U U.»l
i««|^nVMkiiwiM U AMtMlltN, II. c
IT Wilt PIT AtiY fIF.Y!?
| . • . *1. • «*TMH
iMMtAr * ♦ t* • *
k« •»•*!' > » a»Imi > l i »
.«# IA • *4, tot*-- J » t .J Ik*-* * %4
JAMS i It CIICWI A VS* •* m»ma«m
Of. Kif't Ittog Blit
•UK w*»«
ause it accomplishes wonderful cur
■» Prepared only by C. 1 Hood *
Missouri lias the greatest boded of
load ore in the world.
Iblnrate Your Bowel* With Cttimret*
i'nruly t';»! h.irtt'*, cure ron*tiput ion for v«*r :
I0i.*,:~)C. if f;»il.dru«jrlst»r»'fuudoiouey. |
frwri nt Hotel. ICureka sprint;*. Ark.
Mnrdi 1**. in In art of O/.ark
Mountain*, climate mild and ^ bra»*iug, i
m enery wild and beautiful. I netjunled I
medicinal water*. Kxcur*ion rate*,
through xieej er*. a ift I’riwo liin**. Addrc*s
Manager Cn* rttjt,. Kureka Springs or
(«•■«» 'I . Nirhobon. iJ. V■ A., 1’riaco Line j
fr* t inui*. Mo
Liberia i< the land wh^re docks a:v
almost entirely dispensed with.
New Invention*.
_ Armngt th ■ cil:iOU‘|
patents Iri-.ufd last week!
fir w.u cue fur a s> lt-pro
| J / celling uteUh i turd to a
)] jijTNifjLM linn's°ta Inveutcr. An-j
1 other re’attd to a simp!
aJ stock feeder. While a
*••&>». ‘Ncw Vol k it>'-rntor got a
clever device patented
to him embracing a nit on rlio-t
sweeper and sprinkler. Inventors de
siring a free illustrated book on I a‘
onta should addiesi hues & Co., reg
istered patent lawyers, who have j
charge of the exhib t of Inventions at
the Trans-M ssirslppi ICxpisition. and
who are located In 'he Bee Building, j
Omaha, Nebraska.
I). i’t think it is d! grk fui to turn
hln f r\ vniiP fault i
Evtablislicd I7S0. Si
| Baker’s |;
Chocolate, I
:. <t
- <i
celebrated for more ^
than a century a-; a sj
delicious, nutiitimis, *3
and fleshforming ^
beverage, has our *5
Yellow Label <f
on the front of every dj
package, and our
CivH:olatiere.”on the 'd
bac k.
Dorchester, Mass. y
Did you know that millianaot microbes, $
z pton ain ' t, mv s;bl« to this \
| Rake t > e, >r#td and teed n th« ;
bowr. v, causicji aliki&da ol uxiesunal ;
• '« th* oo!y iMupi ; Uaativa that
k.l iib.ratf* uu4 fmvint u#tr m.».
r« ••• Caav^au Ua«r<tora *
• i wad is
Care Constipation.
A booklet »ft4 f?j# fc* «*• a*k of.
1a* t4 i b*|i * U >-«», iv«i. fUK, at y-«»
.|fv*4 isDtktiUw t |w«UoU J «J
tA»otf*«l tattl'd.
»>««♦»»«*•••••* e»*
SQ-TO-BIC fcSri-r•r.:.‘d....
IM*M MHtt. tr
m* II* 4m u.
when all other medicines fail,
t Co,, Apothecaries, lx>well. Mass.
New I (*o IJUroveriMl for th9 l'i;ly l(ui«
■1 uii l’lou«e.
The reason of the new fangied fem
inine fancy known an the Kus ;ian
blouse was discovered by a Washing
ton Star reporter on a trip from Jersey
City to Washington a few nights ago.
The train had just begun to move out
of the Jersey City station when a
young woman, rather cf the '‘new" or
der. swung herself aboard. She was
almost breathless from hurrying, and,
unlike the majority of her sex, was sin
gularly unhampered by luggage. A
neatly rolled umbrella and a jatket
were all the traveling gear site carried.
