The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 28, 1898, Image 3

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“I Did hat a I.lttle Honey with
the End of (lie Ko<l That Um In Sly
Hand, and, I.o. I Must 1)1.” 1. Sam
uel 14 : 43.
HE honey-bee Is ft
most Ingenious ar
chitect, a Christo
pher Wrenn among
insects; geometer
drawing hexagons
and pentagons, ft
freebooter robbing
the fields of pol
len and aro tna,
wondrous creature
of God whoso bi
ography, written by Huber and Swamp
merdam, Is an enchantment for any
lover of nature. Virgil celebrated the
bee in his fable of Aristaeus; and
Moses, and Samuel, and David, and
Solomon, and Jeremiah, and Ezekiel,
and St. John used the delicacies of
bee manufacture as a liiblo symbol.
A miracle of formation is the bee: five
eyes, two tongues, the outer having a
”• sheath of protection, hairs on all sides
of its tiny body to brush up the par
ticles of flowers. Its flight so straight
that all the world knows of the bee
line. The honey-comb is a palace
such as no one but God could plan
and (he honey-bee construct; its cells,
sometimes a dormitory and sometimes
a storehouse, and sometimes a ceme
tery. These winged tollers first make
eight strips of wax, and by their an
tennae, which are to them hammer,
and chisel, and square, and plumb
fuaKlAti .. o 'I'tvn IIM'1
two these workers shape the wall. If
an accident happens, they put up but
tresses of extra beams to remedy the
damage. When about the year 1778
an Insect before unknown. In the
night time attacked the bee-hives all
over liurope, and the men who owned
them were In vain trying to plan some
thing to keep out the invader that was
the terror of the bee-hives of the con
tinent, It was found that everywhere
the bees arranged for their owu
protection, and built before the honey
combs an especial wall of wax with
portholes through which the bees
might go to and fro, but not large
enough to admit, the winged combat
ant, called the Sphinx Atropos.
Corrupt literature, fascinating but
deathful, comes In this category.
Where one good, honest, healthful
book is read now, there is a hundred
made up of rhetorical trash consumed
with avidity. When the boys on the
cars come through with a pile of pub
lications, look over the titles and no
tice that nine out of ten of the books
are Injurious All the way from here to
Chicago or New Orleans notice that
objectionable hooks dominate. Taste
for pure literature is poisoned by this
scum of the publishing house. ICvery
book In which sin triumphs over vir
tue. or In which a glamour Is thrown
over dissipation, or which leaves you
at Its last line with less respect for
y the marriage institution and less
abhorrence for the paramour, Is a de
pression of yotir own moral character.
The bookblndery may he attractive,
and the plot dramatic and startling,
and the style of writing sweet as the
hone; that Jonathan took up with his
rod. but your best interests forbid it.
your moral safety forbids. It, your
Cod forbids it, and one taste of It may
lead to such bad results that you may
have to say at the close of the experi
ment. or at the close of a misimproved
lifetime: “I did but taste a little honey
with the rod that was in my band,
and. lo, I must die."
One would suppose that men would
take warning from some of the oml
nous names given to the intoxicants,
and stand off from the devastating In
fluence. You have noticed, for In
stance. that some of the restaurants
are called "The Shades,” typical of the
fact that it puts a man's reputation in
the shade, and his morals in the shade,
and hiB prosperity In the shade, and
his wife and children In the shade,
and his Immortal destiny in the shade.
Now, 1 find on some of the liquor signs
In all our cities the words "Old Crow,"
mightily suggestive of the carcass and
k the filthy raven that swoops upon It.
"Old Crow!" Men and women without
numbers Blain of rum. but unburied,
and this evil Is pecking at their
gin/ (I eyes, and pecking at their
r bloated cheek, and pecking at their
destroyed manhood and womanhood,
thrusting beak and claw Into the mor
tal remuina of what was once glorious
ly alive, but now morally dead. "Old
Crow!” But alas! how mauy lake uo
warning! They make me think of
Ce sar on his way to assassination
fearing nothing; though his statue in
the hall crashed Into fragments at his
fee*, and a scroll containing the names
of iho conspirators was thrust Into his
hands, yet walking right on to meet
the dagger that was to take a Is life.
Th » Infatuation of strong drink Is so
to.gill In man) a man that, though
tu* foilnne* are crashing. and
hi, health I* crashing and his do
mInter**!* are crashing, and we
hm I him a long * roll containing th*
garnet of peril* that await him. ha
r •* straight or to physlral. and m»R
Ul. and mcral a »a*#lnation In pro
poitton as any at) I* of sl< >holl*m I*
p’ loin Im your last* and atlmuhsilttg
to your ftgfte*. and f >r n ilm* delight
ful to all >iHir ph> sb at anil mental nut
, >i it|i>s la the peril awful N*at#m>
<r Jonathan and th* tor bidden honey
tn i|p wutMia (i lie'h aicR,
liter* la a complete IselMlIo* >n
KMiiee of hasard to th# netting id
acutes i* pue*lblllt|*e It m*ma a*
a *4 -i*l -it Clem o be* aa la *a< In
•b ed the hungei Jot food la uften user
power* ! ki the hubge, fur water* It
it 11 surd fur i ho** ml m who have
M*#f felt th* faaelMtbm el the wag*r
la *p«*h slightly ef the temgMimu
It has slain a multitude of intellertual
and moral giants, men and women
stronger than you or I. IJawn under
its power went glorious Oliver Gold
smith, and Ulhbon, the famous histo
rian, and Charles Fox, the renowned
statesman,and In olden times, senators
of the United States, who used to he
as regularly at the gambling house all
night as they were in the halls of leg
islation by day. Oh, the tragedies of
the faro table! I know persons who
began with a slight stake in a ladles'
parlor, and ended with the suicide's pis
tol at Monte Carlo. They played with
the square pieces of hone with black
marks on them, not knowing that Sa
tan was playing for their hones at tli"
same time, and was sure to sweep all
the stakes off on his side of the table.
State legislatures have again and
again sanctioned the mighty evil oy
passing laws In defense of race tracks,
and many young men have lost all
their wages at such so-called "meet
ings.” Every man who voted for
such infamous hills has on his hands
and forehead the blood of these souls.
IJut In this connection some young
converts say to me: "Is It right to
play cards? Is there any harm In a
game of whist or euchre? Well, I
know gooil men who play whist und
euchre, and other styles of games with
out any wagers. 1 had a friend who
played cards with his wife and children
and then at the close, said, "Come,
now, let us have prayers.” 1 will not
Judge other men's consciences, hut I
tell you that cards are to my mind so
associated with the temporal and spir
itual ruin of splendid young men, that
I would as soon say to tuy family,
“Come, let us have u game of cards,”
ao I would go Into a menagerie and
_ . . __ _
r>ny, vuiih, lei us nave a -
tlesnake,” or Into a cemetery, and Hit
ting down by a marble slab, say to the
gravediggers, "Come, let ns have a
game at skulls,” Conscientious young
ladles are silently saying, “Vo you
think card playing will do us any
harm?” Perhaps not, but how will
you feel If In the great day of eternity,
when we are asked to give an account
of our influence, some man should say,
"1 was Introduced to games of chance
In the year 1898 at your house, and I
went on from that sport to something
more exciting, and went on down until
I lost my business, and lost my morals,
and lost my soul, and these chains I hat
you see on my wristB and feet are the
chains of a gamester’s doom, and I am
on the way to a gambler's hell.” Honey
at the start, eternal catastrophe at the
Stock gambling comes Into the same
catalogue. It must he very exhilarat
ing to go Into the stock market, and,
depositing a small sum of money, run
the chance of taking out a fortune.
