The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 28, 1898, Image 2

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BKNBCHOTKR * (lIBHON, It* Mrf »’'d>»
LOU I* CITY, - •
The streets of Osceola nre now light
ed by electricity.
Osecola Is very much stirred up with
a religious revival.
A system of sewerage Is being plan
ned for Columbus.
Shelton people are moving in the
matter of a public library.
Sheep owners of Kimball county
t have perfected an organization.
The Otoe County Fair and Driving
Association, has been organized and
officers chosen.
Fillmore county has Just paid an In
stallment of $10,000 on i s court hue
bonded indebtedness.
County Treasurer Eikenbarg. of
Cass county, is minus one foot from
wounds received while hunting..
The population of Alliance .» said
to be nearly, or not quite,
A creamery, to cost $2,500, is to be
built at Calhoun.
Nearly 2,000.000 feet of lumber was
sold at the Alliance yards during the
last year, and nearly 10,000 tons of
coal sold at. the coal yards.
A small barn on the premises rented
by David Signer, of Norfolk, burned.
A team of horses, harness and all
other contents of the barn were con
Ilurglnrs broke into T. T. McDon
ald's store, at Tlldcn. About 8200
worth of goods were stolen. Including
several watches, chains, rings, cloth
ing and shoes.
The farmers of Southwestern Ne
braska will hold their third anmnl
convention at McCook, Faoruary ..
They expect to have the star meeting
of their organization.
A farmer near Humboldt was sur
prised tne other morning to find two
valuable horses dead in their stalls.
Ho attributes their death to eating
bearded wheat straw.
There is a man at Alma. Harlan
county, who has been putting in his
spare time the past year washing out
gold In the Republican elver, and he
declares the work prfitabie.
Tne aged mother of H. Boettcher,
b Union Pacific section foreman at
Gardiner, dropped dead while eating
supper with her daughter's family in
Columbus. Heart failure.
St. Paul has been chosen as the
locution for the next district reunion
of soldiers, to be held from July 4 to
7. inclusive. The district is composed
of Greeley, Wheeler, Valley, Garfield
and Howard counties.
The appointment of Henry Gibbons
as postmaster at Kearney was n great
surprise to many of the denizens of
that, place. There weie several can
didates. all of whom were supposed to
have a better pull than the man who
got there.
Robinson, who is supposed to he the
man that tried to criminally assault a
little girl at Hastings, was arrested
**• .in J ap!”ta. He made an attempt to
escape, but was recaptured af’er an
exciting chase. He was taken back
to Hastings.
Fred Rasmussen, a young man liv
ing at Leigh, was caught in a corn
shelter, mutilating his right arm be
tween the wrist and elbow. The ar
teries were severed, tendons torn from
the muscles, and the wrist bone
ground in two.
John Woods, a Ron of Ross Woods,
a prominent farmer of the neighbor
hood of Burwell, dropped dead In the
door yard. The deceased was about
22 years of age, and was a bright,
prominent youth. He was addicted
to no bad habits, nor had he been ail
ing. Death is attributed to heart fail
The case of Bishop Bonacum of Lin
coln, vs. the old trustees of St. An
drew's Catholic Church, at Tecutn
seh—Michael Shauehnesuv and Mi
chael Murphy—for possession of
church property, was decided In favor
of the bishop in the district court at
Tecumseh, in special session, by Judge
C. B. Letton.
There was a robbery in the court
house at Osceola, while Judge (Jetts
■was settling up an estate. He had
stepped into the vault, leaving his
money box on the table or window
sill. There were but four persons in
the room, and search revealed the
guilty party. He was allowed to go
without prosecution.
The annual report of Recorder
CharleB C. Hraut. of Otoe county, has
been completed, showing that during
the past year there was tiled on city
and farm property mortgages amount
ing to $3&t,990.0l, ami mortgages sm
utted to the value of 9401.060.22. thus
reducing the mortgage indebtedness of
Ottie county 1106,970.21.
Henry l.inwood, of Islington, a
young man of nliout 21, was seriuuslv
and probably fatally injured He
looms on the second tliuir of one of the
bu*ln> sa blocks. In home manner he
fell from the roof to tlo ground. >
dUtninc of twenty-four feet His
•kull was fractured aud the nlertiul
Injuries are thought to b>> fatal.
Burglars made u great h.iot on
Clem Kngii i store at Hi. lames
They took the entire line of men's aud
women's line < lotto - every bok of hue
drew good* auu compu-dy guile.)
two large <lt.>w ia s. ws.s till
ed with awtiiii.a t i ... and Jew,dr*
/ana Vm t v l ’•!,.! .id d.iiighi r
of John Vises w»> hurt. I to death
hi her home «tv ni',1.4 so„>h «t vt , ,.
Bluff The t i le gitl i,o *»i. ,
In the hou»> >thiis her fati .r wcul out
In do Soli,' , *,,.»« 4
While the iLtrts ho,.. • tta*
tag the Mis... uri rivet r. <« giouv
City lo l*ak >tv t'-ty w h f.otr r.
heed of si,- .. 41 lr '*•
and dll hut three h-s1 w< ,t . tie
water Thirt , u head ■ .1 of , Ij.
hub, h Were hk I
Ms (Uteri* iUltowar of C*»*.,„i, ,
yetuteed flora H4tgh<.i « r* < i»tlt
where he had b*en to i ci , ^ |(
Ne«ersM.:ii. Who had same Mr, s .in. e
very hastily left I* <u •, *.
la# a |ne> »••»« heh.-rd vt |t . |
way hHis<i hte u»aa |u*t »* ha w. ■
garitag fur iadtaa Ter.i'or. and »• ]
listed hww u# g»*4 etse-.g . to sat *f*
gh« luiltt of in Min
Th#* Cpper Houne Will l»evotr It* Tim#*
Mainly to l>i*ciiM*ioii of the Teller
Hc‘*oliitlon Blotter* to he
<‘on*l(lered by the Monttary Com in I*
ftlou hi IiHliaimpolt*.
I.f(Uia(ioii Thl* Wc*ok.
WASHINGTON. Ian. 24.- The pres
ent outlook la unfavorable to the sen
ate's giving much attention to the Ha
waiian treaty (luring this week The
agreement to vote on T hursdav on the
Teller resolution reaffirming the Joe
trine that United States bonds are pay
able In silver at the option of the gov- ,
eminent, will, In ail probability, result j
In the senate's giving -he major por- [
tion of Its until that date to this j
measure with the exception ol' that j
necessary to the consideration of
appropriation Senator Tut pic
has given notice of a speet h on the
Teller resotiillon for tomorrow anil it 1
Is expected me other speeches lor It '
will be made by Mr. Teller, Pettigrew, j
White and others, and that there will .
uiso be some addresses In opposition,
tit uator Nelson has, offered an amend- I
ment declaring for the maintenance j
of the parity 01 the iwo metals, but the
silver men, considering this proposed
modification hostile to their purposes, i
will not accept It, They nay they will i
Insist upon a vole upon the reso.ution
as it stands.
The pension appropriation bill will '
be called up today, and as soon as H
it disposed of the senate will be asked
lo take up the legislative, executive
and Judicial appropriation bill. Kaoh !
of these will provoke some debate, but
It Is not expected to lie prolonged in
either case.
wnen me treaty next, comes up re n- <
for Teller will be recognized to speak i
in Its support, anti he probably wilt
be followed by Senator White In oppo
sition. Tho vote on the treaty now
appears at least three weeks distant.
The house program for this went
includes little of Interest beyond the j
limits of th< District of Columbia.
Almost the entire week will bn devoted
to the District of Columbia appropri- [
at ion bill. ,
It is expected that tho Indian ap
propriation bill, tho consideration of
which was begun yesteroay, will be
completed tomorrow. The only Item
in the bill which Is likely to cause
much of a contest Is that providing for j
the leasing of the gllsonile beds of the
Uncom paghre Indian reservation In
Utah. This provision was beaten in j
the I a ft Indian bill, and will be stub- i
bornly contested now. The district bill 1
vlll probably consume the remainder,
of the week.
