The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 28, 1898, Image 6

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whisperings of the WIRE IN
NliwHItiifons Now* %otc* (i»thfr«l From
Thl* mid Other Countrie*— Accidental,
Criminal. Political, Koclal and Other
wine - ( riip Condensation* From All
Monday. Jan. I 7.
The Midland Trust company of
Cort Hope. Ont.. has assigned.
Senator Tabarrln, president of the
Italian council of state. Is dead.
Coal In five-foot veins Is being
found In all parts cf Saginaw county,
The Hutchison Southern Railroad
was sold at Hutchison, Kaa., at a re
ceiver's sale.
Police made a raid on a New York
bucket si,op and seventeen operators
were nabbed.
One of the new counterfeit *100 sil?
ver certificates was handed lu at loo
The steamship. Vmt-ia, sailing for I
Kurope Saturday, took out 600,000
ounces of silver.
The Nebraskan Cuban relief com
mittee has Issued an address to the I
people of the state.
It is almost a t -inty now that j
the Hawaiian annexation treaty will
fall through In the senate.
The house committee on Judiciary
has recommended the appointment of
an addi* lal district Judge for Texas, i
Heaton Perry, for many years one
of the leading dry goods rnerrnams
of Washington, has committed sui
It has been agreed In Washington,
tnut nothing can he done In the way
of giving Alaska a territorial form of
A concurrent resolution : a Intro
duced in the New York assembly pro
posing a woman suffrage amendment
to the statec constltu o.n
Tuendaf, elan. I M.
Sir Polydoro tie Kayser, who was
lord mayor of Igjudon during 1887-88
Ik dead.
In a bloody battle in Kentucky, re- \
sulLlttg from card playing, eight ne
groes were killed.
Mimic Hall, which was built in 1C8&,
at a cost of 980,000, was destroyed i y
fire In Cleveland.
General William Booth, the head of
the Salvation Army, reached New
York, on board the steamer St. Paul,
from Southampton.
The porte. It Is announced. Is nego
tiating a loan of £1,500,000 with IjOU
don bankers, at 4 per cent, to bo i
used for naval purposes.
According to Manager T. C. Twitch- j
el the total receipts of tho Yale
Yaye Princeton football game were
928,390. ami the expenditures $4,231.
A petition protesting egalnat the an
nexation of Hawaii, slgnm by 100
sugar beet raisers in Venltura county,
Cal., has been forwarded to Washing
The p i lateilsti of Wa h ngton h to
protected to Postmaster General Gary
against the propsed new Issue of
titampH commemorative of the Omaha
Mts. Jam's L. Flood, wife of the
millionaire mine owner, died at San
Franciso. Cal., from an operation re
cently performed at the California
Woman's Hospital.
The house committee on public
lands lias made a favorable report on
the bill to abolish the distinction be
tween offered and unoffered lands in
passing upou subsisting pre-emption
claims under the homestead laws.
Acting Secretary of War Melklejohn
has recommended to congress that
flw. lour I ui /ihfinoroil Kfl MH 1 ft hflVO thf*
details of officers for military instruc
tion made only to institutions where
there are at least 100 students.
Wednesday, Jan. 10.
The l.oJge Immigration bill has
pass'd the senate.
Chief Justice Hartley of the Mis
souri bench is going to resign.
Ex-Congressman Benjamin tf.
Hoope. (lied suddenly at Farmville.
The first vote for senator was taken
In the Maryland legislature yesterday.
John Mathews, a New York gro
cer. killed liis wife and children, then
The general wage reduction in New
England cotton mills affects 1-7,000
Ben Btitterworth's remains will lie
placed in a private vault in Wash
It has been decided to ultuw l.uet
gert to go on the aland today and
tell Ills story.
Kaatbound fre ght rates are get
ting shaky, and it Is thought will soon
take a tumble
Ed Knight confidential rlerk of a
ItiMtim banker, is missing and so I.,
Jeweliy and rash worth ISo.OtK*.