Many men are doing an honest and safe
business In the stock market, aud you
are an Ignoramus If you do nut know
that It Is Just as legitimate to deal in
stocks as It is to deal in cofTec, or su
gar, or flour. Hut nearly all the out
siders who go there on a financial ex
cursion lose all. The old spiders eat
up the unsuspecting flies. I had a
friend who put Ills hand on bis hip
pocket and Raid in substance, "I have
there the value of two hundred and
fifty thousand dollars.” Ills heme Is
today penniless. What was the mat
ter? Stock gambling. Of the vast
majority who are victimized you hear
not one word. One greut stock firm
goes down, and while columns of
newspapers discuss their fraud or their
disaster, and we are presented whh
their features and their biography. Hut
where one such famous Arm sinks, five
hundred unknown men sink with
them. The great steamer goes down,
and all the little boats are swallowed
In the same engulfment. Gambling is
gambling, whether in stocks or bread
stuffs, or dice, or race horse bettlpg.
l!a Allliui auuu ««. we.w WSM.., a.*.... r,
brain, and a shattered nervous system,
and a sacrificed property, and a de
stroyed soul at the last. Young men.
buy no lottery tickets, purchase no
prize packages, bet on no base ball
game or yacht racing, have no faith in
luck, answer no mysterious circulars
proposing great Income for small In
vestment, drive away the buzzards that
hover around our hotels trying to en
trap strangers. Go out and make an
hottest living. Have God on your side,
and be a candidate for heaven. Re
member all the paths of sin are banked
with llowers at the start, and there are
plenty of helpful hunds to fetch the
guy charger to your door and hold the
stirrup while you mount. Hut further
on the horse plunges to the bit in a
slough inextricable.
The best honey Is not like that
which Jonathan took oil the end of the
rod Mnd brought to his lips, but that
which God puts on the banqueting ta
ble of mercy, at which we are all In
vited to sit. I was reading of a boy
among the mountains of SwIUerland
ascending a dangerous place with his
father and the guides The hoy stopped
on the edge of the cltf! and said.
"There la a flower I mean to get."
"Come away from there." said the
father, "you will fall off" "No," said
he, "| must gel that beautiful flower.”
and the guides rushed toward him to
pull him bach w hen, Just aa they beard
him say. "I almost have It," he fell (wo
i thousand fret tllrd* of prt-y were
seen a few days after rinding through
; the air and lowering gradually to the
I place where the corpse u» Why ae«h
flowers nf the edge of a precipice
when you ran walk hnce deep amid
ike full blooms of the sett Paradise of
t Hod* When a ntsn may alt at the
I King a banquet, why wtll he go down
I the atep* and contend for the reflate
i and bones of a hound's hennelf Awes’'
| et than honey and the honeycomb.'
1 mis Uaebl, to the truth of tlod W ith
j honey out «f the tuck woukd I have
estishad the* tayt Uod Is the >
rrenal Here to honey gathered from
the bkiwearns of the trees of life and
• lib n tod made out of the wood of
the Cress I dip It up for all your
The poet Hesiod tells of an ambrosia
and a nectar, the drinking of which
would make men live forever, nnd one
sip of honey from the Kternal Hock
will give you eternal life with God.
Come off the malarial levels of n sin
ful life. Come and live on the uplands
of grace, where the vineyards sun
themselves. "Oh, taste and sec that
the lord Is gracious!” Be happy now
and happy forever, Kor those who
take a different course the honey will
turn to gall. Kor many things I have
admired Percy Shelley, the; great Eng
lish poet, but I deplore the fact that It
seemed u greut sweetnss to him to dis
honor God. The poem "Queen Mai)
has in It the maligning of the Deity.
Shelley was Impious enough to ask for
Howland Hill’s Survey Chapel that he
might renounce the Christian religion.