Private advices which reach here
from Indianapolis are to the effect that
the business men’s convention which !
will be held in that city Tuesday and
Wednesday next will be more largely !
attended than was the first convention
of a year ago. The purpose of the con- :
vention Is to endorse the report of the j
monetary commission, which provides
a comprehensive plan for a reform of
the currency. Delegates to the r-mber
of 380 have announced their in.Nation
of being present and It is expected
the actual number will be greater.
Governor Mount of Indiana will de
liver the address of welcome. The
permanent chairman of the convention
will be Governor Shaw of Iowa, whose
recent inaugural address showed him
to be identified with the work of cur
rency reform. C. S. Patterson, presi
dent of the Union league of Philadel
phia. and one of the eleven members
of the monetary committee, will pre
sent .he report to the convention and
explain nueh circumstances connected
with Its preparation as will prove of
interest to the delegates.
The principal address at the first
day's meeting will be delivered by
UharlPs S. Fairchild of New York, who
was secretary of the treasure under
the first Cleveland administration. In
the evening the delegates will b - enter
tained at a reception to be given by
the local commercial bodies. Among
the well-known m«n who will address
the convention are William E. Dodge
of New York, Charles O. Homer of
Baltimore. John C. Bullitt of Philadel
phia. Augustus Wilson of Louisville
Jacob L. Breen of Hartford, ex-Gov
ernor Stanard of Missouri and John
W. Fries of North Carolina.
The t<> Klondike.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 24.—The
steamer Oregon sailed for Alaska to
night with 450 passengers and 1,250
Ions of merchandise and baggage. Fif
ly head of l-ve stock was also part of
the cargo.
All day long thousands of people
•warmed around the steamer's docks
and so great was the crush tonight
Dial ten policemen were unable to
bundle the crowd. No less than 3 ism
people who nppllrd for passage were
refused, and hundirdH of tons of
freight are lying on the disks await
lug transportation to the gold ft*>l.|*.
The rush to the Yukon from every
port in th,. northwest has begun . urltor
than was anticipated by the trait- po; -
tutlon ronipan es. and every st.-inter
that leaves D cum|»-lled to refuse Udl.
P-o-s- nxers anil freight
l be demand ft.r luntlier In Alit-'v.
H etiortitous. but Steamship ii.nipant...
refuse to terry it. preferring to tike
leas I'll > It y freight, leaving the lumber
\r% »mi«»F (of i.u**} ii|ty«)r4 |t>
shipped to Denmark. Uermauv not
I.o.otos hss teen r*cetv*<| p> the ttiif
fa u IN A | Wheel company the order
to la* All**! I
Ms««S* tk* NesoeU
HAN Fit A V'lfHtf t*,| j4B st ^
World » tsw-l w»> fMsaten n»t»> p,
• himhir u| |,.Mi ,
lif Idu im Ji
■ *4» JtltdMlttfejg ln^
Dwt tangs St dh*h Uouad park h.
r-wsd i» piikii in ten sk<d* si tiff
Japan rro)MHi«‘« Maintaining H«*r KlRht.<i
111 the Oriental Olffirulty,
LONDON, Jan. 24.—The St. Jam s
Gazette, (otnmenting upon the <1 spat h
from Yokohoma. raying that a fleet
of nine Japanese war ships will leave
Chinese waters. Hays:
Japan la prepared for war. That, In
a nutshell. Is the news from Yokohoma
today, and It is really the first newts
from Japan since the beglning of the
Chinese crlels. It was obvious that
the Japanese government had stopped
telegraphic communication, which It
never does except when mobilizing ths
army or navy. That is precisely wha:
it has been doing. It is a most cer
tain that the destination of the fleet
is Wol-Hai-Wei, and there Is no doubt
the movement means that, the statu
quo in China, so far as Manchuria and
Korea are concerned, shall not be al
t«red by Riusla or any combination
of Russia, or of Russia’s allies. In de
fiance of Great Britain and Japan.
So long as the defenders' policy 'u
equality of opportunity in China, >h°y
are In a position to enforce the r
A special dispatch from F’arls, pub
lished, says orders have been receive !
at Cherbourg and Toulon respectively
to immediately prepare the batt’eahip
Brunx and the battleship Vauban to
reinforce the French squadron In the
far east. The Brunx Is <i steel vessel
of 4,754 tons displacement and 9,04!)