Otnjtal Information h»* been re
cel veil of the drowning of I'nited
8U>r* Hmtsttl \»hby at Colon
The president ha* not yet dw bled
upon whom be will appoint as the
I'nited Slates Jtilge* In Oklahoma
The ■ .imp!roller of the rurren. v ha<
distal eil dividends In 1**01 of the
rredltot * of * anmtar of t« otvent
There will I'" imp-wicM railroad
legiiistloa H low* hefUf* the cloc<
at the pnamt »«ka of the general
•aweWtd) .
There U a big pglit on M»«t
enrpbij.« and employe in the N* ■
England cotton mill*
Me**! "i IVttlgrew ha* lat rod weed i
Mil i1~r1‘~g the nil lumpvlltttg rail
ruade to e»p»tp their rat* auh ci o
mate loopier*
Wilhelm IH»U lat*i «nn*rbKd u
Kl»«o * |t* Ka* Of the rnard-v «
Moaseli E l.ia*t«*> w*« seatem •*! i,
leu year* hard labor Ul the h*****
peaMMu * >
Quo Warrant* priwemfiag* will K
Ur ought ut Wichita K*a to >**•*• »h
ooitce mat*i**i'*ovi• cad overtoil
Slg|iJK» btan ptdhre law. hnn*.
upoa the !*■* Nvbiack* l*» cle*
TliriP^Hrt.v. .Ian. 20.
The Ohio senate committee has com
menced the bribery 1 vestlgatlon.
Omaha's Ice carnival opened all
right with the exception of the Ice.
Gov. Bushneli, of Ohio, is ill, and
has gone to Old Point Comfort to re
B. B. Adams and J. D. Silken started
from Hedalla, Mo., yesterday for tho
Senator Morgan says wp will be en
gaged in a conflict in ten weeks if we
reject Hawaii.
Tho department storos of Denver
have been worsted In their light with
the newspapers.
At Leadvllle. Col., William Sl-te
shot Mrs. Minnie Smith dead and then
committed suicide.
The steamship Paris, sailing today
from New York for Europe, will take
out 933,000 ounces of silver.
President Sanford B. Dole, of tho
Hawaiian Islands republic, will be In
Washington in a few days.
Exports to America from North
Germany showed a falling o.t during
the last quarter of $3,231,813.
The immigration bill, which has
passed the senate, will be pushed in
the house with a view to securing early
A cattleman named Doc King com
mitted suicide at Woodward. O. T., by
blowing c •' his brains wl’h a six
A decision has been rendered by
which the survivors of Powell’s bat
talion nrc declared entitled to increase
of pension under act of 1893.
(■'rliluj, .Inn H.
The Ohio river Is on a boom and con
siderable damage has been done.
The senate has confirmed the nomi
nation of Uryun as minister to Eng
Exposition commissioners from New
Mexico are In Omaha looking over the
The Very Rev. Henry George Lid
dell. former dean of Christ Church,
Oxford, In dead.
Senator Morgan made a strong
speech In the senate appealing for an
nexation of Hawaii.
Bicycle Policeman Lincoln, aged 22
yenrs. was killed at New York In a
collision with a pedestrian.
Senator Mason, of Chicago, was as
saulted In the Hotel Johnson, Wash
ington, by one of the employes.
The funeral of l<ogan Carlisle, the
son of ex-Secretnry John G. Carlisle,
took place In Covington, Ky.
Spinks defeated Schaefer in the
second game of the 18-inch balk line
tournament In Chicago. The score waB
200 to 129.
Gen. Robert E. Lee's birthday was
celebrated in Richmond, Va, by the
closing of the public and private
schools, hanks, public offices and busi
ness exchanges.
Gen. Luqur reports that while re
connoitcring, during the past ten (lavs
in the San Martin district of Holguin
lie has Inflicted a loss of thirtv n cn
killed on the Insurgents. The Spr.nish
column had one man killed and
twenty-one wounded.
The trustees of the American Surety
company elected Walter S. Johnson
president In the place of William E.
Trenliolm, who recently resigned.
Henry I). Lyman. David B. Sickles and
B. A. C. Smith were elected vice presi
dents, and W. E. j err secretary.
