The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 28, 1898, Image 8

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    For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City,Neb
Iioaal Daws.
Hutterick patterns at Pilger’s
Jim Gray from the west side »a» clr
dilating around town last Saturday.
Callat the Racket Store, for bargains
In Furniture ai:d Hardware.
The “K" are having their Inning at
Ord. Just now it is hard to tell which is
ahead Koupal, Kokes, ot Klondike
For corn shelters or feed grinders
call on T. M. Reed.
Wheat Is selling at OS cts and corn at
10 cts to day-Wadnesday.
Skates! The Klipper Klub are the
best. At Watklnson's.
Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Dr. Sum
ner Davis, Grand Island
It is rumored about town that a num
ber of our little folka have been over
hauling the chicken pox of late.
Bring the babies and all the rest of
the family, and see the Klckapoo's at the
Opera House Jan. 31st.
All Goods at a slaughtering
reduction at Pilger’s.
Depew X Neville have made a brand
new wagon out of butcher Reynolds’s
old one. A little paint covers a multi
tude of sins.
On* Minute Cough Cure cures quick
ly. That's what you waul - Odendatil
Dont fall to see the Klckapoo's at the
Opera House Jan. 31, Free to all first
If you are wantiug Fernltureor Hard
ware and want a bargain, call at (he
Racket Store.
Opera house Loup City, comenclng
•Tan. 31. The Kickapoo Medicine Co.
Will open a short engagement with a
, grand free concert.
Dr. Hendrickson will sell her house
hold goods at public sale, on Sarurday
Jan. 39. at two p. m
J. T. Hale returned last Monday from
St. Louis where he went with two car
loads of horses and mules. He shipped
back a car of Jersey heifers and cows.
Dr. Sumner Davis, Grand Island Speci
alist in diseases, of Eye, Ear, Nose ar.d
Throat Examination for glasses.
Miss Lula Bowers is again on the siek
list. She was taken ill last Saturday
The Kickapoo Medicine Co. Will give
one of their Free Concerts, at the opera
bouse Monday Jan. 31,
If you want washing machines,
elothes wringers or anything in the
hardware line call on T. M Heed.
They sav over at Litchtield that the
Monitor Man Is a way up scholar in
Anatomy. And that Dr. Palmer Analy
zes the little editors mental caprelty at
a single glance.
John Lofholm says, if Consul Lec
should he assassinated in Havana there
would be no othei language but Spanish
spoken in hades for the cextsix months
17 lbs Granulated Sugar for
$1.00 at Pilger’s.
J. Phil Jaeger has placed two very
nice new show eases in his store for the
display of laces and other Hire fabrics of
which be carries a full line.
Geo. E. Benschoter went to Falls city
Tuesday to see his Father "Uncle Billy”
Benschoter who is very low with ca
tarrh or tha stomach.
i* * ou want to keep posted ou the lat
est newa of the week, subscribe for tho
Nokth western. We intend to give
spec ial attention to its news columns
A Camp tire will be held at Watkin
sons llall, Feb. ■rith by the Ladies of the
<J. A, K They are preparing to have
a rousing big time. A good program
and good music Come one and all
Admissiou only 3 cents.
Any erors or mistakes either mechan
ics 1 or otherwise, in this issue will pleat
be kindly overlooked As the prool
reader is not at home, and tne foreman
went to hunt another Job. He said be
had to have something to eat. once in a
K. S. Hay hurst went to Fremont ami
Omaha last Monday, to purchase a new
stock of Hardware, implement and
Harness, (or the neat seasons trade
Mr llayhiirst will present to the people
the Direst slock In bis line ever brougb
lo the county
I he German Vereie. of this city w|)
give 'telr siElrt annual iuas<|uerad« bat
to lh>- i.oup City Opera ball on tin
evening >1 January '.**! ti I Mrs Admit.
lot Unit.emeu tfty cent* l.adles twetr
IrDre r ents Ladies in nravk sad cos
tome free l.rerrbudy invited. Tlrlcrl
«m s*:e at Osiendabl Brue l*tug Store
Mea i|uerade soils on sale at Henry |M|
Huge These tulle are all right ao
wart be had at reasonable pi ice
There wilt tae held a I arms m I«*ii
lute al Arcadia, neat I w.sdar and » . d etlernoou and evening f..r lh
lietseBt of the I’atutere ui this part «
th* stele hat C k. Basse y It h
latwttffWt v II k. Hts fcskrrl and r. II
Kile Wurth, speaker* sent out by lh
Slate to duress practice! !m« U|
• teca hreeding ansi dairying will b
there htilh sDrisw* ansi evening.
