The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 18, 1898, Image 6

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MIvcIUnfoiK Now* Note* Gathered From
Thl* hiiiI other Countries—Accident»l.
Criminal. I'ollticnl. SorUI and Other
wise —C rUp C ondensations From All
Monday, Feb. 7.
The appointment of itobert Bredon
ns deputy Inspector general of Chincae
custom* is ofllnially anounced.
The German *'ilp EUe, which was
wrecked at Maativatke, Holland, on
January 22, while hound from Savan
nah for this country, lias gone to
The annual report of Department
Commander Vourg, of the Oklahoma
O. A. It., shows that on January 1,
1898. there were flfty-four posts In
the territory.
Assistant Secretary Webster Davis
has been selected to deliver the oration
at the annual Memorial day ovserv
anees by the G. A. H. on the battlefield
of Gettysburg.
In a padded cell at the San Francisco
receiving hospital, C. Pordano, a
nephew of Francisco Daeinas. cx
presldent of Salvador, U trying to v t' lillli-'t'il 1.1# lirtuu,
James Allison wus hanged at On
tario for the murder of Mr*. Anthony
Orr, near (Jail, on August 9.
Senator Walthall cf Ml sLsippt 's re
covering from his late attack of grippe.
Ills progress toward recovery Is satis
Daniel McCMand, ag'rt 41 year*,
employed In paint work', committed
aufclde at St. Louis by putt ng h!s head
beneath the ponderous wheels cf a ma
chine known as a "putty chaser."
An almost perfect fr-sro, [tainted by
Domenico del (ihlrlandajo, the Illus
trious Florentine painter, has been dls
covcre I in the (’hutch of San Salva
tion; d'Ogui inti, in Florence. Among
the figures is a portrait of Amerigo
An order reducing th ■ shop force*
between Omaha and Ogde.i 10 per cent
was Issued by the I nlon Pacific. Two
hundred and seventy-five men are dls- I
missed from the shops at Omaha, j
Grand Island. North Platte, Sidney,
Cheyenne, Laramie and Ogden.
A cablegram received at the war dc- j
partntent front Dr. Jackson at Alten.
Norway, savs that the (Lamer Mani
toba had just sailed from that port
with 600 reindeer and eighty-seven
Lapland men and women to <are for
the animals and drive them so ths
government relief expedition when
they arrive in Alaska.
Turmliijr, Fib. H.
Joseph P. Smith, director of the Hu
reau of American Republics, is dead.
The house committee on labor re
ported favorably the bill for a commis
sion to inqiilrt? Into the conditions of '
labor, agriculture, etc.
Hy to* premature explosion of a
blast at the Alabama mine at Whit
lock, Art* , Thomas Uecaerleg and W,
J. Delbslge were killed.
Mr, Gladstone, accompanied by Mr*.
Gladsto to, drove lo church on Sunday
and received communion. He was able
to wa It without assistance.
At a meeting of representative popu
lists hejrl at Hirmingham, Ala., It was
derider, t.i return to the democratic
party and participate In democratic
Jam.^s A. Heurno stepped from the
stage to the pulpit at Chicago’to de
liver a eulogy of Henry George, who
was his personal friend, in the Church
of the Redeemer.
The Vienna correspondent of the
Daily Chronicle says a Pdegram re
vcut.ii .ir 11; ii wm iJi. i vicisum^ «■*/.>
HllKKia unit Germany have signed a
■ contract for the issuance of a Chinese
John K. . ter. e of Vi> a Gcrd.i (ounty,
Texas, lias . old 25.00) aci-fs of land to
the Grand Army of the Republic peo
ple. upon which they Intend to estab
lish i colony and organize a co-oper
ative community.
Mrs. John \ Martin, wife of the late
ex-Goveruor Martin of Kansas, who
now receives, by special act of emi
gres .1 $10 per month r> nsion. is be
in:'. talked of as a candidate f< r the
Atchison. Kan . postmaster'ship.
Mrs. Christine titan, rli of St. Louis
has commenced suit i a ns ex t' shier
C. \V. Itergesch for recovery of several
mortgage bonds of .he Citizens' rail
way, valued at *7.t>2n, which tin? alleges
Hergesrh lias failed to act- uni for.
According to a special dispatch from
Shanghai Admiral S'r Alexand.
tliiller. commumler-in-ehlt f of tne
lliittah fleet uu the China station, has
arilve.i there mid uu Important ex
change of views by cable has occurred
\\ t*«|nr «<Im> . > t il. ».
five wort men were retailed from an
an i llut near Cleveland.
The new fast train from Chicago to
Ihrnver gut through on tin.
A to. h in the Standard tut company
la tn gteat demand In New York
Congre*small of Nebraska
ts.s* introduced an anttdiusi hill
It Is reported that Sir llniuirt IVel
lotnd< it Is lu adopt the sing. n» a ta
The low party of ten men left Ini
l.mptc la last night for the Klondike
the fourth |sariV to leave lln'ie for the
gold fields
At a it* III «h o< tlurna
works a copy of ’he tits* Kilmarnock
edition Ml Ike os labial paper covers
un< wt ktoisgki 111}
'the hsffslii (Wet .Vilaa!' r 'its pan* *.(
Its ant Kile < insist* tN V I. was tn
. orpor«t*.| wtth a isyilal stuet ut
Known* in »n«f#s of I too *«. h It
manor. t«tv and nft Wat sugar
The > to ■••poti.Iettl *»f the A so. a la* S'I
t*y> a t» pii.a sty Itthomed that Ik
^ tn dispose t • ■ * sen IVtit
amt Chide wilt he aaliefa.tortly at
range. I he fore the end of t'ykrgsfy
The propel 11 of i as tnehssr tine
•Ht«h re*emit faded now pot on nala
at ClMMr. lit hr the I ntts.l Stales War
what Tim «*»an»«« Httt Cttt was od-t
jw Pi*. ■*- itn. >4 * is- . I
The American National bank, Chi
cago, has been authorized to begin
business; capital, $1,000,000.
John W. Breidenthal, state banking
commissioner of Kansas, revoked the
license of the Westmoreland State
bank today. It is the first time in
i he history of the state that a solvent
bank has been closed In this way.
The delegations of Lower Brule and
Rosebud Indians from South Dakota,
which have been In Washington for
the past ton days, have about reached
an agreement, whereby 450 of the
former tribe will locate on the reser
vation of the latter.
Thur*<t»v. Kelt. to.
Illinois democrats will hold their
state convention Tuesday, May 17.
The city council of Victor. Colo., hat
dismissed the entire police force and
appointed new officers.
Porch climbers in 8t. Louis got
$7,000 worth of Gems from Mrs. West.
They missed $23,000 worth.
H. J. Heinz of Boston has consented
to extend his donation of $10,001 to
the Kansas university to June 1.
Armed troops of the United States
will not be allowed to accompany the
American relief expedition to Daw
son City.
Hugh Matheaon, head of the firm
of Jardlne. Matheson /i Co., and pres
ident of the Tlnto Mining company,
I /.n/lnH i,. /(anil
Jesse Grant has a scheme on foot
for Imylng 50,000 acres of land In Old
Mexico, which he proposes to color,iz<;
with Americans.
The soul) ami wet! commercial
congress met in ihe'r fifth annual ses
sion at Tampa, Fla. The first day was
devoted to addresses.
J. II. Polk, aged sixty-five years,
and postmaster of Goodwin's station,
Gtorgla, was murdered at Ills home by
unknown parties and his st( re ribbed.
Commencing next Sunday, the Itur
llngton will put in a fast tiain on the
Hillings, Mont., branch, shortening
the time between Lincoln and Li irgs
four hours.
II. Sheeler of Chicago nas made a
proposition to lift the massive capital
of Ohio and place ano'her i tory under
It. Mr. Sheeler says he will accomp
lish this temarkable feat for $390,00').
Superintendent Charles 1C. Clark of
the union printers’ of Colorado
Springs, Colo., has mailed his resig
nation to President William Prescott
of the Internatlotal Typographical
union, to take effect June 1, next.
Friday, F,l>. I I.
Ft. Worth, Texas had a $250,000 fire
The Hartley bond litigation case is
now on trial at Omaha.
One Deadwood mining company has
sued another for $22,000.
John Schofield of Ixniisville, Ky.,
shot and killed his father,
Th« Denver water works disp ite
has been satisfactorily settled.
Tlio <1 I nmn inoidoni i • pmrur/1 ,i1
Iii Madrid ax a jingoism Intrigue.
Four companies of troops will be
dispatched to Alaska by Uncle Sam.
Manitoba wheelmen are likely to
withdraw from the Canadian associa
Arthur Sherman, cashier e f he Gal
latin national bank. New York, Is
dead there.
The gross receipts for the Illinois
Central road for triiflk- for the month
of January are estimated at $2,303,
Cedar Rapids. Iowa, has a man who
insists that the spirits keep him in
bed. He'll be given a bunk in the asy
The house by a vote of 143 to 113,
unseated Mr. Plowman (dent.. Ala )
and gave tlie seat to Mr. Aldrich, 10
About ..,000 trouser makers, of New
York. Brooklyn and Brownsv lie. wh i
get from $5 to $3 a week for working
sixteen hours a ray have struck.
s»*‘unlay • l #*i». I i.
Williams Bricki r. aged 11.3. died in
I’ickens countv, I. T., the other day.
Fd'veu dead and twenty sevi n
missing is the record of the Pittsburg
.-tenor So-'asta says the* In
j *-blent will not affect relations lietween
the t wo nations.
Senatoi liatiiia says the fueling in
. ngressional <iir!e; Is cxtr'iiiely li t
1 ter aealnxt UcLomc.
Gottlieb Fischer, w ho toe painted
; portin'.'of kit..,., is In New York
I awaiting paupei sp .rtatloic
\ *it rv’ Him *• la i Katina *1 v imm
ti-klcil escaping pr>:oners and suc
ceeded in preventing a geu* ral del.v
Slat*' Senator Robert .1 Haul*,
'imminent „« tic. lender of the Ad
jdl*k- faction of the repiibf jii party
til I tela ware, tiled maidenly a few day*
t *«t«.
t he bl • k | in. K* i\ mi! It
i Kastern Yunnan China At Chau
fill > Hon *1*.itlu occur led lu two
| months
King ItninUtt. of Balv con
sented tha1 lh* tiu* |i Allium •liall
underlake the prop.****! expedition to
| the North (Mile
The widow if the U * Senator
Kenna will prohahv in .on in YY'li* d
, .nr. YY \ a . p 18 thanks *,# i *
I senatorial friend*
Y • olislf or no tit of .Pel toi l, |. p. ■
I leNUttl weal Itr ■ *«rt eprn <• of *c
a mi hern * lia *tf ha* been 1 -calv 4 in
( lh* Kaasa* Mute nai,*.«ii- fri.m i ,
I ealaa.
> I a* |I«,,*U «> o« * n t a, ,»f«**>i i o
J propswal of lh* «n riia«j,i peubio *
! tag lh* redig of lh* corn
j Gum ?ht |lr« to ,* i« t-.,.n Abfti
| Me. It K|l
Walker | am lu, liked *.. |t ng
1 that lh* old** .** h.*pu4 rsut »i,
1 off of lh* street* after a o ps * N a
pul th ag YY -,**•* It 4 u* i
make au* 4ig.- *a, * or m- | a* .a
' Y«tl wiwtl l« a«r twwnl iw in
tkim twattina *i*t them l«4t«p,
p«*li* fumrikai
g.r. .«•
f*o> »c of Th * *#a *«a ’»■>*$ 4
! the blueandgray a harmo
nious WHOLE.
»lirack* Veteran* Outlier at Norfolk foi
Tlirlr Annual Encampment anil lie
union -An Aililre** of Welcome Emm
an Ex-l'onfcilcrnte—The tilail llaml
Cordially Extended.
The Veteran'* Encampment.
