The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 11, 1898, Image 8

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    S»«';¥?S" ; - l m
Lioaal Daws.
Eye, Ear Nose anti Throat. Dr ttiim
tier Davis, Grand Island
Home of our farmer* have already
commenced seeding.
< all at the Racket Htore. for bargains
*n Furniture and Hardware.
<Jy. Bassett had a Anger chewed off
*>y a oorn shelter last Monday.
1 lb. either Arbuckle, or
XXXX coffee, 9ct«.at I’ilger’n
One Minute Cough Cure cure# quick
ly. 'Mint's what you want. Odendabl
Mr.and Mr* Jimmie Conger were the
guest* of G If. Gibson and Wife last
If you are wanting Furniture or Hard
ware and want a bargain, call at the
Racket Store.
Ell Either left last Monday for lew*
there la a magnet buck there that Ell
cant repelL
Chris Hanson of Rockville dropped In
Monday and replenished our exchequer
Peter Clousen returned from hi* trip
to Europe last Mooday evening lie
started last November.
i’ilger’s prices at Loup City,
knocks them nil out.
Dr. Sumner Davie, Grand Island Speci
alist in diseases, of Eye, Ear, Nose mi d
Throat. Examination for glasses.
W. P. Reed is uia ting room for a car
load of furniture which he will purchase
for the spring trade
1 hose wishing masquerade suits for
the German ball can get them at Henry
Dolling*. He lias a floe assortment from
Grand Island.
j. P. Cook of Bristol tow nship, was
among the friends who shook our hand
this week He left a “V” for future ref
eraoct- Call attain Mr. Cook.
Mis* Bertha Hutton Is on the tick list
this week ami Mi*» Minnie Hickman is
conducting her school.
bout forget the f.adles of the O. A. II
Camp lire Saturday evening at I lie opera
house. Admission ten cents.
James brake from Clear Creek called
to sec Ve editor when lit town Monday
and added bis name to our numerous
I’ilgers, at Loup City, is
making war on dry goods and
Oeo. I,*e, one of Webster townships
thrifty farmers bad the misfortune to
have a valuable mule break Its leg last
If you waut to keep posted on the lal
est news of the week, subscribe for thc
Noktuwestekn. We Intend to give
special attention to its news columns
Mr. and Mrs. John Travis, went to
St. Joseph Mo. last Monday, to pur
chase their spring goods.
Our merchants were crowded “to the
last ditch ’ last Saturday. "Old Pros" is
rampant In Neb. and the pops are en
joying it hugely Hurrah for “Old Pros"
Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., says
"My child is worth millions to me; yet
1 would have lost her by croup had I
not Invested twenty-five coats in a bot
tle of One Minute Cough Cure." It
cures cough*, eolds and nil throat and
lung trouble*. -Odendahl Bros.
Mat Jariulewlcz, the handsome section
foreman on the B. A M. Is building an
addition to his residence.
Mrs. J. L. Bailie of Shelton, Neb. Is
visiting her daughters, Mrs. (ieo. E.
Bunschoter, and Mrs W. J. Fisher, this
Orln Manchester am] John Cbipp*
from Davis Creek, were circulating
around town this week
Tho Gemma Vereln will give a
ma»i|uerade ball on March 17, St
Patricks Day l.adlc* in costume free,
not masked 23 cts. Gentlemen 30. Tick
et* on nale at Odendabl Bros.
Henry A. Wilson from Kockvillo twp.
grasped our digit last Tuesday, aud
said be was going to run a molasses
farm tbis ) ear. Guess ll w ill slick if In
Itnfua Wilson of A'blurt w as a pleas
ant caller Monday Mr Wilson
look borne a load of farm miehiucr)
which Ire purchased whli# lu town.
After year! of untold sulteriug from
plies, B W. Pursellof hnltnersvllle. Pa .
was cured by using a single boa of Ins
Will's W in i> UsmI v-iiit Ills disea*
es suvb a* sssema. tasb. pimples and
obstinate *ore* are readily cured In Ibis
famous remedy bold by (blendabl Bio
A I Weft* is about to treat bis doe
residence property In the north patt of
tow u to a new coat of paint Mr tt err*
|as one of the Horst tM.ihbwg* in town
Gen. t'rneieen was a pteasassi calirr
M , j.dsS a- . m t ., o f, • i ... \ so. ; if
aims* a year tu * isGeorge bs*
rwrstl) odd a ear b»a-i of cattle ami is
feed teg mule fur the market
A. W \ tubus baa (be i>skmi I
bnllditsg a neW kwtssae Mr 4 has 1* so
mb b add an
huiilt* talk IHMV !•*<••#» »n4 III# »*t^*l*
m| tkv iklilHiM III till*
fists ar* three t.Hle thing* •
An asnre ssrt Mm si any other three
Itltle thing* create.! the* sis the tst
the bee and IhHili * I.title t s> *
£• the last hatsg the '♦ *• >•
pa ... ..... k and
Gen. K. Benseboter, the sr, half <>
(nil office went to Kail* City last Tu*»
day morning to again visit his parents
Ills father is slowly getting better. Ih
will visit Omahs before returning home
Master Clarenee accompanied him
I’ilger pays more for eggj
and butter, than any one in
this part of Nebraska.