He was In great glee against God and
Ihe truth. But he visited Italy, and
one day on the Mediterranean with
two friends in a boat which was twen
ty-four feet long he was coming toward
shore when an hour’s squall struck the
wuter. A gentleman standing on shore
through a glass saw many boats tossed
In this squall, but all outrode the
storm except one, in which Shelley and
his two friends were sailing. That
never came ashore, but the bodies of
two of the occupants were washed up
on the beach, one of them the poet. A
funeral pyre was built on the sea shore
by some classic friends, nnd the two
bodies were consumed. Poor Shelley!
He would have no God while he lived,
and I fear had no God when he died.
“The Lord knoweth the way of the
righteous, but the way of the ungodly
shall perish.” Beware of the forbidden
They Have Vanity, hut Not I’rlile; Reli
gion. hul Not Morality.
"The French must be the most cu
rious people on earth,” writes Lilian
Bell In a letter from Paris to the La
dles’ Home Journal. "How could
even Heavenly Ingenuity create a more
uncommon or bewildering contradic
tion and combination? Make up your
mind that they ure as simple as chil
dren when you see their Innocent pic
nicking along the boulevards and In
the parks with their whole families,
yet you dare not trust yourself to hear
what they are saying. Believe that
they are cynical, and fln de slecle, and
skeptical of all women when you hear
two men talk, and the next day you
hear that one of them has shot him
self on the grave of his sweetheart.
Believe that politeness is the ruling
characteristic of the country because a
man kisses your hand when he takes
leave of you. Hut marry him, and no
Insult Is too low for him to heap upon
you. Believe that the French men are
sympathetic because they laugh and
cry openly at the theatre. But appeal
to their chivalry, and they will rescue
you from one discomfort only to of
fer you a worse. The French have
sentimentality, but not sentiment.
They have gallantry, hut not chivalry.
They have vanity, but not pride. They
have religion, but not morality. They
are a combination of the wildest ex
travagance and the strictest parsi
mony. They cultivate the ground so
close to the railroad tracks that the
trains almost run over their roses,
and yet they leave a Place de la Con
corde in the heart of the city."
The Tfimlljr amt the Home.
This is the time to provide the means
for Instruction and amusement for the
long and quiet evenings to come.
FarmerB, mechanics, tradesmen, mer
chants, men of all classes and ages—
now Is the time to ask yourselves, how
shall we spend the winter evenings
most pleasantly anil profitably? Ladies
—it is your pleasure to make home the
happiest spot on earth—prepare now
to make the fireside attractive and
happy. Parents, have you thought of
me ijf hi iiieuitn ui imuiuuuhr wc*
fare and happiness of your children
during the winter? Every one knows
something of the charms of a winter
evening at home, and of those charms,
reading is the chief, the most lasting,
and tlie host. A thoroughly good and
entertaining paper is specially adapted
to meet the desire for winter evening
amusement. Every one who has en
joyed the society of the Ledger by the
fireside must have felt happier and
better for its perusal. To instruct, to
amuse. to advocute a higli standard
of morality, and to cherish all the
better feeling of the heart, is Its mis
sion. Nothing is admitted to Its pages
that ran wound the feelings of the most
sensitive, or call a blush to the cheek
of the most modest. Children may
read It with pleasure and protit. and
we wish to make the oldest, wisest and
best In the community confers their
obligations to us for many pleasaut,
well-spent hours.
WKr li riMua no...
Parson Halntly (eacitedly)—*'Mal
tha great philanthropist tilveaway la
dead and has left his untie fortune
to local charities and furetgu missions.''
Hi ranger "Ah' tiod bless him! ti id
bless him! I Ilk* In see money left
j Ilk# that." Parson Halntly "Pardon
1 me, air; hut are you on* of the cloth*''
| Htranger-"oh. no! ini a lawyer.
* Puck.
lies kisws.