The Grand Army of the Republic
'“neampment recently held In Norfolk
was well attended. It was opened
with an address of welcome by Mayor
Alexander Bear, who during the war
was a surgeon in the confederate
army. His remarks were highly ap
preciated by the “boys,” his address
being interrupted by cnthuisastlc ap
plause. At the close of his address
he was heartily congratulated and Ris
en a rising vote of thanks and his ad
dress ordered made a part of the
records. He said in part:
Gentlemen of the Department of llie
Grand Army of the Republic: As the
chief executive officer of this city It Is
my privilege as well as pleasure to
welcome you In the name of the city
and Its Inhabitants', and to tender you
Its freeedom and hospitalities. I wel
come you as the survivors of the
grandest army that ever marched to
litiHln I wfiliiimp vnil fflT VOllF llP*
role achievements which have hcon
woven Into song anil story and shall
lie sung by the children of the repub
lic until time shall he no more. I wel
■onie you because in sunshine and In
storm, in victory and defeat, you fol
lowed your (lag ns a pillar of cloud by
lay and fire by night, and left the
•eeord of your achievements on the
brightest pages of your country's his
orv F welcome you. ladles of the Ife
llef corps, for In your sphere you did
no less than your fathers, husbands.
| sons and brothers. You cheered and
i fanned the flame of their patriotism
nul gave with resignation your fallen
heroes and welcomed home with
glistening eyeh and grateful hear s the
victorious veterans. Lastly, I wel
•ome and salute you as comrades, a
soldierly word with all Its tender re
collections and clustering memories.
Yes. I salute you as comrades and
though I wore the gray my greeting
irries with It my kindest wishes, my
warmest esteem and my earnest hopes
for vour prosperity and welfare. I
shall attempt no culogium on the
.chlevements of comrades, living or
lead, absent or present. The soldiers
on either side of that gigantic struggle
gave Imperishable prestige and honor
'<i American valor; both sides were
actuated by the moat exalted motives.
Whatever may he the difference about
the war and Its ratine, no brave or
generous person can deny that It was
made up of deeds of desperate
-rest military strategy, unparalleled
endurance of hardship and patriotic
heroism on either side You. my
friends, felt that republican govern
ment and liberty itself was gone if
the union of the states was dissolved.
The southern soldier believed In the
sovereign rights of the states and the
union with only certain delegated
powers and guaranteed rights and de
fending his home ami his property
from Invasion.
The ardor with which thev rallied
around their resnectlve flags from in
vasion ami followed them through
acrifices. through danger and death
[ was enual and proves their conscien
tious patriotism. Each soldier who
aid down his life on either side for
his country thought that he died for a
holy cause. Pnth sides believed tb“v
were right. Self-sacrifice unto death
for what a man believes is heroism,
and heroism that deserves immortality
-yes. more than deserves It. carries
i mmortalitv hi his breast
Oil I he sixth ballot Jl H Stafford of
Plainview was elected junior vice com
mander. I>'• .Ta<"»ard of Lincoln was
"tented medical director and W P.
’’ease "f Hue S'minirs as chaplain.
Hon. f'barlc.s F. Manrlersop was elect
' d del mite-Ht-large to the national
convention at Cincinnati.
The next encampment, is was de
luded should lie he’d at York A re
j solution I” f»snr of substantia! nd.ll
! '''•us to the Soldiers homes at Oram1
ICeiinioii of »lii> Ii lu kcr*.
Heaver City dispatch: A reunion of
.In members of a hanlv hand of pio
neer. known a- tin- .(ayhawl rs of 'tit
war. held at tlu* homo of I.other A.
Kb hards near tlii - plaee the other day.
l ip ip pt pm wen Co] lohn Ii. Colton
if Kansu.. City and I.tithe v Richards
if Heaver City Other r. mbert were
detained hy si; kir ns Letters were
tiail from light of the old tuners. Col.
W C Cody and Alexander Majors were
i expected. Imt were prevented hy bu*l
■ to -I engagements
This .tssoi lalioit of the survivor* of
' ihe peril* ot Death Valley in tsi'i me'ti
I innuully and the day Is passed In re
• punting th? adventure* and privation*
of the day* of old, the days of gold."
