The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 04, 1898, Image 7

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Affable bat seedy caller—You are too
busy, I take It for granted, sir, to have
any time to waste In talking about life
Insurance? Great Merchant—Yes, sir;
I am. Affable caller—just so, sir. Do
I impress you as a man to whom In
view of his consideration in refraining
from boring you wiiu a lot of guff
about tontine policies, payments, divi
dends, and all that rot, you could con
f sistcntly lend a quarter of a dollar?
Great merchant—You do not. Affame
caller—very good, sir. No harm done,
air. 1 have wasted"—looking at the
office clock—"two minu.cs of my time
on a man who has no appreciation of
the reciprocal courtesies that should
prevail among business and profes
sional men. Good afternoon, sir. —
Chicago Tribune.
"And you wouldn't begin a Journey
on Friday?" "You bet I wouldn't.”
"I can't understand how you can have
any faith in such a silly superstition.”
"No superstition about it—Saturday's
pay day."—Chicago Journal.
Iona I'ulPiit Office Report.
DBS MOINES, la., Jan. 2i.—I’pon
tin complaint of some person to mo
unknown and who may be envious or
jealous of the business done In the
Iowa patent office, or, who may be
malicious, the acting commissioner,
Hon. A. P. Greeley, is violating offi
cial rules by directing corrcspond
Y cnee in some insficces to applicants
nnd not to us, their attorneys, and by
such arbitrary and unlawful action
causing delay tu the transaction of
business and possibly frightening
some timid Inventors to pay others
for doing work that they have already
paid for. Inventor" who may receive
communications relating to applica
tions for patents which have been pre
pared in the Iowa patent office, nnd
for the prosecution of which we have
been pai<l for and authorized by them
are therefore requested to forward
such communications to us for such
attention as they merit. Valuable ln
i formation about obtaining, valuing
^ and selling patents sent free to any
address. THOMAS G. ORWIO.
Originator and Proprietor of the Iowa
Patent Office.
Don’t place to much confidence in
your companion when you are besiu?
Ifo-To-llac for Fifty OnU.
Gunrwitccd tobacco habit can*, makes weak
men strong. hionU pure .Vic. $1. All druggist..
Motto should be deep red and close
Take Laxative Brorco Quinine Tablets. All
Druggist* refund tin-money h it tails in cure. :i«
The colder eggs are the quicker they
will froth.
Smoke Sledge C.iiarettes, 20 for Sets.
To make good pastry the ingredi
ents must be very cold.
m m-1
• Talk about theaters and acting."
shouted the know-lt-an in the Pull
man. "What do you about the
stage?" "Nothing, replied the man
addressed, meekly; "notnii’.g at all. I
am a mere undlvorced, diamondless
non-wife heating player."—Philadel
phia North American.
George Ford of Louisville, Ky.. Is
77 years old and has burled six wives.
His seventh spose is only 17 years
The editor estimates that the In
crease In yields had by the American
farmer by planting Salzer's Potatoes
and new creations In Wheat. Oats.
Corn, Rye, Grasses and Clovers the
past year amounted in round numh -rs
to $50,000,000. The reason of this Is
Hnliter's farm and vegetable seeds are
bred up to big yields. Halzer Is the
largest grower of grasses, clovers and
farm seeds In the world; 100,000 bar
rele potatoes, $1.50 a barrel and up.
.last Mend TliU Notice with to Cent*
to John A. Halzer Heed Co., La Crosse.
WIs., nnd get. their great catalogue and
11 packages farm seeds, positively
wortli $10, to get a start with, w.n.e.