Corporal Maxwell A. Williams, com
pany B, Twenty-fifth Infantry, Port
Missoula, has been placed on the re
tired list. Captain Charles H Wilson,
Twenty-eighth Infantry, has been re
lieved from duty as acting Indian
agent at the Shoshone agency, Wyo
ming, and ordered to Join Ills regi
S itni-iln.v. .Ian. S').
The London Times thinks the Cuban
iinestion is much graver than it was a
few days ago.
In defining intimidation Judge Shel
don. of Boston, says it mi ans only
"threats to use forte."
The Salvation Army may hold meet
ings In (ireenpolnt, I.. I., with cornet
accompaniment, sayH the court.
The western roads have a;;r. ed to
make the same reduced rut... to ttie
Martli tiras in New Orleans as they
made last year.
The late William Terris*, the vic
tim of the assassin, Richard Prince in
Loudon, left nearly $100,000 to Ilia
widow and children.
(’. I> Walker, of son, Kas has
announced It's c.ndidaev for the re*
publican norm' don for congressman
from the First <».’ drift.
l»r. 1. F. Stroud has been appointed
a pension examining surgeon at Ard
more. 1 T . Dr S O Davis a' Warsaw,
and Dt J. T Arnold at (iatnexvtlle.
Ulatkleg in H aver county O T .
whb'h Is It'O mile, long and fifty miles
wide, and contains many large
ranch. *. Is causing much alaim among
lioxemor Stephens has appointed
the* named gentlemen a* ad
ditional cumun**:uner» from Mi*aom.
in the ihuaha exp dti.ui S v
S.ixkey Carthage, h 1' Mansur,
Chilli, ot he
fleorge x|. Did chief clerk lo lloiar*
<• Hurt president of the Falun Fa. in
rtiliXHtd hat resigned his poatilon t •
Iwrl through. <it the I'nited Stale,
proiri.uioc the work of the man. rail
r.-ad Urate he* »»f the luting Meg’s
Christian A* .H-lalion
Kugege K DU».I W (#> (u| H4t]i
I«4f| #4# 4M4»r*4*r»| IA lUMiRc# 4 llh
(urni*i ikttRluf rt-tut it Hfkv *1 r»t
I 41 h(« ft**iw«* ill .!•<• Ywt a«*i %i
flan ItgfIMS kisgtaMM** %|l*
i Hkki IN Jam 4t Tit U«t#4R
I Ikifean. > Rf lk« i| t
i tlRliiMi, «H<j *m *»4
i jj Ra4«itl«) k««r 4 Uign 4
I44 9#i*f«MNt 1* Niiijm4 ll« 1# fe* #
. •«« «f 4*»c*r
1 ' fki Chinese *«thu»«»let* ks.e taken
. st rail 'iff* as pr.o*.i the mtsatunm r
I tulles and hste prom lend s*ti»t* «
21* Mnkri it S|»**« li in th* Ifotl*# of n |
Ur*#x.r C*liMrn<*t*r II* Arraign* lh* !
AdmtiilNt rut loti — Spain IiimiIIx Our j
1'Utf, M*ltreut» Our ( Itlxciu Mini litu » I
About m She lloaiM. |
Tit* CnbMii Del»ut#.
WASHINGTON. .Ian. 21.—Before the
Cuban debate was resumed in the
house yesterday Mr. Lacey (rep., Ia.t,
chairman of the committee on public
lands, called up a hill to extend the
public land laws of the I'nlted States
to Alaska and to grnnt a right of way
tinder certain restrictions to any rail
road organized under the laws of any
state in the union. It was explained
that the right of way grant was 100
feet on cadi side of the road, but that
all mineral deposit* were specifically
reserved. Without completing the con
sideration of the trill It went over and
the house went Into committee of -e !
whole and resumed the consideration
of the diplomatic und consular appro
priation hill.
Mr. Clark (dom.. Mo.i. opened the
Cuban debate with one of ills char
acteristic, breezy speeches. He Bald In
if Spain does not bring the war to
a speedy conclusion the i'nlted States
ought to expel her from the western
hemisphere. There can he not dcubt as
to what haa l>e<n our traditional for
eign policy. What our foreign policy
itt under the McKinley administration,
like the peace of God, pass' th all un
derstanding. In these days of Mc
Hannalsm our foreign policy is so
feeble, so cringing, ho cowarcly, that
even old and decrenlt Spain int tilts
our flag, maltreats our citizens and
Bcarehes our ships with perfect im
punity, and President McKinley, In
stead of sending men-of-war to pro
tect our honor, assert our supremacy
and teach the Insolent and Impotent
dons a lesson they would never forget,
passed the hat around and invites the
American people to contribute alms
for starving and dying Cubans!
ft Is high time that we served p'ain
and emphatic notice on all kings, em
perors and potentates that the navies
of transatlantic powers shall not a»
used us collection bureaus for for
questionable debts, as was done a y'uir
or two ago at Corlnto, and as 'vas
done a month or so ago in Haytl. The
Cuban case Is this: For three years
the Insurgents have fought with a
courage and suffered, with a fortitude
that has challenged the admiration of
the w orld—save and except the Mc
Kinley administration. Three or four
hundred thousand peoplp—somp of thp
papers say OHO,000 —have died: men, :
women and children, as much martyrs
In the cause of liberty as was Warren
or any other hero who died that we
might he free—and yet the McKinley
administration lifts not its finger to
stay the slaughter and ean think of
nothing more effective for their relief :
than to pose as the big beggarman. j
The party of Sumner. Chase and Se
ward, which proudly vaunted Itself as ,
the friend of man. has become the ally I
of pestilence arid arson, famine, devas- |
tatlon, rape and murder!
To pvery suggestion that we should
re-enter upon a vigorous end foreign
policy we are met with the hysterical
shriek that we are advocating war. i
It Is not true, but suppose ft were? :
There irp some things wn’nc than
war deplorable as war unquestion
ably Is—and one of them Is to may
the cry baby act until we arc despised
of all nations and kindreds and j
Now that we number 70,000.000 souls
a republican administration cannot . o ;
taunted, kicked or cuffed into resent
ing an tnsnlt or demanding reparation
for an injury. Such a contemptible !
and pusillanimous policy Is enough to
make Grant, Sherman. Sheridan. n>i
pnnt, Farragut and Porter restless in
their coffins!
My renublcan trends I invite you ;
to lay aside the weight that Is holding
you down, asert your rights, come out j
on the side of eternal Justice and hu
man liberty, thereby demonstrating
that you are worthy of the high voca
tion wherein you are called. We de-n- I
ocrata and populists stand here ready
to remove from America her great re
proach. We on this side will con
tribute 1f>2 votes. If only 27 republi
can* will break th“ yoke, defy their
taskmasters und Join us in this noble
work before the sun sets this day we
will send the glad tidings ringing
round the world that "Cuba Is free."
Free, thank Ood. by the act of the
American congress.
Meteor Seen hv I* tvllglil
SVN JOHK, Cal . Jan 21- The fol
lowing massage has been received by
Director Schaeberie of Idck observa
tory "The unusttl phenomenon of a
| bright meteor In broad daylight wa*
observed here by K. F Coddltigtun,
fellow In astronomy at the uhserva
i tory 1 was seen In the went shortly
after II o'clock. *n elevation of atoll
eight degrees above moving rapidly
' toward the norih In a path slightly
' itielmed toward the earth. It In*
; creased in brightness along Its rourae
and disappeared suddenly In a dear
sky without an* rtpl Mion lielng
I heard ■*
Preparations for the gold* it t'lblla*
of California the .’aith anniversary of
the discovery of the yellow metal—
i are ntahtbg rapid headway
Having* hank* of Usmc hutslli
show int rrased deposits as tomparatl
With I V K
I wwerwt at tlwttefweeth.