The young woman occupied a section
by herself, and It was apparent that
she contemplated retiring, for she re
quested the porter, with every indica
tion of weariness, to make up her berth
with all possible haste. Yet was the
•eperrter mildly curious to observe that
the young woman had no grip in which
it is usual to carry toilet conveniences.
He wondered if she contemplated ly
ing down in an Immaculate tailor
made skirt and a fashionable Russian
blouse. As the making up of the berth
neared completion the young woman
rose and proceeded to the lavatory. Ev
ery one in the car looked at her, for she
was exceedingly handsome and pos
sessed a trim little figure. Pretty scon
she returned to her section and the re
porter marveled more than ever, tlhe
was arrayed in a black India silk neg
lige, and she carried her blouse over
her arm. Several observing women ex
changed wondering glances, for they,
too, had noticed the absence of all lug
gage. and were puzzled at the transfor
ma'ion. i bis fascinating traveler was
the object of general attention next
morning as tbe train rolled into Wash
ington. The young woman sat calmly
in her section, rolling into the small
est and tightest bundle possible the
India silk garment. This completed,
she closed a folding comb, put a tooth
brush into an oil silk cover, and with
a dexterous movement from under
neath, which looked like the stretch
ing of an elastic band, the young wom
an slipped neglige, comb and tooth
brush Into her Russian blouse. A hand
kerchief and veil soon followed, and
lol tbe traveler suggested one of our
west end giris arrayed for a morning
stroll on F street, without a suggestive
sign of having passed the night on a
i .. 1.. ..
i' 1 ■
The edi
tor of the
" B rown
fits, Mich
igan, Han
n e r,” r e
rently paid
a visit to
West e rn
Canada, and spiaking of n gat den t h it
lie saw in the Kdutoutou District, says:
'On August Litril we had the pleasure
of visiting the model seven-aere gar
dert ai Edmonton, owned and operated
hy one Donald ito>s. a typical Scotch
man. and as whole-souled, good-na
tured <||.| gentlemen as you often
meet He gave the Yankees each a
hearty hand-hake as we wei - intro
duced til stiecesukun by the Canadian
Government \geul. who was our guide
and pilot while at Kdmnutnu anil to
whom we are indebted for many eotir i.inferred Mr Hum informed
us that he r tea red front gwtwt in yt.ouo
annually from the sale of risks, vege
table* tlowers and plant* Ac hers
*tiie iha: we never before saw au> h a
gr<>a<h of * r get abb* at that mi.uu of
lh.- year lie »ald lhal he raised 7'*1
bo*h. I* of onion* to the a re Iteeis
•ere growing «* large a* >ot*r arm.
turnip* the *U" of one's bewd all I
cabbage* as large as a patent pall Col
lowing are price* that Mi lto*« gave
hi aw receiving fur his prodo* e Iteel*.
JO vents pet bushel carrot> in vents
onion*. |t jj, in nii* |J t“■ ton; cat*
I hag* t tent* *t It. given corn, 7*
cent* per do).n, tomatoes, It Jo pit
bushel, potatoes .*'* tv* in V snt*. rauii
g*v**r It per d sen rwcunti-er*. I
cents per vbvgen, strawberries. ft C*S(I
per be** sepuasb I v ents pc i in,, *«*
other produce In proportion IP- hep1
4 hot house Ifvlvi fc»i hcatrvt by ■
lkr(*i« by mean* uf k «♦ * tine mat
b* sub himself attended tht* garden
egeept gt Bute of gathering the crop
Vc«*t> of the t oil hi* Gow itinven
am sow located at different p-dute H
lb- t a ted Htsie* ea t m» m i ttvr »f
foils toward* se- tiring ullblt >>n lh<
fee-||e land* of Western Cassia ti
( s d 'ts« 4*14 8-td* a » ttib • try.
.111 «ccl I an rou* New* Note* Oatltcrpd From j
Till* mill Ollier Countries—Ar«Tilent*l. J
Criminal. Political. Social am! Other- |
wise—Crisp Comicpsa1 iuu* From All |
Monday. March 7,
Two new government torpedo lioati*
have Just been completed at Bristol,
R. I.
Sensational reports of the past week
tended to interfere somewhat with
There is no martial law at Skagua.
all reports to the contrary notwith
Hundreds of tons of supplies for re
lief of Cubans are going forward from
New York.
