The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 21, 1898, Image 8

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    For Hardware, Tinware,Furniture and Undertaking in all its branches go to Watkinson, Loup City,Neb
■gK I '&■: -- -
Uoaal Daws.
Butterick patterns at I’ilger’s
Hog* »i* $3.10 per hundred mid still
going up.
(’all at the Racket Store, for bargain*
in Furniture and Hardware.
For corn sheller* or feed grinder*
call on T. M. Reed.
Skate*! The Klipper Klub are the
beat. At Watkinson's.
Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. I>r Sum
ner Davis, (irand Island.
All Goods at a slaughtering
reduction at I’ilgcr’s.
Ed. Taylor of the firm of Conklin A
Taylor of Ashton, 1* doing the City
to day.
David Riohardson from the west side
wan taking in ihe hub last Saturday
One illnule Cough Cure cure* ijuiek
Jy. That’* what you want. Odeudahl
If you are wanting Farnitureor Hard
ware and want a bargain, call at (be
Racket Store.
Attorney R. J. Nightingale made a
professioual trip to the state capital last
I. S. Sheppard will move his jewelry
store across the street Into the Simp
son building soon.
Dr. Hendrickson will sell her house
hold goods at public sale, on Sarurday
Jan.29, at two p. in.
Peter Rowe reeeived the sad intelli
gence last Monday of the death of his
• i*n-r, living in i.nieago.
G. P. Brown of Burwell, come down
yesterday morniag and is visiting rela
tive* and friends in the city.
Dr. Sumner Davis, Grand Island Speci
alist in diseases, of Eye, Ear, N'ose and
Throat. Examination for glasses.
If you want washing machines,
elothas wringers or anything in the
hardware line call on T. M Heed.
17 lbs Granulated Hugar for
$1.00 at I’ilger’s.
T. M. Koed went to Omaha last Wed
nesday mornieg to purchase hardware
and Impltment* for next season.
Jake Lakeman returned last Monday
from Winston, Mo. where he accompan
ied Lorln Crawford. Ja<e dont seem to
like Missouri as well as Nebraska.
D. Oimtbee, the late nominee for
sheriff on (he ltepublicaii ticket, drove
over from Litchfield to day behind the
best span of driving horses in the county
The Loup City Cornet Band prefaced
the Caban debate last .Saturday evening
with a few pieces of their best. Good
thing the Spaniards dld'nt iiear'em.
If you want to keep posted on the lat
est new* of the week, subscribe for tbe
Northwestern. We intend to give
special attention to Us new* columns
E. S. Hayhurst is having bis large
crib of corn shelled. Haney Crisa is do
ing the job with the aid of Daddow
Bro’s, large horse power corn shelter.
The M. E. minister, during his dis
course baedaj evening, from necessity,
called down some of his noisy, shoaid
be bearers. lie simply asked them to be
nuiet or go outside.
Jimmy Ganger gave us a rule la hi*
new turnout the other evening. It run
so easy that we went to sleep and dream
ed we was Hying through the air in that
air ship the Hastings people saw last
Home ol the boys killed a coon, on an
Island in the Loup river last Saturday.
A great big fat, risg tailed, free silver
colored coon, and the editor of the
Times Independent went light otT and
bought another bottle of worm medicine
A. V. Nelson, formerly u resident ol
Washington township, this county but
now of Alda, Hail county was in the
city Saturday. He cauie up to buy some
young cattle of J. I>. Ford, but failing
to agree^m pi ice, he did not make the
Vs). Mchuiisld says his sou killed a
bull sr.ske the lib of this mouth dial
measured nearly live feet. Lew Will
iams aad Glum. Uauuou Wut in li
Bring on your snake stories. The snake
editor t an be found either at hi* desk
or getting the usual antidote, a* lit .
proof against their bile.
The (laiiuan Verne, of this city win
give their slain inuual masquerade ball
lathe l."up GUy iip*ta hall on ih.
evening of January '4*ib I atm Admit*
toe Ural emeu ffty tents Ladle* tweu
ty ice cents. Ladle* In i«a*k aad cos
luma tie* livery bedy melted. Ticket.
ns *ale at lirlendebl Blot I bog tlmr
kl**.,n#r» Is suits ou sate at I Won f> d
Itags. lbs** suits are ail light an I
van be bed *i f***Mn*bl« pro*
A ruts no or re d the ttisl md ■>( 11,1
week la the a«rlh s m p .11 of ii„ ,
ty which came preliy a**r proving *er
lease John eekuiera k«d *a eld grudg.
agaiast a neighbor by ika snsr ,.| Igoat
H*r»e*k> and di*«>«*»t*d a waf l» ge
letvkgs whea the *11 esSa s hove* hep
|se««d to ti**i as on hu faittar* i* a>
II* *aal alter Huiusit ellh as
e*d gate rvd rad some preiiy a«*r to **
teg a aarpae nut el k>«* Ntslrrs sill
hara I he pie**'.’* • I s. ruweimg In the
astkstlll** for ais u.tsru t *ssiy at
|u>*#> l,««g wtit see he gel* hi* due*
The Germans rf the smith part of the
county hail a big dance at Cornelia*
Kggcr* Wednesday night last, an enjoy •
able time is reported.
We noticed Abe Conklins smiling face
and enormous corpus, on our street last
Saturday. Abe is just as big and good
looking as be was before he lost tlie
post office.
Peter Loren/e of Knckvillu paid this
office a pleasant visit Thursday and
left the wherewith to secure a weekly
visit of this great religious paper lor
another year.
Itev. Matthews is carrying on a
series of meetings at the M. E church
this week
The Northwkstkkn has secured 19
new subscribers since Jan.. I, The nsnies
added this week were Jerry Shrove, Ed.
Angler, Hubert Young, A K. Kuhn.
O. G. Ifanish. and W. N. Sherman
We seen treasurer Badura on a dead
run w ith his coat on his arm. going to
wards the depot last Saturday. We
suppose he was going home to spend
Sunday with his family, or was after a
delinquent tax man.
Tho Hamilton Brown shoes
for ladies, misses, men and
boys. Famous for their wear
ing qualities and honest values
for sale at l’i Igor’s.
The Kickapoo Indian Medicine coin,
ptny has made arrngemenU witli tliw
managersol the opera house, and will
be here to give nightly entertainments
for a week or ten days, commencing
about January 31, further announce
inonf !at«n*
A fellow from Ord told us the other
day, that had it beee Saturday when
Chief-wornis-ln ttio itomscli was In that
city, and the usual crowd in town
nothing in the world would of prevent
ed a terrible catestropbe As it was,he
says, the people fell over one another
to get to the baggy first. Chat worm
medicine is great stuff.
We want to ask Editor Jtay of the
Arcadia Champion to forgive us for not
noticing In our last weeks issue thu
be had been iti Ibc eity. We were so
thunderin' busy last week shaking bands
with the populist supervisors that we
forgot to go to dinner until after supper.
We got the contract for the county
printing too by gufr.
For anything in the line of smoked or
sugar cured meats,call cn John Eggers
The followiug is some of his prices:
Hams 11 cts, per lb sliced IdJ cts, bacon
10 cts lard Sets. fresh beef from 6 to 10,
fresh pork 6 to 7, summer sausage 12Jcts,
bologna 10 cts, head cheese. 8 cts. liver
sausage, 8 cts. blood padding. 10 cts,
pork sausage, 8 cts, per lb.
\Te notice a lot of small boys playing
and carrying on at a great rate around
the jail home every day Would'nt It
be better If they were asked by the au
thorities to tnoye on and not be so rude
to the inmates of the jail ? The prison
ers might or might not lie guilty At any
rate it will do no good to annoy them
and if made to move on, the boys would
be Impressed with their rediculous be
havior and a few words might he a good
lesson to them.
Persons who are troubled with indi
gestion will be interested in the expe
rience of Wm. II. Penn, chief elerk in
the railroad mail service at Des Moines
Iowa, who writes; “ It give* me pleas
uru to testify to the merit* ol Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarhea
Remedy. For two year* 1 have satferei
from indigestion, ami am sujeet to fre
quent severe attacks of pain in the sto
math anil bowles. One or two doses ol
this remedy never fails to give perfeei
relief. Price 25 ami 50 cents; sold by
Oilendahl Pro's
S, N. Sweetland, the popular county
Supervisor of Clay township, w hile com
ing to the county seat Wednesday kiilei
a full grown coyote near the farm of
Mr. Porter He brought the animal
to town so that all could see It The fact
that his gun wa> empty and the animal
was actually on exhibition proved con
illusively that Sieve had done the deed
I'nlike the snake stories that have ten
! going rounds, thu absolute proof of eo
1 vote killing was her ora us
As stated in last week* issue, tin
j Royal Neighbors, the auxilary of tbr
Modern Woodmen of America, organ
lined a cauip of that order heic las!
■ Tuesday evening with a very fnvorahh
, charter list to (lait with I he fu| iiwlny
! otlleers w ere elected tv the new coop
Mia J. I., Hopper, Oracle. Mrs Lotto
i \ Its Iitsi'ls Mrs, M liilberM hatteelor
Mrs T M K d. Marsha l; Mi- J i
' lie pew, Recorder Mrs H slohaioon
Revolver, Mi* >1. I.ofboitn Owtebb
acuity . Mis w tt Wti< ii .i i«
'ry Mi* f IMiewskl M • ,1 I'nlii i
and > olin I istrer Managers l b** in s
vamp starts eg in itrsl cl it* *h,p«
| * lib pro*peels of a gi and total*
I be i-p- is b- use w a* Wait IHleA fas
It nine* fay evening, tagrrvt Pi R
ion hi* third visit to Ibis e11, |f« sat
i passed any atttst in hla lit,* wbo eve
appeal, i tie *- (be saJietwe *.« . bar
uis-t ■*ills • I * ■- k ei
formed the hMset did-o feats f.
, Hue he bo lot tore, be b<* glut
great sal is a io i, fbe per tut men**
j lhe etlsr* %t»-l dog* Is eulliel) <1 ym«i
; (root easy troop wr bat* ever witnessed
' Tb*s* tbsgs sre estu* al*d to ysttsvtl a
| an-1 trained bit-b wsrsr * sit*oils pie.,,
i log and -ulvreslleg |fe left Iron 'll
morning for l,ii- bit* W wbe-.e b l* II
i give ah ewtert alworenl west
As we go to |.*re«9 »e learn of the
death of Mr* John K. Baker, near Ash
I ion, rue of the early pioneer settler* of
Sherman county. she having moved here
with her husband in 187'.’, and wa*
among the very flr»t women to settle
here Her death occurred •Ian. It!. I8&8
and she wa* Hit! to rest i:i the Ashton
cemetary, on'Wednesday, Jan. tt:h. Mr.
Baker I* at thl* writing, eighty six year*
of age and survive * hi* wife. On tliesth
day of November 1888 Mr. and Mrs.
Baker celebrated their Golden wedding
Mrs. Baker wa* an ardent Christian
lady and was te.lovvd and respected tty
all who knew her. Mic leaves nn aged
husband and five children to morn bet
lo»*. The |>iofniind sympathies of all i
are extended to t’.ie bereaved one*.
At the residence of the bride* mother
J. Richmond Cattle, formerly of Loup
City, was married to Grace Moore of
Lincoln Nebraska oil January 12, 1811*.
On Jon. 18, bride and bridegroom
made a visit to the parents of tho groom
at Loap City, Sir. and Mrs.R. J Nigh
tingale A ■umber of the young friends
of the groom gathered at ttie residence
of hi* parents on Friday evening Jan.
it. in celebration of tin- lumpy event,
and a very pleasant time wa* bad.
The numerous friends of the groom,
will be grrtifled to learn that the object
of hi* choice is a young inly whose per
sonal attractions and charm of manner
are but the. external adornment of ttie
noble qualities of mind and heart which
she posesseg. It is the fervent wish of
the friend* of the newly wedded pair
that they may enjov togathara ion^ and
happy married life.
A Ureal Sunday Paper Pree.
The Semi-Weekly State Journal wants
to get 5 000 new subscriber* during the
next thirty days, and as a special offer,
one that in bound to b:. ing new subscrib
er*, wtll send The Semi-Weekly State
Journal every T uesdny and Friday (or a
whole year for One Dollar, and as a
special premium will also send'he Great
Sunday State Journal, sixteen pages eve
ry Sunday, tor three months free. Item"
ember, you will get The Semi-Weekly
Journal a whole year and theGreatSun
day paper for thiee mouths all for One
Dollar. To g t the advantage of this
greatest of rill offers yon must send your
dollar direct to The State Journal Lin
coln. Xcb. and not through on agent
Never before basso mm h good reading
matter b> en offered for One Dollar. The
Sunday Journal eon nuns more reading
matter alone than many magi/enes. If
you want to keep iff> wl b the w orld’*
doings, here is a chance such as ha*
never ben offered bsfore. Thi- offer
may be withdrawn soon, so do not put
off sending your dollar for fear y ou may
bi disappointed. One Dollar does it all.
Newii From Rorkvtll*.
Dan. Bnshouseu has lately bought the
farm of Mr*. Kupeter, also his brotv ers
eighty, making the S. K. i of se*. one
T. 14 R. one of the most desirable farms
in the county.
lleury itu-hoeseu has just bought out
the rest of the heirs ou the old Howe
firm on sec. 2.
Win. Sherman lost his best mare last
fall but he soon replaced her with a
Kof fat- ntiii I tuf Simtl'i r mtit ii irur list
found Another one dead in the stable
that hid Ided to death.
Cliurcli Notice
Kev. Jas. A. Armstrong of lloldredo.
w ill be in Loup City, next Sunday Jan.
2h, aud will begin a series of inerting*
al the Baptist Church. Every body wel
come. Breaching Sunday morning and
1 lb A rbuckle's coffee lOcts.
at I’ilger’s.
‘‘My daughter when recovering from au
attack o. fever was a great futlerci from
pain in (lie hack and hip*," writes Lou
den Grover, of Sardis, Ky. • After using
quite a nil usher of remedies without any
beneilt >he tried one h tllo of Chamber
laiu's Built Bairn, and lias given entire
relief ” < h .n.licrluin'- Bain Balm • also
a certain cure for rhruiiiatl*iu. Sold bv
Odendaht Bro%.
KHHMtyard' best prints at
j ") cents a yard worth * ctn at
j I’ilgpr’**
Tickets will ti» -,Oil ,.|| lilt Hr.I and
! Hitr t Ti - I . ■ Ja.iuai) fib'nan and
i March vr i i he I iti«« Bai tile In ponds
J In Mls»eu< Aikan-1 Indian 1< inter)
I Okhilmlna, |i*v,ii, l.totltlan*, Vnnaia
| anti Si Hc\u > , wtrcic I he u,,.., iottn*
I round top late t» |7 tK»«f«)et ai ime
I tan for Me- round If Ip | Ills JMI f or • k
ae, U IIHan and lull InfuMn Oho,
I tf» Inals i*!1 in of uktiru,
» t * l it) Ink A it*- <1
V-Mb.l nti ablt lMi. ate II t.lsd
I ****** t>a-l »«ola CfUtfp of Whutipiltg
UnW*fc»»l -In e.i •***•.» Whit l*» H
K M >» * of Mbfi M . mu «•** ib>i «ni*
fed lie «.<«,. ' for |CUS «. b«*a
««*.»* ban, .Inin . C «4b ti- «id» am*
tnd ti* If > >* 'p it )•> I be be m |t f*
I leg >* h I In nif finfill «* « «p»<«■».• Mf
I II* X \ X X .H»|W »*, ,t»
| at ilttfvr'k
Everything you sot* in our store
you can rest assured is indeed a bargain.
Come early and securu what you wish before everything
is gone. We are having this sale in order to
Close oot the Odds and Ends or the Winters Dry Goods Stock
We realize that we would be money ahead if we carried over these goods, for
we surely loose money on many articles. But we have not the room nor convenience
for storing woolens and so have* decided to give the public the benefit thereof. Here
are a few prices.
gastgygr’s rgq figuRe salg.
M. K. Chur.h Servin’, Sunday. Janu
ary *8, IHUH.
Preaching. "The Story Of the last days of a
Methodist preacher." I‘>:30.
Sunday Schoel, 11:30. Junior League 3,00.
Prayer meeting in Parsonage. 8:45.
Preaching.-’’The Kvangelieal Alliance of Loup
City." 7:15.
Epworth League 8:15.
W. E. Matthews, Pastor.
(' J. Tka' v, HuperiatenUarit Sunday School.
(!. E. Hotchkin, President Epworth League
A special collection will lie tuken at the
morning service for our worn out preachers.
Come prepared to give.
Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., says
"My child is worth millions to me; yet
I would have lost her by croup hud i
not Invested twenty-live coats in a bot
tle of One Minute Cough Cure." It
cures coughs, colds and all throat and
luag troubles. Odendahl Bros.
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge. O . says, j
after two doctors gave up my boy to
die, I saved him finni croup by using i
One Minute Cough Cure." It is the
quickest and most certain remedy lor
cough*, colds and all throat and lung
troubles —Odendahl Bros.
UMTli'K* Oiui dior tael of Chant'el
driitf iiorv
; tirress and Central Delivery line.
Ml K\pr« *r I r% igtit
\\ utti'liliiHl to,
L-i.A. W YER,
!**«# * ^
GeneralMwaiHC)llectiifl Business
; I feMti x»ftinineplM'f e V i (m
w lUfff ».* llAsts
mm» V*e%fc •< I titi ikia^.,
* mi r ins. N»»IHI**K%
W J. PltHt ft.
Attavaei at law and Notary Public.
liirtHR vtl Hu«klll«H»#*
I Mir 111% UtettMIk l
-will buy your- ^
GRAIN at Ashton, Schaupp or McAlpine,
-or your
HOGS at Loup City or Schaupp,
-and sell you the best
COAL at Loup City or Ashton.
Al! in Sherman Cuunt>. Sell your grain and hogs to him and
buy your eoal of him.
D- I>(>K, A. I*. CULLBY.
Vice-President. Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, $50,000.
I .onus on Improved Pur ius ut NINE per cent. lies! Company and Itest Term*
to ta< had In the west.
I’olti.t -li.v.itrM' Chemical National Hunk, New York Pity, N Y., Omaha
Nation it Hank, Omaha, Nebraska.
Attorney and Notary Public Publisher l.ot r I trt Noarnn> sism*
Fisher & Benschoter,
Real Estate Agents,
Town Lota, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated