The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 18, 1898, Image 2

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BKNH4II4ITKK *■ 411IWIIM, Kd» and PbIm
LOI.'I* (TTY, - - NEK
A firebug has ben operating at Ir
Work bus been commenced on thi
new United Brethren church at Bnt'ci
Htromsburg's bmlnca men ptoposi
to have the town lighted by electricity
I.ltchfield and l/Oiip t'lty are golm
to be conn.ted by telephone befori
very long .
The slot machine and gambling de
vices of Edgar were ordered4to < ca.-n
A smooth set of traveling agents it
going about the state selling groceriei
to the farmers.
A proposition for the establlshnieni
of a catling factory Is now agltatin;
the population of Blaine county .
Tapt. Hlssbee of the Maine has t
cousin in Nebraska. His name Is An
eon Oiles and his home Is at (ienoa.
Thomas Klnter. of Dubois, was chop
ping wood when a stick flpvv up uni
struck him In the eye, destroying i t
The l-’alrmoiit Creamery company Is
making arrangements to put in sep
arators at Bower, Steele (Tty and Alex
The pure food concress now In se -
alon at Washington has de. 1 led t<
hold a meetm" in Omaha the coming
The resignation of Major Willoughb..
H. Smith, assistant adjutant general o!
the First brigade at Falrbury, hi
hi < n aci opted.
The new bridge snunn'ne the Ne
tnaha south o/ Humboldt has In < n com.
ple;ed, all but the approaches, and
they will be finished before long.
York wants a new opera house and
o. movement has lie a set on foot
whereby the citizens of that city ex
pect to have one In the near future.
Several hundred lots In Randolph
Cedar county, were recently sold on
foreclosure made by the Pacific Town
tilte company against II. S. K slier and
others of Randolph.
A successful operation was p r
formed at Bancroft upon the person
of C. O. I’e'erson for apendicitls, and
although the patient Is quite weak. It
is thought he stands a good prospe t
of recovery.
'the Clarks Co-operative Cream*r.
company, with a capital of $7.000, hat
Incorporated pnd w"! at nine com
mence work upon Its creamery plant
which It expects to have In opcia'ion
on of before May 1 of this year.
The 8-vear-old son of Mr. and Mrs
Robert Krw n of Tfcumseh had th*
misfortune to have one of his ev* * put
out. He was at play with a younger
brother when the eye was tn some way
knocked out with a stick.
The last statements published by
Fremont national and savings banks
show that they all have more cash on
hand than at any time before. The to
tal deposits In the six hanks Is a trill*
le:-B than a million dollars, $>70,225.16
The large barn or Frank Els. it Bo
hemian farmer llvln*r live mil' s t.rrat!
of Humboldt, was destroyed by tire
and a lot of hay tuid grain burned
The loss Is *1,000. partly covered !>
Insurance. The origin of the lire h
A 13-year-old son of Samuel Cham
hers. a prominent farmer living si\
miles south of West Point, was on
hunting with a neighbor boy of aboiti
his own age, when by some m< in hi
gun was discharged. Inflicting wound
which caused his death.
Hans Christensen, who is suppos*-!
hoiio A. ..-- i ...
and killed by a Missouri Pa !ti l> ugh
train near Walton in Lancaster conn
ly. The man was on the track, and
according to the story, made no at
tempt; to get out of the way
While driving to the si hoi l she wn
teaching near Uni k. Frontier e n n'v
Miss Wilson, of Frontier countv. v •
thrown from the curt In which g •
was riding with a small hoy and wn
dragged for a mile or more, sustain n>
injuries that resulted in her dettli.
Kll Johnson, a farmer living a fei
miles west of Falrburv, had a prel'tn
Inary trial on the charge of is. tar
preferred by Miss Ada Flagle. He wa
hound over to the next term of «l<>
trlet court in the sum of $7tto. win
he gavle. Johnson is a married mar
Hayes Center dl'pntrh: .1 M. <j||
fhrt *x|M-rt aeeoiintant. tiled hi
annnal report. lie found Y. I
Hudson. county treasurer, $.!M
60 more short, making him short $.M
70, besides the amount that th - .*a
examiner found him short, which »,
fM, m tkln the to t| L.tmr - H
w>ii Mot. 70. The amount that M
Olh hrtsl found short In the , i,u
records w as Treasurer, $i li.iii 41
rlcrk ItM HV total. $. <! • \j~ <,t
• hits' a salary amounted to alto ft
Phtll.p (tinner, a son of Phillip -I
fl' r. Hr. re. ding we* of Hirgjrd tw
rapes. wan killed bv frel*ht train N
to on the Hiirtinii'»n a Ml.. >tn n |
road at If irtrnrd The train h i
•lopped at the water tank sod t|.
young man. wi h *> hr.. ... »
walk lug ♦ n the track, t it.. .
up to the train l* at* ed gn l ic.
atepfH i| |ali|i It t* stippns I lh • In.