All wh» cue e mu d avail lies invites «
Ikeskl*'***"! *•* hear these subject
drectraeed truer e set*mm* Siendpnrni
At till1 resilience of the brides parents,
at high noon .fan. ‘Jttth 1898. Mr. W I’.
Balril, anil Miss Annie If, Hanson were
joined in the I ands of holy wedlock.
Both of contracting partys sre well nnd
favorably known, and it is the wish of
their many friend--, that they may have
a peaceful voyage down the river of
life. County .fudge I). Kay officiated.
10000 yards best prints at
6 cents a yard worth N cts at
l.ast Friday evening the two
guests of the Hotel de patton, who
it was claimed stole some seventy
bushels of wiieat from Mr. Slote of
clear creek, took their departure
unnoticed When Hheriff Pat
ton went to the jail with their supper
about 7, o'clock he discoverd that
his birds had Down, and he remark
ed like the rooster when conference
was over ‘■they're gone" by some
means unknown to the sheriff, the
prisoners had got t» screw driver and
taken tlie large strap hinges from
the door, and had slipped it fur
enough in to allow of their escape.
It is evident from all appearance,
that they hud help from the outside
who had passed them the screw driv
er through the window, with which
they succeeded in removing the hiug
es. Mr. Patton at once took steps for
their recapture. He had cards print
ed offering a reward of $25.00 for
the capture or either or 950.00 for
both, which he sent to all parte of
the country. At present lie in not
sure whether they have gone to the
Klondike or after another load of
wheat, but he nays if ho cuceeds in
getting them in the cage again they
will not ie allowed the freedom of
the jail as of yore.
The Hamilton Brown shoes
for ladies, misses, men and
boys. Famous for their wear
ing qualities and honest values
for sale at Bilger’s.
To W1IOMK IT MAT conckun;
Whereas my wife, Mary Re island has
left my bed and board, I will not here
after be responsable for any debts she
may contract.
bated this 22nd day of January 1808.
Habkisom Kikslanp.
1 lb Arbuckle’s coffee 10cts.
at I’ilger’s.
For anything in the line of smoked or
sugar cured meat’,call on John Kggers.
The following is some of his prices:
Hams 11 cts, per lb sliced 12$ cts, bacon
10 cts lard bets, fresh beef from 0 to 10,
fresh pork 6 to 7,summer sausage 12$ cts,
bolognn 10 cts, head cheese. 8 cts, liver
Bausage, 8 cts. blood pudding. 10 cts,
pork sausage, 8 cts, per lb.
1 lb X X X X coffee 9 cents
at Bilger's.
Episcopal services will he held in the
M. E. Church, Friday evening Feb. 4,
Sermon by tlie ltigbt Rev. Bishop Gra
On Saturday evening the representa
tives of the evangelical alliance are re
pueated to meet in the Baptist chnrtli.
at the close of the preaching services to
organize. The quarterly meeting will
be held in the M. E church Jan. -iO, and
81. The Rev. K. Smith will preach
Sunday evening at 7:80, Subject The
Christian race" And the Srcrament of
the Lords Supper will be administered
at the close of the service, t/uarterly
Conference will lie held at 10: o'clock
Monday morning
The writer fad the pleasure (if attend
ing e grand party given by Mr. and Mrs
.1 It O'Brvuu la«: Saturday at their
hoinv and at which a large number of
Invited guests wete present Singing,
dancing games, and supper so the
i order of IheJ.evatiing It w»- one of
j the most pleasant parties of tin1 *ca*<> ,
| twins composed duett, ol the «.| ,. r
| people, while the young folk* were h tv*
j Ing a good time at M. t\ Mullck* I lie
•upper waaone of the taking tvatniva
! of the program. at l*a»t ye editor took
hta full »h«re and from gem i ,t ..
' , allow the whole crowd look lie ii .hue
as well. Mr and Mr* (I Brian m ..
j ue cuotpltmeutril (••• the imhi.h to
|| ahull they melted and rMi-t'aiue.i
| iMir many gue*t< I ne ,«u io*,| ,r, •
j M «ft) #t| I hr iv, him| mi ibvi ,
I 1 lir|* i*»i»tti»vr of lh* t*(i» b« «* uttt •• |i«t
*’M| #MI* lt»#*r vv«o t«» t |
| fl*rf 4 J «Mr **4»hl Mol John Vl4tl»
1 I'fltMM #<44* MV tr dfltit |) * - It i Is -1
f j Bill hm thtvfvctfril .I* i|o* • ||#
f r.Otw u( \\ it, || !**<■ » i t|M I i *.
tt*v ut'fBBil tit* i •Vfvh'V §1 |m i ||m|| «
|«*4 • h*» *ftl4«v |t glut *44* | *'4*
f Of# 144 Iwitfv to th* 104 *1(4 **| I if iMi
r*ti*ll»» tVIhf ( 4*. I t
Kerne l, F< < IwII N• • I haie >ug. e
' Imai tmhgw>ti.-e »,l am an Milo ),»
,a»nl twteta attack* i.» pain re the ito
f surh Skd ts>S Id llo« a# two ifnke« I
thla rented* ■»•»!< f.iita In (nr path Cl
* Kiwi I*iii«tft aed al vents, sold lit
ifkkihlb *>u ■
Ill KD
Mr'. K’s e I.. Smith died Tbilisi*)
morning Jan. 27. ah mt live o’clock a in
at her resilience, nt Divide about el ghf
miles west of this city Mrs. smith |*e*
an old resident of this vicinity, and was
greatly loved l>v all who kn'w her. and
her sudden death was a Shock to every one
when it was announced yesterday morn
ing. Site had not been very sick, but
was ailing with neuralgia of the stomach
for rbout forty eight hours. When she
retired Wednesday evening she was
feeling some better, anil Mr. Smith
talked to her about three o’clock yester
day morning-nnd she seemed very com
fortable About, six o’clock Mr. Smith
got up and spoke to her receiving no
answer and upon going to the bed
found that her spirit had taken Its flight
It is supposed that, her trouble went to
her heart and the end was ipnck and
peaceful. Mrs. Smith was horn at Col
chester, Vr. Nov. 9. 1834 and was at the
time of her death sixty three years two
months ami elghtean days old. She
was the tourtb daughter of Asa and Ada
Gale. And married to Moses II
Smith April 19. 1855. at Bellows Kails
VI. She leaves a Husband and three
children to mourn her loss Her children
are Mrs. J. I. Depew of Loup City
Emerson A. Smith formerly County At
torney also of this city and Mr*. John
l’apendick, of Kalispal Mon The re
maiues w ill be brought to the residence
of her son-in-law J. I. Depew to day
and the funeral services will he held at
the M. E. Church tomorrow at 10: a. in
A Great Sunday Paper Free.
The Semi-Weekly .Stale Journal want*
to get fi.000 new subscribers during the
next thirty days, and as a special offer,
one that ia bound to bring new subscrib
ers, will send The Semi-Weekly State
Journal every T uesday and Friday for a
whole year for One Dollar, and as u
special premium will also send the Great
Sunday State Journal, sixteen pages eve
ry Sunday, for three months free. Rem
ember, you will get The Semi-Weekly
Journal a whole year and the Great Son
day paper for three mouths all for One
Dollar To g t the advantage of thla
greatest of all offers you must send your
dollar direct to The State Journal Lin
coln, Neb. and not through an agent
Never before hasao much good reading
matter been offered for One Dollar. Tbc
Sunday .Journal contains more reading
matter alone than many magizenes. If
you want to keep up wl h the world's
doings, here Is a chance such as has
n“ver be ii offered before. This offer
may •• w ilhdrawtt soon, so do not put
oil si mling v our dollar f< r fear y on may
be disappointed. One Dollar does it all.