W thill Mi t u\ Jan }l Funeral
settee* >o»r the reuvsms of the lata
>1 ») *r It* a mu ICilUrworth on
’ Mlwsiktl of pat*Ms W» e held at like
Chart h of the Tmrsasl M«t Mr
It tMtll«t the pi'sf »* ad etiwr thes’m
pia «MOo*s of the Proifti terieW
J di«nk the shaft**1 was tee ■ sided,
thus* p ewes' la* mil WS IVttNk «• M*
hiaket aw i all the at* others J the
irhtkfwh fhe rhnt h tit P ..* led
la III. If*Ms* a kokahef of • »•**!• •**
•ad lepesaaatallva*. member* of tha
har and ten ideal Wwkitftvk aaa
Sriwtor Moifin Conti nor* I>ol»ato *
IliiMasltm Tr«Mty.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 21.—Senator
Morgan continued his speech In ad
vocacy of the ratification of the Ha
waiian annexation treaty in th„e exe
cutive session of the senate. He an
nounced at the conclusion that he
probably would require one more day
n which to complete his presentation
of the subject.
Senator Morgan dealt with the
questions of the agricultural and com
mercial possibilities of the island, with
the character of the present govern
ment and with the position of the na
tives on the subject of annexation. He
repeated his assertion that President
Cleveland was favorable to the ac
quisition of the islands, and expressed
ihe opinion that ii was his intention
to have restored the queen and to hive
negotiated with her a treaty of an
nexation. He also expressed the
opinion that Mr. Cleveland would nev
er have taken such a positive position
as he did take against the Dale gov
ernment and In opposition to ann x
atlon, but for the antagonistic ard mis
leading teport of C:mmlisloner Blount.
The senator was Interrupted at this
point by .wo or three senators who are
opposed to the treaty, who wanted to
know If it was not true that Mr. Cleve
land had withdrawn the treaty for an
nexation made by the Harrison admin
istration. He admitted that this was
the case, saying that it v.-.ix a matter of
record, but ho still contended that un
der conditions entirely to his liking
Mr. Cleveland would have supported
annexation. Mr. Morgan had been con
vinced from private Interviews with
Mr. Cleveland that he not only be
lieved in the wisdom of annexation of
Hawaii, but that he would also have
i' '"omr unt il me unm xauun oi v.uuu
under the light conditions.
Mr. Morgan defended the present
government of Hawaii in strong terms
ami eulogized Mr. Dole as one of the
most competent rulers of me time. He
controverted the idea that the present
government was, as had been charged,
a missionary government, claiming
that It was in every way staunch und :
enterprising and abreast of the times.
Speaking of the resources of the isl
ands, Mr. Morgan said they were mani
fold. and that the time would come
when they would produce enough cof
fee to supply the demands of all the
people of the United States, while the
sugar production had already reached
its limit.
He concluded that the resources of
Ihe country were such as to Insure a
very prosperous future ami predicted
that Honolulu would some time in the
not distant future attain to great com
mercial importance, equal In all prob
ability to that of Hong-Kong or otner
cities of equal magnitude.
The Senatorial Itri lerjr Charges.
COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 21—The sen
atorial bribery Investigation was not
before tiie senate yesterday as ex
pected. The crowds waited In vain
during the morning session for a re
port from the committee consisting of
Senators Burke, Finck, Robertson,
Long and Gar field, that had held un
usual sessions the last two nights.
At its sessions Tuesday and Wedne.s
nights the senate committee appointed
to investigate the charges of Repre
sentative Otis of Cincinnati that he
bad been offered $1,71,,) by H. H. Boyce
to vote for Hanna had before it Sam
uel Pentium!, proprietor of the Neil
house, where Senator Hanna had his
headquarters; S. M. Dunlap, manager
of the Western Union Telegraph com
pany; W. F. Truesdale. manager of the
Postal Telegraph company, end P. M.
Ross, manager of the telephone com
pany. Last night S. D. Hollenbeck of
Chardon, auditor of Geagua county
and a member of the republican state
executive committee, was also before
the committee. All of the witnesses
refused to answer questions, because
their attorneys had advised them that
the committee had no Jurisdiction un
der the senate resolution on which it
was proceeding;.
The committee has a report to pre
sent to the senate recommending the
arrest and punishment of these five
witnesses for contempt. It is delayed
because of the sickness of Mr. Hol
lenbeck, who was allowed last night to
return home on account of his ill
ness. As the five names are included
In one contempt resolution it was de
cided by the committee touay to wait
till Mr. Hollenbeck ran return and ap
pear before the bar of the senate.
€'*••** «f I.unary.
WASHINGTON, I>. C., Jan. 21.— Hal- !
lett Killiourne, one of the oldest and
best known business and newspaper
men of Washington, tomorruw will be
examined in lunacy proceedings with
a view to his confinement In an asy
lum. His mania Is suicide anil uu- j
known to any except hi* physicians
and his immediate family, he hi* made
u half doien attempt* at self-destruc
tion In the l»*l week. He twice tried
chloroform, once gs*. and ut other
time* tried to throw himself from the
window* of hi* home He l* p rfectly
wane on all other subjects, but I* suf
fering from Intermittent melancholia
the proceedings are with his full |
knowledge and after c inference with '
The statement. Jan in. of the < on I
dltott of the treasury showed Avail- i
able rash balance* 1210.ISt.SiC, gold
reserve Jitf
The comptroller uf the currency ap j
pointed William J K*#»eeaw reee'ver !
of th* first national bank «f IVmhlns
N (1
I *».m t .of atowt.
RAVKMNA 11 Jin tl While
walking wltk his awe«t heart to ate hi
I’orneltue I1 Rating ■ well known j
%nung man of this city the eon of ;
it.oiutneni parents tuereil**! with the
Voting a on am fu-libsll he pullet a
revolver sad a it boa* a word o* warn
ing ott a bullet through hta hratn. j
falling dead at h»a sweetheart's feet
yhe vwong woman la prostrated hy
the ikwk and hay r >«4< log It a*rbras
She aaaot talk about the tragedy.
\ehrwa*a will tort held any state
fair la ityv
x’lii* Stair rSrllrf Committee I*hu«** an Ad
it rent Setting Forth tlir Situation—Tti®
l’artt«*» to Whom Donation* should t>i*
Forwarded—Give lioulily by Glting
An Appeal for the Starving.
The state relief rommlsion appoint
ed by the governor to co-epeia.e with
the national Cuban relief comm ttee
named by the president has issued t:ie
following appeal to Nebraska people;
To the Peop.e of Nebraska; A le v
years ago, owing to a continued and
inpreud nieddiouth, our. tatcsufTerid
severely from the faliuic of crops; and
much suffering for the necessities of
life threatened our pjop e. We ten
derly remember the sympathy and ma
terial help we ree.ived from other
states. Thousands of our pupie w.ra
cheered and supported by contribu
tions of money, food and clothing.
These remembrances will never bs
effaced from the g.ateful hearts of
Nebraskans. l.att year, our excellent
governor was the first of the chief
magistrates of all the irates to appeal
In behalf of the starving mi.To,is in
India. So generously d-d our p.opio
respond that hundreds of ear loads of
torn, and thousands of dollars 1 i mon
ey were sent to the land of suffering
and death. So abundant wire do n
tions that the relief commission wa;
llnaily compelled to decline receiving
Again the wails of famine, the cries
uf affliction, the moans of slckce s and
disease, are heard from almost a
»■ |,IIUW| lUiWtiiiiiin Jf V
fill have been the hcr.lble ctue.tle: of
war In that unfortunate i-land thr ugh
he work of the nta’hete, the bu le a <1
the bayonet. Hut where they have
killed thousands of soldiers la a.-nts,
famine, disease, epedemle and oth* r
nameless horrors hfe slain tens of
thousands of old men and helpless wo
nt n o' thi dr j a d a us ThisPa
ful carnival of tuttering, famin’ a d
death is on the increase, and w 11 con
tinue so, unlest s me spirit of hum ni
ty. pity and help intervenes to nit
rate the e:ndl Ions t.,f wretch
ed ness
President McKIn’ey has epi o'n ed a
central relief committee, locate 1 In
New York, to organize expedi ions of
relief. And hia excellency, Gov rnor
Holet mb, appea’s to the citizens of N -
braska to co-operate with the plans of
the president, to send money, medi
cine, food and clothing to the starving
people of Cuba. He has appointed the
undersigned as a relief comralfsloii for
Nebraska to solicit, receive ant for
ward contributions in ac ordar.c; wi h
the directions of the govt rnor. May
ors of cities and towns, and thief offi
cers of villages anti townships are ur
gently requested to organize lelief
committees in their respective fit! s.