Wife Murderer I.uetgert has been as-1
signed to make sausage for his fellow
eonvlcts at Joliet.
President Bole of Hawaii has given
$.",o0 for relief of families of sailors j
who inet death on the Maine.
The negro militia of South Carolina
are ready to take a hand for Uncle
Sam in warring on Spaniards.
From Hyderabad, India, comes the |
report of fifteen deaths daily, result
ing from a plague of "black blister.”
The emperor of Germany makes the j
declaration that territory once seized ]
...... . — . ’ ..m r... . ... i •* i •..
A bill has been Introduced In the
senate appropriating $59,000 for im
provements at the national sailors’
home at I.eav< nworth.
Postmaster General Gary directed
that an Inspector be sent to Ada. Ga., j
to Investigate ihe circumstances in- ,
cident to the assisination of Mr. Free- '
man, who was appoint, d postmaster,
but was killed before lie entered on
tiie duties of his cilice.
Tui-silay. March •*.
The Hotel Graham, at Graham, Va., j
has been burned; loss. $.90,000.
There is a concerted move by Colo- j
rado, Utah and Wyoming on the cattle
Editor Hedley of Hill. III.,
has been acquitted of tn.» charge of
•Japan is evidently preparing for a
struggle with Russia over Korean
Pinkerton of Chicago Indignantly de
nies a report that his detectives are in
the Dons’ secret service.
Thirteenth Cincinnati May music
festival will open May 21 with Theo
dore Thomas as director.
Heidelbaeh, Eickelheim & Co. of
New York have engaged $200,000 in
gold for export from Paris.
The viceroys of Nan Kin ami Hu
Kwang, China, have openly revolted
against the rule of the emperor.
All Ferouck ftey, tic newly appoint
ed Turkish minister to United
States, has started for Washington.
Governor Otero has rern.v 3 Solici
tor General A. B. Fall of .New Mexico,
charging neglect of duty. Fall will con
Have Sullivan of Boston met and
defeated Patsy Broderick of Provi
dence at Yonkers. N. Y., in the ninth
Adrian Braun, a convM in Sing
Sing (N. Y.) prison, murder-d hi - wlf°,
who was paying him a visit at the
Inspection has been ordered Cor the
California National Guards anil they,
with the naval militia, will lie placed
in readiness for an emergency.
Billy Layton of Hot Siblings and
.Tack Grace of New York, seconds to
McCoy and Burley, were arrested for
allotting the prize light at Hot Springs.
The Bulgarian agent at Constanti
nople has asked the Turkish govern
ment for explanations rev rding the
alleged movements of Turkish troops
towards the Bulgarian frontier.
First Lieutenant .T. li Sh pton. First
artillery, has been sPierted as 1'nlt‘d
States military attache at Hio, Brazil,
the first time the I'nited States has
maintained a military attache in Bra
Wr«!ii«*MlsiV. Mxrc-h
General Sickles : ays thr. Spain I*
I imply justified in seeking Lee’s recall.
A number of Gjiatz Yrubs have pll
: l.iged the Jewish quarters at Tatza.
killed several Jews and abducted the
fewest ew.
John Howard Parnell, brother of
the late Charles Stewart Parnell, lias
; been elected city marsh il of Dublin
| al il 1 .non a year.
The government s Alaskan relief m
■ pediliou arrived at Seattle, having
come from New York liy freight
I train in nix darn
In V V Mathews, a pr imlnent
: physician of (lladsiune, t>. w is railed
I lo the door iif hi* house and fatally
• shot by all unknown person
I lilted States supreme court af
firmed tbe sentence of one inkf I tin
prUoiinient of ll*tmao K- k i Cni
clnerll nierrhaui. for siiiuitgllng In
din moods
dames T (Mien. sect— arc uf the
North 4i lamia Uultdlng an I Loan
a cat 14 i al loll. pleaded unlit' lo
zieRtem and was given I wo yttin In
ih> penitentiary
Irish Americans al Ih-uvci- in mu
. v n. I Ion dcioolto e | Father \V(tier Ilf
- N< w York who ■ aid It w *• ih.- duty
of Catholics to h i... ’ Mp.iin In a
| loufiiit with ihe I’nli-ot Utate*
In the court martial trial uf Captain
Farter, in |o* g ■ »., Iu • \**rt tit
peri Farvatko • ci'iied that !h* sigea
i ru<a of Y VI Hang* *m two * heck*
1 w *s in the halt 'writing of V ( on
nally and II D lire*|r r«*gw*>. t vrly.