Don’t forget the criticisms when giv
ing thanks for tno blessings you have
Rev. Mary A. Ilillis the note I Kvnngellst
writes: "1 gladly give my testimony to
tho healing properties of l)r. Kny's Lung
Halm. My sou had a terrible cough every
winter for live year* and he look dozens of
bottles of the lending rough medicine, but
nothing soemed to help him or quiet his
rough. Hut two Jo rent boxes of Dr. Kay's
Lung Halm lias cured him. end It has al o
been a great relief to other members of
my family when afflicted with colds,"
We arc positive that Dr. Kay's Lung
Halm mid also Dr. Kny's Renovator have
no equal.. Jf you have any disease write
us mid give yoiirsymptoui and our physi
cian will send free a Ivlce and a value' 'e
lis page book with Mi recipes and giving
symptoms nod various methods of treat
ing nearly all diseases. Wo will nlso send
n free sample of Dr. Kny 's Lung Hulm or
Dr. Kay's Renovator. Address Dr. H. J.
Kay Co., (Western (Mice; Omaha,
The average marriage degenerates
into either a family or a foundling
A good woman’s love Is like a star.
The only reason It doesn’t always
shine Is because It Is higher than the
tor’ii < outfit ffitUnm
Ik the olifPKt aii'l bent It will tftvak up % eoM 'jniokcr
than Hiiyihifitf Hml It I* *!*>«>• r«|l*ble. Try Ik
Pork should he fine, close-grained
and the rind smooth and thin.
Kiliiru»i‘ Your ltow«*l* Wltli CfiRniiTtJ.
rawly i at liaii h*. <*ij re turn vt Ipafton foivvar.
10c, I f < 1 fall. tiruxKUl* rufund mouojr.
..emoiis will keep for weeks if cov
ered with cold water.
y £2 is the r:;me to remember when buying Sarsaparilla. Dr. S2
S5 Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has been curing people right along for £2
nearly f.0 years. That is why it is acknowledged to be the
gg sovereign Sarsaparilla. It is the original and the standard. gg
£2 The record of the remedy is without a rival, a record that £g
S>2 is written in the blood of thousands, purified by its power. £2
” I nursed a lady who wa.i suffering from blood poisoning and mur.t c?
gg have contracted the disease from her; for I had four largo sores, or ulcers, c3
Cg break out on my person. I doctored for a long time, both by external ?;VY
gapplication and with various blood medicine:;; but in spite of all that 1 *5
£g could do, the sores would not heal. At hist I purchased six bottles of W
" Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, thinking I would give it a thorough trial. Before tho M
j | six bottle* bad i-"vn taken, the ulcers were healed, tl»- akin sound and PA
j j natural, and my b alth better than it had been for years. I have been g’ij
Cg wrdl ever nine#. 1 had rather have ono bottle of I)r. J. C. Ayer's Sarsapa- M
ilia than three of any other kind.”—Mrs. A. F. Tayloc, Englevale, N. Link. gg
jj| Get Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, |1
i&sb&e ._msm
y For maps, pamphlets, railway rates,
etc., a ml full iufcrmaliou cosieeruinir
this country, cnjnji injf cWept locally
pleasant clliii&ta und continuous |foo.l
crops, apply l<»
W. V. BENNETT. Can. Gov't Agent.
Ne* York tile Buddinn.Omsix Neb
Fe> Trtili AM M** i l.mth lY*Jrit|r t In fitf
II »••«> hisl V«*f«#4b, It'll W • itl f*M K'l
»«•( iMi<tuN a*J i »• > »l II l» nAIUvIAT.
I 4 l.r**»i»lr. Hi t
n C CM D i fl fJ Q Set yc»r Pension
rcnOkfJHO double quick
W'MsCSPI. OtAWUtl.l l'o»M Aim).
• 41. N*W Yuvt tiMi b 4'HIVItlA, l). C
! • *<*•» sites* "B# »■ » Bttli'e •* Bill •* *a4
ft* 4I»* tvkrt .4. c-i. s « I * ..fcltic 1.4*11 ♦ >*9
I »|l.l< I I ***•«•. I I. V * t
UlM Mt flKlvniu n*tl -i». s • uii
nnnriiin "• * *-•- << <a« »•* t»
RuUMFib • v:;vt;:.v
• . |S» *44 ••••444 4**n>* IS , I •»***, 4. *
DROPSY “""Z.V'V.-rz
• ’* 8 t- « 7 *•»**■• |M 4l4|<*
» IXBIINMlI *t%Bo •»- * «i «•* ♦•*•••**%, ***••«*. U.
blNf »*«fc.ti*s MutllWMIU Iwttl
%»•••«• tbta r*gai.