tov/r.s and villages ihrou-hout the
state, to receive subse-ipti .ns and con
tributions, and forward the same
through this commission, either at
Mncolu or at Omcb , for which prompt,
acknowledgment will be mad
All citizens dtslrious of t iding th'a
enterprise of pi'y and eha i y trav f ir.
ward their donations to the s’ere arv,
or any other member of the comm s
sion most convenient. Contributions
of money, shelled esro. wheat, cinn d
goods, light clothing for both sexes
and all other necessities o' lif . will I e
accepted and forwarded free of cha:g ,
to the sufferers.
We urge that the rrsp nse to this p
peal be generous, univtrsil and im
mediate. Hundreds a-e d i y phishing
from starvation and theft! nds are fac
ing a like fate as these wordt are b
ing read by the firesides of p ace and
plenty. Respe'tfully.
H. O. ROWLANDS, President.
W. N. NASON, Treasmcr.
P. H. HARRY, Sec-e a-y.
All communications should bp cd
dres ed to the see e arv. General P. H.
Idarry, Capitol building, Lincoln, Neb.
State Morttrultnml Soeletjr.
At the meeting of the State Horti
cultural society in Lincoln the re
ports of the secretary and treasurer
showed that while there Is now on
hand over $1,000, beinr' - part of the
balance carried since the time when
the society got an appropriation of
2,000, and which was reinforced Inst
year by $800 received from the State
Agricultural society, there is now on
hand hut $1,108.78 to pay the expenses
and preiu’ums for the coming year,
with only the $1,000 state appropria- j
tlon to he received In October after j
the premiums are paid. .No money Is ]
to he received from the AgrtculHtral
society this year, and the prospect Is
that til the commencement of next
>eur the balance will Is* almost all
gone. A summary of the report shows
that front June. IM17, to June. ixtu»,
makes the following showing
ance on hand. $1,178.25; < ash from
former secretary. $14; September 27. ,
Agricultural bis lely, $8tH>. October 9.
(gab from elate appropriation. $ I non; i
December 30. cash from <* II liar- 1
hard. membeishlps. $5A; total.
$1.kxu 47; balance on hand January j
11. 1888. $l.l$8 7l.
Aa agent of the gen til land niece is 1
Investigating the r tup a u hi
men in the vicinity of lodge foie have ;
free d in guveram at land
lie Jarh of ftrcoavtlie bold* the
olhc ■ uf co-oner, county |h)l <’ *1. :
pension 111 ml see and mevor of
|«4 f«'4 -• M
(HH KlUitdo'l VI* » |l*t 1441 4 l^li
tton la and about Is.n i lly ad
dfe s*d to Hover.»r Mole iieh ask1- g
that the seatea<e of tea ye ore la t ie
r.a,teat ary takt«a4 » '*> Mi t* *r 4
Its. Kao-ie m t« t* o h> at tat tia*
a hold op a I at a l*s<t*i tra a b>
toaistated to Use years tNrt bat e a
Is a brother of ih e ‘avt, it t 4 it
stdea ta Iksh ta -mt If se dues s »«
i b« fetter of lb. lay* Tba fam'ly
has stety* borne * *>*> d npa*eiete
here, eb - re they b«v* beside I f »
years Tbs pet l tot e*p aem rea i»
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Absolutely cures scrofula,
Salt rheum,
Dyspepsia, rheumatism,
Catarrh and all diseases
Originating in or promoted r
By impure blood. It is
The great nerve tonic,
Stomach regulator and
Strength builder.
A noteworthy artlcie upon "The
Capture of Government by Commer
cialism," by John Jay Chapman, opens
the February Atlantic. Mr. Chapman
believes that recent mlsgoveriiment In
the United States Is but a chapter In
the history of commerce. He shows
how since the war of 1861 the salient
five Is the growth and concentra
tion of capital; how capital haB con
tributed to and supported both po
litical parties alike, for I's own pur
poses. and has thereby caused and
stimulated the rise and growth of po
litical "bosses.” He points out how
the revolt from "bOHs rule.” as evi
denced in the recent New York cam
paign, indicates the awakenin'? of a
public conscience and a demand for
bettc r things, which Is the Hint step
in shaking off the shackles of the
boss and the regeneration of the na
tion; In which conclusion from en
tirely different premises he strikingly
coincides with the deduction drawn
by Mr. Edward M. Shepard In his
thoughtful urid well-studied paper lu
the January Atlantic upon the New
York election.
"A man In Birmingham got himself
"That’s nothing. Many a man In this
town has got Into sufficient trouble
through marrying only one.”—'fid v
Bits. ^
At a church In kenox last summer
the pulpit was supplied by an assis
tant clergyman. One Sunday in the
course of a sermon this minister told
liow a man had amassed a large for
tune of money, simply by prayer go
ing on to give the Incidents of the
case. A titter ran through the con
gregation when the minister, after
dwelling on the fact that prayer alone
iiad brought about this man’s fortune,
placed ills hands together, an , look
ing upward iu a very prayerful atti
tude, said, "kord. teach us how to
pray!"—Troy Times.
9400 toil MOW XAtllESf
The Salzer Seed Co. want suitable
names for their 17-lneh long corn and
White Oat prodigy. You can win this
$400 easily. Catalogue tells all ale.lit
it. Seed potatoes only $1.50 a barrel.
Kfnitl Till* Nolle* aiirf IO
to John A. Salzer Seed Co., ka Crosse, •
Wis., and get free their great seed cat
alogue and 11 new farm seed samples,
including above corn and oats, posi
tively worth SI0, to get a start, w.n.c.
"! am innocent!" he protested. Tho
mob was sweeping the guards aside.
“f am innocent!" A blow of tho
siedge. "i ain innocent!” heshreked.
the ropee about ills nock. "Before
heaven, innocent!" All, at last they
bear him. “Yes," they exclaim, "he
must be innocent, or the law would ^
have saved him from us.” Passion had
shrivelled up and vanished at the
touch of logic.
Du \<tu Dun * t'o*Si|gUt?
Shake into your Shoes Allen’s Foot
Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cities
Corns, Bunions. Chilblains and Sweat
ing Feet. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores, 23c. Sample sent FltEB. Ad
dress. Allen S. Olmsted. LeRav, N. Y.
Katie: "Here’s a word l never saw
before. it’s ‘osculation.’ What ioes
it. mean?" Johnny: “It means—but
hold on? I can show you ever so
much better than I can tell you.
There!"—Chicago Tribune.
SiOO To Any Man.
Of Weakness l» Men They Treat and
Fall to fur*
An Omaha Company places for thn Hrst
time le ture the public n Maoicai. Tk«»t
MKN r fur the cure of Lost V Utility,Nervous
eutl Sexual Weakness, unit Restoration of
Life Forco in old ami young men. No
worn-out French remedy; contains no
Phosphorus or other harmful drugs It is
a WusoKHri t. Tkkatukst magical in ita
elfects posttivo In its cure. All readers,
who are Hireling from a weakness that
tiliglit- their life causing Unit mental and
physicalsuffering peculiar to Lest Man- -y
non I should w rite to I he ST A IK M KII1C At*
COMPANY, No 8>»l Range Hlock, Omaha,
Nel> and tin \ will sent! you alwolutely
FUKt , a valuable t on thee* disease*,
and positive proof* of (heir truly Mkon si.
Ttfttsixl Thousand* of 111*11, who have
lust alt hope of a cure are taring restored
b« thviu to a perfect condition.
This Mum 11 I n**resxr may I* taken
at ho ne under their directions, or they will
pa 1 railroad fare and hotel bills to all who
■•refer to gu to there for treatment if they
fail to cute They are perfectly .
have no Free Prwcrltdloua, Free Cure,
Free Mampte «.r t »• t» fake They hav*
capital and guaiauie* to cur*
•very ca*e they treat or refuail **ery dol
lar or their charges may la> depusilad in
a hauk to ho pa d to them when a cur* t*
effected Writ* them today
• «•**»* • 1
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