In a communication to the u**p
it*, ratary htiu <>f the internal de
partment leswiucHih that lhe open
, lag to he at tea wad entry of t*’*w t n
, | rompwgth1 - i i * tewarvatnui lands
1 M «tt*it*|**i tit Mvjiii'h * tfom Vwfil |,
| U In
White Roek cotton mill, Westerly, :
R. I., slarteil up, but the strikers re
fused to return to work.
In the New York supreme court
Justice Chase denied the petition of
Mr. Bannard, a stockholder in -he
I'nion Pacific Railroad company for aa
Injunction to restrain the reorganiza
tion committee of thp road from is
suing more than $75,000,000 in Itoads.
Thondar, March 10.
The republican state convention of
Kansas will be held June S at Hutch
The I'nion Pacific railroad lias giv
en $25,000 for the Trans-Mississippi
(iaribaldlans made a great display
at Rome at the funeral of Cavallotti,
who was killed in a duel.
Great Britain’s marine steam ton
nage is today fi,720,703. about as much
as that of all other nations added to
The night agent of the Adams Kx
[iress company at Orrviile, O., ab
<ec»nd witlt a package containing
The president has signed tlie* Haw
ley bill providing for two nnw regi
ments of artillery to man the coast
Governor Pingrec called a special
session of the Michigan legislature for
March 23 to provide a uniform rule
>f taxation.
Andrew S. Draper, president of the
Illinois university, lias declined the
position of superintendent of Greater
Sow York's public schools.
Saivati. the well known Venetian
{lass and mosaic artist, who executed
lie masnirs in St. Paul’s cathedral,
London, lias committed suicide.
The directors of the American
•. !». i.-in v* 1 if. ,1 • r* I , r 1
he regular uuarlerly dividend of 8 |
>er cent, on the common cud 1 a on |
he preferred stock, payable April 2.
As a result of a conference recently
ie|d between Thomas Dolan alula nuni
cr of workmen employed In the
■loth mills of Thomas Dolan f> Co, '
it Second and Oxford streets, Phii.i
lclphla, a 12 per cent, increase has
[jnen granted, to take effect at once.
Frida?. Mtir- li II.
Dr. Von Rleckc. minister of finance,
stuttgart, Wurtemberg. is dead.
Abraham P. Cline, a pioneer Mire di
ng machine manufacturer, is dead.
Applications for enlistment in 'lie
milkry average thirty a day at Hus
The Oil City, Pa., opera house was
destroyed by fire. I.o.:s on building,
Over 100 clerkships were declared
exempt from the operations of the civ
il service law at Chicago.
The operators and miners at Colum
bus, O.. have not yet reached an agree
ment on the day labor scale.
Thomas W. Crldler. United States
commissioner to the Paris exposition,
was presented' to Minister of For
eign ATi.irs Hanotaux.
Thirty-sixth aimivers,uy of the bat
ilc between the Monitor and the Mer
rimae was celebrated at Philadelphia.
Congressman Iloutelle spoke.
It Is announced on excellent author
ity that fne Union Pacific Is now in
control of the Oregon Short I.ine.
Tile Ilev. David Morton, it. D.. secre
tary of the board of church extension
of the Methodist Episcopal church,
south, died at Louisville. Ky., of oloo l
poisoning, aged 68 years.
Prince Ponlatowski is at the head of
a company which proposes, within a
r.. I - »• I mr <. t load ■* < I i i ..i lioriP
power from the waters on the west
ern slope of the Sierra Nevada moun
tains. In Alpine and Calveras eour.
lies, by means of an electrical line 310
miles 1 on., to San Francisco.
Snt':r»l:»v, Murrli ! *3.
Sir George Lawson, K. C. B ‘he .as
sistant under sco-eta-v of s ate for
war, is dead at l.ontlcn
Rev. Patti Van Dyke of Hampton,
M.t s.. was elected prof s;t.r of his ory
of Princeton university.
Resignations of the ei"h: trustees
of Dr. John Hall's church. New York
city, have been accented.
Tug Indei writer, with the big !■ r
rici< ('hief. left for Havana. .She ’''it
in at Charleston seveial days ago for
Ted Sullivan, manager of th« Du
buquc base ball team, signed Wan.'
W. Beckwith. aon-in-'.aw of If diet" T. oln. rs n pitcher.
A.nericnn Peace ai.i t' has i itPd
from Boston it request tit : .y • ••.■» be
offen d Sundav foi the <1. l:v.e an • i f
the country from war.
Samuel Gompcrs. prisi.tcr.' of the
American Federation of I. . .> d ■
noun.-< d the dtclilnn In th • l,t.tinier
rase as eminently unfair.
Prof Ashley It. Hurst of Tu an* tnl
tentity w as stricken with a •• .»'••*v at
New Orleans and fell d .1 twenty
feet of stairway’, fracturing his ikull.
Mayor Robert McKI'«ou of ('!. .*
land. O.. announced that lie ' uld 1 >!:
list the e|. lion of Sella! I • H Hil l
when the latter attempted t . .ike hi*
seal for the long term
Judge Townsend of the I til' I S at-*
emu at New Haven, 1' ' Dill d
In a 1 ustiuns ui n that the D 1 -j t ir
Iff t ill did no' lee. rue a l.w until
|*r»i |e*ii M. K.nlev bad a!!lv*l .',ia
nlguature to It
Dr G.’arge N Kr« idvt * t * .11 if
I In tl.1. i.'mI llilgade I,lit \ .11 .rial
Guard. received hui ti. clan r. >rn t .
war deim 111-11I at \V .stili.g* »:. hr., 1
the adjutant e.’iretal * oli. here 1,1
have alt the up’ of h!» I par •
meat in reidiieaa
tin IlH' .1411 Noi
I i|mrial us..*• I'tst
an *yitaordluar) . Ip Hdit. ■’
< ugiitsi iluii of waiahiiM It 1
that no loan will lor tii«"l
y tde the WtoMey. !.» tilB*
, non* a»»i tiling to !»• f >
«4 eanivnitai tv the Id ' .
A*crrtnlnett to Have Hern Moved l-nl
Lit tie From the Original I’osltlon—
llody of the Vessel Non l ies nI l<i*li« -y
Angles to It—Terrlllr Force of the
HAVANA (via Key West), March 12.
—(New York World Cablegram)—Th«
discovery of the Maine’* ram and its
position relative to the rest of the
wreck is the crowning proof that the
ship was blown tip by a mine or a
large torpedo. There is no longer
roam for doubt, reasonable or unrea
sonable. The ship is absolutely broken
in two. Its heavy ram today ooints
almost at right angles fiom the point
of the intact rear two-thirds of the
ship. It paints under water squarely
at the Spanish cruiser Alfonso XII.
which Is anchor way to the left of tin?
v.reck. It should point light ahead
at I,a Mat hlaa. The qu cr phenome
non of the present position of the vis
ible portion of the wreck is thus ex
plained: . i
On February 13 Alfonso XII and tha "N
City of Washington, immediately after
the explosion, lay very near the Maine,
but pointed away to the left of the di
rection in which the visible portion
of the wreck a found to point the
nxt nit. iiit'g. Kxperis Haiti that
either nn iiiuf. cuntabl0 current hud
held the .Maine in a different position
from that of the tthera while all were
tit anchor, or the Maine was hurled
away around toward the ilyht by ihe
force of nil Fits: la explosion against
the port .hie well toward the forward
dal. It ■■ .is hu:>d away and tin* ex
i »> n i in in#. >.,11 iti i . 1i\ in'
bodily and hurl It tip and over the
starboard at rh * p int of gr< ale.-* i it -
pact—about 10) feet (or onr third of
the ship's iiiigthi, from Its lam.
The Maine's extreme ftiv/irl y, nt
was a me.-strive -teel ram. a termendom
heavy struct'i-e. It moved but tittle,
and this portion of the ship betw rn
It and 'he point of cxolosh n -wu::g
upon arm like :• weight upon a
fulcrum, away from that awful f urn
applied attains: the port side In the
same manner the stern of the Maine
was uninjur<*d and moved tittle, while
200 feet of file ship forwaid to the
point of impact swung around to the
tight away from the force. And (he
Maine lies broken in two by a blow
against its ride, as one might lay down
a stick ho hul broken across l)h knee.
