For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City,Neb Lioaal Dsws. Buttcrick patterns at Pilger's Billy Odendahl still toats them bun ions around with him. Call at the Racket Store, for bargains In Furniture aad Hardware. For corn shelters or feed grinders call on T. M. Reed. Skates! The KlipperKlub are the best. At Watklnson's. Eye, Kar Nose and Throat. Dr Sum ner Davis, Grand Island. Por wind mills and pumps call on T. M. Ueed. Emory Bly bought two six weeks old calyes vesterday for $11.00 eaeh. Bring the babies and all the rest of the family, and see the Klckapoo's at the Opera House Jan. 31st. All Goods at a slaughtering reduction at Pilger’s. Ona Minute Cough Cure cures quick ly. Tbat'a what you want -Odendahl Bros If you are wanting Fnrnltureer Hard ware and want a bargain, call at the Racket Store. Dr. N. L. Talbot of Boelus formerly of Verdurctte paid this ofllce a plcasane visit last Tuesday H. V. Cappelten ef Hazard township called on us and renewed tils relation with this paper yesterday. Fred Schodt of the west side paid his respects to this ofllce and ordered Loup City, news bureau to bis domacile Dr. luinner Davis, Grand Island Mpecl allst in diseases, of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Examination for glasses. If you want washing machines, slothes wringers or anything in the hardware line call on T. M. Reed 17 lbs Granulated Sugar for 81.00 at Pilger’s. For buggies, wagons, sulkey plows, disc harrows etc. call on T. M. Heed. We acknowledge receipt of a 9 from C. E. Andrew* formerly of this place but now of Richmond Mass, to continue his relation* with us for another year. If you want to keep posted on the lat est news of the week, subseribe for the NOUTIIWKSTERN. We intend to give special attention to Its news columns The LitcbAeld Monitor wants to know If it will he Bryan and Teller next. Well we can't just teller much about it at present, but the New York Journal might. Children uud adult* tortured 1>> burn*, scalds, Injuries, ex/.ema, or skin diseas es mav secure instant relief by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It Is the great 1’ile remedy Sold by Oduudabl Bro’s. The Camp tire to be given by the Ladies of the G. A. K. this, Friday even - lug has been indefinitely postponed, on account of too much an useuient In town this week. Announcement will be made later. We have procured the following new subscribers this week: T. H. Eisner. MaryK. Hendrickson, Win. Wharton, Fred Schodt, II. A. Slater, Ben Nelson, Dan Busbousen. and L. McKenna. The Masquerade ball given by th« German Vcrien list Friday evening, win a grand success, there was one hundred V F V,J iumpuvu. i i a u L'/M; day when the German* make a failure. There are three little thing* whicl: do more work than any other tbres littlo tilings created-they are the ant, the bee and DwWitt's Little Early Kisers, the last being the famous llttli pills for stomach and liver troubles Hold by Odeudahl Bro's Mrs. Mary A. French is still eouttned to hei bed. We understand the Ladle: of the 1>. of 11. have taken charge of her This is a* it should be Her tlecea-ei husband was an A. O. I'. \V. man am Fraternity is theit teachings. doe McCoy reports seeing a big graj wolf last Saturday morning, cross tbi It A M track and meander up street t< in trout of the .*it. Elmo Hotel, stop : moment and look for landlord Drake am then scamper off north west, a up pot lie had heard of Mr Drake, and wantwi to match a race The Modem Woodmen of Americ not. has members lu the state r< Nebraska. It is making the larges growth of any It-m lieiaiy order tha exists. It now has all told FJ7.000 mem tiers and gained 10,1)00 lu the mouth o ember Un Ibe 'JO. of Jan. 11 ha |JII ooo surplus lu the benefit fund, » there la bsi issaeaalueut for February Mrs Ad*II* llardiag, Grand t'hiel n the Degree uf lloner A It I' W pal a vDIt |v Fne«d*bip Lotlge It ol II, u Otis city last Friday hhe an greatl p trass,! With the ptstgtu.s l HI a ItMg | making >h 1 fssuud il in a rtnurleillu eoadttioo wt U ADy ata member* « the roil, and was r*suviaeed that |.ou I lly w *s th» moat Iraimrn*! lowts l« la Male for lHr sis* wt >1 A Hshsh* lh*> Opt tv tan ft «•«> iireele sri«ref *ga n tIMtrd sat tuwi, last • s*l w|ta hts w. . 1* • t ii.sliwmral lb l‘iU '**r* i tHvecresi t»j Dr t'u MsiImw. 1st It * | • ■ Is*I li sting iH s>.rs IhDtatk . «„.,,|ri | InVrt It*.Ss Sif the age <» Use purpose sa t Mi MstoMte I* aw expe t tu using it ll< s Iftp *aa a •Hsnvla* **wms In him a *■ Mr* Hu*m» awsl M l «*«•* user *■» h*l oigav eesl Mill tt*l* N * weel Rev. W. K. Matthews performed the bareback act. on the A. O. U W. goat last Thursday night. 10000 yards best prints at 5 cents a yard worth H cts at J’ilger’s The B. A M. Co. are putting in new ■teak yards at McAlpine for the conve nience of the farmers of that locality. The Editor of the Arcadia Champion says he don't care a dxzrat* what day the preachers keep fnr Sunday. But they can’t prove It in his paper hereafter Ben. Nelson from McAlpine dropped into our sanctum last Saturday and left a great big dollar fer a years suhscrip t ion to this great religious weekly. Missed lastwesk; Born to Mr. and Mrs Harvey E Brewer Jan. 24, a bouncing beautiful tittle girl baby. Mother and babe are doing uieuly, and there is some hopes for Harve. Three holiday* this month. Lilico in's birthday Feb. 12tb. Cupids the 14th and Washington’s the 22nd; Washington the "Father of bia country” Lincoln the * Emancipator" and Cupid the financial prop of the divorce court. Whooping cough Is the most distress ing malady; but its duration can he cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, whieh is also the best known re medy for croup and all lung and bron cbal troubles. Sold by Odendabl Bro's The Hamilton Brown shoes for ladies, inisseg, men and boys. Famous for their wear ing qualities and honest values i* - i a i i_v. 1V1 saiu lit ■ ll^Ci n, After years of untold suffering from piles, If W. Purnell of Knltriersvllie, Pa., was cured by using a single box of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Hkin diseas es such us ex/vrna, rash, pimples and obstinate sores are readily cured by this famous remedy. Sold by Odendahl Bro. 1 lb Arbucklo’scoffee lOcts. at Pilger’s. For anything in the line of smoked or sugar cured meat*,call on John Kggers. The following is some of his prices: Hums 11 cts, per lb sliced 121 cts, bacon 10 cts latd (lets, fresh beef from (I to 10, fresh pork 0 to 7,summer sausage 121 cts* bologna 10 cts head cheese, 8 cts. liver sausage. 8 cts, blood pudding. 10 cts, pork sausage, 8 cts, per lb. Mr. T. H. Eisner of Grand Islund will have charge of the asloon at this placa for the presant, Mr. Murphy lookiag after buHnuss elsewhere. Mr. Eisner will move his family up in the spring, and In th« meantime he has ordered the Noktiiwkstkbn sent to them, so as to keep them posted on things occur: eg In Loup City. 1 lb X X X X coff ee 9 cents at Pilger’s. G. W. Donahue, the gentleman frens Sargent, who was here with Hall Sav-1 age during the fair, and who Interested the people here with the pretty fayerite horses of Col. Savidge, is in the eity. Mr. Donahue la an expert at training horses, and is here with a view to nrak lug arrangements with the fair assoeia tion to use the grounds and track (for the trainieg of some of Mr. Savage's young horses. Should be conclude to stop beru during the summer mouths he will also have a flue stallion which will make the season at the lair grounds. Mr. Savage has some verry pretty and valuable horses. Mr Donahue says that the Loup City race traak is one of the best in Western Nebraska, and there are hut few In the state better. Persona who are troubled w^th indi gestion w ill be interested in the expe rience of Win. H. Penn, chief clerk in the rnilroad mail service at lies Moines Iowa, who writes; “ it give* me pleas ure to testily to the merits ot Cham berlain's Colic, cholera and Diarlieu Kernedy Kor two years 1 have -offered from Indigestion, and am sujeet. to fr< quent severe attacks of pain in the sto mach and bowles. One or two dose* ol this remedy never fails to give perfect relief. I’rlca S5 and 50 cents; sold by Odeudahl Bro s We are anxious to do » lillle g k aud I , seated hi* team winch slatted to run. > Mi Newt >n jumped out of ,h« e'icd and uaugltt one oI the hor-e- by >he nil ami I rndetoo d to slop them this ne I uusut c.