A system of school cavings l.nn'ts Imported from Europe in 1885, is now In operation in eleven siates. Ab u: twenty-eight thousand pupils are de positors, with $140,000 to their credit. I)r. Flfleld, an authority on the sub ject, says that the prlnne object of the school savings hank system is not so much t.ie saving of money, as the Inculcation of the principles of thrift, honesty and self responsibility. A pauper may not. because of his Insanity, he entitled to extravangant fare or gorgeous surrounding. Thi* Cuhiin Scarf*. Although the diplomatic entanglement wlthHpaln over Cuba Utn some extent In fluencing the stock market. Wall street ex perts no MfrioiiM complication*. Never! he irs* serious complication withfit her maladlc* may tie expected to follow an attack of hll IfMiMiehH w hich I* not checked at t ho outMet. The Mff*t elTeettial means to till* end 1* llos tpttara'a Ktotnach Bitter*. an admirable rem edy. moreover. for dyspepsia. malaria. Kid ney trouble.constipatiou and ncrvoukiUM. Darn ing enme first of all the public arts. It antedates music, singing and sculpture. Vlcunty, Utility and %»lua Arc happily combined in Hood'* Karsnpn rilla (talipot) Calendar for 1*9*. The lovely child * head in an embossed gold frame, surrounded by spray*of flower* in mosaic, the harmonious pad in blue with clear fig ure*. and the Coupon* by mean* of which ninny valuable book* and other article* may be obtained, make up the most de sirable Calender we have ever seen. The first coupon article I* Hood * Practical Cook's Hook n handsome, useful volume of fifidpuge*. A*k your druggist for Hood's Coupon Calendar, or send ft cent* in stamp* for one to C J. Hood ti Co., Lowell. Mas*. “Ho you clubbed together and got your Janitor a Christmas present, eh? What was it? “A beautiful frame, with the motto inside, ‘f^et the Lower j Lights be Hurnlng'. “—Chicago News. | Educate Your Itawciw With Casenret ft. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c,»£><; If C.C.C. fall, druggist* refund money. Every citizen of this country has ■ the right to get to the sea of his prod-1 net. o K&urmutwnitritninruvrminninirr I FREE FARM OF 160 ACRES. Would Yon I.lbe to lie dbiolnta Owner of Your Own Farm? WOULD you like a farm that pro duces upon an average of 30 bushels of wheat per acre? WOULD you like a farm that grows from 60 to 90 bushels of oats per acre? WOULD you like a fnrm 'hat grows from 40 to 60 bushels of barley per acre? WOULD you like a farm that grows more bushels of potatoes per acre than any farm In Michigan? WOULD you like a farm that, pro duces all kinds of roots and vegetables In abundance? WOULD you like a farm that pro duces the heaviest and fattest beef cut tie that goes to the English market? WOULD you like a farm that pro duces butter and cheese equal to the finest Danish? WOULD you like to own a farm In a country where cattle are never stabled winter or summer? WOULD you like to live In a country where taxes are very low, the principal taxation being for schools, and the government pays 75 per cent of that? WOULD you like to live in a country where every person Is happy and con tented, excepting the doctors and un dertakers? WOULD you like to he where each of your sons can get 160 acres free, when they reach 18 years of age? If so, consult the advertisement of the Canadian, government free lands, appearing elsewhere. It. rains on an average 308 days in the year in Ireland, about 150 In Eng land, at Kczan about ... days and In Siberia only 60 days. An inspiration that produces no re sult, is no better than agreeable rec ollection. To Core Constipation Forever. Take < 'as.-arcts Candy Cat hart ic. 10e or 2-V*. If I '.