The Times kindly mention* iis la-l
week a* "the wise men of the NORTH
wtSTfcKJt." Thunks awfully, some peo
ple are born wise other* have wisdom
thrust upon them, from as otueh as s
hundred feet.
Dr. W. L. Marcy. reports a very prof
itable professional trip to Litchfield
last wark. Th# Doctor is a thorough
dent 1st, and doe* his work with great
satisfaction to his numerous customer*,
lie hat the finest alt of denial instru
ments in the west
Sheriff ration returned from Denver
last Monday with the two wheat thieve*
who so unceremoniously left his bed
and boarj about four week* ago Mr
l’atton deserve* much credit for the
manner in which he conducted the
search and lauded his game
The A. O I' W. Lodge will have a
social consisting of. games, sterioptican
views, and dancing, on Tuesday even
ing March 15th at the opera hou*e in
this City, for the members and their
families. All are asked to bring their
buskat* well tilled and a good time is
t.'LL'tt KATKS We oiler this week a
chance to aeciiro a Hist elass weekly,
Ill council lull iui; .vmiiior.'ir.i.i
fur ten cts. per year To all wtio will
pay u* one year in advance and ten cents
extra or #1.10, w<- will semi the Kansas
City Weekly Journal anti the NoHTH
WKSTEBX for one year
People like to laugh; tlie fact is, we
don't laugh enough. We're too busy, or
too stingy. This means you, as well a
your neighbor, and the imperial
Quartet extends a cordial invitation to
all the people of Loup City, and espe
cially to tbo-e who are dyspeptic, pcss*
imestic, or grumhlcistle, to come out
on the evening of the 19th to the opera
honse and listen to the good wholesome
humorous numbers contained iri the
evening’s program. Absolute satisfac
tion guaranteed or money refunded.
Church Notice
Preaching services at the Baptist
Church, Sunday March Pith. 11, a, m.
‘'Sufficient grate aud strength in weak
ness." 7:30 p. m. "Faith.”
You are Invited to the M. 1C. Church,
Sunday March 13th 1898. Morning
subject “Amusement" at 10:30 Evening
subject “The W II. M‘ S ’ 7:30. Sunday
School 11:30. a. in. Epworth League
8:30.p. in. Junior League, at 3, p. in.
Come with us
Meeting of the Evangelical alliance
on Saturday March 12lh. at the M. E
parsonage, at 7:30 p m. Member*
please be prompt.
The Mission Band will give a doll
show, Saturday at 2:30 p. m., m tb<
building formerly occupied by 1 .8
Sheppard. Admission, 1 cent, Kefresb
meiita served at 10 ets. A vote will hr
taken tor the prettiest, and the home
liest doll. All are cordially invited
Two 1 undred head of good we»tcn
cows, all in calf by thoroughbred bulls
These cow* can be sold on time, to gooi
responsible men. This stock can Id
seen at l.eup City after the 12th o
March i also have sonic good bulls foi
sale cheap.
A. SiAton.
ii is, or suouiu w, me nigu*si aim u
every merchant to |ileu>« tils customers
and that the wide awnl.e drug firm o
Meyer*Jt K>hteman, sterling. III. i
doing so, i* proven by .be following
from Mr. K»bleinan “In my slxteei
years' experience in the drug business
have never seen or sold or tried a Medl
eiun that gave as good satlsfaotiou a
t hambeilain s t'oiic. i'bo|era and III
arrhea Kemedy.'' Sold by Odendslil lire
The I, o| (I, A, |t t nop Hie will Is
held at the opera bouse on lire eveuliii
of Marsh 14 \ due program will h
rendered and at the close, those win
ileslre to remain and enjoy a dance cai
do so by piling * »iiis I sum Aduilssbu
to i. amp dr* l»* et'* fur adults, .Vi s f.
children nu.tsr 14 y rat» of .ge Alt r
i i'ut.lttl!| Invited, i , o.e ai l heat h .
'• Jennie saved the Wut its I'a.r I'isie
By t ummltle
w- 4
KI ONhlKk.
ft Ik At « • it *««•! tl* gwt tk|A I fc * ft )|.
<M»*t Will g»r* Witt
*»♦*»' I*** f Wj^tr mi# *1*^ * H-.
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Hows the harness business? is the question
asked of us by our host of customers as they come
. . '
in to make their purchases in other lines and hap
pen to see our ; /
Large Stock of flarpess
Doing nicely, thank you, is our reply.
Did’nt sell very many sets last week, but showed
a great many and showing
when the lookers are ready to buy. i
This whole week we will be pleased to show the
now coming in, to those interested and pleased 1
to have them compared with any harness
Shown or to be Shown
in any town in tho state of Nebraska. VY e
claim to have the best made harness, cut from
the best quality of leather, that is for sale, any
where, and vou can safely count on our
' • *
that you may depend on. Now in order to satis
fy you that we have got just what we say we
inrite you to call and see them, it won’t cost
you anything to look at them, and if we are not
I right go some where else to buy your harness,
: Thats a privalegeyou have got and we will not
undertake to prevent you from exercising it.
Yours respectfully.
Whooping cough i* the most diarre**
i log malady; but it*-duration can be cut
abort by the u»u of One Minute Cough
Cure, which i» alao the best known re
medy for croup a»d ail lung and hron
cbal trouble*. Mold b ▼ Odeudabl KroV
Children and adult* tortured liy hurn*,
•calda, injuries, exzema. or skin diseas
es may secure instant relief by using
lie Witt's Witeh Hazel Salve. It I* the
(treat I’ile remedy Sold by Odendahl
What pleasure is there in life with a
headache, conciliation and billiousueas?
Thousands experience them who could
become perfectly healthy by uaing L»e
W’itt’a Little Karly Klsera. the farnou*
little pill* Mold by Odendabl Bin's
fOULTEY A’antku—I w III pay 4, CU..
per lb. for bena and young room era, 3
ct*. fur old roomer* and (I cent* !or tur*
key*, to tie delivered at Arcadia. 1 will
alko pay freight charge* from Loup City
to Arcadia. (Ieu. M. Ha TINOi,
Arcadia, Nebraska.
: 55
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V I N !UN>K\‘
otrict On« door rut of (,'hur'i
drug «lor»
I loop oity. i i inn
ruoPbiKTOR or
Upress ant) faiiral Qalivtry Lina.
Al; l.mi*-' *»f In ijfhl |*r*Miapl
, ly u*
T. «. NiaHTlNCALC,
Ceiaral 11 anu Ciilactiea Hast >asi
% SiAiAif *• *,***,.*******f ««mI iii«
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Huf |i««i V***l» »»l ) mM tt*M»V
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1 A;tarnai al Law M Nalaty Puilia.
i * . . . . . .
la (ii iv fvai*t In I « §<» %
t.uout .il !»**(• llo»»o
tfjftt..* in **,»<*• < »«•** !*»*; 'St*'--*
, tot * i l»» HHgt.g,
_ ^^—imammm
Kvery thing you waut i» for wale at
J. H. B ■
Having had a liberal share of patronage
in Loup City, in the past
we will try to deserve it in the future, by
by giving you weights that arc correct,
and treatment that is just.
soon bo here, and will add largely to an 4
already large stock of everything kept in
a general store, including some of the latest
novelties and importations of the season.
We also have
all at prices as low as the lowest. A better
and more complete stock of general mer
chandise can’t be found in the Loup Valley.
Oar millinery department will Ire beautiful with ^
Sosos, Violets, Laces, Chiffons, ai Everything New
The styles will be correct. Mrs. Travis goes where
the styles aru made and she sees what she buys.
There will be huts for #5.00 and hats for ;»0 vents
and bats at priees to suit you all. Come and
brii.g your relation, your neighbors and your friends.
Come and be convinced.
-will buy your
GRAIN at Ashton, Kchaupp or McAlpino,
-or your- y
HOGS at Loup City or Kchaupp,
uml Milt you tli«* b*»at
COAL at Uiup t itv or Ashton.
Al' in itbrrmmi Unuti'y. Sell your sjrnu ami (10^1 in Itiiu am)
buy your I'ml of him
D. C. A I* ITI.I.KV,
Vjm*’ i*r«> ideal i
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock. $50,000.
I i*s« us it' «l MM, |*» ♦ * tit Ik ii Uhsjaihi <m»*1 Hr*I It***
1*4 In* Ml in u«* i*#*t
!***.-»* M • " * *< ** '»•* ItaRti ,\**d | ,**d ti|| \ | »*t***ll%
\ **(•«** a * * *k * \• W-4.*l» -%