Mrpp>*-l on t< p of » n a .if • i., b
end hill under the Ira n it. t,,,( n,
hand rat off a t.l I. ah l ** l.t.,, i» |
died in a abort time
MIm tl-wie t» 'nil >a ■ ,I, miter
• he vsternn editor of the V\. , p .
PrafttH ha# town oat d
raphrr a«il hedt. i It \
hiMpital for the (»•! .*
Tit* hope that tk r i ■ t - I H . »
who hekl np ft*. « a'W . ,,
Jakfdras Md • *»u ... i tu.
•utt d Ml dtaapr- <» i
rie« gr rent* I ha' t. yt. \t
tUrner sum* <»
• an Mapraa# id in • ‘ **u ...» h
Ikntl k* that an* t < •• .... • < «
le n >M<ed is Hut i. t
•k* fat llheriaktfaf I ■ * t.l a>t
tViinta to Put Off the Huy or Rrtrlhutlnii
for mu Art Him! Seems I'MUtoneel l'|>on
Her Without m Doubt —Klmllng* of tlir
r.iiiinl **f Imjulry to he Itcluretf -The
h|»MoUli Itlterr Iioiiik hot l.itflc Work.
Wnnt More Time.
HAVANA (Via Key Weat). March It.
—(New York World Cablegram)—The
United Staten naval court of Inaulry
upon the cause of the destruction of
the Maine will force a demand by
Spain for an International investiga
tion, anil from the delicacy of Its own
position the American court must fa
vor It officially as welcoming an exam
ination of its own tincT.ngs.
The maun ot testimony sworn to be
fore It has been all one way. One Itv
one the hypotheses from conservative
members to a possible Inside initial
cause of explosion have been absolute
ly refuted by the labors of intelljg nt
naval divers and the proofs of their
findings have hern reasoned out graph
ically and clearly by expert construct
ors, also of the navy. There seems to
Ire no possibility erf ml'construing their
re port If It Is not modified In obedience!
te* hints from Washington. If that re
port romeg out in full without mollfl
catlon. any foreign investigation must
decide that the men erf our navy are
honest and whether men erf onr navy
an- honest and capable.
The principal Spanish cry from now
on will Ire "time, give us time." just
as it has been th'dr war cry for three
dragging years of uselessly de. i;ru the
Cuban revolution, and they look to c ur
Navy department for certain compli
ance. The Spanish divers' reports ver
l.y the announcement that the Maine’s |
rant has been found much eret of line.
Although tlrelr superiors’ report, which
is prepare! already, .-hows the c nt ary,
the men themselves frankly aoit " that
1 he Maine's rim Is pointing off to th"
left of the plreetlon n which *h" n
t.'ct rear portion of the ah t points.
" oev Indorse th strip n cut the
Maine practically was blown in two
and thus confirm th* fact tr.a. the
ship was demolished by a tremendous
explosive force from the outside.
the Spanish divers worked late Fri
day night about the protruding bot
tom plates where the how ought to be.
The day before they reported finding
the Maine's ram on the port side point
ing away from the wreck. Friday
they "thought" they found the bow in
tact—ram and ail in >.s proper vela
| tlve pogltion. Their float is now with
in thirteen yards of the sunken ram
| and they may be further examining it.