On April f>. 1*1!*, u large number of
and the newly dl*i «ver*d gold feld*
The party eroased the MI**ouri river
t eat where Oritahu now <la”d* a"d the
, JuUIUey acrue* the long ylltUh "f
I plant mountaiu and den rt was coin.
oie iu etl No l rouble of importance
i was eio muttered until thev cvme to the
d«p r» known a* loath Valley Thev
entered the alkali Until haU and
heaitv men and thuae who lived came
■it living skeleton* It was aijeva
1 tion that thev faced evert I toe *'* *s«t
; three month* tn which thev ««> * 1
tn the must •te»,iia*e and hue
.tgn>o Only thirty-at* <>f thetr mini
or ttvevt let teat h food and w ater Of
to *e eft wo kilt) survive The dale
•f thetr deliverance wa* tnhiuar) t,
to tat.i to—e.11 - tor vi.Hi.HitH
Whitmore dispel. h The ante In
this Mtintt gw alt tn gist.I ..Witt*mg
tml uniew* v»tv hard siorma and *
great many of then* ouu* bet**** now
tkd grass time the ham in • gilts
1 Vu were usk the hdt* wilt tm th*r
, wiwler than eve* hm>wn A iMhwii
of young tku<isifhw*>t kul** *ti
Mowgfet in here a ehwri tl**> gsn
and they neve wwLhly fisgend nf *i
..set tin urea the sitekmen ef • h*<
*e» im* gre unending targe i**m is tn
geove the **sliitt uf thetr v-rts >u
• thmt tn t«M their reward th hrtigt
i m' •* Ur vuwng vi.m h
Many Mlira of Ditch sro llelm; I'ned anil
TImmimhimN Mori* are lender Construc
tion Total Coat of t!»c Work Com*
l»ari*<l With Total Value of the Land—
IftlHT •ml Valuable Inventnient*.
I>11« blngr the State.
If all the Irrigation canals In Nebras
ka were stretched out in a straight
line they would reach from Omaha to
Boston, and the canals now being
constructed, If attached to the west
end of the line would reach from Oma
ha to Ogdon. The projected ditches,
permits for which applications have
been filed, If added to the canal would
stretch from Boston to San Francisco
and then many miles north toward
Alaska. The Increase In the value of
the land now under Irrigation. If con
verted into money and divided up
among the people of Nebraska would
give each man, woman and child $9
apiece, with an odd $750,000 over and
above. Most of the canals now In use
or being constructed were established
by permits secured under the old Irri
gation law. The law was changed in
1895, but practically all of the water
permits up to the present time have
been secured under this law. The ap
plications made under the new law
since 1895 have mostly been compelled
to wait until It could be ascertained
that there would be water to spare af
ter the ditches under the old permits
had hern put it). I linn th“ following
showing of tlir Irrigation ditches con
structed or In course of construction,
up to December 3n, 1897, are all from
permits secured under the olil law
Miles in
Miles eon- course of
County. gtrneted. contruc'n.
Allan's . 0.50 .
Anteiope. 1.75 0.10
Manner ...». 9.95 2.75
Mlalne . 4.65 2.25
Dux flu tto . 3 50 .
Boyd . 1.25 0.50
Brown . 3.60 14.90
Buffalo . 16.65 34.95
Boone . 0.75 3.75
Chase . 51.35 16.50
Cherry . 6.50 10.90
Cheyenne . 161.68 69.91
Custer . 48.25 51.65
Dawes . 90.20 76.65
Dawson . 128.75 125.00
Deuel . 75.10 145.40
Ditnilv . 68 39 20.40
franklin . 2.88 2.75
frontier . 2.06 1.66
furnas . 18.80 17.oo
Garfield . 8.(0 1.75
Hayes . 1 45 0.80
Hitchcock. 57 25 81.90
Holt .:. 125.05 12 60
Ke«rney . 4.10 0.40
Keith . 73.90 39 5.1
Keys Paha . 27.96 15.70
Kimball . 23.85 0.60
lg>up .. 8 00 34.75
I.lneoln . 158.65 102.55
Platte . 1.60 3.50
Red Willow . 18 52 11.50
Rock .... 1.00 15.00
Scott s Bluff. 91 25 26.75
Sheridan . 4 20 3’, i0
Sherman . 15.00
Sioux . 59.33 13 91
Thomas . 5 50 36 50
Valley . 48,55 35.00
Grand total .1,430.38 1.067 94
In the thirty-nine counties 1.216,524
acres of land have been placed under
Irrigation and the estimated Increase
in I Ilf* vault* «n irtM'i
the irrigation Is *9,732.192. or at the
rate of $8 ner acre. The cost of the
irrigation work un to date has been
$1.576,383 44, and the estimated cost
of the total mileage when the ditches
now in course of construction arc com
pleted. reaches *3.140.385.54. The larg
est amount expended in any one county
has hern in Dawson, where up to dale
the 253.75 miles of ditches, completed
and in course of construction, have
cost $474 813.23, and almost as much
more will he needed to complete the
work. The number of acres in this
county receiving water from thcse
ditches is 257.720. and the estimated
increase in the value of the laud is
*2,061,760. Next to Dawson the county
having already expended the most
money is Hitchcock, where it has cost
$160,290.79 to prepare ditches for ihe
watering of 42,480 acres, it being esti
mated that the completion of all the
works in this county will cost *225.027.
In point of number of acres watered
Deuel countv comes next to Dawson,
having 166.833 ac es of watered lands,
the cost UP to date being *45.844 2 >.
and the estimated cost to complete nil
works. *358.045.35. Adams county
for the smallest cost. Its one-half mile
of ditch having been put in at an ex
j pens* of *280, watering seventy acres
I of land ami increasing the value of
the watered lands *560. or over double
the cost of the ditch. Taking Into con
I slderatton the small mileage the most
expensive works are in Franklin coun
ty where the 5.63 miles of duch will
! cost *23.803. watering 315 acres of
I land, the value of which is increased
I *2.760.
t'mler the law the applications filed
with the stale l-inrtl of irrigation be
•ween April » 184,5 and December 30.
1897. from 415 persons and eoinpan'es
I who dts'fe to anproprlat - 'he nubile
| water* of the state are distributed over
i ftftv-twn counties and foot un to the
following to ala Mil— «» *M»eh. 7 ft*.
! r. lc .ledciw *6 8*3.3'• M "U»>h*
j of acres l« !»• watered. .1 159 7*7 estl
i «v t.-d I.. in the value iif >b • ' n t
when placed under Irrigation *25 27* •
A part* of Kearney huslneee men are
i limbing together to send a reoreaen
j 1*11** in the Klondike gotd fields
«. ihmu •> a in* * »!*»•*»*re*
t.imula dispatch Yh* applications
from ib* sc kinds of Nebraska for spa.,
in tll«* Pihlltii il III# » 'I*4'
stiton ar* now all m and on 01* at tk«
! tn<* of Ike state superintendent
jibbisds employing a total of 3 73*
teacher > have applied for space These
■ Ppltc s'ions t ome from i*3 rural dt*
iiwts 17* graded * b*ads • srst* in
stttutb'ns. J private trhsilt I detnunl
national sshowts and I fhautafgua
The rural s*h«u.a employ l»d tssrkris
| graded arkoMla I *M the stnt* tnatitu
| ttwns I6A *nd the private ant den«m
I.ady Guest (to hostess): "Really !
couldn't eat another hut roll, dear. I
don't know how many I've had al
ready!" Freddy (sitting opposite): “I
do; you've eaten eight! I've been
counting."—Boston Globe.
“What did you think of the living
pictures?” asked the student boarder.
"I thought they were barely fair.” “I."
answered the Cheerful Idiot, “thought
they were fairly bare.”—Indianapolis
“1 am going to start a little maga
zine. Give me a snappy name for it.”
“Well how will the 'The Yellow I)og'
do?"—Chicago Tribune.
The number of minor planets known
between Mars and Jupiter now consid
erably exceeds 400, of which M. Char
iots of Nice has discovered eighty-six
while Herr Pallsa, the Australian as
tronomer, has detected eighty-three.
’em anywhere.”—Truth.
Pilot's? treated free l>y Pr. H H. Oreen'a
Hons, of Atlanta. (ia The greatest dropsy
specialists ia tin* world. Head their adver
tisement in another column of this paper.
If a lover of books Is a bookworm
a lover of silks must be a silk worm.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoko sour Lite Away.
To quit tobacco cusily and forever, lie mag
netic, full of life, nerve und vigor, take No-To
Mne. the wonder-worker, that make* weak men
strong. All druggists. M)e. or tl. Cure guaran
teed. Hook let and sample free. Address
Sterling Itemcdy Co . Chicago or New York.
Delusion—Something a man likes to
hug. especially if It’s In the form of a
An Atlanta man has just received
the following letter front his brother
who is In the Klondike: "Dear -lint
Stay welter you aid. I'm sorry 1 ever
come here. At this writin’ my hat is
froze to my head, and if 1 wuz to go
to chtuch I conld’nt pull it ofT. My
boots is likewise. Two weeks ago I
Watts—"There ‘s no such thing as
telling the quality of whisky that you
taste these days. Is there?” I.ushforth
—“No. The only test Is the feel.”
Watts—'The feel?' I.usforth—"Yes.
And you have to wait till the next,
morning for that." Indianapolis
“I'm told Daldry loses his head tho
m'nute he begins to drink liquor.”
"No, he keeps It and uses It for a fun
nel.”—Detroit Journal.
Tlio II. mill O. mill IJrontor Now York.
i ne oa i u mu it; aim uuju
now runs its freight trains over Its
own tracks into New York city. Years
ago a line was built from Cranford
Junction on the Jersey Central rail
road to St. George's, Staten Island,
crossing the Kill Von Kull on n long
bridge and trestlp work, and all B. &
O. freight, cither inbound or outbound,
was handled from that point. The re
cent extension of the limits of New
York city has made Staten Island ft
part Of Greater New York, and the H. &
O. now enjoys the distinction of being
the only line from the west, except
one, which has Its own rails Into the
citv of New York.
WWIUMU. ' ■■■ ■■ - ■ -r
How baldness begins.
How to prevent it. *
r.very person, male or female, shrinks
from baldness. It adds to the appearance
of age and is a serious discomfort. The
coses are rare when the falling out of the
hair may not he stopped, and a new and
healthy grown of the huir promoted. The
hair grows in »he scalp like a plant in the
soil. If a plaut flourishes, it must have
constant attention: it must be watered
regularly and find its food in the soil
where it is rooted. It's so with the hair.
Neglect is usually the beginning of bald
ness. Dandruff is ullowed to thicken on
the scalp. The huir begins to loosen. The
scalp loses its vitality. The hair, insuf
ficiently nourished, begins to fade and to
fall The instant need in such a case i^
some practical preparation which, sup
plying the needed nourishment to the
scalp, will feed the hair, give it strength,
and so produce a strong and healthy
growth All this is done by Dr. Ayer'-.
Hair Vigor, the most practical and valua
ble preparation for the hair that can be j
obtained It tones up the scalp, does away
with dandruff, stops the hair from falling,
restore* the original color to gruy or faded
hnir, and give* an abundant and gUmr
growth Those who are threatened with
approaching bald nr** will be interest* d
in the following voluntary statement,
made by Alderman S. J. Green,of spencer,
Iowa. He writes:
“About four month* ago, my hair com
menced falling out so rapidly that I
became alarmed, and being recommended
Dr. Ayer's Dan Vigor by a druggist. I
resolved to try thi preparation. 1 have
been now using it for three months, and
am much gratified to find that my hair ha*
ceased fulling out and also that hair which
had been turning giay for the past five
years has been restored to its original
color, dark blown ft gives me much
pleasure to recommend this dressing.'*—
S. J. Green, Alderman, Spencer, Iowa.
Those who are interested in preserving
and beautifying tile hair will do well to
send for Dr. Avers Curt hook, A story of
cure* told by the cured. This book of 100
pages is sent free, on request, by the J. C.
Ayer Co., I.owcll, Mass.
independence is as
sured if you lain
up your home in
Western Canada,
the land of plenty.
Illustrated pamphlets, giving experi
ence of farmers who have become
wealthy in growing wheat, reports of
delegates, etc., and full information as
to reduced railway rates, can bo had
on application to Department Interior,
Ottawa, Canada, or to W. V. Dennett,
N. Y. Life building, Omaha, Neb.,
Agent for Canadian (Jovernment.
nr Rjl.-sr's Seeds are Warranted t> Fraioee. Yfift
fldtf • 1 VoA
mBm by growiuif.' A) bu-ln.)• HitUcr •. ecru; J. l.o * J* r. rafcj
■ flUi.lcott, 'Vi-.. 173 buali. I *• Mfl
LJT Kindalia. Iiwa. b- grow'ng '*-*»• bu-n .-»./•' • ' ‘ » 7
H | - r A ro. If jolt d'.Ubl. wrltiuhTta. " e »>-n to gun JXj ,
PIB liJ/fO n»*w cuBtoimiri, U<-oc<-»• i-i on trial fc;| j
f 10 dollars worth FOR 10c. fig
^B 11 b'tjuof r.r" fsrm >-eed», !I<'K Pt-a, Saul ' fifu :
^B ‘10c. Wheat.' Slv«ep J< run, in "'NK| •
M eluding nur nuuniuoih 8c<.--l t n.i-g «
VA about the **00 gold l-rlrea f r I- kv' f I'-r ■ or 1W | mur• - u« eor,i 1 oats ' 1 >S,'w7
also sail.] le of *am''. all f-tuiit I • '■» jU&J
'worVbHO laVtilUU 100.<*<u », i . JPfrm
I'otHtucA »i|i r&jr
Plen./^gtl>W- *W>1‘1 ,lM'^ddpSr Cuttl .*
».m • itluuu. tc.
adv. aioug. ^ITc. \% .c.
X no Money
I'ntil t.«d-d- \rr1\ r'
lHm Ilnrrow*.
il.tir iw-H.n-ruot -ffdiT^.
I ,i; lial-d . \V t v oft ►.
w ill •• r«. r |i.Miv.-ry
83 Riv.n Srns.T. HOCK FALLA. ILL.
S5?5 -m.
fpOTATOES .*$1'
i1 Imui ... '» >- ••• " '
I I <n.r«l !••*" ,hm * <***«* • »***',
, > „r , .<*,*•» *«■- *»*»« ***** <
.*.. > *.■■* I. *•••• »•«*•"*• »*"* I 1
i! • ;
I rv*v*v*v%v\v%v%v%v%vw*v%4
l*U P*w**T**i It** ;*M * • #**•*•* »% •*•
**•* *• t^A •*». U *4*-*4«-*Ah** -**•*». •*** *'•*»
I . 4* -. - • • • *.
- * •
*'4 fa» b-#m« »U*».
*•" : ;• :.’j
j k «M» »^|M—4
115r4tt IImmim’iIm itNr.
nn»mrm»» r* »»m frnrmw inivHiNiirfl
“Throw Physic to the Dogs.” i
TAKE hem now and then and ret, ns a j
result, wonderful physical benefit ;
and case of action never equaled. ;
It’a the perfect laxative.
A booklet end sample free for the asking, ;
• or you can «>uy a box for xoc, 25c, 50-, at ;
; your drug u.orc. Uatnsfaction guaranteed. 74 ;
I Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago. Montreal. New York ;
Lilt 70 njjin -^oljd and irinranteod to rure To
uacao Liu bit by till druggist*.
K* **p- N» il l r . I s ' ’.Jl" | r
'ectivJ'Yin th«- hardest stoims.
'UbsUi;.*. . wiM JUupp<- t. Ask f ;l
. ,7 1 ish If*’ iii J I . inm**i Mu kcr
it Is entirely n* w. It n«>t for ■.•il«* In
your t. >■ n. writ for catalogue to .
A. J I ■ AVI u» lb. > M.i s
I " "
qnit'fcly %»tf* t«i| umi !*•’»« ahHhrr an
• »* |*». »•«!•(* I- ilfMt I If < •«« NOIIIH A
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•fill #***•». •»l.l.-*l atfVtlt f fnl MMUM'ltf |*a««*!(•.
r«t«*aia » lar*<u«H Mi t.n AIX* ««*•!*•
•Pmvi.iI #, aiiAuii <!»In llw
Scientific American.
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i f ««<* tfnita- (, it-tti * A- a
!• **! • I m* H.,t.iM, |l. lfc»M l»y 4>| »«#aai»f lay*
MUNN & New York
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