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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1898)
STRIKE THREATENED COTTON MILLS OPERATIVES MAY QUIT. Tliey Vote to Kerommeml a (irinrnl Strike, ami If the I nionn Arrest the Ail lire Every Faetory Mill Clone Itn ■ Hoorn—Btern Meamiren to Hrlng the Maotifaelurern to Termn. • A Crtnin In Neiv England. HOST ON, Mass., Fell. II. At a meet ing yesterday In this eity of fifty-five representatlvtiB of textile unions in New England It was unanimously vot ed to recommend that all unions call mil the operatives in every cotton mill In New England. The meetng was practically the out come of the tieeonimendatimi which ruriii'iii nompcm mane in inc fed erations of Labor last Sunday, In whirl) lie urged the different unions to unite on some settled policy regarding the, lain situation In England. At that meeting a committee of four was appointed to take charge of the Matter, and after a conference this committee recommended that a gene ral meeting to he held to lake definite action. The representatives of the various Tiallonjtl textile iissoi latloiw assem hied in the Wells Memorial hall and r for four hone* discussed the situation Hfrom every ntnudoint. The primary xk «di|ri t of the melting was to dowse ' mo method of rendering assistance / to the New nedford strikers. ( It Was pointed out that If the strik ers at New Dcdford <mild hold out for four weeks without receiving more than 20 iimh per operative per wor k In the way of ou'slde assistance other mill opei all vis could stand a similar •train, and that if all went out, ft Would precipitate a < rlsls that would have to he met within a short time by ^ manufacturers. ft It was also shown that, the mule * spinners were In excellent condition as icgards funds; that the I'nited Tex tile Workers- and the New England federation of Weavers were also in god condition, hut that the rest were •b<. jrt of funds. waff These questions were also d'seusaed, and at length the matter was put to a vote, no one being registered against the motion that the different unions Ihould order u general strike in every cotton mill In New England until a satisfactory adjust nui.y, of wages would he arrang'd. If It now remulns for the various na tional unions to take action on the re /commendation, hut what this action Will he Is a matter of conjecture. If ill should acquiesce and vote to strike, 147.000 operatives would undoubtedly ! IjSease work and the manufacture of ■‘.'^eottori goods throughout New England Would tie lit a standstill. I If, on the other hand, only a few V’Jbnians should vote to strike the re fusal of the others would still keep a large portion of the mills in operation. >#’ Inasmuch, however, as the meeting was the outcome of President (lump ers’ suggestion, and as he admonished , the members of the Federation of La bor to Join hands and assist the New r7'H' ■ilford stilkers. It seems probable m.arlt' /n lift/ lltlidtt U’if I IdllTV (lilt [ The recommendations, and that one of ■*£ the greatest strikes in this country is - Impending. r Hp;«ln In NurpriNHl, MADRID, Feb. 14.- (New York Fa jh Me gram.)—Sensation and surprise is i caused in Madrid by New York tele > grams stating that the American gov err/ment expect,. ;l more satisfaction for the conduct of the late Spanish minister. According to the lute Span ish official vebdon.t he cabinet consid ers tiie prompt acceptance of tlip re signation of dp Lome quite sufficient | satisfaction for America, the letter to Canalejas not being an official, but purely a private act, royal decrees simply accepting de Lome's resigna tion and appointing a successor being gazetted shortly afeterward. The Saitish minister of foreign af fairs, in a note replying to the Wood ford communication of February in, will place on record what was staled in the interview with Woodford, namely, how much the Spanisli gov ernment regretted the conduct of de Lome, and its sincere desire that the Incident should not alter the present friendly relations and the course of commercial negotiations to which the Sagasta cabinet attaches much import ance. For the present it seems likely that Duke Arcos, Spanish minister to Mex ico, will be promoted to Washington. He married an American, speaks Eng lish and could reach Washington rapidly. His credentials could be sent Immediately on bis arriving at Washington. All rumors about send ing Spanish ironclads and torpedo laiats to Cuban waters are premature.. Ttiurslon speaks la llrnokl, 11. NEW YOUK. Feb It For the third linn the blrthdav of Abraham Lincoln w,iu celebrated iu this diy Saturday us a public holiday. All banka ami public lualtiuttoii were closed, as were also the majority of stores the chief event of the day was the annual Mn.olu dinner at the Kepubll lan club, w ill whs |tr hh I over by Chuuneey M lapew who. with Con gressmau chat )es A. I tout rile, assist ant S*« real y o< the Navy Boose veil snd other* spoke. Senator John M Thurston «UUn -» il the I'mon League of HtiH'khu 4i it!gHlit. Three of Ho Bailing store* of Do ima' ■sss9mfm i RESERU. NEWS MITES. j Senator Murphy declines to discus? the action of the New York leglslatnrr censuring h ni for his vote on the I Teller financial resolution. j Rev. Dr. William Catell, former l president of Lafayette college, is dead at Philadelphia, aged 71 years. Victor Herbert has been elected conductor of the Pittsburg Symphony orchestra to succeed Frederick Archer. “I told my employer I hail only 10 cents to my name.” “What did he say?” “He tried to borrow It of me.” —Chicago Record. (i. M. Rose, president Oi the Hunter Rose company, one of the largest pub lishing houses in Canada, is dead a( Toronto, aged i>9 years. Excellent rains In northern and cen . leal India have ensured successful spring crops. The plague Is spread ing alarmingly In the Punjab. The Indian office will soon advertise | for pasture lands on the Osage and Kaw Indian reservations in Oklahoma. Tnere are about 200,000 acres to be leased. The passenger steamer Marbella, was sunk by collision with the Hrlt’sh warship (iallatee In Mull Roads All on board were saved. The Marbella was a steel screw steamer, registered 933 tons. A special from Guatemala n^notinrs that President Parries’ cabinet has re signed. Everything quiet and peace prevails. Antonio Barrios, son of the late president and a graduate of West Point, has been appointed minister of public works; Francisco Anguereno, minister of government and foreign affairs; Domingo Moral's, minis or of public Instruction, and ltaef 1 l-’a’avar, min'ster of finance. Josef Hoffman, the young pianist, sails from Bremen February 15 and will arrive In ew Yors the 24th. When there before, ten years ago, he I was forced fo retire by the Gerry so ciety, he being at that, time scarcely |9 years old. Hoffman will make IiIb I Initial appearance with Theodore I Tnomas March I, this being also the first of Thomas' series of Mew York 'rntU'trlu Hr* ttrlll ti-ltl. TM. otwne In Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago and other large cities. At San Jose do Guatemala civil strife end bloodshed have followed the killing of Barrios. The factions (ly at each other's throats, and Gen eral Marroqnln, chief supporter of Prospero Morales, one of the is. Ir.ints to the presidency, Is dead, und his forces are In flight. General Marro quln attempted to seize the reins of government for Morales lev an attack on the palace barracks. In the light ing Marroqnln and five others were killed. The attacking force* of 2,(00 men fled from the city. General To ledo, appointed minister of war, or dered the artillery In pursuit of the fleeing revolutionists, The popu'aee and Foldlers now demand that General Mendlzabal be proclaimed president. Itev. James H. W. Harris, a fully ordained minister of the Protestant Episcopal church, New York City, fs going on the vaudeville stage. Mr. Harris Is 38 years old and up to a short time ago was pastor of the Church of the Holy Rede-mnr In flak land, Cal. He will make ills profes sional debut in the burlesque of '’An tonio and Cleopatra” In