! The Soanish (.fill ers’ official sketch of
; divers' operations Friday shows the
| ram in its proper position—exactly
i contrary to the reports of their own
’ employes. Our naval experts think
i the ram lies as cabled, but that it is
possible that Spanish divers have ruls
| taken a portion of the upper part of
I the boat for the heavy ram. It has
about the same slope and’ as stated.
| probaldy was blown off the starboard
j from the solid steel of the ram. This
would place it in about the proper rel
ative position.
i report findings of file Spanish div
ers according to what they really are. ;
and not what their officers renort. It
Is hut just, however, to state that they
reailv think today that the Maine’s
bow is Intact ."nd in line. But tonitrht
they mav discover th- ir error. Much
depends on the real position of the
ram. If it is in line with the intact
portion of the wreck the theory of ex
terior explosion, of course, would not
he disproved nor reailv weakened but
if it is found out of line any small boy
I could know that somethin? must hnv"
| hit the Maine on the port sid" and
smashed in two wavs from th • shock.
| The Spanish divers row at work are
! not naval men hut tlie more exneri
erred nerds or the locrl harbor 'im
I mission, who operaff reu’arlv in th"s«
foul, obscure waters. They soon found
t the forward turre* in the mud under
the wrecking tug Merritt where it was
, hurled nwav to sto-board on the night
. of the explosion They admit that its
to** is Intact. This forever docs away
with the thcorv that the big magazine
exploited, for the turrets wat dire-rlv
1 over the powder and had that exniod
etl its comparatively thin top would
hi ve gone “kv high
The Spanish Inonlry board experts
to take more than a month to finish
It* investigation of the wreck. Tiolr
men work almut one a day. and no*
hard then, but tb. American court of
' loiiulrv hn* till the evidence i* need'-,
the position of the rant was the k*v.
stone to the arch of evidence which
frames »he Hami:i- word* "Mine or
' » I•• '»»*«•»« * •; • -i■■ • •,
MAHIIIh, March 11 Kl Intpar ul
spvs "The eovernmert 1“ mnmrntir
i t'v expecting to rco ve the report of
, the txi| which .1
ii|'d»r»lt*iil will maintain th->t the
MMnc c*p|i,s!, n v* . ttiterr I \i.
though t*p- Apu r . . .!*;i»t'«vt> i
ptvc another et«t insrlon the • ..,
! i »*•*«» Will cm ertl allv uphold "he
vl* w {n off), rir« * * U
' I that Vil, «... w,. il#
• j •»» »•«* if |( * * it * ||t ifM+if : ) , I
r l ct if A, t. , .. ,.... ,h, „r,o,
S’hlln Will not Is- I M> )n I he l .„K
■ tV THf» irutti n! * |i‘*»**m tfc»i iff
' «**‘*l|* «lf *% r#r jtfl.v**-, H II ». r, ... J t 4
• li ».
• l fndt** ’ *»» Hursnn t ■>.■%* i'-t i«pi\ tt,-«f
| V
I m^ltv lb t* „ \vm
i •>«*■*! H\,( M|‘ f -.rr
| t * hiri;*-: »:* i -.-flf t • »• a ttf-jSv, - ,
%«■•*♦«*• ttii*
tv Alt (IN ift*\ Al f.-t, II <fh
I t» t it p*ep«r«>4 pr-ig,.« p f„. ||p,
; *1# fnf l As p w n at ••** If S, ,t ,
i I ll*»eii*N • *t Milt a T -<• t?«glv wt i ht
iShM on c tayt - *>• >n.i < t |t will t«
t „t wiMiit, i (yciitnl l<> 11 . o
• Wtlh the d**>ete tl t« «, •*, . , -
! h•*»»»«# ih’-'t (%•*« «t,| pi, t
! Ntlktn ill- tots but if in,* tukji t |p
I***- **l»y rewind. »»d t u ike bp i
vf btiMt.H mitt t«* wilt* to Ut i>i<
j*tor Hr >», pick** it#
upon the t»M*
\» Don lit to the Manner of tile De
ft! ruetinn of (lie Maine.
NEW YORK, March 14.—The Army
and Navy Register, In its last Issue
The Register is In possession of in
formation. the correctness of which
it has no reason to question, that cer
tain evidence gathered by the coil t
or Inquiry at liavina has come In a
semi-official form to the president
from two prominent members of th"
board. The Information has been In
the hands of the president since Sun
day and has served for the occasion
of unusual activity during the pres
ent week.
The information Is that the Main"
was destroyed by a government sub
marine mine, planted in Havana har
bor and deliberately exploded. More
than this, It appears the Maine wr.s ,
purposely moored In the vicinity of :
the mine, and that the explosion os i
(Hired at thp moment when the ship
had been opportunely carried by the
wind ami tide directly over the mine i
These facts have been hinted at an I
written about in dispatches from Ha- j
vana, Madrid and Washington, and j
from the varied statements made th" j
actual conditions have been touched
upon, but m thing authoritative lias i
been permitted to escape from the
court. That body Is understood to |
have completed Its work, hut nothing
is likely to be officially promulgated j
in regard to its findings for a we<di
or more. There are obvious reaspns j
for such action, the objects of which i
cannot he defeated by Independent
newspaper statements.
There can be but one outcome of
such a report, and preparations for
the inevitable result are being Indus
triously and Indefatigably prosecuted j
The work of the week, related in de- i
tall elsewhere lit this Issue, shows !
that the government at Washington j
appreciates the situation, and will b< j
ir’ri’lj 11/ lilt » i Wiia »
lie a mere emerg* m y.
Ilmricfttrmtrr (i*ln tin- In ml.
WASHINGTON, March 14 -Seere- j
tary Hiiss has rendered a decision of .
considerable Interest In the case of Ol
-oii against Traverse, from the lies
Moines, la., land district. flic land in
controversy was originally within the
?rant to railroad comoan" which
■ nl)Hc*|uently forfeited its charter. Oi
■ on contracted to litiy from ihe railway
■ompany, ''nd when the latter lest Its
and he claimed the right to putchas'
inder tile law of March 1S77. After
the forfeiture, and when the land wa
ipened to settlement. Travel-<■ made :
i homestead entry am! tin- secretary |
leeides the case In his favor and he
will lie permitted to perfect hie claim,
raking supplies for whalers.
SAN FRANCISCO. March it —The
whaling steamer Knrlttk “ails for |
Point Harrow tomorrow. Cant. Me- j
iiregor is taking extra supplies, as he
thinks he will reach the imprisoned
whalprs In time to be of great as-dst
ince. The Karluk is also taking up
applies for the steamers Orca. Jessie
H. Freeman. Bdvldere, Jennie and
Newport, the schooner Rosario and
bark Wanderer. Capt. McGregor ex
pects to find ail the men of the fleet
well ami th vessels that wintered at |
Herschel island safe.
Orr&rfin to It*' *•«nt Southward*
WASHINGTON. March 14.—In mak
ing preparations for the possibilities
of the future, the naw department
has by no means overlooked the strat
egic defpnse of the Pacific coast. To
guard properly this most important
seaboard it lias been found necessary
to send an advance guard some dis
trauce down the SouthernPacifleocean.
The battleship Oregon, the sisterofthe
Indiana, and one of the most powerful
vessels id the navy, has been selected
for this work. Secretary Long today
telegraphed o-ders to its commander
In leave g:m Francisco end cruise
down the southern roast. The vessel
will report front time to time by cable
to the navy department and receive
such Instructions as chances in con
ditions may warrant. At present it
is taking on ammunition, about fifty
tons in all. which was unloaded at the
powder station when the ship went,
north 1"st fall to have bilee keels put
in place at the Bremerterton naval
station. As soon as th's work is done
the Oregon is expected to sail south
Th«* C ourt Htifc.v.
HAVANA. March 14.—The court of
Inquiry did n god deal of work yester
day. examining Knslgn Bowelson and
such divers of the wrecking company
us have been lnvt stigating the wreck.
It Is said tha the** divers have been
relens*d from further work of this
kind and Instructed to pursue their
i-•hors tin ier the v re king contra' t.
The court will have the services of
n.ivnl diver* as heretofore, and if
ne. essary can tall again upon the
civilian illveis. it m thought tin t
tp court will close Its tabors here
during the pr< sent week nud will
»* • it*?;illv >e e\aintne ' 1 rae of tit** *ur
v c« i f the M*ln« at Kcv West.
This :utti‘>t. however l, not t>ffl<dally
v. i tied the ini nt < * of the court tn
■•!-• iitk that they mu u\ no date for
ii i unciPHi it of th* *i -.ilon- <-r
their departure frtuti Havana ,
K’< vthtng Indiestc* that the dls
'rtbiii! >n i f the relief iicr* seat
fmni the fatted 4iM"« will go forward
hi r*?tcr puifr speedily end flndlfts
naming letter r«».ili» than ever
I’f-itfvl \ *• a 11»«I thf M %h ftlU I.
NfJW YOKK \|*i* h II U lb'* «>».
