■t The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. OKO. K. BKNSOHnTKM, I Editor* »n tin u.uhttira wa* » n.*t • teal Iren, as »i the ulhor inu« **1 ;-,s i of the pi .jraut 'i b V' Ifatilr. Iivi reil the op* big |.lr»»« wh.ett » • well re* live, m itn-I .rk u bnuo, a I th>' -tin*. w»te a ‘O i i litre to | «a tiuih aa tn s« in*ii i. i«i ■> ..mi, t * twit principle intuit* .«'■> Ul sweet •lilrptag o( in • to * \\ ■ in in • J i aiul I." aud tha urn test kia*.' » n which I oar kadlu a • m a..«t*,i„ . i le dtiuhit‘4 at p * m el th« U 4 N i* tu* • *t« • It II t|iU ilvt 4 that a t 4 t»«4 *4 • tl* toua i sui ■ | it*t \ t »l ttuititau led ae# d ft. E. Galloway, while dragging a dec* of land last Monday, experienced id accident that came pretty near end ng hia earthly career. He was working bree horses and a tag come nnhooked, md when ka went to hook il, a eolt he ■ad in kicked and started the three te no. throwing Mr. Galloway in front of he harrow, dragging him itns distauoe letore he got them stopped Bam was iretty badly uaed up. The Arcadia Champion bus changed laoila, Editor Day retlrelng, and Mr. kljphln taklag up the quill. We are tor* y to lose Mr. Day from this part of the lew* paper world, he made the “Cbtm >ion” one of the brightest country pa iwrs in the state. But we welcome Mr. Ulphiu to the Middle I.onp nows paper atiiiiy, and hope he Will pro re himself, s did his predecessor, ail wool instead >1 Allpihjin e, min Mrs. Annie Kuehns, wife of William liuehn/., died it t o borne of her daugl. ,er Mrs. Angus Jung, four miles north >t this city, at 3. | m. Wednesday Moh. 10th. Mrs. Kuoiii.z was in her eighty lixtb year of age, she w.ts b.rn in Gar* uany and came to this country aunt 1858. she was highly esteemed by ail who knew her an i her deal'll. though tot unexpected c- hi* be-n very eeble for some years. » n re ,ms bit ./ to her husband, who is growing very feeble also. Funeral u-rvio - v il >e held at the Baptist Ohu; eh iodaj ntl.o'eiok Mr*. Aunie Komiaaki wife < i Mike koiniar,,! died J'bcro'ay Marco 17fh, it her homo seven mhe-i north of l.oup City, at a 30 a. m. of dropsy. Mrs. Ho* niiuski was in her r xty third rear el the was born in Germany, and was married to Michael Koinins'ii in Nov. 1 <57, in Germauv, and come to thia o untiy in l‘:*>7. she Wye* Hvu children. Lbree ben.' and tv. w daughter* to in o n u»r loss. She will be burned In the Catholic cemetery near Ashton Sunday it 1, o'iock. The yountry was startled last Monday ,y the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. John M. Thurston, in Sagna niirbor Cuba. The Senator and Mrs. Ihurston. eft Washington about one week pre vious to her death, on the yacht Anil . md run down the cob expvrli.-m. i tome rough weather ( IT cap - If hey run into Chariest until the jw ivas over, Mr*. Thurston was the only jne of the party thaf » a* cot sick on the trip down. She left Charleston, in the best of health, and her death was laused by apoplexy juat as the yacht was entering the harbor J. Phil Jaeger received the sad Intel igence of the death of hi* Sister, at Museatine Iowa yesterday. 1 desire to attest to the merits ot Chamberlain,a Cough Remedy as one of [lie mo*t valuable and efficient pruparn. tlons on the market. It broke an exceed ingly dangerous cough for me In 24 hours, and ui gratitude therefor, 1 de sire to inform you that 1 will never be without it and you should feel pioud of the high esteem la which your Urine dies are held by people in general. It is the one remody among tea tbousand. Nueoess to it. O K Downey, Editor Democrat, Albion, Ind for sale by Odcndahl Rro's Real.iN<. son Rot ik Through tourist sleeping cars, in charge of spat ml excursion managers and atuftitilptuied hy uniformed IV man porter- loafe Kan-at ( Ity eyety i'hiitsday morning fni I'm Can J u e, t'hMy tun oyer the liuiingloa Hw o to Dear, i I' I.' ' C Seoul* i.me to <>gilvn Oregon • u lo t » d U. <1 ,t. Ji ta i-i A t ov of tea hours i* n * bi, dab lots , giving j.s»**hi*re *< opportunity t > I'Her* is UO IU in ,* in *o ,i . ... * . m . fHUtt ... yf.il age **4 •* *»»= t!»*o*.t t> t ise, IfhnMsw * i lOH-tth if*.* HOW TO KIND OUT Kill h bottle or common glass with urine sad lat it stand twenty-foor hoars a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy aoadttion of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble Two freqaeut desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also con vincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. what to no. There Is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's (Swamp Hoot, the great kidney remedy fultills every wish in relieviug pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part ot the urinary passage. It corrects inability to urinate and icald iag pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necess ity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and lb.* extraordinary effect of Swaoup-Koru is soon redi/ed. It siandsl Ulv IIIoit distressing c-i-' " “ i a medicine you should ti t-eid by dre.. pt. .• see dollar. You may h a I but- ik in i , ,i,., . *,i*,,, l,„tti sen! free by tnail, on n-fejj.r. of three two cent strains to cover i u-t of postage on the botue. Mention (be NoBTHWKSTEUt. sri'i scud your address to Dr. Kilmer & C<»„ B.ugi-am ", X. Y The pro-! pile or of thi - paper guarantee the gen li ijt'tifc ot thi-s ofler. %\Qp 'i " U. world and can think of no pleas ant or better way to do l» than * y re % ' ' • " ... n i; preventative of pneumonia, consump tion end other serious luBg troubles that f:. Sow i -• tleut*.o i cold". fcohl tiy Oil- n i toil Bin *. Don't annoy other* t>v your coughing im I r;-k vmii lire by r* glccung a cold One Uinu o Ooiieii (Jure cures cough”. i ■ 1 ,< roup, grippe and all throat and lung ri onb'es. To gave our snbscrlbcr.s an opportunity to ten their famous seeds, Messrs. May !•'«•' |B I lame**, 'Va^m*. Inmaies, HarriwareJS I! i AVi V *, II .!»*»• o*l«, Wwafetag M* yjVfl —_. " > - ,u>i ii»ri«H tjfjj vi vm* n mi vorit* nut hahoalv*. T m hkki> i j £k m m m -mm* mmm