Boston, Feb ruary 28. He is a graduate from the Nashota theological seminary. For a time he did mi-shnary work through out the west. Eater he acc p ed a cal! to the church of the Holy Redeemer at Oakland. There he remained until four years ago, when he made up his mind to go upon the stage. He re signed his pastorate and gave himself up to study. Some time since Mr. Harris came to tills city. Joseph Boulanger, a quarter-blood Osage Indian, claiming to be a nephew of the famous General Boulanger of France, is to make a claim to about thirty-five acres of land on the site of the union depot in St. Joseph, Mo., The property is very valuable. Boulanger was born on the site of (he depot In 18.r>0. He. clo1 is that his grandfather, on h's mother’s side, re ceived a patent to the land from And rew Jackson, and that it was never properly sold, the people who finally got the property receiving It by forged duplicates of the original papers. Boulanger is well educated and for years has held office In the Indian Ter ritory. Some time since, another In dian made claim to a large tract of land !n Argentine, a suburb. His claim is still pending. LIVESTOCK AND PRODUCE MARKET. Quotation* From Nitw York, Chicago, *t l.oul*. Oniiilm mol Elsewhere. OMAHA. Buttei-Creamery separator... t-lt ® ® Holler Choice fancy country . It W In Kgg* Fresh . 12 12, tTin'kcn* I’cr II. . ) « • Turkey*.per III.. * 1° I>uck*,per I*’ . ; N lice*,- Per lli .-kj s l.eiiu>ii* choice Me**lnn» .. 3"i ■’ i I lout-v Choice, per lit. .. 12 k# It union* per Ini .; !’6 1 i runix rrle* .ler*e>» per lilil . i«J , 21 IP-an* Hainlpleked Navy . I • vy l *1 potaioe* pi-rhu. ...... Jo J1 StVi-i I I*.111101*’* Per ilhl •» -A vi **' Orange* Per !*** ..2.1 "* .2, Ap|ih* "Inter *ti«'k. per hhl .110 ■ 1*1 It o I plant! ter top ’ 11,1 1 •” "lout I’ r l.u, S" ,f Corn Per hu Out — Pi r hu ... -* ** »'< soft’ll t'M VIIA STOCK 1IVRKIT, tins* Cliol-'e llgnl ... .. . * Q I vo || ,g, Heavy Weights. I ! *» I « > |pi( *ti»i* ... t'" kf t *'• tlull* ‘ ' k* 1 v> Stags.. -1 >• « ! W 'I..., .... * n * *-t tti.UMI let-.ler* I m V* I III i * t MB * ‘ 4' ' ' 4 I * * II tr% >« * ** * •* I Intl- r* * V* » , * I * It* a lit N\ *•»»»»» l.iUiltt* '* 1 *• M ' **• ’ k*t,* % |k Mtatl Wiktli'ltl I w* 4d ■ * III* j UlMil St - % fv4 H IftUl I «ft # I “* * S-. 3 II i lti|!< S 3 * §S«*t M 4* 4 W * U ’ * ** 4 S* 4 * 4 ft I % 4 krui S»a % »***♦* 4 *** *4 •*•** 4*4* S* ft « f* Sit t (ft *4 d* U <#« •* I • ftllaa 4 s J 4 ♦ ^ % 4*4 * 4 * a* lb* ft .*1*4 »* 4 ft! si ' W THE NEW WORLD. Intemt la Aroused In the Caundiiiu Wot. The ex h I b 11 8 of grains and g r a 8 8 ei. route and vegeta bles, the product of the fer tile lands of Western Canada, which were made at the several state and county fairs In some of the Western states this fall, have uwuk ned consid erable Interest In the lands which the Canadian Government has opened for settlement, and which are given free to settlers. The agents of the govern ment, who are to he found in these states, ore flooded with inquiries re gardlng the conditions on which these lands may he secured Large numbers have located on these lands during the past year, and send hack to their friends most encouraging reports. They say they have entered on an era of prosperity, and are well pleased with both the agricultural possibilities nml the climate. The provinces of Mani toba. Asslnahnla and Alberta are spe cially adapted to diversified farming. In some parts the country Ih specially adapted to stock raising, and it Is be ing profitably pursued. In these parts snow seldom remains a week at a time, the warm breezes from the ocean af fecting the rllmate thus favorably. When the desirability of these lands Is fully known there will he a rush spell cs has scarcely ever before been known, information as to low railway rates, Illustrated pamphlets, etc., will he forwarded with pleasure by the De partment of the Interior, Ottawa, Can ada, if you are not In possession of the name of an agent of the government. More illiterate hod-earrlerB reach the top of the ladder than men with college educations. LETTERS FROM THE RESTORED. Mmy Wonderful lirtt Recorded, Hop ing Unit oilier* May lie llriirlltnd, l'he manufacturers of the remedy called "a drops,” which is guaran teed to cure rheumatism, neuralgia, asthma, arid kindred ailments, have re ceived thousand:! of letters regarding their medicine, many of which have been published. The following Is a sample of these letters: Oct. 10, 1897, C30 Main St., Springfield, Maas. Dear Sirs—I can not express my gratitude to God, also to you, for the benefit I am receiving from "5 drops.” I walk around my room without a I crutch, which 1 nave nau to use a tong lime. I firmly believe that, with faith, patience and perseverance, “5 drops" will get the better of all diseases. My doctor says It Is Indigestion has made me bloat so, but hU medicine does not seem to reach my case. Respectfully yours, Mrs. A. Spring. The producers of "5 Drops,” who arc the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., 167 109 Dearborn street, Chicago, have de cided to continue for another 30 days an offer which they made some weeks ago, namely, to send a sample bottle of ”5 Drops,” prepaid, for 25 cents. They stnle that this Is done as they know even a sample bottle will con vince one of the value of their remedy. Also, large bottle, 500 doses, for $1.00, and for the next thirty days, three bot tles for $2.50. The wise man learns from expe rience, and also a good deal from his wife. Hcv. .1. It. lloTar. pastor of M.K. church. Spring Hill, Iowa, writes: "Many winter-, have F con-; bed all wlutor long, last full I took cold and begun w but I suppose 1 was a winter of coughing. 1 concluded to tr)' Hr. Kuy's I,uug Halm. J felt at once tlmt it touched a | luce in iny malady tlmt nothing el-o had ever doiie. 1 caii now preach without coughing lean cheerfully say that Dr. Kay's i.llilg Balm has been a great help to me. It. lias no bad effect upon the stomach." It will cure every kino of cough. If you have any lung or throat trouble or anv disease write ns mil g . e your symptoms and wo will semi tree ini vice l»v o ir physician nml it valuable 0* page book with Ail im-ipcs giving vnrb us methods of treatment of nearlx all dis eases. Will also send a free sample of Dr. Knv’s Lung Halm or I r Kay's Henovator. Address Dr. B. .1. Kay M slicul Co., (West ern Office) Omaha, Neb. No man ever realizes the power of a woman’s eloquence until after he gets married. Beauty In Hi«*od Deep. Clean blood means nclean akin. Noheauty without it. CiiM urets. Candy Catharticclt»an* your blood :»11«1 keeps it • lean, by stirring uu tin la/v liver and driving all impurities from tin- IkmIv. Begin to-day to bullish pimple*. Utils, blotches, blackhead*, and that sickly bilious complexion hy taking Cascmyts. beauty for ten cents. All druggists, satisfac tion guaranteed, Me, 85c. Me. A man would rather win $1 on a wager than tarn $*r> at honeat labor. Htnr Ttdmcco is tup lending brand of the world, bpcuu*** it is the lietd. Age makes some people wine and others only Mubl orn •low's "l liis! We offer One II met red Ifcilbir* reward fo» any cuv of t «%• »trb that canncit U- cured by !»aU%t miik t me „ I i *llp M N • ♦ ». Toledo, lij W. l|»e haw known l *. t henry I * the **i I * year*, and lalb VO lltin l-* id< * IP, louen.fbh bi il luidit*** »n»«nm thms «m»»1 *n *nci dty atdv to earty «»wl any •*bllg«»C«*a% te.oh b llwdt inn West A it »*% Wh»de.iiUl«n*i*«MU.T*4*-dtx, %< W .,|.ll. h MlM'i A llatxln. hull %4il« 1'niM‘i’. «*'•!» • t» * lulls t aiatfh t un b liikt t* iiiit-MMlif u tim; 4imliif tt|*wt l(« and Nui ««n vilt i i i t*f »h* -.»%!*'**» I» . wru! k'tln, i. * UM»W «..ld «.* »H ittm (bl* II * (iiHiii) p! ♦are lb» h »• Jvnlundf V hw liial tip* h* more I *t»iliK Is ihan nil other* »»‘twl»u*d V to*o C IM bn« o' tllttstrwietl ‘k ‘ts|* Mu tU*rnh* » mM «wl >i;uO*iwtn.* I.UfM.iv t-na dull d oled h* ‘*M **»!