»p.$! »f Vui |« HI a
t 'tjg >t iQ tH* furfli r»
; \ y mi* a * » «*? iln*i ib#
»» i'lfiif <f Milin .lit t hu » fi
• , % hv lb*’ > t . With *1** r *
V. YHlIUMITOsX H*t«*b II a*«rt
in', t i ** *im <b* tm 4
i«*i, hi ttf %■ ■ t**ft hftu tb#
f .^ ri ft ##*1 im !# tb *f.
«.fV4l ft > fc*ft#** ft 111 h* if.
?v* Ufcft fftIftffcftlNt b>»M nft lb#
J-. if f > l* M l f I ft -Ml f. ‘it
, Iff hrf «■* «i«%* -VHhf biftb %**»*«
! }*S|4t« 4l"4 fttU'tft •-** t« ' *ft4 ft UfMh Ut !b«
« in M>< * IK* rfts <4>* M**«< ftf <iU
t it ft*** «** lb hurl h* Aft
v* ~*mi ft* ftf * «#IK# 4 ft* «*}» ft
• %U«4 > |ft# *
lit |*r*wt4*ai I'iPtUV'l iiMtws
hr I qitvl. VlgP t'hb e*P. Apt!! I*
I'rnnitHl to the President In the Pres* |
enee of h Nmnlirr of IMsJlii^llIslieil
People An EetliaoKn of <1 reel Infi
Most ( orillnl by tli«a Minister Mild the
Nntlon’s Chief EseentUe.
Spain's New Minister llerrlveil.
WASHINGTON, March 14.—Sctior
Kills Polo y Hernabe, the new Spanish
mislstrr who succeeds Sen or de Lome
us the representative of Spain here,
was formally presented to President
McKinley Saturday. About 10:30 the
minister, accompanied by Mr. du Hose,
tlic charge d'affaires, the two secre
taries «.f tlic legation and the war and
naval secretaries, attired in full court
dress, and resplendent in gold lace,
called at the state department, where i
they were received by Secretary Sher- 1
man, who soon after escorted the party
to the White Hcuse. The reception tooit
place in the blue parlor, it presented
a very beautiful appearance, the deco
rations, wiili h had been arranged fur
tlic dinner to the Belgian prince last
night being allowed to remain. The
introductions to tlic president were by
Secretary Sherman. Tlic exchange of
greetings was most cordial and occu
pied about twenty minutes. In addi
tion to the president and the Spanish
minister thosp present were Former
Vice President Morton and Col. Bing
ham. (he military attache to the *>
dent. The ceremony was such as Is
usual on such occasions and passed off
without incident.
The Spanish' minister, bring pre
.ep;p(], said:
"Mr. President: T have the honor
to present to vour excellency the cre
dential letters which accredit me In ‘
thr capacity of envoy extraordinary I
and minister plenipotentiary from his I
majesty, the kin" of Soaln. in the I
Vnited States. The principal effort of
mv hnnnrjilil*! micmtnn Ik to vnr !
so fa" as possible to maintain and
draw closer our two countries 'n me s'
friendlv relations, in order to main
tain this, much in harmony with mv
personal feelings. I am readv to omit
no favor whatsoever on my nart and
«'o not doubt I shall succeed, and hope
I shall be fortunate in getting the be
nevolence of your excellency and your
co-operation. In obedience to th spe
cial charge of her majesty, the nueen
regent. I have the honor to express
to vour excellency the wishes of mv
august sovereign for your personal
happiness and for the people of the
United States.”
Tice president replied:
“Mr. Minister' I "m hnnnv to re
~ vour hands the royal letters
wherebv lur rnajegty. the oueru rc
"ent. in the name of the king of
Sp: in. accredits you In the capacity
of his majesty's envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipotentiary In the
United States.
“It is very gratifying to m« in re
ceive the assurances you have lust :
made of your purpose to endeavor to j
maintain and draw closer in all possi
ble ways the most friendly relations
between the two countries and in re
sponse I assure you that rny own of
fer's and those of this government
v ill ncc less earnestly be directed to
ward the same hi-h end.