Sand paper will whiten ivory Hand
led knives which have become yellow
from age or usage.
Don't Tobacco Spit amt Smoko Tour Lit* A*av
'I o quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
neto, full of lift?, nerve and vigor, taka No-To
Huc. tlie wonder-worker, wakes weak man
strong. AH druggist *. M* or $1. Curaamiruu
irad Itookl* l uud -umpla fre**. Addraoa
Starling lie-mody Co.. (!b(ciii|Oor New Vork.
Nutmegs should be grated at the
blotiom end first.
Wrw. Wh.blmv-t Htmthtiqf Nyrup
Vor«*hll.jrn» l*»* IMi »*n*iw* ibe nr urn* r***li« infUm
ntoHmi.ailajf»imin.t uro wiimI f-ll o t-wui* » i.- tuo
Melted butter will not make* a good
t ake.
,-4 Portocl Tppe of (he H.ghost Order of
Citotlenco in Uanulacture,
< i
i V
Cwitlm iMti III CUT i Cap
* IN turn «IN* »«* * »» <Nn * mt» wa A*w v
UMfeAttt »Vtl*4 M4M . ,
W AM t:M HAM W A CO |.(4. |
ItaswoH .Kb.
A special dispatch from Shanghai
ays the Japanese fleet Is cruising olf
the coast of Shen Tung.
The Madrid correspondent of me
Dally Mail says: It has been decided
that the who.o Spanish fleet shall con
centrate at Havana, though not Im
mediately unless circumstances de
The «lcnna correspondent of the
London Dally Telegram says tt is re
ported there that the Kurds are de
vastating . rmenian villages In the
neighborhood of Russian villages, and
tho Armenians are retaliating. I no
correspondent adds that "there Is com
plete anarchy In the Asiatic provinces
of Turkey."
The Constantinople correspondent of
(he London Standard says: The min
ister of war, Rlsa Pasha, has been
ordered to prepare eighty regiments
with a minimum strength of 1,700 men
each for service In Roumania next
spring. The attitude of llulgarla is
causing uneasiness, and the portc has
sent remonstrances to such e ect.
M. Jules fc,!i,,.e Rlcheborg. the French
novelist, Is dead. Among bis volum
inous publication there muy be cited
as the most Interesting: " Drumes
de la Vie' (sixteen volumes), “Los
Soirees AmusaulPs" (twei/e volumes),
"La Retie Organlste,' "LTdlote,” "Jean
l/oup," ‘‘Fn Calvalre,” "Le Mllllone <Iu
I’ere Raelot” and L'Enfant du Fa
According to a special from Shang
hai, Hung, the Chinese commander, re
cently Informed Captain Chichester of
the Rrltlsh war ship Immortalite tha'
the Russian war ships had the Tsung
LI Vamen's special permltrsl n to ie
main there. Captain Chlches'or there
upon Insisted that Hun" should obtain
by telegraph that permission for the
Immortalite. Hung complied with tb<*
demand and permission wan granted
John Morley, the liberal leader and
niemberof parliament for il>> Montrose
boroughs, speaking at Htlrllug, Scot
land. Haiti the proposed west Indian
grant wan "merely a disguised bounty’’
and another Instance of the govern
ment's policy of “sops and doles to
favored classes.'' He declared It would
lie equally justifiable to manufacturer*
having to face a hostile tariff and ex
pressed the belief that the scheme
would not prove such a merely tem
porary measure as Joseph Chamberlain
hud represented.
