The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 21, 1898, Image 2

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BUI Paxton has withdrawn from the
directory of the Omaha fair anil
Speed association.
An examination of the reeorJs ot
Hooker county, furnishes lncontestl
ble proof that the treasurer Is un hon
est man.
The new government building at
Omaha will be ready for occupau-y
March 1.
The coal dealers of Grand Island
advertise that they will hereafter
*lve full weights for the money. W'eit
have they been doing?
A span of horses belonging to Ed
Cadden of York county ran Into a
wire fence, and were Injured so
badly that both were killed to get
them out of their misery.
The Gothenburg Power end Irriga
tion company has succeeded i<i making
Its stock pay a dividend the past »’ear
and proposes to expend about $1.0.00')
next spring In enlarging and Improv
ing the works.
Jasper Powers, of Geering, was driv
ing home with two loads of goods for
the loeal men hunts, when both
wagons tipped over and rolled Into a
Barrow canyon, breaking up cruckoiy
In u frightful manner.
The building of Goodwin, of Pa
fit.. iiMin I.ii rrifwl with 4t« fflfl
tent*. This was the Joint wherein
the trouble started that resculted in
the shooting of Henry Carpenter by
Jamer I.lnvllle, for which Llnvlile
now languishes In Jail awaiting m»
trial. The fire wan Incendiary.
Hon. John J. Sullivan, supreme
Judge-elect, tendered his resignation
as Judge of the Third Judicial district.,
and Hon. I. I,. Albert, of this city, re
ceived official notification of his ap
pointment as Judge Sullivan's suc
cessor. Mr. Albert came to Columbus
from Boono county some six or seven
years ago and ha* situ* been engaged
In I bn practice of law.
During the month of Deelemb-r
Cresco shipped out slxty-one car loads
wf corn, two of wheat, one of oais,
and seven cars of stock, a total of
•eventy-one for the month. This Is
the best showing of any December
•Inco 1893. Owing to the prevalence
of hog cholera In that vicinity the
shipment* of stock has been light.
The case of the state vs. the llyrno
boys of Herman for assault on the p-.r
•on of young Cameron, of Herman,
last October, came to trial at Blair,
and resulted In the older Byrne bov
receiving a sentence of *100 and
costs, whilo the younger brother cut
$.10. The boys gave scuirlty for tne
fine and have live mouths to rou.ij
Washington dispatch: J. B. C. ssna,
«f Hastings, Neb., Is In the city In the
Interest of a case now pending before
the supreme court on appeal from the
court of claims Involving 120.000 acres
of land In New Mexico. There are
several constitutional questions in
volved In this ease and Judge Cessna
Is of the opinion that the hearing will
create great excitement.
Mall Carrier Caswell, of the soldiers'
borne. Grand Island, an Inmate of that
Institution, dropped dead Just us be
•was about to enter his buggy. In the
heart of the city. He was at once
taken to a store, where an examina
tion was made and the man pro
nounced dead. An autopsy was heM
later and it was found that a vessel of
the heart had ruptured.
William Blakely, a well known Ne
braska pioneer, died ut his home ten
miles west of Beatrice last week after
an illness of several weeks. Do
Nebraska nearly forty years ago. He
was a past grand master of the Odd
Fellows of the state, and ha* been a
member of the organization almost
from Us organization in Nebraska.
Hon. Nels Overton, of Otoe county,
had a very narrow escape from be
ing instantly killed. While felling a
large tree It struck a small tree, br- ik
ing one of the large limbs which
•truck him on the left side of ike
face, lacerating the flesh In a fea-l il
manner. He was knocked insensible
and remained unconscious for aosna
Had Wood has existed between
William Knight and Timothy I,ane. of
Teeumseh, for some time, as I,ano
has been paying undue attention to
Knlgnt's wife. At night Knight met
Igine and his wife out for a walk. He
•aimed the couple by pulling a bull
dog revolver and firing it four time*
•t Lane. l.ane whirled and ran away
without a scratch.
The report of the expert accountant
on the condition of the account* of the
penitentiary him been filed with the
Investigating committee. The work
was done by Expert Krd Jewell, as
sisted by Senator lhal of the commit
tee. and the report rovers the time
•Ince 1X71, with the exception i f a
•horl period for which the duplicate
voucher* and hills were turned
The laundry at the state Institution
for fretdc minded at Ileal Hr was
burned down lietwren & and *i o'clock
In the evening The fire started in
the roof nnd was presumably from a
defective flue With no l|i|urutlH
but a bucket brigade, |a »hi h the m
mates did good work all effort* were j
turned toward saving the engine ho , .
which stood within four ftrl of tip- !» and which w«* saved » i, ;
•rest digit alt v The , .>ho t mi I
laundry W4S the only »ff ts save |
the m*ihlto%V Imihs boiled in
•nor. The bus Is sb--at |l V**
Tber* has keen • e<*liti«ii»t , f c ( ,
getter that went out on th,- t'nion N j
•tie two We, ks ego Wkefehv th- work - I
tag time of the shop men alt along m#
line* of the company w*a cm ft u
•»* atght lN«OI i(ti > • 1* 9 h lit | itif
•even bst day*. ,,*r. V*» th re wt.|
be (bur , i 'hi hour days e«. h Week
Oar 1 Most*, a iwsviieh farmer t-set
lag on the reservation tkf*„ silo
northeast of it-vseioft was Instsetiy
hi Med white en* s«,i in dt««tng * ««u
Mr ib«o« sit et w-.rfc in ike bottom
g# g ninety hot well wkm ns .1 iks
buckets whl.-h was estwg weed to haul
(be dirt an In. when shorn forty i.m
M th* u»f h i <m hi* h,*4
The ffawntlnii Treaty Again to He I>t«
< n•*»*•«I—Nrnitor M<»rg»ii Will Take the
l.cml In t lie Mpcccli Waking-The Mat
ter of < oritlrnmtlon of Attorney Gene
ral McKenna, ate.
A limy Week.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.—The Ha
walln annexation trealy w.ll again
this week occupy tits major pjrtlon of
the time of the senate. It appears Im
probable, however, that the treat/ w.ll
he taken up on Monday. Then 1* a
unanimous agreement to vote on the
Immigration hill during the day and It
Is altogether probable 1 hit th s vote
will he preceded by some discussion <d
tho merits of tho bill. The friend t of
the measure are confident of its pas
sage, but they are not very hopeful of
getting It through without lurthe,- de
k*iator Wolcott has given notice of
his Intention to address ho senate on
Monday, when he will ntuke a report
of ihe transaction* r f the reient In or
national bimetallic romm'srlon. Mi’.
Wolcott tins never given extended pub
lie utterance concerning tho (ommlr
don'is work and there 1. very gen<ra!
In ccat rnar.lfis el at in thr .ourie he
m ry pursue In h.s speech <»n Monday.
When ihe senate resumes (on-ldcra
tlon of the Hnwalin treaty, H-n ;tor
.vlorgau will consume at I art another
day In tho presentation of Ms views In
.t ~t,... U .. ..Mil I... 9 A
lowed by Senators Pettigrew and
White in opposition to the treity, and
by other senators for ami ugiinst
there is no hope that the discussion
will be continued during the we nt K
great many .inator* with to speak,
and a* the i(stilt of the vote ;j ai un
certain as It Is at the present, neither
side will allow the vote to be taken.
So senate has agreed to vore on the
l mat Ion of Attorney General M ••
Kenna as associate justice of the su
preme court on next Friday, and the
probabilities are that this vote w,ll be
preceded by some dlscu /lon as to Mr.
M'Ktnna’s merits.
The urgent deficiency appropriation
bill will be In all probabllty reported
on Monday, and there may be an effort
to secute it u consideration during the
The house Is likely to become the a
rena for a general dlscuusilun of our
foriign relations In connection with
consideration of the diplomatic and
consular appropriation bill du lng the
the present week. The Cuban situa
tion, the annexation of Hawaii, arid
the designs of the European powers
toward China, will of course, be the
principal topics to attract attention,
tend'd debate on Cuba precipitate 1 at
The house managers do no want an ex
thls time, hut the minority Is do ormlned
to press the question during th* con
sideration of this hill. It the
time la particularly opportune, owing
to the anti-autonomy feeling In Ha
Tomorrow Is District Vf Columbia
day. and on Tuesday th ? ronsldera'lon
of the army appr .pr'at on bill wl'l be
resumed. This is Ilk'ly to be concltt
ed Tuesday, after which the consular
and diplomatic till will probably con
sume the remainder of the week.