“Yon come hither. Mr. Minister, with
the prestige of a distinguished name,
borne hv your honored father, whose
services in promoting eood will l»e
hetween Spain and tile United State ■
have already passed into the domain
of history. To this yon add the ouali
fleation of a personal acquaintance
n.tCU . C ! . .. r ,C i. . ..I,. ,|.
rived from votir nrevious official so
journ a: this eapitol. so that von ha’-n
a double ti'e to our confidence and i
Fvmnatbv. 1 offer you mv personal '
pood wishes, and I would have you
convey to hpr pititpstv, he c.'tpeu re
pent. mv sincere apnreciation of her
maiestv's friendlv ereetina and mv
own desire that h-umness mav he her
-tinn. and tha* Spain and the gnat*
ish people ma< enwiv the blessings of
peace and prosperity.”
Vo Rfhtlnn ♦»» ‘»itiiiil«li frUU
WASHINGTON. March 14 —Sir Jn’
*an Pauneefote. the British ambassa
dor, expressed himself as much stir ‘
prised at the reports that his re< cut i
visit to the White House and State de
partment had some reference to the
Spanish situ."/, on. The ambassador
reiterates what Judge Hay has already
stated, that the calls had no reference
iii any wav to Suar.ish affairs. For
some days General Gasugine, c m
mantler of the mil'tarv forces of C..n
i.iIh. has been in Washington the
gue-t of the amli is-.ulur. who ae •• tu
paf.ied hi'ii op a round of ollieial call
'I his mil the nt v itlat o1 which hate
been In progress fur some time t iward
;i reciprocity "ettv with the British
and West Ind'vt ha* gi'.n th'1 ' a
hton for the ft Ii>ru, whb h Wi re d -
n:i->e«l In the pm*: punitive manner
h< entirely or. warranted There- ha*
liet'ti tut move ' any efearneter on i ti - -
part of th< Hr.5 h K'vtrrmen* in eon
iii-iilull with til- Hpantvh i-rt' ,*, at
butt (to far a* the British Kill,' y .<■ i
tt we re.
It (itt » • Mr# tl, Vt.| i n.ilifiiH tl.
I .OKI MIV V r. • H i in* 1 trt I
f tit ( t|.«- Tint* Mint K tlk# |
of Iht* H* )*U i
Of 1st iU'
H i» Kimo. ; r Wlilitj i ti prlviu*
<llttl»cr }«i * I v, fc t‘ * * «l ih'A’ "m i
fvrui a- WiHUm If i« »»*«■ <)*
Mi f| • Mr- V I 1 I . I » }|
t|» ■ UrtftHMM *l‘M* i k\ n Hit I'H i,' |4
M 1 tit > 4
t'.i itiilft f fir ib I |«r 4 .*%».
PKATtUC. h M tk« » or** ;
k*»* nl oUnJ*«f »lfw4iiUik tkirk %y)|
#*» (HI# ilk* l#*t*r**»* «*f ?at*► -t fr«mh
I*'? * 4*k*» ‘-I iMftflfcMf 8 (|| |t |k i & M>
itur «ti» tfe* Ufk Hr HR Mi* if 18 tut
■ t t||* l»itf Hk ah4 «‘8lt
k «t*4 l»4ik«- 4|#?*4N8 t » e5*4|t. f 'll! rtltP
* mii| uum 148
imw# y t »**§#! ** *' l*f»#ik»i l Urnkwr
fin •* « Tt»*- *t t i I till ,
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t* i**i i* util r t
Passengers on the si earner Islander,
which reached Victoria from Skagway,
confirm the report, that the Canadian
flag has been raised at Summit Lake,
also I hat the Canadians will establish
a custom house at Crater Lake. Mar
tial law has been declared at Skag
uay, and the 1'nitrd States troops who
went up <<n the Queen are enforcing
the law.
The pope on the 4th received In sep
arate audience each member of the
diplomatic corps accredited to the holy
see who called to congratulate his
holiness upon the twenty-first year of
his pontificate. Afterwards there was
a commemorative mass in the Sistltie
chapel. There wap an immense con
gregation present and his holiness
was warmly acclaimed.
Prank Bochder of Cleveland Inform
ed the police that he and a woman he
called Mrs. Stalin had agreed to die
together. She took carbolic arid, he
took morphine. They rr tired after
having turned on the gas. Then lie
Raid his ^iervo failed him and he fled.
The officers went to (he place Indi
cated and found the woman dead.
Bochder w.13 locked tip.