The United States embassador, * en
eral William t. lira”- gave a magni
ficent official ■cepllon at Rome In
the splendid Plomblno palace. There
were #00 guests. Including personages
from the Qtilrlnal, members of the
high aristocracy of Italy, ambassadors,
ministers an others of the diplomatic
corps and some Americans. The guests
were Introduced by Prince dl Montcr
(kIuiiI and Count Tozsonl, masters of
ceremonies to the court. Those pres
ent with one accord pronounce It the
grandest social function of this sea
The Pesln correspondent of the Con
don Times savs: The French attitude
has undergone a sudden change ami
now It appears to give a reluctant sup
port to the menacing language of the
Russian agent. M. Payloff (charge d'
affaires at Pekin) against the opening
of Talien-,, an. '1»,»- Chinese, having
made Inquiries, disbelieve Payloff’s
statement dial Russia can provide a
loan on the same financial terms a*
Great Britain. At a meeting of the
grand council the Chinese decided lo
approach the English and Russian gov
ernments with a proposal of compro
mises. each power to provide one-half
of the loan on Its own basis and ilia
other conditions to be adjusted between
In spile of the ontlnlstlc cable ad
vices that are being forwarded to
Madrid, it Is no believed in political
circles at Havana that -.10 Journey of
General Blanco inrough the east of
1.0 island will bring peace. Although
he carried about >150,000 with him
when he left Havana, no one believrs
that any Important leader will surren
der. It Is reported ..,at he will soon
return, because General Maximo Go
mez lias fallen ucck across the Moron
Jarueho •’•oeha into the Camaguey uis
trlct. The presumption Is that he
went in *he expectation of meeting
General Gomez. Should he return
without having induced the principal
Insurgent chiefs to surrender, auton
omy, It is believed would be consid
ered a failure at Madrid, a conclusion
that would seriously affect the sta
bility of t .© government at Havana
and at the home capital.
IJuutat Imia From N«w York, I'lilrngo, K|.
I.oule, Omaha iiimI rimwlicrr,
Itntu r rroiiinrry wpuriU(»r .. ”o ft •{
liutU'r-riiohro fiiiu y country . 14 ft H
Flftf* I'ivhIi . It ft 14
thhUvin. IVr lb 0 UO l«
Turkey mot lb.. w 10
I»u**Uh.|m r |b . 7 *
Uiho1 IVr Hi ... 7*tft *
Kahhit* IVrilm. AO 4ft 75
t*||E«*o|i*. |,| VII .. 75 {ft Ml
Uiimiit « Imli'i* 3 00 ut 4 on
llnm y < li«*lrr. jm t lb |*5 ft it
Jiilniti |nr lilt .... m H u'»
« ra»»u n»w 4t*ro*t k |h r bbt 7 -** t»r 7 Aft
llatoJ|»b'kfal Navy I 1g,\ ft | lift
Iviaha** |a i bti . .... . A) 4ft .V»
Vnaai |MilaU»rt*a IVr bbl 3 !f.i 44 S 'a*
nruimt IVr Ua 4 t«» ft 4
Anitit * |a«r l»M l b i «»•
IIay I |iinml n » ion ♦ 4» ft 5 40
11.*% CMti lirfhl IM 44 4 1k
II.II*«my wvttfM*. ... .. t ft *4 .1.0
ikt f >tr4f*< .. 3 ft I T
Hu 11%. 3 w a4 t Ni
• A * »* t in
l>lo * .*. 4 AH M,\ *4
IbOt Mi rWHilrf* | 14 <| 4 *\ft
I'm** 1 <•* (ft 3 ft
lb If r% t W i I t«
Mi* i * # * >»i«tl 11 *a|» t* t to ft I *i
at,»«|) W**ont l.amta • **» ft '* *•
itb « || lliuii <4t *t« to | 4* ft t
«1111 auk
WtHMD V* 7 *t»i toy 41 ft Hit*
»•* > ,
***** i«; 1*0 $4 ft t»H
M0H1 \a 9 ft *. ft 11
tty* V* 3 4 l‘ ft 4 ‘H
t >tn ft| mnh) IViio. |m # Oa t /a I 9 b
h'li » »* tl 4 It
I aro t* f 1=*- tl** ft a ft 4 ?t
« «tt « ib -(. * tv* f »i*» 0 1 b y I H
l AHai Uo *iol k*4vo 1 *1 ft 1 ft
11*41* Mi*> *1 l <4 ft t ft
Nall tv I ft 44 ft |
Nftift b'lft MftMbll
Nl feral No A NnI 14, ft I 07 ,
4**40 Nm 9 It ft ftW
tkb No 9 f* ft ftC
ro#N « ** i 4 m
tf4 I f» I 44
k K*D I lift
Mb**4 No A HO ft ft ft * %
it** n*% t it y kk
V‘ I !♦ ft H •
Maii*o« 9 n ft i 14
U|Uft Ha* a*4a dft l—ftita 4 ft ft ft ft
From the Fretting AVire. Detroit, Mich,
Mrs. John Tansey. of 130 Maker Street.