< C. full to cure, druggist* refund money. If the pockets are deep enough a boy’s first pair of trousers always fit. firiininininvin'rwiriinsMTaTrgxfann ■ u_iisn |Nk is like a plant. What makes the plant fade and wither? 55 Usually lack of necessary nourishment. The reason why I)r. C2 Ayer’s Hair Vigor restores gray or faded hair to its normal £3 color, stops hair from falling, and makes it grow, is because 55 it supplies the nourishment the hair needs. 55 "When a girl at school, In Reading, Ohio, I had a severo 55 attack of brain fever. On my recovery. I found myself 55 perfectly bald and, for a long time. I feared 1 should ba 55 permanently no. Friends urged mo to use Or. Ayer's Hair 55 Vigor, and. on doing no, my hair immediately began to grow, 55 ar.d I now have an heavy and fine a head of hair ai one could 55 with for, being changed, however, from blonde to dark 55 I brown.” Mis. J. H. HoKSNYDE;:, ICS Pacific Ave., Santa 55 55 Cruz, Cal. ^ j |j Vigor's Jiair Vigor. § in. H y ■- --- A@^FARM^S^. ^BEEDS\ /5y Htlvr'i Seeds are Warrnntid to I'rodnrf. Vpffl. air T. »••«•». UlUTiillla. Pa.. ««»0l-l.e4 «ko*«JI4 W be er,.wl.i*'id bo-b. lc bolin * ‘■orb. J. HteiJiT, I Mli.rieou. Ml".. H> Ou.b. baric? ■ ood P. Wunot. V| luadalia. >•• ««»<•* ll» bach. Salerr a «•» JB H ,rn re. If you 4 mbt, write them. \l e wish to gain N IBB ljj.000 new cuit<*int*r»i hence will wed on trial E9 18 10 DOLLARS WORTH FOR ICO. M ■ II pkr« of rare farm •ec«'.», Hog Pcr\ Hand 'etch, b£a B -4•'• f‘»r our W#JE w niarvi lous -urn and tnli, ' l ro-atglf", RuA a!*o *a tuple of •am**, ail mailed J' u u|»oa iMbJr wk rcc.i(.t Of blit »0c. po.tf.ge. |M«laty«lir w»rtb fJO. to get a *lari IOO.OOO hbl». jQ^W Seed t’otatora at 11 5*J a bbl. j,kg-«. ear lie* t ^t-tstfiahle^^agyr send » h IH^Ly*fefcH., 4 KluiHI., HwiiMtrr. S. Y nnorilip Tha baat Kid Rope Roofing fryp Hill Ir IllM 1'' • **r aq It., oupa and Data In llwwl 111 VI ti ,f a* i u.ih** r*.r »*.H*t*r r Bamplaefraa. thel'At ii'iu » uuomh. io.,t •■.dc.o l. full Ittnatratml ik«rrl|4tva iinml* irratlt-n iilert' ilU iwamtaif* at Alt paly* Jl» 8».i« . TaMa*aeam» ’Lzy:'~lVX' Thorapscn’c Efo Water. l.'hco Aask«ri*i| Ad\erti»ei«rat* kiaitly Mention lbi» I'apcr. The first of yesterday may he 1 re second today and out of the race to morrow. It Keeps the Feet Hry and Warm And Is the only cure for Chilblains. Frostbites, Damp, Sweating Feel; Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address,Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy.N.Y. The character of the citizen Is largerly formed in his childhood. Mr*. XVInrAovr's troothinr; Syrup ForrfcfMrou teethtr.i'.aofNMiii the (ruin*.reduce* inflatn* UiUtlon.all*,)'* paln.cure* wind colic. t!f» cent* u buttia. No man can be a fair judge who does not understand both sides. Two bottles of l’lso's Cure for Consump tion i ured me of a bad 1 tin< trouble.—Mrs. J. Niibols, 1’rinceton. Ind. March a#, 1895. If a man never takes the first drink he will never die a drunkard. Coe't < ou(li IliiUnm In the nlili**t and !>**l It will ••teak up a roM ouicker than mm> ciiinw* el*e. It I* always reliable. Try 1C A law that is not uniformly applied is uot just. No-To-liar for Fifty Cent*. (iuiirantecd tobacco hiihli cure, makes weak men strong, blood purs- Ate,ft. Alt druggist*. The broadest and most liberal pol icy is the best. Star Tobacco la the leading brand of the world, Is-rause il is the limit. If a man can't sing and will sing be should be sent to Hlng Sing. C CURES RHEUMATISM AND MANY OTHER DISEASES. If You or Prtomt* Aro Suffering All Con bo Curo«l. Th« follooins lottor lo o oomplo of mony rocolvodi *4. ■. imii ft *' t* **l •* 1 « « I >»•*• Mf. I»t«k4ti»p | '*■». W|*f *•»**> ‘ .W • I* tutu tawNitarfMl ta»«ll»l»* ■*«! ’ la *»i» »«** i »« •#» »i*A atal •• ,*Ai' ritfr a > iimii i... >« •>aW l»'i*>«•.««#*« •! a »** «««•• l IK* t *•• *»«« i*» •»» »*<»« i».th *« «%4 imiI >fc«. * Mah‘>H it »*«** ^ « mI * *kt* . I *** %t*/ tuftiftwiiin* »«•****««•*«• 4>• «#«** »**-*«% <•!*«♦* •** *•***«• *#*.« * • •»-* *<»Maw |n ala *#*» t>•***•• *0 *ft-» **..**♦« **»• • **.a •«-* #»•*♦*»'«•** tw4#watft# j •*.**.« t*<»* ., tat# 4 «*•» Mfrfe #%*ft*--4*tog i* w»« *»*•*«a*#. fti-Mf twO *fc*» * ft a* I ****** ■ ft* *fcft <*■-*« M* *fc# ..I *•»' •*# **** ft**# «• ta* ftrtk* • *■•** I •*#*■■■• * • •*"# r,« *• **• •** «4*- Mkft *4*0. * • >■• >#iOH* ft* I I ftwftftl afepki t» m taftw •#»# **♦*•# N **» »ftftwt- »NP I to,,** .<*# 4-TWbWi * it *« tftMft .M*»#a «M#*" - ■* *At#* t aft* «*# *« M* ft aat-ftt** **»•- .•» » 4ftM*r*k »ft* «► MR* ft* w* kftft «#*»**'•* «*--r 4** lift* ft. ft* I ft at** ft# *.|i«aft.«att* I • *»< »* '* fk- * *» <•»• •» • l»uM #*****a-*w I a»*k*| tNN» # t*a itttikl Mat ft* «ft*4wf >**»»!» | iwfait tft# *0 l»4.MI‘*. * la* a#w * * t 4**v w« >4% «.-# a*| tft* *4 | * • *T. i«fti *** » ft* It ■••* tft* toft 4«#ft. > *a «M* *r+ * toft* ■••-* -wmI I - *-4 *4 ift ittr* ftf. 0*^.* **«- ,.-•,•■* « t -« ft* Mm .* t »# a#*- « ** UM |ft4** t* *,* -*>r* «* •*.*-•* ftt Hi* *4*0 •O •*•<## «*#ft. lb# f ta*mwawkMaH aaft* tt# ft»**#ft * - » *■» **• *. . * »i **•#♦. ft#* •* ** • « * »4a«*' a » -•• i*<« %••«#>(•.«•-* t> .**.-->* *a ■ *ft » > *»• H * - .ft - ft t 4 t lift 444 ft ia»» 4***0 ilttli f *# WaiUui aft* a*H* U lit* fta*» «tl llftfta |v*4 ftftTv a* 4 .-•*## «0* I# ft* O ftp*, to**.* ft to! tft*l ft* ftft atoMHft fct ft lift a » f*|4t » Mftt-tft Mft * * *toft»4*«to ft* ftftt*«*ft .**« .Ifti >•«. Ift* 4ft.»fta*lft» %ofc.**ft Map !#**t I -*tft»»ft> fttft.ftA* ».w.ft* V*itu» ft*. ll.ft* * 44 * * ft«.»'«». I **•«*!*. * ft.Mtt.ft | ftttilyya, Haft*.** I • vat ••it* ft % Httfttft*. .** IP milt days iouir s* *.. , i : u , .* I aftftft 4«m* 4 •** ft##* Rwftftft* sRi* ft-ftaft O ft I ft *tft> '-.pa* 4-4 *uaft| ft# ft* *^«ftM- # aj ft- ftt.ft #m« ftft#«* %•»»«* ft |»t*4 tft Mfaa iifntwti Otu* p* ft*. 4u •it * »•..* *>«t*t a*tit 11 .* tu, tat i»t I.-..wo u, * hi* *«4*. i**. A Rrfedlnj Male. “Thus far and no farther.” was Na ture's edict when she permitted the apparent inconsistent creation of the mule, by crossing the jack upon the mare, and to all Intents and purposes the end Is reached by the one croas, mare mules, as a rule, not possessing the power to reproduce their kind, though coming in heat, periodically, as other mares do, says Indiana Farmer. There are, however, Isolated cases oo record of a mule conceiving to the ser vice of a stallion and producing a foal, though It is not shown that the foal ever lived beyond a period of a few months. One case of the kind is related that occurred in Virginia over fifty years ago was not suspected until the arrival of the foal; the dam having been constantly at work until thf strange event took place. It Is oald that she showed a little or no udder development, but milk secretion was evidently In a natural condition for the foal which arrived in a skinny and del icate shape soon began to pick up and thrive, but at five months of age it sickened and died. The following year, the same mule produced another foal, having been served by n young stallion running In the pasture with her; this foal, as with the other, partook more of the characteristics of the horse thar. of those of the dam, and was a strong, healthy fellow until he had reached about a year old, then he died, despite the care and skill that were used to save his life. The mothei of these colts was a mule In every sense of the word and without the shadow of a doubt and the experience Is a very re markable one. There are probably other such cases, but in them all they seem to have come into the world as monstrous and unwelcome exception? to Nature’s decree, soon to perish and pass out of existence. It is well that It. Is so; the mule is a serviceable, use ful servant to man’s requirements, but when It comes to a further perpetuation of the species, no improvement, gain or good can result therefrom and any attempt in that direction can result In nothing but infinite disorder and coil fusion. I Mil* Btorlc FimmUt* and Ilrcfldom. I take this opportunity of advising all interested of the railing of the American Livestock Feeders’ and Breeders' convention at the state capl tol rooms, St. Paul. January 11 and 12 next. Its objects will be, first, to dis cuss the breeding of the best types of live stock to meet the demands of the market;second, kinds of food and manner of feeding to produce an ani mal that will bring the top market price; third, marketing live stock. Dur ing the past several years the live stock interest has increased very rapidly in Minnesota, the Dakotas, and over the Northwest generally; and there are hundreds, even thousands, of new be ginners in this business, who are steadily increasing their herds. The meeting, however, will be national in its scope, and is intended to represent the live stock interests for discussion of the important points above men tioned, botli of the United States and Canada. Its object is to bring together beginners in stock raising, and exper ienced breeders and feeders, in order that there may be a mutual exchange of views and methods in the manner of feeding and breeding live stock. Low railway rates, both cast and wc3t of St. Paul, are expected, and eminent ex perts In breeding and feeding have al ready signified their intention of be ing present, from Pittsburg on the East, to the Pacific ocean on the West. The various live stock organizations J throughout the United States and Can ada are invited to appoint delegates to be in attendance to represent their or ganizations, and in addition, all persons interested in the breeding and feeding of live stock will be accepted as dele gates, by reporting their names and addresses to the secretary upon the day of their arrival at St. Paul. The I council of arrangements extends to ] your paper a most cordial invitation to l)e represented at the convention. The 1 ripe experience of your editorial staff j cannot but he highly beneficial in the deliberations of the meeting. David H. McUInnls, Executive Manager. Feed and Fat.—In each section ol Panada government experiment farms have been established as centers ot education and object lessons to the cur ebunding farmers. Here tests are made under tho best scientific conditions, and the results applied for the betterment of the methods of the average farmer. Thus at one of the government farms we find 20,000 distinct samples of milk j tested to establish one far. namely, that when a row has reached her max Imum percentage of solids In the milk I she produces, on Increase of richness; In tho ration she Is fed on dues not j yield an Increase In the richness of her milk, but only an Increase In the total tnanttty of tullk she produces.—Lon j dun Chronicle. Fattening llogs V hog fatten* more gutckly by twins fed uu more at any lime than It will cat It shuuld al says dean up atl In the trough. When It ha* fed. clean the trough out nnd 4<> sot (red again util the animal »h>w* plainly that It ut hungry. If overfed so that It fce* adapted in the ■round In whteh they have untamed I foot It* 14, and also to tho further fast that many tatietbm are provided with y»*e»rf«*i roots that t*u*b far d»wa tn a the auti. K«wp nn sevonnt «f tho profit* and ' ••**** m fo«* poultry yard, by heaMfifi i ys neewunt of the number of e«an Mid ptnitry aohf and hws by ft tense. | CAINED FORTY-EIGHT POUNDS *T had a strong apnptite for liipior which 1 was the beginning of the breaking down of i ray health i was also a slave to tea nnd coffee drinking. 1 took the gold cure but it did not help me." This is a portion of an interview dipped from the bailu Hrmbl, of tjiuton, Iowa. It might w’i 11 l>e taken for the subject of a temperance lecture but that is not our ob ject in publishing it. It is to show how a system, run down by drink anil disease, may be restored. \Ve cannot do better than ipiote further from the same: “For years I was unable to do my work I could not sleep nights or rest days on account of continuous pains in my stomach and back. 1 was unable to digest my foot!. II end itch os and painful urination were frispient, and my heart's action became increased. I left my farm and retired to city life, for I w as u confirm ed invalid, nnd thn doctor said 1 would never be well ngain. "boon after 1 Imp pened to use four boxes of Dr. Wil liams’ Pink Pills for Pnlo People nnd since then have been free from all pain, headache and dyspepsia, i cut heartily and have no appetite for strong drink , nr tea or coffee, and feel twenty years younger. "Mu Mviyhf hlaru Public. T o people run down in health from what ever cause—drink or disease—the above In terview will lie of interest. The truth of it is undoubted n. the statement is sworn to, nnd we reproduce tlio oath here. For any further tacts concerning this medicine write to Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. The nuino and address of the subject of above interview is John I). Cook, of klrt .‘■'until etli Street, I,you, lovvu. “Why do you think llingie would make a good alderman. He'd as deaf as u post.” That’s the very reason he would he a safe man. Your briber never puts a proposition In black and white.”—Chicago News. no Boil mill »' xo IKIIIf Shake Into your Shoes Allen’s Eoot Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cuie* Corns. Bunions, Chilblains and Sweat ing Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress, Allen 8. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y. Oysters grow on trees In Cape Brrn ton, Nova Scotia. It . not unusual for a tre branch whi>-h dips into the lake to have oyster spat deposited upon it, and in time the branch b c .mes c vered with fat r -sters. — New invention.. The United States patent office laut week Issued d 88 patents. Amongst the curious of these were Included a cycle embodying ttar n single wheel ana known as a unicycle, the patent being issued to an Iowa inventor. While another Iowa inventor re ceived a patent for a centrifugal cream separator. It remained for a Utica, N. Y„ inventor to provide a runn'tig gear for a baby carriage, by which the forward wheels can be dropped downward so that the carriage body may be held horizontal while t.ie baby carriage is being wheeled up and down stairs. Most people have realized the dangers attending convey ing a child in a baby buggy up or down flight* of stairs, which Is en tirely overcome by the new invention. Above we show a simple movement by means of which the wheel A re volves the larger wheel D in opposite directions. inventors desiring free Information may obtain the same in addressing Sues & Co., registered pat ent agents, Omahv Nc'j. About the worse piece of luck that can happen to a busy man is to make a favorable Impression upon a bore.— Atchison Globe. Iona I’Htcnt Office Report. HES MOINES. Jan. o.—W. T. M. asks: If a person should use a ratche; In an Improved window shade roller, similar to Hartshorn's, would it be an Infringement? Is not the principle or such a ratchet too common to patent? Without searching the records to se? Hartshorn's claims, I will en deavor to answer your question and make tire matter plain to you. Suppose Hartshorn's claim is for the combination of a ratchet, a pawl or deti nt, a spring and a roller for oper ating a curtain, all the parts may te common but the combination thereof new and patentable. To improve any one part or element in that combina tion, or to add another part thereto, to gain a new or Improved result thereby, would lie patentable, but not clear of the prior broad combina ion claim and an infringement, if usel without license. Hut if one of the four t arts of the original combination claim It left out, then the tontlnatluu is broken, and it wold rot l>e an In fringement of the claim that had four parts In It. Valuable Information about obtain ing, valuing and selling patents a i.t frv# Ui iiviv idilrfix THOM AH U. A J. ttAM*ll OltWIO. H »|t*tu r* i*f If Ntnih vvM aUv* unlay h« «uul4 prubaM) but hi utiotbrr ark «n «•< nf V* AM 1 Mi 0 4. ft 4 *4** r. * CHIiNM % it*, ¥*1**!*, u tv* Ife* hh l*IH| C b*s «* li^AH y* J *ai ft** .=0* i yv*.«* *. t| lt«lt*v# hut 4*ttv«ll| 1(4' ■■ f«ltM 4*4 «.l inMlfiv*« lt*fc(M«. (|M4Mt AA4 Ilf'*: * * t» *'• *> |w «* 0 J * * *#* # -»*>.- <*>4‘ vwm* by tpitl IllHi « W( * I ’'•»*♦* to : . **%J* l*toA4 >14 Yv**4tg, 44 44 * e. K> **t * bilim, to Im*i *** 0r l •* ♦* , , t f **«<*-4*- M M*« * i *i*i** i tut i* <**«* *« tftNF** ■ * 4»Bh**> Made from pure grains it SjjB, is nourishing and health jfC, JWlAi fnskttb&t jrmir«rnc«r gifftft you OUAINO. Accept no iiuiUtti'-n. - —“— IpotatoeT?^! f l.ar-/«-«t Hrnl I’OTifO grnnrr* In U.-lrj. I In* I t “Mural *rw-Wrlh-r** gl«t* * u I / •-»* - Parllral .» • • -1 4 # tif 4ft* l»u«h.'U |irr im, I'lUm dirt rlirap. Cur ( ^ lirnl h*r 1 Its.ot. II tarni *• <1 Hiia|d<--. 1*< rih 1 all fill, ta yrl ». atari, fnr llli. uu.l II. . u.llir. J)4o»l\ A. Mtl.y.KK HVf.lt 40., I I 4 rr»»«r, Hi-. %* |UH WV**%WVWWH hull Coining to tli«*I ronI.' hut v hurpfciii* in nitm. H»y. Fruit oud Mo. k l ».»*»»-- l»<» iraMr VlnUijf property. Flirt }lortfr*tf»*ft nHiing 7 Mi’ cent. J or Infoi in n loll addict M M. It. KAUORNT. I ..1 timmlr, Oregon. HDODQV WEWDISCOVERY;0m Y qiili-k Mdl*d »* * oral riuM'H. H* ud for Iwiuk «>f IimiIIiiioiiIiaI* uk i lOiln.Vft* treat lit i lit. l Wr te us all of YOUR SYMPTOMS plainly. dfc X] Our physician will (five I Sold by S 3» *.:»► FREE ADVICE, | DRUGGISTS, 4t£ »> L (18-puyi.* book of re.'ipeii, anil oi sent by mall. ^ j* FREE SAMPLE. I PRICE, IOc and 25c. j y :'S Address DR. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO., (Western Office), Omaha, Neb. 4 J V*w"VV • • »**# « •« • • vvv* • • • • wW??,ennrr • * •"« 9v» • rmr •thtt |j:x zxxxrxxrzzzzzrxxzzzzzx* I PUZZLE MAP [ ►< OP TMI ►; ii UNITED STATES ii ^ SENT FREE TO ANY AOOHESS t< |« UPON RECEIPT OF f ij Five TwO'Cent Stimps |i H 10 COVtfl INI COM OF MAl.Mt X BEST INSTRUCTOR >« X ^ la K(oynk|iN; cv«r wen. In- f « ten >l*> the children and X H tMCbl• ttu 'll ttM ft ; i .41*li < “ of their own country in a £ « practical and laatmtr manner. p " N<>t more than i«ne *»-nt t«> £ " one addre'*-s Write to f P. H. LORO. * INmMMSRNVRP I HORS M l»**i 14 Ml |< ; Stnnw aunnon. chic* co.ul J; ’txxxxixxxxxxxzixxxxxxxxxi For maps, pamphlets, railway rate etc., auil full information c«a>cerninir this country, enjoying exceptionally pleasant climate amt continuous gout I crops, apply to W. V. 8EN*Cn. Cm Co* l A«a«t. Nm» Vark lit Bui* line. OwaAa. Nek. NEURALGIA ackaa NstBMU Coral m M Mumtat, kf m «« -sat. •Mumsmoi a» *» fREICHCMMUUa. lit kuarksea H CfeM|M Mk