News has been received from
Brown's Park, Utah, of the killing of
V. S. Hoy. a well known stoekgrower.
bv outlaws. Several men. including
Hoy, while endeavoring to capture
Pat Johnson, who killed Parmer
Strange a few days ago, encountered
the desperadoes, who opened fire, kill
ing Hoy instantly. One oi the gang
named Bennett was captured and the
others are surrounded In the moun
tains with little prospect of escape.
The steamship Marla Richmar*. on
her maiden voyage from Bremen.
February 10, for Baltimore, wiih HO
steerage passengers and a general car
go, was toward into this port today by
the steamship Alpha, with a tall end
shaft broken. The disabled boat has
an extra shaft on hoard and will go In
to dock at once In order to eject re
pairs. 'I he Marla Klcbrnars' passen
gers, who are all hound for the west
■ 1 tit. I ' n i t < Ct'iftr- : will ' fi V
here till the steamer ts repaired.
C. S. Edwards of Chicago, who for
i number of days past haR been doing
inn miles daily on the conduit road,
bag broken all previous records for
’onsecutive centuries. Mr. Edwards
r.tunds lo continue breaking the record
intil he has established a record of
bis own that will stand for many
rears. On the 4tb he completed his
sixty-second century this year. The
fiegt previous record was held by Jack
Knowles, who rode sixty-one consecu
ive "hundreds.”
Tlie Dreyfus case at Paris had a
'resh victim In an artist whose head
las been literally turned !>y excitement
ind who jumped cut of a high window
tnder the delusion that Major Ester
lazy and the police were coming to
irrest him. Ever since the beginning
if the Zola trial this ha pic:, individual
ias made himself conspicuous by the
■xtreme violence with which he dis
missed the prorreding at the assize'.
Tft never tired of defending Ester
lazy. T’pon one occasion ho narrowly
■'raped being arrested for creating a
listurbanee In the street. As Zola's
rial neared the conclusion the artist
;rew worse, and finally so identified
ilmself with the troubles o? Ester hazy
hat he came to confuse his own Iden
Ity with bis hero's. He thought lie
,var Esterhazy. and that everybody
irouud him was conspiring to bring
ibotit his downfall.
E. It. Knapp of Boston. Mass., who
irrived at Seattle from Skaeway. au
hor'zrs the statement that the Cana
lian authorities raised the British fi ig
in the summit of While pas-- on Sat
irday. February 26. This has hereto
'oro been considered American terri
:orv. Mr. Knapp’s authority for the
itatcment is the foreman of the Ilum
rter Transportation company. He re
, At..
is connected with the company. lust
efore the latter left Skapway. In rrf
>renoe to the renort that martial law
Pad been proclaimed a- Skacrwav. Mr.
Knapp said that when he left no such
potion had been taken, r'ither was it
intieipated. Mr. Knapp aiso said that
ihe reports of deaths a* Talya. Skap
way and on the trails, had been very
much exasperated. He had made a
personal examination and ascertained
that since November there had hern
nineteen deaths at Skapway and thir
teen at Taliya. This is not at all
larpe. eonsiderinp the population at
the two plares.
I.ivr. STOC K ,%NI> I'flOOl’CT: M.ltKIT.
IHintntinna From Ww York, fhlrnjj.*, vf,
lamia. Omali.t and F.lan wltrrr.
OM Ml \
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To Those Coming lo Alaska or fiic
Klondike Gold Fields.
One thing should he impress 1 upon
j every miner, prospector or trac r < ni
j ing to Alaska, to the Klondike, or the
I Yukon country, and that Is the nec's
Ity for providing an adet|ua!“ and
proper food supply. Whether procured
In the States, in the Dominion, or at
the supply stores here or further on,
this must he his primary concern. Up
on the manner in which the miner has
observed or neglected this pr- ttlon
more than upon any other one thing
will his success or failure depend.
These supplies must he healthful and
should he concentrated, hut the mos:
careful attention In the selection 1 I
foods that will keep unimpaired indefi
nitely tinder all the condition v.liuli
they will have to encounter Is Im
perative. For Instance, as hre id rais< d
with baking powder must be relied up
on for the chief part of every meal.
Imagine the helplessness of a minet
with a ran of spoiled baking powdf r.
Buy only the very best (lour; r Is '•!><
cheapest, (n the end. Experlr.. e ha.
shown the Royal Baking Powder
be the most reliable arid the trading
companies now uniformly supply 11 *.:
brand, as others will not keep In this
climate. Be sure that the bacon Is
swert, sound and thoroughly cured.
These are the absolute necessities upofv
which all must place a chief reliance,
and can under no clreumstunees h<
neglected. They may, of com <•, be
supplemented by as many comforts or
delicacies us tfie prospector may la
! able to pack or desire to pay for.
j From the Alaska Mining Journal.
; A book of receipts for a'l kinds < f
I .i.i.u t.. ..:i.. .In iMp for
use upon tbe trail or in the l i
published by (he Royal Baking P«w A
dor company, of New York. The re
ceipts are thoroughly practical, nd thi
methods are carefully explained, so>
] that the Inexperieneed may. with its
aid, readily prepare everything regui
! site for a good, wholesome meal, or
even dainties if he has the m “«ary
materials. The matter is in compact
though durable form, the whole book
weighing but two ounces. Under a
special arrangement, this book will b>
sent free to miners or ot’heis who may
desire It. We would recommend that
every one going to the Klondike pro
cure a copy. Address the Royal Bak
ing Powder Co,. New York
Witty Aimwrr rf an Irfftlimai! W!n
"Nrwr rout'd with a*."
The minstrels of Ireland are no* ,- !i
gone from the highways and byway?
of Erin, says an exchange. The mourn
ful harp and plaintive pipe may hav<
given way to the breezy banjo ami
crooning violin, but th< songs which
these accompany are th< songs of In
land still. Down by th< rotten Ciad
dagh wharves of old Galway town 1
came upon a rapt audience, rays n.
well-known traveler, enthralled by th<
dulcet notes of Tim Brennan, the "wan
dering minstrel of Tipperary"—one of
the sweetest singers 1 < vor heard and »
one who would have been great were
it not for his love of "the cinder in
it,” as they aptly term the west of
Ireland mountain dew. 1 had s< ;i Tim
many times V.fore in Ireland. Our
tramplngs had brought us In* > th<
same relations of artist and responsive
auditor so many times that as he tip
ped me a comforting of recogni
tion I noticed that his violin had been
renlaeed bv the temnnrarv thr.uch
ample musical makeshift of a banjo
wrought from the head of an ancient
Irish churn. In the pause following
his ballad I felt emboldened to tot-::
him back his wink, with the query:
"And, Tim, why didn’t you bring the
churn with its head?” "Faith yer hon
or,” he replied, in a (lush and with a
winsome smile, holding the churn
head banjo aloft so all could see, "faith
I never argue wld a lady—an', yer
honor, a bould Irish woman stud at
the other lud!”
XV. \yrr X Hon.
N. W. Ayer At Son, the sucre-.-fu,
newspaper and magazine advertising
agency of Philadelphia, have issued an
announcement stating that Albert (I
Bradford and Jarvis A. Wood were ad
mitted to partnership In the fiim Jan
uary I. The new members are not be
ginners in the adveirtslng l.u- nee y
They have been c.iinei te | with N W
Ayer A- Son for years and have Murker,
their way to the top by careful a’ten
tlon to business and painstaking work
for th > firm and Its patrons, in < >n
J ncctlon with the new partnership an
nuunFetnent, N. W. Ayer A H ut review
the history of the firm. From un hum
ble beginning In Imis, when the busi
ness rf the fit-* year Hiu-iun> d t.i but
$1*.,wh), the concern baa jumped slowly
t ut safely until Us annual bustto «*.
ituounta to no r fl.ifto.WKi a -.out ’.hat
represent* a dally |>ay nt * nt to new atm
t er* and ttvigaslne published* of |" i •*»
i ‘hit ago Tillies If . ild
Mother \»d wltal do you t*i t(
tuy daughter * t’ren b. 1*011111?
Fount K»t <«• *»• u.‘« t a*t< aub:uK
t'ivn<h I bat et«tr« b* »d ft p
'*>« 1*1 ■»tup gtii nett tn- pmusi tan Um
fit* a,
the luwi ‘oA*l who tski’i |k# us at,
m'ft'd is kit but g» ha# p,. j^iit tpte
I with trua lot t is, who tor a |h« cas
. tut low
I *»•>! a Ut »ttd *.<» hen*.# |*« t#
has bo # h«u». *, K«s Vo#b ilk
1 te-S Iks ’!««•