Indicated horse-power. It has an ar
mored belt about four lnihe* thick,
carries two 7.6-lnch guns, sixty 5,r
inch quick-firing gins, four 2 5-inch
guns, four 1.8-Inch guns and six 1 4
ineh rapid-Qrlng guns. The Vauban
Is a steel vessel of (i.208 tons ar.d 4,530
indicated horse-power. It h^s un ar
mor* d hep ten Inches In thickness,
carries four 9.4-'neh gu is, one 7.4
inch gun, six 5.5-inch guns and twelve
rapid-firing guns.
Tin* Deddm to Tulu* a Vote on
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24.—An agree
tnent Ly the senate Is that a final vot i
on the Teller reso’utlon providing
that the bonds of the I'nited States
may be paid in silver dollars and all
pending amendments thereto shall be
taken Thursday before adjournment.
Mr. Vest of Missouri. In charge of the
resolution, announced that an agree
ment had been made to take a final
vote on Wednesday at 4 p. m, but.
readily agreed to a postponement of
the vote urit'l Thursday at the sugges
tion of Mr. Turpie. Mr. Allison of Iowa
made the significant statement that
an amendment to the resolution that
would cause some debate would be off
ered late In the discussion, but gave
no intimation of the extent or scope
of the amendment. During the great
er part of the afternoon the senate
was In executive session, and at 4:20
p. in., adjourned.
A t'leun-up In (he House.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24.—In the
house some odds and ends of legisla
tion/,.^ re cleaned up by unanimous
consent. On motion of Mr. Ooooper
Idem., Tex.), a bill was passed appro
priating $20,000 for operating a dredge
boat at Sabine I’ass, Tex. Mr. Hitt,
chairman of the foreign affairs com
mittee, submitted a privileged report
from his committee recommending the
passage of a resolution requesting the
state department, if not compatible
with the public interest, to transmit to
the house all information in its pos
session relative to the military execu
tion or Colonel Ruiz, a Spanish envoy
to the insurgent, camp of Aranguez.
The resolution was adopted without a
Mr. Hitt also reported back with an
unfavorable recommendation the
i-t^rvta jraiuui lull, tailing uu t.iltr »i.lli*
department for a draft of the Ha
waiian treaty, and for information as
to what constitutional authority the
president had to contract for the pay
ment of an Hawaiian debt of $4,000,
000 out of the public treasury. Mr.
Hitt explained that the resolution had
been offered at the last session, and
ar* the treaty had been made public
there was no necessity for its passage.
Mr. Bailey idem., Tex.) thought that
the latter part of the resolution
broached a question of Importance,
and one that could be Inquired Into
with propriety.
Mr. Hitt cut oT further debate with
a demand for the previous question.
I.«*ntk*tI TrliiI Lnigtlirni.
CHICAGO. III.. Jan. 24—Th<» I#uet
gert Jui/ celebrated the beginning of
the n nth week of the second trial yes
terday by taking a sleigh ride. The
trip lasted from 1 to 5 o'clock.
The trial already has lasted prac
tically as long us the first hearing, and
In point of court hours It is fully loo
ahead. Might weeks of continuous
work were ended oa Saturday.
A 1., I.uetgert was visited In the
ja*l by Attorneys Kehoe and Harmon
during the day. lie was In good spir
its and w>-nt over the evidence he Is
expected to give tomorrow in the moat
hiislnesalik) manner.
The eud of the trial is not yet in
sight. The ren.a ttder of the defense's
»a*e and the rebuttal anti stir rebuttal
testimony ttiav <mu upy the eutlre week,
and If hi a verdirt tould not be ex
pected before the floe* of the tost
week at the earliest
The action of the lltngiey tariff has
t a a Mid a crh.1* In the orange and
lemon Haile in the southern pros in* a
of the p.uiinsuU and tn Hi* lly In
many piece# price* are so low that
the trait doe* not pay for the pluck*
% It Ht|M » «Ktf I ‘kltltl*
J*\l IN \ H \t ii i i.» 3i |f 4 ^ki ti
•. * . * . * *" . * *
• kMNtlltf *M *l|* |»l »* ■#
ilMtt $***«* * * <^4 t« «t4fm I H»«*f * -
1 4fil iJ * Will I i
Hr rphmld* Hie Serrctury of Wir Inte
rior un<l t'oiniuknnl(»ner of Prn*lon* for
Tlielr Trentineiit of the Woman — Mr.
<*iklliii|?er KcurntH Some l.catark* iu
«eu«le«l for II*m.
Senator Allen'* Il«*»olut loit.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 22.—The r©*o.
lution ot Mr. Allen of Nebraska, ask
ing the secretary of the Inter.or for
papers concerning dismissal from
the pension ottlce of Mrs. M. E. Rob
erts, was laid before tho senate. Mr.
(Jalllnger moved to refer the resolution
to the committee on civil service and
retrenchment. Pending the vote on
that motion Mr. Allen said he desired
to speak briefly upon the nutter. Mrs.
Roberts, he uad learned, was a friend
of former Secretary Carl.sle, from Cov
ington, Ky. She was for years a mem
ber of the family of Janies E. Beck,
once senator from Kentuc! y, and her
appointment was made through Sen
ator Beck's Influence.
"I want to say,” raid Mr. Allen,
“that no self-respecting gentleman
would treat a woman as t'lia woman
lias been treated by the sc rotary of
the Interior and commissioner of pen
tlons. If this administration Is willing
to Injure itself In this way I am will
ing. If it desires to hurry Itself out
of power I am desirous of hastening It?
exit, but I do hold, Mr. President, that
it is not an inherent right of tin* secre
tary of the Interior or the eommi.tfl in
er of pcuslons to DC brutal in their
treatment of clerks. If the commis
sioner desired the place of Mr3. Rob
erts for some hanger-on, why did he
nlm a poisoned dart at ner ne must
be a poltroon and coward, indeed, who
will make a covert charg : against a
woman and refuse then to state the
< barges."
Mr. Allen referred to t'te position
taken by Mr. Oallinger, to 'which the
New Hampshire senator replied:
"If the senator from Nebraska means
seriously to impute to me such motives
us his language Indicates, he is using
unparliamentary anti unwarrantable
language." Mr. Oallinger said he had
learned something about the Roberts
ease and was satisfied that the senate
was not the place for the discussion
of the details of the ease. In the pri
vacy of the committee room the state
ments of Mrs. Roberts, the secretary
of the interior, cue commissioner of
pensions and others could be heard
upon the case. Then the ease could be
properly discussed and investigated.
Such eases as this have no place in tlv
senate chamber, ami it may ue po»s!
ble that it may be the part of gallantry
to consider this ease in private and in
the end Mr. Oallinger thought Mrs.
Roberts would thank him for the po
sition he had taken In the matter.
Mr. Allen contended that there was
a hint of something vitally wrong In
the moral character of Mrs. Roberts.
He reviewed the case again and dis
cussed at some length Its application
to the present nglti. on of the civil
service question.
Assurance wa.s given by Mr Pritch
ard of North Carolina, chairman of the
committee on civil service and re
trenchment, that the committee would
carefully investigate the causes re
ferred to hia committee. Mr. Allen
agreed to such a reference. The reso
lution was then so referred.
Mr. Lodge (Mass.), somewhat to the
surplrse of the people in the gallaries.
who were expecting a discussion' of
the Teller resolution, movjd that the
senate go into executive session.
"Before the motion Is put, Mr. Presi
dent,” said Mr. Vest (Mo.). I desire to
make a brief statement. I gave notlc
yesterday that the resolution reported
by the finance committee would be
further considered todav, but several
senators opposed to the resolution
I III VC "UIU v**- II l'1- ‘
convenience requires that the resolu
tion shall not be pressed at this time.
They have suggested to ne that we
permit the resolution to go over until
next Tuesday and that it be taken up
at the conclusion of the morning busi
ness on that day for discussion and
that a vote upon it and upon any other
amendments that may be offered
thereto be taken at 4 o’clock next
Wednesday. 1 wish to say that this ar
rangement Is agreeable to me. and so
far as I know to my colleagues on this
side of the chamber.
T**i»i»*'**«*«* KeimtorUI CuiMiiitatei*.
NASHVILLE. Tenn., .Inn. 22 Fif
teen fruitless ballots were taken to
night In the democratic senatorial
caucus and the last ballot left the
situation about the same as on the
first During the three nights cau
cuses have been taken in session thir
ty-seven ballots have been taken with
uiuall changes on each ballot
During the balloting tonight an at
tempt to break McMilllnb lines w.ia
made by the transfer of votes from
Turley to Taylor t<> give Taylor twen
ty-three votes, hut a stampede was
not caused. McMilliii losing only out
The thirty-seventh and last ballot
guild McMItlin. .39. Tttrley. 27; lay
lor. 23; The Taylor gains came from
| Turley.
tin one McMItlin r-- for
I t> -two Vote- fill high- 4| point ' he
! iuiiiuk m-els again tomorrow after
i noon hut inth of a lung dead-hut. 's
| tn circulation.
Th** t-fniir ul-l daughter of Mis H
D 1 h -tupcoti Waco Tic ti becofn*
i lag a M«W » f Iris- her A h «e* n-ta<
! to be turning to tu-oso uo »
Iflfff Mr lifMtfnuf * It il|<
rOt.I Mttt X •» l -n f" <«-«..itor
| Klitv H » Mil Ui » mtt
| of |Im* Wai
| |m♦ *| In 111**
4 HjaitH thitoi HI Itfeill} f Htth It |M4f
#***» wf III** Mil. 44*4 Mf I »»* •* frtiik
I if tl> tn, t* i-%* J4 * *4«*4* ('“4»
I - NfcHH I if W* 1 * 4**f M»rt III *» 4*4*1
9'*l 4 -iiit-w *'4l 1*4 Mfc 4»ii* •* * ••*»»»
I «ft*M>4lif Hi »4«*
fit. %**«!* In Mist. tdi(t{iN(»ii » li4Cttf«’'t
: ‘tfM Mil mw * l<* M*44*> if 4*4«t*
, t 49**41 Utaf 9a***1 *1 li1*! I*i l 144
44*4 uK'<k IM* % H - f *t’f i’* I I**
Four Itills From \Vhl«*li to Select a Cur
rency Me it Pitre.
WASHINGTON, D. C„ Jan. 22—Tha
currency hearing before the house
committee on banging anil currency
has closed. E-Secretary Fairchild
was heard first. The inqui les oi !• a.r
child were along the line of
the degree of success with wnich the
monetary commission bill could be pit.
into practical operation.
Considerable has been
aroused by the late determination o.*
the committee, on a party vo.c. not t)
hear President Warner of the bi
metallic union and Chlarman Towne
of the silver republican national
mlttee, unless these gentlemen pre
pared a bill and assumed respons.b'.llt.y
for It. Cox, the senior member < * th t
minority, says this action is equivalent
to declining to hear silver represen
tatives under sny circumstances, ns
they did not wish to he parties to rny
eurreney or banking bill, but to
such a measure If on gold lines.
The commute devoted some time
to a discussion In detail of the pro
visions of the Walker bill. Secretary
Gage asked If Mr. Walker did not airn
In his bill to substantially relieve the
government from a current redemption
of present liabilities, United Plates
legal tender and treasury notes and
from responsibility for maintaining
the parity of silver and gold, putting
the responsibility on the banks. Mr.
Walker said that was the object Sec
ri.ary Gage thought the bill lacked
expertness, and suggested that bank
ers do not want to assume responsi
bility. Mr. Walker, In the course of
the discussion, suggested that the bill
made allowance for the suspicion tha‘
we may have a disaster, a panic or
something of the sort and that the
exigencies of such events were guard
ed against.
Representative Hartman of Monta
na, one of the silver leaders, saya that
Messrs. Towne anil Warner will make
no further effort to he heard before
the committee, preferring to go before
the people with the understanding that
the opposition la denir:l a hearing.
On the currency hill the hearing wait
finally brought to a close and the com
mittee will meet again next Wednes
day to decide which of the four hills
before It Is to form the bails of the
currency measure to ho finally re
KciihIc Confirm* 111* A iijinlutmint, Not*
w'ltlitttitnillng strong 0|»|M,*ttion.
WASHINGTON. 1). C., Jan. 22 —Jo
seph McKenna has been confirmed as
a Justice of the supreme court.
Senator Alien occupied almost the
entire executive session with his speech
in opposition to the confirmation,
though there were brief remarks by
Senators Turner and Wilson of Wash
ington anu others favorable to Mc
Kenna. There was no division on tne
Senator Allen had bpfore him the
charges filed before the committee on
judiciary, which he read at length.
This comprised a large number of let
ters, some resolutions, and the protest
of lawyers and judges -of the Pacific
coast, charging that McKenna Is un
fitted for the high office of supreme
court justice on the ground of a want
of legal attainments. r
He commented at length upon this
latter document and was Interrupted
by Senator Perkins of Colorado, who
read a published defense of Judge Mc
Kenna, giving statistics to show that
he had not, as judge of the California
federal court, been more frequently re
versed by superior tribunals than 'hail
other judges of the same court.
There were also interruptions during
the day, but the proceedings were de
void of general interest.
Mr. Alien spoke for about three
hours, ne said he was convinced of
Mr. McKenna’s unfitness for the office.
He did not Insist upon a roll call when
the vote was taken, and me vote was
overwhelmingly favorable to confirma
With thf <«olil Htitriflurcl.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan, 22.—The
interesting buddget statement made by
M. Dewitte, the Russian minister of
finance, shows an actual deficit of over
106,000,000 roubles, which is covered
by the free balance in the treasury.
M. Dewitte expresses great pride in
the results of the adoption of the gold
standard, eating attention to the most
striking fact that while at the end of
1896 only 37,000,000 roubles in gold
coin were in circulation, at the end
of 1897 there were 155,000,00) roubles
In circulation, while the gold In the
Measury rose during the same period
by 19,000,000 roubles.
The statement shows also that ih-*
volume of existing bank notes has
been reduced by 122,000.000 rouble*.
Russia has now 131 per cent more gold
than paper, the total in poss s*ion of
the treasury and state banks and In
circulation at the beginning of the
present year Iteing: Gold, 1 470.000 00 •
roubles, silver. 162.0OO.OOO lobbies, and
paper, 999.000,18)0 roubles.
M Dewitte contends that thla shows
the stability of the reform, ami he
trusts the gold standard will remain
unshaken, "even if the country Is fated
to undergo severe trials." lie reiter
ate* hts Intention to adhere to tie
protective system
I n«l iml In* re«ne* Her V*i>.
t.ONl'ON, Jan JS There has l»-en
a responsible statement that ih* gov
ernment ho decided U> add T.ouu men
to the navy and that the first class
tnt»!e*Ulp Hatuhnl. m-w at Ports
mouth. I* to be put into commission
at on*c There (a. however, no official
tunfirmaUuM In «- lltn case
I uwy)*)H* of Hi* K* H<**> •'
Vh'dhitlNUTtiN, Jau 8*- v era
,,g|i tala pr * seated drro views on the
civil service reform issue at a meet
: mg of is* senate tawsttgaimg **-w
muter Mwaost M ('rat. superintend
* at of the * tty o b-i sir si t'bartout la.
and tor th *r y»a » isyrosl«s4rS >*1
the Indian arhotsln si ha’iia |V % it
appeared Is unapt nu of hb> pisiithel
removal from the latter rsiilia in
tttgd and the fetuaai of the Indian We
f rsa» either iu transfer or retnatate
him n the lad.sw s- hiil suit e
Henry Cyril Pacet. earl of Ux
bridge, and Miss Lilian Florence Maud
Chetvvynd. eldest, daughter of Sir
George Chetwynd, hart., wore martia l
at London.
"Kid" McCoy has deposited $.>000
at New York city with a sporting
paper as a forfeit to fight eh her Cor
bett or Fitzsimmons for th'3 heavy
weight champlonsh’p of the world.
Assistant Secretary Vanderlip ha“
decided to require local inspectors of
mils and their assistants and local
Inspectors of boilers and their as
s'stants to pass a civil service exami
nation to test their ability. The or
der, however, does not apply to those
who were admitted to the eorvice
through competitive examinations un
der the civil service commission.
Charles Link, wanted at Columbus,.
O., for the embezzlement of $8,000
from an estate of'which he was ad
ministrator, was arrested in Rock
ford, 111. Link was known in Rock
ford as Charles Thoper, and has been
employed by a local Insurance agency
for two years. He admitted his iden
tity, and later made a full confession,
saying he lost the money gambling
and In politics. He will return with
out requisition papers.
The long continued litigation In
the courts of Delaware New York and
Massachusetts over the control of the
Hay State Gas company and the gas
oompanlcs absorbed by it. all of which
are In the Immediate vicinity of Hus
ton, Is apparently ended. The differ
ence between Thomas W. Lawson and
Henry M. Whitney and the different
gas and coke companies represented
by them were settled at a conference
of all parties Interested.
Special advice* from Kgypt declare
that Prince Sabi Hen liouss.oo died
recently under mysterious circum
stances. which have led to the belief
that he was noltioned. He was in ner
feet health, It in snid, up to the day
he marrhd a young Amer can, a union
which caused gr< at annoyance to the
khedlve. The next day, the story con
tinues, the prince v.a:; suddenly seized
with a mysterious malady and died In
agony a few hours afterward in the
arms of his bride,
A speeial to the Indianapolis Senti
nel from Fort Worth, Ind says: This
evening Charles K. Everett, chairman
of the republican <oi:nty central com
mittee, was arrested at his home on
the charge of emltezzl: nv nt. Editor
E. W. Miner of the Garret, ind.. Hpr
ald, a republican paper, filed the
charges, and swears that Eve e t, ai
his agent, appropriated to his own
use $50 which he sent to Everett to
take up a note. Everett furnished a
$500 bond. He is now under a $2,000
bond to appear at Decatur to answer
the charge of obtaining money under
false pretenses.
Slate Grain Inspector Wright of
Portand, Ore., has just issued his an
nual report for 1896-7. embracing the
transactions of the department for the
year ending August 31. The t tal
number of carloads of wheat in
spected at three inspection points dur
ing said period was 8,267, or approxi
mately 6.480.385 bushels. Total num
ber of carloads of oats, 928. or about
589,456 bushels; total number of car
loads of barley, 214, or about 138,723
bushels, making a grand total of 9.599
carloads and 0,208,572 bushels. The
1890 crop was light, anil therefore the
showing Is meager, compared to that .
which will be made next year. Mr.
Wright thinks that it.000,009 bushels
of wheat will be shipped to the sound
this season. Fully 00 per cent of the
crop Is still held by farmers and mid
dlemen on speculation.
A bill to authorize the secretary of
the treasury, under certain conditions
to purchase the Kansas Pacific divis
ion of the Union Pacific railroad has
been introduced in tbe house by Mr.
Fleming of Georgia, a member of the
Pacific railroad committee, to which
the bill is referred. It provides that
if, in the opinion of the president, it
shall be necessary to preserve the se
curity of the United States in respect
oi ms nen, mortgage or outer inter
ests in the Kansas Pacific, the secre
tary of the treasury shall bid the full
amount necessary for the protection
of the government's lien and elairn on
that property and purchase for the
United States property subject to such
Incumbrance at any sale and any sums
necessary to redeem or clear off the
paramount liens aforesaid or to
make such purchase or execute any
purpose of the act ur:* appropriated.
Quotation*# From York, ('Iilrtifu. Ku
I.ouio, Oitialiu and hliovlirrr.
Iluttor- t'roftmoty M iw»pnior 20 op 21
Itutu r ( hoh t fau* y iuuuliy 14 do m
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ftirkvy **.!>«-1’II*. . k no 10
hurks.ja r lb. 7 "«* *
t Pit lb . 7 **
lUhMU IVr do/ Jo V,
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