Detroit. Michigan, is one of those women
who always know just what to do in all
trouble nnd t u hue**. One that is a mother
to those in distress. Ton reporter she t aid :
“I am the mother of ten children ami
have raised eight of them. Several years
afro we had a serious time w it h my daughter,
which begun when she was about sixteen
years old. She <!i«i not have any serious
lillievs but seemed to gradually waste away.
Having never had any < onsumntion in our
family, fis we come of good old Irish nnd
Scotch stock, we did not think it was that.
Our doctor tailed the disease by an odd
name which, as 1 afterward learned, meant
lack of blood
‘It is impossible to describe the feeling
John nnd I had as we noticed our daughter
slowly iiassing away Irorn us. We finally
found, however, a medicine that seemed to
Most at tbo Time Hhe Wus Confined
to Bed.
blip her, and from the rtr*t we not lent a
decided change (t,r the better, nnd utter
three mouth*' treatment her health w*< *<>
greatly improv< ■! you would not have re
cognized her Mlc gained in tlmh rapidly
anil toon was in perfect lieulth. The medl
due lined wan Ur. William*' I ink l’lll» for
Pale People. I have nlwayskcpt them' pill*
ill the hon e n lice and have reconuci n led
them to many people. I have told m ny
mother' about tliem ami they have elfu ted
Nome wonderful cure*.
■'Him' mother hi till* land should keep
the-e (dll* fa the house, an they are good
I or many ailment*, particularly tho *e
! in king from lm| overiibe I or ili*ca*od
blood, and weakened norve force.'’
barrister, famous in the sixties In
Victoria for his fun and audacity, was
udilri “sing an election meeting In Mil
luret, the "golden city.” The llvily
advocate hud come to that, time In Ills
career when much whisky and soda
had wrought palpable havoc with Ills
complexion. Ills, speech ended, and
questions were Invited. "Anplnwal!”
bellowed n stalwart digger, "till us
what makes your face so red." "Mlitsn
Ing at your confounded Impudence,
sir!" was the quick reply. It carried
the meeting.
How Tll*y Arr OprrMteil slid 9la<l« to
Y*1 tli* Furm*r.
A corre
h p o ii dent
of a Brown
City, Mich
igan, paper
w r I tes an
"A n In
d •.! s t r y
■which Is proving very advanta
geous to the settlers of North
Alberta, Canada, and is truly a boon to
the farmers, is the establishment of
creameries by the Government at icgu (
lar distances apart. The Government I
furnishes the entire plant, puts it In
and operates It without direct cost to
the farmer. From the sale of the but
ter the Government retains f» cents per
pound, the balance going to the farmer.
This Is continued for three years, when
the government turns over the plant
and business to the farmers, giv
ing them a clear title of it.
Thus these creameries are put in
at a minimum cost to the farmer
and paid for In a way that he least
feels It. When we were there butter
waa selling at 21 and 22 cents per
pound. Cheese factories were being es
tablished, too, along the railroad and
much of the freight loaded on tin* cars
on our return trip consisted of butler
and t beese, as it was in the best sea
son for milk. The produce found a
ready market in the mining and lum
bering towns and districts beyond the
Rockies, through the British Columbia
country, where it was, we were told,
difficult to supply the demand.”
The Klondike is another Held now
open to the Western Canadian farmer
for all produce of the farm, and the
officials in the Department of the In
terior, Ottawa. Canada, are kept busy
sending out literature describing this
great agricultural country. The agents
of the (lOvernmcnt throughout the
United Slates are also supplied with
literature, which thev distribute free
Mr. llond, may 1 get o!t this after- !
noon.’ 1 should like to go to a fun
eral.1' 1 am afraid not, Mr. Kinks,
for we are very busy out if business
slacken: . have no objection to your
going to a funeral on i'aturday after
noon." Harper’s Week v.
All KIikI* (if St*rtl«.
The attention of our readers Is call
ed to the advertisement of the Joliu
A. Saber deed Co., which appears else
1 where in this issue. Those who expect
I to make uu> seed purchases will make
j a mistake uot to write this concern,
j They are thoroughly reliable, and are
| the largest seed growers In Anont.a.
| It is advisable to make seed purchases
| without further delay, as the season Is
rapidly advancing. The John A. Hal
ter Heed Co. will aend their Interesting
catalogue for 5 cents lu stamps to de
fray the postage, They have made
1 iiutueions offers this year, which d«
serve ruaaideraiiua
llefore st- were ttia-rii-d tnv wife
I -wallowed everything I iskl." "Ilow ,
I is tt now?" Well she has often Htadv
in- eat no own words Chkax-t
It r void
It— |#a ttss s I m -ignif
Hh -Xe tutu your Mtai Alien « !’•-<*• ,
r. * powder for ih* («rt it <>•« t
Kah' or New thuet feet l.asv t' i.*s
t’oru*. HttsWw. CHtlbUins aad (sett
lag i »«t Al all Ittnggisis and «
Hllltw, Jie Hstupt* scat I'ttkk W- I
drAlisa it itiwuni. letttt). N V. j
M«* dllwpttet Du you hate pt-ut-i'
yt-arseif trader the «ara of a ykiutis i
■ ho t ml area tttpsft -wa H*sh ’ 1‘n'h-j
tatoNrarsNd aat sacral Jet' <wew
Ih-anler No twa-Ua* lie*
-e. - tuartaded most tasardlag howas
Ne* V«*»h kwlli
II* iiul O. I'rmltlenf«.
The recent annual meeting of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad company,
which was Its seventy-first, brings to
mind the fact that the I!. & O. has had
ten presidents In seventy-one years
as follows: Philip E. Thomas,
I-onls McLane, Thomas Swan, Will
iam C. Harrison, Chauncey Brooks,
John W. Garrett, Robert Gar
rett, Samuel Spencer, Charles F. May
er and John K. Cowen. The line was
put in operation to Harper’s Ferry in
1834, was built to Winchester, Va., In
1&3C. and to Strasburg In 1870. West
ward it went to Cumberland In Novem
ber 1842, and on to Wheeling, W. Va.,
I>.v Jan. 1, 1853. The Parkersburg
branch from Grafton to Parkersburg
was opened May 1, 1857. It Is the only
great railroad company that Is being
operated under Its original name and
Irish rebellion did not fight particu
larly well. A certain general ut a lord
lieutenant's party In Dublin was r ,
monishing a begging women to leave
the place when she said: "It I 1 that
am proud to see your honor here In
the red coat you wore the very day
when you saved the life of my boy,
little Mickle!'* "Indeed!” replied the
general, not sorry to hear any >lng to
his credit on such a distinguished oc
casion. ”1 had forgotten all nbout It.
How did I save his life?" "Well, your
honor, when the battle was at Its hot
test your honor was tile first to run
ami when me little Mickle saw the
general run he ran, too, the 1-ord- bo
Lieutenant John Macauley Palmer of
the army, who has been detailed oy
Secretary Alger to form a military
company of the students at the uni
versity of Chicago, Is a grundson of
General John M. Palmer, of Illinois,
who was the "gold democratic” candi
date for president at the ln::t election.
Itrsiity I* llluod Orep.