■ Van you tell me why old widower*
nearly always wanl child wlvaa*" **l
ran account for it only upon the them*
that old widower* are generally child
j !sh ihemselie#"
"All th* world* a stag*1* 'And
i everybody want* ha h* Ik* atat ’ "I
don't, i d ha willing to h* on* of the
property men" Ontlannli liaguii*,*
A l.nrce Flotllli* to Ilf Kept I poo a
War FootliiK.' So That at Any Mo
nirnt the Governmerit Can Dispatch
• Fleet.
Looking along the side of one of
t'nele Sam’s swift torpedo boat catch
ers In an opposite direction to the sun
light one can see the Indications of
the ribs as plainly as those of a well
bred Orloff. That is not, however, a
sign of weakness, for It Is generally
admitted that the American "new
model" boats are possibly the strong
est In construction and very likely the
most powerful of anything of equal
weight that at present floats; neverthi •
less their thin plates fast become a
prey to the solvent action of the sea.
With plates one-eighth of an Inch
thick there Is little or no margin for
rust, and to prevent oxidizing con
stant painting Is resorted to, whl:')i
operation would more than likely keep
all the eastern navy yard docks occu
pied when our new torpedo flotilla u
complete, to the exclusion of the ships
of the line. Strangely enough. It costs
more to dock a torpedo boat than ft
does our largest battleship. For ex
aipple: The Iowa whin entering the
dry dock displaces 11,410 tons of water
or thereabouts. Now, when the Ginn
ing enters the same dock she only dis
places 105 tons of water, and In order
to drain the dock for the Gushing tluy
are obliged to pump 11,305 more tons
of water than Is required to clear the
dock for the Iowa, which consumes
time and coal. For mechanical reaaotia
the Brooklyn yard Is a center for re
pairs. At present three small boats
will fill file docks, anti In case of a
sudden arrival of a dozen boats to I e
put on an Immediate war footing Ihe
flotilla would he obliged to go to sea
in miserable "driblets" of threes, at
long Intervals, as It were.
It seems now that all tills Is to be
remedied. A torpedo boat storehouse
has been planned, under which a fleet
of seventeen large boats can be housed.
At (list It was proposed to build two
structures, with separate rooms for
each boat; but as the different official
Ideas were condensed the composite re
sult was In favor of a single struc
ture—a marine lift, turn-table and a
machine shop for torpedo work mak
ing it possible to keep a large flotilla,
upon a war footing, so that at any
moment the government can dispatch
practically a brand new mosquito tleet
to the seat of annoyance, most likely
to meet an enemy who is some hun
dreds of miles from his base of sup
plies, with Jaded crews and battered
boats. The enemy, seeing ills disad
vantage, becomes at once the victim of
moral effect. Small things have turned
the tide of bnttle. little as the differ
ence is In the spelling of "victor" and
Our Illustration is Intended to give
an Idea of what Is proposed to lie
hullt. showing the boat* ns they would
appear overhauled after an engag*
ment. Three hundred and fifty thou
sand dollars will be expended on the
building, lift and table, to be erected
between tile new timber dry dock and
the wall separating the navy yard from
Itrooklyn's new market. The of
ficials to a man desire the Improve
ment, and IcMih upon It as the
important work on hand at pre»t-u'
A prominent officer said • \W will
draw on the experience of Kurope, and
go them one better." which feeling is
r. hoed by moat of u* without ques
tion New York Herald
IIsh lb* tl»il r*»ib l« Kuvep*
The ditches* of Cumber land poaaeba
I n the Inwi pcarle in Kirope They
j were part of the crown Jewels of Han
over, and In llj| they were Valued
I si i. tSO moo Thee* peart* were rUtntcd
| tn fall both by the queen and he,
uncle. King Krweel of Hanover, but
It vu no* until l%&7 that land Wen
•ieydnle. I*»rd llitherley and Nlr l.a*
ware l'**l unant money desisted that
i they belonged to Hanover, ttu they
| were then given up along with a *plen
( did eaafcet ul Jewel*, part of which had
b**W brought iw Kwgland from Han
tiler by ti*«>eg* H and the net bed
tastowged to IJuNt Char hilt e, who tell
them by will Iw bar von. Krweet,
He Wa« » Mounter Very ( lonely Kc-a«tii*
tiling » Python.
F-om Buffalo Times: Farmers !n
the vicinity of Lock Springs. Mo.,
were greatly harassed for several
weeks through depredations on their
chickens and pigs, and the mystery was
not solved until Newton McCrary
started on the trail of what appeared
to be a monster snake. He traveled a
distance of two miles, when he came
to the hanks of the Grand river, where
It appeared the reptile entered the
water. A search of the vicinity later
on rewarded McCrary for his persist
ence. Apparently asleep, after having
dispatched several full-grown chick
ens, lay a reptile of such monstrous
proportions that the man was trans
fixed with fear. His courage return
Ing, McCrary sent a charge of buck
shot Into the heud of the reptile and
precipitately fled.
The contortions of the make as It
lashed its tail and body against the
ground and trees added to the fears of
the now thoroughly terrified man.
Summoning the assistance of neigh
bors, McCrary cautiously led back an
armed party, wnen, to hlB satisfaction,
the life of the reptile was found to
be extinct. It measured 18 fept, and
the body was as large as an ordinary
stovepipe. The species of the reptile
Is not known, although it looks very
much like a python. Marly In '.he
spring It was seen several miles fur
ther up the Grand river, lint reports of
the terrified spectators were not gen
erally credited.
Wild Horn*. In Arizona.
From tlie New York Times: In the
Arizona papers of late there have been
frequent complaints of serious Injury,
both to i rops and to pastures, caused
by the raids of wild horses. .Some
thing like 20,000 of these creatures, it
Is estimated, are now roaming the
plains of that territory, and they have
become serious nuisances. There is
some cause for surprise In the fact that
at this late day, even In Arizona, un
animal alien to the country can resume
the habits of his almost unmeasureahly
remote ancestors and can multiply
rapidly without care or protection of
any kind. The horse in domestication
Is a rather delicate creature, subject
to many Ills, and often bard to keep
In health though watched with close
attention and allowed to want for
nothing whatever. When forced to
rely on his own resources, however, ho
shows a marked capacity for resuming
tlie wild state and for guarding him
self against enemies of all sorts. Kver
since the days of the Spanish explorers
the horse at every opportunity has
demonstrated his lilting for freedom
and his adaptability for meeting with
out aid the conditions of life in the
west and south. I,arge herds were of
ten seen years ago, hut that they
should still Hud room In the United
States Is really notable, as proving that
the country is not nearly so well set
tled as the opponents of immigration
would have us Itelleve.
Th* Scops of liiivvrHiuvult
The discussion Is more or less con
stant us to the advisability of enlarg
ing the functions of government, not
only by the municipal ownership of
street railways, gas works, printing
plants, and the like, but also by the
extension of the scope of state and na
tional government. In the meantime It
h doubtful If any hut special students !
of the subjeet know to what extent the !
enlargement of the scop* of govern
meat is constantly taking place. 1‘rof
Kugene VVsiubaugli. of the Harvard
la* g* boot, contributes to the Atlan
tic Monthly an article on the prreeu*
-cap* of government lie takes a citt- j
ten of any one of our large cities, and |
follows him Ikrougk the course of a j
•lay. pvrtoMng out huw he and all his |
p>sues*Ions and his actions are regn- '
fated by government, municipal slate
nr national At almost every step m
tbs daily Me **f a resident of any large I
-tty the govvbsment meets him and
prov idea fur him. sad the scope of go* [
*rament ta thus t« many ways being j
so *o.i«lattUy enlarged that if lbs
prosese continue it la only a tuMdst
ut ttm* when nr* ahatl be under gov
ernment tusiiul almost in a nwiiilttk
About ?m» mar people nr* engaged It
^ ibs t'rugeb Is«e trad*.