• rtmm iWfPtiw Ml ¥U sltr^rcjrssu^ * If » >Mt fc» • * O* ** Ml* O # fx wf a itv.j-y h**M*l I*••«»*#«•*’ - piqWMlh m j»« i *cnv;"*l *4 I A BEAUTIFUL CIRL'B AFFLIC- | TION. Fmrn the Republican. Vtre'tUIee, Jnd. The Tucker* of Versailles. Inti., like a’l foud parent*. areroni| letely wrapped up in ! ; their children. Thtii daughter. Lucy in I particular, has given them much concern. She is fifteen and from a strong, herd, y girl, three year* ago, lutd become weak and kept fulling off in flesh. until she became a mere skeleton. She seemed to have no life ut all. Her blood became impure and du ally «he Ian me the victim of nervotispiM** trntior. Doctor* did not help her. Most of the time >.he wan confined tubed, was very nervou* and irritable, ami seemed on the verge of St. Vitus' dance. “Ono morning, said Mrs. 'l in ker, 1 the doctor toM iik tog \ eher Dr. William*' Pink Pills for Pale IV. ’ \w Inch he brought with him Hchoidhc . a* treating a similar t a*e with these pillsnud tho\ werecoringthe pa tient Wo bignn giving the pill* and the nei day could mjc a change for the better. Discussed Their Daughter’* Cu e for Hour . The doctor came and wn* K:irprl*ed to sea m n li uii improvement. lie (old us to keep giving her the medi ine We gave her ono pill after each im 1 until eght boxe* had been lined when shew a* will. She has not been sick since, and we have no fi nr of tho old trouble returning. We think the cure almost miruculous.1' Kit4Nu Ti cki ii Mu* Kkank Ti « KKK Ktib*cril»e«l ai d sworn to before mo this 28th day of Apr il. PW. Hi -.ii Joiivkon, Justice of tin- Pence. fl'he*e ) ill* ore wonderfully affective in tho treatment of ali diseases arising from impure blood, or shattored nerve force. I lie\ are adapted to > oung or old and may be had at anv drug store. If it was’nt for the weather there are lots of men who would never look toward heaven. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take f'ascaret* < and> Cathartic. H'«‘ orfcV. If r.r.O. fail tocure druggist* refund money. The npiieot tree waa first planted in Kngland about 1540. Matches Said to be made in heaven, but retailed In Chicago at 2 cents per box. Bmoko SDUg<* Cigarettes, 20 for Get*. an open letter to mothers. We lire asserting 111 the roor'.s our right lo the exclusive use of the word "CAHTOIUA," amt "lTJ'i IIKII'SCASTOKIA. ’ usourTiude Mark. 1, l)r. Samuel Pitcher, of llyannls. Massuchu settn was the originator of "PITCH K It'S CAS TOI1IA," the same that has borne unit does now bear the fac-slinile signature of CilAS. it. FKKTCJIKK on every wrapper. This It Hie original "PITCHER S CASTORIA" which has been used In the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. Kook carefully at the wrupp* r and see that it .’s "the kind you have always bought," and has the signature of CIIAS H. KLKTCMKK on the Wrapper. Mo one bus authority from ine to use my name except The < Vntaur Company of which I'll ns. If. Fletcher la President. March H. HOT. SAMCKL PITCHER. M. D. Trifles light uh hair sometimes turn the whole course of u man’s appetite. If a friend comes to your office to borrow money and finds you In you will he out, but If he finds you out you will be in. DIPHTHERIA IN W1NNECONNE. I low If Wa* St it lit |M*il tint, After llm .Votlcrn Treatuif’iit IIml I ailt il. Thirty-three cases of diphtheria were reported at VVInnenotiuo, Wisconsin, and the schools were closed. Of the thirty-three cases twelve were subjected to so-called modern treat ment; four of the twelve thus treated died, a death rate of 33 1-3 per cent, Mr. J. Ulrich, a resident of Winne conne, had observed the marvelous success Muco-Solvent had met with and in his enthusiastic way induced many mothers to use it. His own family was one of the first Infected, Muco-Solvent being used to the exclusion of every thing else with splendid results. Compared with other treatments, Its success was so very pronounced, that Muco-Solvent was generally adopted, with the result that by its use alone the other twenty-two cases recovered, not one proving fatal where Muco-Sol vent was depended on. We recommend Its presence in every home, for all throat troubles. In avert ing developments of diphtheria, scarlet fever and croup, It Is unequalled. Upon receipt of the price, II per bottle, the Muco-Solvent Company. 35U Dearborn street, Chicago, will express It. charges paid. This makes splen did article for agents to introduce In j their locality, ns It is backed by over | whelming and convincing testimony. I Forty-page hook free.- Chicago Opin ion. Perhaps it's h- w ash «l.y • onie - next to Hiiinlii) that t h uitliui Is i next to godiliu-M. The baashatt eeaaou being ended the pitcher is nov at liberty to work the 1 growler, llr Hw tlioit n.«« I’- on-vivattla |>rn I Mbit tiutst > nmlldate, made the ex > perifd homeward it. I h ■ It- a U»M t t I stistlir Ml IS, tear, 1 The \ . a*h s l .M IMSU .» i A tadar h« lew. she Miat- t< *1 -Samoa* tuitre 1 ** *,',**’-1 ."-'"V",,*! o.'l WMM .«Mly eat.aals.vrr is»l»v4 tea *»a'T^Tn‘fir'llX • IlfctAli ck'tftir it | tfc« f«*t#*i* fast $«M» mn»tf Hk-yut * •»> tminlM *4 Ilk* IttllWllMU ill Mr*-** MtiH4 14 fasili ."fcifftti uft-ili M»* iHtitliilNiti i I tit |*t***|M** t ** Ns# ' M«* ..•<**>♦ *** * ' + «*l !h> |Mf». V*rl t (tl I • | ^ k fa § "Yes sir I want your daughter.” "Want tny daughter? Blest if I ever heard such impudence." "One moment, sir. I have just learned you are on the pension list.” "It's n Be. Who said so?" "Our congressman looked it up for me. And now. sir, I will give you your choice. Kither give me your daughter or I will do everything in my power to have the pension list published.” "No, no. my boy. don't do it. She yours.”—Cleveland Plain dealer. Tin* (lovernmeiat's Domain. The cofnmlsdorier of i lie general land office ha* submitted Ids report to I hr Secretary of tin* Interior. Compared with hint year. It show* a decrease of .V.£WS homestead entries, aggregating Ulx.iVJa acres Quito proporiton al c to i his Is ihr fulling off In general health when no effort Is made to reform Irregularity of the Isiwels. Tills cun easily He a voiii nllshed with the aid of llostetler's Stomach ltitters. also a remedy for malaria, dyspepsia, rlii'timallsm and liver trouble. Sawdust -Money pn‘d to the writers of wise saws. A flood Dictionary for Two Cent*. A dictionary containing the detin t oils of 10.000 of the most useful and itnpor flint, words in the Knglish language, is puhlMed H\ the Hr Williams Medicine i 'o . Scneneef mlv N V \VIdle it contains ■ottio ad\erlising. it is a complete diction arv. concise and corre *t. In compiling this Hook care has been taken to omit none of those common words wIiom* spelling or exnd n -e occa'don* at time n momcnfan difficulty, even 1 <» well educated people The main mm has been to give as much useful information as nos • ib!e in a limited space \V ith this in view , where noun, adjective ami verb are all o!> vioii-ly • onncclcd in meaning, usually one only has been in ert i The volume will thus be found to contain the meaning of very many more words than it professes to explain*. To those who already have a dictionary, this book will commend itself bei ai s it is compact, light and convenient; to those who have no dictionary whatever, it will be invaluable One may be h Mired by writing to the above concern, mention ng fids pupa/, a ml enclosing a two-cent -tump, _ Corner* are ax difficult to get In a Htrcet car ax the market. New Invent.fins. Amongfit the various In vention* wh cli wore ,hb i d laM. week by the United Slates I'at* nt Office wan a patent covering a guiding mechanism a lapted to b ? attached to the bundle bar* of a bicycle, so that the front whe I can in; position,which of course, would p e vent the wahhling of the front wheel. A Georgia inventor received a patent for a nalliess horseshoe. Another bi cycle invention provides a s at port which Ih yieldingly held within a tube ami prevents shock being imparted to the saddle. Inventors desiring fre Information relative to the law and practice of patents may obtain the came in addressing Sues & Co., reg istered patent attorneys, Hoe Huiidtug Omaha, Nebr. Gumdrop —A decline in the price ol rubber goods. When marriage is not a success di vorce Is its successor. No-To-Iluc for Firry Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c,¥1. All itriigglsts. A shocking discovery is reported from London, it Is that the writing paper used by the government of Indit Ik made In the United Htate«. Iimvm Patent Olflrn lt«*|n>rt. bes Molnea, February 5, 1895 Five U. 8. Patents prepared and pro secuted by us were Issued this week Three allowed but not yet issued as follows: To Mr. J. Stroud, of Patou, Iowa for a draft attachment for vehicle: that allows the horse In the shafts t,( walk at. one side of the central lln< of advance same as horses do whet two are hitched on the opposite side of u pole. To (1. II. Cook, of Des Moines, for : leggin In the form of an open-endet boot leg with elastic gores in tin sides and lower end to facilitali stretching and adjusting. To it. Robinson, of Des Moines, fo a railway rail joint. Each of the abutt ins ends of tbe rails is cut off dingo nally from the base to the center o the head and a splice plate has an in tegral load fitted lo the Incline! faces of the ends to produce contin uity of track and to serve as a solii support for the tread of wheels an: t be weight of a locomotive and tar as tiiey pass over the joint. Valuable information about obtain ing. valuing and selling patents sen free to any address. Thomas O. Orwlg & Co., Solicitor of Patents If you don’t believe a woman oni keep a secret Just ask one her age. 1 ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the teste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in BO etui iiwiutrn an i< unijf* | gists. Any reliable druggist who ! may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who w ishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISYlUt, KY. NCW YORK, N.Y. Ella Wheeler Wilcox has written a poem on "The Traveling Man.” This proves that the drummer falls Into l easy Hues occasionally. If a girl uses enough paint she may resemble the picture of health. For f.1111; mi-1 i best ittKca»tw, i'lso's Cure Is tlie lest medicine we have used Mrs, J. I,. Northeott, Windsor, Out . Canada. It Keeps I lie Feel Warm timl Dry And Is the only cure for Chilblains. Frostbites, Damp, Sweating Feet Corns und Bunions. Ask for Allen ■ Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample 8 lit FftKE Address,Allen S. Olmsted. B> Boy,N.Y. Confectioners should make their candy over bon-bon tires. <'oe'n 4’otigJt IftnUtim In the oM< rt i ibI bt*.4» It w ill bu nk up n cold fjtJ^kor 'hun nnythliiitclri1. It In hIw«yg i* liable. Try It. Chiromancy—The science of ascer taining the number of trumps in your opponent's hand. TO CURE A COM) IN ONE I»AV. 1 Take I,ux;.tlvc llromo TiiMds. All 1 Druvifl»l» refund Ike money If it fail: locurc.d&o ---- Japan is likely to be a larger buyer if American cotton this year, owing to the Increase of spindle power In that . country and the cheapness of our cot ton. _ Probably the reason football ia so popular Is because the punishment fils the crime. Mg Go to your grocer to-day I |f> and get a 15c. package of I Grain-0 ir\ It takes the place of cof VSr fee at I the cost. Made from pure grains it ■ is nourishing and health Ypr fui. JMSf Inbl8ttbat yonrcr H:«»,g.res you GTIAIN-O. 1 W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 8 1808. i 1 When Answerhu) Adurtisements Hindi)' Mention Tilts i'apcr. * If you want to feel that ■ a | j YOUR SPINE IS A PIPE STEM, I | | |\« IK f^| Gtf\ ' * ready to snap, Just get ho tl I I 1 9nIC4&VP ! | J If you want to feel as J j X STRONG AS A STEEL RAMROO, USE St. Jacobs Oil, magic. | “A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH.” SAPOLIO 1^ THE PROPFR THING FOR HOUSE-CLFANINCL ASTHMA , fc ^ ,tit rut i , ..*4 hm * v 4 ti- •» * A AiTHMAlENE jjg *..« ..."Wgi ’ I * r'aita aovic* • > '• .... . fats sammis p fva Paul itfsiis^ NiMNHV*waM mm • I Dr. Kay's Renovator ; * I v*.,* 4» k *«» • * 4 l •* » *»f wl l» M* |iw«iaa»«a I* V% ; - # j [ I i i • k ' • •Ufa* 4#a**<**« ■ »-• <■ fc | a»«U ..»* it *. t4 4 tel *»**«*, *1 «f»M «*tMl #1 <NA I «**«. Of. a 4. WAY MtOICAi. CO„ «»*»«•» Omaha, Of % I * *»**.*••*'* >»*•*