Clean lib»«I means ai'lean xkln No beauty
w 11 Im.iiI II. I 'uxrarctx, < unity < a I burl Ic clean*
your blond Slid bi-ipx It I'lcnn, by stirring on
i In- lazy liver an'l driving all Impurities from
tbe body. Begin to-day to banish pimples,
bolls, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly
billons eornplexlori by Hiking 1 amrnret*.
beauty for ten rents. All druggist 1, satisfac
tion guaranteed. 10C. 25c. 'O ■
As Boon us a man dies, his woman
folks recall that he hail "favorite’
hymns, which they ask to he sung at
the funeral. This happens In many
(uses where the deceased worn! hr
greatly surprised at the discovery, il
he knew It.
Good macaroni b. of a yellowish
tint, does not break readily In cook
ing, and swells to three or four timer
Its bulk.
Judge Albert Hoyulon, who died re
cently at the Alma sanitarium was fot
twenty-five years the political edltoi
of thp Detroit Free Press, purchasing
an Interest In the paper In 1872. Hr
was a deseendaut, through his mother
of John Aldcn.
Htar Tobacco lx the lending brand of
tbo world, becuuxo it ix the best.
She: "Your friend Owen seems t<
have run Into debt pretty deep. ' He:
"Run into debt- Me scorched."—
Pearson's Athletic Record.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than ail other dura**-*
put together, and until the last fev* years
was supposed to be* incurable. For a treat
many >car* doctors pronounced it a local
disease, and prescribed local retmdles. and
t>y constantly failing to cure with local
treatment, pronounced If incurable Hcl
•• has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional discus** ami therefore r**|iit i con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
i Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cheney Ac
1 Co, Toledo. Ohio, Is the only constitu
tional cure on the market. It Is taken
internally In *k»ses from 10 drops to a
teaspoonful. It nets directly on thn
blood and mucmis surfu**vs of the sys
tem. They offer one hundred dollars for
any case it fails to cure. H*-nd for circu
lars and testimonials. Address
Toledo, O.
Mold by Druggists. 75c
Hull's Family Pills arc the beat.
Don’t think because hope make* a
good breakfast that it will make a sat
isfactory supper.
It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry
And is the only cure for Chilblains.
Frostbites, Damp, Sweating Feet
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen s
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken
into the shoes. At a)) Druggets ami
Shoe Stores, 25c Sample smt FREE.
Address, Allen S. Olmsted. L Uoy.N.Y.
A spoonful of vinegar added to the
water in which meats or fowls aro
boiled makes them tender.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Tnkl* Cusearct*I’undy Cathartic. UVorZV.
Ifr.r.C. full to cure drugirlsf* refund money.
Soap and chalk mixed and rubbed
on mtldewf I spots will remove them.
I [tw Go to your grocer to-day
IjL and get a 15c. pack' jeof
I Grain 0
lr\ It takes the place of cof
fee at J the cost.
Made from pure grains it
?ijPj is nourishing and health
£ «•
I In*l»t that 7«*ir giver you CJTt AIN-O.
kxv\ Accept no imitation. -
a V ourirtf <u Mt fiicmjr li
Sample Frees t,:—
CbKANAM, by letter! Wfinhuuld llkr to.uiid
' on appli* hII-.mi, rend a rui.tpU f rre to prove our
I <-n:o*. For bra«*», bieyrlit eiiimiel. silver wood w rk,
kit-!«<•;* war* , runt •>» nl* brl and mela) part* of
farm 1111 iili*iiioiifa if bun no ooimi. l ull *i/e
i ho* (liAlfANI NOVKI/rV CO., 1
V. o. Ilox < hi.111 ^il—J
AIITUnDC W» want your Mt,*r1 w. p*.<*irm»iml
nUinUllu book MSS lx-! ni*ir» •« IucIoho
' stamp AuthuiHaml WrihTs l'fip*r).<'hu aKo.Ill.
fj nmn 11,11 IMuid.iafad d*‘<Mlptlv<
rl llallilfi irraflon life-ratiire hf. »'•" uwze.lQc.
I LUIllUrl H1M1K PMKHft. HI 111*1. T»(l»li*»w».
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 6-1098.
Won' Answering Adxcrtiscmcnts Kindly
Mcotiofl This I'apcr.
I ■AMA^VAv*v^*vrfv^Av^yA.><V^r^»AvAv^v<IVA
fiil'l!'!!!!!n»'iMl!!"l'm'r‘?'fmM!l”ll>,llll,ll,Mrtm,''l'l,rt,<ri|lmfr-'T|' ’
FREE AOVIUE »*>' < "• I’l.y-l.-tui. ami a FREE SAMPLE 12:
of oui mud tel ne iiimI m(IH pane free ItooU treating oil dlxea*** with .'({excellent I; l
;5 recipe* are *oiuo of the rca*on»4 why you fdiould write tie. |i •
i Dr, Kay’s Renovator!
ft < Hies tin- very wor«t case* of Dyapcpdu, Cotirtipnlion, Ilemluelie. ldvcr and I! jj
fS Kidney dl-ea-cH. Send for proof of It. Wo (•uarantee It. Write iip about 1! j
*jE nil of vour ny mptoiii*. Dr. Kay’u I’unov.iO't i- Mold by druggiMti*, ur nr:* I! ;
> by mail on receipt of price. U5 cent* and $1.00. I
^ Addres1 Pr* B* J* KAY MEDICAL COM Western Office Omaha, Neb. fg:
P' -
| . JrZ. 1 SSSSUm*«m
$100 To Any Man.
Of Woaktir** In Mrn Tteffjr Croat •»<!
Call In < ur*.
A u < MnaLn ( oiui «i* |*’m«* for lb* lira!
Uma battira Uw l>. l li.« .» Maui* *• Ikatr
UKv lor Iha ( lira of Lo-*! V itaUt* Ni't hm«
aMlNtmtl iNi>aU«n nil*l IL> inmltoit af
I,if* Iona ill oil a it* I VUUH« m« u No
u r totti Iraurli r«tuw| »*i*iati** mo
l‘l*u*j*4»oru * i»i oibac iianufut «lr »|a ll n
a HoiMKrui. I'Mttmihi »n.»n * »* m .«•
vlfa* L in ll» **urt* Al> r*#^*!*,
*Ik» AN fin n A A«ilni'< « I tot
ollglil- Itott Ufa. * « i-ltif IMI un nlnt «u4
IU>»-v«||it4'trii| l»* L*«aI Mom*
• r> • to »ha HI A I F MKlnr IL
I'ilVPANV ‘fc Mang- I* to A itoato*
,N< I* mu*I ttoy alii am at* *tol»ijf
MIFF. • «aio**t* t» |«|t«tf t*4i Mav * «i wtiMM,
ai((| |»ik|iiv# |*ivMu|» of ilu-f t< ah 'Fm Al>
tai n mikl Ifcounat. i% **| Migi, alio Ui#
K » «U M^a *4 • * «r« 4*4 Ia*|| n u »«4
Ft IM<m iua aatltti Fut*
lb.* V||t)i* ii 'F.** Mvt mu* !*• »a*H»
01 tou Ut-Uf Ihot illNiibH* « «lk* t O il
ra-Foo l fur* au4 b «*• l *11 I** all alto
(■*» tv* lu gw lo u«ar« lHM*i«a*#«4i I *baf
t I lo raiv IF* at* Nilallt itliaWi,
ba*« Ml P9*« F*a*. * F**CO I'afgA
Ft#'* l» o* »’ i* l» Ut* fto> t **a
I » ‘4* Alt ai t 4 ^a*Ai*i** u> »iff
• i»r* tfam lit*)* If**! of i»tua4 #**•* to**
Ur n* ib«ir ftatyt* .-*»a* to »l* iv> >«i *•
a tout to to i«a*»l •*» tto«n atoo ** * *•*• *a
•ft•»»*•*I ll rll* Uwa 'ton
Wtoa Iiaaimh l4totM«nR baH)
H*ait*o Vita fagt«
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