Klvrr Scow* Sent Along Lika Trolley
A new Idea, somewhat on the order
of the trolley canal boats used in
France and Oerrnany, has been sug
gested to relieve tho traffic In large
cities where a narrow guage river car
rying a large amount of boat traffic
enters the heart of the city. This, of
course, necessitates numerous draw
bridges and interruption and annoy
ance both to the land traffic and the
boat traffic. The scheme proposed
contemplates the use of trolley light
ers, which could run up alongside the
vessels for unloading at the docks on
the outskirts of the town, and when .
loaded could convey the goods to tho
warehouses and dorks desired, without
necessitating the opening of swing
bridges. In loading tho vessels the
system would be Just as applicable,
and the coal and supplies in cars could
be loaded directly on the lighters, car
ried to the boats and unloaded with a
minimum of handling. Broad, shallow
lighters, with screw propellers driven
by electric motors, could be used, and
the power supplied by trolley wires
running along the banks and under the
bridges, connection between the boats
and the wire being made by means of
flexible cables. If this method were
adopted the swing bridges could bo
made permanent ones, and all the
smoke, dirt and noise of the puffing
steam tugs would be obviated, and the
teaming, dock and lighterage charges
reduced to a minimum. Moreover, tho
motors used for driving the lighters
could be utilized at their destination
to raise the goods from the hold Into
the warehouses or local docks, as re
Output of Out ri«*«•*».
The mint of Philadelphia Is almost
constantly engaged In turning out
cents made of copper, with a slight
alloy of zinc and tin. The state of
Pennsylvania alone absorbed 11,000,000
last year, and New York 0.000,000.
There Is as much curiosity about tho
final fate of these cents as there la
about that of pins. Nobody Is able to
tell where the pins go to, and It Is Im
possible to even surmise what has b«
come of the hundreds of millions of
ot-ntu Issued by the mint since it be
gan operations. It Is rather a profit
able business for the government, as
It means the conversion of copper
costing 10 edits a pound into a form
In which it is worth $2 or more a
M. Paty de Clam prosecuted Dreyfus
at tlie court-inartlnl.
Edward Kose, the man who wrote
the stage versions of "The Prisoner of
Zenda," and “Under the Red Kobe."
began his career by reading law. He
soon abandoned it for the stage, how
ever. and is now dramatic critic of the
London Sunday Times.
When Dr. Hans Richter, tho famous
Wagnerian conductor, made up bis
mind to devote himself to that branch
of music, he burned all the music lie
had composed up to that time, aud de
clared that it cooked the most delicious
cup of coffee he had ever tasted.
Sctfedden Hey, the charge d'affaires
of the Turkish legation at Washington,
has left that post to assume his new
duties as first secretary of the Turkish
embassy at 8t. Petersburg. He ta
only 2k years of age, and is the young
est diplomat w ho has ever been charge
d'affaires at the national capital
Francois Coppew. the great French
poet, novelist aud dramatist, is an oil
l»i ftebur, and ta ns devoted to his pel
eats a* the prowibta) spinster. An
American fu*ud. who visited him a
tew year* ago, avers that he lout I
one cat In the sale-chamber of the
poet's residence, two rats la the din
ing room. four ta the parlor, sad eight
ta hia study.
doles hissseaet, the Preach coat
poser, vrhuae "8aph«“ has b»en a great
saves* ta Parts, ana Patve la the into
role, haa aamataced that he wlit writ*
W« none opera* Masses! ta like Urn
Uraat la hts love far a <gsr, havtag
oa« between hts Ups alatast ail tha
Haw Me sever a*>*pts •octal tart.*
u«»* saver atteada pe.foresaarae of
hts owa aorhs e»*ept a* rehearsals,
•ad ta ul at •« eedtagty aarvaae habit.