Mr. nml Mrs. 111. Our! Klltertuln.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.—Vice Presi
dent. and Mrs. Hobart entertained
President and Mrs. McKinley at a
beautiful dinner of twenty covers. The
dining rooms and library of the vice
prfsldent's apartments were fragrant
with flowers, while the tables at which
the guests were seated were superbly
decorated with bridesmaid rosea and
lighted with tiny wax ""ifer* under
silver and white shades. Mrs. Hobart’s
gown was of pearl gray brocade,
trimmed with rare old lace, with whion
gho ti'fim OHinrHinlri r\f non flu and
This was Mrs. McKinley’s fir"*- - -
pcarance as a dinner guest In Wash
ington slnco the inauguration and was
consequently awaited with great in
terest. She wore a verv rich toilet of
blue satin and diamond ornaments.
The other guests were Secretary and
Mrs. Sherman. Secretary of the Treas
ury anti Mrs. Gage. Mrs. Alger. At
torney General anti Mrs. McKfnna,
Postmaster General and Mrs. Garv.
Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Knits,
Secretary of the Interior ami Mrs.
Bliss, Secretary of Agriculture Wilson
and Mrs Sanford, the guest of the
house, nnd Senator Sewell of New
Mdjurilv Mi? of Culm.
WASHINGTON, 1». C.. Jan. 17.--Thc
home 1* likely to become the arena
for a general dlttcutodon of our for*
feign relation* In connection with the
constdferat ion of the diplomatic and
conaular appropriation hill during the
prcHent week. The Cuban *ituailon,
the an tie tuition of Hawaii ami the d<* i
hIkun of the Kuropcan |H»w«*ra toward
China will of coitrtut be the principal
topic* to attract utletiMoit.
The hmue manager* do not want an
attended debate oil Cuba precipitated
at ihi* time hut the majority la de
termined to prea* the oueatiun dur
ing the «oaaideratlon of thU hill They
b*die%«' the time l* particularly oppor
tune, owing to the ant (-autonomy ft<4«
»ng In Hataiia
Today |i I Mat rh t of CtdunitUa day
and on fueedav the etrit -dd* rat butt of
the army appropriation Idt! will be
returned Thbt b likely to tie tot)
eluded To*'«da* after *hUu the t »it
aular and diplomatic bill will pruh* !
ably tutoMWf the remainder of t*.e
W* *k
I *ttO»n till OtMt iHii'H
\V VfHIINUHlS Jaa tf kellng
He* feta? y of War th*e John haa
re*t>mm*nded to t'Miitwu tkat ip - law
be «hanged at aa to kitv de alt* of
i •t' mottary iminet^A
only to *, tat tint* «•*»*» where to*f« are a.
lea** liu •rodent* vardM In the mi It* ■
igry department of the tnaiMoHon
Utand dealer Hargeni of »*• Hr** -h
•rkMfttd ui l*t«men waM in
an illritpi that ha regarded ike c<a
tuamaiMi of the of the
i«e muwai brotherhood* aa a fore*
a a« tdH^tik
lie rracrlnll; I'mim Snrronndril
liy III* Family.
CINCINNATI. Jan. 17.—A special to
the Commerrlal-Trmtine front Thom
asvllle. Oa., aaya that Hon. Benjamin
Butterworth. United States commis
sioner of patents, who had been ill at
Plneywoods hotel there for several
weeks, died at 3:16 yesterday after
noon. The end was peaceful and when
It came his wife and children were at
his bedside. Ho came here to recu
perate from at attack of pneumonia,
and recovered rapidly until two weeks
ago, when he suffered from uremic
convulsions. From that relapy he
never recovered. His body wul he
sent to Washington tomorrow,
Benjamin Butterworth was what Is
known as a "birthright Quaker.”
Those who knew him best during his
busy career are unanimous In suying
of him: "His dally life was as exem
plary of the tenets of that good, old
faith as that of any public official
could he."
He was born In Warren county. O.,
October 22, 1837, was a member of the
slate senate of Ohio, from Warren and
u’.id Butler counties In 1873-4. Mr.
Butterworth was elected a represent
ative In congress of the First Ohio dis
trict, Including the city of Cincinnati,
to the Forty-sixth. Forty-seventh,
Forty-ninth. Fiftieth atn» Fifty-first
congresses. From then until uppolnt
t 1 to the position he occupied at his
death he devoted most of ins time to
the practice of law, especially patent
law. In this city.
"lien" Butterworth, as he has al
ways been host known, spent his earlier
years round about Batnevllle and Fos
ter's Crossing the lutter a little sta
tion on the Miami railroad. His father
was William Butterworth and . Is
mother a Linton, a family noted
throughout the entire line for their
keenness of Intellect, powers of per
cep;imi anu serengm in speccn aim
debate, noth parents were of Quaker
ancestry. Major Hutterworth’s keen
Intellect and remarkable power* of
perception were inherited from Ills
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.—In Wash
ington no lens than In his native state
Major Butterworth njoyed a wiu» ac
quaintance and great pop i' ,' y. und
the news of his death, while by no
means unexpected, will cause general
Horrow here. No public man prob
ably had a larger circle of friends
at the capitol. He contracted Ills
fatal illness while on the slump In the
late Ohio campaign. No information
has been received us to the time or
place of the funeral.
I'lit If or in nf |h«> ropiillula.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 17—The National
conference of the midlc-of-the-road
populists held In this city endorsed
the platform upt forth by the national
organization committee last November,
and upon this plutform will not only
Issue Its call for a convention In April,
but will seek the election of congress
men for the next four years and the
election of a populist president In
1900. There are tight planks in the
platform. They are ns follows:
1. Absolute paper money, based upon
every commodity and resource o the
nation, a full legal tender and receiv
able for dues to the United States.
3. Free coinage of silver and gold
at the present legal ratio; the coin
debts of the United SUitPs payable In
either at the option of the govern
3. All money to be Issued by the gov
ernment and paitl out direct to the
people for services rendered, or to he
leaned to them at a low rate of inter
est on safe security, and without the
intervention nt private banks, pro
vided that the volume of currency
shall not exceed $50 per capita.
4. Government ownership and opera
tion of all railroads, telegraph and
telephone lines.
5. The opositlon to alien ownership
and holding of land for speculative
fi. Opposition to court made law.
7. Opposition to trusts.
8. We especially recommend the
initiative and referendum and the Im
perative mandate.
The Alaska Trade.
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 17.—The ne
gotiations between the W. A. Cramp &
Rons Ship and Engine Building Com
pany, and the International Naviga
tion company for the purchase and
sale of the "Ohio." “Indiana," "Illin
ois," "Pennsylvania" lyul Cnnemaugh,"
for the trade between the Pacific coast
and Alasku. have resulted in the In
ternational Navigation Company de
ciding to organize a company to be un
der its own management. This com
pany will be called the Empire Trans
portation t ompatiy, of which Clement
A. (irtmscoM will be president.
Cramp's ship yard is now busy thor
oroughly overhauling these boats and
refitting them with passenger aecom
modullous. especially adapted for the
Put iflc t oast ami Alasku trade.
I «*r | tirr«lrfM«r<l I *•k> »•.
WASHINGTON Jun. 17 Thu hulls'll
I'utuniltlNi uii tnt«*rsUt«* utul for* ign
tuuimtn «• huil the unii-s* ulptng kiill
muter ilt«‘iu»ht|i. Satin** tihpotlaat
a til**ml tu«*His .»tlu|* «' l Oti«* im*
|a*s<» a |H*u.»!iy un r#tlro*«l4 whu ri>*
fits* t*» r*tl< rtu nnits*tl tickets This
1*1 sn is Isilig Ilk tlwurigiital hill. ami
iht* rmitrum! iu**n i»r**»nt f#v%r tk si
#u of go**! faith An a turn 4 •
menu %hus iUii a K>i» (4 i»nai4iitg >u#t
i*i* > ugvr» ah|*l>iikg fur > f
IkA ii ibosM not I* gh*tt th# it* uettt
«*f the Ihro'tgh tsr ff It'll mu iiHly tb#
rygulgf |Natnls slart the |uttrtujf
in'*n ■■■««* A
S*uln lt*« | 4«
WASHINGTON Jan »7 fk# ***•#!*
VVSUSIIIM oil (tttHuSi# b«4 ithtl
Is |M>»*t !#*<»# fb4tgsiuly i hill to *u
Hisl #41 #4'I of th* IwgttisllltV of ilk#
territory **f H*ik# r#l#llti# it*
IkmiAfci# vu>s|MSh4 the #*| |# to
•-** mto * t# i t»s I git | |*r*4
tM-n »h#t #11 itk«tir##*u«* iuis|MAiig
'Msg huiMo In ib# territory •Ml
||a *j*»m In r**h Pm#k l|il Of
tertl!*4*1*1 U*»*-U #1 H*r ** # gsitillf
hn the |NkytM*#t of h*#es# It **#
n*le4 I# ill# * *»ma*ttt#A th*t fnrly um
t#«H###> 9 i MW|»ii«f iu#i4 h# #9%t t*4
bf the |«t
Tli* Invitation of Norway for Pertlclpe
tlim In flio liilrrnstlonwl riilirrlwi 1'ti
jiomIUoii- Tlir Amendment to the .If
rirullurxt Hill— Proceeding* Vccterdejf
to tile Upper House.
Avoiding U'nbnn Itelmte.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 15 —The House
managers derided not to proceed with
the consideration of the diplomatic
and consular appropriation yesterday,
but to give the day for the consider
ation of private bills. This was doubt
less done to avert the possibility of
precipitating u sensational Cuban de
bate during the consideration of- the
appropriation bill. Inflammatory
speeches during the present critical
state of affairs In Havana would, the
conservative leaders believe, be par
ticularly unfortunate.
When the house adjourned Thursday
night the amendment to the agricul
tural appropriation bill providing for
the publication of another edition of
the "Horse Book" wns pending. Yes
terday the friends of the amendment
compromised with the appropriations
committee by agreeing to a reduction
of the number to be printed from
000 to 75,000. As amended the Llll
whs passed.
The resolution accepting the Invi
tation of the government of Norway
to participate In the International
Fisheries exposition at Bergen from
May to September, 1S9», was called up
by Mr, Simpkins (rep.. Maas.). Mr.
Cannon, chairman if the appiopriatlon
committee, said he thought on the ex
position Question congress was running
wild. We had had domestic exposi
tions at Philadelphia, Chicago, New
OrlfiiriM (Mn.-'lntinti I .miInvi 1 !r* At Inn
ta and Nashville, and were now about
to have one at Omaha. Abroad we
had participated in the expositions a;
Vienna, Paris, Berlin and Brussels.
The anxiety of would-be commissioners
to have the honor and gl ry cf our
country represented at these foreign
expositions was agonizing. Now here
came this exposition at Bergen. Twenty
thousand dollars to be apprr priated
now. If this resolution parsed con
gress would he called upon to foot the
hill for a deficiency of *2o,000. He gave
it as his deliberate judgment that th<»
interests of the United States did not
rcuulre our participation In this expo
sition. If we did our du'y by the
Paris exposition that would be enough.
After some transaction of some rou
tine business in the senate yesterday,
Mr. Hoar, of Massachusetts, presented
the following joint resolution propos
ing an amendment to . e constitution
That the following article be pro
posed to the legislatures of the several
states as nn amendment to the con
otluition of tlte Unied Sates:
The term cf office of the preVdmt
and of the Fifty-sixth congress snail
continue until the 30th doy of April,
in the year 1899. at noon. The senators
whose existing term would otherwise
expire on tiic 4th doy of March, In the
year 1899, or thereafter, shall continue
in office until noon < f the 30th day of
April, succeeding rucli expiration: and
the 30th clay of April, at noon, shall
thereafter be substituted for the 4th
of March as the commencement and
termination of the official term of the
president, vice preside nt, senators and
representatives in congress.
The resolution was referred to the
committee on privileges and elections.
Mr. Quay, of Pennsylvania, offered
the following resolution, which was re
ferred to the committee on Indian af
Resolved. That the secretary of the
interior shall be and is hereby instruct
ed to investigate the facts attending
the recent alleged atrocious burning
to death of iwo Seminole Indians by
a mob in Oklahoma Territory and
make report thereon to congress. Tha*
the Burn of J2.-j.000, or «o much thereof
r.s may be necessary, is herebv appro
priated out of any money in the treas
ury not otherwise appropriated for the
investigation, apprehension and pun
ishment of the guilty persons, to be
expeded under the direction of the
secretary of the interior.
KdlHon KIihIh » Nrw Mvlul.
NEW YORK, Jan. 15—The Herald
says that I bourns A. Edison has acci
dentally discovered what he believes
to be a new metal which will do
away with the slow and costly process
of making mailable Iron. Exhaustive
experiments will lie made, and if they
are successful it is promised that full
details will he given to the public
It is asserted that after a lot of iron
had been run through a magnetic ore
..cpur&tlng mill the pigs were taken
from the blast furnace us usuul to
he cooled and brokeu up. The lot In
qusstlou proved refractory, for the
pigs resisted all efforts of the men
with heavy sledges to break them
t he fact was submitted to chemists
und the theory was formed that there
was some hitherto unknown sub
stance !u the iron used and this Is
believed to be a in w metal.
(hkhI Mm* ritiftti.
Al.llVS *, N. Y * Jan 15s I h**r# w.»«
Inti<Mfu4'«’«l in th# a*tint# a £*#><1 rv*t4t
bill which i*it»\ I4>« f*>r th* toottrve
i tluti thruUjhi ravh tif th# i of
tli# »ui« of a tvt«< *«1avu highway that
i »ih»iM follow thi* U.*4»i»< iiurlt«t ami
I south Th# lAlim #*p«n«# of
| th# it'ofe»truction of #t|i ti road# I4 let Imp
i bora# by th# an4 th# wurh h
| t«« b# don# tilt*t#r th# illrnU«iit of lh#
; Mtai# »tt*tn##r Th# only to
; th# « It th# |»f %»4! |m!| of a
: of th# hlahway# #«|Si«,*„*j4
ttMf INafNl
W \HtliN(it(*N fan It Hvtt#n ft
. T <m lor. of Iii4t4it« 4 m#iob#r of th#
to n#i*ff »* #'* nfjfttn b#
[ foi# th# h*#u*# flaabliMI a*4 v**?f#n* f
\ 1 #uut«« at ti 4a> 4 It# i#
( rml to th# tfi44**1'ON r of |h# t««Mth»
la# f#ctiltt»# la lh# # mb #a4 th##l«
a#4 #u^4##4#4 that for th# ffi#*#nt tht#
i r**oati| Mini U*»h OMMuly to u4#
I*#a4«at 4MH4lt Un »| ha ah* f**t th# f#*
|t#>f wait 1 t* a*#4* 1, th"‘»«h h# t *#•
: t#»i#4 #a #«i#n»iv# of w%# h
baoh# intaht ha%# a >t#i«
|ta4#av| to fat## #1 lil«mh
Mlri'Me of thn Kimil Populists Form n
>rw Organisation.
ST. I/)UIS, Jan. J5.—A new party
was born in the conference of the
populists and named the People's
The People's party proposes to go it
alone. It has severed all connection
with the national populist committee
and made all arrangements for admin
istering Its own estate without the aid
or advice of uny outside party.
With a few exceptions, the delegates
declared themselves unequivocally In
favor of going It alone In the future.
The referendum system was most
highly complimented Hnd recommend
ed for use among the middle of the
readers In settling matters of national
Importance to the order, and there was
a practical agreement nmong the dele
gates that a national presidential con
vention should be held this year.
There was lengthy discussion, and It
was not until u late hour that the pro
eeedure for future action was agreed
upon. Finally a report was adopted
as follows In part:
To the People of the United Htates:
The fusion movement consummated at
St. Louts in July, lk!*G, and the treat
ment of our candidate for vice presi
dent in the campaign that followed,
gave rise to such dissension among the
j rank and llle of the People's party as
! to threaten the absolute dlsmenber
ment of the only political organization
; honestly contending for the social and
political rights of the laboring and
! producing classes of the country.
It has been the purpose always of
j the committee to be courteous to the
j national committee, and our supreme
desire has been at all times to pro
mote a harmonious co-operation with
said committee, that factional differ
ences might be obliterated, our party
prestige regained and our organization
restored to Its once splendid estate.
This comm' tee feels confident of It*
ability to show that ll Is no fault of
ours that I he national commltte*' Is nut
present as a body to-day. but It does
not choose to waste valuable time In
wangling ovep question* of official
We avow It to be our sincere pur
pose now. as ever heretofore, lo pro
mote In very hnorable way the reform
movement on true populist lines, and
we deem the Issues too momentous and
tlie dangers threatening freo govern
ment loo great to allow us to to
consider personal grievances or af
fronts, or to permit wounded dignity,
res. or imaginary, lo overshadow pa
il lot lc duties.
I cider prdeent conditions our ,be
loved organization la slowly but sure
ly disintegrating and c ur comrades are
clamorous for aggressive action.
Having In vain importuned those
who assumed to be our superiors 10
permit us to aid them In the grand
work of reorganizing the People's
party, that it may accomplish Its glor
ious mission, wo now appeal to the
people, the true eouce of all political
i he referendumccimmttteeappolnted
! is as follows: Messrs. Dixon, of Mis
souri. Tracey, of Texas. Reynolds, of '
Illinois, Malinger, of Indiana, and Mc
Gregor, of Georgia.
number of rulfs were adopted for
the government of the national organ
ization committee, among them a rule
that the national organization com
mittee shall submit to a vote of the
People’s party any proposition when
petitioned to do so by not less than
in.000 members rf the party.
On the adjournment, c f the organiza
tion committee the members of the
national committee present met at the
GaClede hotel and adapted the; follow
ing resolution:
Resolved, That we. the members of
! i lit* n'lfional f-ommltlpfi in.
! dorse the action taken by the organiza
tion committee and recommend that
Its provisions be carried Into < (Tect. be
: lieving that such action will harmo
nize all differences in the party.
There were seventy-four members of
the committee represented by the
members present or hv proxies and let
ters, and favored a joint mfeting of the
national committee and organization
committee in the spring. Forty states
were represented at the meeting.
Ncimlor PI ft iif•«» to
COLUMBUS, O.. Jan. 15.—Senator
Hanna has gone to his home at Cleve
land. where he will remain over Sun
1 day. His physicians insist upon ha
1 taking a rest. The strain on him here
for two weeks has worn on him
severely. He shows it very visibly.
All the workers on both sides are ex
The next hard work to he done in
the legislature will probably be an ef
fort to reorganize and throw the demo
crats out of control in both houses.
Meantime the bribery investigation*
nre to proceed in both house, on ths
I ((intending faction*, the senate having
l adopted resolutions yesterday ufter
. noon for an Investigation of the Otl*
ease, and I** rontntlnee began work
Inst night, hut nothing new wai de.
I vc loped.
ti* * is li.tiKiii * l .s V ei*t
(ir rmtli: O. T . Jan 15, The am
i pretne court today p,.>niulg<itrd an
opinion In which the »« oh ml
1 law passed last winter, making It a
misdemeanor for a while t Mid to st
iff!’. a colored schist), w as del l*’*d
nhll and void Ivrtiiei of ambiguity,
iincertalsty and * oitliit with both th*
letter and the spirit of the fifteenth
, no-n.l tor hi to the i institution of this
t nli-d Ktitrt
The rharge* of Nett— ry In the Ohi*
senatorial c**ut*#t tt >• *atd will b*s in*
tv*iigal*d In the 1 Mini lltaUt sioata
It col 4 ml Hi«Vr«
NKW ! uHb Jan U knaounew.
ment was mad* today that th* anthra*
' i-Ha at grodd* tag and >41111*1 e
piai*. bar* advance 4 prt*#* to to N
,ekkls per ton to the basts of |4 4> fraa
on Iward far ttuta at II4»» lift other
> or»eea ta propori i..a
Ik- adsanea. M as* *sgi#IA*<l. ‘a dun
to ib* lights*** vl *i» t «vast'tag froaa
tba «oaitau**l t**ti*(t.ia of tha oaipat
sad to larg* otdwra front th* w*a>
Instica N.*aw* at th* Wt*»-o*i<a
•up.eatr *4*4444 di*d hull I||*tl44 tW*
i .* It,4 hf 1 fail on lbs thl.wath
The treaty providing for a lease of
Klao Chau to Germany is not yet
signed, and Japan is opposing the final
James Doyle. John Perko and An
drew Weslund were killed, and Daniel
Munday Injured In the Hidden Treas
ure mine a* Nevadaville. Colo.
Prince, the super, who murdered
William Terries, the actor, in London,
has been found guilty. The verdict,
however, declarer him to he irresponsi
The Inter-Partisan statehood con
ventlon at Kingfisher. O. T., Involved
in Its deliberations the removal of tho
capital and the question of free home
steads for Cherokee strip settlers.
The state bank at Elmwood, HI.,
with a capital stock of $50,000, assets
estimated at $100,000, and liabilities of
$00,000, has been closed. Action preci
pitated by the suicide of the cashier.
An amicable settlement has been
made between the warring elements
In the foreclosure suits last-.uied
against the Arizona Canal company
by the Chicago trust company,
cago trust company.
Secretary of the Navy Long has sent
o recommendation to the house com
mittee on naval affairs for an increase
o? the enlisted men In the navy by
1.000 men and asking for an increase
of apprentices in the navy by 700,
At the annual meeting of the New
York Union League club Klihu Floor
wan elected president; Henry E. How
land, Hyrus Clark, Henry W. Cannon,
and William H. Wiekman, vice presi
dents; Walter ('. Gilson, secretary, and
William (J. White, treasurer.
In London a gigantic linen thread
combine has been formed by the:*'
liriur. mwi;uiir nrus., inairtiiw.ii iiii'wi
company of Paisley and New York;
Klnhiyson, Bouslleld & Co., of Paisley,
the Knox company of Kllbirnle, Arc
shire. and several smaller firms. i
•J. VV. Huffaker, president, and .1. It.
Word, cashier of the Brookfield, Mo.,
hank, were arrested on an Indictment
charging them with receiving deposits
when the bank was known to be in a
falling condition. The hank failed
nearly three years ago and depositors
have received about flu cents ou the
The British authorities have decided
to recognize the question of "diplo
matic privileges" in the case of Spen
cer Kddy, secretary of Ambassador
Hay, and .1. IT White, the son of Henry
White, who were recently charged at
the Maidenhead county <• utrt on sum
mones with riding bicycles on side
walks, and their prosecution will be
Sonora Inez Ponce Be Roque, wife
of the Insurgent Colonel Ponce Be Ro
que. arrived In New York on the
steamer Seneca. He nor a Be Roque,
who Is a strikingly beautiful woman,
was exiled from Cuba by order of Gen.
Blanco. A letter which ohe wrote to
her husband was Intercepted by the
Spanish authorities and, as It contain
ed Information Inimical to their in
terests. Mrs. Be Roque was arrested
and thrown into prison in Matanzas.
She spent seventeen months and four
days in jail, most of the time incom
municado. She was released under the
general amnesty granted by the queen
regent. After her release she refused
to try to persuade her husband to lay
down his arms and was banished in ^
An inventory of the late George M.
Pullman was filed In the probate court
at Chicago by Norman B. Ream and
Robert T. Lincoln, executors. The in
ventory lists the real estate and per
sonal property of the deceased, though
It places no valuation on the former
and gives only the par value of thp se
euritles which form the major portion
of the trust. According to the esth
mates given at the time the will was
filed, the real estate was worth but
$800,000. and the personal estate
$0,000,000. in the inventory the con
servatory policy of the executors is
further borne out, and on the property
valued the figure* are »»uh as t' *©*vf)
little chance for depreciation. Tin* In
vestments of Mr. Pullman were wide
spread. He held 23,919 shares of Pull
man Palace Cor company stock, ami
was interested in the Nacavagua Canal
company r*> the extent of $200 in stock
and $10,000 in bonds. The holdings of
poor Investments are small. Out of
his entire bond holdings but $15,000
worth are deemed desperate.
Ijuntutlimi From Nnr York, C'lilrugo, *!•*. Oiiittli* Mild HmMtlirrr,
IIiittor ORuirry Mjmrutov 4* \*i
Itut(« r < luii' t-fnti«‘y louuiry . it OR H»
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