The discovery of the Maine's port
bottom plate, with its split "Z” bar
braces, its gusset plate, its siuice valve,
its two inches of protective cement on
ihe inside and Its Higgins green anti
fouling paint upon the outside was
proof enough, it protrudes from the
water fully twenty fe t toward the cen
ter of the ship from the proper posi
tion. and moved exactly toward the *
only Interior explosive force of tbe
ship powerful enough to do much datn
.ge there It was hurled into tlm ship
and above Hip water by a tremendous
explosion against it from the outside,
and now that the discovered ram
shows file original position of the ship,
the awful eft'c-n noted on great and *
small things -<re known to hnv..
from exterior causes, aided, perhaps,
by a smail interior magazine, as has
been cabled.
Dinner hour for Hv naval men, tlie
non-appearance of the Spanish divers
and the fortunate absence of the pa
trol boats aiiowed me to work two
hours with a sounding ieeii. compass
and tape line. For rome time i had
noticed tnat trie navy divers were
working away to port of the apparent
position of thp Maine's sunken bow.
They evidently bid found somethin?
biff. They did little work where the
hew usually wa- -up'h s»i| to he.
Today's sopndinvs show nothin? htit
mud and light wreektiee where the
how ought to i>°. Hut the do show u
massive pointed object Ivin? some
eight feet above the mini and point
in? as indicated. In the widest p'aeo
if is about fourteen feet and runs to a
point. It Is the Maine’s ram and now.
bv anevrim direct questions, the ex
perts admit i' .
Careful onndlngs anproxlmntfp?
fourteen-foot souares show no wreck
age on tile port side ”f tile f(M-y<i'-d
portion of tb wreck except the hi?
iron ram. Na,urallv the mags of un
!,,,r work \v ■11 aw *\* to gtcrbreir t an j
tills the Spanish (Users probably hayo
piistaken for th*’ Main’s l>o * in proper
positii n. Til ’ r im's position flrv.'V 4
and dePnltelv fixe , ihi* fact of a mine
or a torpedo.
Oreifoti T # ,i % »»»innuJt «
•■>AN FRANCISCO March It' The
battleship Oregon is to revet* • at once
luu tons of ammunition. This on in
toy will prove a full eoriple->eut for
I tin- forty-two m igtzlnps of the .ship,
i today the |> ••■• !>• shot : mi shell wilt
he hroip'ht front Mire Island to the
Or-voti's anrhoraxi* In Mission buy
f'ltlc r- of tin nnvv comment on the
fad 'list the emnionition must in*
liiMUyht t > the thin. I«*i“ill v the \ 'sgel
cannot go 'o lhe natal sta'lop at
Mure lulrfpi t i i celvc sll'ielle.- on 111?
'.1 * he s'-ilia t t I. •• III |h(« chin net
there t’s lei.I t si • i.p »||,. |n inn
! II • * * *' III ’IP ' ■ il HVllIB • h I' the sum
■*' It'll PI" o Cjjd Pill.lice ih, din's at
'I if** '•!•' t*-l pi * i I i ac e*irni>d ite i%
hie hall 'lilti and ite< pen III channel
It is ll I e* i I I |. •> it . till VI I hit
I flic O; • ll 1 >••»*> ill |.c a mall,
! c fill# |r p e| . fif ItpiM iie-ir v . i I’,- in *
•hit . hip will
till I’hlti* Is nut credited
t MldlllMt *k»t uf |tr% f|*>4 *•
" ' * HI 1*111 \ Mur.* i • -* s
id? in»isv t puintdn wa* taken »o»
i lb i 4
'•kin? it**tv*a «> imii” \u»n»imtthan
I Witt be la* <n .1 f I' ,t Mifflin THw
, C dmnhi i ar t Mlnnn* PU will » si|
»>mii h I a * few d *' * t a,1 f dvitlo*,
: Mon I* *t<l known
* •" Ki**< i t »o i .'it iiei* n*.<t
| ?! i Mon* *' iks lb, *mn t vitri
* i*i ft fu m i , i*,i of
j *•! p*r i ■ *? m»i'*,