-nil la doing, and after drag f giug him some snseniv Ave yards ibr . hoi»e be bait hull of •Imuti-vd and l«l , pul log Mr Xewtrtb doan with bliu I I t bn other horse pul ed the « sgon osei u him dislocating ihe spins! itsinmu t< ,, ibe ea'eni that In a a- at once psrab/c, p i lima the trasiaru doan llo was tgeer to the si tome twill ami I>rs Mains i ! and Junes Was i sited tl-cy redone i.i the |i tcluie In a my <«ilfn a > manner Mi* alls teas tent for u »a,i and sh* seme immediate 11 |» bl• side ' Ik* I 11 I « «s > * uf A-bluu It ! ablth l.mtgv hr hwlm-je were telegraph , *d w l they *u«t a nurae to hit aid A1 , the pree-nt M> New ion I* lee lug tart , ,c>a 11 a tde hot the a* 11 mi of Ibr | tel we Is has eatirel t iipni aud be r •Hi: para y-ad in tit*' inner rtutwiiirr LAID TO RKST The memorial services of Mrs Elsie Jj, Smith were held on Friday Jmii 28th 189M. at the Smith resident - by Kev. K. I,. Stevens, and were very largely at tended by the long time fiiends of (tie deceased, who left their work to mani fest the high esteem and regard they helil tor her. On the same dav the body was brought to tho home of her daugh ter, Mrs, J. I Depew in Loup CHy al about five o'clock p, m. where the funeral cortege was met by Humeroui ladies residing at Loup city, prominent umong w hoin were the Ladies of Orien tal Chapter O K. S o( which organiza tion Mr*. Smith bail been a member. Also Ladies of the O. A. K. and mem ber* of that fraternity, and members of the Masonic fraternity, at which time after a select rendering of (lie hymn ‘•When Peace like a Kiyer Attendeth my vVay’’ they dlspurscd to meet ag'in at V;20 a ui on Saturday morning to at tend the body to the M E Church. The procession started to the church after a short service of Prayer by Hie Kev. .L B. VauFlect the Protestant Episcopal Clergyman of this diocese and singing by the Ladies of the Eastern Star, at ten o'clock a. m. The Hearse was pre ceded by the family phaeton. The Pail Bearers, all old soldiers and member* of ihe O. A K followed the hear»e, after which came the vehicles contain ing the mourners and friends of the de ceased. The services at the church were conducted by Kev. VanFieet, (the de ceased having been a life long member of the Protestant Episuopal Church) assisted by Kev. Matthews the M. E. Paster. The services while not lengthy were ably conducted, and highly im pressive. Though it was cold aud star my numerous menus urove co ever green cemetery anil saw the remain* deposited in tbeir last resting p lace. "Kiwect be thy rest.” Curd of Thanks To all the kinds friends whose !. »-*tW j u v. ' "‘"'J •** ‘ v^'. Ill* ' • _ aook on A »l»**'* * z—*><•-* VV t * B&- ""iss** »■ , %*»' , r»** !K»'' RED FIGURE SALE CHAS. GASTEYERS EM From Ji 1st. to Fob. 1st., 1898. Everything you see in our store* jVIAPKED IP PED fJGUPES you can rest assured is indeed a bargain. MANY THINGS WILL (JO AT COST AND OTHERS AT LESS THAN COST Home early and secure what you wish before everything is gone. We are haring this sale in order to Close out tbe Odds aid Eads of the Winters Dry Goods Stock We realize that we would he money ahead if we carried over these goods, for we surely loose money on many articles. But we have not th ; room nor convenience for storing woolens and so have decided to give the public the benefit thereof. Here are a few prices. GOOD ALL WOOL DRESS FLANNEL, PER YD. - - - 22 CENTS GENTS FLEECED UNDERWEAR FROM ‘.>0 CENTS TO 1.05 PER SUIT. ALL BLANKETS AND COMFORTS AT COST. OVERCOATS, DUCK COATS, AND WINTER SUITS WILL ALSO BE IN CLUDED IN THIS SALE. DON’T FORGET GAST6Y6F?’S R6£) FIGURE SAL6. * I A tbrlll of terror is experienced when a brassy cough of croup sounds through tbe house at night, Iiut tbe terror soon changes to relief alter One Minute Cough Cure has been administered. Safe and barm less for children, Sold by Odendabl Bro’s. For harness or any thing in the harness line call on T. M. Reed. Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg. Pa.. says "My child Is worth millions to mu; yet I would have lost her by croup bad I ■of, Invested twenty-five cents in a bot tle ef One Minute Cough Cure.” It cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles —Odendabl Bros. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says, after two doctors gave up mv boy to die, 1 saved him fiom croup by using One Minute Cough Cure.” It is the 1 tjuickest and most certain remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles.—Odendabl Bros. A- S- MAIN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, • - Nl BKASKA OK KICK. Oti«) floor «»nnl of C'Iiuno’* •IriiK Mtor« '.T" R. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, loop a ITT, • i nmm. — T. INKS, I'ROI-ltllTOlt nt Express and ('aural Delivery Line, i Alt Kiprvi* or ) rrijflit octlvri* |»roi««|»t I ly Attm«i