' My daughter, when recovering from an
attack of fever vi as a great sufferer from
pain in the bark and hips." writes Lou
den Grover, ot Ssrdis, Ky. ‘'After using
quite a number of remedies without any
beuetit she tried one bottle of Chamber
Iain's l’ain Halm, and lias given entire
relief" Chamberlain's Haiti Halm Is also
a certain cure for rheumatism. Sold bv
Odenduhl Hro’s.
Tickets will be sold on -tin lirst and
third Tuesday of January, February attd
March via tlie Union Uucltlc to points
in Missouri, Arkansas, Indian Territory
Oklahoma, Texas. Louisiana, Arizona
and New Mexico,where the minimum
round trip rate is §7. 00 or over, at one
fare for the round trip plus 2.00. For ex
act territory and full Information or
tickets cal] on or address,
W D. Cl.IK TON Agent.
Miss Allie Hughs, Norfolk, Va., was
fi iJfqtfully burned on the face and neck.
Haiti was instantly relieved try IreWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the
Injury without leaving a soar. It Is tne
fain ions pile remedy — Odendnlil Bros.
Eitenii Front Jt 1st. to Feb. 1st., 1898.
Every tiling you see in our store
you can rest assured is indeed a bargain.
many things will go at cost and others at less than cost
Come early and secure what you wish before everything
is gone. We are having this sale in order to
Close oot tiio ins ill Elis of tie Winters Dry Goods Stock
We realize that we would be money ahead if we carried over these goods, for
we surely loose money on many articles. But we have not the room nor convenience
for storing woolens and so have decided to give the public the benefit thereof. Here
are n few prices.
GASTeyei^’s rgq figure sale.
M. K. Church Service, Sunday. Jann.
ary 30, I MOM
Preaching. - ..The Church and Repudiation."
Sunday School. ll;3o. Junior League ;30o.
Rev.K. Smith P K. will preach at 7.30. on
"The Christian Race" be sure and eome.
Ep worth League S:15.
W. E. Matthews. Pastor.
C J. Tbact, Superintendent Sunday School.
O. E. Hotchkin, President Epworth League
A special collection will be taken at thi
morning service for our worn out preacher-.
Come prepared lo give.
Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg. Pa., says
“My child is werth millions to me; yet
I would have lost her by croup had I
not Invested twenty-five cents In a bot
tle of One Minute Cough Cure.” It
cures coughs, colds and all throat and
lung troubles. Odendahl Bros.
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O . says,
alter two doctors gave up my boy to
die, I saved him from croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure.” It is the
quickest and most certain remedy for
coughs, colds and all throat and lung
troubles —Odendahl Bros.
lit KICK. One door t int of < imar'i
•Irua »lore
LOUP CITY. l l N«%
I'linl'im.T'iK ,»$
tiprsss a .il a aral Oilivary Lina.
Ml }A|*r«'" *»» t'rvttftil orl» im» |*r*»m|»t
[ 1%' sltt H<lp«t lo
Gansrai as Mi C illtction dusinsss
% \«4ltfl «M4 • » p*
M u*
I In# (%**# \ of ti*Mk*
I SSI r Silt HlttHI**!
W 4. riSHEft,
Attornci at law isd Mtaif PuHtie
Vlltt | ^ tv **n.| In t I
Usu Mm %
titmoi tl lf«i >1 I nlaid (Ittilitdn,'
i >4k m la* MmsSsSHSAiSMI W l*A4‘ 6i n*,
• mr till 'AMU %%fc V
-will buy your- ^
GRAIN at Ashton, Schnupp or McAlpine,
-or your
HOGS at Loup City or Sohaupp,
-and sell you the best
COAL at Loup City or Ashton.
At' in Sherman County. Sell your grain and hogs to him and
b uy your coal of him. ,
Vice-President. Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock. $50,000.
Loans on improved K»ru>* at NINE per cent tlest Company and llest Terms
to lie had in the west
t i.Hi.i m o\;o sr* chemteui National llunk New York City, N Y., itmaha
Nathmal Hank, itiuaha, Nebraska
Attorney and Notary t'ubli*. Pet.Usher l.ot rt'itt Nontnw»»t» u*
Fisher & Benschoter,
Real Estate Agents,
Town Lota, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated