For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City,Neb Lioaal Dsws. Call at the Racket Store, for bargains In Furnltuie ar.d Hardware. Skates! The Klipper Klub are the best. At Watklnson's. Hans l’edersou of Rockville added his hame to our subscription list Saturday. One Min ute Cough Cure cures quick ly. That's what you want Odendahl Bros W. R. Oust of Rockville came in Yesterday and subscribed for this paper for a year. If you are wanting Furniture or Hard ware and want a bargain, call at the Racket Store. Hon. J. N. Paul of St. Paul is attend ing district court hete. lie baa some important cases in court We have three marriage notices re corded and understand that two more licenses have been issued. I)r. Sumner Davis, Oram) Island Speci alist in disesses, of Eye, Ear, Nose ard Throat Examination for glasses. Henry Heasland,„of Bristol township is a new subscriber to the NORTHWEST' KHN having added hi* name Tuesday Allle Simmons came In last Wed nesday and mode the printer happy to the extent of $*-’.40 which amount sets i him right until Jan. 1st. 1*00 Miss Beil Mulick went to the country last Monday morning to taka her slater May's place as teacher, the latter having recently got married and gone to house keeping. Don't forget that John Eggers la sail ing the best kind of lard for only ft ets. per pound. Call and see him. He will give you equa lly as good bargains in all meat Hues. Don't forget to glance over the new add of T M. Heed in this issue. Mr Rei d has a very large stock of imple ments on hand as well us a full stock o f everything in his line. The German Vereln will give a masquerade bail on March 17. 8t Patricks Day. Ladies in costume free, not masked 25 cts. Gentlemen 50. Tick ets on sale at Odendahl Bros. Children and adults tortured hy burns, scalds, injuries, exzema, or skin diseas es may secure instant relief by using DeWItt's Witch Hazel Halve. It Is the great Pile remedy Sdd by Odendahl Bros. After years of untold suffering from piles, B W. Purnell of h'nltnersville, Pa . was cured by using a single box of De Witt's Witch Hazel Halve. Skin diseas es such as exzema. rash, pimples and obstinate sores are readily cured by this famous remedy. Hold by Odendahl Bro. Sheriff Patton has purchased the A. L. Zimmerman resident property in the east part of town and will occupy same about the tirst of March. We under stand that county clerk, Minshull will occupy the bouse to be vaeated by the sheriff. Whooping cough is the most distress ing malady; but its duration can be cut •bort by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known re medy for croup and all lung and bron chal troubles. Hold by Odendahl Bro's Several ladies of the village who at tended a carpet rag bee last Friday afternoon, given at tbe residence of Mrs. W. O. Brown, on aouth side of the river report an excellent time. Quite a large crowd was present. It ia atated that the ladiee worked well and sewed lota of rags and that tbe hostess served a moat excellent supper. Rev. Woody, former resident of Sber man courty, and who made the race for representative of Sherman county on the rspubliean ticket la in the city Mr. Woody ia now a resident of t'otton wood, Mi a* la county, California but etill ha* lauded interests here. We un deretain! that he wtil visit Illinois and Wisconsin before r« turning home Adaui Zohn, of Elm township was in the city last Saturday and purchased tome young stock of J. l> Ford Adam Is evidently one of KUu township’s pros perous farmers He also squared ao counts with the printer by presenting us with a check Urge enough to covet a year In advance, i’aul Mistier, of the west side of the •uuntv, while visiting the county seat as a juryman last Tuesday gave thti sanctum a friendly call and left th« wherewith to ta*uie a weekly visit ft on this county oittciai organ lor a year • advance. I’aul also purchased tt<< v-pte* of our ' iieok of Facte. ’ f star o| which he w ill send to ftiend* in the easi Mis# tivoigla t.uuley, who ha* b**i gulag In school at losup t’llv this winl Si gave a tcilhdsf party to h*t nuutet tins ft lend* and school males U*i Mon day evvmag the ucvsalon was Ho netwhraiOM of h*r alstnenth I* rth I * t aouti viaerr and a spiegcid time U re ported glu tiiutgii w*a the rest) >* of many present* The \>rgiit» ititai aldn* U*r many htppy return* of th< day Ml** I.iilia* Five el***wii-uist w|i give an enterlainwcoi at I-up t Ity Is lae M It t hutch. Match frd ISM The ttwsaha Kw of M>*a Flhe 'the of | he nswst interest log enter lain awau given I* tlotah* tn a laag Han mm that presented at the '»r*aul hi Mvtht *’ ’ Church laei alght hy Mtn MMrah !*<»» M«»* ISh« has tew eup«t Par* her • wrh »n*t alght msihmg h* i g* an atti*l of high »*nh THE IMPERIALS ARE COMING. Nf>tvi f rom tCockv'll* Sam Fletcher is goii g to build a i.ew hou-c. Ilia new girl is so much larger than any of the rest that It seems nec essary to have more room Dan Busbousen shipped a car load of grain to his brother Chus. in Texas last week Sam. Fletcher sold one half of his llock of sheep, for cash the other day. I did not learn the price nor his object, lint I suppose to get money 10 build with, lie lias one sheep left. Just call at Sherman's ranch, if you want the best and clieaj est place in this county to get stouk pastured. S. F. Keynolds gels cattle there to butcher in the summer. He can tell you some thing about it if y ou want to know. Mrs \V. X Sherinau just received a letter from her at her. statii.g that he was just on his way home from ludian* olia Iowa, where he had been to help bury her brother Frank. He was killed at Akron Xeb.crushed between the cars. Frank was raised In Warren county, Iowa; at twemy years of age he w«a f ireman of the Tile Mauef icturelng Co at Indianolla, w here he got a leg broke. . A little later he moved to Akron, Neb. I where be yery soon reached the position of yard muster on the B. A M. It. K. and on the 10th in 1. was killed as aboye stated. Wui. Coverly was dow'n from Alliance on business. Mr. McComb traded for II. Goodwins latge team this week, and Wm. Coveriy traded team* and got 870.00 to boot. Geo. M. Tockey has moved to the south side of town A Sl'IlSCBlBEK. ... . - . News From Ciear Creek. The weather i* mild, very little frc in the ground Every one 1* busy get ting in shape to sow wheat. There will be a large acreage of Wheat sown this season, School is closed in Dint 25, for a few days. Miss Edith Bradley is nurs ing her father w ho is very •dck. Clark Eaton is moving to Mr. Robinsons farm in Elm township. Mrs. Henry Beck lias a baby boy. Erskln Gowin will farm the Joe Roberts farm this suir raer. Rkcorulb. Lawyer Lane, of South Omaha is in the city attending district court, being interested as councel in the im portant masses of Capital National Bank vs. Hogue. Mr. Laue, as counsel for Mr. Hogue hus been successful in win ning the vase. The case has been in court for more than eight years. At first a judgement of nearly $15,000 was obtained by juty trial in district oourt. The ease was appealed to supreme court and the judgement set aside, Later the case was re-opened and last Wednesday was finally disposed of in district court. Mr. Lane has con ducted this most difficult case in a creditable manner and established a reputation here as a briliant and suc cessful lawyer. Mr. H. H. Turner and a friend from Bedford Iowa arrived in the city yester day. The young gentlemen catne pre pared to work -Mr. Turner’s farm which he owns three miles south west of town. Burlington Route. Through tourist sleenlnir oars In . charge of special excursion manage, g ; and acoompauicd by uniformed pull man porters, leave Kansag City, every Thursday morning fur Portland, Ore. They run over the Burlington Route to Denver. D. A. R Cl.Rv iScenic Line to Ogden. Oregon Short fine and O. R A. X. Co to destination A lay-over of | tea hours U made at Salt Lake City, giving passengers an opportunity to b> | come acquainted with one of the most beautiful and Interesting cities in the world. Travelers dastluad to Portland or any other Pa itic Xorthw.-t point should Join these vvavkly excursions. There is 110 cheaper or more coiulorta ! hie way to make ths trip. The ears hav u ail the conveniences of palace sleeping ears.lacking only their elaborate finish ! becoi.d class tickets are accepted Berth j rate, Kansas l ily to portiand. tp-'s »«* for tickets and full infonoulioo. cad .at oearest lluriingion Route ticket oltl e or ante to .1 K'rancls 11. P A.' Omaha Nth 'To give our sun srlklM lauwwlltwll) j l» teal theif famous seeds, Messrs, ko A Co, the wel, k»o«u seed growers ol M Paul Mno,..uUv> older < | ore lurlliou Tu'krn "f s ok is t,«d i.v r wi |«r cent pure o.wrst «*,. rt wt I urati sets SMeeu trial I'e Htlr »| varisiierot Ituaor i. .. uui (ea.let* >- leilt-f to lie S I lilt Its I'ti.i Ms stiver or *t »n«p . Ibis Is tl»< ir li,s»l l olls, ti ii an t us os . ut,,» p*. W sash. Asters M«fi v. ti,. I'loks 1‘opprvs V .)*>«'. / \ 1 sells to,tet»i pansy . i s.Mduis. !*■ oi*», a*, el Will.a«tt' Puni*. ». «, ' o. i I peas I ailtupats, and * is tv lad tt«, bas ket rt.ll lee pilots I i»fl list;.,, .1 • liksstMos they wi t at*-* sect |» *, , '.sides.*. •« Pa.user >Ss* P«. a »*■ thaws ha*.a frea tows.--« te- • Ipt nl s.V c*M«S M > lb*) b.l sssshely ItiasHtrisl t a»st..g .. t atsllsd »»*• Mb *» pH * *• w to SSI os. • has .atebsl* tss put. kaa* *»smW I*.a«> • « H lisa thia sptusg It* ss»r* and «a*a»i ssl (hyst «h*H aittiug Mat A * u. We are pleased tbi« week to mte the mu rage of Mr Eugene Pat ton to Ml*s May Mu’iek, which at the home ot the hi id, * parents in this ei'y last Sunday, F« b uary 2ft, 180S. Both contracting parties are well and favor ably known by nil < ur citizens. Mr Pattt n is a brother of Sti?ilff Patton of this county, was for a long time one of the leading tonsoriuls of the city, and for some time acted in the capicily of deputy sheriff. Miss Muiick is highly esteemed by all who know her. la one of the leading teachers of the county and stand* well in all tier examination studies. At tile time of her marriage she W88 engaged in teaching school in the east part of the county. Mr and Mrs Patton go to Ravenna to live where he lias engaged in business. The North west bun wishes them unlimited peace, happiness and prosperity The Northwestern extend* cougrat illations to Mr IIarm Dell/, and Mis* llulda Behrens who were on Tuesday, February 22, 18UK, married. Mr. Deiir is a young and prosperous farmer of Webster township f nd we understand that the bride is recently from Germany Chat!es F. Booth of Cedar Co. Ncbr. and Miss. Katie lletzel. of Bristol twp. were married at the St. Elmo hotel In this city, last Wednesday, Eel). 23rd. 1808 The Northwestern extends con gratulations S.liool Itspurt ot District No Vi. The following Is ihu report of school district No. 12 for the month eouunaua- j iug January 2-f. and closing February 18th: Number of pupila enrolled 57, No of iljiva attended bv all minil* 072 Average No pupils each day. 1!) Average No. days attended by each pupil 17£ Names of pupil* being neither ab-ent nor tardy for tbe month are: Bertha Bra we StelJu J’eteis. Enphemi Tockey, George Bra we, Johnnie Uehnke, Wil lard Lay, Totniaey Lay. If ary Lorenz Anna Lorenz, N'. ra Majc-ki at d Harry Majeski. If you want t keep posted c ti the lat e-t new* of the week, subscribe for ttie I Ni KTHWESTKBN. We Int r 11*1 t I l»| t* |||% *ll*M%«tt% w j. ritHce, Allcrr.ay it Llw mi Kiliry Public. 41 * * ft»» 4 r Uonerdi C%l4tr IHlt UII ** i*ii %** % The progressive Indies of Westfield, Ind issued a “Women’s edition” of the Westfield News, bearing date of April 3rd, 1896. The paper is filled with mutter of interest to women, and we notice the following from a correspondent, which the editors printed realizing that it treats upon a matter of vital importance to their sex: "The best remedy for croup, colds and bronchitis that I have been able to find is Climber Iain's Cough ! Remedy. For family use, it has no equal. I gladlv reccomend it.’ 23 and 30 cent bottles for sale by Odendahl Bro's. Eve, Ear Nose and Throat. Dr. Sum- ; tier Davis, Grand IslandI Trees ami Plants. GENERAL ASSORTMEXT. OF NURSERY STOCK >f BEST varieties tor Nebraska, Largest assortment • of small fruits in the state. Millions of Sti aw berries auan.v ami Tartan to lie Inn I in the wv*l. hAimn t Hnuteai National llanli. N’fW Vurh l it;, X V , IHuaha National ISank, t tniuhit NVIirmku \Y J t I'll Kit t)K>> K IIKNm llitTKIi Altom y »u.l Notary INiWi*. 1‘uMUtwr Ian r t try un Fisher & Benschoter, Real Estate Agents, • LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. Town Lota, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated LANDS FOP SALF.